Couples Trivia

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hi ah hi hi welcome back to another video i'm now just forcing cody to be in all of my videos but that's okay it's a family channel now i love kidding this is still my channel he's just lucky he's the guest i love it i love being on this channel get me out of here it's gonna be fun so before we get started a little word from our sponsor thanks kelsey and thanks to case25 for sponsoring today's video for those of you who don't know what case defy is it's a phone case company that makes the cutest and most protective cases all of their cases can protect your phone from drops up to six feet here's my phone by the way this mark was already there uh before i got one of these protective cases but now [Music] see that did you guys see that bounce to protect it totally fine it's perfect one might say you guys can go on their website and pick from the cutest designs and customize them however you want i got this mirror one that says you're hot so when you look into it you can gas yourself up a little bit let me see yeah oh that's sick yes i love that one that's that uh we got this cute little painted one we got this flower one that i put my initials on it's just so fun and they're all so cute and so protective so to get yourself some cute and protective cases click the link in my description and get 20 off your first order hey yep yep back to you all right perfect kels thanks i'll start now hey guys welcome to today's video i thought it would be fun for cody and i to play a little game so basically i was sitting thinking to myself what if cody were to pop pop the queue you know what if you were to say kelsey you're the one i want to marry you what if he did that wouldn't that be crazy i'm just kidding no what if we got married one day what if we got married one day and we had to take the immigration green card marriage test is that what it's song i don't know what it i don't know what it is i don't know what it's called but it's basically a more of like an interview and you get asked all these i think and you can ask all these questions to see if your marriage is legit or if it's just for a green card basically i just want to make sure that cody is not using me to get a green card and who knows i could be using him to sneak right into canada so it's gonna be more and more common i feel like yeah exactly everyone used to be sneaking in here now we're all trying to get out and go to canada so let's see if this relationship is legit okay so we're gonna do it like newlywed game style so we're gonna write our answers on the board and show them at the same time to ensure no one is cheating now some of these are like questions that they already ask if you've already had a wedding or if you already have kids so we're just gonna have to like kind of well no let's just answer them as if we had kids and whatever yeah this is just her way of tricking me into these into this mindset of like just not picture us having kids this is not as crazy as it's coming off i just thought it would be fun i'm not crazy and you thought this was a good idea i did i actually think this is a good idea okay my board is a lot bigger i'm not not thinking about this stuff right so babe i thought it would be so romantic if i propose in the middle of a youtube video i said cody if there's one way i need you to propose to me it's on a youtube video for reviews please all right enough proposal talk okay sorry sorry sorry yeah it's getting a little crazy first question how did you meet all right ready one two three we met through adam summer we met through a friend i wouldn't really call him a friend but stop it adam we love you where the question is where did some of your first dates take place i'm gonna change that to where did your first two dates take place okay done okay one two three tim and eric show and ed sheeran although i wouldn't call it a concert i would call it an experience true how long did you date before deciding to get married i feel like this is weird one so how about how long did we date before you asked me to be your girlfriend like how long were we going on dates what was the time period between our first date and when you asked me to be your girlfriend easy [Music] one two three what cody wait what is it our and oh wasn't it no what would it be a year he did not take a year to ask me to be his girlfriend i was thinking the difference between our anniversary and your birthday for some reason i thought those were two days that's also a week apart no it's a wee that's what i'm saying i thought it was like oh we started dating on your anniversary and then i asked you your comfort on your birthday what i don't know my one on mine says one month six days i think i just had a stroke honestly mine's like way too specific yeah yeah okay so we can help we got one wrong there the immigration officer right now is like officer is a little confused a year huh our wedding what was our wedding like okay i answered this but i think it's serious as a joke i might have did a joke one but i'll tell you what my serious one i'm telling wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me show minecraft i'm already embarrassed let me show you my first okay it was in atlantic city shotgun wedding no friends no family nothing we just drunk can i show you my shirt wait wait wait i want to i want to guess what yours is it's just funny to have them right next to each other okay yeah that's funny what'd you get what'd you answer all of our closest friends and family beautiful beach or desert i said in atlantic city shotgun wedding we're both just no friends no no friends no family just us baby it would not be fine i know by the way if i was gonna answer seriously i was gonna guess palm desert next what food was served oh okay i got it [Music] ready uno dos tres ooh i like your answer chicken and waffles taco bell john and vinnie's didn't type up this is our whole diet right here this is all we need to eat yeah did you go anywhere for your honeymoon if so where oh i got one what's the name of that place that those love island people went to and it's like on the it's like a visa no uh somewhere in spain no it's like somewhere like really far it's probably somewhere in like indonesia or something like that something like that okay um i'll just put okay one two two three greece italy i said greece because we planned a trip for our first year anniversary and we we never just never ended up going and so now that in my mind is always the destination that we almost went to yeah we definitely have to yeah it would be a little bit poetic if finally we went there on our wedding but then we decided not to go and we didn't have a honeymoon actually yeah and we just sat on the couch and ate and watch tv i'd be fine with that honestly who am i kidding what is daily life like for you and your boyfriend around the house [Music] okay what me in living room cody in office night time watch tv on couch work all day okay i said i'm basically baking all day long and kelsey takes care of everything else [Laughter] it's not your ideal world it's just yeah i just made it i just made a really good pumpkin loaf by the way you did it still smells like in here yeah it does it smells good how do you start your day okay okay i'll answer this one seriously i'm just gonna explain it okay because it's too long to write okay one two three we wake up cody takes chili out i wake up and try to get up without getting without waking chilia but he always gets up and then i always have to [ __ ] take him up and then kelsey sleeps like if we could get like dog earmuffs or something so that he doesn't hear me get it because he gets out of bed i lay in bed for two more seconds and then i get up because i have [ __ ] to do anyway yeah no that's true how often do you text or talk on the phone when you're apart like when you're at work i was thinking like when you're on tour more oh what are you thinking sure when i'm on tour okay text like ten times a day i said on and off all day okay okay yeah that's kind of true yeah yeah back and forth like 10 years phone once every like two or three days i said call like every couple days immigration man what do you think now which of you likes to cook ready yup one two three both cody likes to bake too both [ __ ] and i also like to bake how's that immigration [ __ ] oh what did i bake immigration man just make the pumpkin loaf actually and let me pick any of it what and he's not gonna get me unless he gives me that green card yeah or me which of you likes to clean oh one two three neither that's a me just because your clothes aren't sprawled out everywhere doesn't mean you like to clean i love doing the dishes i love it yes i actually like enjoy it okay i changed my answer then because i always make him do the dishes and i guess he likes it your kids if any so now we have to make up our kids okay how do your kids get to school um okay i said cyber truck self-driving so that we don't actually have to go up with them we're gonna let them walk on the campus by themselves yeah when they're like five what that's the whole point of self-driving cars well we could all just say bye bye-bye we can have breakfast together in the car like on the way to school yeah okay yeah i actually i don't know i said we drive them but i guess we won't even have to do that anymore all the joys of being a parent ripped from us because of this cyber day yeah that's a joy okay who are their friends did you push he put the q children i put friends kids i was gonna write out the q's children's names as well what are their favorite foods i don't know why this is my answer but i feel like it is i said one likes everything and one only eats din tai fung that's true because that's that's us it's just sauce what'd you put i put salmon in noodles why is noodles okay it just felt right we also love salmon do they play any sports if so what our children yeah like this is so many questions about our children i know this really is brainwashing me yeah you go you go first okay if we're in canada they'll do diving and dance and if we're in the usa they'll do soccer and dance i sort of agreed i said yes our beautiful girl is an esports legend and our son does equestrian okay okay cool so she's a gamer yeah what side of the bed do you sleep on ready right side strong side baby left side best side baby chili is both he's it's actually chilly sleeps on both sides we're just on this whatever corner he's not in what pajamas do you wear yeah let's say what the other one wears nobody wears tiny whities no no i don't i thought that'd be funny to what medications does your spouse take i guess this isn't really a medication but here we go one two three flintstones vitamins used to take those all the time probiotics yeah he's very excited about his probiotics yeah because i guess a lot of the serotonin in your brain comes from your gut so you gotta work that [ __ ] out the more you know i also had mcdonald's for lunch so when are your birthdays so you're at mine i are yours one two three september 24 1993 november 22nd 1990. damn straight yes you guys my birthday is coming up so please feel free to wish me happy birthday okay what did you get each other as gifts what did i get you and what did you get me i got you shoes right no that was for our anniversary and i ferrari for anniversary i got you a ring did i get that little balenciaga purse thing yes you got me perfume the pre perfume oh can that was a good gift that was a good gift um that was a really good gift you got me a perfume that i wanted since i was maybe like 14. so that was really great i got you a shirt i got you a shirt oh yeah it was done with stupid shirt okay what's the most important holiday of the year in your household and where do you typically celebrate it we spent almost every single national smoothie day together that's true and we always make them really special yeah that's that's what it is natural smoothies yeah okay that's all the questions i think we killed it i think we pretty much killed it too i think he would be like i'm without a doubt certain that you guys are a couple even if you're not married yet or have no children you still clearly have the same vision for those things yeah all right so did i get it did i get the green card um you got the green card okay wait did i get mine to canada yeah let me see hey bud all right i'll let her know it see canadians are much nicer all right cool unfortunately no [Laughter] always right before we stop filming who sits down and relaxes every single time it's like how do you how do you know what does he know it's his goal it's just his goal to be the most annoying but i love it you know i love him i wouldn't change it for the world look at him all right wait hold on i have one more thing well that's not yours and i'm just piggybacking off of that okay thanks for watching love you guys see you next time bye
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 1,309,156
Rating: 4.9890242 out of 5
Keywords: kelsey kreppel, cody ko, comedy, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen, trivia, couples trivia, couple, newlywed game, green card, green card marriage, test, couples test, boyfriend, girlfriend
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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