5 Chess Cheaters BANNED In This Video

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ladies and gentlemen i'm really not sure why so  many people cheat at the game of chess but my god   is it good for content today's video is part of  a stream that i did earlier today where i wanted   to find a cheater and make them play against  another person who was cheating the main character   throughout our journey today is sadness 11 who we  discovered first we tried to pair sadness against   a few other people and it failed but ultimately  we did succeed two times and those games are both   covered in this video now let's get into the  adventure of how i got five people banned from   chels.com in one hour so this is sadness 11. they  are 97 and 17 account made a couple of days ago   uh they have lost the game or two in here  which is actually insanely surprising actually   lost two games to the same person uh and also  they've lost they've beaten people who got close   for fair play and also lost to that person so  this person's an obvious cheater uh what i'm   doing right now is i'm stalling out a game uh this  person's in a tournament but we're gonna try to   get them to play fool's mate if we look at fools  mate this is fool's mate so fool's mate is 19-0   oh fool's mate is done fools mate is actually  done with their game which is really annoying   because sadness is currently playing a game so at  this point we've obviously discovered some other   cheaters i tried to get sadness to play games  against them but those people didn't really want   to play and i'm gonna match oh fools mate started  another game god damn it i've made them play here   they are so here's who's playing who right now  uh gm noob 29 account made just a day or two ago   4 so very clear cheater uh i am challenging  them uh to play against each other so they   are currently stuck in an infinite loop they  have nowhere to go uh gm noob seems to think   something's up so gm noob keeps aborting the  games but has nowhere to go because i'm just   going to keep making the game happen come on  gm noob come on you've been cheating cheat now   okay zach is done with the game  wait that means i can match up zach   they're two cheaters so this is zach ladies  and gentlemen so we already know who sadness   is but zack zack is new to us zach is 19 and 2  and rapid all games 99 account made a week ago   oh zach went offline zack zack no zack but then i  noticed that this person was done with their game   i paired them and watch what happens now this  is absolutely gonna work so again if you need   a friendly reminder fool's mates 20 and 0  in rapid has not lost yet in rapid today   today has not lost very clearly a cheater  oh they're playing they're playing und what   happens when undefeated cheaters what happens when  undefeated cheaters match up against each other   this is so epic chad this is the most epic thing  ever a very interesting position here in the   opening wow knight h6 now i personally think that  fool's mate is going to play worse so i personally   think that fool's mate is going to play worse  fool's mate played very badly in that last game   let's see if sadness will play e4 which  is the the top engine move there it is   now black can take this which is the top engine  move there it is so i think   white has the stronger engine  now we're gonna get knight takes   now bishop b7 or castles here by black  very good now white will play castles or c3 those are the top two moves castle's looking   better right now according to the engine  eval if you look there next to the board okay white is thinking castles are c3 white  is thinking a lot pretending to think here okay white decides to go with c3 second best  now black is gonna play is black actually to   play queen d3 okay never mind black just goes  back oh man queen d3 was a ridiculous move   is white gonna go queen e2 okay d4 now  the best move here for black is to go e5   so my engine and their engine could be  different was that the second best move   that was one of the best moves now  okay castles good takes bishop takes bishop f6 okay a6 not a bad move something weird is going on my computer  is not even figuring out what they're   playing like their computer is like better  than mine my computer can't even keep up now c6 defends this very good rookie one or queen  c2 there it is now black is gonna go h6 or king h8   or g6 or f5 g6 f5 are the human  moves to stop right so that's the   human move now bishop drops back  rook f6 queen d7 c5 what takes e5 so take take there's just a fork why would you go here take to take the center queen c8 or knight c6 or  e5 oh my god i think white's engine is stronger   now white is gonna go here again creating two  threats okay b4 is not a bad move there it is   the other the other the other move bishop f4  rookie one is what my computer says rookie one   very good rookie eight or bishop f6 top my top  two moves as you can see what is black gonna do   okay my computer hasn't looked at this yet  now queen b3 or b5 or rook b1 queen b3 b5   or rook b1 there it is this hits e6 knight d8  or knight d8 or rook f6 has to guard this pawn or king h8 there it is rook f6 very good now bishop f4 or a4 is what my computer is  showing but there's probably other moves   like b5 is probably also good maybe you can even  take there it is now black has to go knight d8   oh black never mind oh  white's gonna sack the queen   this bot is gonna sack the queen or  move the queen out of the way bc6 oh that's nice this is nice now you're  gonna take oh my god with the fork beautiful   and now black's best move is to sack the queen takes now rook takes a2 of course black the  computer is going to play the top engine move   which is trading a rook when down a bishop or  maybe not maybe black will like go there this   is the other top engine move defending this rook  not even moving your rook out of the way let's see whoa oh boy all right take take and  then clean it up take take clean it up   take take we're gonna get take take and then  push pawn that's what's gonna happen nice and   then we're gonna get king f8 and then rook a1  and pick up this pawn here it comes there it is   there it is e5 also or bringing the  king we'll see what happens probably   bringing okay f4 is computer move  sure faster time control you got it we'll make them play a five minute game after this or a three minute game let's make  them play a three minute game okay king f7 or g5 now is apparently according  to my computer the best thing so in this game   our protagonist sadness 11 had the stronger  engine and was cleaner with their engine usage   and won the game then about 30 minutes later we  discovered another character of the story this   next game and then what happens afterward it's  quite dramatic yes yes here we go here we go   so a friendly reminder ladies and gentlemen  once again that we're talking sadness we're   talking sadness the person who is only five and  four and rapid but an overwhelming 117 in blitz   his opponent beat him pro 22 and  2 in rapid here we go i'm pumped   who has the stronger engine whose engine is on a  higher depth so far white is losing the opening   battle seems like the higher rated cheater  has the better engine uh oh c6 h6 okay take   or bishop d2 apparently probably take oh  that's such an engine move oh my god castles castles or e4 is is what my engine is  showing castles or e4 there it is very nice   rookie 8 or c6 from black is going to happen  there it is now white is going to play e4 or a4   apparently or a3 now my engine is also showing a3  there it is black is going to play c6 maintaining   this tension to keep the space here comes a4  or h3 or knight to h4 one of these three moves   according to my engine h3 knight h4 or a4 knight  h4 the point being to go knight f okay queenie one   queenie one not a great move according to my  computer okay knight c5 was that a top move   of course one of the top two  now we might get b4 there it is   and black is rerouting the knight blocking all  of their pieces right because that's logical   oh i apologize that was not a move played  so is black gonna go knight e6 or knight a6   oh oh oh black is chopping wait white is not even  gonna take back knight h4 is being suggested no   way white plays knight h4 right there's knight e4  now we're gonna get one of the knights is going to   take now white needs to think a little bit because  they don't know that this is the best move because   they don't actually play chess and now black is  going to play c5 or a5 immediately targeting this   pawn that the computer just baited white to  play right exactly so now black is going to   trade and white needs to maintain the stronghold  to occupy space on the side of the board of course   you need to think about why you push the pawn  because you're cheating you don't know that ab4   is the best move and now black is going to play  bishop e6 or b6 developing the light squad bishop okay or queen c7 okay queen c7 hits c2 not a bad  move here comes queen e3 and knight h4 oh c3 okay   the computer wants to hang  on to this rook d8 bishop e6   or b6 rook d8 b6 or bishop e6 come on  unless my computer isn't seeing something knight h4 or queen b1 is what my computer  is showing and then black is going to go a5 what is the point of this move rook d8 a5 there it  is what is the point of this move oh my god this   is how you know you're dealing with it what is  whoa whoa whoa they are rattling off engine moves   what is going on playing on all four sides of  the board quadruple dimensional chess oh blunder   now black is better after b takes a5 here comes  knight f5 or queen c2 now black is gonna play   bishop d7 or a4 let's just push that pawn knight  back to e3 apparently or queen to c2 isn't coming that's so funny we got the extension now  black is gonna play black won by resignation did sadness just resign out of  nowhere oh oh no ladies and gentlemen   sadness has been banned in the middle of the game  oh my god oh little do they know they're gonna ban   sadness's opponent pretty soon oh my gosh  but this person is still around oh my gosh this guy this person is going to get banned they  just looked at sadness first oh oh welcome to   youtube ladies and gentlemen oh sadness we farmed  you for so much content and then you got banned   prayers please prayers in chat for sadness  sadness 11 just fueled so much of my content   hopefully this ends up with a million views on  youtube so much content out of sadness and now   we have a sad moment as sadness has been banned  wow how many games did we make sadness play oh   we made sadness play gm noob earlier wait a  minute wait a minute wait a minute apparently the person that we made gm new play earlier  has also been uh we tried to get sadness to   play gm noob so many times gm noob has also  been closed oh my god it's the apocalypse it's   the apocalypse the avalanche is coming down we're  about to get so many people banned oh my goodness oh my gosh oh oh here it comes the  avalanche is fool's mate band   not yet fools mate is next fools mate  was next on the list of being banned crazy all right well we'll check back in  in a moment man i feel i feel empty now   i feel a little bit empty oh my god we farmed  that guy for so much content fools makeup end really oh my god let's go look another domino has fallen and the sherlock  case continues to be solved further and further   oh man it began with sadness and now pools  made us done and we will look to see if this   account gets banned as well i've also submitted  this account which we saw earlier oh this one's   also been banned zack has also been banned zack  ran away from a match up with sadness earlier   zack has also been banned oh this is epic oh  my goodness i feel like the the biggest secret   agent right now all these people getting clapped  today because of gotham this is the ban pocalypse   oh my goodness this is amazing  content this is absolutely sick   this is this is huge wait how about this  person this person's also been banned oh my god we can't miss we can't  miss boy what an adventure that was   i hope you made it this far in the video i  hope you like content like this i'm always   looking for new and creative ways to showcase  chess even if it's a little bit of a circus   if you're not yet subscribed to the channel 54 of  you aren't so do go ahead and hit that button and   i look forward to seeing you in future content  like this and all my other instructional ones
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,409,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess cheater, chess cheaters, cheating chess, cheating in chess, computer cheater, computer cheater chess, chess cheating, chess cheating hikaru, chess cheating online, chess memes, chess best moments, chess cheating funny video, chess cheating engine, chess funny, chess funny video, chess funny blunders
Id: O1b-cuPDBZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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