Circle of the Moon Druid the Best and Most Fun Class in Baldur's Gate 3

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what's the best class in baldi's Gate 3 and why is it the circle of moon Druid well even if it's not the best it's definitely the coolest this glass has amazing utility massive AOE spells that also feature crowd control most of these spells require concentration which we can avoid having interrupted by shifting into one of the many powerful wild shape forms as well in addition to all this we deal solid damage and have incredible utility outside of combat from the wild shape forms as well alright at level 1 we're going to select Druid on top of this we're going to get a pair of canned trips and some spells for the cantrips I would recommend taking shilela as well as Thornwood now if you're playing as Jahara you'll have a scimitar that has the same effects as shilela however this guide wanted to have the ability to work for everybody whether you're making this character from level one as your main character respecting one of your other companions into a druid or using it for jihara so this is just useful and this gives you the option of changing off that Scimitar for thorn whip this ability is really nice now it's really situational and you won't get that much use out of it but when you are able to pull something off it just feels absolutely fantastic with this you're actually going to pull a creature closer to as opposed to a lot of other spells that might knock creatures back but you could do the same things with this you can pull them towards you and pull them off of cliffs make them suffer fall damage reposition them into aoes and other things of that nature for ability scores we're going to put 14 into dexterity you have the ability to wear medium armor this will give you an extra two armor class from that now if you're playing this as an end game or late game build you may want to fine tune these points even more depending on the exact specific piece of armor that you're using however for the majority of people this stat distribution is going to work we're going to push our constitution up to 16 as well as our wisdom and these are essentially our main stats here and our intellect will be 10 as well as the strength and Charisma down to eight now keep in mind that when you use wild shape you're going to take on the stats of this creature that you have shifted into however it's important to note that casting spells is still something we're often going to do our spell casting is going to have be used as an action and wild shape is going to be used as a bone in action so a lot of times we're going to be able to cast a spell and then shift so we still want to make sure that our spells are landing and getting modifiers from our wisdom score for proficiencies these are usually subjective to what you have in your party composition and what you're using is a background and so forth in the case did you hear I think that animal handling and perception are really two nice ones to have perception is just nice in general even if you buff this on multiple characters and animal handling at least for me and my playthrough is something that I have kind of neglected across the board so it's nice to have somebody with a decent score in that regard for level two we'll get to select our subclass and this is going to be circle of the moon and the subclass feature of this is as a bonus action we can now assume the form of the Beast or use this wild shape we could also do this twice per short rest meaning that we're gonna be able to do this many times before we actually use a long rest it makes this class really versatile on top of this we're going to get lunar mend and we can expand spell slots to regain hit points just improving how tanky and our overall survivability in this build is extremely high we're able to start in Caster form shift into another shape deplete that Health pool and actually get reverted back into the castle form just essentially gives us two Life Pools to work with we're going to start off with a number of wild shape forms here and they all have their own use here so you can shift into things that can climb walls you can shift into things that can go through holes you can shift into damage dealers a whole bunch of options here Druid has an enormous array of things that it can do outside of combat as well as inside combat and we also at level two as the circle moon are also going to get the wild shape bear for prepared Spells at this point like to go with healing Ward fairy fire Thunder Wave ice knife and entangle and this is something we should mention about concentration spells when you shift into a wild shape form your concentration is not broken this is extremely powerful meaning we can cast a spell that has concentration and then shift to prevent it from being interrupted so in the case of something like an entangle we can slow down an area possibly entangle them and basically keep these enemies crowd controlled shift into a form and not have to worry about that breaking at level three we'll just get some additional spells in the form of level two Spells at this point what I like to take is healing Ward just for some outside of combat healing you do have the ability to use this in combat as well but primarily I will reserve my healing spells for outside of combat and the Druid class just has so much utility inside of combat usually you can get away with that so fairy fire as well flaming spear now flaming spear is very nice you can actually use this cast it concentration spell so again then you can shift and the Flaming Spears often just utilized as a decoy taking hits and distracting mobs that go to targeted and so forth I still like ice knife at this point eventually I will replace this in tangle again just another concentration spell and Moonbeam a level level two concentration spell great for all the same reasons this can be recasted to reposition the moon beam allowing you to just really take advantage of this to deal damage multiple times and whenever you're looking for something to do you can always kind of get out of the way shift out of your form reposition the moon beam and keep that AOE damage going a level 4 we'll be able to select another can trip prepare some additional spells as well as select our feet per can drip at this point I'd like to take guidance additional ability check bonus now nice to just have so at this point I'd like to pick this up especially as the checks start to get harder and harder for preparing Spells at this point I like to also pick up Spike growth as well as heat metal now what you'll notice here when we look at the selected spells is aside from healing Ward everything is a concentration spell and this is just really playing off of that ability that Circle the moon Druids have or Druids in general have that you can cast a concentration spell shift into a form and not have to worry about it being broken that's what makes these spells in my opinion the best choices for Jews to take and the healing spell is really just for emergency use only in case you need to heal somebody before they get knocked unconscious now what we get from Spike growth just movement is going to be reduced and again you can cast this on choke points slow down the enemy shift into a form and the other one heat metal is actually really nice a lot of people don't take advantage of this you can actually get hard hitting enemies to drop their weapon dramatically reducing the amount of damage that you take and I don't take this on anybody else so it's nice to fill that role in that regard for feed ability Improvement I would recommend taking two points in a building Improvement and slapping those into wisdom at this point as well a level five we'll unlock level 3 spells and what we're going to take here is called lightning again another concentration spell so you can see how this is just going to be a continued theme throughout the level process at level 5 we also get an additional attack per turn in our wild shape form doubling our damage output level six we'll get a couple more wild shapes that we can play around with and as mentioned before just the ability and utility that you have whether it be inside a combat or outside of combat as a druid is just incredibly High you're one of the most interesting classes I think to play for your main playthrough just because your ability to interact with the world around you now for prepared Spells at this point you could honestly take sleep storm or daylight you could certainly take anything you like but I think that the choice is ultimately between these and you can get some really good situational use from this again a spell that you probably won't have this Niche covered by anything else so it's nice to pick it up somewhere sleetstorm feel like this gets a little redundant however there is a lot of Encounters in which there will be fire all over the ground so this is why I do consider this a strong candidate as well because you'll often be looking to put those fires out and just douse them essentially so you could go with either of these whichever one you find more useful foreign we'll get access to level 4 spells and there's a lot of powerful options at this point now regardless of how many we prepare keep in mind that we're going to have a limited number of spell slots so you don't necessarily need to overload yourself you can swap these out depending on the situation and so forth at this point you could take call lightning ice storm conjure Woodland being blight is also a decent option as well as conjure minor Elemental and I would say that having four level four spells is too much because you're just not going to have enough spell slots or charges to actually take advantage of this so in this case I'm actually going to take off ice storm the reason for this is because call lightning if I'm in Caster form I can just continually activate this after each additional turn and do more damage without using a second spell slot so that's going to be nice I'll have blight for some guaranteed damage even if they successfully pass the saving throw as well as the Woodland being which lasts until long rest just giving me more of a permanent summon to Aid my party and in this case I'll go ahead and take sleep storm just for some added crowd control as well level eight we'll get another wild shape in the form of saber-toothed tiger which is a damaged form again we get the ability to prepare some more Spells at this point I'm going to pick up ice storm as well and for feet we're going to go ahead and take another ability Improvement now you could alter this as well and like I said you might be at a point here where you're specializing your stats for your specific character and what you have access to in terms of equipment in my playthrough I'm going to continue to buff wisdom and this is just going to improve that spell casting ability I have when I'm not in a shifted form at level 9 we'll get access to level 5 spells and similar to when we got access to level four don't overload yourself at this period what I'm going to take here is going to be insect plague guaranteed damage even on Save targets take half damage and it's also a concentration spell so again I can cast this shift into a form and not have to worry about this and this will allow me to use this as crowd control as well as the damage that it deals making this area difficult terrain imposing disadvantage on perception checks and so forth so overall just get some use out of this and there's a lot of good options here as the majority of casters have with higher level spells at level 10 we're going to get a large power Spike again and this is largely in fact due to improved while at strike we can now make two additional attacks after making an unarmed strike while in Wild shape just improving the overall damage output as well as consistency of being in one of those forms we gain an additional can trip at this point I'd like to pick up resistance and for actions we're going to get five new forms we get the dilophosaurus as well as air murmured on Earth murmidon fire murmidon and water murmidon and again just the increased utility and versatility of this only goes on to improve for prepared spells I like to pick up some of the summons at this point so we'll also pick up access to conjure Elemental as well as conjure minor Elemental which is actually a level four spell and this will kind of round out what we have for prepared spells an enormous amount of concentration spells cc's in there and we also have summon spells so just increasing a lot of utility and a lot of roles that may not be covered by other members of your party I'm just going to go Druid for all 12 levels and I think that this is the best way to maximize what you're doing in my opinion your stat distribution isn't that great for really multiclassing into anything else so it's nice to be able to just pick up and continue to push these shape forms as well as pick up more spells for your disposal while you're in the Caster form for our equipment we want to prioritize things that will affect us and benefit us in the Caster or human form reason for this is because your passive traits aren't going to carry over in the wild shape form unless the equipment specifically says so like the piece I'm showing you here definitely recommend giving Druid and more specifically the circle of the Moon subclass a try it's a tremendous amount of fun as always thanks for taking the time to watch and have a great day
Channel: MinMaxRPG
Views: 65,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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