Chess Cheaters Caught and BANNED | GM Blitz Speedrun | 800-1000

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yeah spend a couple of seconds thinking about this move let's see this guy's accuracy level i can't believe this he tried doing a nice speed run and these things happen i mean i he's he is probably like you know um nothing bad going on here at all welcome to another speed run and um i'm gonna take you through um this rating sort of range of about 800 to 1000 this is the first of this and we're going to move up over time and the idea is to basically look at the standard mistakes that people play around the certain grade boundaries thank you for for allowing this to happen um and very kindly set up a speed one account where my opponents will get all their rating points back so no one can complain and i'm just going to play normal openings normal opening moves to sort of try to work out where my opponent starts to go wrong so this is a very normal position here um the italian and my opponent playing all the right moves so far and here i'm going to play d4 and uh d4 in this position is aiming going for a max lang attack and this is a very sharp move and often you know when you're playing at lower ratings opponents might be not so used to uh shall we say um obscure openings or openings i haven't looked at now this is one mistake that often occurs at this level i see this time and time again the opponent sees a check and he plays the check now this is a complete waste of time not all aggressive moves are good a lot of times frets checks are bad moves and if you're gonna do a threat on your opponent's king you or any threat at all it doesn't even have to be as obvious as this you should always before you play it consider what your opponent's best response is gonna be and here i strengthen my position i strengthen my pawn chain by simply playing the move c3 and he's had to move his bishop again and this is wasted time and it gives me a chance to do something in the center after the move d4 my opponent really needed to react in the center of the board um now that he hasn't reacted in the center of the board he played this very loose check he's gonna be in a lot of trouble a typical thing you look for in this opening when you put the bishop on c4 so you could say the italian variation of the rule lopez is frets against f7 and at this rating boundary this happens a lot when black hasn't castled so something to look out for if black hasn't castled look at things to do and here i can either take on f7 first and go queen d5 check winning a pawn as i pick up the knight but when you're looking at tactics you often switch around the way you play them and instead of going bishop f7 check first i'm going to move my queen in because i feel this is more powerful because i'm not only threatening checkmate but i'm threatening the knight so rather than winning a pawn it looks to me that i'm going to win a whole piece and now that's uh i'm piece up i just got to be very careful and one of the one of the biggest mistakes again that i see people do is they get winning positions and they relax and that is not a good thing to do when you get a winning position your opponent's gonna fight harder so relaxing do not relax so i can either castle here play it very safe or i can even try to start an attack immediately and i quite like the idea of doing this but yeah should we go for it let's go for this because my opponent has to find some good defensive moves he has to play g6 and then a normal move there be queen h4 and he has to play h5 uh so he has to spot these ideas after g6 i can also think about playing something like e6 there that's another interesting idea and the only thing the only reason i thought about this for a second or two was is i'm moving my pieces one way and doing premature attack relations is not always a good thing is it if you can help yourself so you've got to make sure those attacks are working well and um what i mean by that is if he finds these two defensive moves my e5 pawn's a little bit weak and i haven't castled so i'd much rather be castle before i played this but my opponent has not looked at my last move very typical mistake and when your opponent plays a move like knight g5 before you look at your own ideas you should look at the piece they've moved see where it's pointing it's pointing at two places so your eyes should home in on f7 and h7 and you must notice that this is a very typical checkmate pattern and here we can just come in with check mate there so um 10 move checkmate and only a couple of mistakes my opponent played and the first one was well d4 if you're gonna play any opening knowing more than the first three moves is quite important there are many ways you can learn an opening you can uh um you know you can do it via ginger gem videos by chessable by courses lee chess studies but make sure you you have at least a grasp of what's happening and also when you're playing at lower ratings and this goes all the way up to like 16 1800 a move which is slightly odd like d4 it's it's a main line but it's a very sharp line it's often worth it's often worth not playing what the top players play but playing a move that might get your opponent off guard but i wouldn't say a tricky idea because if you play two of a tricky idea that's not good it's not going to work and of course bishop b4 check let's just have a look at mistakes this is an awful move because it helps my position it was a artificial check and then after this one my opponent hatch retreat we notice in these positions the problem here we win a piece in this position and the last mistake is not looking at my move there so we're going to see if we can get another five minute game now and see um you know how this goes so we've got 12 points that one so let's say this video really is just dealing with 800 to 900 we will build up each week but i want to start for those of you new to chess and um those of you who you know you know we're going to do it slowly i mean i've got other videos for more advanced players but i'm sure there's a lot of you watching it just like getting into the game and they're like right what do i do what do i do simon okay so here my opponent is he knows the first two moves i'm i'm sticking by the way to the royal lopez in this opening series because i feel the rule lopez is um the main uh the sort of the main opening um that most players play it's the first opening most players play and i think that's a good thing so here my opponents played the same line i played i'm going to do what my opponent played last time i'm bringing my knight out to f6 and let's see what it does now knight g5 if you're going to play the royal lopez this move knight g5 the fried liver is the move that it seems to me most people learn at this stage the fried liver attack is the first because it's got a cool name and it creates frets immediately on f7 and maybe after learning scholars mate why it's like okay scholars mate doesn't work mcqueen comes out but if i go for my knight and bishop coming in that's gotta be good so my opponent is threatening here and there's only one good way to stop that and that's d5 this gambit is also possible but d5 is the main move so i'm going to play d5 here that breaks the bishop's coordination but again if my opponent is going to play this he it's quite a sharp line if you're going to pick sharp openings like this you need to know more theory on sharp moves than you do on like the english opening or a karma d4 queen's gambit opening and the move that i play here is this one and this is probably the second or third most popular choice it might not be entirely sound but if you're going to play knight g5 as white you certainly need to be aware of this b5 move and already my opponent's gone wrong the move my opponent should have played is the bizarre bishop f1 because he doesn't want to lose d5 but after this one i'm going to win the bishop i'm equal and material but already i think black's better why is black better because first of all i can kick this knight away when i want to i've got very easy development and my pawn on c4 cramps my opponent's position so if i go h6 he's probably going to go night here now i could then take that knight and think about doing something but um i don't want to allow his knight to get to this good square so i feel i'm going to play bishop here first i'm developing a piece i'm putting it on a good square but i'm also trying to stop my opponent's idea he's castled he's playing well but now i'm gonna kick that knight away and the knight can't come back to this square now because i'm covering it so he's again playing well and e4 looks a little bit over extended to me so i'm just going to develop my first piece at the start of the game you don't need to do anything crazy you just need to follow the principles he's playing very well he's he's playing much higher than his rating he's attacking my pawn now i think i'm going to sacrifice this pawn because if you look at his development he's still got those pieces over there i've got the two bishops and well he he probably he moving too quickly there he should at least consider this move because now after the pawn comes there well i've got two options on pass on or i could consider going forward if i go forwards as knight comes in you've always got to assume your opponent's going to play the best move uh maybe not a crazy move because this bishop's coming out okay let's let's let's move it forwards anyway because i like the idea of opening up my all of my pieces but so far my opponent's playing very good for his rating boundary here so well done to color zero seven now i think white really has to come forwards if he keeps playing energetically then he should be very you know he should be he's doing well um if he starts going passively always try to avoid passive moves if you can um why play passively when you can play energetic that goes in most positions you can't always play the most energetic move and this is i think the first mistake he's done he's gone backwards and that hasn't blocked my bishop in and now we've got to learn attacking patterns when you're playing chess and i'm sure the next move most of you are aware of and it is the greek gift with bishop h2 now before we play it we have to do a little bit of calculation knight g4 check if the king comes back my queen comes in i'm threatening h2 and f2 i don't think i need to calculate that much more because my opponent's so far behind in development this is what's called the greek gift sacrificial attack and it was just really i feel in this game one mistake that my opponents played i don't know if this is going to be winning but i'm going to get a big attack and this is the standard and again it's just little sequences of tactics that you need to know and this idea of bringing the knight and queen in at the cost of a piece is a standard idea and i'm threatening now to check there and check there and my opponent may well be able to defend this one but i can you know keep the pressure up and i like having the initiative and this move well he's gone wrong immediately he's only looking at the queen going one way but of course he's he's got a lot of time three minutes on the clock he's not using his time properly when your opponent moves the queen in spend a little bit extra to see where else it's heading and after king f1 he's missed queen f2 that's checkmate so 15 move win there but i have to say my opponent played quite well there the only thing i would say if you're going to play a sharp opening and if you're going to play moves like knight g5 you have to learn more theory in complicated aggressive openings than you do if you play like one d4 or if you played a more positional move and i already played this b5 move i think it's clear he didn't really know what he was doing here um so he took i think black's probably a little bit better but then he developed his pieces he played very well and here rookie one good move you should have considered taking this one so i think he moved a little bit quickly here if you can take a pawn and like we say you can always look at the most critical move try to play the most critical move if you can and after d4 e4 again the most critical move he he had to block my bishop i feel and going backwards he allowed this one and the last mistake he did not spend a lot of time on this position and he went wrong and it is so important in certain positions you know in chess you can play like 90 of your moves very quickly but 10 or even 5 of your moves is where you should spend most of your time critical moments so the time my opponent's time handling was quite bad there so we're going to stick to the rule lopez again let's see how my opponent fares here i'll keep with the italian variation i like this move because i like the pressure we get on f7 and after this one well i'm following my grandmaster gambits course so i'm gonna simply uh castle here and see what he does and after castling here he plays knight f6 so again he's playing some good moves but the move i play in this position is the interesting gambit d4 and i'm going for quick development um my opponent's taken with a bishop this is still theory so he knows his stuff i'm gonna take this one following my grandmaster gambits course and now play bishop g5 and i've given up a pawn to create a nasty pin on the knight um i've also got ideas of f4 in this position and my opponent seems to know his stuff because if f4 he might have queen here and now i've got to remember my theory um so f4 queen here looks a little bit scary for me now do would i then what would i then play so again my you know even as times our memory goes a bit a bit funny and so their queen here looks like an interesting like okay let's try it let's try let's see what happens so this is the one move again i gotta assume he's going to play the right line and he has played it where he's got a check with his knight so i'm going to take on f6 i've got to play quite tactically now i know that you know this i know with my preparation in my memory that this is a variation but i can't remember it entirely so i know i shouldn't be in trouble here now his knight has this one taking here which is a little bit a little bit scary isn't it because he has double check but can i get an attack against here so what should i do with my bishop do i just defend it and develop a piece and allow him to take here so my opponent has shown good opening knowledge here i'm going to play this one i realize that i might lose my rook on a1 but i'm hoping that because his king is in the middle and my king will be on h1 i can bring an attack like this so he's played this check okay so i've got to move my king and he's actually um done me in the theory a bit so i know one thing is even at every level you might get done in the opening i'm getting done by an 800 in the opening here which is pretty embarrassing i'm going to be a piece down i'm going to take here so i know one thing i'm definitely going to do after this game i'm going to check this queen e7 move and i'm going to work out exactly what i i my memory is just gone so i don't make them the same mistake again now this position i when i say it it's bad for me it might not be the end of the world i've got one pawn and i've got an ongoing attack um on the f file so it's not tragic here um and i'm just going to now play it quite sensibly bring my other rook in but i think my opponents played perfectly so far so the idea is to bring the rook to f1 and we're just going to put a bit of pressure on the file and at this rating okay maybe i'm relaxing a little bit too much but um if he you know let's see how he plays let's see if he goes wrong or if he can keep this up now is he going to go bishop c4 there um well if he finds that move well done let's see if he does and then i have to calculate takes takes okay so he hasn't really been looking at my plan this h5 move is an unnecessary pawn move he's probably still all right you can go queen takes here and after this he gives up his queen and he's got a lot of pieces but still h5 was a slight error it was an unnecessary pawn move okay so i have to now unbalance the position when you've got a worse position you've got to unbalance it and he hasn't he's decided not to go into this complications here uh okay so i'm just gonna get all my pieces on this file and he's now trying to run away um uh i'm gonna play b3 because suddenly this bishop c4 move seems to shock me i'm actually i'm actually worried i'm gonna lose this one uh we're okay but the one only mistake i can see is made as this okay now when you've got a bad position you probably have to take risks now this looks risky but at least now i have two pawns for the piece i might as well grab the pawn there he's threatening checkmate here so we're gonna have to come back quickly and um we're now threatening rookie one so he's playing much higher than his rating isn't he this guy uh so i definitely should have treated him a bit more respect and i need to stop him opening everything up i'm struggling here bloody hell he's playing another good move and i'm now getting in trouble here so um well um i should have treated this one with a lot more respect [Laughter] he's he's he's doing me in the guys doing me in and uh okay let's go here we're gonna have to be a whole rook down and let's see if i can make it complicated at all if he doesn't make any errors he's gonna win god a nice calm speed run he'll lose to an 800 right um well clearly he's as we say much higher than his rating this uh i'm just going to defend f2 i'm not going to give up we've got to make it as tricky as we can now what am i think how am i going to try to trick him here well the only thing i can think of is bring my queen there but that doesn't even create any big frets so we'll put the king on this square i have one trick is he gonna fall for any of my tricks now let's come over here i'll keep the idea going uh of of coming into this square cool i'm really i mean brooke here looks like a very strong tactical idea and i think the mistake i've made here is underestimating my opponent and again he's found this move which is a which is much higher than this rating boundary and i'm probably lost now because uh he's gonna there's no way i can decently stop this one so um let's have a look well i'll i'm gonna have to let him win so we're gonna put this on the accuracy level here so i'm gonna i'm gonna basically have a look uh at the mistakes i played in this game because okay you can lose and and really i got myself in a bad position in the opening that was that was the problem in this game and um if we have a look at it let's have a look um at uh the opening and see what i should have played there so i'm just going to put it on the opening um analysis and we will have a look uh and when it does it is good for this you could you can test your games afterwards but um i mean i'm sorry but i i'm calling cheap there i mean i i just don't believe i don't believe this guy i mean look at this he's got 99.5 accuracy he's got 800 rating uh i mean he might not be cheating he even played that or he played like 2700 and this is one of the sodding things i really hate on online chess um and it really frustrates me so um we'll have a look at this guy but i mean it still doesn't deter from i can still learn from this game and the important thing that i can learn from uh first of all is that after queen e7 i shouldn't probably not go in for the tactics of f4 and i made a critical mistake here of assuming that my opponents um basically my my opponent was going to play not the most critical moves of this so this is a big mistake always and i said australian opponent's going to play the best move so i should stop this idea of allowing this diagonal to come alive and play something else i'm going to look at this theoretically on my own a bit later but i'm a bit frustrated with this guy let's just have a look at his record he's a he's um he's got a i'm gonna report this guy anyway uh if we can um either that or he played perfectly um but it's worth it's worth having a little look getting them checked out uh with that kind of actually it might just be he played a great game but it's let's see how many games he's played maybe it's his first couple of games right can't you look at their record probably we click on his profile and he's played 409 games and that's quite a high level of games right and well i'm i'm thinking he he 99.5 at that rating level it seems very suspicious to me and of course uh well what can you say man i mean what do you think 800 level playing that it's very suspicious let's put a little bit of a downer on it let's try to get one more we'll check this guy out we'll see if i'm wrong or he's wrong later on but i can learn from that and my mistake was assuming he wouldn't play the best moves entering into a complicated position that i wasn't sure what i was going to play so it was me i was getting i was just going to roll into it and i didn't really think i didn't really work out what was going to play against his move so it's me being an idiot there and maybe he just knew his stuff very well okay let's go we'll make this the last game of this little one and uh it's going to be a long speed run if i keep if i keep getting games like that right we're going to go bishop c4 here um and we're going to go for oh i mean maybe maybe he just played perfectly i i don't think i've ever got that high of a thing over that many moves but anyway um and we're going to play this gambit again so let's see if my opponent is better prepared in this one it seems at this level everyone plays these three moves which is good so this is the main line max lang attack and now my idea is the first castle and i'm going to try and use this e pawn to create problems for my opponent before he gets castle so this is the kind of position where if black again doesn't know his theory he could lose very quickly now you won't see this opening that i'm playing here played at top level because it is considered that black can get equality but that doesn't really matter i don't think if you can get an equal position but make it very problematic for your opponent openings like this can work all the way up to about 2600 level um so knight takes e4 plate and this is still the main line and the point now we go rookie one and we threaten that knight and he has to play d5 here uh he has played d5 this is following main line we capture on d5 and again we're still following fury from my grandmaster gambits course we go knight to c3 this is a nice little uh idea where we use the pin on the knight and the queen uh he's only a pawn up he hasn't castled queen d7 is actually the move that i recommend black place and um now there's a couple of ways to do this and the simplest is to play rook takes e4 check and just to win my pawn back the reason the queen's sometimes quite good on this square is that after knight takes c6 he can take with the queen and he doesn't have to take the pawn and f5 he's still playing perfect chess at the moment and here i've got to play rook f4 i'm trying to remember what i'm playing and this is still theory so this guy knows his theory incredibly well well done to my opponent and after i catch you here you can see the difference with his queen being here he can take there with his queen and probably well not probably but black is doing absolutely fine in that position with the two bishops um now this is a slight mistake i would say it's probably all right but he's going to have to damage his pawn structure that was czech so i had to take and after here well i need to now get my pieces into the game maybe this is another way that uh black can play but first of all my rook seems offside so i want to attack c6 i want to give my bishop that square and give my knight a square so i'm trying to get all my pieces uh to the to the right bits okay so he's gone here now my bishop has two squares it can go to attack pawns and i'm gonna go here and attack c7 so so far i think again my opponent's played very well especially for this rating range he can now try to bring out his bishop but this is again he's doing all right do i have to worry about this i could take okay i'm thinking about the right way to play this one i'm going to move my knight i think i need to get my pieces out my rook still has this square and i can still take on d6 at the right moment so i'm hoping i'm keeping everything together what all i'm trying to do here myself is get my pieces coordinating my pieces in the game and then leave him with some weak pawns and i'm quite happy he's captured there because i thought he should have tried to wait until i capture on d6 because you can see i'm just trying to play later on against these guys now if i play my rook to d1 centralize it would he take on a2 well it's possible let's try and stop that but i don't want to get in play along here so i'm going to play b3 a little bit risky because in the ending my pawns are on light squares and now he's aiming to attack them immediately um now i could take this one but that's going to be weak later on so i'm going to play rook d1 just get this rook in the game give me some chances on this file later on he's got rid of one of his weak pawns now but i'm hoping these pawns are still going to be weak and i'm just going to move my king towards the center later on okay he's playing good chess again here and now i don't like putting my rook on f3 so i'm going to change plans move it over here and now that he's not got an a pawn this looks a bit more attractive to me because i can get my rook behind the pawn and really use that pawn it's a good past pawn so this ending i'm quite liking at the moment and the idea will be just to use this pawn and i'm not going to win just for that pawn on its own i'm going to have to start getting my king across my opponent's doing the same idea bringing his king into the center of the board and i have to say my opponent here is like my last opponent playing far far higher than his rating i mean this is this is easily 2200 higher strength uh these ukrainians i was uh i was i will say they're much higher rated than they should be and um he's got his bishop now to a good square and with c4 he could even be getting the advantage here with this move coming in and again i've probably played this a little bit lasse far because in actual fact i think i'm a little trouble now uh after the rook coming to this position let's see this guy's accuracy level i can't believe this he tried to do a nice speed run and these things happen i mean i he's he is probably like you know um nothing bad going on here at all but um and i'm not playing great chess at the moment today because after that last game i'm a little bit until but if anyone plays 99.5 accuracy and the computer's top choice it doesn't mean if it doesn't matter if it's magnus carson or billy blogs you're going to lose so it's nothing really to do with what i can do and we're we're gonna see this let's see if you can finish me off i'm getting quite amused by this now i'm gonna use my a pawn uh and even here at this rating level they they they should uh they should struggle to win uh i would imagine i mean this is like real beginner's level now i've got to move my rook because he's threatening to take that one and just the time he's spending on each move is a bit weird yeah um because he's so much material up why do you need to why'd you need to think here uh you just play right you just play moves and this is like a very nice way to finish the game so um i've lost i've got 50 and he's thinking about this move yeah this is a this is a move you need to think about isn't it yeah spend a couple of seconds thinking about this move and there we go bang um okay i'm gonna have a look at the accuracy level here i mean this is absolutely crazy isn't it um quite funny quite amusing so we're gonna bring up the board now i mean i i could just be just totally paranoid and plain like an idiot but let's uh let's let's have a look at the the report and see 99.2 99.2 accuracy and again another guy i'm gonna have to report and um because uh i mean playing at that level over that many moves it just doesn't happen it really doesn't happen so we're gonna report him and of course i mean you know my accuracy is very bad but i'm a little bit until you play fantastic chess but the reason i got suspicious was uh well the quality of his moves but also around here you're completely winning and he was spending even on checkmates in one in this kind of position he spent three seconds playing this move i mean come on you don't spend three seconds playing that move so what can we say to that a very good start of my speed run series um be back very shortly with more speed run more speed run to follow um these 800s on much stronger than most gm's items i play in title tuesday uh if this is a standard chess nowadays i'm simply terrified um or maybe it's just a sad indiction of the times that we live in and i hate cheats so much
Channel: GingerGM
Views: 42,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best chess channel, chess cheater, magnus carlsen, chess game, top 10, engine, online, twitch, chesscom, chess24, chessable, GMHikaru, blitz, match, caught, cheating, bot, vs, win, checkmate, grandmaster, london, opening, openings, kings gambit, queens gambit, youtube chess, gingergm, simon williams, best chess game, tournament, world cup, tips, tricks, traps, beginner, speedrun, rating, bullet, instruction, strategy, tactics, gain elo fast, elo, eric hansen, speed chess, chess videos, funny, naroditsky, gotham
Id: uKI0jVg5xO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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