Best interviews ever Johnny Carson Dean Martin and others a bit of light relief from Mullis Partners

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member you and now here's Johnny oh my god yeah maybe I could stay and run for mayor I did not know what to list you pout hear that there's a primary race for mayor coming up soon and Los Angeles right and I saw a lot of signs today it said return Mary your tea and unfortunately for mayor your tea the signs were LA Airport is after he got off a plane from Mexico oh this is such good audience we love it on in the end of our first week typical audience where else would you see old ladies applauding by slapping their bare midriff with a roll of copy of teenage news we don't get that I almost didn't get out here tonight I stopped to watch her a Hollywood funeral procession now I know that that sounds a little callous but you see back east we sell them get to see a topless kazoo player writing a gag did you hear before swallowed all this trip I told this story last year I was out here cuz I kidded Forest Lawn which is a very unusual establishment ah and I kept making jokes on the air and the next day after about three days I got this call true story and this voice and you knew the guy worked for force lon mr. Carson they always I said yes he says you've been doing some material about force law I said yes he says but we will have the last laugh he had me in a box ready to go already people are nicer you know I think they're more friendly in California would you say Ben New York the matter-of-fact couple days ago in honor of Ash Wednesday a motorcycle gang you got something both funny motorcycle gang rode down the Sunset Strip and put ashes on people's foreheads by grinding their cigarettes on his neck nice little rain out here again hi you've had enough haven't you Los Angeles have you seen the Free Press huh that they hand out these people hand out to you well how do you explain the Free Press four people haven't seen it but the rains have triggered a whole new wave of ads which are rather interesting so when today is this girl with wet rumpus room pleased to meet man with some using empty I bought one today boy those are sidewalk machines the machine self-destruction ten seconds right well thanks has had a scare this morning Sun came out about 15 the churches filled up in about a half an hour our staff is doing well um it's like sailors on leave we come out here and we act sillier than we normally do because we're away from home and John Carr see our Associate Producer uh he's he strange um he likes the Hollywood Wax Museum huh I know I saw him about 5:00 this morning no tell trying to carry the Bride of Frankenstein across the door please I think it wasn't Bobby Quinn you know Bobby the beast with ten fingers Bobby don't make these jokes on last night Bobby was picked up with an unidentified gypsy and Griffith Park trying to force feed a squirrel Mexican jumping bean we're on Burbank I say Hollywood but we're really in the beautiful downtown Burbank is Dan and Dick say I passed me Martin was coming in the gate out here and he'd forgotten his identification to get into the studio and he was apologizing to the gardener guard Jesus all right mr. Martin we know who you are it seems I thank goodness Who am I that happened right outside the boys you've heard the big news I just discovered water off Santa Barbara they've opened three new restaurants down on a Santa Barbara coast ask me what the names are what other things a man wanted to know what the names are they got down the beach greaser sent his wife leaky piece and three years what are you doing this weekend ah now I get it about you know I wouldn't want to say he's imply you would do anything to pick up a little loot but name me one other big-time announcer who on a weekend would put on a grass skirt go to a filling station hand out WikiWiki dollars what do you riches with us and Louie are gonna do something together we have Judy carne from laughs enter a lovely lovely girl um Emily George Gobel is here tonight whom am i leaving up and who else knows mr. rich likes to come out in front and watch doesn't me okay so stay where you are where did you get that coat I've had this this is a california product well what we do see what happens when you don't wearing that stuff you just you start to go bananas when you wear that I've held my body back as long as I can which I had a line but I don't anyway gonna have a great wild time and ISOs will be regret something's gonna be really really exciting did you miss the salmon when they were a birth but you know out here we've got to lose us with one of the fine fine drummers in the world I don't even know how you equate drummers funny when they're this good and of course Buddy Rich has won about every poll I guess in his life that you can you can win the Playboy for the album mercy mercy is number three on the charts I hear and what can you say and they've got together tonight with troops and we have a beautiful set up here and it's gonna be crazy time so would you welcome Louie Bellson and mr. Buddy Rich would you welcome Miss Judy carne oh yeah got it our Goa I want to tell you you are there something thank you uh let me dress what there is of it is is fashioning doilies better than Alma cancer you know an anti-cancer is later and I added my cancer if those things they used to put on armchairs little lace things it oh yes yeah very cool sherry different in England cycle chair backs right we're probably behind the time matters carries out of a dumb name isn't for chair backs today right why would they call it an anima cachet I know the Americans do tend to complicate things a bit I think we have a lot of different things here that can get you in trouble I mean you save them in England they're completely different right mmm-hmm your trouble here you get into trouble when you come here yeah knock me up at nine and all that sort of thing that means wake up that's right right somebody said that to me on a one trip to London I explained to the judge during pretrial exam very strange but that's great this is very good at starting a fashion line you are going in there well I think this is one of your little designs yes well no I didn't design it is this Mars let's go for Claudette Duran and the line is called Claudette and she's on the line of Judy clothes and this is one of them Judy Claus yes and we have a fashion show at Santa Anita racetrack of all places on Saturday we're gonna model them and I'm gonna broil the racetrack yes we're going to do it in between races yes anomaly yeah everybody does it at a hotel or something so we thought we'd do it at a racetrack and anything to be different right so we're gonna do that tomorrow that's a good idea that's a good idea what else you evolved in um I'm leaving for England under Oh Monday morning bring it laughing in English l did we talked about that the other day I'm sure yes and um I'm sort of really excited because I'm gonna do a whole bunch of the crafts musical summer shows which were there here and there what are you gonna do with Whitney oh he had a dog on the show the other night and right the middle but I don't know wise dog's name is Whitney which struck me nice is are you taking Whitney to London when I said that that dumb question for a grown man tan baby look what's going on while you're preggers and messages what are you staying in right yes unfortunately weather silly nor you know there's a rant equated with that we're back now I know you were taping the the other night Bob because they had the dinner for Jack Benny right and you got hung up to about 12:30 or 1:00 o'clock in the more I know I was all set to come over there and say a couple of things because uh not only because you were there but Jack was so nice enough to do a dinner for me down at the Desert Classic and uh you know he does a lot of things he's a guy that does great things and he was celebrated you the MC works I am seated and celebrating a 75th anniversary 50 year old 25 until it's hard to believe in 20 years in television it's hard to convince the producers of turn on a bet huh the only shoulder got it handled during a commercial that is a shortage middle is it turn off know what doubt what a never something that's that was George mm that George is done pretty will denying you something but Jack is is great you know and I tell you one thing you can't there's no way you cannot like Jack Benny because he not only does great things for people but he's also I think that's the prettiest legs at Sun City don't you who does you holding him in drag haven't your hair when I met him the first time I followed him to block so there's when I caught up to my house on him for a guest shot just the truth nobody is Oh Jackie deadline on himself the other day really does about when the bus still Harris yeah who said about yeah yeah yeah Phil Harris one said about Jack Benny and Jack quotes the line himself he said Phil once said he you put a dress on him and you could take him any place in town hey but can you imagine this guy you know his age he's one of my favorites among the older fellows and at his age the way he's going John Maher and he's the delightful ham this time he really is he's the most ox about you the end is it so light hands well I think well I give it to him really if a sink gurgles he does 20 minutes it's true well they're gonna bring a George standing back right here we've got this a delightful guy I think he's one of the funny funny men in our business who George Gobel George going global I dig I thought he was gonna introduce me again yes no but where's the guy you talk to the way it works yeah this is old John you know not only are you important in show business but I thought you important hotels whenever that time I get a room there's a John yeah how long you have to wear that brace well I got the test back today is coming along right now this is where you do it every night huh I thought you in New York to do it we do have we come on her twice a year Dean come out where come out here in California Oberon oh we're in California oh yeah thanks a talk my way once in a while I want to live too just don't talk up you'll set off the sprinkler system beautiful it is good to see you I thought you why don't you call me lonesome what about your school back I didn't know you were gonna come out here oh no George isn't here George Lance did it who's George leg well old John yeah thought this place is bigger than this thing here you work that you work when you do your show down the hall right that way don't know to the building filling here you drink a lot or not this is ADA now they always get you a bog you're supposed to ask me things sure yeah can I try this tour people always here to say it's just a problem you know the business problem that's in all-american boys but I do the break I say the hell with a doctor speaking of doctors might talk to Eddie Mack unpruned Ruth my dog sent me and no they said he said stop smoking yeah I rolled let me smoke to go to know there's a guy with all the new suit huh he's gonna make that much money off that well so I finally found the perfect girl I could not ask for more she's deaf and dumb and oversexed and owns a liquor store there was an old hermit named Dave no [ __ ] - Chloe terminate one name Dave is another sighs live right there well Oh John old yeah right there so where the show work well you gotta ask me something I just can't sit here you're all they're doing gonna do something look at that huh buddy what you doing palace we're doing you're through for the season Oh yeah I'm too crispy yeah of course you are yeah I finished my show last show Christmas and what do you go ahead what are you doing now I mean it's not I'm going to go to Minneapolis to do Airport with Burt Lancaster but somebody hijacked the strip we're gonna do it in Cuba that I didn't know it's the truth yes ha you've got a great thing going with those man home things all you have in them are beautiful girls like Bob every time bob does a picture beautiful that's why bob has been the successes always had beautiful girls with him and Jeanne don't me do that you don't want a bad eye huh I rather how about you grace good thank you read while you'll be working with clay stone you're getting much better okay be careful be after that weekend privileges ah last time I rented the team one time rented you was in Las Vegas in the summer in July you read what I learned in July was about 114 degrees and you were out on the golf course in 114 degree well how do you play that kind of it remember golf course try to read my lips golf course summer Las Vegas summer I played on a golf in Las Vegas you don't I heard that somewhere I do yeah play a lot of golf there I pray with you once it was 114 it's a fact the only fella I know uses a cork for a t-bar they serve it it sure beats paying up we have to cut away for a second here we're gonna leave you for just a second we're coming arriving coming back oh yeah welcome back we are on air whoo back knowledge quick well we're back we're back back back back follow me axe back on the air well I'm going right into all homes across America we're on the air I watched you last night had a you know all the laughing show in that was Monday night that's not the last night last night you're literally broadcast out here your house I'm sure what is that does it take no can I do sir Friday Friday Friday I missed my own show ha ha ha what little senorita there yeah I do all want to tell you about last night Jeannie she surprised yet nice little supper loud two candles you know and I just hold it baby I'm going down the Stella and I went down so I brought up some real old with cobwebs my mother what a little musty I suppose oh I must have been a beautiful day ok ok you um are you a fast study you're gonna go to this movie Airport he's a Burt Lancaster calls you and says he took birth called me too long do who rehearse my said no you just learn your lines I'll learn mine we'll see they fit go jogging thank you for going also just want to get the thing yeah well Dean work shows up will you be surprised they will be out here shortly I am to come down there yeah how did you get over here tonight did you drive all that no I don't have a car flew down hope you the shrapnel never water get out while you're right [ __ ] that you want to say did anybody get there Oh your hair spot you that's okay Johnny I want to say I'm very glad to be here and I'm gonna tell you without me your show tonight would have been nothing there's a pretty fast link oh this is how the a troops right and I'm glad you saved me now you know because you know when you come on last your did you ever get the feeling you ever get the feeling that the world was a tuxedo when you were a pair of brown shoe well those days and I have a feeling it's going to get worried know where they go over ah cuz I told Alice I'd be home early and in good shape you're in good shape right now I think just about the best I ever felt my whole life just waiting for you to get off you know Andy I had the yips in the jingles and the whips and the clanks everything you know because yeah guys you know I don't mind somebody getting a few laughs but this is ridiculous I mean when you're waiting in the in the back hit you well after the last hour he got I started drinkin I gotta say one thing I started even before he got the left I forgot to get a good early start you can't one or two George before you perform just as kind of settle on earth it is the home of gas which is mine ha ha you gotta have fight [ __ ] too when you're down here right you know I I just know I get so jumped up like this because this is half of me before one time in the desert they had a big show and this fellow said George we need you right now we really do you better get down here Georgie oh no I just come down to rest and he said oh we're not gonna have a show and it turned out just like this I get down there Bob Hope Phil Harris Keely Smith ray Bolger and and I guess I don't know why but I guess it's cause everybody else squeaks and they figure I won't complain too much so in the meantime I'm sitting back there and waiting to go on and I think I'll have one just setting myself in it and I do because no I'm not space if you ask me if I do ever III have a drink or two on occasions you know like if the Sun Goes Down Volkswagen drives by anything hen I fired up pretty good but I'll say one thing I have I have never been known to touch a drop during a total eclipse which is more than I can say for my friends right George and I we drink moderately and I got a case of him back in my car and we're gonna get right back into your car right now I'm convinced I don't have to think about that a little yes and take it comes in a little bit late you know like he says he misses his show you know I've got a television set at home that I built myself and and I miss her I don't miss any shows but I mean the like sometimes we don't get the 9 o'clock programs till after midnight I build it myself now I forgot where I was when you like after all an army cut out short Matt's okay all right yeah you know you're doing some commercial what alesis I should know so this is no this there's nothing to do with the commercial oh this is the American fighter pilots association do you know right scouts honor if I'm lying I'm dying I didn't come out here to tell you a lot of big lies you know you mean you fight pilot No you know you know the same thing every time I get on your show the same thing happens we get to goofing around and you say something that you're not supposed to say and you make it dirty well I don't really make it dirty I don't know what your squawking about I did the warm-up here tonight but it's a funny thing you know that I would have five dogs cuz actually I never got along too good with dog really yeah never I mean I I had trouble with dogs I used to get bit by dogs like other people get bit by mosquitoes but it's also like it never won him when I was a kid they didn't you once I got bit by an old dog he didn't even have any teeth he died shortly I've got she's got a donkey a little bit well there's a question of biting off a little more Nica he went peacefully till I got my first dog so my dad brought me to my first or he didn't Brian I actually got it from the dog pound the pop and there's a real nice little he figured if I'm gonna get bit I ought to get bit by somebody I know so he got me this dog and there was a little bitty when I got him is little baby then he started to actually turn out to be a Shetland pony keep no get until he's no no but you can never convince my dad you know no he said any dog you get from the dog pound is a dog it's not a Shetland pony we used to put in mind you know we used to say hey Dan look at over there gallop on the cross the meadow Mountain America my dad say yeah he sure is a crazy dog that's why god bless you buddy put it all over munching on that oh hell yes hey I ain't act yes yes hi I asked you about this before I think you thought you were making a joke the fighter pilots you were pilot right oh yes I was a I was a pilot during war you remember the wars and all the papers I reckon well I talk about that the last time I was on your show you know but I thought the whole war in Oklahoma don't you say hello or why people laugh when I say that you know because that's evidently where they needed me or they wouldn't accept me laughs I don't care very well but if you remember you think back now first of all I was an instructor it was in v26 889 versus Altus Oklahoma and then v26 is at Frederick Oklahoma and I was an instructor there and if you think back and I'm not mad at anybody or anything but just remember there was not one Japanese aircraft got past Tulsa we didn't even have guns in our airplane and that record still stands understand yeah this day I think I have been working on this oh yeah what commercial we shoot when you shoot the commercial today yeah you don't believe it but if you say exactly what time did I lose control of the show we ocular two people decided nothing there either you longer other people and more people come more people are coming out of here the one that falls and who are they John old John Wayne and and Bob white so we'll just get them up yeah and the feed hahaha hey the show is gonna well isness so Friday haha I didn't match the Lord's I don't the Lord is my shepherd I saw yeah he needed me you are anytime you're ready John yeah yo John you all name-dropper you folks you want to lock up it I'm gonna catch a cab I get uh Carol just is a new bride yeah you were married when Valentine's Day Valentine's Day Oh heart huh for it or a transplant or something I don't know Bob are you happy man happily Thomas you like oh yeah well you know I believe that they are just some areas in your life that you do not want any surprises no this is actually her voice fellas good-looking quit looking around it's coming from right here this is it Getti I thought there was a cartoon gone you seen I think I do one thing the oil slick did helped us yeah what does your husband do oh he's a famous photographer very famous but the motion picture photographer yes he did it great movie that's been accepted by the Academy Awards cause you are what you ate first one of you that says it there is under house arrest my career down the drain here I'm here every night fellas don't do it to me not after this well this this has been a night well we're do more but I'm a leaving immediately for open-heart surgery after listen he's talking and Bob I'm sorry we got you a little late here tonight but I thank you for joining us in the sketch in that I hope you have a real happy marriage really you real happier you're very very lovely girl how could you do you did you get mad for me once just like oh you never get mad do you oh I'm just as miserable as everyone else Oh want to play around without a while oh I didn't think so I love to dance I know that hey I don't think she could get angry at her wonderful husband there with that voice such a stupid kind of mouth wouldn't he go yeah he's like oh yeah d-nut thank you for being here Dean's on it later toes in front of people mr. Marty's on it don't shoot me okay never come while I'm working see you got a kick really Bob I bet came on to do a finished thing just to walk on and say a line and you say to those oh well you're as close to my attorneys thank you George such a great show tonight which now I've been on this program was pre-recorded you
Channel: Mullis Partners
Views: 2,586,870
Rating: 4.7423425 out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Thailand, Mullis Partners, best interviews, dean martin, bob hope
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 28 2014
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