Don Rickles on Carson w/ Burt Reynolds 1973

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I think it was a writer Pat McCormick who did this line once a lot a lot of guys that's appropriated the line and reference to Don Rickles he said he called Don Rickles once but Rickles was busy he was not walking his rat I don't know where it came from but would you welcome mr. warmth Don Rickles [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Oh late John you know these kind of nights as Berta said and Buddy is said and Eddie talk to you briefly with accolades of you know like eleven years and it makes my on my starting on The Tonight Show with you yeah I it's like it's like everybody's back there saying GA you got to do good in you got a wish Johnny luck or you know what have you you know which we all do you know but I observing in the back say from the bottom of my heart Johnny you were very wealthy man last time you said I know that but it I don't mean it in that sense the good Lord has blessed you and your family and your lovely wife and your thank you so much bird bird is lonely but you know it's a very difficult thing when Burt Reynolds is a very glib guy a Buddy Hackett great comedy minds and Ed McMahon who's at the end of the couch and the way annoying buddy now saying can't you use me in Vegas [Laughter] I mean Eadie knows and I know joggers you don't have a friend you have me John because I still feel you're hot in the business my career has come a long way I am 47 years of age of 48 oh no no I'm 47 you're 47 with us and we're the same age wonderful so when the good Lord when we were both born and we came from our mothers God looked down and said make him rich and make him struggle and it turned out that way I'll be off in a minute Bert and then you can show this outfit I like Bert you know the first moment when you were away don't you like me huh honestly yes no I take it no I enjoyed I know that gave me an opportunity you even had me he had a little party the other night I must say and finished a buddy in it and birdie had a party for your anniversary it was just happen to fall on the same day no you were married a year to Joanna that's right correct your lovely wife was not here tonight unfortunately she's in New York with her organ and monkey oh he's the first one that laughs you should see his wife she said to me tonight on the phone where where's Johnny coming home [Music] [Applause] no that's a joke of course it his mother's in Nebraska gone again we struck out papa but she's she's a lovely lady yes yes Johnny had a little party Bert and Buddy at Chasen's I can't say that but he was was invited and good night Darrin birth wasn't in town I was making you buddy but no you were at the Dinah Shore cooking show Irene why are you talking to me like I don't know because you annoy me that's it but Bert you will you invited truthfully Bert well he wasn't invited now don't make a big thing you said to me why invite a cowboy dumbbell said this guy with the two fisted karate baloney at the park we don't need that we're all lovers and you danced and Johnny this is inside for god sakes as Jack Benny would say and Jack was at the flood yes you all the biggies Freddie to cover it up how do you say hoarder I kept mispronouncing it I hope you all night at the party DeCordova wonderful look at how the crowd got excited two guys in that row drop their pants and fired a rocket we're sitting next to the buck up there right yeah done don't don't don't press Jenna you don't have to press you this is your show and it's 11 years and we all came here - in a football game probably the Detroit Lions are on the 50-yard line and what's that quarterbacks name the kid on the Lions no no no you don't know football the Rams are doing great with said quarterback you played football Angie right yeah and the wife's saying are we gonna fool around there on the 50-yard line this is a big night for me and I gave it all up to us to be here be here on your eleventh anniversary and Dean was great he happened to be standing on the corner some steps you got a minute he just wandered in here and it's an exciting night but Johnny really I say it's so Howard Jewish New Year and as buddy can say as as a fellow Jewish man not that not that that makes us better than anybody else I mean even though he'd take Christmas from us we and now I can see good Catholics and people all over the world writing and saying why did you say that fact but what I say is this that we this is our new year I'll be off in a minute then you can show everybody your dad's home in Florida what his dad's a sheriff from Florida standing on the highway going can you get me a lift anyway so what here is is for the I know it's 5,000 M something well who cares what tomorrow no but I just wanted officially it is well it's a monkey's 5715 77351 get your winning ticket and go home over I mean he says if that's before our generation I mean that is our year real happy we take the ram's horn we go Vikings come in and burn the synagogue what were you doing 11 years ago 11 years ago I was in the lounge in the Sahara Hotel and I owe that to a guy called Stan our winner my manager Jessica Andoria and I was in the lounge and we used to do a show at 5 o'clock in the morning and that's the first time I met you and you said it the 4-bar not true no they think I'm kidding we had met before in New York where you got this that's her when you had the daytime show hit the clock when it was that dumb show you well was called do you trust your wife uh-huh you heard the crowd yeah everybody want me gone for four years it sure it did meanwhile I was up in Connecticut at the Red Lobster watching a lobster come off the table to that of Jewish anyway anyway anyway folks segwaying eleven years ago I was in the lounge and I'll never forget when I met you and you said at the back lounge and I got so nervous as I am tonight for the first time in the history of The Tonight Show I say with honesty I am nervous nervous not the sense of worrying about my security as a performer but because it's it like an anniversary a special night I'm being very sincere about this and I must say to you Johnny on behalf of my family and myself and all your fans and this sounds like a you know like we said no harm a yes I don't make them the nose go purple the guy won don't go purple but what I'm saying to you is I thank you I thank you for making my family and yours truly get a little bit up the ladder and I appreciate well I want to tell you one night he's working in the lounge in a Sahara and of course he's hilarious and everybody that was anybody in town that meant anything come to watch him people guys would cut that show so they can get out in time to watch him I mean he was the biggest drawer and customers couldn't get in take everybody want to see Rickles and one night he gets a guy at the bar they st. them come here not see bite the stick just the ring Nazi Nazi hey Nazi Nazi I'll show you this nothing stand up and a guy stands at Rickles on the stage the stage is seven feet tall the guy stands up and if he stands up he's not on the stage he's I two eyes original system hey you want to spit on the Jew [Applause] I was Lena we're wristwatch that I saved up to buy with a beautiful rose but I wanted that wristwatch and and I took out the wristwatch and I do as the crit was coming down you know pretty fat guy take a run on a dive under the curtain and I give it to him I remember sitting there at 5 o'clock in the morning sometimes that last show I've just done for work came up with Merv Griffin up in those guys do good but this guy on his anniversary we can always say this on the anniversary will not say it again alright you are without question 11 years hey you know we all make jokes about you and I'm the first one to sit in the greenroom guys going a dumper or he's doing good or this or that my vote on you but 11 years I'll tell you 11 years get up in the morning I look at the Lord and I bless him for my good things but I'll tell you after 11 years there is nobody better there is nobody that can come here you and I say with honesty you've got it made and God has blessed you with a lot of friends a gun just leaned over says he believed that well buddy knows you like cute around we will take a short break here and we'll come right back wonderful you're on hey could we could we get Freddie a little hand it's your producer but you know this is a very complicated show to do people say she was out here but then Bobby plane and Peter and all the coordinators and a varieties and everything and Freddie de Cordova you've gotta say it's a complicated show to put together and surely all of them and then you don't and what I think I know what this is for I have been announcing for the past four or five days that Sammy Davis would be on the show tonight and I don't want you to think that we were saying that just so you know people say hey yeah and then he doesn't show up but Sammy apparently is he all he's been working very hard in the NBC follies and they send him on the day from rehearsal out here and this is what he sent tonight is a nice not history [Applause] I hope this will that's we're gonna should have gotten that during the monologue this one I needed that rest in peace but John de Winter says make a plan oh yeah okay like a dumbbell he leaned over yes I don't answer anything you know the whole secret over 11 years when you die with monologues when you say die in our business doesn't he always come off funny it's like with Burt sense of humor he comes off and he does when he hosts the show and he does a monologue goes and then hmm and that's what makes people laugh because sometimes you get screams and sometimes you get what we call real hysterical laughter I lay on the bed many nights and I say to the wife we had plans tonight but Johnny's rolling I said monologue your monologues really your monologues have really become part of it will will be finished in a minute Freddy Freddy is the dumbbell it says United as she was on our scheduler she's our resident matinee lady and she's gonna be seen in the new NBC series the girl was something extra which is probably one of the great understatement of the century would you welcome Carol Wayne [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you I think every year you've you you've been with us on our anniversary right you were in here last year when the governor Reagan was here everybody d where was I eleven years ago yeah where were you 11 years you're in high school that really that really puts in perspective you know you were had nice school do you know what I started this show and I always think about my oldest son who is now through college and has been out of college for a few years was in a 7th grade was girl who's entering junior high school he's finished high school and four years ago and has been out two years that's kind of an you were in high school you know you're gonna be 47 someday oh there you are now as a matter of that bother you to think of someday you'll grow old no but I'm wondering what I'll do I don't think I'll get character parts too you know but you you still look like you're a teenager in nineteen twenty something in there I know you're a little older than that yeah because if you were in high school 11 years ago you have to be a little over than right what a detective ants running out of cool running out of questions and answers that I only have two questions left there's on the show and I don't want to save them for the last there's a show better help you help your career yeah people recognize your money oh ask me photographs and everything does he really that's good you have something you know in a roundabout way you know you ever meet Burke before no but I'm good friends with your ex-wife [Applause] well the host blended right in there didn't they yeah I was just trying to get little something going I didn't know was gonna go that direction movie part your collection was in his movie part yeah oh you know she's talking about no I liked you though she and her husband I have Indian artifacts really and they with the credits Oh [Applause] you know I'd give a million dollars for just a street man once somewhere [Applause] I'd say that was there I found it I certainly hope so you were uh your honor the competing station the other day somebody told me some time ago do it I did the weather for Channel seven you were the weather girl I had two fronts I don't know graphically between what point you know about isobars and all that no but it was raining in New York well the o clock on the wall has just fallen on the floor no really I thank all of you for coming tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause]
Channel: MaTeOWaNnA ReMaStErZeR of LoLs
Views: 6,612,293
Rating: 4.6556063 out of 5
Keywords: don rickles, rickles, johnny carson, rickles carson, rickles tonight show, tonight show, best, full, quality, best of, mateowanna, remaster, remastered, wide, wide screen, ed mcmahon, funny, comedy, hd, interview, carson, johnny carson don rickles, best of don rickles, 1973, burt reynolds, burt, burt reynolds don rickles, full episode
Id: qofdWFv7m0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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