[BG3] What Happens If You Mix Tavern Brawler and Wild Shape!

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Tavern brawler Druid is a circle of the Moon build that has some nuances most players aren't aware of in balers Skate 3 I'm going to share them with you as we go through this video covering the build wild shapes Feats spells and I'll show you how to remedy their biggest flaw in Wild shape which used to be a low chance to hit but not anymore as a bonus we'll cover two additional Feats that also boost your strength while in Wild shape first we need to understand what Tavern brawler is this is a feat which can be selected as we gain access to it for most classes this is every fourth level you put into the same class class so levels 4 8 and 12 now there are some exceptions to when certain classes gain them the feat Tav brawler claims that when making an unarmed attack your strength modifier will be added twice to the damage and attack rolls now this doesn't actually function like this while in Wild shaped form you'll receive twice the bonus to hit or the attack roll but the damage modifier doesn't get applied I don't know if this is intended or just a bug but regardless without the damage bonus your wild shaped forms are still more than adequate especially since we're going to boost our strength even further in wild shapee with those two additional Feats that we'll cover later on our strength along with dexterity and Constitution will change when we enter wild shaped form and these numbers depend on which form we've got into this means unless our gear specifically states that it will affect you in Wild shape form you won't receive any benefit from it unless of course you're in human or caster form and just to be clear this build is more than capable of holding its own as a Caster or even swapping between shape shifting and casting at this point we need a druid and your race won't have enough of an impact to prevent you from beating the game so feel free to use any companion start a new game or even Respec guidance and Thorn whip are the best options for canant trips these give you great utility outside of combat guidance allows you to add an additional 1 D4 to dialog checks and Thorn whip allows you to potentially reposition enemies with a ranged attack for ability scores 16 dexterity 14 Constitution and 16 wisdom this will give you the flexibility you need to survive and cast when you aren't using wild shape intelligence and Charisma to 10 since these stance go unchanged while your shape shifted proficiencies you can select whatever compliments your party the most typically this is going to be one of the wisdom options which you can see the tool tips by hovering over the text animal handling insight and so on we'll be going with circle of the moon for a subclass at the next level and from there just continue to level up as a pure jid we won't be using any multiclass options in this guide because we want three Feats and access to the highest level spells possible when we aren't taking advantage of wild shap after reaching level four pick up the tavern brawler feet level eight select the heavily armored feet and remember when I said we'd cover two Feats that boost your strength and wild shape well this is the first one the second one resilient will take at level 12 and make sure to boost your strength with the additional Point provided otherwise you won't get the benefit as seen here you can of course swap the order of the last two Feats if you prefer but Tavern brawler should remain the first pick for a final spell book I'd recommend these spells for General use and as as a druid you can swap prepared Spells at any point as the need arrives for something like daylight since this video is about Tavern brawler in Wild shape I won't go into detail about the individual spells themselves but I'll leave links in the description for several other Druid builds where you'll find explanations and gameplay covering the Spells be aware The Tavern brawler does not work with the elemental forms and there's even some other Feats that add benefit we didn't cover in this video for example the Dual wielder feet gives plus one Armor class as long as you're dual wielding weapons prior to C in Wild shape so feel free to experiment with other Feats and pass your findings along that covers the build and I hope you learned something about the interactions of Tavern brawler and other various Feats with wild shape consider liking the video leaving a comment or subscribing to the channel as your engagement is the best form of feedback for knowing the type of content viewers like you want to see
Channel: MinMaxRPG
Views: 23,995
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Id: MlpGZyN9bWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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