Reads Cheaters' Emails!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Thor_Thanos333 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2022 🗫︎ replies
i'm not going to apologize for telling a guy to move fast if you don't want me to speak again that's your problem but i'm not going to ask for forgiveness that's why you're asking for forgiveness from me you piece of i wanted to add that who is reading this should eat my balls that's all that was that was really crossing the line um i don't even know what to say in justice system the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups the fair play team who investigate and close the accounts and the support team who handle the irate offenders these are their stories international master danny wrench chief chess officer with back again to respond to some tickets some questions all the comments we get from our amazing community members and this time i'm here with sean arne director of fair play your director now apparently apparently you've been taught me that part of here we are here to dive in and have a lot of fun just kidding me and sean have known each other a while so forgive the sass and it's time for us to jump in to some questions what kind of assistance did you use i let someone else use my account tell us more about the outside assistance you used my friend played on my account i used outside assistance because it wasn't assistance if i was drunk and passed out on the floor wow i feel personally attacked by that one but uh don't let your friend use your account and be careful around alcohol yeah that's very good word and advice i i often play on my phone maybe after um well let's move on from that yep thank you for providing me with an excellent chess experience during the last 10 or so years that i've used this site i have one small issue however me and my main man have frequent and furious chess games where in our passion we accidentally hit the resign button since it is next to the analyze button and one of us accidentally leaves like a lover who leaves the comfort of the bedroom before the deed is done we both feel an extreme emptiness when this happens may i suggest moving the resign button elsewhere so we can reach our chess climax uninterrupted thank you very much oh my god um reaching your chest climax is one of the most important parts of playing chess online so i'm going to say that i feel you did you know that you can use protection when you're when you're playing chess online there's an option to be asked when you click the resign button to confirm resign so click on your settings enable that protection before you engage in future chess loving affairs i'm trying to walk this line very carefully here and when you check that box it will ask you have you truly reached climax or not if not you can continue your game and that's the best way i could answer that yeah i mean danny it's like you always say you got to practice safe chess i practice safe chess we believe in safe chess on and if you're not practicing safe chess you know you go somewhere else i was gonna make a rhyme if you're not practicing save chess go talk to robert pass but uh go dr rob that's freaking genius i'm gonna write that down you're not practicing safe chess go talk to robert hess hi i'm wondering that is it against fair play rule that i use engine to play with my friends just to troll them unranked of course i know it's a dick move but i just personally to troll them if this is against the rule and have a chance to get my account ban i will stop this i just want to clarify things thank you in advance okay well hi right back at you uh i appreciate the question i love trolling as long as you tell your friends you are allowed to use engines in unrated games great question sounds like a great friend thank you i wrote a poem about why i cheated i'll put it in here for laughs life at 1 200 was quite simple though my rating started to dwindle i thought how could i stop getting beat oh i know i'll cheat it's been a couple months since i was being dishonest i must admit my method was not the smartest now i know that cheating is not okay because i got banned for fair play i appreciate the poem i'm not sure i can approve of rhyming's smartest and honest also i think instead of just saying cheat you could have said something like i decided to give my opponent a treat and then i went out to find the best dish which of course led me to use stock fish but please don't cheat on the site first of all harry mack watch out we got sean arn director of fair play crushing it over here also yeah i agree i think the biggest takeaway from that was not just that he cheated but that he rhymed honest and smartest what does he think he is eminem write us a better poem and we'll let you back there you go get back to work dearest sirs and madams i am writing you on this day the 18th day of september the year of our lord 2021 to express and grieve with you over the most inconvenient of annoyances you see someone has barred me from using swears on the app and has most recently barred me from speaking to my friends entirely this is furry it is complete horse and i will tell you why number one [Laughter] in conclusion i ask that my account's ability to send messages be unfair and in the name of civility and decency that further attempts to silence my friendly profanity-laced conversations be themselves good day oh man it's always easy to spot a dota player in the wild so that guy uh also i feel like i should give a much longer response but i really can't i'll just have a nice day have a really nice day man i will actually go on record for saying i do believe there is a time and a place for a for a a curse word to be used i believe that it is a sometimes proper reflection of uh putting the correct emphasis on the right syllable if you will that said um there has to be there has to be some lines in context so while i appreciate the argument um it's important that um that overall we we do our best online to communicate in the most efficient manner which often doesn't include profanity-laced uh statements you're absolutely right danny i mean we sign off all of our meetings with profanities so there is a high man place for them yeah right back at you buddy since you muted me indefinitely for bullying people in chat in cancelling my premium membership and switching to lyceus where they let me be toxic good for you yeah yeah congratulations you gotta do what you gotta do right yeah yeah you know league and dota players go flock over there you can be toxic go flock your way to some toxicity over there and do your best with your life i am professional chess player gm ding leeron i had recently started a private youtube channel to record some games of my speedrun journey on my account name is however my account has been closed for an unknown reason while playing a game i am estimating the problem might have been using engines and computers this is not true i was trying my hardest to get my rapid rating up i hope you understand the situation positively and give a quick response p.s i know you are a robot leeran all you had to do was email me and tell me you're gonna do it now i get it dude let's reopen his account obviously that's him i've gotten a few emails from him that's exactly how he talks and of course he's into the speedrun game everyone gets it he's a professional chess player i get you lee wren live we're opening it i got you buddy game recognized game i was not aware of this rule i honestly wanted to get my score as low as possible thinking there might be a secret achievement i love secret achievements and you are trotting a a well-trodden path lots of people have plumbed those depths before you just try to play at your own rating level unlock you are the worst chess player in the world secretary on get your rating as low as possible i love that idea yeah you know i've had a similar thing where i lost a game and it recommended me a lesson on the form of checkmate so we're probably in the same boat that always feels good right i love that okay yeah so secret achievements are hidden everywhere but we do not have ones that encourage you to lose chess games pro tip i lost my rating because of your glitch in the app i put my pawn to step ahead and the pawn left to me cut that pawn ah you know we have a patch coming out on april 1st be there on april 1st on passant will no longer be allowed i was wondering where we would get to our first on passant ticket that was a good one right there um yeah so april 1st tune in and uh you won't have to deal with this bug anymore it just it takes some time for us to do so on april 1st it'll be fixed i only ask you may think twice when you promote levy rosem gotham cheese on a wonderful wonderful service the general public are getting sick of levy his stupid faces pure isle arrogant and elitist commentary at al so today i was sad to see today his face on the front of's website this is actually a deal breaker if it continues for me and i feel may be losing some of its identity please read on [Laughter] i am very saddened to see him here too on the landing page can i not escape this idiot levy is not a mature enough or grown up enough to be ambassador for chess this is my opinion but of course you don't have to agree with me but please take something from what i have expressed on board when you consider his affiliations with for the love of chess sorry to lumber this on you is super great otherwise i i want to first acknowledge that a lot of time and effort was put into that message right there and i think uh like a lot of the comments on levy's youtube channel um everyone is entitled to their own opinion there are a lot of uh people who might have a different opinion uh contrary to that one i'm trying to be politically correct when i say levy's here to stay i mean great use of of pure isle that was awesome did i i rhymed accidentally poet didn't know it didn't know it crushed it take that hello please unban me i have played so much hour of chess in this app more than 1 500 games and i was going to buy the premium version sooner or later i just playing chess with my brain i seriously don't know why you ban me at the moment i'm very lucky in a lot of things it's just that and if i buy the premium version right now it's automatically unburned he's negotiating that's he's yeah i mean you've really got me over a barrel here i need that i need that cash like i'm gonna lose my job after this danny's gonna fire me so i need that i need a little bit of extra money to pay the bills this month you're reinstated that's the thing is you know you'd have to cut yourself in front of that deal which might be a good future lucrative side job for you is telling people if they go free move you'll unban and then you ban them again twist ending we treat premium members the same yeah it really is a democracy that's but if you venmo me ten dollars oh man hi all yesterday i was playing lots of chess which made my girlfriend quite mad now i find my account closed which she admitted to have done in anger i was hoping for the possibility to restore my account somehow thanks oh man it was wow we got brought in there we're in that we're in the relationship issues now we got brought here i feel like i'm on relationship advice right now and i'm in no position to give advice i will say that no device or game including the greatest of all time the game of kings should should separate you from other people right it shouldn't be a distraction from real life so i definitely stand by your girlfriend um from that point of view that said i don't believe it's right to take matters into your own hands and close someone's account so i think if they were both validating each other's feelings right in a different way we might not have gotten to this point um that would be my advice i hear you danny and i feel supported so after my last complaint i got a free diamond membership for a month to compensate my problem unfortunately everything seems to be working fine now i don't have any complaints but that doesn't change the fact that i have gotten too used to analyzing my games and enjoying the unlimited puzzles so i request you to please grant me another free diamond membership please thank you ps make it to annual membership this time that's that's a solid argument and we do appreciate that going premium uh allowed you to get more more access and use out of the tools i don't know what it was before that you were unhappy about that got our amazing support team member to give you free diamond i would recommend the way you circumvent the system is figure out another thing to complain about right support and then they'll give you a new diamond membership pro tip that's smart that's smart that's a big brain big brain play right there had started to trust cheaters and gave them a warning two or three times that they know they are cheating they would have obviously been scared and feared that they had been watched they would have rather lived in fear of their accounts get banned than actually cheating and hoping they could get away with it this is what i please for if they could at least trust the cheaters like me and gave them a final chance they could have better lived off in the fear of getting banned for cheating and obviously won't cheat because it will be their last chance of redemption while enjoying chess and playing fairly this is just the modern ages answer to jonathan swift's a modest proposal uh so many things that i'd like to challenge there if we gave you a warning why would you cheat two or three more times down the line that's what i'll go with you know i might reject that proposal i i don't even know where to go with that i um that was that was brilliant and um noted thank you for the feedback i'll be sure to pass that right along i'm watching your video of weirdest support feedback and since a lot of the feedback is negative i just want to make sure the team receives a positive note too thank you danny sean and everyone else at for helping to grow my interest in chess over the last year and making such a wealth and variety of information easily accessible and approachable i've especially appreciated the lessons and puzzles which helped make chess so much more concrete to me after finding it inscrutable and daunting for decades prior i'm so grateful that chescom's presence on twitch has encouraged me to try chess for myself and find welcoming communities of players doing the same your work is appreciated dad is that you i was expecting a twist there somehow he's like where's the twist yeah this is a trick oh my gosh i thought it was gonna be thank you so much and that's why i choose to play on lead chess but no i really appreciate that one oh man it's so good that was a really good one to end with yeah you should be able to talk people all the time right those 40 year olds knew it when they were talking to eight-year-old me oh do you want to talk about anything is it are you i didn't know you you were carrying around so much baggage for a four-year-old who verbally abused you i think we both know the name we're talking about james dingle that he flip-flopped through the roof sorry inside joke um to a local chess player in arizona where where uh where shawn grew up and i was his first chess coach okay now they know the truth this is how i got the job actually i've been trying to get him fired since we hired him for a long time but somehow he's doing doing good enough so that's why you invited me to the video to finally get enough incriminating evidence oh man [Music] you
Views: 80,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, checkmate, chess videos, checkmate videos, videos,, chess news, chess content, chess grandmaster, super-grandmaster, GM Chess, FIDE, Chess, Chess stream, Blunder, Best chess players, Chess tournaments, Chess games, Speed Chess, Chess masters, Chess prodigy, Rapid, Blitz, Bullet, Classic, Checkmate, Cheat chess, Cheaters, Mean tweets, Funny, Comedy
Id: G45mUIQB8fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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