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what is going on guys it is crawfish time crawfish crayfish crawdads yeah bees however you say it it is crawfish time well I just saw right there actually a trout jump we are also trout fishing today but first this morning where to do it a little bit different what I normally do in all my videos is all fish for trout first and then I try to catch some crawdads to kind of add to it and today what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start off this more trina-- try to catch a whole bunch of crawdads and then I'm gonna go to some of my favorite fishing spots and we're gonna use the crawdads as bait so first we're catchin crowd as we do crowded boil there we go trout fish it should be a great day it was gorgeous it's gonna get hot today gonna get like in the 90s it's it's it's this is it does it get any better as far as summertime fishing goes let's catch some cross [Music] guys whenever you're doing it always look behind you because you'll find that products start popping out of all kinds of places you just flip it over action kind of stirring everything up and they'll come out of the woodwork you'll miss a lot [Music] all right how many we got your guests we did not catch like tons and tons but almost every single one of them is a really really good size so we have one two three four five six seven eight not too bad not too bad I mean look at that we're gonna be able to get claw meat and body meat off at you whoa yeah I flipped over this huge rock huge crawfish one of that bad boy got some blue on him - that's the biggest craw of the day right there in the really really shallow spot - there's one with a soft one oh he's soft and squishy he just molded this again there is uh the shell this will probably be the one we use for bait since he's so squishy in fact this guy could pinch me and it wouldn't hurt I'm sure I'm gonna let him get me come on oh okay well nevermind that actually does his claws are still hard hey you guys found anything yet no would you like a crawdad I found I'll set them right there you guys can play with him if you want check this out this will probably be a piece of bait as well guys this is crazy because I just walked over to this new spot found this leech looks like a big grub right now he's all curled up but we're gonna put this we're gonna pause the crawdad hunt and we're gonna put this on hook we're gonna see if we can catch a trout on this alright one leech going out or grub whatever that thing larvae I don't know it's good bait no matter what well guys nothing on the grub for now I fished this whole area very thoroughly so what we're new is it's still on I got that one small bite the grub is still on though so we're just gonna save it and I'm gonna go back to hunting crawdads which is my first plan so we're to gather some of those and then we'll focus on the trout fishing in just a little bit alright let's try to this rock for real this time we know there is at least one hope there's another and I think there might someone grab oops look at him go thank you oops he's getting away some of these are more feisty then other ones got him oh he's almost got me and some more more flexible too like someone can really reach behind him I thought I saw one in this hole Oh got me yet there's one buried he pinched me oh look at all - big one you see how big this crowd is buried in the hole got him - that's a month look help me I thought this was a good size check out that big bed he's in literally down in a hole underneath this massive rock that is so cool this biggest one of the day that's the that might be like biggest crowd out of the year so far all right this is cool all right my friends it is trout fishing time I have on there that little tiny grub from earlier the the leech you know if that was a leecher grub anyway it was I have that piece on we're gonna try throwing that out it's still soft and supple so we're gonna use that as I see a couple of trout sitting right down here in its little site fishing action guys these trout are not interested in this grub I don't know why but they just aren't so let's put on a piece of crawdad all right we're gonna set him right there we're gonna kill him real quick all right he's dead we're just going to peel him like so we got to get that meat that's inside the tail it's actually harder to remove when it's not cooked coz the meat is still sticking to the sides if I may be so bold I'm gonna make a little prediction that uh we're gonna get a trout on the first cast yeah we got one guys oh that's a good one too it's a good oh there's there's another big one following it but it is a decent fish not the first cast wait what is this it's a pike minnow they're all fish dang it that's not we're looking for at least we got him out of the river though there used to live in an area that was taken over by these fish we literally caught one bass the entire year and a half that we lived at this house cuz these fish had eaten up all the game fish in the area and he has some in his mouth what does he have in his mouth he has another fish guys in his throat well he just finished swallowing it he has another fish in his throat that is crazy we're gonna kill him real quick there we go you know all Kai's I just thought what we're gonna do this we're either are there two things I just came to mind we're either gonna use this guy for bait for crawfish in the next video or we're gonna see if a mink one sim you know one of you guys remember that episode right Amin come and visit me on this river let's uh yeah we're gonna save this guy a mink might come in and eat him alright guys I'm kind of sight fish for him because what there is so you see the sand right down there I can see that the dark of the trout against the sand right very easily so we'll just cast upriver let it drift down that one that one lots of little tyke wait what guys another pike minnow raw fish dang it what is with this and he stole my crawdad all right so we killed that fish as well there are start get a lot of people on the river hopefully that doesn't affect the fish and usually it doesn't here's another little crawdad mortal got one it's better not be it's another pike minnow guys others fish always spitting up fish everywhere he's literally been eating fish he just spit up a fish's body I mangled fish's body cuz that's why we have to get rid of these because they eat all the game fish in a river system alright guys we came to this new spot here but there's an underwater pipe and it gets really deep right behind it and I've got it back to the piece of crawdad it's got a piece of crawdad on there let's get a trout oh my gosh guys guys guys huge huge uh steel head you just deal that right here guys there's a huge uh steel head right down there I don't know if you guys can see that in the camera guys a head read on the sides and everything hello uh-huh hello what's here I'm filming a video actually right now hey sweet what you do Kayla nice to meet you okay yeah you know I have a whole bunch of crawfish right now just trying to catch a trout actually oh yeah I just there's a giant one hanging around down here but like it's a steelhead uh-huh yeah that was I had a really good I found it a good spot you'll see it in a video I mean I was just plucking the big ones it was really cool hey thanks man thanks thanks for stopping which videos are your favorite if you get ok any specific catch it where it's like oh I just I just click on a trout one every time or those are the favorite okay cool I'll make more of those hey thanks man have a good day well guys nothing at that spot saw some big trout but couldn't get him to bite move on to the next spot alright piece of Chron it on let's get a trout oh thanks guys we got more more subscribers right behind he's fishing there for dudes in a boat and leave a comment down below if you're watching this now anyway let's get a trout on this piece whoa piece of crawdad right there almost in my mouth ah guys guys we have a mink he's trying to get just trying to get my food looking he's cute there's so much grab my dad let's feed him that's why I saved those fish I thought just piece of meat comes along who will feed him so we have a fish we're just gonna lay the fish right there and set up the camera and then walk away so he comes back [Applause] [Applause] all right so we have this little fish we're gonna lay him right there and then I'm gonna walk away from the camera [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that was cool that was so cold look there he goes he's going down well he is running down the bank he goes all the way back to his home guys when the going gets tough the tough use nightcrawlers it has been the weirdest thing the last hour and a half I thought that it would be easy I thought those chunks of crawdads would be dynamite and I would have at least four or five trout right now so I've been sitting here thinking about it while I've been fishing I see the trout down there they look at it and they just swim away they're not interested at all and I thought what is going on here why do I have a worm there let's get this worm down there but the only thing that I can think of is I wonder if I have never used crawdads this early in the year and I wonder if there's a chemical or something on them that repels the trout that I bet it's drifted in front of at least thirty trout over the last hour and a half and all of them have ignored it so there must be a chemical or a taste or something in the crawdads that is causing them to not eat it that's the only theory I have back at this spot I saw some big trout earlier only this time we have worms that are also got one got yes oh it's a brown trout I have not caught a breath you know I think all last year I did not catch a brown trout oh it's pretty cool um you know what oh it's gorgeous I think I've let this one go guys I think we're in an area gosh I need to know my regulations better I think we're in an area where the trout have to be 14 inches or bigger this guy's only about 11 inches look at that first brown trout of the year baby guys this is so much fun I mean so so much it's this what is this another brown trout I think it's a brown trout again but I think it's too small that is cool though that is crazy cool not a keeper akin about 12 inches this time but that is so cool okay that was cool me I need her keeper but this is so still so fun oh hello guys check this little spot out I've got my own like a little spot here so this is a funny story ever since I was little I wanted to come over I would fish on the other side and I wanted to come over and fish this pop because the current goes right by and it's deep and swirling right down there went ups were called have seen fish I've never done it all the years I've been I've been coming here and I got on this path follow this path for a long ways but then the last 100 yards was like across this golf course so I just strolled across the golf course I went through poison ivy poison oak all kinds of I don't even know what because there was this wall of hit so I had to try to carefully get through I still got yeah so mom he's I'm gonna take a swim now try to wash off the poison ivy and we're gonna cook up some crawdads and do just a little bit more fishing this is so cool I've got here all my catch and cook stuff set we have a pot and then well I'll show you guys all the ingredients that say but first let's get the crawdads boiling and wala quwata is what I'm gonna fish from one more time see if we get a get a keeper trout you luck with some river water [Applause] just like so while we're waiting for the water to boil let's flip out a warm here come on I need that keeper got him got him oh my gosh that guy's close he's very very close I'm trying to use circle hook so they can't swallow and he has it way down there oh well he seems fine actually nope he's sitting me he's floating guys we got a floater what the what me and that was so close guys I'm afraid that might have been just short anyway of the 14 inch mark probably about 13 inches I just got so many after a while you kind of know I saw water is boiling we're gonna add the classic saturn's shrimp and crab boil I'm just gonna add a little bit of that add some salt again watch my channel you know that drill here and you gotta add a lots of salt to really flavor those crustaceans and then we have something here guys this is brand new I got this it actually know somebody else got this it was in our pantry look at that it's full it's a bag full of spices here's the problem look how big the bag is like I feel like this was made for something much bigger I think we're gonna drop that in there just to see how it takes this to be kind of the test and I know that that is made for a more crawdads in a bigger pot but we're gonna go for it just this will be the test run I think I should probably let this thing cook oh man spices are in my nose like we should let this thing cook for a while there you let that let them seasonings get in the water while we're waiting for that seasoning packet to finish boiling let's throw in one more time come on come on big trout it's a big one it's a big one it's a big one oh my gosh my gosh thank you Lord this huge beautiful rainbow trout that is what I'm talking about you know what I'm gonna do real quick I'm gonna bleed him real fast we're gonna knock him on the head and then using a knife sent to me by one of you guys I'm going to cut the gills right here oh that's sharp John thing is John can't remember your last name but my subscribers sent me a tonight we're gonna bleed that's trout right here Oh guys it's gonna taste so good but the crawdads it's so right over here give this nice big board that I'm gonna use to filet the trout on just worked out that way you did not plan on this but it's perfect we're just gonna do a simple gut on this dude has one of the reasons why I love trout so much is it how how simple they are you don't have to scale them cuz you don't taste the scales and I don't full a.m. or anything fancy because the meat comes away from the bone as you're you're eating it you can just pull all the bones out no problem oh this was a female not a recent she's gonna she had eggs in her for next year or knit probably in the fall actually but definitely a female and look the meat is orange on it that's cool oh that is good crawdad bait right there we'll throw that out there the crawdads will love that look at these guys look look at lookout dark the waters and look at how the credits aren't that usual like bright bright red color I think cuz of the seasonings like the water is like almost black miss easing so these will probably might be some of the best crawfish I've ever had here these are gonna be spicy to me I got the biggest I would cook the biggest ones first that water eats people it's gonna be delicious you know what guys we have a small problem actually so you got the crowd at the boil I wonder well some other ones but this propane tank right here is almost out so I need actually conserve the energy of that thing I'm gonna have to cook the trout now because that is getting very very low and hopefully we have enough power to cook the trout first we add butter generous amount they're gonna add salt to the bottom I'm gonna put the trout away just like that [Applause] some more butter on this side I actually put them back in their juices I took them out that I put them right back in like what am i doing I need what does this soak up as much as the seasoning as possible and now guys we have something that is very cool in this bag is my very own Cajun seasoning I've been experimenting around different Cajun seasonings you guys are members of the channel you guys already know that hey this is my own Cajun mix that I'm experimenting around trying to perfect it and hopefully today hopefully this is the key one I'm gonna I'm gonna try it hopefully this is the one that I'm gonna pack it try to package and sell on my channel but I got to taste it first got to get it just right it's gonna bring Cole and we're gonna add some don't want to get flow too crazy to the inside of the fish out of it what they gonna spread it around these are gonna be very spicy Cajun e so while we wait spices guys a lot of Cajun spicy going on here it's in the air the seasonings are in the air but wow anyway while the trout is cook the word you giveaway time guys I'm giving away one of my necklaces here my fishhook necklaces you guys won all you have to do is comment down below if we had to like the video first comment down below I picked somebody randomly from the comments section that's all you have to do if it is a girl because I have mostly guys I've watched my channel and then lately it's been I'm getting more and more I just see the commas just see I actually met a girl subscriber the other day when I was out on the river and so um I thought you know what I need to do something case there are any ladies who win look at that I got this in Hawaii actually it's a little I thought as cute I don't know I'm a guy and they get most pork choice but anyway if it's a girl who wins you will win this if it's a dude you can win one of the sharpest mixes or if it's a girl and you want it we'd rather have the the old Hawaii hook necklace you can have that as well anyway just comment down below leave a like on the video and then guys to make the giveaway go on long I'm actually gonna do three giveaways one within the first week a second one what's the video reaches say 7,000 likes I think it's pretty good amount but that's not that's not quite all my subscribers so if you're watching this video and it's older yeah 7000 subscribers and what the video it's the video reaches 14 thousand subscribers I'll do a third giveaway so be watching for me to pin your comment to the top and you guys will win win so there's a triple giveaway in this in this video so that way even if you're washing it months after it's been published you guys still have a chance so comment down below and leave a like on the video show you guys this is a second guys well I was doing the giveaway almost almost burn my fish there just start it on the edge there but it's looking good and I am just gonna add the crawfish right on oh what a scrumptious little meal a river food it does not get any better than that guys right there ah say a prayer for this incredibly blessed day I just have this river right here it runs right to the city a lot of places I go I love traveling I love going up in the mountains and all that stuff but oh this is just this has been such a great day wow wow wow alright so firstly I'm gonna do get cracking without tipping my food over check a big Trotter guys I got some big crowd at stake I mean some monsters just peel the tail like so and then twist the tail I took I said this once before I'll say yeah they should have crawfish nuggets at McDonald's I'm telling you I mean look at that can you imagine having crawfish night wow those are spicy that is so good though some people say suck the head of it I don't even know how to do it like like there's a lot spice there's a lot of are you man there's a lot of spice yeah so if that's your thing I see why people do that actually that's actually not too bad that's actually that's the first time I've done that it's interesting all right let's try this trout here you know before we try to I want to do so I'm gonna show you guys some art literally this is from Conor Todd he sent me this check that out we got a little fishing pole action that looks like a trout on that side and then on the other side we have that looks like a bass there and Connor sent me a really nice note which I'll keep between he and I and he also sent this homemade spinner right there some dropp'd stuff anyway thank you so much Connor I will put that in my tackle box and then this is my favorite right here so this is from Jason from Jason he says he really likes that he's 13 years old check out that artwork there my friends crawdad I thought it was appropriate for the day Jason that is a fantastic product but this is the PSLRA this not look it's me I want you guys to observe the washboard abs right here and then we have the sculpted pecs the bulging biceps I mean this look I am I am ripped I'm really digging the the the washboard here and got my GoPro we got the backpack what a great picture this is going up in front of my desk there that AB part we'll just use that for motivation I like this a lot thank you so much Jason and Corner the moment of truth I did I perfect my Cajun spice recipe yeah you know I'm gonna do before I say one way or the other let me take a few bites here guys I would like to give a shout out to my mom who helped me with it because I had the cages progressed me I was like it's just lacking that certain that punch and she gave me a suggestion on what ingredient I should add guys I think I got a Cajun recipes whoo when it comes out I'll let you guys know I'll put links to it in the description that one's really really good with Red River crawfish look at that sunset this is so much fun coming out here you just got to come out and you never know some days are better than others some days you'll fish you'll not want that much and then other days it will be just like this that gorgeous gorgeous sunset Riverside dinner guys thank you so much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed and remember enter the giveaway leave a like and comment down below I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Ace Videos
Views: 4,856,513
Rating: 4.9098363 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish, ace videos, trout, rainbow trout, brown trout, trout fishing, trout bait, trout lure, spinner, big trout, trout fishing tips, rainbow trout fishing, fishing for trout, brook trout, stocked trout, crawfish, crawfish boil, crawdads, dude, zatarians, spicy, crayfish, yabbies, boil, river, rocks, crawdad, spinner fishing, worms, catch n cook, catch, cook, cooking, catch and cook, catch and cook trout, catch clean cook, fishing videos, ace, seasoning, cookout, fisherman, outdoors, tasty, fry
Id: N9mtvE3f1O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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