Eating Only What I Catch for 3 Days with MICRO Rod!

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what is going on guys welcome to the third ever eating only what i catch for three days this is my base camp got all set up here let me give you a little tour first sorry for the low light it's getting a little dark out here but uh i have here a brand new little grill the coffee pot this is my cooking station i have a cooler that also doubles as a seat it is filled with water i have here a little minnow trap a crawdad trap got a machete here which i've already used actually to clear this little base camp i got a good battle axe because you know why not i have my tent right here the luxury suite for the next few nights and then over here i also have a little hammer i got this just as kind of a little place to rest but i actually might sleep in it because we are in the south and i expected it to be colder when i was down here so i wouldn't have to worry about you know snakes and bugs and stuff like that but it's quite warm it's about 75 degrees actually as we speak so you know i might be spending the uh the night in this thing we will see and here is the most interesting part of all of this i have here two mini fishing rods folks it is autumn right now one of the things about the fall time the fishing is really good if i came out here with all of my usual equipment there would be no challenge to this three-day challenge so to make it interesting so i take this little tiny fishing rod and we just extend it out like so we take the miniature reel and here we are folks this tiny little what is i'm devastated well i was about to break out the second one but i guess we're now down to one unless i want to there's nothing i can do these are the only two i have well i thought i had two two and within seconds of the challenge i'm already down to one i can only use this rod i can use like set lines or yo-yos or tree lines and i can use any kind of traps i want to and i can gather any kind of food in the forest that i need to so i have that it's not just this fishing rod but i cannot use any like of my really nice bass fishing equipment of which i have tons so set the timer to 72 hours here we go i can now only eat what i catch with this tiny fishing rod for the next three days the first six hours of course are always the easiest which is why i'm gonna go to bed get a little shut-eye i'll see you guys in the morning [Music] [Music] good good morning folks funny story i had a dream last night that i failed the challenge and for some reason i was in front of a whole crowd of people which actually kind of makes sense it'd have been you guys i was from this whole crowd of people at night like accidentally ate something i can't remember what it was but actually ate something but a whole bunch of people were yelling at me um you have to start all over again and i was arguing with i was like no i don't have to start all over you're like yes you do you failed and so yeah that was my terrible dream last night as i failed the challenge anyway um so i have the crawdad trap here and actually what i'm going to do is set this thing out first and then we're going to go fishing but then this will be out so that i can uh hopefully we'll come back from fishing have some crawdads with our fish grab a little cat food here this is just super cheap cat food open the can a little bit and drop it in there whoa folks oh as i was coming down check it i don't know if you have to see in the water see how it's all stirred up like a fish i spooked a fish or a turtle or something when i came down here interesting i don't know if those were carp or catfish but we'll definitely have to put some set lines out so i'm just gonna throw that out there all right we'll uh we'll leave this that'd be super cool to come back this evening have some crawdads for dinner [Music] let me tell y'all something it is unbelievably beautiful out here i'm looking for some creeks to fish i have not found them yet but i am super happy just driving around i mean the smoky mountains in the fall time there is nothing like it this is so much fun just just driving around i haven't even found anything yet all right folks i found a little pull-off spot don't know if i can fish here though yeah see this is the kind of creek i want where i can fish with a tiny fishing rod and have some success because i can't cast the dumb thing very far i don't know if i'm on private land right now or not and that's one of the problems with the south is people own the property right up to the very edge of the waterways and just makes it tough to find fishing spots whereas in in like idaho they have where like there's some law that we're like 20 30 feet away from the riverbank you cannot own the riverbank basically it's always public so that's kind of that makes it tough to find fishing spots hey hey hey here we are folks yes yes yes okay okay so we come out here we're on this like back road talk about a country back road and there are no no trespassing signs all along here and uh i actually have a little turnout spot here so look at this little creek here and there's a log look at that good looking log in the water right there let's give it a go all right i can't believe i'm walking around with only this one of the things i'm happy for is that uh this is a nice quiet country road i don't want anybody to see me look like a total imbecile walking around with this tiny little fishing rod there's something right away i i don't like i'm actually going to change right now on this rod as well it's look how brightly colored like the line is i don't understand why anybody would use that brightly colored line i know that some people like oh well i want to be able to see my fishing lights like well if you can see it real clearly the fish can too sorry i'm a little hangry right now all right so we're rigged up with clear four pound test line and then check this out guys i have my little tackle box of bug lures we've got the little bumblebee right there green bumblebee never seen a green bumblebee before but it looked really cool we have the little teeny wee crawfish there i have filmed actually a members only video with this box by the way if you guys want to become members uh you can see all the extra vlogs and you get entered into monthly giveaways i'll put a link to it in the description uh but i think i'm going to use this little green grasshopper since it's fall time i think the fish are going to be keyed in on bugs and stuff like that and there you go folks little grasshopper lure on this little tiny fishing rod with four pound test this is kind of dumb but kind of fun like i really don't want to see another fisherman uh yeah i hope i don't run into anybody out here who sees me doing this but it is kind of fun there we go first cast of the day folks first cast of the three day challenge and uh let me say this thing casts not not too badly here ah oh in the tree on the other side get out of there oh see there we go natural presentation just like a grasshopper falling out of a tree got one got one guess i got a fish oh he got off shoot i had a little something did you hear my drag oh my goodness dang it all right let's try it again well there's first bite of the day right there all right guys just been moving and shaking uh check out this so i'm on this uh bridge here actually and i just decided to stop real quick this is such a quiet country road i'm just going to stop on the road if somebody comes i'll take off but let's get the little rod out here this spot looks really really good oh look at this guys look at this big knot this fishing reel without getting too technical let's just say it's not made right it twists the line as it's ah this is frustrating this is not like i mean not that i expected this to be a shimano or anything but there are some there's a design flaw on this that causes these big line twists okay so we're retiring the grasshopper we'll get to the bug gluers later i got here some worms i gotta get something i'm hungry i'm really hungry all right with just a tiny little piece of wiggling worm there it's almost lunchtime and i still have no fish got him got him got him what have we got what do we got what do we got oh my goodness is this a rock bass first fish of the challenge well it's a cool looking fish um as far as eating it goes folks i'm afraid of the size of rod i have um that's about i mean that's gonna be an average size so yeah i'm just not gonna catch a ton of big fish on this rod as far as strictly food go goes i think i'm going to pretty much have to keep everything i catch with this oh i got a bite got it got him oh my okay well we got another fish it's a bait fish you know actually i was about to say look we're just gonna let him go but a little what is that gosh folks i'm not from around here so i don't know a lot of the fish can somebody tell me what that is it looks like some sort of bait fish i'm actually going to keep this for bait ah that makes me feel better catching a couple of fish now uh during the first like hour or two that i used the that little crank bait i just wasn't getting anything at all i at least have some bait and a tiny bit of food got him another one yes yes i don't know what this fish is either folks like some sort of like little bait fisher little creek fish but honestly that makes me feel so much better to actually be getting some stuff number one we have bait for the set lines and number two i at least have a few mouthfuls oh got something got something yes another little oh this is a little little you know what we're gonna have to keep this little guy folks there we go well we got a few fish you know what somebody's coming in their truck we'll take that as a queue to just head on out all right folks i finally found a spot along the road here where i can uh where i could pull off and actually fish there's so much private land around here it's difficult to find anywhere and this is an old bridge that's why i could i was like this is the first place i've haven't seen any no trespassing signs along this creek i think i'm at a different creek now this is a really really cool area and it looks really fishy and it's deep fur there's a turtle right here should we eat a turtle hey you hey we don't have turtles in idaho hey little guy that is cool i think it's a box turtle because this shell looks like it folds up that is so cool well i'll just keep foraging around we're going to try to find everything we can it's whatever i can hunt and gather i can't i'm not going to eat that little tiny turtle but uh um whatever i can gather in the forest and along the banks man i'm so hungry it's like 1 30. i ate at around 7 o'clock yesterday was the last time i ate whoa something hit the surface over there all right we're going down there to fish whatever that was that jumped it hit the surface this water is pretty brown so you know what let's try this bumblebee lure look at that guys that is like a piece of art right there that is so cool bumblebee going oops going out uh this little reel is so frustrating to tr oh look something at the surface right there oh got something got some on the beat while i was floating on the surface i was adjusting something on my reel we got something good we got something good what is this it's a big bluegill it's a big bluegill oh my gosh it's a big sunfish whoa guys look at that on the bee that is seriously the biggest bluegill i've ever caught oh look he just came off oh my goodness it was just on the surface the bee was still floating i hadn't begun the retreat because something was fouled up on my reel but we got something on the bee now that is cool that is that is literally my personal best sun fish i know i've never caught one that big on a little bee lure right there oh and this is gonna taste good it has been like 18 hours or something since i've eaten guys this seriously might be the pattern just take a little bug lure flick it out and then just twitch it on the surface since there are you can see all the leaves and stuff uh falling in the water and like it is dead been dead calm so far but every time there is a little breath of wind a whole bunch of leaves fall in and bugs on the leaves and everything so i mean i'm just gonna i might do this to all these creeks oh i just heard my stomach growl check this out guys under the bridge here you know what i'm gonna cook up right here yeah there's no doubt this is 100 my biggest bluegill ever we're going to knock him out real quick you know what i'm just going to scale them yeah we're just gonna scale them and i'm gonna i might even leave the head on i'm gonna try to get every bit of meat off this bad boy that i can so here's the setup folks turn on that [Music] um in these moisture in these moisture climbs water gets in the little the the tube right there and it mixes with the gas for seasonings i have a little mrs dash's garlic and herb right here sprinkle the fish real good get real generous with it this isn't i'm no chef if you're new to my channel i just especially on these three day challenges it is simply get food food in my stomach got some salt while we are waiting for the fish to cook guys don't forget to check out my brand new ace videos necklace i'll put a link to it in the description it is handmade by a subscriber who has his own mini jewelry uh factory in his garage and he makes all of these by hand leather strap metal hook and real bone beads on it crafted by hand right in boise idaho make sure you guys check it out in the description so this side of the bluegill is definitely done in fact i always like to do this so i i put some seasoning on but then i always finish it with just a little more there bam a little crispy skin on that bad boy [Music] i see bones that is some of the better glue yield i've ever had try not eating for like 20 hours and then stick a bite of really flavorful food in your mouth and it's like your mouth just gives off all this water it's the craziest feeling that's a good bluegill [Music] check it out that sign says parking for river access that's me check it out nice little spot here man the water's so high right now i'm at that point where it's like i just just anything you know anything we'll do before if i felt like not you know i think if i would have caught something i don't know i don't even know what i'm saying really i mean well after a while you get so hungry there is something about your mind just can't even like function well folks started looking around here check this out check out this nut that's uh what is it called gosh you know they smell really crazy oh look there's this is this is one of those trees they smell of fall time to me that's they remind me of what are these called like my brain just isn't even functioning right now what are these called you know what i don't know that these are that great if i remember correctly there's something about them where like they're edible but they're not it's like super good to eat like there's a difference between edible and good these are probably edible don't know if they're good i'm gonna take this rock it's a lot harder than i thought well i was overkill but we gotta we got it look at that there's a little nut inside kind of broken let's try it it doesn't taste like anything look at that oh really old one this one might have a like a solid nut in it let's see i've got to learn how to split them without just like totally destroying the meat inside this one's like shriveled that one's no good just got to get out there and try things folks just oh there are worms in this one that's kind of wigging me out all right so i am determined to get this one right here it's hard not to like over crack them there we go there we go okay oh yeah it looks like that we got something we got something in there check it carefully peel away the outside it's kind of bitter that this one tastes bitter i wouldn't say i'm enjoying it but at least it's like food so in that way in that regard i kind of am enjoying them take a look at this tangle here um there's just there's a design flaw on these where they catch the line and they twist it all up like this it's the third time it's happened so to do is kind of change up my strategy this is still usable i get some an hour out of it before this happens again but i'm going to have to rely more on like traps and like put out set lines that's going to be my new strategy for tomorrow and at the crawdad trap in fact we're going to go back right now i'm done fishing i'm kind of just tired of this whole fishing scene with this little itty bitty this is let's go back though and check the crawdad traps all righty oh houston we have a problem the water's come up a ton um let's see here there's the log that mike can see i can see my rope rope there luckily the log didn't drift away come on please be something in there please be something nothing dang it dang it looks like i'm gonna be going hungry tonight folks well there's nothing new about it just might as well move on um what we're going to do is put some set lines out though that's something that i have a little bit of confidence or put some set lines out or some some people call them limb lines all right let me show you how to set a set line or limb line all you need to do is have a spool of heavy duty pound test take a simple j hook we're just gonna tie that on we're gonna take that little whatever this little bait fish here from this morning all over me put them on the hook just like that throw the bait out into the water and tie the line up to a tree i fished and i fished and i fished today for five little fish it's getting dark now that's i've just gotta go to bed hungry that's just all there is to it i love how i put up this hammock you know as if i'm gonna like have time in the day to relax but when you can't just go to the store and buy food like most your day is spent trying to find food or gather and like when you read about like pioneers and stuff i mean that's what they did they hardly had like any leisure time whatsoever oh this feels kind of nice though i haven't laid down all day yeah i mean when you're trying to find your own food holy mackerel i don't know what else to do for tonight and i'm just gonna chill and in the morning i'm actually gonna try more for the foraging and then here's what's gonna change here's what's gonna change folks i have to just go to like more public places where i have more lake access and just use the dumb little fishing rod and people can say what they say or look on or whatever tomorrow's going to be different i'm pretty sure i'm going to catch more because i'll go to more accessible places and i'll forge around in the forest more for berries and things like that so day one is done see you guys tomorrow good morning day number two how many hours are we into this [Music] 35 hours and 38 minutes left time's actually going pretty fast but i am hungry this morning let's try the truck let's uh let's try the trot line like as if we're gonna eat it that's the first thing on my mind let's go check the trot line the bait's gone see there's like a stick tangled around as if something were swimming around with it yeah it's all like tied up i don't know if that was just the little fish or if it was a bigger fish that had it and got off all right folks let's head to the river hopefully catch some fish for breakfast breakfast fish doesn't that sound amazing it actually does it actually does right now all right folks we are uh closer to town we're actually on a green belt right now luckily it's early in the morning so not many people are out so i'll be able to fish with this goofy thing in peace look at this interesting spot under this bridge here looks juicy and it's actually there's a lot of access around here so i have worms with me but since it's still really i'm going to use a topwater boom brand new one a booyah prank look how it has that lip on it isn't that cool so you can pop it on the surface but then you can also dive it slightly if you want i just passed a fisherman over there guys and uh he he kept looking at my fishing rod while we were talking i asked him if he'd done any good and he's like he was he was nice but he kept like what is that guy doing that guy said he was wearing them out on the lipless crankbait and i thought there's no way i'm using the lipless crankbait with this little thing oh my goodness fish jumped right there right there you know i love the gear ratio of this thing it just hauls these lures around they don't make many fishing rods like this anymore got one got one got one nope got off got off dang it dang it i can't get a good hook set with this thing ah it was right by that log right there folks i've been out here like an hour and a half now and i still have zero fish to show for it so it's desperation mode here's what i'm gonna do put on the tiniest hook i possibly can and i'm just gonna fish for panfish this is what i'm reduced to bluegill fishing oh that was fast he's on it he's on it got him [Music] and that one is a little on the little little side even by bluegill standards got him [Music] same thing oh there he goes quick release something came over all of a sudden my worm disappeared a little bluegill you know we're keeping this one i'm just too hungry just too hungry this is a better one yes yes yes there's two oh we got a tiny little smallmouth that's like aquarium size there oops he's gonna need a band-aid look at that feeding fish oh how lovely that would be to have a top water on and i could be able to cast that far got it oh it's a bacon it's all bacon yes ah folks is it weird that i catch a bluegill and my mouth is watering and lit i promise right now my mouth is watering well folks on that note let's head back and cook up a sumptuous breakfast it only took me two hours and 45 minutes to load the boat whoa whoa check this out [Music] check it out folks oh we're having possum steaks tonight maybe some oh he's stiff maybe some possum baby back ribs some possum tail ah wait but you know what i just remembered my doctor told me to lay off the possum so it's not going to work this time ah back at camp kidney here look at all the leaves that have fallen let's get started on this bluegill feast um i bet i have like 200 calories worth of bluegill here with this bluegill here we're gonna take his head grab the fishing line attach his head to the fishing line and oh well that didn't work um dang it it tangled and throw the head oh what the oh my gosh this is insane can i do this take the head and we'll throw it i give up it's right there whatever folks welcome to aces outdoor gourmet kitchen i'm actually really excited to try my new little grill here whoa there we go look at that got a little flame going on under there take this little guy put some of my first cast seasoning on him and lay him ooh here the sizzling with them all swimming in the same direction mmm good grill marks there this is just what i wanted for breakfast hey it's food it's food i'm packed to the rafters folks that fish was delicious and just filling as all good out as fish usually is speaking of fish i've got here a minnow trap folks this is this is for real i've never used a minnow trap before just using minnows in idaho is not a thing but down south they have bait fish galore so people use minnow traps and use minnows for bait all the time so i'm gonna throw this down on the river but first i need some bread so i have to go procure some bread without eating it so i have some bread here the temptation to just i can't i haven't every once in a while i get the old comment people like this isn't real nobody goes for three days eating only what i catch folks let me tell you these these videos are 100 real and here's how you can know if these videos were fake i would be making them all the time i just heard something splashed behind we're in the ball up our bread here just apparently what you're supposed to do i just saw that online if these videos were fake i'd be doing them all the time because they get so many views it's so good for my channel to do these these videos but i dread doing them they are there it's very difficult and uh it is a challenge 100 and they're very inconvenient to do you know over the course of three days sometimes a lot of people like hey we should go out to eat or you want to get together at my house i'm going to make homemade popcorn or something like that and it's like sorry i can't i'm doing a challenge i 100 percent do not eat anything except what i catch over the three days folks hopefully found something here good i know i can at least access this lake right here let me grab my fish and stuff so check it out i found this bridge this looks i at least have some shoreline access that's cool that tree is changing right there oh yeah oh yeah we've we have hit the jackpot folks look there's a tree in the water all right things are looking up or at least they feel like they're gonna turn up here well folks i'm just gonna throw out worms on the bottom can you imagine like a crappie or a catfish crappie love bridges and so do catfish oh i could just taste it now some fried cats uh let's see oh my camera wasn't on folks check it i just broke the second final fishing rod just got to this good looking spot and that happened i got a snag and i was just trying to get it out so well it looks like we're gonna have to go to set lines and i'm gonna have to go in this forest over here and just start foraging around well this challenge just got about 10 times more challenging so i've got a hand line here i'm trying to find a good spot to set it look at these woods here there has to be some food so we have no fishing rod but we have foraging we have set lines we have traps so heard a fish jump yeah there's a big fish splash unfortunately i can't cast to it and unspool a bunch of this and i'm just gonna toss it out there good luck i'm just gonna have to i'm gonna tie it off to this tree branch so if we see this branch start shaking we know we got one all right my friends with three set lines out let's go look around see we can find eat i'm a real newbie at this so i i don't what my plan is it's not like i'm looking for anything specific i'm just looking for anything like berries or mushroom drinking it just look edible and then i'll look it up and see if they're good to eat so i'm learning as i go too i mean i know a couple of things but not not much okay now that's just weird what is that it's oh it's like jelly like like and it's what it's like growing out of the ground or just growing randomly on this log folks if somebody could identify that i mean it looks like it might be edible but at the same time it doesn't whoa whoa what do we have here a little mushroom hmm that don't look like an edible well it might be that looks like one of those poisonous something you know what here's what we do we set them there i love these articles they don't show you pictures they just try to describe it it's like okay uh here here are three wild edible mushrooms and five you should definitely avoid five very poisonous ones and there are no pictures they just try to describe it like okay it has a top uh and white underneath and it grows on rotted trees like oh that sounds like that sounds like what i got check that out another mushroom i'm finding mushrooms all over the joint i guess they've probably always been there i just never looked for them i wasn't hungry enough good grief look at this is a big one this is a biggen oh my goodness if i could eat that i'd be sitting pretty all right here's my new strategy folks i'm just going to collect a bunch of these and then i'll try to i'll get out of chart and try to identify i'm just going to collect every single one i find what do we have here these are really tall mushrooms now these look now folks i ask your opinion do these not look like something edible like yeah i'm thinking we may have finally got some right by the base of this tree there's a weird one too oh he's like all gray and wrinkly and and purple here's something else this is so fun actually i mean i i'm just going to throw them all in a bag and then we'll try to i'll just get like a list of edible wild mushrooms up and i'll just see if any are on the list all right come on anything anything at all nope i'm snagged in the tree of course of course all right you all right all right folks it's time to get serious so [Music] fishing rod here this is the most old-fashioned fishing ever with a little rod here some worm and a bobber come on fish there we go what ah come on got him got him yes oh oh well you know what beggars can't be choosers a little tiny bluegill i'll take it [Music] got him another bluegill but just like a crappie or something that would be great oh my goodness that one just took it took off got him got him another bluegill this is a neat in size one though slightly bigger than the other ones i'll take it got him got him this is a better one i think for bluegill okay i keep hoping for a catfish or something like that if you guys remember that first southern trip i caught everything just throw a little bobber and worm out i was catching catfish and drum and all kinds of things this time it's just bluegill got him you know what at this point just purely about the food and they're getting bigger at least i mean this is literally like the biggest bluegill of the day right here got him got him please be something different nope it's bluegill but you know it's an eater so that's three eaters i've caught in a row so that's not too bad well folks nothing on these hand lines at least for the first two maybe that we'll get lucky on the third one well nothing on this hand line nothing on the other two so the hand line thing is a dud all right my friends it is time to fillet our bluegill again but to be honest i'm actually grateful for them folks it's happened so fast time turn on the camera i got this little itty bitty crawdad right here you guys see that i'm gonna throw him in the bucket um he came out when i was as i was cleaning these bluegill he came out to probably grab some of the guts and stuff i was throwing in the water he just like appeared out of nowhere that's bait oh folks for an entire afternoon this is all i've got to show for it five small bluegill and some mushrooms these are the purple ones no the other ones were good to eat look i'm kind of shaking i'm so hungry funny enough i wouldn't have thought the purple ones were the ones that were good to eat kind of weird because like i'm feeling tired and everyone's all feel light-headed i'm that hungry if you're looking at about a dozen pictures i did confirm that the purplish bluish mushrooms are edible but i must cook them for them not to make me sick welcome folks to ace's kitchen tonight's menu includes a fan favorite bluegill but we're gonna mix it up we have bluegill and mushrooms to be specific two mushrooms actually one and a half mushrooms because half of it broke off and fell off at some point transporting them over here so five bluegill and one and a half mushrooms so we're still using the same grill setup but i found out something from last time bluegill are just not that great grilled certain fish are good grilled striped bass and other things but bluegill are not so i'm gonna pan fry these bad boys in a little oil i'm gonna throw down a coating of a johnny's seafood seasoning sent to me by subscriber i really like this stuff in fact if i make an ace uh last cat seasoning i'm definitely going to pattern it after this flavor what's going on does that mean the oil's too hot i've said this once before and i'll say it again i'm no chef the most exciting thing to happen all day i had i turned it down and i had it up too high that was my problem since i don't know what i'm doing let me keep it simple butter then i'll throw the shrooms right in there i probably should have cut them up just slightly yeah i should have cut them up i'll add just a pinch of salt to them mushrooms are sauteed to death i'm actually a little nervous about eating these i said make sure you cook them well so i cooked them real well let's say a prayer real quick all right i'm to be honest since it's all new i'm really proud proud that i found some mushrooms to eat i don't know if i'm hungry so hungry but that's one of the best mushrooms i've ever eaten and now it might be just because i'm so hungry as my dad says hunger is the best sauce and what he means is you know you can put sauce on something to make it taste better or you can just be hungry and it'll taste really good and maybe because it's because it's wild caught i don't know or wild gathered i'm gonna catch it it's not like i just set a mushroom trap or anything oh man oh man that is that's one of the best things i've ever eaten out in the wild this is vastly improving my mood and there it is guys just past the two day mark got 24 hours left i just finished my only my third meal of this challenge and now we have a very important task to do before i go to bed all right folks so i went into walmart just now and i meant to show it but i got into walmart really didn't have my camera and i was too lazy to go back in the car to get it but i need a fishing rod for tomorrow so check it out i got here an avengers yeah an avengers fishing rod here um a little little wimpy there it is an ugly stick though so i'm confident this one is not going to break i made sure i got the ugly stick avengers so we'll have this for tomorrow the final day the final chapter see you guys then [Music] i'm hungry [Music] well it's about 20 degrees colder this morning than it was the previous morning so big cold front hit in the middle of the night see how that affects the fishing i made it through the night that mushroom didn't kill me the mushrooms those were the best mushrooms i've ever had and they did not make me the least bit sick so never uh revealed this on my channel before but i actually start every single day with bible reading yes even on three day challenges i have my little travel bible here and um no matter what i i start off the day it's just it's a really short one it's like five minutes or so um i used to read my bible all at once but i didn't really like that because some mornings like i start off the morning doing bible reading and then i wouldn't read to like the next evening and so it would be like 30 plus hours that you know i'd go without reading i just i didn't like that so i started to split it up into like two smaller ones it was a little bit of a difficult habit to get into because i was i'm really busy i wake up uh in the morning and it'd be like no i don't have time for that and i was like no i need to make time for this every single day you know even if it's for five minutes and the morning one is really short and then in the afternoon evening it'll be a little bit longer but i thought i need to make this a priority even you know no matter what even if i was like filming a video or as a tournament day i'd wake up at five i'd like set my alarm for like 450 so i had time to to read and it's been really good without like going into details it's been really good and i don't know when you start your day off making the lord a priority and you make the effort it puts you in like the proper mindset for the rest of the day [Music] all right we have a crawdad and a minnow trap and a set line to check what are you kidding me look at that folks the minnow oh and i had minnows too look at oh good grief the water dropped i came out here last night really late to refill my little crawdad's water uh and make a little kind of aquarium for him so he survived the night and it was full it was all the way up up to the bank and so in like seven hours it's dropped like three feet dang it look at all the minnows that i had too look at that a bunch of a whole bunch of shiners oh these would have made such great crappie bait today they love that biscuit anything in the crawdad trap no no and there is nothing on the set line either so learn my lesson there the river can fluctuate like three feet overnight well there goes my i had this like secret hope that i'd uh have this like maybe catfish breakfast fried catfish breakfast from the set line maybe some crawdads thrown in there and then have some bait for later to catch crappie especially those little shiners stuff like that so good for crappie well the griddle will remain unused we're fishing hungry this morning folks um so i have a plan though my dad i told him you want to come and join me to fish this new spot because i want to take out my kayak and i asked him if you want to take his kayak out too and join me and he said sure so i'm gonna go pick him up i cannot eat any of his catch i can only eat what i catch but uh we're gonna go down to this cool new spot and fish together all right guys so i picked up my dad and he and i are headed to this lake that we've come to really love a lot of good fish in it yes you know i'm a little hungry a little clammed uh you mind stopping up here bojangles sure yeah go for a steak steak biscuit or something i'll figure it out when i get there i'm hungry me too welcome i'll take one steak biscuit please extra gravy i'd like a little side of gravy a cider gravy please uh yeah some milk please that's that's all thank you thank you thank you hey hey hey hey hey don't mess it oh don't breathe in my sailing [Music] thank you son all right folks here we are at this uh beautiful lake here and we're just gonna launch our kayaks all right guys we are all loaded up in the kayaks boy this must be nice oh you know what's really nice i have food in that cooler hope you catch something well this is my to give you guys an up-close look this is this is what i can use uh nice fast action on that uh little little bit lacking in the backbone but you know we can make up for that you better have that drag set yes yes all right i'm glad the lake isn't busy like a total imbecile out here with a little kid's fishing rod at least it's an ugly stick and i'm certain this won't break here's our little crawfish i kept him in this bag look at how perfect a bait size he is and here we go a little crawdad on a split shot rig looking like a total imbecile out here that was a good cast though right by that tree right on the outside better check my drag yeah there's no drag whatsoever luckily i still have the crawdad how are you doing buddy he's still kicking well lost my crawdad this is just not my day folks this has not been my whole three days got something another bluegill well at least we got something though folks hoping for something bigger i got to set the hook on these fish i have zero backbone of course on the fishing rod and in order to get something i'm just gonna have to rear back every single time well there's one got him got him got something oh it's another bluegill i'm kind of disappointed kind of happy about that at least it's food all right folks with fishing being as slow as it is changing plans i'm going to throw out my worm on the bottom and we're going to get off on shore pull the kayak off oops whoa put my kayak up on shore i left the mini fishing rod out there left the worm out on the bottom maybe we'll get a catfish or something and uh let's go explore the forest see if we can find mushrooms or anything you know what i'm gonna bring my machete why because why wouldn't i bring a machete well within seconds of being here already found a mushroom that is so cool i don't know if this is is this just always a southern thing just to find mushrooms everywhere i don't think that's one of the good ones though just walking along like these old stumps or old fallen trees and stuff and just carefully looking around this whole challenge has been a really humbling experience as far as my like outdoorsman skills i thought i knew a lot and i know plenty about like fishing although you wouldn't know it from this video but i really do know plenty about fishing but as far as overall outdoor stuff i have a lot to learn what in the hay fire is this some sort of fungus there's a fungus among us folks i think i just found a mushroom called hen of the woods it's a fungus actually not a mushroom it feels kind of tough but i think that's what this is and in which case it's edible and look at all of it the person in the blog post that i actually just um read they even said they found at the base of an oak tree and we are at the base of an oak tree these clusters resemble the tail feathers of a sitting hen hence the name hen of the woods and sure enough that it doesn't it kind of looks like that and it's even a little bit like velvety on top that is so cool hen of the woods is often favored by beginner mushroom hunters it's distinctive and does not have any dangerous look-alikes making it a safe option for novices like me i told you i brought this machete out here for a good reason not that i can't just pick them away from the the tree but this is more fun they come off in like clusters this is so cool look at that the whole thing just came right off all right folks with our mushrooms on the back i think that's a fun guy actually fungi and i kept this mushroom actually this is the first one that i uh that i found i actually think the purple top one is all right eat the problem is look a bug or something has been eating him out of the top um or yeah it looks like a bug or caterpillar you see how the white marks are gone so something's been eaten it and i don't know if it's good it seems kind of old but i just threw it on there just to show my dad so this is so cool guys this big interstate crossing the bridge right here what do you got pops okay okay well that's better than what i've been getting so well okay got him got something got something oh bluegill again well it's a sizeable one i'll take it i'll take it i'm kind of used to it at this point got him got him this might be something better nope it's a blazer again it's got him another bluegill well i got him at least looks like meat's back on the menu boys the last worm is gone let's cook there's this little kind of sandy area here it looks pretty cool ah here's something pretty cool guys i can take the seat out of my kayak and on the bottom has these little legs and i got myself a nifty little seat i know that this bluegill is gonna be more uh filling but to be honest i'm more excited about trying the mushrooms if you would have told me at the start of this challenge that all i would have caught was bluegill i would have laughed in your face probably would have said something like huh i'm way better fisherman than that i have to eat a few bites of bluegill before i start cooking the mushrooms because i'm just i'm so hungry this i keep thinking these challenges are gonna get easier i'm like okay that was the worst one and they keep getting harder he said you got something to eat too oh yeah yeah i'm gonna do that it's really yours whatever you know let me take it from you let me cook it for you sure let me show you what i've got here sure never loved bluegill so much it's been marinating for uh about 14 hours oh my god yeah well actually since last night so like 20 hours a steak a big steak yeah it's looking good too make sure you get that i want it nice and hot do you want grill marks on it too well you don't think you're gonna be able to do that with that uh i like that's frying pans yeah i think maybe i better cook it because i don't want anything to happen no i'll just keep the camera on the whole time make sure i don't feel the mud you know if there are any mushrooms left already you know i'd eat some mushrooms too steak and mushrooms that sounds amazing my dad literally brought a steak out here i forgot to ask you how do you want your steak cooked medium all right guys it's time to start preparing some of these mushrooms here i got to clean them all up first so each of these kind of has that like root ball or the base of it and it's all like dirty and stuff so i'm going to cut it off then i clean them off i pull all the grass out just kind of rinse them off it is kind of weird that the texture they're very like um right now my impressions are just going to be extremely chewy i don't know though maybe they'll soften up i'm taking some butter here by the way this is butter that i did catch myself went to this wild jungle of a place with savage animals savage people it was scary the jungle walmart and uh i obtained this butter there so shut up this is eating only what i catch for three days with an asterisk now i'm just going to put all the mushrooms right in and just saute them to death [Music] they smell good you know what i'm actually gonna cook my dad's beautiful lovely steak here while he's not here oh oh it's huge it's i thought it was multiple steaks look at that oh my goodness now i cannot eat any of this look it takes up the whole pan it is enormous i can't do it guys i cannot give in oh i only have one hour and 14 minutes left but no i'm not i'm really i'm going to finish it to the very end not the steak i'm going to finish the challenge to the very end all right we're going to give these mushrooms which actually just seem kind of weird to me now that they're cooked give them a try though that's just weird [Music] i gotta be honest nothing like that mushroom i had the other day like the aroma is is great smells delicious but i don't know guys like i don't i don't want to eat at that yeah i don't i don't want to try to pass that either i mean that's just it's just leathery it's like worse than eating an octopus and the aroma the aroma awesome oh i don't care what you say it doesn't have to have grill marks that looks unbelievable just kidding i'm not i'm not i really i'm not gonna eat a single bite so this challenge is over your steak is ready sir this is living right here this is living for you oh well that's true isn't it i did not eat one bite as you will observe as everybody will observe i did not eat it bite of the steak so there oh man you see how tender that is that just fell apart oh man a little black and all that was good i'm gonna cook up some more of my bluegill thank you very much now you are gonna make me feel bad it's been tough out here guys i i've talked to a lot of fishermen another one who's catching me crazy all right how can i help you uh yes i will take uh do you guys sell double filet of fish sandwiches we do oh i will take a double what do you sell a triple fillet fish sandwich um we actually can't do it because the boxes aren't big enough for it the boxes aren't big i just said like you a piece of fist on inside you do it like by yourself you want yeah i'll just take the double filet of fish sandwich please this is the fish i was hoping for during the challenge a great big fish sandwich never happened guys i hope you enjoyed i know i didn't i'm not doing another one of these unless this video reaches a million views then i'll consider it otherwise this is the last one for a long time again thanks for hanging out won't see in the next one you
Channel: Ace Videos 2
Views: 2,917,053
Rating: 4.8486214 out of 5
Keywords: eating only what I catch for 3 days, challenge, ace videos, ace, videos, ace videos 2, eating only what I catch, 3 day survival challenge, survival challenge, survival, fishing challenge, tiny fishing rod edition, tiny fishing rod, micro fishing, micro fishing rod, eating only what I catch for 3 days using tiny fishing rod, fishing videos, survival challenge ace videos, eat what I catch, bluegill, bluegill fishing
Id: VScXtx6QveM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 58sec (4078 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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