Shark Attack Test- Human Blood vs. Fish Blood
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Mark Rober
Views: 31,298,336
Rating: 4.8733363 out of 5
Keywords: sharks, sharkweek, jaws, shark attack, blood in water, Discovery
Id: vePc5V4h_kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I was curious how long he had the virus for. At 2:01 mark of the video, it's written that the testing date was 7/19/2020, when he was found positive.
At 2:23 mark, when he was found negative, the testing date was also 7/19/2020. Am I misreading something here?
They didnt use just fish blood though, maybe the sharks were more interested in the meat than the blood?
my heart has never raced so fast during a fucking mark rober video
Honestly kinda upset about him skirting around the rules with the private jet. Iโm not sure if he addressed it because I stopped watching after that but if places donโt want Americans to travel to their country you should probably should respect that.
Was I the only one that was weirded out how he handled and blended the dead fish?
can someone please tell me the name of the song at 3:00? cuz i've been looking for a while now, and i still can't find it. someone please help me out