Why The Moon Druid is the Best Class In Baldur's Gate 3

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for those of you who have been around for a while you've heard a little bit of this story before because I've always traditionally played Rogues for the first character I've ever done through crpgs and Baldur's Gate 3 was the first game in the history of me being a gamer since I was like six years old uh changing that and playing a druid and I am so happy I did because we just entered act three this morning during the live stream and got to level 10 and I got the last of my wild shapes I am playing a circle of the Moon Druid and I tell you what um I honestly feel like after three years of Early Access and now you know a couple few weeks of the live game the Druid is the best class in Baldur's Gate 3 and I realized that that is a highly subjective thing because it's my opinion and not everyone is going to share that opinion but for me I do think it is and I'm going to talk about why that is in this video today if you've heard me in any of my live streams those of you who've been around for a while I I just constantly am like oh my God I love this class so cool this Nature's fury like it's so much fun and having access to all the shapes and being able to do those situational moments where you can run around the battlefield and like oh pull aggro with with the goad on your bear form or jump into owl bear form and just rupture and blast everybody back and do the triple attacks and all this other stuff I was just actually on Tick Tock last night there's the scene from the DND film towards the end of the film where they're facing off of the Sorceress and the the tiefling wild shaped Druid goes into owl bear form and like grabs the Sorceress and like slams her into the ground a few times and then beats her up and then throws up against the wall like I really truly feel like that's how cool the Druid class especially the the you know the wild shape component of the circle of of moon um Druid it it just works it works it really feels good and it's been a lot of fun and I'm so happy that I chose this as my first play through through the game now I could talk about it all day but I actually want to get into the game and show you guys some of the things I'm talking about and and Etc we're not going to be doing any combat in this video just because this is my live stream character so all you got to do to see combat in action is tune in Daily at 11AM Central you can also go watch the backlog there's a link down below which goes straight to the Baldur's Gate 3 playlist so check that out and of course don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you never miss an update and don't forget we have a Discord the links are also down there so without further Ado let's get into the game and talk a little bit more about why the through it is the best class in Boulder's game three so first and foremost Druids have a lot of spells at their disposal and when I first the first time I ever played a druid was when I had chihira in my party in Baldur's Gate one you know she was multi-classed as a fighter Druid and then in the second game in Baldur's Gate two I pretty much just stuck to her being a druid and I just ignored the fighter altogether and just leveled that Drew it up all the way through but I never played a main Druid until I think it was my third or fourth playthrough of um pillars of fraternity 2 dead fire I decided to try drew it out and I was like this is kind of fun um and then it kind of grew on me and then when I got into Pathfinder King maker I did a rogue my first playthrough then I tried a ranger and then the third playthrough that I was going through I did a druid again and it was like this feels a little bit better and then I got into uh the Early Access and The Bard was excuse me the Druid was actually the fourth or fifth class that I tried in Early Access and just fell in love with it and if you guys watched the streams during Early Access I actually played a forest gnome and originally I thought I was going to play a forest gnome in live and then eventually it's like I can't play a short race I gotta play I gotta Play What Else and so I have I have Conan and and here's my wood elf guys if you haven't ever seen this character look at that look at that armor by the way just really really really cool looking stuff here and that cape and his bow which is one of the reasons I went with the wood elf because I can use uh bows on on top of everything else um and I do a little I do a fair amount of ranged damage with this character um it's great to have as a backup to cam trips because some uh mobs that you come up against have resisted resistances to spells so it's nice to be able to pew pew from a distance and also be able to use the specialty arrows that you get um at your disposal it's a lot of fun but spells are one of the first things that you can look at and you do get quite a few spells uh at your disposal I am circle of moon obviously so spell casting is not my primary objective it's not my primary role within the group I am primarily a utility slash DPS character for my party I have uh lizelle set up as an Eldritch Knight tank actually let's get out of the weeds so you can see her a little bit better um come on Zeal get out of the weeds get out of the weeds honey there we go um so uh we've got there and look at that look at Shadow heart her new hairstyle I gotta love it um and of course Gail um and this is my party so far and this character has said he has largely been functioning as the utility DPS for the group um and so as a result I don't use a ton of heels I do keep healing word on hand just to have a nice back appeal that I can cast at a distance but apart from that I am almost all uh utility and DPS so we can go in here and look at say if we just look at the um first levels you know I've got healing word arables Shadow entangle Faith wardens why is these are fun ones Thunder Wave ice knife and speak with animals which I keep on myself at all times because I am a druid and you miss out on so many great conversations um if you don't have that spell running at all times second level spells I'm rocking Misty step um uh Spike growth blur which I don't use that often in visibility which I do use occasionally and of course heat metal which surprisingly enough it works really well [Music] um I use it on Catherine thorum the first edition of that fight on the tower on the top of Moonrise and it was actually able to knock his weapon out of his hands which was really cool because then he was essentially couldn't do anything the rest of the fight because he couldn't hit me with anything it was great uh third level spots I've got haste up here as well as call lightning and sleetstorm now sleet storm is a lot of fun because and and you know Gail can do it as well but I like having this here because it's a situational thing where I can interrupt the spell casters concentration and also put out fires and stuff and create the icy servers which knocks things prone it's a lot of fun getting into my fourth level stuff this is where we start getting into the big booms ice storm which is just absolutely amazing and I also have this with Gail um Stone skin which by the way look at that look at that stone skin was probably one of my my most favorite spells in um I remember Baldur's Gate 2 in particular with the Mages because it would make you in rural unvulnerable to a lot of different uh attacks which was great for uh spell casting stuff um what else do we have in here and then confusion which is befelling a group of mobs and then getting into my fifth level stuff what's up everybody quick commercial break here to give it a shout out to our Guild Champions who are the highest tier memberships here on YouTube Ancient entity assassin gamer 94 Babylonia Rising crazies relative mujin and remedy thanks so much for the highest tier membership and thanks to all of the members who support the channel because you keep me doing this full-time you too can become a supporter if you're new here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you never miss an update join as a member there's three different tiers we do lots of special stuff private polls private videos you get a shout out if you're the highest tier membership but you could also do one-off donations in the form of super Chats on any live stream or Premiere you see and of course super thanks on any upload or YouTube short whatever you can contribute it's great keeps me on the air full time keeps the cats fed keeps the homestead running anyway back to the video everybody this is where we start getting into really powerful spills so we got planar binding insect plague which is a staple of dunson's dragons I absolutely love insect plague and um wait wasn't confusion yeah that was that one as well um uh conjure Elemental which is another great one to keep in my disposal but um cancerous aside and uh spells aside probably the most important part of the circle of the Moon Druid is going to be the wild shapes and I dinged tin uh yesterday think it was yesterday when I dinged tin and so I now have access to all of my shape-shifting abilities apart from the displacer Beast which you only get if you choose to chew on some tadpoles and I have chosen wisely I might add to not shoot down on any tadpoles I'm not going that route at all um let's look at all of these shapes that I have at my disposal um we've got wild shape water myrmidon which is very interesting um we've got spider cat deep Roth a panther saber-toothed tiger air murmidon fire emermudon uh the murmidons came with level 10 by the way wild shape Badger wolf bear Raven and Owl beer and then the Dillo phosphorus which I will probably never ever ever use but hey why don't we just see what it looks like you can watch a pretty run don't waste a step I have a raptor hear me roar [Music] um if you haven't watched any of the streams yet the wild shapes make and break the Druid in my mind it's one of the reasons I went with the circle of moon version of the Druid because of the fact that I can come in and do lots of cool things with the shapes so as an example I showed a video the other day where I met Steelheart the cat and I went through this tiny little hole that was in the wall that I couldn't go through because of my size but then I went down into cat form and I was able to go through that hole and come into this other area and I've always used to use that in other areas to get past lock doors and stuff where you can find little cracks and stuff to sneak through so it's incredibly useful in terms of situational stuff because you have all of these forms at your disposal that could do different things some of these I'm only using in combat and I have a a a a a guide specifically dedicated to the wild shapes that I put out a few days ago if you want to check that out at your leisure but the best part about this is that I have a totally separate hit point fool with the wild shape now if I need to in a situational moment I can be the tank I can pull up bear form do a goad and taunt everything onto me or I can go into owl bear which is the one I probably use the most when we're surrounded by a bunch of enemies because we I could do the rupture which is a nice AOE but my standard form that I choose to work with most of the time is the wolf form because of the fact that you get some it's it's great because you get to run around the battlefield looking like a woof and also where is it switch off it just looks awfully cool everybody I mean it's just really cool but uh this one and siding how is okay because everybody gets some extra movement but exposing bite is the one I love the most and you nip at a Target distracted if your attack hits the next attack could be a target from with 1.5 meters can be a critical hit now this is useful if other people are within melee range but as you level up your forms you get double attack and triple attack so the moment you get double attack you can use this yourself you just literally you're in wolf form hit it with a supposing bite it lands and then immediately your next hit is a crit hit which allows you to do some really amazing damage from a you know melee flanking position and now that I've got access to Triple attack it's just even cooler because now it's like I'll just do exposing bite crit hit and then a follow-up attack it's just like it's so much fun and because these have their own hit points um you know at this point this this thing has a this thing has 69 hit points so I can take 69 points of damage get knocked back into my elf form and then turn right back around and go back into wild form again during a combat scenario assuming I have all of my wild shape charges at my disposal which means it's a very useful tool for getting around the battlefield and doing lots of different situational things depending on what's happening it's like oh are we surrounded by tons of mobs that I need to do a knockback and get everybody clear I'll go into owl bear and do a rupture oh shadowharter Gales getting wailed on by four or five mobs I'm gonna go into bear form I'm gonna go to get everything on me and then they can escape you know obviously they could Misty step out if they needed to as well but they can also if they're out of spells or whatever I can keep these wild shape uh charges at my disposal to go in and out at will now obviously this is dependent on you actually having wild shape charges at your disposal if you don't you can't but uh you can't shape change but that's okay because you get them back when you go do the long rest and Etc so um there's a lot going on with the Druids and I know some people like the spores because of the things they can do to control other enemies other people's like the circle of the land because you can do more spells and I would argue that if you're gonna go like spell casting as an option and you want to be like the Gale of your party then go circle of the land for sure because you get some really cool spells in that you know it's more that's more towards the spell casting Arena but if you're like me and you like to do a little bit of spell casting with a little bit of melee then I highly recommend this because I think it just works really well and I've talked about this in the build guide that I did for this character the reason that I went wood elf specifically is because of the proficiencies you get with bows and I just think that that makes for a great situational attack being able to have something that you can puke from a distance and be able to use the arrows everything else without having any sort of issues with the proficient of not having the proficiency with that weapon so in my mind this is the best class to play for your first playthrough I think that for me I'm really really really happy that I did this it's been extremely potent and I know for example we did uh I know the the moonrise Towers fight against Catholic Thorne the very first time you face him we did it the first time no problems um the second time we faced him along with the Avatar of Mercurial I actually won I actually rolled a crit on the conversation and got him to take care of himself and I didn't even have to do that fight but then I faced the Avatar and no problems first time like the group is extremely powerful um and I would argue that by the time we were level seven eight by the time we were level eight I felt like this group had reached sort of its top peak you know potency but obviously you could we're going to 12 so we're going to get even more powerful as we go along but I felt by the time we got to level eight we were really coming into our own and I had access to most of my shapes I got the murmidons and the dinosaur one at uh level 10. and again I think the only thing that I don't have is illithic Powers because I haven't done anything I've got 14 of these things and I've chosen just to completely ignore these I don't even know where the uh they're locked it may be somewhere oh is this one no I don't even know where the displacer Beast is in here but I do know that you can get a displacer beach form if you choose to go juicy tadpoles and which I will never ever ever do don't eat the tadpoles kids bad for you drugs are bad okay learn to stay silent so there you have it everyone that is it in terms of my favorite class for this game now I will be coming back and eventually doing the Rogue which because it's just it is the thing that I've enjoyed the most in crpgs over the years I'm currently playing the drought sorcerer about twice a week it's a very slow play through once I finish up the live stream of the Druid I will be streaming the rest of the drought sorcerer's adventures and he's got a completely different party because uh with this group you know I've got lizelle Gail and Shadow heart and that group is carlak will and I will probably end up taking Jahira when I get to her but until I get to her I've also got Shadow heart in the party until I get house and then I'm gonna grab Halston and then once I've got house and I'm going to keep him until they get you here and then we'll go from there and of course I have the tiefling bar that I'm playing with Babylonia and mujin and the multiplayers which are every Tuesday at around 3 to 4 P.M Central is when we kick off those streams so hopefully we'll see you for all of those characters as well and once I wrap up the sorcerer I will then be going on to the Rogue and after the I'll be working on the ranger Beastmaster and those are the ones that I tend to enjoy the most in my crpgs so hopefully we'll see you in those videos as well don't forget to join the Discord links are down below support if you can with memberships super chats and get access to all the private videos and member chat stuff that we do until now next time everybody stay safe happy gaming and let me know your thoughts in the comments below
Channel: Renfail
Views: 52,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 levels, baldur's gate 3 druid, baldur's gate 3 druid guide, baldur's gate 3 druid build guide, baldurs gate 3 druid build, moon druid guide, moon druid wild shape guide, wild shape baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 druid wild shape list, bg3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 druid
Id: 3u3qgWwMfP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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