$456 McDonald's McRib Taste Test | Fancy Fast Food

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If Josh does another Fancy Fast Food with Link, he should wear the same crop top to mess with him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wiimanj13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I keep forgetting that Josh is tall af too. Everybody is going to look short next to Rhett, but 6’ 2” is nothing to sneeze at.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toadpuppy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Or a fancy lunchable

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nouseforaname836 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hate onions, but I'm curious how scientifically those became so bad

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SwissMyCheeseYet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Serious question, why is this video showing up everywhere today. It is #9 on trending and it has less than 200K views. #10 on trending has over 4 million views. It also came up first on my home page instead of the main episode this morning, and it is at the top of the sub today too instead of the main episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/not_a_library πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

he wasted a lot of money on that bourbon

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/texacer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Josh is smart, funny, talented but somehow off putting for me. Maybe he will relax as time goes on, slow it down a pace or two and be more present. Just a thought.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BlatantHoney πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don’t kill me on this one but Rhett almost seemed uncomfortable around Josh during this shoot. Perhaps he’s just holding back and giving Josh more camera time since he’s the chef but he seems to be acting a bit off; even reserved.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HesitantlyYours πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is no one going to mention how GREAT Josh looked in that crop top?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Strawbsandsugar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- All right, so we need to make our pickles. So I have a hothouse cucumber, right? So this is typically my favorite to use for pickles because you're not getting a ton of seeds. So if you just wanna take that and we're gonna chop it up-- - I'm not touching that. (upbeat bass music) - [Voice] Welcome to McDonald's, can I help you? - [Josh] Hey there, I would like to McRibs, please. - [Voice] Two what? - Two McRibs. - [Voice] I'm sorry, we don't have McRibs. - You don't have McRibs? - [Voice] No, I'm so sorry. - Ah, should be get anything else? - [Voice] Sorry about that, did you want something else? - Are you saying do we want something else other than McRibs? - [Voice] Yeah. - No. - No? All right, sorry about that, have a nice day. - It's okay, it's not your fault, I love you. - [Voice] Love you too. - Okay, so what we normally do, is we take the actual item that we're fancifying and then we eat it in the car and then we discuss what we like about it and what we think we can do better. - Oh yeah, I've actually also watched many episodes. - [Josh] Yeah? - So I knew that. - Are you a fan? - It's among your better work. - I'm thinking, you know this sandwich like the back of your hand, probably better than the back of your hand. I mean, I know what the back of your hand tastes like, you know what the back of your hand tastes like. - Right. - But I think we can just imagine what the sandwich tastes like, just pretend like we're eating it. 'Cause we can describe it so well from memory. - It's about this big around. - Yeah, yeah. - I have to open my mouth approximately this wide. - I got my eyes closed, I'm opening my mouth. - Oh yeah, there it is. (Josh makes a chomping sound) Oh yeah, is that ribs? I don't know. (Josh chuckles) - There's certainly no ribs in the McRib, I could tell ya that! - But it is pork! - So, they're using pork butt. I think we should use actual ribs though. - Oh. - Right? I mean I got a whole back seat full of meat back there. I think we should use up that seat meat. - Oh, you got seat meat? - I got seat meat, it's soppin' wet and it's ready to be smoked. - It's also in the sun, is that okay? - Yeah, yeah that's great. - Is it like dry aging? - It is exactly like dry aging, except it's quite wet. - Okay back to the McRib. Okay, there's also that sauce which tastes eerily like just the straight-up McDonald's barbecue sauce. Is it? - That I believe, is the actual McDonald's barbecue sauce, but they have changed the formula a couple times, which is cool 'cause that means we're not beholden to anything. We can freestyle it, man. - Well, you know what? As amazing as this imaginary McRib is, it's making me think that you're gonna have a very difficult time replicating this. - Well yeah, hey, so I got a special barbecue outfit I keep it in my trunk at all times, just in case I run into this situation. I got some meat in the back seat. You got a smoker, can I come over? - Yeah, let me call my wife. - [Josh] Okay. All right Rhett, you ready? - Oh yeah! - [Josh] This is it. You can turn around now. What do you think? - It's hot! (Rhett laughs) - It sure is! - Well, I love this part. - [Josh] Yeah, yeah, yeah, 'cause I had to write in my own name 'cause we don't have a t-shirt yet. - Yeah, we don't have a Rhett and Josh shirt yet. So is this your seat meat? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I've had this dry aging in my car for at least six hours. It's gotten a little bit sweaty. So right here we have Berkshire Pork Ribs. - [Rhett] Oh. - This is a heritage breed pig. - Yes. - Yeah, a nice fancy pig. And then this is actually American wagyu beef back ribs. - Wagyu? - Wagyu, mm, indeed. - You say that, "gyu". You mean, "wa-goo"? - Wa-goo? Yeah, this is that whole wa-goo beef, ya know? - I like wa-goo. - Yeah, we got some lamb ribs, no silent B, we pronounce the B, where I'm from! - What in your rub? - So we got the turbinado sugar, we got Espelette pepper, we got Hungarian hot paprika that's imported, we have French fleur de sel, we actually have what's called marash pepper, this is from Turkey, and then I'm gonna use a little bit of mustard. This is just a nice French Dijon that we're gonna rub on the ribs just so the rub actually sticks. - Ah, yes. - And then, Calabrian chili pepper as well, so this is imported from Italy. So we have pepper from all around Europe and the Middle East. - I see that. I don't know what countries the parts of my rub comes from and now I feel inadequate. - All right, so then we're actually going to baste this with Garrison Brothers Balmorhea Bourbon. This is 115 proof, out of Texas. It is the two-time defending small batch whiskey champion from Jim Murray's Whisky Bible. - All right, let's rub. - Let's do it. - As you can see, I contacted Ra, the sun god. I haven't seen anything that's happened so far, I've just been squinting the whole time. - Yeah, my glasses are burning onto my face physically. (Rhett laughs) All right so we got this rub down, this is just very heavily salted, there's a lot of strong flavors with all that espelette and marash pepper in there. - This makes me feel good about what I've done in the past, 'cause I'm-- - Smell that! - Ooh, that's strong. I'm a mustard man. - [Josh] Sometimes I just use a little bit of coconut oil, 'cause then you can rub some on your body, you rub some on the ribs. - My eighth grade girlfriend would put Crisco on her body while she would sunbathe. And I'm not making this up. - Did she smell like biscuits after? (both laugh) - I mean, it was very sexy. - So you're a purist when it comes to the McRib, right? - I believe that the McRib is potentially the most perfect fast food offering that's ever been created. - That's a heck of a claim. - But I also feel that there's something about the McRib that's ineffable. You can't put it into words. You can't explain it. It's something that as you're eating it, there's a connection between what's happening in your mouth and what's happening in your soul. - It's a Gestaltian. It is more then the sum of its parts. - [Rhett] Right. (Josh exhales) Yeah. (beep) Now I haven't let anyone else touch the smoker. And the only rule I have is when a man touches my smoker, I must be touching him at the same time. Like guiding. So if you just reach out. - Okay. - Oh, no, no, no, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! - [Josh] I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sorry! I'm sorry. - Just hold your hand out! - Oh, okay... - [Rhett] And I'm gonna place it on top. - [Josh] Okay. - [Rhett] Now go. - All right, and... Yeah, I feel connected. I feel closer to you then ever. - Okay, yeah. - All right, it's your smoker, do you wanna be the one to do the honors? - Oh yeah. - And would you like me to touch you while you do this? - Oh yeah, definitely. - I'm just gonna go ahead and swing behind and I'm just gonna grab the wenis from behind. - I love it when somebody touches my wenis! I feel so supported! - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I feel supported too emotionally by everybody here. Yeah, just scoop it under like I'm scooping your wenis. - [Rhett] And then we just put her to bed. - Put her to bed, now we just gotta wait about three and a half to four hours. - Let's watch Die Hard twice. - With a veng... I've never seen it. Tryin' to make a reference, and I've never seen Die Hard. (Rhett laughs) (kitchen timer rings) - [Rhett] Ah, you're a pretty good pourer! - Oh, yeah, I did a lot of high pours in college. So we're just gonna open up these ribs. - Oh baby. - Oh look at that! - [Rhett] Baby! - I don't wanna cast a shadow so I'm just gonna lean back. Just test it in here. (squirter squeaks) - Oh gosh, that was a-- (Josh growls and huffs) That was a really hard stream! - Whoa, I feel alive! - I think I hit your uvula really hard. - My uvula's tingling right now! - All right, here. (squirter squeaks) - [Josh] How's that, how's that for ya? - Good Lord! Man you're not really supposed to get whiskey that... I'm sorry I did that. Now, after one spray in my mouth, I realize what those three must've felt like for you. - Yeah, yeah, it was an experience. Oh yeah. - [Rhett] Good? - [Josh] I love what's happening here so much. All right, so we've gotta go for another 10 to 15, and now I guess we can start going back to the kitchen and start cooking some more stuff. - Okay, let's do it. - Rhett, at your request, I have changed out of the crop top. - Thank you, I really appreciate it. - I've kept the jorts. - I can't see that far down. - [Josh] So, we obviously have our smoked ribs. We've got the lamb ribs, the Kurobuta the Berkshire, and that American wagyu from Lone Mountain Farms. - Yes. - That's incredible. But we also have some more meat surprises not just in the jorts. - I'm not complaining. - And we have actual A5 Japanese wagyu from the Kagoshima Prefecture. All right, then we have our spices that we're gonna mix into the patty as well. We're also gonna throw in some barbecue sauce. We got our hot Hungarian paprika, we got our Espelette pepper, our marash pepper, our fleur de sel. - [Rhett] Woo! - But there's more that goes into this, we obviously have to make the barbecue sauce for the McRib as well. I'm gonna get a little funky with this. I'm gonna use some black garlic. That's garlic that's been fermented. But we also have this Calamansi vinegar. This is as expensive as a nice liquor but it is really worth it. The flavor is impeccable. We're also gonna throw some of this Garrison Brother's Balmorhea Whiskey in there and then we're going to concasse some heirloom tomatoes. - Concasse what? (both laugh) - I concasse I do! (Rhett laughs) And then we also have pickles and onions, right? The McRib's a relatively simple sandwich. - Oh, yeah! - So pickles. We are going to do that in the Calamansi vinegar as well. And then for the onions, I thought we'd actually infused it with a little bit of rose water. You can vacuum, seal it, get it nice and tight. - I love Rose water. - I love Rose water, too. And it everything up down there. - Oh, you put it down there? - Oh yeah, lots of it. - Those jorts are too tight. - We have to make our make our McRibs style of barbecue sauce. - Yeah. - So we're doing a French technique called concasse, which is a way to actually skin the tomatoes and get the seeds out. So you're going to core it and then you're going to score it. Then you're going to boil it and then you're going to pop it in an ice bath. And then you should be able to peel it very easily. They say a watched pot never boils. - I'm not looking at it. I was looking at the other thing. - [Josh] You can't look away. - I looked at it. - Don't! Cut guys, he looked at the pot! (beep) So we're gonna go ahead and take our tomato and we're just gonna pop it in there for about 10 seconds. - Okay, all right. - Countdown. - Three, two, one, six, seven, eight. - five, seven, nine. I think it's probably done. - You know, I do have to take tongs. - Yeah, yeah, take those. I think it's good. I think it's good, all right. So the reason we actually need to boil is because we need the skin to be able to start to peel back. Now, you're just gonna take that and just go ahead and peel all that skin back. - So this is how this is done. Oh man, that is so wonderful! - So just cut it in half across the equator. Perfect. And then a lot of people will go in and pluck the seeds out. I just like to give it a nice little squeeze. And now we're just going to give this a quick rough chop. And so now we have a nice little concasse dice. We actually have to cook this barbecue sauce. So I want you to get all this beef tallow into that pot. You're going to be my stir guy. So you're gonna be sautΓ©ing all this stuff up. - Yeah, Stir Guy! - [Josh] Yeah! (Rhett laughs) - So you're gonna put the tomatoes into the lard. Yeah, there it is! You want to hear that sizzle! You might be thinking most barbecue sauce doesn't start with beef lard. Mine does, all right? Deal with it! - That that is nice! - Yeah, and then I'm to take a couple of cloves of black garlic. Give that a huff! - Woo! What makes it black? You let it actually ferment and then all the bacteria just makes it really jammy. It gives it this beautiful complexities. Just use a couple cloves in there. - [Rhett] Oh, you just throw 'em in there whole! - God dang it! - This is that fancy vinegar. - This is the fancy vinegar. It's super, super fruity and acidic. And so think it's going to add some real nice complexity, especially when we get it combined with a lot of this bourbon. So I'm going to add in about a whole cup of bourbon to that. We're going to strain this and blend it and reduce it down. And so all that alcohol is going to cook out eventually. - That was more than a cup, Josh. - Yeah well, we got enough for drinking. All right, I'm just gonna add some of that turbinado sugar in there. - All I can smell is whiskey. - Yeah, correct. But that will boil out. And so you're really going to concentrate all those flavors. And then now we're doing sugar beet syrup. So this is similar to molasses, but made from sugar beets. We want a lot of that nice dark color in there. - [Rhett Whispers] Wow. - [Josh] There we go. And then we also have some Blackstrap molasses. And again, we're not measuring anything. You've watched the show before. - Yeah, measuring's for losers. - [Josh] You just go by feel. All right, some of that Espelette pepper is going in there and then this Turkish marash pepper is going to go in there as well. We're just going to get a hefty pinch of salt in there. A lot of that fleur de sel. So we're going to take that and we're going to pop it fresh piping-hot, into the Vitamix. - Really? You can do that? Yeah well, we'll see. Wait man, I poured hot oil into this Vitamix. Why are you going with the backhand? - So the people can see it, man! - It's a great... I guess that's a veteran move! We're just gonna blend this up a little bit. - Why do you have nicer equipment here than I have at my home? (Vitamix whirs) - Technically you bought both, you know? (laughing) - I know. - [Josh] Come and borrow it anytime! So we're gonna take this and now we're actually gonna strain it. So here, you be my spoon man. My Stir Guy and my Spoon Man. - So what does the spoon do? - So the spoon, there should be some pulp that collects in there. And then you're just going to put the spoon in the middle of that and jimmy it. - [Rhett] Oh, to get the stuff to drain. - [Josh] Yeah, there it goes. Now you're gonna see it come through. A little bit more. And again, we're working with the light color here, but once all that molasses caramelizes it's gonna turn nice dark. - Man, that smells good! - Can I get your spoon? - Yeah. - I typically do one of these. - [Rhett] Yep, you know what? Why is it coming out so much faster? - All right, so now we're just going to take this, get it back in the pan. (liquid sizzles) And that's going to boil away for about 15 minutes. It's going to get nice and thick! All right, so we need to make our pickles. So I have a hothouse cucumber, right? So this is typically my favorite to use for pickles because you're not getting a ton of seeds. So if you just wanna take that and we're gonna chop it up-- - I'm not touching that. - Why? - You can have your own fun with that. - I thought you're gonna be a team player and now it's weird. So anyways, we have pre-cut cucumbers. - Oh, thank you. - Oh, I do like this though. I feel confident. I feel strong. - Yeah, I'm a little jealous. - [Josh] We have pre-cut cucumbers here that are actually pre-salted too. We did a little quick dry cure on them, but now we're going to do what I call an ISI quick pickle. - Yeah. - So this is an ISI canister right here. It is pressurized with carbon dioxide. There's a CO2 canister that's going to go in here. And can you take all these cucumbers? - And I just drop them in the hole? - Just drop them in the hole, and then I'm going to use some of this calamansi vinegar and actually a little bit of bourbon in there. - [Rhett] Oh, we got a clog. - [Josh] Just mash them. - [Rhett] Got a cucumber clog. There we go. - And then I'm going to take the calamansi vinegar. Get a lot of that in there. And then we're going to take just a little splash of bourbon. Just a splash. - Okay. - Now we're taking our CO2 cartridge-- - [Rhett] Was that in your pants as well? - Yeah, it was kind of obscured by the cuc... - Okay. - So just screw that in there. And screw it really tight, and you should hear a, (Josh makes a hissing sound) pressure locking situation. (canister hisses) There we go. - Oh, you hear that? Oh, it got cold! - Yeah, and that's actually the CO2 releasing. - And now we do a little shake. - Yeah. (Josh stammers) I duck just in case. Okay, maybe stop, maybe stop, maybe that's-- - Aren't we making pickles in this thing? - We're making pickles in it. And it happens quick. - All my life, I've been waiting on people to make pickles and all along they could have been doing this! - No more waiting, you got to use-- - You jerks have been making me wait on pickles! - So we're going to let that hang out in the fridge. The fridge is right there. - The fridge is just off-camera. - [Josh] Just off-camera. We're gonna let that hang out for about 15 minutes. That's going to quick pickle. - The fridge. - Yeah, so I'm going to make some little marinated onions. We're actually going to vacuum seal this. Can you put those onions bag? - [Rhett] Okay. - So now, huff that. - Oh, I love rose water and I was embarrassed by it for a long period of time. - We're just going to dump a whole lot of that rose water in there. - And now we just... - [Josh] Shove that right inside the... No, the middle hole. The middle hole, wrong hole. - That's the hole? - That's the hole yeah, right in there. - That hole! - That hole! - The only hole. (Josh stammers) - You know, the only hole for some. So we're going to shut that down. - That was harder than it should have been. - [Josh] Now, we're just gonna hit the vacuum seal and it's actually... - [Rhett] look at that! - Yeah. So you see all that water is gonna get in there (vacuum sealer buzzes) and then probably do its thing. - And so the rose water has been drawn into the onions? - Exactly, it's sucking out the air and that's pushing all that rose water into the onions. - Man, I just feel like a science assistant. - [Josh] Yeah. All right, so we got our onions vacuum sealed when we put... - Oh, it's not sealed. (beep) - So now we're going to take the pickles and we're just going to release the pressure on them. (canister hisses) Ah! - It's funny how there is really nothing to that, but we're both very scared. - [Josh] Yeah, I'm a naturally frightened person. - [Rhett] Yeah, I don't like pressure. - And so if we open this up, just reach in there and grab yourself a pickle. - Just grab it? - Just grab a, just... You gotta pour it, just... Just get it. - [Rhett] Well, get your fingers out of there! - [Josh] Well, I'm waiting for you. - [Rhett] I can't, I need a pickle grabber. (Rhett mumbles) That's not what I was thinking. I mean, I was like, "Maybe a fork." - What do you think of when you think of "pickle grabber"? - A fork. - Oh, I can't get one. - You put drumsticks in there! - Well yeah, this is a bad idea! I got one. - [Rhett] There's one. There's one. Oh man. That went from cuc to pick so fast! - From cuc to pick in seven minutes! Log into Rhett and Link's World Tour of Quick ISI Pickles, where nothing explodes and no one gets hurt. - Rhett and Josh, you said, "Rhett and Link". - What? - Say Rhett and Josh. - Rhett and Josh. Who's Link? - Exactly. - [Josh] All right, so we have all this raw, real meat. So if you just want to start throwing that meat in there, I'm going to duck right under you and cut this wagyu into cubes. Now, we're just gonna start feeding the grinder. - [Rhett] Feed the grinder. - All right, so now we're just going to crank this machine on. (meat grinder whirs) And you can just use this to shove in the hole. Yeah really, you gotta jam it through. You keep two-hand hole shoving. I'm just going to start throwing meat on top. - [Rhett] So how much does that steak that you just cut up and I'm putting in here with a bunch of pork cost? - So that steak was about $170. And I know what you mean. Why would you take a steak that beautiful and grind it up? Have you seen the show? (beep) All right, so now we've gotta strip our ribs. So I'm really, get a nice clean cut down the bone here. Gnaw on that bone. - Yes, sir. - Yeah, I wanna get in on that. - Oh man, that's good. - No distractions! We're gonna chop this up. Keep a little bit of that texture in there. And you just throw it in, right into the raw ground meat. - Oh, wow. - And then you're going to mash that with your hands. - Is this is what you do all day? - Literally all day. I live such a decadent lifestyle. That's a bank rolled by you, thanks, it's awesome! - But you never invite me over unless you want me to be in something. - You never invite me to your house to come bang on your gate. I have to do that uninvited and then Jessica freaked-out. - Yeah, she's scared of you. - We talk a lot on Twitter. - I saw that. No, no, no, I'm talking about in the DMs. (both laugh quietly) (beep) - Okay, so just getting a nice uniform mix. - Here's the bone. - I've got my hands in meat and I got a bone in my mouth! - [Josh] Okay, so we're going to form these McRib patties. I want it to be kind of thick. - This is one patty? - [Josh] Yeah, well our buns are big, you saw them. (both laughing) They're some big buns! - [Rhett] Oh, that's one patty! - Half of this is already cooked meat. So all that's gonna do, it's gonna essentially braise inside the fat of the ground meat. It is kind of like a rectangular shape, but there's some sort of ridge bars on top-- - You're gonna make the fake bars? - Yeah, I just want to do it by hand. Again, getting really into the artistic process of layering textures and flavors. - So this is what the robots do. - This is exactly what the robots do. What are you doing with that meat in your hand? - I'm just waiting. I was waiting for you to make meat ridges. If you had come to me a decade ago, and you had said, "You know what's going to happen in your future?" "You're going to be making this YouTube thing, and then you're going to spin off a whole channel from a show that you're doing that you're not yet doing." "And then one day you're going to go on that show and you're going to be putting ridges on meat." I'd be like, "Yeah, okay." - Yeah, you know, the first time I ever saw you on the internet was the Taco Bell folk song drive-thru. - Yeah. - If you would have told me when I saw that about a decade ago, that, "Hey, one day that guy is going to reach up your pants, and grab a cucumber out of it." I'd say, "I know, I manifested this, Rhett." "This is where we were always destined to be." - Hold on, here's the weird part. You also just remembered it as me grabbing the cucumber. I did not touch that cucumber! - You grabbed the cucumber. You saw him grab it. - You grabbed the cucumber! He grabbed the cucumber. I don't think that... He grabbed my cucumber! - If you want me to grab your cucumber in your dreams, just tell me, but I didn't grab it! - I want you to want to grab the cucumber. I don't want to have to ask you to grab the cucumber. - Okay, all right, I'm there. - Well, you know, Trevor will fix it. - Yeah. (laughs) Oh, my gosh! - That certainly is something. - Why is, how did, how did yours get... - Yours is a little stubby and misshapen. - My mom told me that it was okay. - Yeah, you're normal. You shouldn't feel bad about... I think we're just gonna use mine. You wanna get some sauce up on that one? - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - We can just discard that. Here, we'll switch. - You know, this is the thing. Back in the '90s, the McRib was saucier. They de-sauced it a little bit, because I don't know, something about the millennials. - You think millennials wanted to de-sauce the McRib. - [Rhett] Yeah, they're anti-sauce! - I think we should throw that back in the oven for a couple minutes to solidify it. So we got these vacuum sealed onions, with all that rose water. Wow! - Oh! (blows out and sputters) I don't even know how to interpret that, actually. Can I taste it? - Mm-hmm. (Josh spits) - Floral. - Ugh! Ah! - Maybe that'll mix in well. (Josh groans loudly) - Mix into what well? Mix into the scent of... - It does smell like the inside of a trash can. (Josh gags) - This smells so bad-- - So, what are we going to do with it? I don't know, I don't want to eat them! Can we bail on the onions? - We made our bed. - I think it'll all mix together. - I think it'll all... - I think it'll all mix together. - How did two ingredients that I love by themselves... - Roses and onions! (Josh blows outward) It sounds like a restaurant in Silver Lake. - I'm flummoxed! - And you know what? I ate one. There's one in my belly right now. - Mm-hmm, I couldn't get it down. - I'm probably going to vomit in the next four or five minutes. - I've eaten more testicles than most people except for maybe you. - [Rhett] Yeah. - And that's the one that got me. - [Rhett] Yeah. - I can't describe how much I hate that. That shook me. I haven't been shooketh like that by a food I ever made. - Well, what happened, do you think, chemically? - I think that somehow it combined with some phenolic acid alanine, whatever in the onion, to just create pure poison. Is that okay to eat? - Well, I'll tell you in a second. - Do you want me to get in there and just try and pull the trigger? 'Cause I don't know if that's safe! Grab the McRib, we're we're going to make it. We gotta finish it. - [Rhett] Oh yeah, look at that. - This looks incredible to me. - [Rhett] It looks like a weak meatloaf at this point. - [Josh] Yeah, it looks like someone who got a little bit of the shakes. I'm just gonna do one of these. You know, it nestles perfectly inside that bun. - [Rhett] Oh, nice sizing. - [Josh] So that's exciting. And so we're just going to go ahead and put some onions on. - Yeah, just a couple. - [Josh] I think we're good. - [Rhett] There you go. - [Josh] I think we've got the onions and then we got these pickles. - Pickles are good. - It'll make you happy, it will make you happy. - [Rhett] Yeah, I gotta get that onion taste outta my mouth. These are good, these are good, these are good. - [Rhett] Yeah, I'm sorry. I mean, if you're disappointed, if you came this far and now you're like, "But the onions are my favorite part!" Well, you haven't tasted these onions. - [Josh] No. - Just take some onions, put them in a bag, put it in your trashcan for about 14 days then take them out and taste them. That's what we just ate. - [Josh] I think I want to get a little bit more sauce drizzle. - [Rhett] Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Josh] We need to drown out those two onions. - [Rhett] Look at that! - [Josh] There's our fancy McRib! - It's a little bit bigger than the normal one. - Yeah, well, you know, I thought it was going to taste really great. - No, no, it is! (talking over each other) - It's going to be great. - It's gonna be real good. - It's gotta taste great. I have a lot riding on this. (dramatic classical choir sings) So Rhett, we did not get the actual McRib. We had our invisible McRibs. - They were so filling, though. - I'm still full, but while we were smoking meat at your place, I actually called Trevor and Nicole and had them create a full to-size replica of the McRib. I call this the McRib-lica. - [Rhett] Ooh! That looks just like the real thing! Why didn't we those earlier? (both laugh) - We should! I'll pack one up for you to-go. So, ours is a little bit bigger, I've noticed. - You think? I think it might be an optical illusion. - Just a scosche. It's like, this one's shorter and wider, but again, it's not any less good than the other ones. Just as functional. - Same exact mass. - All right, so let's cut into this. Let's see how it tastes. One thing I think we noticed. - [Rhett] I see at least two onions over here, and a third, and a fourth... - [Josh] Mm-hmm. - And I saw you put two onions on it. - [Josh] Mm-hmm. - And I was all onboard for that. - That's correct. So Nicole insisted on trying to make it look pretty. And then she insisted on throwing a big ol' handful of onions on there as I begged her not to. - So we're going to remove those. Is that what you're saying? - Yeah. - I'm sorry, Nicole. - I'm not letting them ruin my day. - [Rhett] I'm willing to give this thing a chance. - [Josh] I'm keeping one onion in there just to scent the whole thing. - Oh man, just licking my finger, brought that whole experience back. (Rhett laughs) - [Josh] Wow, oh my God, you see the actual rib meat in there encased in that ground patty. (Josh whistles) - [Rhett] And I don't see any onions in sight. We're going to dink this thing? - We got to just mash it together. I'm going to town. - Oh my gosh. It actually has a McRib mouthfeel! - Which is insane. I don't even know how we did that to be quite honest, because this has nothing to do with what a McRib actually is. - But it has a slight sponginess, but the flavor is next level, but it doesn't feel like a departure. It's just super-charged! - Some of that ground meat is actually a little bit on the medium side. That's where you get that sponginess 'cause it's not fully cooked, but it's so juicy. And all that rib meat that we smoked actually braised inside the fat from the other meat. - Now, how much does this thing cost? That's the real question. - You can have this sandwich for the low, low price of $455.77. (Rhett coughs) (both laugh) So, the price got away from me a little bit! - So this is several hundred times more expensive than a McRib. - I guess that's the question. Would you rather have about 119 McRibs or one of these? I can say that I prefer this over 119 McRibs, but for you, you're not going to do this. Just go eat McRibs. - Please, don't garnish my paycheck. - Oh, that's how it works. We've been doing that since the beginning of Fancy Fast Food, it's called FICA. (both laugh) - [Josh] Rhett, thank you so much for letting me into your home or at least near your home in the backyard. Thank you so much for cooking with me today. I had a great time. - And thank you, Josh. I'm going to McRib-member this forever. - And my McRib-member thanks you. And thank you so much for stopping by the Mythical Kitchen. We got new recipes out every week. We got new episodes of our podcast, "A Hot Dog Is A Sandwich!" out every Wednesday, wherever you get your podcasts. Hit us up on Instagram @mythicalkitchen, with pictures of your mythical dishes under #dreamsbecomefood. See y'all next time. (Rhett grunts) I just like to suck the juice. (Josh slurps) - Quit doing that! - [Josh] You can cook up your own feast while wearing the Mythical Kitchen apron available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 903,137
Rating: 4.8968616 out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: 2oysDxhHEEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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