Cooking Rice In Different Liquids (Taste Test)

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Daryl loves his furry biscuit because it satisfies his


\nose injury**

It WENT UP MY NOSE, man!!!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 23 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 14 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

The bit Link kept doing at the start of every round killed me for some reason šŸ˜‚

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 12 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/PrezNoit123 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 14 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

This episode and the More were hilarious. I also didn't realize that the "roni" of Rice-A-Roni was short for macaroni. I don't think I've ever noticed there was pasta in it at all. (Did Josh say it was vermicelli pasta?)

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 10 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/jamsau38 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 15 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Super high energy episode! From Link especially! Loved it.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 8 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Neat_Caterpillar šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 14 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Iā€™m just putting this out there. Ranch dressing on white rice is delicious.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/xopenguin šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 14 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Link saying "girl you basic" made my day.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/deadmallsanita šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 15 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
- When Christy goes away to do things, yeah, she hires a babysitter for me, somebody just to keep an eye on me. - And her breath stinks. - And she gets in my face. She's like, you better mind me, man. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning. - November is peaking around the corner, which means you have the opportunity to vote like a beast. Head over to where you can find all the information you need to get registered, educated, and voted. - And a reminder, if you have a mail-in ballot, get that thing filled out and sent in today. Do not procrastinate! The election's just a few weeks away and we want to make sure that your voice is heard. You want to make sure too. - If you live in Wisconsin, first of all, congratulations. But also today is your online voter registration deadline, so make sure you are registered. And if you're not, get registered at - Where? Tennessee and Kansas, we're looking at you because you can vote early, starting today. That's right, we've done homework. is where you need to do yours. Vote by mail or in person. Get the info you need. Vote like a beast at - And remember, if we register 18,000 people by election day, we will do our very first, all day long live stream. - Ooh, yeah! But today, we've got other plans involving rice. Now, I'm told that rice is traditionally cooked in water. Can you confirm? - I've done it in water. I mean, cooking rice is what I'm talking about. - To which I say, why? Why? Why can't we choose what we cook our rice in? Maybe there is a superior liquid out there that we just don't know yet. Let's find out. (Rhett laughs) It's time for You should probably cook rice in good old H2O, but if we cook it in other things, will it make us say, "Uh-oh"? The mythical kitcheneers have spent the entire day, or however long it takes to cook rice, cooking plain old white rice in different liquids. And we're going to try and guess what the rice was cooked in and Steve is going to give his hints because apparently she doesn't believe that we'll be able to guess without- - Have faith in us, Stevie! Okay, whoever gets closest, wins a point, and then points escalate each round, and the winner gets a necklace that has a grain of rice with their name on it. I've always wanted one of those! - Oh my gosh, I have to get it. - Let's try the first one. (upbeat music) - As you can see, we can't. - But we can smell rice. - And I can feel a warm bowl. - [Stevie] Is that allowed? Is that cheat... Are we allowing the smell? 'Cause Rhett's doing a deep smell and I wanna let you know - Oh, he's doing a deep smell? - [Stevie] 'Cause I want it to be fair. - Why not? Yeah, you can smell and you can taste, man. Smelling's 80% of tasting. - Yeah, but it's not time. - And tasting's 80% of my life. - Alright. Hmm, boy. - I can't say that's good. - It's not. - It's super sweet. What could it be? - Nice and tangy tangy. - I can't... I can't... Okay, I got a guess, I guess. - [Stevie] All right. You ready? Three, two, one. - Gatorade. - Orange juice. - Gatorade? - [Stevie] Link Neal! - Orange juice! - Oh, yeah? (bell dings) - [Stevie] Yeah, you can take a peek. It's orange juice. - Now that I know what it is, let me taste it again. - Oh, yeah. - [Link] Yeah, 'cause it was tangy. - Yeah. I went with something citrus-y, but I didn't get all the way to the source. - It's a lot sweeter than I thought it would be. So is this something worth trying? - No. - [Stevie] What if you put condensed milk on that? - We'd have a party. - As opposed to what? - [Stevie] I'm just saying, I haven't tasted that rice, but I feel like it could be like a... like a sweet rice pudding, but you... you add even more sweet to it. But no? It's bad? - It's too... It's too citrus-y. - I like smelling it though. (upbeat music) - Another bowl, another bowl of rice. - One bowl of rice with no- - Oh, wow. I feel like I know this one just from smell. - Oh, that's a good smell. That's inviting. - Uh-oh. Now everything changed. - Oh, what was a little bit inviting has now taken a dark turn. - I thought I was going to like that. Boy, but the eating part was bad. The smelling part was good. The eating part was bad. - Well, I don't think it's bad. I just think we're blindfolded. Oh, you're blindfolded. (laughs) - Oh, shoot. - The ol' "We both got blindfolds on" trick. - All right, I'm feeling... after my first win, I'm feeling way too confident. - Okay. - So I'm gonna be specific with this guess. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Coffee. - Chocolate pudding. - [Stevie] Dang it. No. This has a good hint though. - [Link] What's the hint? - [Stevie] This is the most basic of all the rices. - Vanilla? - [Stevie] No, like basic, like slang, like girl, you basic. - Girl, you basic. That means- - Latte. Frappuccino. - [Stevie] Wait, you guys can't... That's astounding to me that there's not the taste of this specific coffee beverage that I'm looking for. - Horchata? - That's not coffee. - [Stevie] That's not basic. - Oh, pumpkin spice latte. - [Stevie] Yeah! (bell dings) - What? I'm tasting chocolate. - No, no. That's what I said coffee from the very beginning. - It's amazing how being un-blindfolded makes you taste pumpkin spice or whatever that is. - I don't know what it is, it just- - Very hearty. - I can't reconcile it in my mouth. - Yeah, I want to like it- - I like to reconcile things in my mouth. - But I don't, at all. (upbeat music) These have been some clumpy rice situations, man. (Rhett yells) - Man! Does this stink? I can't even decide if things stink anymore. - The rice, sort of the wet rice part is what stinks, but then there's- - There's nothing on this spoon. - I keep thinking all I have to do is smell, and then I realized, Oh no, you also can eat. - This is absolutely horrible. (crew laughs) - Hmm. Oh. - This smells like my dadgum babysitter's breath. Like, she'd get in my face and say, "You better mind me." - Hold on. You mean like your a babysitter now? Because that would be... (laughs) - When Christy goes away to like do things, yeah, she hires a babysitter for me. Somebody just to keep an eye on me. - And her breath stinks. - And she gets in my face. She's like, "You better mind me, man. Your wife's going to be home soon." - What is this? - This is nasty, man. It's like furniture polish. - Okay, I got a guess, but it's wrong. - [Stevie] Okay. Link, you ready? Three, two, one. - Capri Sun. - (imitates buzzer buzzing) I got nothing. - [Stevie] Okay. So you're not... - Capri Sun? - [Stevie] You're on the right track with that guess I would say. - I didn't even guess. - [Stevie] Well, I was talking to Rhett. - I'm on the Capri Sun track. - It comes in a pouch? - [Stevie] It comes in a form of pouch. And I think that it's regional depending on what people usually call this thing. - [Link] Kangaroo milk. - Fun Dip? - [Stevie] No. What else do people call Fun Dip? - [Rhett] I don't know what else you call Fun Dip. - Dip and trip. - I call it Fun Dip. - [Stevie] No, that's what I'm saying. So the thing that I'm talking about has multiple names depending on where you live in the country. - Chilly Willy's. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Ha ha! Yes! (bell dings) - [Stevie] Do you know what color? - Snoopy tillows. (laughs) - They all taste the same. - [Stevie] Well, Rhett already guessed the thing. (laughs) - I'm going to go with blue? - [Stevie] Yeah! - No extra point on that. Wow, look at that. - Whoa! - That is beautiful. Now, let's see if it tastes better when we can see it. - I don't know why I could only get one grain of rice at a time when I was eating with my blindfold. - It stinks. Is it the rice part that stinks? I think the rice stinks. - Rice stinks. Everybody knows that. - Why does the rice stink? - Right, Josh? Rice stinks. - [Josh] Yeah, rice has got a stank to it. - Yeah, right, a good stink. (upbeat music) What is this strong one? - It's got a strong scent and it's moister too. - It's moister. And when I say moister, I don't mean moisture. I mean, it's moister than another thing that could be moist, I kinda like the smell of it. - [Link] Yeah, it smells good. - [Rhett] This one's got a good stink too. - [Link] Good stink? - Yeah. Oh. Whoa. - [Link] Oh. Oh. - Oh! (babbling) Something a little spicy? - What is it? - I have no idea. - I don't know. - I can't tell. - I've got to figure it out 'cause I'm way behind. - I got to taste it again. - I've really got to give a really good guess. - It's so tangy. - I think I know what this is. - [Stevie] Three, two- one. - Spaghetti sauce. - [Stevie] Link. - Barbecue sauce. - [Stevie] No, you're both incorrect. - Wasn't it like spaghetti sauce? - You can't guess on two. - Well, it was a lot of words. - I'm going to have to- - I wanted to end on three. - I'm gonna have to escort you out. (Link laughs) - I literally was thinking, I have so many syllables- - I have to finish my answer before it's over. - [Stevie] This doesn't really narrow it down too much, but it's you shouldn't take a bath in this, but you guys did. - It was greasy. - Ranch? - [Stevie] Yeah. (bell dings) - What? It's so meaty tasting! How are you doing that? This is crazy. Listen to me- - Look at the peppers though. Look at the dark little peppers. - This is good. This is the first thing that is bonafide good. - Ranch rice. - And when you eat ranch on rice and you're blindfolded, it tastes meaty. (Rhett laughs) This is it, guys. Stop watching. Go to another video. - No, no, no, no. Don't, don't. - You've probably already seen two mid-rolls anyway. - Don't ever tell them to do that. - Listen, this is what you came for. There it is. Right, Josh? Or is there something better? There's something else they came for? - [Josh] Just ranch rice. - Oh, so you don't think they should stick around either. - [Josh] Big time ranch rice. (laughing) (upbeat music) - Do you hear that? You hear that moist- - I don't like the way you penetrate your rice- - You hear that? - At the beginning of each round. It makes me uncomfortable. - That is something. Oh, okay. - [Rhett] There's not much to the smell of this one. - All right, I have my guess. - There's a lot of smell to this one to me. - Well, hold on. Hold your horses, man. - I'm ready to vote. I'm way behind. We've got to do it. I'm ready, Stevie. - No, no, no, no, don't do that! - [Link] Three- - No, you can't do that! (crew laughs) You gotta give me a chance, bro. - Two. I know it, man. I can't believe you didn't know it immediately. - Just smells like rice to me. - See, I'm just giving you a freaking hint, man. Do you like it? - [Rhett] Okay. - [Stevie] Ready? Three, two, one. - Dr. Pepper. - Milk. - [Stevie] What did you say, Rhett? - Milk. (laughs) - Milk? - It's definitely Dr. Pepper. - [Stevie] Yeah, it's Dr. Pepper. - Oh, yes. So how many points did I get for that? - [Stevie] A lot. - Eight? - No. But you got into a position where you can easily win the last round. - [Stevie] You got five points for that. - See, 'cause this right here, if you like Dr. Pepper, you might think it's milk. But if you don't like Dr. Pepper, you'll know it's Dr. Pepper. - The thing I've always loved about Dr. Pepper is its milk-like quality. (upbeat music) - You hear that? You hear that? (rice sloshing) - Oh, man. - You hear that? - It smells like milk. - Oh, this smells... That smells good. This is the best smelling one so far. Could it taste horrible? - Ugh. - Ugh? No, more like, mm. This is good. It's very bland, but there's something to it. - [Rhett] What happened to this? - [Steve] This is very good. It's bland, is so Link. - You know me, I love bland things. - [Steve] It's so Link. - I love bland. Yeah. I'm not going back now from that statement. I love bland. (crew laughs) - [Rhett] I don't particularly like it, but I also don't know what it is. - [Stevie] This one's difficult, I'll say that. It is. - I know it. We gotta be specific, right? - [Stevie] You have to be specific and put your reaching hats on. - I'll guess something. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Chocolate sundae. - Cereal milk. - [Stevie] Both incorrect. - But we're both in the milk zone and I don't know- - Yeah. You're in the right milk zone, I'll say. - Okay, we're under the teat. - [Stevie] Okay, the hint I have says, "We're really rooting for y'all." - Root beer float. - Mashed potato rice. - [Stevie] Okay, this is something that you would usually- - Aren't potatoes a root? - Get in a shop that has beverages that contain bubbles. - Yogurt. - It's a soda. - [Stevie] No. Sorry. Tapioca- - Pudding. Chocolate pudding. - [Stevie] In them. No. - Boba, boba. - Boba, boba rice. - [Stevie] Okay, yeah. So this is a fairly typical flavor- - Milk boba. - [Stevie] Yep. And then if you had a root in it- - Ginger root. - [Stevie] No. - Turmeric. - Carrot. Boba. - Red... - [Stevie] T, tea... - [Both] Tea root! - Tea root boba! - Tea boba. Hot tea- - [Stevie] It's a blank milk tea. It's a light purple color. - [Rhett] Oh- - Lavender, lavender root. - Oh, what is that? (babbling) - Lavender bubble tea. - I can almost... like, I've had it. And I just can't put my hands around the root. - Ah, shoot. - [Stevie] It rhymes with... pharaoh. - Taro root! - [Stevie] Yeah. (bell dings) - Taro root? - I don't even feel like I should get points for that. - What is a taro? Well, you already won anyway. Taro. Oh, that's a beautiful- - That is so pretty. That is so pretty. Now- - And it tastes good. - Let me re reevaluate now. - This tastes good and it comes out in the shape of a bowl. - I do like this. I do like this. - And hey, that ranch, take note. - Look what I got. I got... Look it, my name is written on that and it's a piece of rice. - Let me see that. - Look at that. It's written. Rhett is on rice. - Oh wow. It really is. I'll put it... (crew laughs) It doesn't fit, but I'll figure that out later. - The sad thing is either they knew I wasn't going to win or there's a grain of rice with my name on it somewhere around here that's just going to go in a trash can. - Yeah, over there. Well, yeah. We'll throw it away. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - My name is Hussein. - My name is Muhammad. - We are from Saudi Arabia. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - You know what? I'm going to start holding a microphone between the two of us for the show. - Like it's a budding flower. - I like that. It's very intimate. Click the top link to watch us taste every flavor of Rice-A-Roni on Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the wheel's gonna land. - [Rhett] Make your voice heard and vote like a beast. Visit for all your voting needs.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,581,136
Rating: 4.9349976 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: 4883l0WRiVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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