Donald Trump on David Letterman 17 October, 2013 Full Interview

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all right here we go ladies good one our first guest tonight is America's favorite cutthroat real-estate mogul and gentlemen please welcome Donald Trump Oh Donald you Wow you know I'm hello David nice to see you how are you uh yeah I guess there's Monday or Tuesday you would know I believe you have a new member of the family another grandchild is a little another little boy a little boy named Joseph from evanka well congratulations re happy and Jerry very nice okay how many grand kids we have this is number six number six whoa wow that's a lot yeah but it's great isn't it to have a family like the word grandfather I've never quite and got you know it's it's my name it's they called me grandpa but we have six and it's great we were talking to somebody in the audience about this the being a parent is the greatest combination of joy and terror one can go yes there's now Tara now you have six years so do you have one in mind to take over the the Trump well I have a couple of little Tuffy's and I have some that are just maybe too nice if there's such a thing but I haven't really I'll let you know in about 18 years I'm gonna have it figured out they're all very young now is it is it are you one of those guys that will take care of the kids and put them in the in business or you want to know does it screw it they're on their own but I love those kids but I really sort of get along better when they reach about twenty-one when they think in terms of business until then it's not the same for me what kind of relationship did you have with your father really good I mean again it was a very business my father was a terrific guy he was a wonderful man tough guy tremendously a businessman here a new wonderful business guy and I learned so much from him he was in Brooklyn and Queens and I learned so much room but he really I tell you the relationship we developed was really when I went into business with him he liked the job I did and I think if he didn't I'm not sure he would have liked me too much he was all business there was no games with Fred Trump but a really good man if there was somebody on the street that had a problem boom he'd give whatever he had in his pocket no it's good man they should know this you have brothers and sisters I do which in which well I have two brothers two sisters one of my brothers passed away real good guy Fred a number of years ago but I have one who's a federal judge and other sister wonderful homemaker and I have a brother great guy Robert a federal judge that's pretty inference right right on the appeals court and are they always after you for money well hey Donny can you help me a little bit fine they've all done five I caused them lots of grief in a lot of different ways but I'll tell you what they've all done fine we have a really good family good relationship and when you when you were a kid what kind of a kid were you were you like you said your dad was tough did you get good grades did you go I was I was a good student but I was a brat no question about that and I mean you could ask my sister the judge I was a little bratty I guess but I went to a military academy New York military academy and we had people at that school that were rough they had a lot of staff sergeants and you know those days if you were out of line it was fists it was tough it was things that today if you ever did it you're you go to jail they put you in jail I'm not sure that's the right thing but that was a tough group of people they were all drill sergeants staff sergeants and I'll never forget the first time I went to New York military academy I started speaking back to one of them and it was not a pleasant experience and you know what I didn't do it anymore right but you're still a little bratty I think so yeah thanks I think we can all agree you know it's interesting you're born David and you too you're born a certain way and does it really change that much from the time of your very young well the hardest thing to change is human behavior I think I'm saying but you got to keep trying we try I mean if you're not a perfect person and nobody is you got to keep driving you know can't give up the fight to be a better person I try so hard yeah I know I know you're not running for governor just tell them you're not running for governor well I'm probably not a mom I can really say I'm really definitely not I have other things to do I have a lot of things that are going on that are fabulous and they have been they have been fabulous I'm just enjoying I love what I'm doing we're doing Doral down in Miami another you know that's an iconic golf and resort Golf Club 800 acres I'm rebuilding it I've literally blown it up the Blue Monster Tiger Woods won the tournament last year and it's a great you know we have a world championship of golf that's gonna be exciting I'm doing the old post office on Pennsylvania way this is a beautiful structure this is in Washington DC right correct right see that wasn't right how would year was that built is that pre was in the 1880s 1880s and the walls are literally some of them four and five feet thick solid granite they don't make them like that when they bought that from whom from the United States government United States government and oh do you mind telling me what you paid for it well it's a complicated formula and it's shorter depending ask you whether it's hard it's hard very very complicated but what it is is it's going to be when we fit now what do you say what what we have is it's gonna be dependent a little bit on success the success of the hotel etc etc but we're gonna build almost 300 rooms super luxury hotel like Washington DC has never seen I mean it's a special building in the best location and when when visitors guests stay there will they continue to sort mail we will have a special person at the front desk well actually it's amazing that we have these beautiful counters that we're reusing yeah where you know they probably marble this thing thick beautiful marble in perfect shape and we're using actually some of the old surfaces there just give me a ballpark number forget thee forget the participation forget the success you're just like a boat let me let me try and guess guys this is the corner of what in Pennsylvania Avenue well it's right smack in the middle tell you what between the White House which you have a very good friend of yours living there which is nice and Congress Congress right smack prime prime R Isaac I mean literally right smack in the middle I'm gonna say this was at least two hundred million dollars well let's say less less than two hundred million less than I 100 million let's say more all right crazy good now are you talking about your upbringing in your dad being a tough guy and learning how to be tough in business and stuff have you ever knowingly done business with what I like to call organized crime if they ever swept by daily tried to stay away from them as much as right but if you ever had a case where a guy stopped by and said Donald we're gonna handle the linens as you know growing up in New York and doing business in New York I would say there might have been one of you're one of those characters along the way but generally speaking I like to stay away from that group yeah well I think that stead goes without saying I sometimes sometimes they don't let you stay away from them there's truth of that but if you're smart you can stay away you have to stay away and just sort of lead your life you don't want to get involved although I must say I have met on occasion a few of those people they happen to be very nice people you just don't want to owe them money yeah I just said I don't owe them money has anybody ever be a shame if anything happened to this revolving door yeah I've never had anything you know I've sort of heard it a little bit before but that's okay yeah I do I've been there yeah we'd hate to mess up your hair Donald well the government is back in business they reopened it who wins who loses and who cares well there's a lot of truth I mean it's a mess it's a mess and somehow they have to get into erm you know they haven't done anything all they've done is delayed it as you said in your monologue for months there's a four month delay so let's see what happens but there has to be something where they get into a room and make a deal and a deal not good for them but good for the country we really need it badly here let me try and draw an analogy to this let's just say that you have a gas furnace in your basement and there's a horrible gas leak and you go down there and you say oh my god that with our leaking gas by the cubic yard it isn't the first thing you do if you know you got a gas leak in your basement you stop smoking I mean is it that the first thing right so so the the world economy collapses right about three years ago and and and now they're deciding we're gonna shut down the United States government and just just just when we've been where we're at our most robust point in the history of the economy of the United States what why when things are so fragile don't they say we better not monkey around now well you know people have been discussing this with me for a while and one of the things I say you have to really like people to make the right kind of you have to get along with them at least or respect them and if you look at the Republicans and the Democrats the President and others they all hate each other they really do they don't like each other they don't respect each other they're not into each other at all and it's very very tough you know the old days when you had Ronald Reagan yet Tip O'Neill you had all these guys it's so interesting because they really like each other the guttural opposites totally up they had a common purpose that they seem to be working toward now could and again I don't understand how the government works could the president at some point has said to the Democrats under the Republicans screw both of you here's what's gonna happen impeach me and just gone ahead and force through legislation that would have made this not happen well they say legally no but a lot of people thought I sort of thought he might do that because at one point it looked like you know was anything ever going to happen so there are those that say the scholars are saying no he doesn't have the right to do that doesn't have a legal right to do that you know you could also say what you'll find out in about three years but in the meantime it's done yeah but it's a mess in Washington and throughout the world because I do business all over the world I'm building all over the world and doing jobs all over the world we really are being laughed at and scoffed at throughout the world they just they're not respecting our country the way they used to and they look back and they see this bedlam in Washington and that's not a good thing they say when you say being laughed at and scoffed at is the personally for you more than ever or this as the country yeah we always for me always for you oh and is it that we just know more about this situation now than we did 50 years ago and if we were ignorant when things just be fine and we never know any difference well if you think about it though David 50 years ago they didn't have media like they have owns the 24/7 well it is I mean it really is I mean I can imagine what one on fifty and a hundred years ago and maybe the same thing would have happened so in all fairness to Washington and the President and everybody else that's you know not looking so good right now if you look back if you had that camera on them full time and now between Twitter and everything else about what's going on I have a feeling they probably wouldn't look so I think shenanigans early on well those are serious yeah when this was a new country my god you can imagine it would have been a beauty and uh you've built a golf course in the Bronx now explain this deal to me what's the name of the golf course it's called Trump links at ferry point on the water in the Bronx five minutes outside of Manhattan that's what links means isn't it what is link sees no trees all beautiful fescues and rolling hills and they're the links are connected linearly or they're connected at all points and I Ted this course is amazing it's close to 300 acres if you include the entire point you don't you don't own it or you do at least this actually at least this for many years from the city I built it it was under construction for 27 years when said yes and I took it over 12 months ago 13 months ago nough have to give Mike Bloomberg a lot of credit he wanted this built this was under construction during many mayoral administrations for many years 27 years the cost was hundreds of millions of dollars was spent I took it over about 13 months ago and I really knocked kids and we got it built and it's now ready to open okay but why was it taken 27 years ago today well there was a lot of incompetence and it was probably yeah probably or possibly I don't know but let's say there could have been what little corruption why don't you take over the the second Avenue subway that'll never go that has been going over that thing why don't you do well let's go the subway to nowhere you know that I know but take it over and get it finished for god sakes and then it'll be the Trump subway that I might do it then I might guys here's the the golf course out there in the they look at the look looks wet wood bridges a great guy best golfer ever he designed the golf course he designed it he's a great architect actually a great golf arcade Woodbridge is that did I get it right that's the white stone Brad I wasn't even close it's the white stone where it's right next to the Throgs Neck bridge we're right smack on the what do you see the water in the background so we're on the East River and it's just a spectacular piece of land and the beauty is I mean literally from here you're over there in a few minutes right 18 holes 18 holes World Championship play I think we're gonna have us opens I think we're gonna have Ryder Cups I think we're gonna have so as much as the city spent if you have like a US Open there they'll take in two hundred and fifty to three hundred and fifty million dollars no is this is a municipal course this is a public course public I run it I have many many years of the lease I said I'll go in and build it and it went out to bid and I won the bid a number of you know a couple of years ago and I've never really got the world by the ass I work hard I wonder can I work like you I work I'm not working hard I'm just here let's see and then you got the the Miss Universe pageant you're gonna hold that in in Russia that's another man coincide with the upcoming Olympics Indian right exactly and have you had any dealings with the Russians well I've done a lot of business with the Russians they're Amish you know that they're smart and they're tough and they're not looking so dumb right now are they well it is Vladimir Putin have you ever met the tough guy I met him once he stole that guy's uh mr. crosses crafts I don't really think Bob I Bob crafts a good friend of mine oh I remember seeing you at a football I'm with him all the time yeah murmur rate your hair the yeah what do you have a memory that was a really windy day and do we have that footage let's see if we have no no let him important claims that he and he Bob Kraft says they just swiped his ring from him the trailer this would be great footage we can get it how you been otherwise I've been good this is the only thing on CBS right now I remember I watched that evening all right listen what else is here and get everything going on ladies gentlemen it's Donald Trump good to see you again Don thank you congratulations on the grandson debacle Selena Gomez what
Channel: AmericanShows
Views: 2,629,692
Rating: 4.6152782 out of 5
Keywords: late night show, 2013, usa, united states, Jon Stewart, comedy, Daily Show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2013
Reddit Comments

Was it on video, the meeting? Because Trump lies like a rug.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/MostlyCarbonite 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

for future reference, add:


to the end of the url to have it start at 14 mins and 45 sec

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/trainfanyay 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

I think that was just some passing comment he never thought would come back to prove he's a liar.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/enormuschwanzstucker 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2017 🗫︎ replies


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