Choose The Wrong Answer, Eat The Nasty Food (GAME) | THE GOOD PLATES

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Best episode of the season for me so far. Loved it!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LadyOfTheUpsideDown πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Beasties

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/superjaywars πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Most of the time I'm pleasantly surprised by the guests! And she's no exception! Good episode and fun game!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/doodman222 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love D'Arcy so much. She's such a wholesome human being.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/colizard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gah it was so good! I LOVE D'Arcy and was SO excited to see her pop up on my computer this morning!! She was great.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Annie1317 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Had no idea who she was before today but D’arcy was a lot of fun on the show

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JAMarquis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

cool game concept

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kingXcazam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I LOVE D’Arcy Carden! She totally deserved an Emmy this year.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

A+ episode!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/milliondollas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
today we find out if we're bad people let's talk about that [Music] good mythical morning joining us today is our new friend from the good place on NBC is Darcy Cardin hey Darcy thanks for being here um I feel like I know you I mean I'm a I'm a big Janet fan Oh give me that Jackson joke gonna help me out okay but I also felt like I know you because at a couple of parties I kind of stared at you for a while and I thought I was gonna talk to you and then it like it didn't pan out you know I was like do you remember that is that true yeah yeah what you creeps haha it wasn't me it was him you need to stop staring at her well I was just looking for an opportunity to do you know to have a conversation are you serious yeah yeah party hard to tell me later um it's those parties where it's like hey are we in the mix for naming you know and this we're not going to anymore yeah it's happening now okay here's we're gonna do the good place dives into ethical dilemmas all right so today we're going to do the same specifically we're gonna see how well we can predict what most people would do when faced with an ethical dilemma okay and if we can't that dilemma will move directly into our stomachs it's time for the good plates with Darcy Cardin okay we're gonna be presented with two seemingly identical plates of food and each round we hope to choose the good plates yeah the mythical crew went online and asked you the mythical beast you would do in a range of hypothetical ethical dilemmas and now our job is to guess what the majority of them answered and each of those answers is gonna be represented by a plate to make our choice we have to eat what is on the plate okay now if we pick the wrong plate that food is going to taste like it came straight from the bad place so we must choose carefully and the winner will be named plate Brian that makes sense to me all right I'm going to present us with our first ethical dilemma okay you're married and your spouse gets an incurable but not fatal disease that will greatly inconvenience them for the rest of their life okay you are given a magic pill that will cure them but also causes them to hate everything about you do you give them the pill oh that is war what are the symptoms of this incurable disease is it like constant pain it said it would be a great inconvenience for the rest of their life so whatever that means to you your spouse oh my gosh this is really mean mmm-hmm I can only think of herpes I don't think that's that appeases you got that Betty not for me no okay all right hi type one look like whatever it doesn't matter there are no safe all right let's see what our choices are unclose no we're gonna okay we're just gonna know that it's a chocolate little thing so my side has given the pill link side is don't give them okay so what would you do which isn't the question what would you do it would be so sad my husband and I really love each other it would be so sad if you just didn't love me anymore I think the question is do you love your husband more than you love your relationship but doesn't he love me yeah but he's gonna hate you when you give up that's what I'm saying won't he be sad about that no he'll hate you he'll be glad that you gave him the want to make it my wife's decision by telling her but I'm assuming you can't do this you can't do it you're so I think you got to give him the pill because the aftermath of the decision will be they're not they don't have a bad disease and they hate you and they don't have to be with you so it's only hard for you yeah the self-sacrifice is to take you that do the people know that yeah I think I think I think the mythical beasts have a moral compass I think you're right I think it's really sad to think of your partner hating you but you're right that it is only sad for you because they're over it right they're happy get away from me yeah I hate you yeah take that pill okay but how much sadder is she gonna be without that's me in her life wait are you just gonna yeah okay make your choice saying that the mythical beast shows give them pill link saying they didn't give them the pill let's take a bite are you guys nervous at all now I would choose that I just want to say Kristi I would choose that you know but you don't trust the mythical you think the beast I don't think they thought through it in this particular way you know it is a hard it's okay let's do it three two one I give it a smell that's a it's a sardine ding-dong what a sardine sardine dong sardine dong it was a close one 56% of the mythical beasts said they would give their spouse the pulse oh it's pretty close but we didn't have a you know let Christy decide as an option I still believe in you so this one is worth two points here's our scenario if you could ensure their survival of Earth oh that's big in Reverse climate change by pressing a button that causes the extinction of cats would you press it yes what I mean yeah how is this a difficult question it's sad for cats I mean this is a win-win no he's not are you a cat not a guy hater I'm a cat lover oh you're a cat lover yeah on a cat I don't but my sister does I had a cat chrysanthemum r.i.p love you baby okay Wow that's a good name yeah my little sister named her when she was like - Lizzy okay press the button on my side don't press the button you're pressing a button to save Earth you save Earth you can have you kill cats you can I would say like replace cats with anything and you do it well hold on a second now because if I said replace cats with humans then you're saying that humans are more important than cats oh whoa okay and I am saying humans are more great no I think you can say that can't you well yeah yeah I think cats are this is just an unprotected group is the existence of everything else more important than cats so this is easy right you were sacrificing cats forever you have to press the button okay we're priced in the back I mean unless for the fun of it you just someone don't want to press the button I want to press the button but I don't repress the unethical B's really like cats is that true yeah cuz they don't like me cuz I don't like okay if you had a cat it would be very hard to make this decision you would basically be saying I will kill my cat I'm gonna kill me everything though right just survive wait cheers yeah take it take it course right I wonder what that would have been Darcy so an overwhelming 76% of people said they would push the button if it meant killing cats but we did also ask the question and replace cats with dogs and only 48 percent whoa they would push the button your tip so what what did you do here can you tell what we did it's so salty but you know what there's something about it that you're gonna like it's actually bad it's not that bad it's like well no my cat once you get all the way I'll look this way no cat everything about okay everything about this round is great this salty chocolate the dead cats in the saved world yeah hello little beasties you ready to do this your best friend at work ah well Oh tells you they've been embezzling money and you promise never to tell anyone about it however an innocent co-worker is soon blamed for the crime and fired your friend refuses to turn themselves in do you break your promise and tell on your friend do you own the company that's okay that one's hard because there's a couple keywords your best friend and then innocent co-worker I mean innocent is one thing but co-worker like who cares come on over here is just [Music] your best friend no you don't tell on your best friend I don't know because some of your thinks is gonna take the fall yeah it feels like the morally right thing to do is to have justice served which would be that person that I mean if the innocent co-worker like went to prison mm-hmm plane and I'd be like blamed for the crime and fired maybe go to prison I mean here's it like maybe this is too goody-goody but if your best friend is this kind of person maybe that's not the kind you need a new free life right I'm kind of serious about that okay let's see let's see what we're dealing with okay there's only money so we've got chips and guac okay you tell on your friend over here and you don't tell on your friend I really like my best friend if no one took the fall like if Ling came to me and said hey I accidentally murdered somebody right and I was the only and I would yeah and I probably would help him bury them yeah of course you would yeah we don't have to agree though but then if someone else got put in prison because of the murder at that point Kings Chow is you like okay I got a tell on link right to like if you wanna kill somebody as long as nobody else other than me finds out we're cool okay okay I think I would tell on my friend but I think those little beasties are really good friends and they're gonna not tell on their friends so I'm gonna say they don't tell their friends that's what I'm gonna say oh okay okay is that crazy all right no because maybe maybe their loyalty to their I think you're right is angry with you scoop and Cheers we can't cheers you though nope here we go oh that's good oh this is just avvocato oh no I'm gonna do it I'm supposed to talk now wait actually I was great Wow surprisingly 68% of the mythical beasts said that they would tell on their friend yeah oh yeah all is right in the world when why are we the ones punished for it okay final round this is worth four points luckily it's anybody's game well I could tie yeah you can win mm-hmm if you could guarantee success in any career of your choice for the rest of your life but you would have to pick one friend to never succeed no matter how hard they tried would you do it no that's so selfish oh yeah well let's see what we got because it may change your mind oh yeah so you take the success over here you don't take this success yeah this is a super super selfish choice unless you pick a friend who he knows never gonna succeed and unless you want to be like a cancer doctor oh yeah yeah you give yourself a career that I take a back cut not unless you want to be in on college and what if it was that friend that's like hey dude no matter how hard I try I'm not really gonna try right you know you're almost doing him a favor everybody's got a friend like that yeah it's like you know what if you're successful do right by me man and you could do that yeah you could you know you're on a hit TV show followed up by a bunch of hit movies you're like an action star no wait no if I did this I would be an oncologist you mean like an oncologist on TV all right and then your friend is like you know your your bag boy yeah hey here's the thing though by being an oncologist on television you will potentially inspire more people to be oncologist and they will do more good cumulatively than you will be able to do just by being an oncologist by yourself that is so true but I still would just be an oncologist take this success this is me okay and just bring the friend along for the ride entourage I don't think that they're gonna take the success because I don't think that they're gonna take the selfish I don't either because these little beasties know these little beasties are not selfish they're they're out for the greater good and the greater good is not a selfish choice so you I do not the easiest thing to do is probably just move for me to stand up climb over the two of you can't change because of the grass okay so we're here the organs move the graphics gosh you would you have to climb over me oh gosh this is this is like can I move my butt no the graphics the graphics yeah will move but the graphics boy they can food the graphics are right here yes anyway I think they're down here you see them right yeah they see that the Beast you see them away ready hate it over here don't take the success oh we're like Archie and Veronica three two one oh no no it's just coffee oh I thought that it was coke and then it was coffee and my trip my brain so what is it I don't know it's bad what is it it's bad it's it's oh it's vinegar it's coffee vinegar yeah I don't want it I drink vinegar on the show one time and listen oh it's so bad my break is so great 60% of the mythically said they would not tape the success of course they wouldn't listen you know what they just didn't think it through I I think in every round I went on the side that I thought was the morally just side and that was the side that you guys chose every time so I feels great I get to be plate Brian and I my faith in you guys is restored congratulations Rhett you are now officially played Brian be sure to check out Darcy Carden on the season premiere of the good place tonight whoa will they be seen and thank you for liking commenting and subscribing now you say you know what time it is now wait no you say okay okay you know what time ah man he likes it like the top link to watch us figure out who is holding a cactus and good mythical more and if I know where the will of mythicality going to land it's been a while so we're dropping new styles Prime members get free shipping on our latest releases at slash mythical
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,944,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, d'arcy carden, the good place, the good place season 4, the good place janet, janet good place, Choose The Wrong Answer, Eat The Nasty Food (GAME) | THE GOOD PLATES, choose, the, wrong, answer, eat, nasty, food, game, good, plates, taste test, taste, test, gmm good place, good mythical morning good place, good place premiere, darcy carden
Id: UgxFTWou8TM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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