Will This Water Filter Still Work? (Hot Sauce Experiment)

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Many have said this before, but Rhett and Link have such a wonderful chemistry with Mike. This episode felt so warm and laid-back; "Leaving Things" episodes are far more entertaining when Mike is there to explain all of the chemical processes. Also, kudos to the Mythical prop team for designing that robot!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Am I the only one who doesn't like the leave things on the shelf series? The result is mostly very underwhelming.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LazyAssClown πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not sure if it’s intentional, but it’s nice to see the β€œlet’s talk about that” intro segment back. Not that the teaser clip wasn’t good, but I prefer the original opening style.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kogan_Urufu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fotheringhay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was a fun and creative way to bring in a guest. Good job mythical team!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/uptownzara πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- What happens when you leave Plato in hot sauce for a month? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good Mythical morning. - Hot sauce heck of a kick going in your mouth hole, heck of a kick going out your other hole and a heck of a bad idea if it's dumped all over your face and body. But we thought, what if you held hot sauce in your mouth for an entire month? - We did not think that. I did not think that, I've never thought that. I don't even know how that would be done but that is not what we're going to do. - Okay, but we did think about soaking things in hot sauce for a month and to prove it, let us now head to the spooky shelf that we leave things on, which we call. - [Voice] The shelf that we leave things on. - Well look it here, It's science, Mike McHargue everybody. - Welcome back man. - Howdie friends. - You look great. - Feeling good. - A little different. - Little stiff. - There's some motion in there. - Yeah, you know, we had Mike in for an episode of leaving things in before, but you know, there's been some safety concerns as of late if you haven't noticed, but we overcame those. We have overcome the safety concerns and he is here in the studio with us. - Okay, Mike, take it away. - They've done Coke, bleach, air, Guinness, salt, pool water nail Polish remover, mouthwash, champagne, Shamrock shakes, and Irish whiskey, a 93 Infiniti, G 20. Margarita's dirt, wine, glow sticks, citric acid, red bolt, eggs, Fe breeze , coffee, and pumpkin beer. but today, they're making things hot, so hot. - It's time for left on a shelf hot sauce edition. - Okay, so we're gonna guess what happened to things left in hot sauce for an entire month. And if we get three or more right, we get a 35 millimeter film, single cell from the movie, Some like it hot, I hope that's true. - Okay, first up, Mike, we have a Pez dispenser, that is, Oh, it's full of pez and it's been soaked in hot sauce for, of course, an entire month. And what are the options we have here? After a month did the Pez inside the dispenser A, turn to mush, like human civilization as we know it, or B, remain intact like Mr. Beast on the trending page. - Oh, shout out to Mr. Beast. - I remember that feeling. - Used to have it so often, okay Mike. - You enjoyed the pez lately? - Not lately, but that's only because I've been recovering from how many ate as a kid. - It's a lifetime of recovery. - So hot sauce is mostly water or vinegar. That's their primary ingredient. And I don't think the chili pepper and the capsaicin they're going to play a major role in anything in this reaction. Pez on the other hand is almost entirely sugar with just a tiny, a bit of oil and other preservatives. So that makes me think mush is the way to go. - He's saying mush is the way to go. - I'm not gonna argue with that or should I? - Alright, so we're saying A, let's see if we were right. - Okay, all we see is hot sauce so you're gonna have to open that sucker up and get to the Pez. - Oh my gosh, watch your eyes. That's caustic. - The, the Panda itself has not dissolved. - Oh, it's mushy. - Yeah, oh, it's gone, I mean, it's just - There is a goneness. - It is, I mean, here's nothing that remained intact at all. Sorry, Mr. Beast. - We got one right. And we should thank Mike. - Thank you, Mike. Of course, we left moth balls in hot sauce, after a month did the moth balls lose their pungent odor which they definitely have. - Yeah, get rid of this. It's too pungent. - Did they lose their pungent odor like a Michael Bay movie once the credits roll? - Yes or no. - I think that the thing that makes moth balls smell, goes all the way to the core. - And I think it's so strong, that it's over-powering even hot sauce. So we're agreeing - What's the educated guess? - I'm inclined to agree, but you know, there is a caveat here. Moth balls are the smell, the process of that solid ball turning into a gas creates the vapor. But when mothballs balls are exposed to water, they break down more quickly. So there's a technicality here that if the mothball is gone, I could see the odor being gone as well. So if there's a mothball left, then I think it would still have that pungent odor. And again, another complicating factor vinegar is often used in laundry to get rid of mothball smell. And again, in a hot sauce, Vinegar is one of the primary ingredients. This one is tough. - You're not supposed to make things more complicated. - Man you made it so complicated. - You're supposed to make it simple. What's your answer man, yes or no? - Well, my hypothesis is the moth ball has deteriorated from the water and therefore the odor along with it. - He disagrees with us, so we agree with him now? - Look at his face. - We're agreeing with him now. - Yes. - No, it lost his odor, yes. - If it lost the mothball. But if there's a mothball in there, I'm immediately wrong. - Okay. I think I still see mothballs guys. So you think it's still gonna stinky stinky? - Oh yeah, they're like, I mean, look, it's almost as if nothing happened. - Like unaffected. - Is it least soft at all? - No, it's not soft. - How does that smell? - You can still smell them, but they smell different. but they smell, they smell like hot sauce and mothballs. They're not toxic anymore cause they were in the hot sauce. Right, okay, so I'll eat one. Real quick, we want to let you know that we are premiering a brand new series over on the mythical society where we ask Mike, some questions that have been burning on our minds. Like why is Link such a picky eater? - Or why does Rhett win so much at international darts? - So go over there, sign up for second or third degree, at mythicalsociety.com to check that series out. - Alright, so now we left some good old fashioned play-doh in hot sauce for a month. Now I know, well, what are our options first of all. After a month in hot sauce, did the play-doh A, get bubbly like Jojo Siwa in her new, straight to YouTube single missed my bedtime, oops. Or B, get slimy like my doctor's finger before and after a rectal exam. - Oh, come on, really? Come on guys. - Now the thing I know about play-doh is that it's salty, no, you know, I'm done with that. I'm done with the eggs. I don't like the eggs. - Okay, well, Mike, can I interest you in a hard boiled egg? - Never too early for an egg? - Wow, that's a fancy iPad. - So I was saying that it's salty, salty plus hot sauce. And would you like a strawberry to go with that Mike? - Don't mind if I do. - Okay, here you go, like just nibble on that strawberry. - Yeah, wow, like got right in there - Is a saltiness a factor, Mike, what do you think? - Play-Doh is pretty simple in a way that's maddening for this question. Again a lot of water, a lot of, kind of a starch based binder. But if you just mix those things together you get like a really doughy, tacky flour. So you add a lubricant, some kind of oil to make it more tacky, which makes it too slick. So you add a surfactant. So that is a material that counteracts the lubricant to make it less slick. Here's the problem with surfactants, They naturally wanna form bubbles. So there's two mechanism of action I was thinking about. One that starts getting saturated with water here which will start to release that lubricant and make it slimy. But there is a chance that the surfactant would bubble. I don't think that is very likely. cause that tends to be a temporary reaction that would then break apart in the period of a month, which makes me like 60, 65% sure here on the slimy. - I was going to say slimy anyway. - You let us down last time, but we're going to give you another chance Mike. Alright, we're going to say get slimy. - Okay oh yeah, there's no bubbles in there. There's no bubbles in there. - Looks like the coloring came less though. - Oh yeah. - It just became a slime. - Yeah, it lost all of its, you know, texture. It's the starch, it soaks up all the water. - Isn't that? - That's kind of pretty. - Isn't that like modern. - You've done something. And now you put that, you put that in the oven and bake it. - Modern art. - And finally we left a Brita water filter in hot sauce for a month. And the question is - Just this part, just the insert. - Will a Brita filter left in hot sauce. make filtered water, stay pure, like our undying love for one another. Oh, that's so sweet. - We love you too Mike. And I hope one day you'll get out of there. - Oh, it's nice in here. It's quite comfortable. - I mean, there's freaking no way. - Cause this got to saturate every, I don't know. If it's just a carbon filter, I don't know - It's got rocks in it. - So yeah, you can have a mechanical filtration and these are increasingly fine filters that grab particulate matter. And then typically an activated carbon is gonna be used for a gaseous and things like improve flavor and clarity and especially odor for water. And those things I would imagine gonna get completely spent in a month in hot sauce, the carbon layer especially. So even if we were to flush this pretty well with water, I think for the rest of its days, this filter will impart just that little spicy kick in every glass of water poured. - So we're saying that it did not make it pure. So it's no longer capable of making it pure. We're on team unpure. - I'm gonna get rid of this. Okay, so you just want to give it a wipe down. - Oh my gosh. That is a lot of hot sauce. - We have this water here if you wanna do - It's gonna be without getting it all wet. It's just gonna be, there's hot sauce gonna still be on it. I wanna get it off of the outside. - Let me get rid of that. - I'm excited about that. - So now imagine all the thousands perhaps millions of tiny holes inside the filter and how much hot sauce is potentially stored there. - The water at my house. it might be nastier than this before we Rita eyes it. So let's throw it in here. That's the point of a filter. - Yeah, that's the point. - To catch crap and not let it through. - I mean, look, how much has changed, the color. It's so much different than the inside of that thing now. - Right, so I'm gonna put that in there. Push it down, there we go. You gotta nestle it down in there, it's all the way. Alright, so now, - Pour some water in the top. - The moment of truth. Some nice crystal clear water. - Oh wow, you can see up here that it immediately - I mean, up top - It back washed some hot sauce. - And then we're gonna let this drip all the way through. I'm gonna tell you, it looks pretty clear. - We'll have to time lapse this one. - Activate time-lapse Mike. - He brought his hand up to his face. - He brought his hand up to his face and snapped. - Oh look, it's like he's telling you a secret. - We're gonna turn on time-lapse - And we're back in normal time. - Not a lot has gone through the filter. - It is going so slowly, but cause there's tainted water up here from the top of the filter but I'm gonna, I'm gonna put the lid on. - On that tainted water. - And then, so we've got a couple of shot glasses here given the amount of water that we've got coming out and then - It is impressively clear. - It is clear. - It's a little cloudy. I mean, it's not, it doesn't look pure. I think I may have tainted it. Mike, you wanna do the honors? - Wish you were here. - Take a little slurp. - Cheers. - I wonder how that tastes, what I just tasted. - I'mma tell you right now. It tastes like a lingering little bit of hot sauce. - Yeah, it's still in there. Oh, you know what, I kind of like it. I feel like we could sell it like burning man. - You could call it burning man. - Ah, yes. - It's not spicy though. It took all the spice out. So it's a nice little, it's just a tasty treat. - Yeah, it just has a little bit of savoriness to it. But that means we got three out of four right. And we win a single cell fulfilled frame from some like it hot, look at that. That's the original thing. - Our dream is coming true. It's got a certificate of authenticity and everything. It doesn't make me care about it the least bit more. Oh, we also left link's glasses and hot sauce for a month. Yeah, just like new. - Huh, so that's where those have been. And given my relationship with hot sauce on my face, I'm not putting these on right now. - I don't blame you. Thanks again to Mike for joining us today. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - And Mike, you say, you know what time it is. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Gareth and I'm Mark and were from red England and we're about to eat 12 million scoville hot wings. And now it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - Dang boy, I mean, - Good luck with that. - Too late to turn back now I guess. Click the top link to see us test hot and cold patches and good mythical more. Yeah, and to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. - I actually think picky eating is wonderful. It's a indication of the miracle. That is the human sense of taste.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,253,180
Rating: 4.9060311 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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