How To EMBARRASS Chess Cheaters

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this video is from a stream i did about a week  ago when i sat down here at nine in the morning   booted up my stream i hadn't even drank my coffee  and my first opponent was extremely suspicious   and this is what happened so we ran into this guy  in the three minute pool by the way if anyone's   just getting here i just literally seek the game  and got this guy and i i saw that he was you know   untitled 2700 went to his account december 2020.   this you know i i'm really suspicious when people  are exactly at their peak rating now this person at 92 here's a game they played at 92 98.  wow they beat someone who played at 98. it's   the best chess game of all time so this  person has never played a game under 90   ever like ever i haven't seen this  person play a single game yet under 90   from their entire profile of games in game look  at this every single time they play i don't know   if this is like an anonymous grandmaster  but i'm gonna tell you guys right now   they have not ever played a game let me check a  loss this person has never played a game below 90   i mean i wish my chest was that good you know all  right let's let's take a look at a game that they   lost so a couple of things might happen here  they either lost this game at like 10 percent   you know like a really really low quality game or  they they had a really high score and then they   just got really low on time let's take a look uh  at at a game they um okay so this game they played   at 87 when were the inaccuracies made okay so  already the opening is very strange what is this   very strange opening okay g3 is a very weird  move i don't know what i don't know what that is i mean very strange moves indeed   oh i know what gives it away let's  take a look at the time management five three three three four three 6 4 4  3 4 5 3 3 4 3 this person has never spent   more than six seconds on a move so every  move between three and seven seconds right which human thinks of g yeah exactly exactly  that's another that's another concept of this game   look at what this computer did in the middle  of the game it found pawn up pawn up and then   marching the king over here so this is what we're  gonna do so i was already suspicious of this   person's history and profile and what i decided  to do now was to watch their game in live chess   and match up their moves to the computer moves  i'm gonna turn on the engine let's go take a look   so obviously black is winning okay  so take takes queen h4 queen h2 and then they played queen b4 which is not even  a move according to my engine what it what even   is this move are they going to play rook c8 or  f5 one of the oh okay okay all right i like this   uh this to me is the best wait was knight  f6 the best move okay knight f6 was one of   the best moves so my computer didn't  even see that knight f6 was possible   now white is going to play very you know closely  to this person because white is 2700 we haven't   seen a you know um oh i guess the first cheater  video i ever made okay so of course you're gonna   take and then play rook c8 right that's what the  computer wants now you're gonna play rook c8 just oh yeah oh my god i want to get a game against  this i want to try i want to try to beat the   cheater you know i made good content now king  g7 rook c4 or a6 all right there it is of course   because this move somehow makes sense right uh-huh  yes now rook c5 or rook c4 yeah come on let's see   yeah good man i don't understand the point  of this move maybe you're trying to go here   now go is he gonna go back that is so  computer-like okay okay he plays the   second move plays the second move okay now  rook c8 so now our computers might be saying   different stuff plus if this oh queenie one just  got blundered uh-oh black sees it immediately oh that okay what was rook h5 on the hierarchy  it wasn't up there i actually have a feeling the   person playing with black is um is a strong player  smart enough uh to not always play the top engine   move so this is the problem if you're if you're  like a 1200 cheating you you just play the top   move you don't even think about how ridiculous  the moves look but if you're a strong player   and you're cheating you can at least handle some  moves on your own if that makes sense does that   make sense like you you can find the move queen e1  right like that's not a hard move and then you're   like well obviously i'm not gonna go knight e4  that's ridiculous i'm gonna go rook h5 rook g5   that's black's idea here um and at the same t and  and again like you're gonna get caught regardless   because you know gotham is gonna hunt you down and  beat you with his bare fists now once this person   finished the game i was able to use a certain  command that i have because i'm a streamer and i   have to do sub-battles and it forcefully starts  a game between myself and this person we had   already been paired in one game before the video  began so i figured it only made sense to get them   back in there with me so i could expose them now  these two games end up being pretty exciting even   though in the first one i do something really  stupid but that's probably because of the lack   of caffeine okay yeah so white's just stalling  the clock out all right so here we go uh i've uh   i've submitted this person for a game  against me this person's probably very confused person's probably like i  didn't sign up for this why why don't i said vamos in uh in uh game chat okay here comes  d3 i'm gonna go with my patented hippo we gotta go   for the hippo oh is this person gonna hang their  bishop this person just played so well in a game   ah they didn't hang their bishop okay so  i'm down i'm up 30 seconds on the clock   so far it's i can't really tell if my opponent is  actually like i honestly can't tell if they're if   they're using an engine i i'm i'm starting to  get weird vibes but we're still in the opening   and obvious whoa i'm a little bit afraid of taking  this to be honest but isn't this just a free pawn   or am i getting engined that's just the free pawn  like i'm i'm pretty sure that was just blundered   maybe this person is on their own is quite feeble  yeah i'm a little the reason i don't want to take   this is this computers are crazy they're going to  play like f4 and open up my position like what it   knight h4 is a wild move uh-huh i almost don't  want to castle i'm a little bit too afraid of   castling let's go f5 let's create a corralled pawn  structure and then if white plays f4 okay so the   threat here is if h6 there's this uh-huh what  if i castle so again if f4 i'm going to close   the position with e4 um let's get my queen  out of the pin that also could have been a   deliberate way to throw away the oh my god  immediately punishing me for moving my queen   oh my gosh actually i'm in i'm in a little bit of  trouble here to be honest because if i had moved   my rook there would have been this oh oh oh my  oh my god are you realizing how strong this is computers are crazy what a move oh my good okay i gotta find a way to make sure everything  stays closed so i'm sacrificing a pawn just to   keep the okay oh there's 96 i hung my i didn't  realize that was gonna happen uh oh uh oh   oh my god i can't believe that happened  oh my goodness i just thought that   they were why did i pre-move against the  computer that was so stupid was not smart oh goodness gracious that  was just that was so stupid   i should not have done that i'm gonna lose i  at least thought there was a chance of flagging   this account but i i don't think i can flag  with 80 seconds on the clock oh that was so   bad it's okay we'll still probably put this into  a youtube video just to make me look stupid but   why did i i'm playing a cyborg and i played a  pre-move i mean i deserve to lose to be honest yeah of course white just opens  up the position immediately   um okay let's go g5 of course i'm i'm  definitely very much losing but uh we're gonna we're gonna try our  best let's attack this queen my i mean my opponent is spending  a little bit of time which makes   me think they don't know how to mate with  like you know 90 extra pieces which is good   they're still they're still  really taking their time here okay i'm gonna stop pre-moving  i gotta learn my lesson right   like i gotta stop rookie six  is gonna happen yeah this is   this is bad this is bad probably losing your  queen against the robot is just not it's just   not smart now they're gonna take take and go  rook f1 is what they're gonna do take take ruka   okay the fact that white even  played rook f1 is just so sad oh my goodness uh without even and i can't  even take it because of the pin gross   oh my god not even taking my rook giving  me a check leaving the rook hanging   the computer doesn't even realize  how ridiculous this looks oh god that's so funny oh you see like people who cheat  don't even realize how absurd their moves are   oh please take oh any human  being would take and then take   why would you leave me with a rook  queen f5 of course okay now rook f7   okay and and i i actually think i'm playing  somebody who's strong enough to mate like and   doesn't need you know this is made in one by the  way if it's a bot it will play it yeah of course   that was that was rough that was rough that was  that was you know that was an interesting game   that was an interesting game with the exception of  the first blunder early which was just a terrible   blunder um let's try let's try that one more  time and then let's try not to blunder a queen   so obviously in that game white played a couple of  really obscure ideas like this night jump but my   pre-move did me in in this next game and then  the analysis that i do afterward you're gonna   really see how absurd some of the ideas that my  opponent came up were and their untimely demise   let's go we have a rematch oh okay interesting trying to be very non-confrontational here gonna go h4 take a little bit of space yes  no pre-moves no that was just so silly i   just my mind last game was like oh my opponent's  gonna take my my opponent's going to take my uh   pawn but then i realized there was a fork and  immediately as i pre-moved i just oh this is   good this is what i want this is what i want  mm-hmm okay let's go h5 if g5 probably like h6 so   the the thing about these these positions is that  pawn breaks are like okay if you take just g4 so let me see your human side  uh oh no no human side here i thought we were gonna see uh i thought we were  gonna see a yes see now there's going to be like   crazy defense as you could see from the last  game with this knight b5 knight d4 maneuver um yeah bots come up with some pretty  crazy ideas oh my god do you see oh god   crazy and like if i it's nuts  okay uh i'm gonna i'm gonna let me take and go here okay let's close the position just close it   close it close it and then move  my king out of the way of the pin okay so now it's going to be very very  difficult decision oh if i play a4 there's   knight b4 of course black starts the attack  on the other side of the board immediately   oh my gosh i already feel this slipping this is  crazy knight c1 every move is just coming so fast what wait what happened oh my god merry christmas this guy was a gold  member for a while i guess those premium   lessons really paid off this man got booted out  of the bar as he ordered another drink oh god   oh god all right well you know i feel you know  i feel as though we should probably analyze   like a few of those games um just to take  a look at you know that that was very funny oh that's so hilarious so of course we took a look at the earlier stats  already uh but now you know let's run game reports   on these games so we're gonna we're gonna run a  game report on uh on the game that i had black   and then we'll take a look at this game  where i uh where i had white now i'm very   i'm i'm very curious about something in these game  reports uh really the most important thing for me   is not always the accuracy but just trying to  show you all like how how people think they're   slick and especially like i said especially the  stronger players that are also using an engine   um like they think they're really clever  because they can infuse some of their own moves   with the computer move so look at the first  game i played at 88 i played at 88 even with   losing a queen somehow so maybe the cap score is  uh now someone in the chat says i played at 99.4   yesterday i'm scared that i'll get banned  or 94 look um i'm just gonna say this public   service announcement uh i'm gonna go full  screen for this just for dramatic effect   um if you play at 94 percent you are not going  to get banned oftentimes what that is a measure   of is a response to your opponent's moves okay  if your opponent plays terribly and you get a   really high score that's not a problem also is smart enough to realize that if   you have a statistical outlier of a game it's  all good you didn't cheat for that one game   now the difference in this case is the fact  that my opponent literally did not have a   game below 90 now i don't care how good  you are you're gonna have games below 90   like you know what i mean there's gonna be a game  you get distracted by your dog or your kid or   you know your spouse or i don't know yourself you  walk in and you're playing chess on your phone you   look in the mirror you go wow i'm so handsome  and then you get distracted you know anyway um   so like yeah hikaru like in my in the gate in my  youtube video against moist critical uh hikaru   played at you know 48 percent like what how can  that even what and hikaru made a few inaccuracies   on the way to trying to see if charlie would  find those moves if you you know watch the video   um you'll see that you know but that's the point  uh okay so d4 is the one mistake this person makes   deliberately and then watch as my opponent plays  right like what like why would you go knight h4 first of all like we're  taking this move for granted   but like why would you do that like why would  you play that move why would you play that why right and then this is the maneuver  that gives it all away knight b5   knight d4 this to me spotted by the way look  at the time usage three seconds three seconds   right look at look at this three three i did  notice that when the video started my opponent   was taking between three and six seconds every  move um and then you know five seconds on that   and then here i just made this mistake i just i  here i just thought that they were gonna take back   and then they took my queen in two seconds  which is one of the reasons why i think   that this player actually does have a little  bit of an understanding of the game of chess   a little bit because like they at least you know  we're like oh i'm going there so i can you know   because if if a person's just like five like 5  600 they're just cheating they're gonna be like   knight e6 why why am i going 96 oh to take the  queen you know so there you go um and then in   the second game you know black uh in the opening  suffer you know because black is he deliberately   was playing stupid stuff like with his with the  king moving um but notice what happens later like   look at look at everything else like rook there  right bishop like bishop g4 apparently is a good   move it looks like a waste of time but it's  the best move because it induces a pawn move   which supposedly weakens my dark squares and the  knight to yo who in their right mind plays the   move with knight g8 in this position this is the  subtlety of of a cheater is like some moves you go   what what how does that move even begin to make  sense and then it becomes clear a few moves later   bishop to h6 makes me move my pawn forward  blocking the bishop so the bishop goes back   because now when i pushed my pawns my light  squared complex can be taken advantage of and that   is why the computer wanted knight g8 a few moves  ago and now the knight jumps in and trades itself   and now black is better of course of course yes  of course ladies and gentlemen that makes a lot   of sense yeah and i love how people in the chat  were like gotham but gotham gotham what if he's   not a cheater stop accusing everybody gotham it's  not fair well ladies and gentlemen yeah he was
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 2,545,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess cheater, chess cheaters, cheating chess, cheating in chess, computer cheater, computer cheater chess, chess cheating, chess cheating hikaru, chess cheating online, chess memes, chess best moments, chess cheating funny video, chess cheating engine, chess funny, chess funny video, chess funny blunders
Id: ktE8e8lH-14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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