Chess Cheaters Get EXPOSED

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"This is a move no human would make."

I know he's implying that it's a move no knowledgeable, legitimately 2600 rated human would make, but I'm glad he's never seen me play chess. I don't think I could handle the flabbergasted stares he would undoubtedly give me.

👍︎︎ 287 👤︎︎ u/Dranj 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

i would have no clue this guy is cheating

👍︎︎ 188 👤︎︎ u/leoberto1 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

It is funny that the profile says he is from Turkey. A very famous cheater was the so-called Turk from the 18th century. It was presented as chess-playing robot, but there really was a dude hidden under the table who made the actual moves and controlled the robot.

👍︎︎ 85 👤︎︎ u/byllz 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Queen B3??? QUEEN B3??? wow utterly ridiculous, who would ever

👍︎︎ 75 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

very impressive win vs an engine. probably not possible if it was 5 min or the cheater was half competent. sweet vid from levy tho

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/leadhase 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

"Oh wow what a dirty cheater that was so obvious" - Me, who has never played chess thinks checkers is a high brain sport.

I really should learn chess one day.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Nandy-bear 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I would not want to smoke weed with this guy. I'd be so noided

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/ceagon 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Chess must have a major cheating problem, just a bit more consideration and playing with computer assistance online is mostly unnoticeable.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/rickdg 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

What is the point of cheating ? Do they win money or something ?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sailorjasm 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
in this video you will learn how to identify and  potentially defeat somebody you're playing in   a game of chess who is cheating i've split the  video into two parts the first is a blitz game   that i played on stream today against a person  who i thought was a little bit suspicious and   the second part i will show you some clues  that you can pick up on to recognize you're   playing against somebody who is not playing  fair so i think we're playing a cheater   i'm gonna say hi are you a cheater so  if we look at this person's profile   this person has a new account no title  a ridiculously high rating of like 2600   and a ridiculously high win rate and an  astronomical growth chart from a thousand   to 2600 winning every single game that they're  playing basically so says what kind of question   is that is what my opponent just said  to me said what kind of question is that i think you are a cheater alright so the general rule of thumb against  computers is to play a very solid setup now   we're also gonna track my opponent's time  how much time is spent on every single move   um so far there is nothing so far our opponent  is just i don't know what's going on here i don't   know if this is like a computer reboot or what is  happening but the general rule of thumb against   engines oh there's the disconnect oh here he  comes why do i it's not about sussing people   chat members it's about the fact that um okay now  let's watch okay that was two moves that was two okay that was about three or four okay now here's what i'm doing  this is the anti-computer strategy   hippo and king's indian very non-confrontational  setups can make the i mean like yeah okay what   even is this uh very non-confrontational setups  like the hippo where you basically just do a   whole bunch of nothing and you just wait for the  opponent to push upon and then close the position   is how you should beat computers i'm going to  play very fast because obviously my opponent   will need a couple of seconds to check his engine  before he makes a move and i just have to play   quickly i already burned a lot of time showing the  profile i'm not doing anything i'm waiting for a   pawn push so i can lock the structure okay notice  that i'm now within 30 seconds opponent is like   trying to look at the engine to see for a better  move right and now there is b5 this could be   a target for c4 but i'm just hoping that if the  knight moves maybe there's d5 coming or something   so that i can't play it myself if the knight  moves i'm going to play d oh there it is   okay now we're going to try to close this up so  that c4 break is impossible now we've closed it   but the amount of time the guy is going to need  okay you see he's already starting a kingside   attack with g4 right here it comes here oh  h5 that shouldn't have allowed that probably   let's go kha now i would love to play g5 i got to  be very careful here okay this trade trade knight   f4 is coming maybe i'm gonna sack i'm gonna  sack i knew was gonna happen there it is see   he doesn't even it he needs a few seconds to even  process that this is the best move you see that he   doesn't even realize that bishop takes f4 is the  best move now he might disconnect ah see amazing okay and there you go 20 seconds later  the move bishop takes f4 has occurred and now we just do nothing because now it's about  10 moves until the flag happens now in a 15-minute   game you have no escape you're gonna lose because  the opponent has unlimited time but in a 10-minute   game but but in a five-minute game i mean i  literally just do nothing for the rest of the   game i just play random moves let's see like what  is this what is this and this that is such a bot   thing only computers think like that but here come  the pawns here come the pawns here comes the last   gasp by the opponent to try to beat me i'm just  gonna cocoon i'm gonna cook when i'm not gonna do   anything don't play aggressive just cocoon and i  think at this point some smart cheaters will start   to incorporate their own moves so that they're  actually going to make some moves themselves   and that's when craziness happens but he's  not doing that he's just playing his own moves   right like our opponent is just okay what is  this uh oh here it comes what did i just say   did i not just say that was going to  happen exactly what i just predicted   i knew it was gonna happen he's gonna sack  all his pieces because he's trying to flag   me and has no idea how to play chess look  at this and mate and we beat a cheater we   checkmated a computer cheater and i'm going  to write you are pathetic enjoy the ban there you go and that is how you beat a  computer cheater in a 3-minute blitz game   say hello to youtube by the way oh and very  fitting that bye bye bye bye nsync is playing   i predicted that entire game from start to finish  minute down super random play by the opponent and   and you know what what what else we  should do you know what else we should do   we should analyze the game of course i mean  why not in fact we we actually you know what we   should do we should analyze all the games that  my opponent has played on their profile okay   let's do that so here we go we're going to  go to uh the other window the other monitor   so it turns out that every time my opponent wins  he has 99 score 98 score 99 score 99 score now   somehow the guy who i said was a cheater  turns out to be winning 99 of games   with a 99 squares so this is what contributes  to cheating at the 25 2600 level okay it is i   mean i don't know what this is like you don't  know what this is like it could be literally a   random stock photo the photo doesn't really matter  unless it's literally a photo of like you know   a robot um the country doesn't matter uh i don't  want anybody first of all very important just   cause you see a country it doesn't just open  the door for you to be racist com like cheating   and racism are two very different things that  could be a fake flag i hate when i see that and   i catch a cheater and someone says oh those damn  turks don't do that that's disgusting don't infuse   any insults of racism okay just i need to say that  right now now a couple of easy giveaways very new   account and again the first thing i check is the  win rate i mean 253 wins and 19 losses what what   is this guy this guy magnus carlson on adderall  like okay now if you look at the game history he   hasn't lost the game like apparently ever in his  entire chess career and then uh on top of that   um you know we got the game we gotta analyze  and you'll notice that my opponent played in a   much higher accuracy than i did and the mistakes  only happened look at this gradual increase here   now the hippo the setup that  i played is a computer buster   hikaru taught me this and i mean just any opening  see i'm playing like inaccurate moves but look at   what my opponent is doing like what is a3 b4 queen  b1 i mean no human in history would play like this   i mean it's just a joke right and then look at  these mcqueen b3 what what and then and you'll   notice like what is the rook doing behind the  queen right and then a4 and then rook d1 i'm just   waiting and then i play b5 and then d5 so d5 is a  mistake e5 best move and h4 immediately punishing   me right i'm playing 94 and here the opponent  spent 25 seconds on recapturing my rook which   is obviously a giveaway um and then the rest of  the game was self-explanatory my opponent played   when i see moves like c3 and knight to h2 you  know you're playing a computer because no human   being thinks like that no human being thinks let  me push upon and then a night and then a night on   the other side of the board it turns out that this  guy um got banned wow he was banned immediately incredible after writing what kind of question  is that i love talking to obvious cheaters anyway   let me explain myself so at the end i promised  that i would explain to you my methodology for   identifying these people and catching them first  things first when the game is actually going on   you can generally tell weird moves and a  consistent flow of them cheaters oftentimes   will play moves anywhere between three and  seven seconds on a consistent basis because   they're going to be looking at a device of some  sort and then making the move on the board so   in the game you saw that even like an obvious  recapture move that should be an automatic capture   which could have happened in half a second took  my opponent like 25 seconds for whatever reason   and then there will be disconnects and and and  whatnot but a couple of things specific for the   profile obviously the one that already got banned  i kind of talked about uh i look very first at um   the ratings actually um you know i saw the rating  was 2600 all the other ratings don't even exist   like this person is 1100 blitz i mean bullet they  basically play nothing else so that's already   strange so i'll go to the profile and i'll go okay  well a brand new account um the rating chart which   i showed during the game uh this person does  like no puzzles this person has played three   games ever in rapid they've won all those games  and then you start looking at this and see not   all websites have this cap score that  has and cap score isn't the most um you can't   just use the cap score to determine if someone is  cheating but look if a person has won every single   game that they've played and basically every time  they've had a 98 99 score they are winning games   in perfect fashion consistently this person as i  said is either you know magnus carlson on adderall   or um i don't know this person is cheating so that  this one was kind of easy and straightforward and   i mean the game itself was you know it had  a few very strange moments but that was all   self-explanatory but two other people one of which  i played this person yesterday uh i played this   person in my pawn structure video uh how to play  with pawns this person was a longtime subscriber   and i was playing this person as the game was  going on and it was just playing very well like   for a 900 extremely well i was like what is going  on this person's making like no mistakes and here   apparently he you know he had a very strong  move this person was doing something correctly   they were doing something called sporadic cheating  they were not always playing the top engine move   at times they were infusing their own  move thinking that they were clever   and if we look at this person's profile  this was made in 2017 it's a long time   we look at their blitz 334 wins 336 losses like  50 50. so that's not suspicious but then we   look at their game history you notice this person  basically only plays people who are significantly   higher than they are they are not a 900 level  player or i mean they don't they're not playing   900 level players they're only playing really  really highly rated players and then their only   wins like for example they beat a 2 000 what how  did a 900 be to 2000 with a 93 score and there's   a one down here you guys can't see it it's way  down but they beat a 1750 at when they were 904   with like 90 but the rest of it is so strange  they don't play other 900s but they're beating   2000s what so i i got really suspicious of this  person as the game was going on i reported them   just to you know that they've raised my suspicions  and it turned out that i was right and the thing   is you know it's not just about this it's january  13th they could have cheated anytime december and   what you have to understand about fair play  is is specifically and all the other   websites have their own metrics but they also are  receiving hundreds of thousands of these things   and many of them are not accurate you know many  of them are you know joe schmoe lost to you know   uh bob and uh was upset and decided to report  bob for cheating even though bob doesn't cheat   so these things happen all the time um and if  we you know we take a look at like for example   on stream i also ran into this person actually a  couple hours after i played this actual cheater   the interesting thing about um this guy is um  this person had a name in their profile it's   a relatively new account they had a name and  i looked up the name and there was i found no   record of this person in any chess database i was  like what they got a fake name i looked at this uh   they're like right at their peak they hit it today  this video was recorded you know january uh 15th   their win rate is you know 700 wins 366 losses you  know if you look at their chart um it's not like   i mean uh oh actually it is pretty insane so  yeah this person made their account and then   since making their account they have gone up  you know 800 points um but they are cheating   on a pretty balanced way and you know the way  you can figure this out is again this you know   how many games have they uh played where they look  at their wins 99 98 97 97 98 98 97 94 98 97 like   they're winning at ridiculous rates so a couple  of ways to identify cheaters um generally length   of the account win percentage uh these kind of  you know scores and you know how how much they   score accurately throughout the course of a game  um and as i said during the actual game itself   uh you know if someone's cheating it's pathetic  and it's sad and you should report them if they   raise these suspicions but there's no need to  take it a step farther no need to escalate it   uh no need to you know write disgusting  messages don't stoop down to their level   okay cheaters are always going to exist but be  the better person i'll see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,345,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess cheater, chess cheaters, cheating chess, cheating in chess, computer cheater, computer cheater chess, chess cheating, chess cheating hikaru, chess cheating online, chess memes, chess best moments, chess cheating funny video, chess cheating engine, chess funny, chess funny video, chess funny blunders
Id: l5MD6hn5PgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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