Druid Subclass Tier Ranking in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

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this week's episode of our show has been sponsored by the grim hollow players guide which is now available on kickstarter grim hollow offers a handbook for creating gritty characters in a dark fantasy setting completely 5th edition compatible the book is packed with new character building options including rules for blood magic spells and all new subclasses for every single 5e class best of all we are contributing to the book by creating several of the stretch goals subclasses so the better the campaign does the more we get to contribute we've got some really amazing ideas that we've been working on that we can't wait to share with you like the circle of blood druid who makes blood sacrifices to appease the uncaring forces of nature to check out grim hollow and more of the work that we're doing for the book follow the links in the description below to find the campaign on kickstarter and now on to this week's episode greetings my name is monty martin and i'm kelly mclaughlin and we are the dungeon dudes welcome to our channel where we cover everything dungeons and dragons including advice for players and guides for dungeon masters we upload new videos on tuesdays and thursdays so please subscribe to our channel so that you never miss an episode today we are taking a look at all of the subclasses available to druids in dungeons and dragons 5th edition we're going to go through all five of the various druid subclasses that are available in officially published resources bear in mind this video was made before the release of tasha's cauldron of everything so we will be releasing a follow-up video once that book comes out to rank the new subclasses added in that book if you look on the screen right now you're going to see the criteria we use to rank our subclasses keep in mind that we are ranking them amongst the other druid subclasses and we won't be comparing them to other classes so we're looking at what subclasses amongst the druids offer the best features that can be used time and time again and which subclasses offer more niche features that maybe don't come up as often we also won't be taking into account things like role-playing as we believe that every druid subclass offers amazing role-playing potential and multi-classing is something that we might look at but it's not a major factor in our decisions when we rank the subclasses we ask ourselves one central question which druid subclass makes the most of the features that are common and available to all druids and offers the greatest benefits in a variety of event of adventuring situations including combat exploration utility and interaction scenarios in this video we're going to be looking at our rankings for the druid subclasses and looking at our opinions towards all the subclasses features and different options and at the end of the video we're going to look at the community rankings and we're going to compare the two rankings together to give you a diverse range of opinions there's a lot to look at today so let's get rolling so first up we're going to be looking at the circle of dreams found in xanathar's guide to everything like all druid subclasses this subclass game gives you new features at second level when you take the subclass then more at sixth tenth and fourteenth level at second level when you choose the subclass you gain bomb of the summer's court which allows you to get a number of d6s equal to your druid level as a bonus action on your turn you can target a creature within 120 feet of you and use up to half of those dice to heal that creature on top of this the creature gains one temporary hit point for every die that you spend at level six you gain the ability hearth of moonlight and shadow this is a unique ability that you can use during a short or long rats to create a protective bubble of magic that grants total cover around your rest site the creatures that are resting in that area gain a bonus to their stealth and perception checks as well as it blocks out any light of a campfire or anything in that area at 10th level you're going to gain hidden paths which allows you to use a bonus action to teleport 60 feet or you can use your action to teleport a friendly creature 30 feet you can use this a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier at 14th level you gain a very unique ability also tied to when you take short rests when you finish that short rest you can cast the spell's dream scrying or teleportation circle without requiring material components and without using a spell slot what's unique about the teleportation circle version of the spell bowl is that instead of teleporting to a teleportation circle as the spell normally does it teleports you back to the last place where you took a long rest a useful way of retreating when necessary i think that the circle of dreams druid is really great healing without using a spell slot and having quite a few variations on how to use that healing is going to come up time and time again in play i also think that free teleportations is never not helpful it is always something that you're going to want and the ability to use it on yourself or on an ally just makes it even more versatile the 14th level ability is really cool for the fact that i think a lot of parties don't use scrying enough and i think that this will actually allow them to use it more there's a lot of times that i look at scrying as a spell option and say ah that's a really cool spell but i'd rather take whatever but this gives it to me without needing to use a spell slot without needing to use material components and therefore i'm more likely to use scrying for all of its wonderful benefits i give the circle of dreams druid an a for the amount of usefulness that these abilities can provide honestly kelly i think an a is overrating this class a little bit i think the features are good but just not great the bottom of the summer court is a lot of extra healing but maybe you wouldn't need to heal so much if you had something more useful that you could be doing to help win the battles instead and druids already do get healing word the teleporting abilities are cool the ability to protect your party during a short rest is highly situational and potentially overwritten if you have someone else in your party with access to liamon's tiny hut which is just better at protecting your party during a rest and while scrying is one of my favorite spells in the game druids gets crying already as as well and so if you really need to be gathering information like that it's still available to you as an option and long-range teleportation to places that you've already been is available to many druids uh as of 14th level in fact earlier through spells like tree stride and while none of these things are bad and will help you save spell slots saving spell slots is kind of overrated in a time when most groups only have one or two combat encounters per day so i think that overall it's easy to overrate the features of this class it's good nothing about it is bad it's solid that for me being set a b those are all really valid points um i do think that the ability to teleport and heal and use scrying or things like that without a spell slot there's a lot of benefits to that but maybe if i want to look at it in another way it can be really really useful with the right party dynamic in the right campaign which is what we say the b tier is for it is possible that in the right dynamic maybe maybe that's what i'm looking at when i pick the a but i'd be willing to give this a strong b all the other druid subclasses using their spells can still access scrying teleport their party around protect them during a rest and heal them so this subclass doesn't offer the druid anything that it couldn't do already and doesn't upgrade the abilities as much as some of the other druid subclasses do i think that makes it a solid b next up we're looking at the circle of spores druid which was introduced in the guildmaster's guide to ravnica and adds a little bit of necromancy and fungal elements to the druid right away at second level they gain their circle spells which gives them the chill touch tantrum and as well as an expanded spell list that includes a few standouts like animate dead and cloud kill in addition to the circle spells at second level circle of spores druid gains the halo of spores ability and the symbiotic entity ability symbiotic entity gives the druid an alternative way of using wild shape which is quite unique when you activate this power you gain four temporary hit points per druid level which is pretty beefy that's 20 hit points at level 5 40 temporary hit points at level 10. so nice boost to your hit points and this also boosts up the halo of spores ability normally halo of spores allows you to cause a little bit of necrotic damage to a creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of you or enters within 10 feet of you using your reaction and they make a saving throw to negate the damage while your symbiotic entity is active this damage is increased by an extra die it starts out at 1d4 boosting to 2d4 when the symbiotic entity is active and goes all the way up to 1d10 necrotic damage not a lot of damage but an extra little way to rack up some bonus hits you also deal an extra 1d6 poison damage with your melee attacks at six level you gain fungal infestation if a medium or small humanoid or beast dies within 10 feet of you you can use your reaction and your spores to raise them up as a zombie to fight along with you for one hour and they attack on your turn obeying your commands a pretty useful way to just get a few extra meat shields up in front of you that can deal a little bit of extra damage at 10th level you gain your spreading spores ability which augments the abilities that you gain at second level when your symbiotic entity is active you can hurl a cloud of spores that is effectively your halo of spores at a distance this disables your normal halo of spores around you but causes damage to any creatures that are in the area that you throw it to that start their turn there or enter the area as normal the creature still gets to make a constitution saving throat to negate the damage and they can only suffer this damage once per turn while this ability is active you can't use your reaction normally to cause your halo spores damage at 14th level you're going to gain fungal body which means that you can no longer be blinded deafened frightened or poisoned and any critical hit against you is now just a regular hit it's actually one of the better capstone abilities i would say conceptually the circle of spores is really cool a druid that is surrounded by a necrotic aura that animates the dead through plant magic is really really interesting and i love that it gives you an alternative way to use your wild shape ability all of these features promote a character that is going to load up with their symbiotic entity get as close as possible to their foes hit them with some necrotic damage and surround them with undead minions and hopefully raise more up for the pack the problem with this is it doesn't really all add up into anything that is that effective in my books i don't think the damage of the halo of spores is great in fact i think it's pretty miserable if the halo of spores didn't require your reaction to use which eventually it doesn't because you can throw it and there was maybe more range on these abilities and it did a little bit more damage i think the subclass would be really really good but i think what is presented here is really conservative because the potential of a druid necromancer is really high unfortunately the concept fails in the execution and i think when we add up everything here together it really pales in comparison to what other druid subclasses can achieve as damage dealers particularly the other druid subclass that wants to use wild shape and rush in and start beating people up and dealing damage i give this one a c i am unfortunately willing to agree with you on the c ranking for me the spore druid is something that i love i love conceptually i love the flavor of it i think that it is far and beyond one of the most unique and most interesting druid subclasses out there but in this video we have to compare to the other subclasses and as i did a little more research i realized that what the spore druid is doing is you get to bolster your hit points you get to do extra poison damage with your melee attacks you run into combat with your aura that does a little bit of extra damage and yeah you're raising some dead as well but there are other druid subclasses like you said that can just use their wild shape to transform into something that will give you a lot more hit points and do a lot more damage in combat and yes the flavor is different that's the main thing is the flavor of this is so cool but we're not here to talk about the flavor we're here to talk about the impact it has and unfortunately what this subclass is excelling at is not as powerful as other subclasses excelling at similar things the only thing that the spore druid has that is above and beyond is the ability to raise zombies but it doesn't do anything that's actually amazing and i hate that the two coolest abilities fight for your reaction and you actually have a chance of screwing over your coolest ability by accidentally using your reaction on the other ability basic zombies are not that impressive they can be used for a lot of really useful things but this but we're not getting any augmentations to those undead minions they're just the stock undead minions that you get with anime dead as as zombies so it kind of loses a lot of high level effectiveness i i think the spell list could have benefited from more undead summoning spells because there are more out there and i also think that the abilities could have benefited from being able to bolster your undead summoning i think we would have gotten a cooler necromancy druid with more summoning more bolstering and using the spores in more unique ways and not having to combat all of these abilities together yeah i think it would have been really cool if all the undead creatures that you summoned or created were also infested with spores and that that could spread the whole thing around and it's kind of zombie plague cordyceps virus the last of us sort of inspired thing but that isn't what happens in the class and i think it doesn't turn out to be all that effective so a c ranking overall i think that again it's super cool in its flavor in its context it just didn't deliver quite as well as we had hoped next up we come to the first of the two subclasses presented in the player's handbook the circle of the land druid now the circle of the land root is a bit of an anomaly because in many ways it feels like several subclasses in one because you've got one big choice to decide on which is what land or region your druid is going to hail from and your choice is actually going to give you right away at second level the first ability of this class which is the circle spells feature this ability is in fact much like the cleric's domains it gives you an expanded spell list of spells that are always prepared all the way from first level spells to fifth level spells and you get 10 extra spells added that you always have access to i really like the grasslands one because it gets invisibility and haste two excellent spells that really augment the kit but there's a lot of hidden utility in here all of the different lands that you can come from and all of these spell lists do have a few standout options i in particular like the underdark not only for flavor reasons and i love the underdark but it also has some great spells like web and greater invisibility but all of them really offer some cool things the arctic has cone of cold and some other cold damaging spells there's really cool options if you look through all of these spellers also at second level you gain natural recovery which means that when you take a short or long rest you can regain spell slots the spell slots can have a combined total that is equal to or less than half of your druid level the spells can't be of six level or higher once you use this feature you can't use it again until you take a long rest at level six you gain the land stride feature and moving through non-magical difficult terrain causes you no extra movement you also gain some advantages when you're moving through difficult terrain created by plant creatures or other spell effects that interact with plants which means that you're never impeded wherever you go a tenth level you're going to gain nature's ward which means you can't be frightened or charmed by elementals or fae you're also going to become immune to poison and disease at level 14 you gain nature's sanctuary warding you against the attacks of beasts and plants when such a creature wishes to attack you it must make a wisdom-saving throw otherwise it has to choose a different creature to attack or the attack automatically misses if it does make the save it's then immune to that ability for 24 hours so the circle of land druid is a really interesting option for the druid subclasses because it actually can swing in a lot of different directions based on whether or not you chose a good spell list that benefits the party when we look at a lot of the other abilities they're somewhat niche in their uses i do think that the circle of the land druid has a lot of front loaded abilities that are really cool regaining spell slots is awesome the spell lists all kind of have some standout options amongst them and if you're a smart player that chose the right one for the campaign you're probably going to be an all-star but i think i have to give the circle of land druid a b because of its swinginess if you chose a spell list that then you find out doesn't benefit the party in any way shape or form well now you're going to be a little bit more lackluster than some of the other options you could have picked and i do think that the higher end abilities here are much more niche than when you first read through if you're not dealing with a lot of wilderness exploration you're not dealing with a lot of plant creatures or beasts then a lot of these abilities aren't going to be as useful or may never come up making it a solid b in my opinion i think the land druid ranges a little bit i've waffled between giving it an a and giving it a c and which for me results and i think i'm going to give it a b and the reason for this is pretty straightforward druid spell casting is awesome the biggest downside of the druid spell list is a lot of the standout hits on the spell list require concentration which means that once the druid has a concentration spell up and running what else are you doing on your turn well you're going to be casting other spells but druids don't necessarily have these trixie utility one-off non-concentration spells on their spell list like the other casters do you might just go back to using cantrips because you don't want to blow through all your spell slots or maybe you do because there's only one or two encounters a day in which case just go ahead and start casting erupting earth everywhere the circle of the land druid expands the druid's already amazing spell casting but it doesn't augment it it doesn't make your spell casting on a spell for spell basis any better than any other druid spell casting a druid concentrating on wall of fire and tossing around erupting earth is just as good with the circle of the land as they are with the circle of the spores or any other circle really it's just that you get to get some spells back and you get some spells that you wouldn't have ever gotten before if you need that for your campaign it's good so this is the subclass that is good in the right campaign because we need to look beyond just the spell lists here we need to look at the other abilities which the early ones great the later ones could be useful in a situation that might occur in certain campaigns with certain party dynamics and that's where it lands in a b for me could it be a tier yes in the right campaign setting could it be c tier yeah in the wrong campaign setting or if you pick a bad spell list all right so the elephant in the room is here at higher levels perhaps literally by a wild shaping into a mammoth this is the circle of the moon druid who doubles down on the druid's fantastic and unique wild-shaped power to truly embody i think what everyone imagines when they think of as a druid right away you gain combat wild shape which moves your wild shape ability to a bonus action and while you are wild shaped you can also use a bonus action to regain hit points you also gain the circle forms ability this allows you to bypass the normal challenge rating limit of wild shape and instead at second level you can assume the form of any beast with a challenge rating up to level one eventually this becomes one third your druid level so at level six you can transform into cr2 beasts and at level 9 cr3 and so on and so on eventually getting up to cr6 beasts at level 18. you don't ignore the restrictions though on swimming speed and flying speed so you can't be a flying beast until level eight this is the ability that utterly transforms the druid in more ways than one at six level you gain primal strike continuing on this roller coaster ride of upping the abilities of your wild shape now your attacks when you're in wild shape get to forego magical resistances and that can just be very useful because now your bear claws can claw anything at level 10 you gain the elemental wild shape feature which allows you to expend two uses of your wild shape to transform into an earth water air or fire elemental these are the specific creatures in the monster manual which are challenge rating five elementals with a host of abilities ranging from being amazing damage dealers like the fire elemental to having lots of utility and mobility like the water air and earth elementals this is the big upgrade to your baseline wild shape on a 14th level you gain thousand forms which allows you to cast alter self at will which is kind of lackluster compared to every other ability that this gains but we're too busy wild shaping into elementals to really care do we really need to explain why this is an s tier subclass if you didn't see both of us giving us a nest here then you haven't been paying attention this is the best druid subclass by a country mile i have played in campaigns with land druids with dream druids with shepherd druids and none of them felt like they were anywhere close to the capabilities of the moon druid the augmented wild shape is out the gate almost game breakingly powerful in terms of what it does we have our whole video on the druid wild shape forms which fully explains why this is so good so if you want to see our full review of all the different forms that you can see see check out that video one of the interesting things about the moon druid is that it is fundamentally a gish you are going to cast some spells and then mix it up in melee combat it's just that you're turning into an animal to do that but one of the interesting things about the moon druid is that it solves automatically all those other character building problems that the other gish subclasses that are granted to other classes have the problem of well now you have to balance your ability scores because you want a good wisdom squirt of good spell casting but now you need good strength dexterity and constitution so that you don't get rocked in melee combat mundra doesn't care because you're just taking the stats of what you transformed into you don't have to worry about investing into good armor or having good weapon-based feats and other things you can actually spend your other character building options making your druid spell casting really good because you're just gonna turn into a bear and it doesn't matter what your baseline stats are the worst part about the moon druid is how bad it makes the rest of the druid subclasses look it's actually the most unfortunate thing is that the moon druid is so far and beyond the s tier subclass that it's hard to pick another subclass unless you have that flavor or idea in mind i would want to play a different subclass just for the sake of doing it not because it's a better choice the thing about the wild shape ability is it does start to peter off but as it starts to peter off you gain the ability to change into an elemental which brings it back up so it kind of fixes itself along the way as well the capstone is honestly one of the weakest capstones but i think this deserves to have a weak capstone because well it's so good the thing with it is that it benefits so much from the higher level druid capstones because bear in mind that at high levels druids eventually are going to gain the ability to cast spells while they are wild shaped the the moon druid is just such a gang buster like they are so amazing and it's hard to fully encapsulate just how much the moon druid is gaining not just in combat but utility as well there's so many multi-faceted things that make this subclass amazing it really takes what is arguably the most unique and interesting feature of the druid and it dials it up to 11 and it's really hard to not want that so at the end of the day ester without question and unfortunately every other druid subclass has to live in the moon during its shadow it's unbearably good lastly we come to the circle of shepherds which was introduced in xanathar's guide to everything and is arguably the best summoner option in the entire game of dungeons and dragons fifth edition yeah if there is one subclass that might give the moon druid a run for its money it's the shepherd druid and let's take a look at why when you adopt this subclass right away you gain the ability to speak sylvan and speak to animals a fun ribbon feature but what we're really here for is the spirit totem ability at level two this allows you to spend a bonus action to summon a bear totem a eagle totem or a unicorn totem each of which has a variety of different effects the bare totem grants temporary hit points to all of your party members in the aura the eagle totem allows you to grant advantage to allies as a reaction uh in combat and the unicorn totem causes a giant healing wave to spread out to everyone in the aura whenever you cast a healing spell of first level or higher at sixth level you're going to gain mighty summoner which means that if you cast a spell like conjure animals conjure woodland beings or conjure faye it's just going to bolster them up even more first of all the summoned creatures have an additional two hit points for every hit die that that creature has second of all their natural weapon attacks now count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance at 10th level you gain the guardian spirit ability when a creature that you have summoned or conjured is within your your totem's aura that creature gains a number of hit points equal to half your druid level you can call up the spirit totem as a bonus action anywhere within 60 feet of you and it creates an aura around itself that extends out to 30 feet creatures that are within the aura gain a special benefit depending on what kind of totem you summon at 14th level you're going to gain faithful summons if you are reduced to zero hit points or incapacitated you automatically cast conjure animals as if it were a ninth level spell but it doesn't require concentration and animals just come to protect you while you sit there trying to figure out your life druids gain access to some of the best summoning spells in the entire game conjure animals conjure woodland beings conjur faye conjure elementals you name it they get it except for the demons and these abilities augment the features of these spells in a meaningful way so when we take the druids best spells and make them better by addressing the key weaknesses of those spells namely the flimsiness of some summing creatures and their inability to ignore magical resistances we end up with a really really sweet subclass that is packed with lots of combat functionality in uncountable ways summon creatures are so flexible in combat but summon creatures are also really flexible in a variety of exploration and utility sort of scenarios as well the only problem with the subclass is your dm's interpretation of these spells and whether or not you get to choose what creatures you summon if your dm lets your circle of shepherds druid choose the creatures that you summon i think this is an s tier subclass but going on the rules is written it's probably just an a i completely agree i actually think that this is the closest thing we have to a subclass that gives the moon drew to run for its money i think that it's so close and for a lot of people out there who like the idea of playing a summoner this is the way to go really the only other reason why this doesn't get an s tier for me is because the summoning is the thing that this subclass really focuses on all the major abilities that you're going to gain are about bolstering summoning so really you're spell casting you're not going to be doing much else other than casting summoning spells and then standing back and whipping out some cantrips or maybe a few other spells but your concentration is always going to be on those summons luckily you also have the amazing totem that even if you're not summoning for some reason you still have this amazing totem to fall back on that can bolster the entire party but the other amazing thing here is that totem can also bolster your summons yeah so you can heal your summons you can give your summons advantage you can you can do all of that and there's no limit to how many creatures within that aura are benefiting this is potentially an s if you have a nice dm a great strategy with a shepherd druid is at the start of the day put down your bear totem to get everybody those temporary hit points take a short rest to regain your bear totem because temporary hit points only go away on a long rest or when they're depleted not when you take a short rest then in combat you can drop the hawk spirit or the unicorn spirit based on whether you just want to help your allies land their attacks or whether you need to heal them up that unicorn spirit healing adds up fast especially for healing up the entire party if you have your entire party plus all of your summoned creatures nearby casting one healing spell a healing word will give a dump of hit points to everything this actually puts some of the other healing options to shame if you want to look at something like the dream druid's healing ability this is better this is just better it is just way better and way more flexible it's definitely an a plus tier yep here's our overall rankings for the druid subclasses but now let's take a quick look at what the community thought to see how their rankings might differ so starting off with the circle of dreams the community gave it an overwhelming 49 b tier with a pretty decent amount in a tier being 28 and a little bit in c tier with 16 i think the community responded to the circle of dreams the same way that we do it's a strong base subclass with lots of potential but nothing about it feels truly amazing very few people gave it an s-tier ranking next up we have the circle of spores which actually has i'd say the biggest variation on ratings we have the strongest one being a beats here at 39 percent but it also has the most c tier and d tier out of any of the subclasses with 21 c and 6 percent d it also does have a 24 that gave it the a tier and 8 that gave it the s a very mixed bag of results i'd love to hear people's experiences actually playing a circle of sports druid because i do admit i have the least experience with it and i would like to see if having a bunch of undead minions does result in something very powerful that feels stronger or at least as good as having a hoard of animals backing you up as well with the circle of the land we get a 41 b tier and a 33 a tier with a little bit of spattering of a 16 c and a 5 s uh very few people gave this the d but i think this falls very strongly in the a b tier i think that this acknowledges that the circle of the land is very flexible and if you choose the right land to be associated with you can see some excellent results with this class but as a baseline i think it is kind of boring with the circle of the moon it's really nice to see that we weren't off in claiming that this was going to be a landslide vote 75 gave this the s tier with 19 giving it a and very very few people gave it anything lower than a beat here uh so without a doubt this is the s tier of the druid subclasses i think that these results just show how much stronger the circle of the moon is perceived to be it is particularly strong at low levels of play and people see how strong it is out the gate while its power does wane somewhat at higher levels it is by far the best druid subclass and lastly we come to the circle of shepherds which another kind of mix here mostly landing is an a tier at 40 percent but also a high amount of people gave it the s tier with 20 and a little bit more gave it the beats here at 29 with a few c tiers and very very few d tiers going through a lot of the comments several community members shared our stories of the subclass being hamstrung by a dm who did not rule the conjure animal spells favorably that is something to bear in mind if you are considering the circle of the shepherds is how your dm is going to rule the conjuring spells so let's take one last look at the overall community rankings and one look at ours and there's a lot of overlap there this is a very open and shut case on the druid the one that i'm most interested in hearing about is the spores druid i want to hear from the people who loved it from the people who hated it because we both love the concept of the spores druid we're just not sure it mechanically stands up to the other subclasses so we'd love to hear your thoughts on the spores druid i think every other subclass though it's pretty cut and dry that we're all in agreeance on what's good and what's less good the circle of shepherds really is the only subclass that has any hope of holding a candle to the moon druid and the moon druid is the apex predator it offers so much in battle but the subtle flexibility of wild shape in its utility and applications is so good it really offers something new and powerful that doesn't prevent you from having all of the amazing druid spell casting a wild shaping moon druid that needs to pull out of wild shape to drop down a bunch of summoning spells and heal up a bunch of their allies and contribute out of combat by teleporting everybody around and feeding everybody they can do all that and then they still get to be a charging mammoth a snapping giant alligator a scorpion or a bear that is just so good so this has been a look at our rankings for the druid subclasses in dungeons and dragons 5th edition tell us about your opinions on the rankings in our comments below the videos that we create on our channel are made possible thanks to the incredible generosity of our patreon supporters to all you out there on our patreon a big thank you from the bottom of our hearts if you enjoy the work that we create here on youtube please consider supporting us on patreon as well by checking us out by following the links in the description below and don't forget to check out our live play shadows of drakenheim which airs tuesday nights from 6pm to 9pm eastern on twitch.tv dungeon underscore dudes you can find all the previous episodes of that campaign right up over here and we're still working our way through ranking all of the classes in dnd 5e check out those videos right up over here please subscribe to our channel so that you never miss an episode thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time in the dungeon
Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 620,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book
Id: dE_rp4f2buU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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