Carbon Fiber Shotgun Slugs - We Mach Them!

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today on taofledermaus we're going to bring you along for the testing of these unique carbon fiber shotgun slugs on you make it we mock it today's test samples were sent to us by gresham custom concepts these were described to me as carbon fiber-ish which probably means they used carbon fiber filament in the production of these prototypes we were sent seven of these projectiles and the weights did vary a little bit from slug to slug from 15 grams some of them weighing up to 20 grams although the slugs look identical outside internally they are ballast with steel balls of varying weights and numbers for the sake of testing it is ideal to have projectiles that are identical but we'll try to make these work we will be using sabos with these so there won't be any direct contact with the barrel the fit is perfect so we should have good engagement with the rifling my biggest concern was whether or not these would be strong enough to handle the high g shock loads going from zero to whatever speed in the length of a barrel my prediction was they were just going to be dust coming out of the barrel we'll see if i'm right or not welcome back back taofleder crew we got something new for you here today it's sent to us by uh rob and tyler gresham they want us to try these out and see how they perform supposedly they're carbon fiber ish that's so that's what i was told anyway we're gonna we got some different weights uh we've got um different powder loads we're gonna start from the lightest and work our way up and see if they hold together or shatter or fly straight or wobble or yeah or never know something we don't know we've been surprised before yeah let's hope for a good outcome on this one okay let's do it all right let's do it this one which one's the first one you got 15 grains and 15 grams yes sir okay i'm ready all right here we go it seemed to hold together for the first test we used a very light powder load and we had a velocity of maybe 300 feet per second very slow and because it had a low velocity it also had a low spin rate so the projectile didn't have very good stability but the good news is the slug did not shatter it held up very well in fact even after hitting the kevlar panel it was still in the same condition as it was before it was shot [Music] that gave me a lot more confidence because i thought we're gonna have a there's a good chance these things might shatter just from the you know 12 000 psi this one was loaded very light so we probably had 4 000 psi or something like that and it survived it held up very well very well that that's uh reloadable wad acted just like it was supposed to yeah it blossomed up though perfectly not too bad that's pretty good that's pretty lightweight we should we had a little bit of iron powder and yeah so we're gonna we're gonna bump it up a little bit on the next one okay next one is 20 grams 20 grains and 15 right yes here we go wow wow in test number two we can see what happens when we add a little more velocity the slug is now very stable in flight now this slug is still traveling at a subsonic speed but it does have the same energy the same mass and velocity as a 45 acp bullet now again the slug didn't shatter when it was shot but what does it look like inside the vest now um okay ah once again i'm damaged just cover with some kevlar i think maybe his little nose piece came off oh yeah this is exposing a little uh steel ball there okay i don't know what he had in there hmm 15 and 20 yes 15 grains 20 no 20 grains 15 grams there we go okay that one that one's skipped off up there yeah let's see what that looked like although we had decent stability on this shot the accuracy was a little bit off still it isn't terrible for a prototype never shot before projectile but this gives you an idea of the frustration of using different weight bullets with different powder loads and you often end up just chasing your tail trying to find the point of impact okay next is 25 grains and 15 gram load i'm ready when you are again we see a little deviation from the point of aim i do have to say i'm impressed with the durability of these slugs so far now gresham doesn't sell these slugs obviously but they do make custom parts and if you need something with this kind of durability you now know where to go to get your prototype part made definitely flying to the right it's hard you know you don't want to just first one flying to the right and make an adjustment it could have been a fluke but we're starting to see a trend that they want to fly to the right and you can see where that the first one impacted it's skidded along the side right there the second one passed through what would you be like your cheek i guess and your jawbone jawbone yeah exited here there it is still a pretty good condition or oh man perfect yeah wow things are harder than woodpecker lips [Laughter] 20 grains 19 gram projectile life's so much easier when they're all the same folks just saying okay i'm ready okay a little to the left this time what's that are you gonna aim a little to the left i'm gonna give it some of that california windage okay aim for the left okay 874 feet per second all right now this projectile weighs 19 grams or just under 300 grains and using 20 grains of long shot we don't have a super fast projectile but it seems to be the right combination for very good accuracy okay i knew that would happen it didn't prove us wrong point an aim point of impact because he was brought it over a little because the last couple were to the right so i was like oh yeah let's aim a little to the left and of course it proved us wrong there yeah anyway no damage yeah still subsonic we've got some loaded with like 30 grains of powder coming up that if those we me maybe maybe we'll break the sound barrier so danny's aiming at the heart what's the next one it's a 20 20 20. 20 gram 20 grains are we ready i'm ready actually did something okay well i had some issues with the high-speed camera the trigger didn't trigger button didn't work so i didn't record that one so okay what happened we got some results here yeah you might want to can you swing it up over the top here a little bit because everyone's gonna fall out here's another one here on the table so i count one two three four five six seven eight of these little balls well those things are really loaded down those are bbs it held together we know that we'll have to shoot that again with the maxi load all right let's dump this out and see what comes out of it it disintegrated though oh yeah carbon went all over the place oh there's another one wow they're like little are there steel right in that blade almost that much of that in there steel or aluminum yeah nice all right i got one two three four five six seven eight nine wow that's very interesting 10 11. wow okay loaded those up yeah let's okay we have one more i'll make sure the high speed camera triggers this time very frustrating okay what what is this one this is 30 and 18. 30 and 18 yep okay come on high-speed camera i've worked this time wow 16.58 oh oh i didn't think it would go that fast stirred up the birds out there wow now that one was screaming that was my hail mary one you know i thought this is gonna blow it apart this is gonna break it up nope it held together still together hit a little low two and a half inches low my point aim was right in here okay yeah variable loads variable points impact so yeah it's it's tough when they're all ideally if if you want to send us something make them all exactly the same it makes life a lot easier for us at least ten of them well yeah about eight to ten that way we can yeah figure out kentucky wendy's anyway anyway the main thing was the performance whether they'd hold together or not and they seemed to do pretty good yeah even at that i i was expecting just disaster out here you know i i really thought i didn't give these you know i you know okay the design looks good and everything but is this going to break apart from all from that high pressure that thing was screaming that and that proved he could have lowered that thing that 2 000 feet per second it would have held together like a woodpecker on crack yeah you and your woodpeckers anything that can hold up to that's got to be one tough critter yeah well there you go very interesting design thank you thank you very much it was interesting easy to shoot yeah imagine not much recoil not much recoil even at that sixteen hundred and something feet yeah i'm glad i loaded supercharged that one got em supersonic and they were still doing good well i hope you enjoyed the video and thank you for coming along with us for this test if you appreciate the effort we put into this video please like the video if you have an issue with it let us know we'll discuss it somehow we'd like to take the time to thank our patreon supporters for their ongoing support and as i've said before things are improving at least for our channel on youtube and revenue is starting to improve again well it seems every other channel is asking for more and more and more patreon support we're actually telling our patreon supporters to pair back or eliminate their pledge entirely because things have gotten that much better thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Views: 152,373
Rating: 4.967576 out of 5
Keywords: exotic shotgun slug, supersonic, carbon fiber filament, high speed camera, chronos 1.5, smartereveryday, demoranch, taofledermaus, sound barrier, you make it we mach it, project farm
Id: mGZyuD0M3ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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