CARLSEN VS STOCKFISH! CHEATING Against Magnus Carlsen in Blitz Game

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alexander okay okay let me try a different opening i'm giving away all my my secrets so far are people do you hear d3 still i don't know i uh played one of my my better games since um as a kid against stalmatov with that with this line one miniature miniature and knight f6 is exactly what you're not supposed to do because e4 is supposed to be pretty strong but maybe he knows something that doesn't i i don't but really if one f5 is your reporter against against knight f3 then d3 really should be on the top of your list of moves you're um you're prepared against so but i have to admire the the bravado in which he uh with which he conducts this game okay i guess that's sort of sensible do you have anything better i guess i should just take change queens oh wait a second i was about to pre-move my g5 maybe knight e5 is also okay 95 whatever [Music] so i'm thinking king e893 probably should prevent knight d5 by going c6 and then i guess bishop f4 and uh i suppose ambition before anyways it feels like i'm a bit better unless again 96 these guys really have no no respect it's a good thing though shouldn't be scared of me um let me see okay knight d5 e5 is forced knight to seven kingdom 7988 ef castles king c8 knight f7 i don't like it so i'm just gonna admit that hp4 was a poor move and just play this position which i'm not too thrilled about if he didn't have the right to castle here i would say that position is absolutely equal but now i suppose i may have a slight pull but but not much and i'm sorry people for the for the absolute lack of fireworks here it's just a dull ending slightly better but it's gonna take a lot of work yeah i could go bishop d4 followed by knight b5 but that is that sort of pawn hunting is not my style so i might do it next unless he plays kf7 obviously then i have to do something else but what just protecting c2 in order to to move my knight away from e4 at some points but now he's doing all right protecting the the g5 square which is very sensible trying to re reroute my my knights now i want to go knight c to e4 and and later knight d3 and if it goes bishop b4 now i'm kind of hoping that knight d3 is not bad with the idea of bishop c3 then knight to e5 so he went for this option which is very sensible but now now i'm a little bit better not much though yeah this guy is playing really well i guess i can go rookie to d1 just trying to to get my knight somewhere he cannot go rook d8 because i i take and i think 95 followed by i'm not too unhappy to see this exchange and a5 root b3 maybe b6 then i have and i can move the rook again i still don't have much it's gonna be a long game still folks so we're hoping to tempt him to go to the to the rook ending i feel like there there might have some chances yes now i have to activate the rook yeah he's playing well he's not allowing rook c4 at least not immediately because then i would have had the chance to hint that at age 4 later on that's pretty much it's going to c5 now suppose i should go c3 if not b3 then i go h4 might have some initiative so he's gonna run out of time but it was a really tough game and uh what can i say he played really well for for his rating that's there's no doubt about that
Channel: chess24.5
Views: 1,709,074
Rating: 4.8522458 out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess24, magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen chess, carlsen chess, carlsen chess games, carlsen banter blitz, cheater chess, cheating chess, magnus carlsen vs stockfish, carlsen vs computer, banter blitz, chess24 banter, magnus carlsen blitz, carlsen blitz games, carlsen bullet, carlsen lichess
Id: rMTcawGzbOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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