Clint Eastwood Appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson - 04/03/1973 - Pt. 01

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my next guest has been described as everything from an old-fashioned a man to Huckleberry Finn with hormones would you please welcome the number one international star mr. Clint Eastwood you got a tough act to follow you know thanks what do you thin plumb my 20th law that she's wild that really flipped me out because having grown up in small towns when somebody says you live at xx and plum and his doc said that's not the main part of town main part of town is first in Maine 23rd plum is way out well it's got more cool than any ten actors they've ever seen yes she was a grand piano teacher with noble cool well speaking of cool they they really they really handed you a spot on that Academy Award night I thought I thought that was gonna be the highlight of the whole Awards I'm really sorry Heston showed up in a way but I know the feeling when you're backstage then somebody comes to you and says Hess is not here they corralled you obviously have said go out and do the opening stuff right well I wasn't even backstage I was sitting in the audience you were dining I was down the audience I didn't have to worry because I didn't have a thing to do till the very end of the show which was was to present best picture right and Howard Koch who's normally a very cool collected type person comes up to me and his hands were going up and down like a Singer sewing machine he says Charlton Heston isn't isn't hasn't shown up well I didn't know he's supposed to be on the show so I said yeah so McDaniel yeah and so he said well like he has to read the whole opening thing he says can you come back and do it and I started to say no and I was looking around for a Gregory Peck and my wife knighted me and said go ahead you can do it for and I was oh no most people probably realize having seen so much television through the years that most things are either on teleprompter or cue cards but it's one thing having seen what you're going to do and even do it well then but not having seen it and having to do it cold would throw the most professional actor because you first of all you don't know what they're really saying as you come to it right you just each line come up and you don't know where they're going to card you don't know where they're going plus the fact that I he called me backstage and he said here he says you can do this and I look at it it's all written with these biblical terms it's written for a man who played Moses which needless to say I haven't done and he then he says well I said I can't do this Howard ice it's absolutely impossible it's not written for me and even if it was I'm not sure it's the right kind of indonesia's say anything say anything so I just took the book and he shoved me right on the stage and there I was I liked it when you said flip the card this is not my bag I thought that was that's Colin that's what makes television I had missed the days when television was live where everything was right now because you had those minor disasters it set in and as important as they look at the time they're really not important it will screw up and everybody would look at each other yeah it'll go up in the lines and you didn't know what to do but that's what makes that that kind of a show yeah you said yourself you made a joke to yourself you said find dialog they gave the fellows never said what twelve lines and I think three words three origins well could you do something like remember what it was the time I was having a small attack what do you say to the critics you get this all time because you made a joke about yourself I think Time magazine or somebody said you studied at the Mount Rushmore Dramatic Society well I don't know who was it it was time but I don't say anything to him I mean everybody's entitled to their opinion but your films have grossed something like somebody told me around two hundred million dollars which is incredible around the world I don't know anybody who did I don't know the exact figures are I read in a publication the other day they had had it broken down into into various forms but you know uh critics are just like anybody else they have their opinion and you know and you hope it's it's very flat into your ego if they happen to say well no I really think this guy didn't want this job you see it in print and it you know pumps you up for a second but the main thing is how does the public right those of you think the critics get to you you can really go around with a king-sized knot in your stomach exactly so you kind of have to just say hey forget it not a barium test yes or no you've been through that the very obsessed that's a lot of fun I do a whole monologue thing in my act on that about better taking the barium test 20 the term spaghetti-western first take effect now those are the westerns obviously they were made in Italy the fistful of dollars you made over there was it was very big and others of course but when was the first time you've heard that specific term used to describe they used to call I think the Japanese term to Macaroni westerns when they first came out they came out over there before they did here at least fistful of dollars did because it was held up in litigation and due to a lot of problems in this country so they call the macaroni westerns and then somebody else grabbed my spaghetti westerns and there which was logical because they were Italian productions though they were filmed in Spain right now did they did they dub be in Italian for those pictures for the foreign market did you make them in English dub every picture if you're filming a picture in Italy and it's being filmed in Italian they dub it anyway they just cute track it and it was there good a mic here like this and he gets a cute track and then later on you come in and do a clean track later why she so none of the Dove in there sensational either they can sit and and completely completely double show and then and they've got actors who were trained Italian actors who are trained to seeing movements of the mouth in English and sinking it in and Japan the same way I've seen something they do remarkable were sensational let me take a break here and we will come right back you
Channel: Johnny Carson
Views: 1,045,478
Rating: 4.8892145 out of 5
Keywords: johnny carson, the tonight show, late night, comedy, clint eastwood
Id: ugYCSFtc9QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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