Carol Burnett and Tim Conway interview on Carson 1979

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I'm always reluctant to introduce some people in the business you know sometimes you give extraordinary reduction to people there are a few people in the business that I can talk about like I can talk about this lady she is where the most talented performers I think there's ever come along in the entertainment business she does everything so well and not only comedy but straight acting she's it's Carol just been nominated for a job she did a show called friendly fire which was sensational and she has the summer series called Carol Burnett and company airs for four Saturdays beginning the 18th of this month and she is something special would you welcome miss Carol Burnett [Applause] [Music] yeah we were at an Freddie and a lot of people know just you and me we went to a party last night it was James Stewart's and as Reilly wife Gloria 30 30th wedding anniversary and it was beautiful it was like my whole youth flashed before my eyes last night because my grandmother and I used to hit Hollywood Boulevard let me explain this yeah in the late 40s and early 50s we saw four we went four movies a week which would double features I saw eight movies a week and last night I was sitting there and I was watching Loretta Young dancing with Gregory Peck and I'm sitting next to Cary Grant and James Stewart asked me to dance I couldn't there is a Santa Clarita done was there I read every kind of fun Henry Fonda I mean you know and I used to sit without in school and just look at all of these people and that's my fantasy to try to get to meet them and even though you're so well known and you know what you don't get a little bit of it you try to be real cool oh yes I'm sitting there saying hello Carrie sure yeah first time I met him three years ago I would say anyway you know and I said to him literally I couldn't say he was so nice and he said you know I watched your show every Saturday and so forth I couldn't say thank you very much I said you are a credit to your profession that is about the dumbest thing I've ever that's second only to my first meeting years ago when I was out here and I only had a local show and I met Clark Gable oh and he stepped out of his car and he was bigger than life big man hello kid I froze right in my tracks I couldn't say how are you it's a pleasure I've enjoyed you I just [Music] got it thank you preacher no I'm sitting there talking to Cary Grant and I'm cutting his food for [Laughter] your kid going those movies like I did I was a movie nut yeah and I had certain people that I always wanted to meet Cary Grant was one of men Jimmy Cagney and when I first met Cagney which was only a few years ago because he's retired now it doesn't go out much in AC Lyles and Harry Morgan the actor and mouth Bela near friends and Jack Webb and they invited me we're not trying to drop the names but it's just to show you how go ahead silly they said would you like to come over in because Jimmy Cagney is gonna be here oh-ho Jimmy Cagney we walked in and Jimmy Cagney sitting there and he's just a little kid or something like that he's I kid you whenever I can and I went that's very good cuz it sounded like a guy doing Cagney why did you do that perfectly dunce you know and you do that you're free who did you really want to meet James Stewart Jimmy Stewart was my there you were dancing he always remind me of my dad and I love my dad and James true they were the same person in a way and then last night we were leaving and I went up and hugged him and he's off you I want to dance with you put my purse down Joe had to wait we danced a whole set and he was Jimmy danced any faster than he talked no he dances stuttering late because he wasn't sure the night before telling a poem you know about yeah I loved movies oh I was tripping all over him no last night I was so nervous yeah yeah the first time I saw you I think the first time I saw you do anything was in the Sullivan Show could even afford doing I fell in love I made a fool of myself over John Foster Dulles that's right the first thing I ever saw you do I did it on the partial excuse me first what do you mean under Jack yeah that's perfectly normal st. it was it sure okay Jack stop talking to a moose somewhere in Maine when I lost my train of thought which may I'll get to this series Fred you don't have to prompt me I'm a professional jesting is my business what jesting is my life jesting is my life I started and then we work together we work together very Marshall you have any copies of those sketches if I can find I remember we did I wanted to take offs we did was on Gone with the Wind right we did want and then a lifeboat thing did I remember that one yeah I'll try to find him then I'll bring him back and we can embarrass ourselves maybe we probably thought it's the toy she said give her eyes twinkling only to me no I remember we did it and why I don't know but they won't they wanted me to play Rhett Butler as ed Sullivan I think if I'm right and I never understood why I have no idea maybe to give you a character it was just a weird kind of a sketch but you did Gable just then I think well I don't do it that way all right just right we have to is that what you're signaling for I thought it was just as my business and commercials are NBC's business and we will do one of those and then we shall return we are back we got Carol you have Tim here tonight you consider yourself you seem like a dumb question a fairly normal person most people think I mean you see most people think entertainers are just a little off center somewhere I think that's probably true I mean we like to do crazy things so you get in front of an audience now when you're by yourself and you're out have you read it quiet yes yes when you get a federal relation like I will you'll do almost anything if it'll work at the moment and yet yeah understand that you're not the same author you are [Laughter] [Laughter] anything there must be something that goes back family genetically somewhere you found it you have a great-grandmother that's just you know well my mother would not have both oars in the water or something she was married six times grandmother my grandmother was she only admitted to me that she was married three times but she was married six times and when she passed away she left me some trunks that I was scared to death to open yes I wasn't quite sure what I find in there when I was little I've been going all through school I was terribly quiet I was an excellent student very waspish you know and I think I shocked more people by and by going into show business and I at one time I wanted to change my name I middle name is Creighton and I thought Carroll Creighton would be a just a great stage nationally but I kept my real name Carol Burnett because I wanted Tommy Tracey to know if I was ever successful because he was the boy I had a crush on for six years through junior high in high school [Laughter] that might have turned him off right there you see it would have turned him on again I never did that mentioning his name now yes I am now have you ever seen him since no I think he's a hitman for the mob I'm not sure no I think he's a school teacher a principal I heard yeah but no I was I was terribly quiet and introverted and so that that what my whole life was going to see movies and then coming home and in a plane being yes I could be Betty Grable I could be Joan Crawford Jerry Davis and so forth and act them out with my crew thought was rather a common denominator for formers and how nice that you can grow up and still get paid for your family I learned to do the Tarzan yell when I was a little kid playing with my cousin she was always Jane huh every time I saw you do a show somebody would hell yeah the Tarzan yep just the other night when we were taping I did yeah I was gonna be I was gonna be different I wasn't gonna hit a girl asked me to do one the other night and she said but she said I'm from the south do one with a Southern drawl with a something yeah we'll do it and then you just at the end show you exactly exactly I'm sorry I didn't mean yeah all right let's have the one you're here huh I've been out of crack [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good day now we're splitting anyway I'm so glad you're gonna do some shows this summer you got Tim with you oh the people it happened so I mean it's nuts man you know I I said goodbye a year and a half ago and that's it one door closes another opens we must all go on to other things I lied about a month ago having dinner Joe and I and Conway and a couple other people and we were talking as is our want occasionally about gee wouldn't be fun if we could do a sketch on such-and-such but we didn't have the show anymore and there was a pause and Joseph let's do a summer show click so we called up various people and ABC said yes and we go on next week I guess what I want to do is if it works is do four shows every summer like a class reunion and get the whole gang back together as many as we can and it was just one if a lot of people cancel vacations and post- we've already done two we're halfway through the season and speaking of the old gang there's be a disc jockey boy and you make translation segways are us right is that Tim is what about everything he's not only a great forum he's a very funny writer he's in a movie right now called I think the Apple Dumpling gang rides again and in October he's gonna start in a film he also wrote called the prizefighter would you welcome Jim yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] motions are rampant here tonight they said of The Tonight Show yes yeah you haven't seen each other I suppose since the show went off oh no gee I was sorry to see it go up yeah it's it's an easy show to work this new one now you work for weeks you're off 48 which gives me a lot of time to do whatever I want what is it you want to do uh well relax for 48 weeks I think it's good yeah sure yeah yeah you guys are talking about how cuz I wasn't invited the Hollywood party last night hey never I've never actually been to a Hollywood party I've been to a couple at your house kitty birthday parties I went to one Steve Lawrence and Edie gourmets anniversary were you with that or no see that's the only one I've been I am and I had my first even Edie we're there other no other I pulled up in a guy in a red jacket said can I take your car I said yeah and I said do I need a ticket and he said no I don't think so and that's the last I saw him I stole my car you gave us some diner wearing a red jacket yeah well if a guy comes up in your party for a party yeah and they have Kate ballet and everything a guy comes up in the red coats is gonna have your car when you give it to him I get some I did and the spirit and the guys appeared and they found it 28 days later yeah I don't where the guy is I guess if I still doing that you learned my experience that's true I found that my gosh and but you have maintained UF a made a movie and you wrote one and you yeah Don and Tijuana called Peggy inner pony which not the training film no as before I don't take care of your in one we've seen don't let this happen to you yeah we I'm talking I'm talking picture I'm not talking that it's still a phony well yeah yeah yes well one is doing very well now or just soaring right through the basement the Apple Dumpling gang writes again with Don Knotts night date your boy you probably have what you wouldn't want to rush down and see that one yeah you guess you would I'm a big fan of yours yeah and then another one coming out another one with Don not tonight but Don Knotts and I are partners with me going together no no you guys aren't in it just Oh Darryl was directing your grammar with she should sure yeah okay so don knotts and iron this thing with if it's a subject you use down that's an i if it's a you say with its Donna Jimmy yeah it's really nothing what to do is you leave out Don Knotts and you say with me he's gonna get steamed about this I don't think we can cut him out of it Don Knotts Amir in this picture I'm yeah close enough and it's called the prizefighter comes out there either in october/november or something like that I play the world champion I become a world champion and Don as my trainer it's a serious drama we did little little pieces of rocky little main event little champ all that but actually it is safe just a prizefighting story you know someone who told me I don't recall it was but a trouble or need no no Don and you know long Don and him him did youdid box when you were in school yes I did yes I was a champion one year and then the next year I had a picture of me in the front page of the paper coming out of the ring into the third row which ended yeah I didn't the first she was kind of easy then the second year yeah that that's not a variant I don't think if you saw an ad in the paper that said you know come on down to the Olympic auditorium on Friday we're just gonna whale the hell out he actually answer that ad but guys go down there and do it you know be hit in the face Buster's you know pick up on that real quick no it still can't be hit repeatedly it didn't take me long to figure that out yeah now we have we have a small I suppose you know this is no surprise no surprise to me no we have a SMAW Harlan extra Pegasus or ASA film two piece of film can also glanced clip could also be used a new short segment good I've done in me that we have for us we have for us about the prizefighter Yunus need any well as you know in Rocky they to Rocky trained by drinking raw eggs and so that we picked that up as part of our training in our picture we felt that we should be also trading with raw eggs so we kinda figured a way to do that okay why don't we shove them that why don't we go look at hey why not could we can we can look at it because look at it right here we have them but machine and everything [Music] drink that greater is a right I know that bring that yeah why don't you drink it if I drink a little of it will you drink it I guess so so I eat them on the glass off shop [Music] we'll do this we're coming right back Pakistan the boxer in Conway you know I got taken in one night on the special you did about the dancing oh yeah I really got taken it I did not know until I saw you one time you explained to me you know that a special of your own was last year mm-hm two years ago there's a big production number mm-hmm and you tap dancer that setter and I said I turned in my watch you and I said my god I didn't know Conway could do all that and I found out later mm-hmm that you didn't do that no it's a guy with a rubber mask of me and we never said anything just to let the folks and most well there's some shots of me and then he would just step in with his rubber mask and do all kinds of wild things we never said anything that it wasn't me and he got a lot of jobs from that did you really yeah and then they would ask you to dance and I would dance thing I don't understand that you took me and clean on that wasn't it a lot of people who actually knew me still wouldn't even after I told him didn't believe it it wasn't wasn't me when to first meet girl I guess gee she was are you about 14 I guess when you first it's about 10 years yeah never and they're just little pigtails yeah Lana Gary Moore Show I think it was a girl yeah we all met on the Garry Moore Show oh you were working at that time as an actor I was yeah I was an usher I came on yeah I did a bit as a very funny hysterical bit as we don't remember that in Superman yeah it was it was so funny Gary Hyatt a contract or three shots and he'd said that'll be enough it's funny how funny you used to think you were yeah and then I looked at it it was real good yes I'm saying on that show did you I just had one line to saying I forgot what it was that's where they did the remember the years and everybody all the performers on the show would have this I can't carry a note you could play a note all day and I could never find it so do Old Man River that's the only one number yeah I can do and now they came and they were playing it the band was playing it and they just looked over mmm it wasn't even close you know I have a question she asked you that has been driving me bananas for quite a few miles me or to you yeah and it just occurred to me I watch you every night that I'm home you know between my toes and their mother and you used to when you would sign off after the monologue say we'll be right back and you take the swing and then you go right to commercial right you do the swing now what and then they come in and you say we'll be right back why it's a on it's a great personal knock I really can't know perhaps later I get a visit I get it luck when I would do it have I changed you do that you still do that right but now it doesn't cut to commercial it comes back into you again and you say well we'll put a stop to that that's ridiculous I know I do and I wrote several letters and you never answer well if it the mail piles up you just can't get through it all the best I can this is not easy to get along the end of the week you don't have much left and do you do what you have to do just to stay on we uh with commercial good sure and we'll be right back [Applause]
Channel: MOR Music Clips
Views: 1,632,443
Rating: 4.7192559 out of 5
Keywords: Carol Burnett, Tim Conway
Id: nMUlR8fH5ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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