John Lennon on Dick Cavett (entire show) September 11, 1971 (HD)

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Is that the video that was used in Forrest Gump? Also, holy crap, the videos Yoko made were far out, man.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hoyaguru ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 12 2013 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Dick Cavett was like Letterman with Asperger's. But, less entertaining.
Edit: Thanks for the link BTW! It was a great find.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/400yards ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 17 2013 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
but they collide with special guests John Lennon and Yoko Ono ladies and gentlemen Dick Cavett listen I am afraid I have a major disappointment to announce the tie that I wanted to wear didn't show up for today's show and I'm gonna have to go along with this one no the actual disappointment is that the Lennon's asked that I not do a monologue because it no they see they find me so funny that if I convulsed them backstage they won't be able to come out here and talk so I'm not gonna do that but we really have a terrific show tonight as you know everybody's it's one of the hottest tickets in town the sensor has an oxygen can't standing by for some reason I don't know why because first of all he had he thought it was gonna be an easy day he he didn't know exactly what show we were doing tonight and he heard the word beetle and thought it was a show on ecology and thought it was gonna have a lot of fun and now he knows who it is and our sensor is an older man and an interesting man but a very fair man and I have knocked him in the past just joking but we have an understanding now that from now on nothing comes out of the show and we think that that's a wonderful thing because you're mature people and I think every what - so anyway I realized that there's a tremendous request for autographs here tonight but if you will leave your books I will get to all of them eventually and is this a surprise for me I couldn't help I can't help noticing that maybe I shouldn't mention that right now that in the second row are two people peculiarly I'm tired I think I won't tamper with that at the moment there are two people in in bags right we've had a whole audience in the bag before but this is interesting Liz listen let us go away for just a moment talk to you about something we'll be right back after this message of interest with fair you know whom I guess you all know that that John Lennon together with the three other fellows named McCartney and Harrison and Starr were responsible for becoming I guess the most written about most listened to most imitated musical group of the sixties and for about eight years they were leaders in the musical world and not only that but I probably affected what a decade of young people looked like and thought about and dreamed of and they achieved the absolute pinnacles of success they were even honored by the Queen an honor which they eventually returned I believe I'm sure it doesn't come as a surprise to anyone that the Beatles are no longer together in recent months John Lennon and as well John has sort of surfaced in the underground press where he gave a long interview in Rolling Stone magazine which he talked with some a great deal of candor and some bitterness I suppose about the old days and his wife Yoko Ono is maybe one of the most controversial ladies since the Duchess of Windsor wally simpson kept the duke from becoming the king tonight they are however quite above ground and i'm very pleased to welcome them here will you welcome please John Ono Lennon and Yoko how are you okay thank you are you really yes no is that a little bit but it isn't as if we've never met because we we did meet once we didn't meet in that dingy hotel room so you're Jack Lemmon yes or is it all there Yoko how are you good good okay is there anything that you want to know about me to start off with just a sort of what do you do for them to get the I actually this is my profession I know it yeah I practically do I hardly ever get out of here the chair collapses into abandoned I'm not a dog it's a it's a bet did you have my kind of show all over the world you know we're not quite as good in England at repartee you know where is this well they're more inhibited that's all I think they know they don't have anyway that was sort of freaked out a little yeah unless Jerry Rubin comes on oh yeah Reuben came over made and disrupted a show done by I can never think of the guy's name David dust for favourite drawers yes it was very exciting show what had to happen they came in and broke up the studio broke up the studio and David ended up in the audience to show that he wasn't with the young people you know which shows where he is actually first of all David wherever you are red light you you know I had a terrible feeling that my hair was going to be longer than yours it's a funny thing because I met you the other day I recent pictures I've seen in both of you yours is extremely long Yoko and yours John's very long and if there's people going around saying I can't tell which one is which you know yes witnesses last year I cut mine and we both cut it right off down to about a quarter of an inch 69 or 70 I remember because I just suddenly realized it wasn't functional enough to have it when I had it down here you just have to keep washing and combing it yeah so then I chopped it all off and then then it just grew a bit and then I just let it grow to this thing what woody what's your favorite length Yoko are you at it right now right depends you know we like to change and just the one stick to one one's the same old haircut every day a different one every few months it's my fee did you save the hair oh yeah one time we cut it we gave it to some Michael Malik who was running a sort of black house in London which wasn't exactly a Black Panther thing but it was I think was something to do with it and they were just having a community center in London and we sort of symbolically gave them they were gonna auction it offer to wherever you often hair off you know some that big place in London I can't remember the beach yeah I never happened though but it was a symbolic gesture really so you know only Dority do and that hair that hair today then is missing you gone tomorrow city silliest to do this much time that's gone already you offer do you have fun when you're over here and in this country oh yes because after Lucius my second home time yeah she lived it for ten years people are surprised they often say she speaks very good English but you've been here a lot some people ask me well can you speak Japanese and then I get very offended you know speak Japanese get me out of this China well funny thing happened on the way ending like it never has to me normally that once in my life nothing happened that story you know whenever they talk do it and then they're not listening and then you start about that elephant oh yeah I suppose you get it too when people meet you you know like being a restaurant or anywhere when you're trying to order something and you find that they're so struck by oh is it really you but they don't really hear your order you know and so when I'm talking to them saying I'd like a steak medium and two elephants came and a policeman bit my head off and a cup of tea please and they say yes thank you because they're not listening probably half of them hunt listening now it is a good thing that's a terrible feeling to think that they're never listening you know it's it's so real you know I don't mind have you ever had elephant actually brought to you by someone who was listening the policeman's head off quite often it's an old Anglo custom I believe anything what you like being over here I gather I've had some English guests on what do you think of yourself as English first of all let's establish that well sometimes I mean if we if like if you're talking about being over here or being over there okay well I'm from over there you know yeah but I normally think in terms of that I suppose I think in leaks and things like other people like musicians and all long cares and or under 30 over 30th cetera et cetera and being married to a Hawaiian it makes you sort of more it's nice especially in England not so much here we get a bit more respect in America as artists but in in a back home I think it's the case for all artists back home it's a bit like I'm the man that won the pools and lucky guy who had a spot of look and married the Hawaiian actress you know and which isn't truly to get it so somehow we found out they were sort of passionately patriotic sometimes you know again well no I mean that's Japanese made oh no no I mean you know English are the first ones I mean we invented radar it's a fun turn into a hard hat you see when we start discussing you well we're both islands and we're both little and we both did this and we both did that we find ourselves turning quite fascist discussing it made in Hong Kong and all that and you do jokes with each other and you kid her always laughing dick yeah after us I mean would you would you stoop to you know Pearl Harbor jokes oh yeah speaking oh yeah there's a Kabuki theater in Japan and they have my message stage and on stage they have the musicians with them and all the men play the part you see and all the men play the women's dormitory at orbital hall that's the bookie I learnt it after only one sitting it's very good you know what it is really is Japanese when does that mean kabuki only our hip nips will notice that how funny it is actually there are two of them in Utah breaking her pregnant I've seen one on TV with yellow glasses and he calls himself the hidden it and he pretended to be Italian in the war I remember his is mr. Lennon putting me on it also named in kyushu Tanya disco passing the tribest in thickness on the gun sir belt yo hablo Paquito espanol we have a brief message of interest from people of various creeds and colors and we will return there we are now that were fought through making fun of each other's nationalities and other people's he was saying government you know so Jones saying that he discovered that I changed smoke through this article that he was speaking about me you know somebody said I changed smoke is that what it is now and since then you know he never bit self that woman but I just noticed again Oh smoking pillows you see it is it does you know you're setting a bad example didn't work all over the world didn't work often to you that you find out something about the other from something you read rather than I'm sure I mean I began to suspect she changed smoke cuz every time I kiss her I burn my chimp a wonderful delivery you get back on the boards yeah what was a what was I gonna say just before their do you have any idea we're talking about their articles written about you and all oh yes well I know where I was I know where I was earlier I said you you seem to like it here because I've had English guests on bridge guess who said they come here because they're stifled over there and they can't work and they like the exhilaration here then I've had American writers who have left America because they feel so menaced and threatened that they like the calm of London was somebody like Richard Chamberlain went over there and did very well you know from going from the soap operas to Hamlet and vice versa I suppose people have come over here and broaden the scope I think it's just a matter if you have a different kind of feeling when you're abroad you know maybe you can loosen up we're in Britain we only have two channels of TV and if you watch the old British movies on on TV now here it's the same old men always on TV in Britain still now have a sort of school of actors about three new people got into the profession since I was 10 it's a bit limiting you know yeah oh this yeah the best thing about British TV is the live stuff you know like plays and things like that but it just goes off at 12 you know so if you have a choice in you know either going out to dinner or watching TV you can't do both like but with America it's great you just sort of wake up when it's on you you get back after going out for an evening and it's still on it's beautiful it's nice if you're sick I don't know you know when you're sick and you're a wholistic that's why I like it according to something I was reading TV more than Japanese do cocina oh yeah I think British sometimes you know that very hand you did your accent change slightly when you're in England I don't know people tell me that I have Liverpool accent now she used to have an American accent being educated here of those funny schools Sarah Lawrence yeah yeah it's a funny place in it do you still have friends from Sarah Lawrence that you're in touch with well it was long not via snide telling about that a snide no classmate of mine sort of about two years ago that was when we weren't really that famous every word together but yeah first article in America honest both yeah we got to go it's very important because we sort of I was introduced America through that article and she was a classmate of mine sighs oh that's nice so she came and I said well you know since we are friends so I should cook for her and all that and I made a nice lunch for her and then she wrote that uh who is it that oh she said yoga was looked fat like an old witch cooking she was nine months pregnant from just had a miscarriage and that I resemble it resembled Ernest Borgnine you know well and that was this old palliative sneaked in to see us did you do like earnest I just want to say Betty Rowland's legs was it Betty Rowland yeah article oh no Betsy old pal of vehicles legs okay I think we need to be so bitter isn't it oh yes this book there's something about her legs I never noticed was anything wrong with her legs when I was married to her you weren't looking obviously she kept them long skirts on all the time I was never in fact I said that as a matter of fact no I was but she wrote an article recently in which she said I was delicious well maybe she's had a pill or something but do you have you don't go to reunions at Sarah Lawrence you were only there about a year then together ah three years actually yeah but I didn't want to graduate you know I was one of those early dropouts I just felt it was so ridiculous to go another year I just couldn't stand it and in those days people said was so silly to not graduate you know that's it mm-hmm cuz you'll never get a job right right you'll never make it mmm that's what they told me to think if you didn't finish school one maths master wrote you're on the road to failure if he carries on this way have you ever you ever see your old schoolmates and no I've seen a few old school friends not teachers yeah most of them just like me except for one or two so I am always glad to remind them was there everything incredible awareness they had was there every teacher who did inspire you there was always one teacher in each school that would usually be an art teacher or an English language or literature kind of think there's anything to do with writing or art I was okay at it and to do a science and maths I just couldn't get it in you know yeah so but most subjects were science and maths because supposedly they don't want artists too though even an art school they tried to turn me into a teacher they tried to discourage you from painting and you know why not be a teacher because then you can paint on Sunday I decided against it him you know your drawings are look a little like James Thurber's well I used to love his stuff when I was a kid but it was to people like that well he's older than me so he came first so I look like him I used to read that stuff winners get that three people I was 18 on lewis carroll alice in wonderland' Thurber and an English draw or whatever you call him called Ronald Searle well Sarah well we gave him over here yeah so when I was about 11 I was turned on to those three when I was well I think I was about 15 when I started ferberizing the drawings that was my imitation of Nigel Bruce one of your actors fossil no really don't remember he played Watson in the Sherlock Holmes movies yes lamomam oh really Holmes it's dynamite usually how the Fitzgerald ear wants you the result Fitzgerald oh no Ella Fitzgerald dear Watson that's a pun on Eleanor Elementary by doing that fixture over that's knowing that's known as wordplay yes oh I can play myself sure Betty Rowling's bangs local station we will be rolling further after this message from we're trying to figure out what it is I forgot that I wanted to ask you earlier it's time to assembling poles choose to miss I sat in a restaurant in Spain and the violinist insisted on playing yesterday right in my ear and then then he asked me to sign the violin mouse I didn't know what to say I said well actually okay and I signed it in the OCO sign didn't I one day he's gonna find out the paul wrote ooh that's better than if they'd played wedding bells are breaking up that old gang of mine I guess so I guess maybe I maybe I should have you know let's talk about that for a second because you know your car you've even if you've even been called the dragon lady who yes the lady who brought the Beatles apart and I took them all I have troubled English please give her the credit for all the nice music that George made and Ringo made and Paul made I've made since they broke up if she fled if she did it that's true I know yeah you know aware of that I mean that the press always saw you as the the wedge that was driven in a night drive a wedge in three places or whatever how many spaces are between four people but I thought that was that there are millions of girls who would love to have met let alone married one of the for any one of the four probably but certainly a lot of them on every thank you you know to think of it must is one of the four you know yeah I mean or any one of the four etc because I just met in us another artist and all them and I didn't you know particularly realized that part of it meaning you were Beatles fan or before or would you say you were a lending fan before uh neither never didn't careful either know about us the only name she knew was Ringo because it means Akal in Japanese Ringo means I'm no means Apple did you know that when you named your company Apple no no I was just one of those happy accident just one of those happy apples there's happy applesauce bright number syllables Ringo if you spill a sideways spills groin yes stall backwards his rats I know it there are a lot of it didn't do those things too I think that I'm gonna go along the road in the Carmel was doing the signpost backwards anyway she didn't split the beetles because how could one girl split the beetles or one woman yeah the beetles were drifting apart on their own in you can remember when you realized that it was inevitable that you would split up no that's not it's like same you know did you remember falling in love not quiet just sort of happens how long was it third yeah well everything's fun off and on you know so I suppose it could have gone on being fun off and on or it could have gone worse I don't know it's just that when you grow up you know we don't want to be the crazy gang which they might know over here which is British or the Marx Brothers which is sort of been dragged on stage playing she loves you when we've got you know asthma and tuberculosis and when were 50 you know here they are again yes a day a long time ago I said that I didn't want to be singing she loves you and I'm 30 I said that one was about 25 or something which in a roundabout way meant that I wouldn't be doing whatever I was doing then you know 30 when I was 30 last October and that's about when my life changed really especially for John I can say that he's at least sort of overgrown after all you know whatever they were in you know because I think it's very difficult for for artists were so brilliant and talented to be together and do everything together you know me just impossible myself whatever they were doing was almost miraculous you know that they work together at door with all the pressures in there I guess the hard day's night everybody thought that was what life really was like for you and that's a man with a handheld camera had managed to capture the essence of Beatle life and that it was always just yeah flitting about in a lovely carefree joyful way it was never like that it wasn't that carefree ever it was a lot more pressure that was a sort of comic strip version of what actually was going on you know pressure was far heavier than that and that was written after the the author spending about three days with us when we played in London and then in Dublin and then back in London again he wrote the whole of the film based on our characters you know clod-hopping ring goats sharp John whimsical Paul and Stern George and all those the Beatle character myths were formed from three days watching this you know which was a lot of junk really would you like me to get that for you that's why I hesitated because I I've had my finger snapped off by a ladies on the show that I tried to like but you dislike many cigarettes as well sometimes if you feel like it if you're feeling gay you know I do well mom does lie any sexist cigarettes Betty Rowland Amy I mean John I interrupted you though and didn't sorry for woo as a woman you know it's a nuisance to have to wait for something and do you make a point of opening the door for yourself no I don't make a point of it you know when I'm tired it's always very nice if somebody else's that I don't you know at the same time I do make a point about just waiting you know that is silly to I thinking yeah I think so too hmm I think I disrupted um in there or got interrupted I know we were talking we were talking about the fact that the impression in the Beatles movie that was that oh well that was all I had to say really it was a comic strick version and it sort of stuck with us and now for a small message from will be back something like that he's right about that we have a station break and we'll be back oh we're back again and with Yoko you work in film yeah and Jon has referred to you somewhere but John said somewhere that you were the one of the best unknown artists in the world yeah because she's been in the so called album god world of New York for almost 15 years producing coming 15 years about so long of ten something like that and she was quite an established artist before she met me and then once she met me was then she became mrs. Lennon and well that's when they started calling a Japanese actress you know when in fact she never appeared in any movie up till then and really but mainly and she'd been directing movies and having gallery shows and theatre shows and things like that and then he got swamped with mrs. Lennon but now it's just about turning around people are realizing it she's an artist in her own right but she's still the most famous unknown artist and you want to comment yeah we have a piece of the film that you did it's not maybe the most famous film you did was one called bottoms bottoms which was in fact a film of of bottoms who's gone before yeah 364 pick buttons 540 versus 364 365 365 buttons one for each of the year yeah actually didn't contain three and sixty five because I said well nobody's gonna really it's a conceptual number you know and it came across we counted you mean that something in some cases the bottoms were the same one you see the interesting thing about the film is apart all the bottoms were the intellectual and artists people in London and the soundtrack of the film is all of them trying to explain and be very uncomfortable why they're taking the trousers off some guys saying well I normally do Shakespeare you know then you see his bottom just all and it's not cut to each bottom but the whole screen is just two bottoms to each side of the buttocks walking like that and let all these comments are there saying well you know I normally do Shakespeare and what's it all about and the real philosophy about taking your trousers off and they're all jabbering on like that they just have to sort of rationalize it somehow you know so that's bring out good Jeff and socks or and everybody out you know before they just take off their Lansing it was really funny but the point was that I was asking to look for intellectual bottoms you know they had a little bar and said they would say what is this in in intelligent enough or whatever you know and when you look at in a screen is just over the same and that was the point there's a show here called new faces what would you call well never mind can we take a look at this film you are you gonna explain about tell us this is a female live filming silver a quiet sort of way and it's it's like a diary you know it's about a woman who is naked and he was lying down and and fly the fly sort of crawling over her body and later it becomes graduate becomes four and fireflies or crawling of a body and the message is like you know there's lots of things in it noses of level of understanding it has something to do with you know life of a woman who is more like taking it rather than you know doing it positively the flies crawling over you and just taking it in ask you let's take a look at that Oh we'll take a look at that in exactly six seconds because Phil Mississippi laterally six Bingley common but now that we stood there's more to the movie of course that was awesome head right through again from head to toe oh yeah you notice the women always giggle it was shown at the Cannes Film Festival and he got an ovation believe it or not and but the women always get like mad especially as he's getting higher before it was getting very interesting in elements it it was just insane but of course were on TV yes this is television and Ross this isn't channel 13 is it I didn't even know you when the sensor found out the movie was called the fly you can't imagine what he what he thought maybe you can't the flight numbers number enormous number of retakes to get the fly to do with we had an enormous number of flies in fact the credits almost long as the the film because there's so many people catching flies from the back of dirty New York restaurants and things like that then we're catching them in the room yeah the girl was very good her name jr. lost Virginia last arrestee yeah Ellie OS t get out of that did the movie lead to other roles or the fly well we've after two years of making movies we made about say 12 together and and a part and we finally got deals here with people called Genesis in America and somebody else in Britain and they'll be going around all the different colleges so before our films haven't really been seen so nobody really knows that we're filmmakers we've had them in cann festival they did all right in there we have them in the Edinburgh Festival there's a chance they're going in the New York festival they're definitely go in the San Francisco festival and they should be later this year starting to about five of them probably will tour America so they are serious about film oh sure film is well it's like recording only with your eyes you know you just make it visually and it's just as interesting and to combine the Baathist is really interesting how would you feel about me if I were to ask if bottoms was shown at the Cannes Festival that bottoms wasn't no no I wasn't that was it bad dude I was a joke well that answers my questions we'll be back we know when you will you explain the the people in the bags before the evening is out before the evenings oh are you gonna tell a story of how you started the bag event yes well that was when some composer was going to visit me from Europe and I was sort of you know I didn't really want to meet because I'm basically a very shy person and then I thought well you know people don't believe me when I say I'm very shy but you're both actually and then I said no I don't want to meet him but then there wasn't anything I can do so funny he was coming and it was about an hour before he was coming I couldn't do anything about it so I just you know out of desperation made her back and I was in the back when he came to visit me and all over beg her just over here with me so no and all that and oh yes well it's you is it and all and he was pretty calm about it because he sort of my work and all that so he felt is this your you know musical piece or something I mean well it's great comfortable you know because then I didn't have to be seen you know all right I could see him but I couldn't and there's no paper in bags you know if a black man goes for a job in a bag everybody had to go in the bag for a job let me know prejudice you see he'd have to judge people on the on the quality within you know and we call it total communication but we were asked to make a film for Austrian TV which we did called rape which wasn't a rape but it was called rape it was rape by camera in fact and when we went to Austria to show it we did a press conference there in a bag and it was great because all the press came in you know and that we didn't they never saw us we were just in a both in a bag and they interviewed the bag and the same oh is it really you and what are you wearing and will you sing the song and that why arsonist and what is this I said its total communication so but why did you pick on us we've never seen a Beatle it was beautiful and listen do you realize the Hapsburgs lived here and we said yeah so it was a great press conference and they all had a very serious conversation with a bag and next day the headlines in Austria we know the show of bag and all the important press men all just talking to it so there were those that in the audience we have two friends which are who are in a bag bags G windows taking well we must take a break now yes that's right we will take a break and we will get to them after that stay with us I would would everyone wearing a bag please step up here so we could see what the two people in the second row I've never had guests can I help you adjust your there we are I see if they were guest job you see they say well what are your qualifications how do you do and what color are you Christian oh oh you ruined yeah you got the job let us know when you're through voting you know I have no idea of what sex either of you is and I assume you do but easy good go in the bank I make love to one of them to find out I would but this is a very short Sigma I say okay you want to go off again if you had more time yes oh they're lazy Mon you see wait wait one thing one thing you will speak to me it's funny cuz I've nowhere to look I don't know if your if your nose or your eyes are you a lady yes I am what would you hold where you are for just a moment just stay where you are laughing a glass of water you don't drink water we did it have I made a social faux pas no I think it's alright cuz you don't know whether she's hiring or throwing in there do you so it's alright see we did a talk show in England and every time the man wanted to talk about Beatles the interviewer because I'm fed up talking about them I asked him to go in a bag and he did it and the interviewer the Dick Cavett in England he was in the bag all the time so every time they the camera panned to him the audience broke up so he can never get the questions up it's a very good show thank you can you find your way down there okay you look very nice yes you're looking a little pale but very nice they could be changing it could be doing anything in there for all we know that's what it will be right back after this message for similar reasons that I explained you there before after this I forgotten we can't have you sing live for us but your voice is so unique that I wanted to get it into the show and could you tell us how and what we're about to hear is something else again but I this can be a single my first single independently I've had singles before his John I was always the visa and the bees woman's Lib she's got her own first single I think it's a beautiful song and it's called mrs. Lennon it'll be out now yeah it's called mrs. lemon it's gone mrs. Lennon yes alright it's a very nice song let's give it a whirl as they used to say from the new album fly out now didn't he says mana oh this letter to the sky I guess it must feel mrs. letter Oh making dirty I guess Oh it's Oh I speak John extended its time extended it now yes ha how do you know how to make film John have you studied it at all well no yoko was quite a depth in filmmaking and she made quite a few films before I met I used to make 8 mil films at home you know and superimpose and do tricks with it and just play arbitrary records with it but when I met yoga she said why didn't you do it seriously you know so she sort of helped me develop in that area and I find it's very similar to recording you know just visual and it's it's beautiful to work with you understand the camera and all how it works and do use an American camera order gaining so good now I find it a bit you know he's still good for my life in these days I wasn't she don't be filmmaking I told her sort of rock and roll you know and so I'm getting worried of these singles coming out and she's getting worried with my film so it's pretty good what kind of camera do you use when you reflect you know that's like you know that you know the picture best you know thank you sir you use about three cameras at the same time just not to get all the angles and cover me I mean we know what a good picture is so if you know what a nice picture is then that's the start yeah say say is it true that rumor that they used to when you win the four of you were together then some of the cut you and the other probably other fellows that that those concerts many times there's din was so uproarious and all nobody could hear anything anyway that they actually played the tape and you didn't really play that was rumor though no one we never didn't never play though sometimes when your voice was so bad through losing your yesterday a voice that yeah you would be virtually wouldn't be singing at all but nobody noticed because there was so much noise going on you could never hear what we're doing you know it just would become a sort of happening like Shea Stadium was a happening he couldn't hear any music at all and that got boring yeah yeah that's why we stopped with it I reckon now if I if I went out not as the Beatles were just Yoko and I went out with the group then people wouldn't be screaming you know and because we our records are better now I think a more mature I think the audience would be more mature to that's what I'm hoping I don't any that you've said you somewhere you said you'd like to be forgotten but now you say you'd like to go out and perform again so you can't really yeah well I can still be forgotten when I'm dead I don't really care what happens and I'm dead if that's what you mean you know I think MIT no I thought you MIT I just like it all the way and all the publicity of here I mean well you see with people like me and yourself you know if you're in a certain mood and reporters sort of asking questions which are angled to get an answer that they need for the to sell their paper and you're in a certain mood you'll say certain things for them but and then people bring it back five years later so you said this did you but you've forgotten all about it you've changed your mood it's a different day it's a different year you know and you feel entirely different so you're always held up to what you've said before and I don't half the time you don't know what you're talking about when you you know these reporters I have that same feeling I always want to say well they either I said it or I didn't say it or I said it and didn't mean it yeah and or any of the above like you know if everybody's words were recorded as they were saying it there's lots of things you say that either turned out to be silly or you didn't mean it over the spur of the moment all you meant it or you had foresight or didn't and it's it varies but when people bring it back in you've forgotten all about it I don't know what you're talking about well what are you doing now well how do you mean I mean that what you're saying now you actually mean what do you mean what am i doing I've been reading grapefruit the end which is a book that Yoko wrote and it's got a letters out in paperback in two weeks time hahaha it may even be out now in certain areas so if not you can if it isn't you can you can reserve your copy but there are things in here that you suggest people do which is it's a book you can take part in such as getting a bag of light and bringing it down and placing it where your light bulb would be and so on which I find difficult to do but I well do you find that it's easier than he's here that I think yeah instructions like Yoko says poetry is adjectives and prose is not what what about that story not adjective nom but it you have to do the things in the book it's a book of instructions I'm doing them you have it's like I don't know you have you go through a trip and you go through no awareness you have an experience let's do one fast okay well known what okay which one okay I'll listen to you okay going what do you do you already used me in any way okay tell me who today what you're going to do what do you need John well we listen to each other one of the original instructions in a book was called touch pitch where everybody in the audience had to touch each other and that was long before s-salam or or any of those people those things that where people are supposed to touch you too in 1916 she did that yeah yes Todd okay I and I feel I should call for something can you hear anything well it sort of echoes like a cave fine and if you move that comes dip oh it sends on he's in the kitchen with mom where's mom she's in the house watching paper I didn't hear a thing John you swallowed a clock so anywhere I want to listen to you yes are you serious lady no well I let me close my eyes and just it's on her shoulder for those with bad focus on their television set I don't I can hear the audience it's very strange it's fun yeah I'd like to do that is peace I mean equal peace you know we can never have peace unless the whole world would have total communication this is just the process there's a piece of baby right called cut piece where most artists when they give you something they make a painting or a record are we gonna go away or something no we're gonna take a look at your piece yeah tell us about your film is called erection and it's not what you think I was driving to London once and or any City and you suddenly noticed some if you go away you come back suddenly there's a big building there and I suddenly noticed this hotel starting to get built and I had this idea to show the whole the whole of the film growing you see so I got this guy to take still footage in the same position for one and a half years while they built them he did it once a week you know every Friday from the same place and the film is like a cartoon where these stills of the Mana Party is the hotel just grows up in front of you and you see it and in the left hand corner you won't see it but you see a bush going to all the seasons from summer to winter the leaves come and go on the snow company goes and gradually at the end of the film the whole hotels there people are in there the lights go on at very end all the lights go out gradually in all the bedrooms and then the last 20 minutes and it just goes one frame after the other let's take a look at some of those now revealed I think is from yoga's new album on the back on the back of yeah okay out now the movie is called direction it is II I don't know don't come that was a short bit out of the middle of the film I'd love to see the whole thing that looks good message to our local stations we'll be right back oh do you do exhibits of your work now can I see it anywhere a collection of your stuff of course if you want to find out about my work first if you buy that the pitch is coming out oh great truth did I mention this earlier paperback yeah but at the same time in Syracuse there's an Everton Museum and I'm gonna have the first museum show of mine in New York Syracuse in a circus New York yes and it's gonna run with my show with guest artist John Lennon there again they missed it sorry retrospective show of all my pieces for 15 years or so I knew pieces as well and that's gonna be from October 9th which is I said it like that because that's John's birthday and I thought it was a nice birthday gift yes I said your birthday 31 what does that make you 31 but that they've given on the whole Museum it's a beautiful Museum it's the most meant to be one of the best museum buildings in America and they the whole museum is for Yoko show she's gonna show 10 years work up to now with new all new work plus films plus happenings and whatever it's gonna be fantastic you know every recuse October the 9th and onwards didn't anything I've been listening to imagine Oh Yoko is going through my head constantly in fact that's right the song there's something about that in the world it's your head sort of like a good line mice it's like it's winged gum commercial or something I mean that I mean I know it's a simple love song you know is it sin I don't know it's a simple love song to me chewing gum I can bubble gum you mean no no just plain girl like the Wrigley commercial Oh Yoko I thought of the album which they're plugging now out now imagine no we thought jealous guy give me some truth is gonna be the ones but people seem to like imagine a no yo for the best which is I did not think they'd like Oh Yoko they love it for complicated reasons you can't sing for us here one of them being that you think you play the guitar bad lake which I find amazing you know I said I'd have to rehearse a group and I haven't read because we're doing something else I can't rehearse to do before when I can't just play off you know one off like that without rehearsing however to the magic of ingenuity yeah we got along we will in any case see you do imagine yeah this is yeah this is a clip from a film were making although we're showing my new songs from the album and some of Yoko's new songs from her album and this first clip is the beginning of the film it'll be slightly changed in the end but this is roughly how it the film starts called imagined on TV probably this September imagine there's no heaven season try oh hell only sky imagine all the people Oh you miss it and imagine No I wonder if Oh imagine all people sherry but I hope someday the spacing will be like that well we don't have much time left if anyone does anyone have any idea how much time we do have let me confirm quickly a couple rumors with you yes one of them has it ever been settled whether Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was a code for anything it never was and nobody believes me I even saw some famous star introducing I've forgotten who it was introducing a Lennon McCartney show and it was Mel Torme saying about how Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds about LSD this is the truth my son came home with a drawing and set and showed me this strange-looking Woman flying around I said what is it he said it's Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds I thought that's beautiful I immediately wrote a song about it the song had gone out the whole album been published and somebody noticed that that the letters spelled out LSD and I had no idea about it and of course after that I was checking all the songs to see what the the letters spelled out there they didn't spell out anything none of the others and it wasn't about that at all you know they could be there with Eleanor Rigby nobody believed it was Mary the horse in the song I wrote called mr. kite the lyrics which I got most of it off was an old poster for an old-fashioned circus you know from the eighteen hundreds and it was all about Pablo Frankie's fair and the horse was there and they said Henry the horse was horse which I didn't know anything about them you know and happiness is a warm gun was another one they said which was banned on the radio they said it was about shooting up drugs and it was the there was the front of a gun magazine which said happiness is a warm gun you know they're advertising guns I thought it was so crazy but I made a song out of it you ever think of anything I don't know if you knew Janis Joplin well or Jimmy she sent me a birthday tape on my birthday last birthday eelgrass to all different people to make a tape for me and she was one of them and we got it after she died it arrived in the posting that she was singing happy birthday to me in the studio what do you think could be done about drug overdosing you in or out of the profession I think the basic thing no biast is why do people take drugs of any sort from alcohol tax Pro's to hard drugs and that question has to be resolved first before you think well what can we do for the poor drug addict why do we and you and anybody have to have these accessories to normal living to live that means there's something wrong society that's making us so pressurized that we cannot live in it without guarding ourselves against it so it's that basic the problem I think if people allowed to be a bit more free and express themselves they wouldn't have to inhibit themselves by taking drugs to not be hurt people take drugs and drink so they don't feel what's going on around them everybody is that gold you know that way you know you're here you took people's freedom I think freedom oh they'll be excesses of course there would be access to an extent and then it was settled down is the way that the porno films don't pull so many people in now so what it'll it'll level out and all forms of freedom will be the same as that if people allowed to be completely free it would let it will level out and people would be less inhibited not be frightened of each other and wouldn't have to take drugs to prevent being hurt by each other we are almost out of time was that was that your house by the way in the film yeah that's our house yeah I just must have mentioned that my son visits me every weekend of that house which is a beautiful home in Ascot with 80 acres of ground a Yoko's daughter is not allowed to visit this because her ex-husband won't let it let her see him let her see her own daughter all Yoko wishes is that now and again Kyoko could be brought to that house to spend some time with her mother and with my son Julian because it's a beautiful home we have eight attention to living there that belong to the staff that's were and we're not allowed to see our daughter and Yoko's going mad as any mother would because her daughters been withheld from her that's all we have to say about that but that's the house waited for her if you're watching Kyoko we must take a message my locals and we'll be right back we've come to the end and there are lot more things we could talk about maybe you can drop back sometime when you're stateside maybe next time we'll really perform live for you you know I'd like to we will that thank you John I think we're doing on the road next year John and Yoko and a band that I'm putting together and we'd like to come and do live performance whatever we can we'll have the carpet out and we're doing away right now thank you John Thank You Gus you
Channel: elvis316
Views: 3,344,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John, Lennon, RIP, winston, boogie, Yoko, Ono, Talk, show, dick, cavett, late, night, television, beatles, john, mccartney, jesse, eric, philosophy, horror movie, director, television series, george, harrison, reality, cover, starr, clapton, john lennon, jesse mccartney, paul mccartney, dame, imagine, hey, across, tears, xavier, yesterday, universe, beatles cover, eric clapton, forrest, gump, raw, footage, George Harrison, Sgt, Wings, Hey Jude, Fields, Interview, Tribute, Live
Id: 7kXCnKfdGOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 7sec (4027 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2011
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