Baldur's Gate 3 Druid Guide - All Subclasses (Circle of the Land, Moon, Spores)

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in this Baldur's Gate 3 Druid class guide I'm going to be covering the Druid class including all three subclasses and providing you some use for information about them I'll be doing more build guides including Druid builds for Baldur's Gate 3 but for now let's just look at how Druid functions and its basics Druids and bg3 are spell casters that are in tune with animals in their environment able to cast a wide assortment of spells many of which are linked to the elements or nature they also have more armor and weapon proficiencies than all other full spell casters save for clerics Druids often Provide support and utility to their group via spells like healing word guide and secure wounds enhanceability and pass Without a Trace however they also have offensive spells like Thunder Wave Moonbeam call lightning and ice storm that can deal solid damage as well Druids use wisdom to cast their spells just like clerics and Rangers and they must prepare their spells in order to cast them this allows Druids to know more spells than some full spell casters but they will not be able to cast all of them at once Druids can also use wild shape to change into different creatures gaining the HP armor class strength dexterity Constitution and features of those animals they will remain in that form until they shift back or until they run out of HP circle of the Moon Druids focus on this aspect specifically in this section we'll take a look at how to set up your Druid during character creation for the best results we'll begin with abilities first since this is arguably the most important part aside from choosing your subclass your primary ability as a druid is wisdom wisdom determines how difficult it is for enemies to save against your spells and prove spell attack rolls improves wisdom skill checks and wisdom saving throws as well as increases the amount of prepared spells a drip can have Constitution there is to help keep you alive when not transformed and also to help you maintain concentration on spells like fog Cloud Moonbeam or Spike growth should you get hit while concentrating on them for this reason I strongly recommend that you invest 16 in wisdom and 14 in Constitution during character creation 14 dexterity is also not bad to improve your initiative which helps you take your turn sooner in combat as well as provide some Armor class however if you plan to be in Wild shape form and combat most of the time you might want to dump your strength dexterity and Constitution since these will be replaced by the abilities of the shape you turn into and spend these ability points on intelligence wisdom and Charisma instead you can see on the screen the two setups I recommend for a default Druid or one that plans to be on wild shape form and note that I've changed these from the recommendations of the game to be more optimized during the early Goings when it comes to race elf is not bad for some weapon proficiencies and perception proficiency and fate ancestry they also gain dark vision which can help land your attacks in Dark Places and wood elfs also gain stealth proficiency and increased movement speed human is also not bad if you want a couple more weapon proficiencies and another skill proficiency Lightfoot halflings are another solid choice because they re-roll if they roll a one on any attack roll ability check or saving throw all but preventing them from ever critically missing they also cannot be frightened easily and they have advantage on stealth checks drowhav Superior dark vision Fey ancestry and perception proficiency which are all decent pickups for the druid half arcs are also a good choice especially for circle of the Moon Druid since they have dark vision Relentless endurance and Savage attacks for skills you'll likely focus on wisdom-based skills since that's where you'll have a good amount of ability points if you take the folk hero background and our elf or drow you can select Insight in medicine and have proficiency and all wisdom skills next let's take a look at the character progression that aldrid's gain at level 1 Druids gain level 1 spells along with two level one spell slots and two cantrips including shillelagh which can be used to make their melee attacks with certain weapons use wisdom for their attack and damage roles note that Druids need to prepare their spells and can cast any spell they know as long as they have the spell slots for it and it's prepared at level 2 Druids will select a subclass and gain the subclass features of it we'll discuss what these are in the subclasses section but for now let's continue with things aldrid's get also at this level all Druids will gain wild shape allowing them to transform into one of four animals as an action twice every short rest while transformed they will take on the appearance of the animal have its HP and armor class and have the attacks and features of it they will also have the strength dexterity and Constitution of said animal though their intelligence wisdom and Charisma will remain the same as their character each wild shape has a base HP that increases every two levels of the Druid and the damage of each wild shape is increased at levels 4 8 and 12. if their HP is reduced to zero while in Wild shape Druids will revert back to their normal Forum with whatever HP they have before shifting note that while in Wild shaped roads cannot cast spells or use other class features except those that specifically affect wild shape at level 3 Druids gain access to level 2 spells and gain level 2 spell slots and can up cast level 1 spells with these slots if they can be upcast many spells in bg3 can be upcast for additional damage or increased targets pay attention to which spells they are so you don't waste higher level spell slots on ones that can't be at level 4 aldrid's gain wild-shaped deep frothy allowing them to shape-shift into this form while using wild shape if they wish also at this level Druids will gain their first feat a building Improvement is a good choice for more wisdom but there are other options as well such as lucky for controlling outcomes better or resilient Constitution if you find yourself casting a lot of spells that require concentration as this will allow you to add your proficiency bonus to your concentration saving throws when you get hit in combat at level 5 Druids gain wild strike allowing them to make a second attack in combat while in Wild shape if they made an unarmed attack this allows them to be on par with most martial classes in terms of number of attacks as long as they remain in Wild shape form also at this level Druids gain access to level 3 spells and gain level 3 spell slots and can upcast level 1 and 2 spells with these slots if they can be at level 6 Druids gain wild shape Albert and wild-shaped panther allowing them to use their wild shaped transform into these creature types if they wish at level 7 Druids gain access to level 4 spells and gain level 4 spell slots and can upcast level one two and three spells with these slots if they can be at level 8 all Druids gain their second feat they can go with ability Improvement for more wisdom or go with any of the other Feats I mentioned Elemental Adept is also not a bad choice if you chose circle of the land root and find a damage type that you gravitate towards at level 9 Druids gain access to level 5 spells and gain level 5 spell slots and can upcast level one two three and four spells with these slots if they can be at level 10 Druids gain improved wild strike allowing them to make two additional attacks after making an unarmed attack while in Wild shape this is incredibly strong also at this level Aldridge can use their wild shape to turn into a Dilophosaurus if they wish at level 11 Druids gain access to level 6 spells and gain one level 6 spell slot and can upcast level one two three four and five spells with this slot if they can be this is the highest level of spells Druids can learn in bg3 and finally at level 12 Druids gained their final feed and can choose from any of the ones I suggested though it would be ideal to max out wisdom here if you have not already Druids and bg3 can use light and medium armor as well as Shields and a small selection of weapons each Druid will likely be outfitted a bit differently depending on how much wild shaping they plan to do what race they chose during character creation and if they multi-classed or not however most roads will likely wear medium armor since they won't have a ton of points invested in dexterity providing them the most protection possible they will also likely use a shield to further boost their Armor class when not in Wild shape they will generally use a staff or club for their weapon since they can cast shillaily on these two weapon types allowing them to use their wisdom for their attack and damage roles they might also use a ranged weapon as well in a pinch since they do typically have some dexterity next we move to Druid subclasses choosing a druid subclass comes down to how much you want to use wild shape in combat if it's a lot then circle of the moon is way to go if you'd rather remain in your normal form and don't really want to use wild shape that much and want to raise an army to fight for you instead then Circle the sporus is a better choice if you want to use wild shapes sometimes and want a few more Choice spells to cast Then circle of the land is the way to go let's take a look at Circle of the land first at level 2 Circle the land Roots gain natural recovery charges allowing them to regain spell slots back as an action each spell slot costs one charge per spell slot level meaning that level 1 spell slots costs one charge two spell slots cost two and so on Druids will gain another natural recovery charge at each odd Druid level capping out its six natural recovery charges at drone level 11. note that the highest level Druid spell slot recoverable is five and once you've run out of charges you must long rest to get them back also at this level Circle the land Roots gain an extra can trip that other Druid subclasses do not gain at level 3 circle of the land Roots will choose two spells that are always prepared based on the region of their choice note that these are Level 2 spells and they can choose a different region each time they can select spells and they are not stuck to one region at level 5 Circle the land Roots will once again choose two spells that are always prepared based on the region of their choice note that these are Level 3 spells at level 6 circle the land ruins are no longer slowed down by difficult terrain and their movement speed is no longer cut in half when moving through it at level 7 Circle the land Roots will once again choose two spells that are always prepared based on the region of their choice these are Level 4 spells at level 9 Circle the land Roots will choose their last two spells that are always prepared based on the region of their choice note that these are Level 5 spells and at level 10 Circle the land Roots gain Nature's Ward making it impossible for Elementals or Fade to charm or frighten them as well as making them immune to being poisoned or diseased next let's take a look at Circle of the Moon at level 2 Circle the moon Druids gain access to combat wild shape which allows them to use wild shape as a bonus action instead of an action this means Circle the moon Druids can shift and attack in the same turn giving them a leg up over circled land Roots when it comes to Wild shape also at this level Circle the moon Druids gain lunar mend allowing them to heal themselves while in Wild shape by using a spell slot as a bonus action they gain 1d8 healing per level of spell slot used and since it's a bonus action they can still attack on the same turn and finally at this level Circle the moon Druids gain access to Wild shape bear allowing them to transform into a bear with their wild-shaped feature at level 4 circle of the Moon Druids can use their wild shape to turn into a dire Raven this allows them to Blind enemies and also fly to higher or lower elevations easily which is particularly useful outside of combat when exploring a level 6 circle of the Moon dreads gain Primal strike this makes attacks made in Wild shape count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities to non-magical damage this will keep their damage High even against enemies they might normally struggle to deal damage too at level 8 Circle the moon dreads Can wild shape into saber-toothed tigers these animals can jump further and heal every turn in combat naturally making them formidable creatures to deal with and finally at level 10 Circle the moon Druids Can wild shape into a myrmidon of fire water Earth or air each with their own features Etc these are especially deadly forms and should be considered by any circle of the Moon Druid who is of this level and lastly we come to circle of this Boris at level 2 Circle the spores Druids can cast Halo of spores dealing necrotic damage to a Target that is 6 meters away or less this targets the constitution of the creature and uses the wisdom of the Druid for its spell DC this is cast as a reaction meaning it does not use a bonus action or action to cast Halo of spores will increase to 1d6 damage at level 6 of Druid and 1d8 damage at level 10 of Druid additionally while symbiotic entity is active it will deal double damage also at this level circle of the spores Druids can use a wild shaped charge as an action to give themselves temporary hit points equal to four per Druid level and to make it so melee an unarmed attacks deal one to six necrotic damage as long as the temporary hit points last note that currently this also works with ranged weapon attacks but it's unclear if this is intended or not additionally as mentioned it doubles the damage of Halo of spores while it remains active and it remains active until long rest or until all temporary hit points are gone note that if you use wild shape it will cancel symbiotic entity early so you cannot use both of these at the same time and finally at this level circle of the spores Druids gain the bone chill cantrip as well which Druids would not normally gain at level 3 circle of the spores Druids gain the blindness and attack thought spells that are always prepared at level 5 Circle the sports Druids gain the animate dead and gaseous form spells that are always prepared at level 6 circle of the sports dreads gained four fungal infestation charges that they can use to create fungal zombies from corpses as a reaction these zombies operate much like regular zombies raised with the anime dead spell but you can have up to four of them out at once fungal infestation charges replenish on Long rest at level 7 circle of the spores Druids gain the blight and confusion spells that are always prepared at level 9 Circle the spores Druids gain the cloud kill and contagion spells that are always prepared and finally at level 10 Circle the sports Druids can cast spreading spores as a bonus action if they have symbiotic entity active this does necrotic damage in an AOE each turn as long as symbiotic entity is active and can be recast as a bonus action in this section of our Boulder Skate 3 Druid class guide we'll take a look at multi-classingadrid and vg3 and what other classes you might multi-class with please keep in mind this is not a complete list but just rather helpful suggestions that make good pairings Druids can be a challenging class to multi-class in bg3 for several reasons first their wild shaped form gets stronger at even levels making it unlikely someone would dip into Druid for this feature since it would fall off as the game gets harder and enemies increase in level second they gain higher level Spells at every odd level if you want higher level Druid spells then you must continue to take levels in druid and third each subclass gains different things at different levels making it hard to uniformly say multi-class Druid at these levels for this reason it's best to explore each subclass individually when multi-classing let's take a look at multi-classing Circle of the land first I like five levels of Hunter or gloomstock or Ranger with seven levels of Circle of the land root this gives you the extra attack of the Ranger and some weapon proficiencies and either dread ambusher or Colossus Slayer or Horde breaker and it still gives you level 400 spells with the ability to gain back some spell slots via natural recovery and six of the circle of the land spells Rangers and Druids both use wisdom to cast their spells so there is a nice energy here I also like three of way of the four elements monks and nine levels of circle the land Druid this gives you level 5 Druid spells and eight circle of the land spells on the Druid side on the monk side you gain martial arts patient defense and step of the wind deflect missiles and can add your wisdom to your armor class if on Armored this also lets you cast some Monk spells with your key if you want and these use your wisdom modifier for their spell DC and spell attack rules which synergizes nicely since Druids do as well next let's take a look at Circle of the Moon I actually don't recommend multi-classing a circle of the Moon Druid for a few reasons first druid's wild shape form gains HP or damage every two levels so the more levels encircle the moon Druid they take the better their wild shape form will perform second you will probably want at least 10 levels of circle the moon Druid in order to gain improved wild strike allowing three attacks per round this only leaves really two levels for another class and third most class features do not impact your character while in Wild shape for instance you cannot use action surge if you took two levels of fighter you cannot use Divine Smite if you took two levels of Paladin monks do add unarmored defense and unarmored movement but you cannot use fluria blows or unarmed attack while in Wild shape is that worth trading a third feat and increased damage in HP at level 12 of Circle of the Moon Druid I don't think it does in short multi-classing a circle the moon drone is a lot like multi-classing and Beastmaster Ranger and the more you multi-class it the more the features of the subclass really drop off the further into the game you go and lastly let's look at multi-classing Circle of this Forest I like six levels of wave the Open Hand Monk and 6 levels of Circle of the spore's drip this gives you extra attack stunning strike a good amount of key to use fluria blows with and also increase damage from manifestation of Mind Body and Soul when making unarmed attacks you also gain Armor class from wisdom if unarmored and you also gain key empowered strikes from Druid you gain symbiotic entity giving your temporary HP to protect yourself and you also add necrotic damage to your melee and unarmed attacks remember that fluria blows hits twice you gain extra damage on each hit which is also true for manifestation of Mind Body and Soul you can also cast Halo of spores at 1d6 at this level so its damage does improve and you can also still use fungal infestation as well so that wraps up our Druid class guide I hope you guys learned something new about it Druids are a lot less cut and dry than some other classes particularly when it comes to their subclasses so I can see why some players might shy away from it but it is an exceedingly fun class to play and there's a lot of things you can do as a drip and as always if you have further tips that I didn't mention about Druid please leave them in the comments and if you have questions leave them there as well and I will try and answer them as quickly as I can [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 2,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 druid guide, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 druid build guide, bg3 druid build, bg3 druid multiclass, baldurs gate 3 druid build, baldur's gate 3 druid, best subclass for druid bg3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 druid multiclass build, best druid subclass, bg3 best druid subclass, baldurs gate 3 best druid subclass, bg3 circle of land build, bg3 circle of spores build, bg3 circle of moon build, baldur's gate 3 druid guide, druid guide
Id: YYmdvIhJAaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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