SOLO SURVIVAL (NO FOOD, NO WATER, NO SHELTER) with only a knife on an island. EP 55

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oh [Music] man [Music] oh my god [Music] why psych man what's going on doggies welcome back to another video welcome to a legit solo surviving video i have no food no water no shelter for possibly the next three if we find water maybe four to five days all right we are currently steaming our way through this vegetation super prickly um look at this we're right next to the beach now actually a lot harder to get here than i thought bleeding bleeding bleeding haven't even stepped foot on the beach and i've already got cuts all over me but we're finally here and um this is where we're going to be stranded for the next couple of days all righty this is it this is the island or this is the beach that i want to try to do this challenge on so i'll quickly just show you guys exactly what i've got in the bag just so we're all exactly clear what's going on here and i'll tell you the reason why i want to do this challenge there is a reason behind it so we've got one knife this is the knife that you guys will always see in the videos we've got one knife a gopro head mount a waterproof box this cannot be used for anything except for storing batteries so i have batteries and i have um batteries and a spare gopro in there that's all that's in that box and i can't use it for any sort of survival situation that's just for filming and that's pretty much all we've got we've got a power bank to charge the gopro and that is absolutely everything we've got on this island lately i've been doing a lot of fishing out here off of boats we're actually fish at the back of this island and as we're fishing it always runs through my head if something goes wrong there is no safety equipment on these boats so i always think to myself if i was to get one if the boat was to capsize or the boat was to sink and i was able to swim ashore onto this island would i be able to survive if i was just to be able to grab a bag and just have something just like a knife so that's the whole reason behind this video if i was to get stuck out there while i'm fishing something happens and we swam ashore would would we be able to survive on one of these little beaches for the next two to three days so that's the idea behind this challenge and um look i got no i got absolutely no idea what's going to happen it's just you me and this beach so um i suppose i'm just gonna walk up and down this coastline it's a fair bit of rubbish pick up a pair of shoes is the first thing i'm gonna do because my feet are on fire and then um we'll just go from there all right there is absolutely no shortage of shoes around here that looks like a banger look at that man that's good a little bit small but i'm happy with that first we got all right we've been here for about two and a half seconds and we've already got ourselves a good pair of work boots here one thong one super dodge flip-flop thing so um there is no shortage of shoes there it never is in indonesia all right quick walk up and down this beach this is absolutely not what i expected for the tide being so high it's going to be very very hard to even try to make a shelter here i have upgraded my shoe already this is absolutely that is the most perfect fit on my foot and it's um very very protecting on my foot so that's the first thing you want to look after your feet especially when you're on these rocks sharp stuff i just slipped over just then so it's very important but it's taking me the good half of a day just to get here and um the sun's already pretty much straight up at 12 o'clock so i've got about another four to five hours of sunlight before that sun disappears over the trees there so we've got to make the most of this sun right now and um what i'm going to do there is no shortage of plastic bottles on this beach these plastic bottles i'm going to try a technique of gathering water i've never tried it before i don't even know if it works so um this is definitely an experiment but uh i'm gonna go collect the heap of these bottles we'll start cutting them up fill them up with a little bit of salt water and i'll show you guys how it works and um fingers crossed we can get a little bit of water before that sun goes down this afternoon then we'll start concentrating on building a house or a shelter or something all right so there's no shortage of plastic bottles on these beaches it's like they say another man's trash is another man's treasure that is for sure so take your big bottles i'm trying to find the quite the cleanest bottles possible a lot of these bottles they smell like petrol that might help us out later but we need these clean bottles so cut the bottom of the bottle off always keeping everything that's going to be a perfect cut for drinking water if it rains it'll catch water that's something perfect but what we're going to want is our bottles like this we're going to fold it up into itself okay so once you've folded that bottle up inside itself you can see there that there's a lip about the size of my finger running around the bottle there and take this smaller size bottle we're going to cut the lid off that right always keep that as well this we're gonna fill up with salt water this will go inside here like this what's gonna happen the condensation from that there this is going to turn into like a hot room the condensation from that bottle full of salt water should start sticking to the outside of this big bottle as the condensation runs down it's going to get stuck it's going to get stuck on this lip we've formed here and hopefully by the end of the day there will be a little bit of a ring of water fresh drinking water around the bottle of that rim so i'm going to go make about as many of these as i can 10 20 30. i'm going to probably spend the next two hours making these stick them up in there with the salt water sit them in the sun hopefully over the duration of the day it starts getting hot you start all the fresh water will get stuck to the outside the condensation you'll give it a little bit of a flick every now and then it'll run down and it'll get stuck on this lip you've made at the end of the day all you've got to do is unscrew that lid there the water is going to run down into the bottle hopefully we've got a little bit of drinking water what i am finding on this beach right now which is very very bloody tempting to drink because i'm already super parched but these bottles have a little bit of liquid in each of them and they don't smell it just smells like water it doesn't smell like anything bad so what i'm gonna what i'm doing is everything that i find like that i'm just gonna pour into one bottle i'm gonna keep collecting this water because this is like legit i don't have drinking water on me right now so that there could possibly save my life i'm here for three days four days maybe four maybe five days if this water catchment works so what i'm going to start doing is collecting every single bit of drip on every bottle that i find as well as making these condensation water traps and um that's all i'm doing it's going to take me a probably an hour or two is make as many as i can and then um i suppose after we do that food is my least problem next is going to be building a shelter and it doesn't look very easy to build a shelter here either so anyway that's what i'm that's what that's what we're up to collecting the water in the bottom of these used bottles and making these condensation water traps this is our water farm so each of these bottles has got the salt water with a big bottle over the top the bottoms are all bent up to catch the condensation and um they're working pretty good so you can see this bottle has come completely condensated up those drips of water there that is fresh drinking water so each one of them are condensating perfectly like they should be i'm going to give this to the afternoon until the sun's gone and we'll calm we'll give him a bit of a flick hopefully all the water runs down and catches in that little bent up part of the bottom there but i don't know it's not going to give me a lot of water but it will definitely give us a little bit of something [Music] ugh ah uh all right so we've got what i would call the start of a very very basic shelter going on here i don't want to make this thing waterproof i don't think it's going to rain it looks absolutely bluebird skies very very hot right now but it is indonesia who knows one minute of sunny next minute reigns this is sort of the sort of shelter i'm going to go for this time just a very very basic shelter the reason that i've built it this way is because roughly that direction is east so as that sun comes up the sun is going to be pushing light into where i sleep tonight but obviously that's what i'm going to be most active is in the morning when it's cool we'll be walking around looking for food gathering ways to collect water once that sun's up at 12 o'clock it's in its peak of heat i can hide under there and then the rest of that stun for the rest of the day is going to give me this good shadow here i can hang out in here i can chill try to start a fire so that's the reasoning why i've anchored it this way but i don't think it's going to rain it looks pretty good nice flat big surface here good place to sleep i'm gonna go see if i can lay a couple of thongs down or make a pillow out of thongs or rubbish but this is where we had the uh water bottles before now they're down there in the sun steaming up getting all juicy for a afternoon drink [Music] [Music] god all right have a look at that that's looking pretty bloody good have a look at this all right so this is actually turned into quite the bedroom now so the real reason behind a little shelter like this is purely because it's not going to rain i'm 80 sure there will be no rain tonight it's just a little bit of security at night instead of just sleeping here on the sand this is a little bit of security you know what i mean you've got that little wall you just feel a little bit more safe obviously i'm out here all by myself in the middle of absolutely nowhere so this just makes you feel a little bit better we found a bit of foam that's going to work out as a perfect pillow and then there's actually enough rubber matting and junk on this beach to make a full-size mattress there so that's obviously where i'm going to sleep tonight perfect we've got five star views look at that wake up to that in the morning our little bottles are all over here still steaming away and as you guys can see that tide is absolutely ripping out so that is very very good once that tide gets low hopefully we can walk around the rock pools try to find crabs crustaceans sea urchins something to have for dinner it doesn't matter how many times you walk up and down this tiny little beach you'll always find something that you miss so walking around here found a bloody helmet didn't i i don't know how this is going to come in handy but i'm sure it will everything comes in handy somehow so what i'm trying to do now is walk around what i'd love to do is build some kind of a fish trap put once this tide sucks right out put the fish strap out there um the only problem is that there's not a lot of resources on this beach there actually really isn't a lot of stuff so my main source my main thing in my head right now is water and just looking fashionable so all i can do is just keep searching think of ways to build some sort of a fish trap where a fish can maybe swim in but i can't get back out i'm talking like little fish bait fish crabs i don't know that's that's my next goal before the sun sets things are changing for the worse like things are just changing like this fast so i'm just walking around i'm trying to find a glass bottle i really really need to find a glass bottle because look at this thing in the background man that thing right there is a big storm front and it's coming i hope it comes this way i hope it pisses down with rain because i'll be able to collect water but the other problem the negative side of that is there is no sun right now so our plastic bottles which are full of salt water right now are not working so i'm scavenging through the rubbish again i'm lifting up rocks i'm trying to find a glass bottle if i can find a glass bottle we try to start it we'll try to get a bow drill we'll try to start a fire we'll boil the water like we'll boil the water we'll get the condensation that comes from the water for drinking water but um right now this is just there's just nothing useful on this beach maybe i'm gonna have to venture like up over that hill to the next beach or fingers crossed it rains that's all i can hope for i don't really know what else to do right now we're going to lose light to us we're going to lose light as well it's actually afternoon's getting on that tide's really really sucking out it's all happening right now nothing's ever easy out here in the nature but it is epic i am enjoying myself i'm just extremely thirsty i am counting on the rain now i'm literally counting on the rain that's the water that i've got left from the water that i scavenged out of all the bottles on this beach so that is it oh it's amazing you don't understand how good that feels okay so what i've done here i'm hoping i'm praying that that storm front over there holders holds enough water and it comes this way so i've been for a walk through the bush i can't find any kind of leaves with a big radius so i can catch water all the leaves are like this obviously you guys see this we use it all the time goat's foot it's just these little leaves we've got palm leaves in the back there but they're obviously palm they're so so thin there is nothing with a white enough with a wide enough clearance that's going to catch water so i've pulled my bedroom apart and i've made this i've made like a slip and slide so with any luck it is going to absolutely buck it down this is about 60 centimeters wide and then coming down here goes to about 30 centimeters wide there so that's going to catch water the water is going to obviously run down run all the way down there and into our bottle so i really hope it rains because right now like i said these little bottles are doing absolutely nothing right now this is our only way of really catching water can't find glass bottles on this beach honestly can't really find a lot on this beach so that is going to work if it rains that will definitely collect a little bit of water i'm still going to work on a little bit it's a little i've just thrown that together within a couple of seconds but i'll put a little bit more hard work into that i'll make sure that it is 100 water catching device so if it does rain fingers crossed it rains we catch water and um i'm really really gonna have to put my thinking cap on and start thinking of ways to get water i don't know let's just think i thought there would have been a lot more rubbish on this beach than there is but um there isn't all right so this this bit of bamboo is what we found before it's absolutely covered in bits of string it's covered in fishing line i just noticed that there is a this is actually really dark i don't think we're going to get to use it but this is something that you definitely want to find when you're out here with nothing if i can get it off this could possibly be an absolute lifesaver it is a homemade i don't know i'll just cut it off so you guys can have a look it's a homemade squid jig so some indonesian blokes obviously look at that's like being sewed together with fishing line it actually still has i can clean some of this rubbish off it actually still has the hooks on there look at that there is no way of connecting line to it the swivel has been snapped off but we can probably repair that and there is fishing line all tangled up in this big bird's nest of line so that is going to possibly could come in handy tomorrow but it's just a mess in here what i'm doing i'm not going to wait for the rain i've set up the rain trap it's ready to go if it rains we're definitely going to be catching water but i cannot just rely on the rain those bottles aren't working anymore and i am so thirsty like you don't understand how thirsty i am right now so we're going to take a little bit of this rope i'm going to wrap some plastic around my legs i'll explain to you guys why in a minute and we're gonna go bush see if we can find coconuts see if we can find some kind of a water source because i can't waste my time just sitting around waiting for rain no way man look no way man it's raining no dude it's pissing down the rain oh my god somebody is looking after me today look at this get off there it's raining holy i never would have thought it is actually raining all right i've set up my water catchment it's going to work this rain has it's only light rain but come on come on you big dog look at it all look at the sky this is the best feeling in the world i don't care if i have to be wet tonight i don't care about anything water look at this it's already working look at it look at it every single drip there is going into there look at that that's dripping it's filling oh yes yes check that out that's not a lot of water but right now that is that means everything to me right now that you don't understand come on you big dog piss on me right now let's go look at it come on absolutely piss on me this is what i need man i was just about to go for a walk into the bush that's why i was cutting that string up i'll show you why i was cutting up that string what i was gonna do because this bush is full of pandanus palm and it's full of these little leaves with like these big needles on them so i've already sliced my legs up twice on the walk in here so i was gonna strap this rubber to my leg make like a pair of jeans tape it to my legs and i was just going to walk bush until we either find a coconut but there is no coconuts here i was just going to walk bush but we've got water and it's actually working all right the next step have a look at this this is actually really sick this brings back memories of when i was a little kid do you guys ever eat these biscuits so good man i think this one was my favorite when i was a kid this one i just found this box it's obviously rusted but it's still a good tin it's actually a tin it's not a box i saw it this morning but i didn't think i had any use for it but this is gonna come in super handy now so if i can get it open oh i can't believe it's raining i it's fight what's in here that is absolutely amazing so we've just got to rust it up a rusted up old tin but the reason that i've got this tin so last time i did a challenge like this we were just it just worked out lucky we found a pillowcase a plastic bag which we used as a as a steel we saved water but there was a couple of things in that video which i didn't think ahead and i've got to think ahead now because we've got a couple of more days on this beach here hopefully it would what is that man we're definitely collecting a little bit of water we've got over over a mouthful of water in the bottle now which is unbelievable the rain's coming it's going but what i've got to do i've got to collect coconut husks and these are pretty dry they're not 100 dry but they are very very dry so that's what i'm going to use the tin for we're just going to chuck as many coconut husks as we can into this tin chuck the lid on it that is going to be completely waterproof overnight so um if it does piss down with rain tonight or if it's raining like it is now all the materials on this beach are going to be wet to start a fire either tonight or tomorrow morning so running around grabbing these coconuts ripping off these super dry beautiful husks and that's going to help us tomorrow start a fire i don't even think i'm going to bother starting a fire tonight us but that stuff there that's gonna it's so dry and crusty we just gotta keep it dry so lucky to find this tin i haven't seen a tin like that in like i don't know 20 years or something surely they don't make these anymore look at that well you see this when i was a fat little kid man all right i've just had a quick scavenge on the reef we've got about 15 minutes of light left it is going to be completely completely pitch black i've just walked around the reef look at that tide it has completely gone completely dead tired it is 6 15 in the afternoon right now it's just about to go dark and um unfortunately i was looking for like some kind of food i can eat without starting a fire but it looks like we're not eating food tonight i'm just gonna have to go hungry tomorrow is a day of hunting food starting fire or that kind of biz but i pretty much spent the whole entire afternoon working on the shelter it is no longer a little shelter it is now the hilton of this island it is so bloody good i'm gonna have a good sleep man i've put a little bit of time and effort into it and it is gonna be i'm gonna have a bloody good sleep have a look at this welcome to the hilton now it's still pretty dodgy but what i've done i've done three layers of leaves now so if it rains which i think it's gonna should be pretty dry in here there's a few gaps but i mean i we're humans we're waterproof that really doesn't matter but one thing that i did notice when it was raining is that the wind was coming from out there coming in here and it was like circulating so i've just chucked these big bits of wood there where my head's going to be and then these two blocks where my body's going to lay so i'm just going to lay down in there beautiful got me pillow we've got our tin full of dry coconut husk and the bloody water this is amazing dude check this out all right so i've already had two big mouthfuls of this water because i'm confident we're going to get more and that's what we're left with now it's a little bit it's not exactly very it's like super obviously it's rain water it's clean but there's a little bit of muck that comes off these mats so i mean there's a little bit of sand on the bottom it's but it is pure rain water like it doesn't get any fresher than that and um wait a minute man this is this was not called for but this is the best this is why i do this man because this is just this is living man this is exactly why i do this kind of thing push yourself and you get rewarded like this man it's the freshest water straight from the sky i couldn't ask for anything better so i'm going to put this into another bottle put a cap on it and i'll leave this set up overnight hopefully it keeps raining and i'll just wake up and i'll keep changing bottles and see how many bottles we can fill up over the night but um for now that is it i'll see you guys in the morning i'm just going to bunk up in here i'm not no longer going to use this stuff as a mattress i'm going to leave it here set up as a water catching device i'm just going to sleep on the sand we've done it before it's not too bad and um i guess i'll see you guys in the morning tomorrow's all about starting fire catching some sort of a food so stoked we've got water and i'll see you guys tomorrow oh man i'm so happy we got the water [Music] oh good morning to you 6 21 in the morning and that was i wouldn't even call that sleeping last night oh yeah i've got sand everywhere that was a bad sleep dude i wouldn't even have caught that sleeping to be honest i was getting so smoked by mosquitoes so oh i had to like bury my legs in the sand once i buried my legs in the sand it actually it actually wasn't too bad but definitely definitely wasn't a good sleep rain was on the rain was off oh it's an absolutely beautiful day i probably had about an hour's sleep to be honest oh all right so we had a fair bit of rain not a fair bit of rain but it was raining consistently on and off like an hour of rain and that's what we got last night before i actually fell asleep so that's not too bad that's half a bottle of water there i cannot lose that that is valuable that's a lot of water man wake up that's in ma that's amazing okay so yesterday we were walking around this reef system here there is nothing to eat there is not even like little shells there is practically nothing it's like a dead bear reef pretty much what it looks like there is just nothing to eat on this reef there's not even sea cucumbers sea urchins there is nothing here to eat at all it's just dead so what i reckon i'm going to do today i'm going to concentrate my time in untangling that fishing line that we found yesterday so where we found that squid jig where i was cutting off that white rope there is a heap of um fishing line it looks like braided line and also monofilament line it's all just tangled up in a big bunch so it's just over there i'm going to go start sorting that out if we can gather 10 meters 20 meters of line possibly even more there's a lot of line there i'm gonna see if i can go out to one of these ledgers today make some sort of a fishing lure or maybe even try to use that squid jig we'll see if we can get some form of a fish but obviously right now it's dead low tide that tide is going to push in really fast and once that tide pushes in it's going to give us a chance to fish off that ledge there so definitely need to get food today definitely need to start a fire all right this one stick is actually pretty incredible so this is the stick which we found that squid jig on yesterday i've just hung that squid squid jig in the corner of our little house there but so this one stick holds a whole lot of line which is going to come in very very it's actually the perfect stick it's got different everything's like meter there's a different section of some sort of fishing line or line or rope or there's a little net it's very very handy so it's a full stick of all different kinds of material which is wrapped up stuck around it i don't even know there's so many different types of rope but what's definitely got my interest is hold on bear with me somewhere here there is like a monofilament line here it is so you get this that's like a monofilament leader sort of fishing line there there's quite a bit of that tangled up in this white robe and then you come down here to this brown greenish rope there's this braid a big bird nest of fishing braid which continues up into this pile as well all this fishing this is what i want this is that line that i want to sort of untangle all that untangle all that it continues up here all into this like fishing net sort of stuff so there is a lot of fishing line i've just got to take my time go through it untangle it all and then on the end of the exact same stick there's a fishing float and then there's this greenish reddish colored material which is a very very similar material to that stuff we used to catch the long time in previous videos so see how it's really small in fibres this could be good to catch a couple long time later so that's sort of where i'm heading right now but who knows we could find fishing hooks tangled up in this i hope so but i don't think i don't know i'm just going to take my time now go through this and um that's what we're doing for the next couple of hours just untangling all that fishing line all right we are about to embark on quite the journey so i probably sat here for a good part of all of about an hour and a half untangling the line cutting it tying it together trying to make it as long as possible so what we've got right now is this little drink bottle probably i'm gonna guess that's about 25 meters of line it's it's in really really bad condition there was a lot of parts that i had to cut joined together and then i've had to join on that monofilament line so i've just done a little bit of an fg knot there monofilament line onto the bottle purely because we are only targeting long time right now so long time have quite sharp teeth if they're the bigger ones and if it's if their teeth hit this braid it's going to bite straight through so luckily we found this there's actually a lot of this on this beach here unfortunately and here is that green fluffy i don't know it's like it's almost like a ripped up t-shirt or some sort of material that's there's a lot of that on the end of that stick so i'm just going to take that with us chuck that in the bag we've got our bottle we've got a bottle of water and um we're gonna have to go walk up into the bush here into the jungle walk all the way around and i want to get onto this cliff here because you can see the current the current's pushing that way so um that's what we're gonna do right now hopefully we get a big long time come back here cook him up that's the plan anyway okay the mission through the jungle is real right now we need to walk our ways up through the jungle here all the way up along the top around the back of this big cliff finally we'll get to where the water's pushing and hopefully we can chuck this little little bit of fabric in that current and it'll just act like a little bait fish fingers crossed long time comes up boom we got a fish to eat if not we're going to have to make our way all the way back down here think of a plan b but i'm going to give myself a good i don't know i'm gonna give myself a good five hours at this and just consistent consistently just concentrate on trying to get a fish this morning um if not i'm not sure how we're gonna else we're gonna get food right now i'm hungry it's still early in the day and um we've got a little bit of a steam ahead of us through this jungle so times are good and we've got water that's the main thing man all right we've just come down to where i was thinking about going fishing right now it is raining which is an amazing thing because i've got that water catchment set up still so we can be fishing now and we are always generating water every time it rains anyway so every time i have a mouthful of water here i'm gaining water back at camp which is absolutely epic but this is where i wanted to come down and fish here and um man it's going to look a lot harder than i originally anticipated it's not going to be as easy as i thought at all then again nothing's easy out here okay so here's the materials that we've got there's a little bit of red red snot here i'll try the red first if that doesn't work we'll use the green and um what i've done i've collected a bottle of rocks so i'm just going to tie this line not tie it but wrap it around there and then i'm just going to wait i'm just going to throw the rock and hopefully it takes out a little bit of fabric with it and then i'll pull it hopefully the rock drops to the bottom and i can just like dance that skirt in this current i don't know it's a bloody long shot it's actually a very very long shot now that i'm looking at what we've got to deal with but right now this is our only option unless we do a massive massive walk i don't feel like doing that so i'm going to give it a shot yes this is sketchy man oh alrighty very very quick update it is absolutely piping bloody hot right now i had to go for a walk i found some disgusting bit of fabric in the bush over here my neck is burned to pieces like it's stinging it actually stings just to touch it i've been here for all right so the time now is two o'clock in the afternoon i've practically been here the entire day i've had one long time come up and have a sniff um right now the current is just starting to work in my favor so the most of the day i've been throwing the rocks out and then just twitching this little bit of fabric back um i've had one long time in probably the last half an hour it came in full speed had a look and then turned off but there's definitely fish here the current's starting to work in my favor i no longer have to use rocks i can just let the wind flat like the wind just lets it lay down on the water then the current takes it out nicely and i can just slowly twitch it in the current so look i am starving i've eaten absolutely nothing all day yesterday now it's there now it's today it's two o'clock in the afternoon i've still eaten no food i'm rationing that water out as much as i can but i'm not giving up i'm gonna stay here i'm gonna stay consistent and um look i'm gonna give it two more hours if i don't get a fish in two hours we're gonna have to go back to camp and try to think of something else but i do have faith in this i just got to put in the time the effort and um i know doing things like this isn't easy so i have noticed up here that there's cactus which is edible we've eaten these cactus before in my video like this so maybe we can eat one of these cactus so we can boil these up on the far on a fire you can eat that cactus leaf that's definitely edible there's a couple of things that are edible that i can see there's goats put up there there's a couple of bits of edible food around here but right now i'm just gonna snake it persistent i'm gonna hold off on eating i really really want to try to get a long time so i'm just going to stay consistent it is scorching hot the rain's completely obviously gone and um it is hard work man man the struggle is seriously real right now if you guys are new to the channel you've never seen fishing with cotton before you're probably thinking that i'm some sort of drongo but it is a very very successful way to catch long time just using a piece of cotton like this so if you guys are an og follower on the channel thank you love you but you guys will know that this works very very well for a long time pretty much every single bite you'll get it you'll get a hookup so unfortunately today i don't know what's going on there's just no long time around there's just nothing around at all i'm finding it hard to find any kind of energy to do anything right now i'm just so thirsty so hungry my stomach's like eating itself away and i don't know man we're gonna have to put our thinking caps on soon but the problem is that it's still it's a really high tide right now and um the current here it's pretty much just forced me to stop fishing it is insanely i don't know if it looks crazy on the camera but this current here it's just pushing through it's just pushing down so fast every now and then you get these big waves that are crashing up against this rock it's just it's just not really fishable for this little setup that i'm using so i'm gonna have to pack up we'll head back to camp and we're just gonna have to somehow kind of think think of a way i'll try to scavenge food or i don't know this is definitely the challenge right now you have got to be kidding me you are joking oh why psych man so after spending six hours of fishing on the rocks i've just returned to our base camp which doesn't really look like a base camp anymore ah oh you're kidding so obviously today is a much bigger swell the tides are smaller but the swell's bigger and our home that we built is now a crushed up pile of leaves and bamboo sticks on a deserted beach have got to be kidding me man all i can do is laugh i can't do anything else except for laugh and slap myself in the face because yesterday i said to myself you are setting this up too close to the ocean but i knew we were on the ass end of a full moon which means the tides are only going to get lower and last night i slept here we were fine we were safe we were dry and one thing that i just didn't think about is i can't i don't have any way to check swell i don't know phone reception i don't even have a phone so that's just the way it is out here that's what happens and it's obviously what's happened all you can do is laugh man i've had the most horrendous day ever this is our house dude oh no look that's our tin which had our dryer that had our dry coconut husk in it our helmet's gone the squid jig's probably gone you've got to be kidding oh my god jesus christ it did a good job of it's like a massive tangled up bundle of ah my goodness oh no you're an idiot no i'm an absolute idiot right so yesterday sorry this morning when i had that little shelter there i left the squid jig in a plastic bag with my with the bloody power bank and the gopro charging cord because tonight i was going to come back and charge all my batteries which means the the power bank is either in here or out there somewhere you've got to be kidding me all right this is the face of somebody who's been defeated so not only did we lose the shelter not only did we lose a power bank and we lost the gopro charging cord we've also lost all of my drinking water so when i went fishing i thought it was a very very smart idea to leave that rain catchment set up so while we were fishing it was catching water which it would have been doing until the swell came in and took it away so no no shelter no way to charge my batteries and no water that's all the water i've got left from what we harvested last night so look i don't know i have been absolutely defeated here on and upside there is an upside to every story and the hoodies for the online shop are extremely close so if you guys want to get any merch hats long sleeve tees the hoodies are on their way bucket hats are on their way very very bloody soon so that's a little bit of excitement i always try to find a positive way on the other side of something that's negative but guys i don't know i'm i think i'm gonna call it i've been defeated who am i even kidding right now trying to find the power bank but i think that i've got absolute buckley's trying to find that right now look at this mess dude it's like a bloody hurricane comes through and ripped down our house all right so what are the three things or what probably more than three what things have i learned from this little experience first thing which i know and i did anyway never set up your camp too close to the bloody ocean i was relying purely on tides as we're on the back of a full moon it means the tides are only going to get lower lower and lower so i definitely didn't think about swell second thing that i should have thought about is when i was generating that fresh water over there i should have as as i had like this much this much in the bottle i should have been putting that into another bottle putting the empty bottle back at the catchment thing if i did that i would have probably a whole entire bottle of drinking water right now so that was a massive mistake the other mistake is if you have only one way of charging your only battery don't leave it here and walk all the way onto the cliff because now i've got no way of charging my batteries and i've got half of one battery left so that absolutely sucks and the last thing now this is a very bloody important thing so take note if you're going to be wearing wet shorts for two days and they're going to be sandy and slimy please pack a little bit of rash cream because right now i've got rash on my ass cheeks i haven't eaten anything in two days i'm dehydrated and i don't have a house it is this is literally like i actually do feel pretty bloody haggard right now but this is the reality of it all and um this is why i do it i like that i like the challenge myself and today we have been defeated i obviously can't film too much longer because i've got half of this battery left and i've got no more wet batteries so i'm gonna have to love his levias and um mother nature you beat us this time you beautiful thing i'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching thank you for all the support and um yeah absolutely bloody love is see you guys you
Channel: Field Days
Views: 2,259,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo survival, solo survival on island, solo survival no food no water, 3 days solo survival on an island, solo survival challenge, solo survival challenge knife only, tropical island, survival skills, solo camping alone, survival on an island, no food no water survival, survival videos, solo survival no food no water no shelter, how to survive, solo, field days solo survival, field days
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 9sec (3069 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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