12ga. "Extremely Russian" penetrator slug - We test them!

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[Music] is this photo evidence that lehigh defense has finally developed a 12-gauge version of their extreme penetrator bullet hi everyone this is jeff of taofledermaus and as far as i know lehigh defense is not developing a 12-gauge extreme penetrator slug but alexi lavrov of st petersburg russia wanted to see if the concept was even doable alexia has come up with a lot of interesting prototypes for us over the years and i invite you to check out his channel we were sent nine of these to test out each one was an absolute work of art really nice machine work the one i'm showing here is one we recovered after testing gives you an idea how tough these things are now these are solid brass weighing in at 546 grains each and they utilize a discarding sabo these are just under four times the mass of the 10 millimeter extreme penetrators we'll be using a full rifle barrel for these tests and we'll be matching the velocity of the 10 millimeter version 1500 feet per second hey everyone welcome back to health later folks jeff and officer greg out here with you on a hot central california day it has not yet pumpkin spice weather jeff and i are out here just drinking and smoking straight west coasting and we stumbled across a really cool submission that alexi in russia everyone remembers alexi lavrov from russia he's submitted probably more rounds to this channel than just about anybody else well alexi has designed a or actually i should say alexi has replicated a round that probably most of you are familiar with this is a lehigh defense we call this an extreme penetrator round that in 40 caliber sold by underwood ammo alexi has made us a 12-gauge version of that thing out of solid brass look at that monster four flutes it's it is solid there's no hollow cavity in the back or anything that thing's solid you can feel the weight of it he made four flutes he's got the little gas checks on it it's this is a an impressive piece of brass folks we're gonna take a look and see if it performs the same way as these little penetrators the reason that an extreme penetrator or an extreme defender works so well the extreme defender of course is designed to replace a hollow point these little channels in here actually shove soft material like your own goo out of the way like a snow plow and they make very similar sometimes more impressive damage in soft targets than even a hollow point and they don't need to expand of course that's why they are so popular so we're going to check and see we've got a lot of targets out here with you today we brought some big massive heavy duty targets to see just how much damage how much penetration we can get out of these big old monsters here and uh we're gonna test them out for alexi these things are like i say they're kind of a replication of the lehigh defense extreme penetrators but alexi is not making these things for commercial sales so he's not violating any kind of uh any copyrights or anything like that yeah he's just learning uh cnc machining and he thought it'd be a great project you know do kill two birds with one stone re recreate something and submit it into the channel yeah but i mean nice sharp edges great machining beautiful so we're going to try to recover as many as we can i don't want to lose any of these these are like fantastic one of the things we recently picked up on ebay was a a nice little rifled barrel for my old 870 so we're going to send them through a rifled barrel they're a sabote round so they're shrouded in plastic we just test sided this thing in it's pretty dead on accurate right out of the box we're going to send them through a fully rifled barrel and see how they perform doug's waiting on us downrange he's been hot he's been texting me saying hurry up and get on with this he's got a couple of vests on so we're gonna yeah there he is but doug's wearing double vestiges today so we're gonna send these rounds and see if he wouldn't uh he wouldn't mind catching one of these for us all right let's get to it the penetrator how far is that maybe 15 yards about 15 yards 14.92 would i say 15 did you yeah yeah 14.92 the magellan seals yeah i noticed something doug did not fall over doug didn't fall over which is a big clue that the dang round did not stop that it passed right on through there was no absorption of energy in other words right yeah and when we got up here we found a big giant hole in kevlar panel number one and right out the back and i noticed a big giant hole in doug's personal body armor and while i was feeling around in there i thought let's go ahead and take a look at folks back wow so we don't need to look any further i i thought two vests ought to be good good enough to catch up these things nope so so far it's looking pretty good two level three a vest that's like level six now i will admit that i thought that two level 3a kevlar vest would be able to stop this and boy was i wrong this thing kind of behaved like a rifle round just went through these things like they were standing still i guess they were standing still okay we had a stability problem on that one actually when you're over 40. um yeah i found this thing i still can't hold it because it's extremely hot well don't hold it put it back in the hole that's what she said so you can see how it kind of landed right there like that upside down it made a perfect upside down imprint and destroyed half of this i don't know where it all went oh i'll have to look around but it looks like it sheared off right there at the middle of the x got ding at the top look at that uh big old hole right there yeah but it did not go through because it hit sideways but what do you think is it worth trying another one i think it's worth trying another one yeah people would be screaming if we didn't we did find the cork round from the dug that's from the doug shooting yep so maybe we should try another cork round this one was a rubber round yep now in this test we had a pretty anemic spin in other words didn't have enough angular momentum to stabilize this projectile one of the many responsibilities i have is trying to take these never tested exotic projectiles and try to make them function normally for something like this i would use an fs12 gas seal but i'm completely out of them and they're sold out everywhere the next option i had was using an x-12x gas seal it's a lot shorter there's no cushion at all and i wanted to bring up the column height by using a cork wad and cork is pretty stiff and doesn't provide much of a cushion so in order to try to replicate the fs12 cushioning i tried some of these kind of a soft foam rubber wad system and unfortunately every one of these cause failure there you go you know that one worked did it go through yeah [Applause] well we have another that is a bfh right there i mean we've only seen this what three times in tfm history where around punches straight through a lead plate this thick first time there it is made it through and then here's what's cool oh you found it over here it's stuck in the vest but look at all the lead plate shards that it brought with it wow i mean there's a lot of there's a couple ounces of lid lord that thing's still hot i'll show this to you sitting on the vest because it's hot but uh look at that thing it's all deformed in the front lost a lot of its uh frontal mass here digging through that lead plate but i'll be damned if it didn't make it through wow that is crazy but this vest was doubled up it didn't make it through even the first panel but it brought tons of these lead plate shards with it wow by using just the cork wad instead of that foam mod it made a huge difference we now have a very strong spin the accuracy is good and because it went in nose first penetration was much better now the purpose of a sabo is to keep the projectile centered in the barrel it also prevents any barrel damage or fouling from the projectile now the downside of using a sabo is something we call sabo slip it's kind of like clutch slippage on a car if there's too much slip the slug will never come up to adequate spin to stabilize in that millisecond it's traveling down the barrel so i gave these projectiles a wrap with electrical tape it's a little hokey but it increases its cohesiveness and also bulks it up to better engage the rifling i don't know did you hit the wooden block now at this point the testing we only had one failure of the foam wad and this kind of verified that the foam wad system was not working out very well i decided to stop the testing for the day and replace all the foam wads with the cork wads since those were working out well fortunately in this test the way the projectile buried itself in the wood it wasn't damaged at all and we were able to reuse it for another test using the proper cork quads now remember we only had nine of these projectiles to start with so we wanted to make sure they all counted lexi went through a lot of trouble and expense to get these to us well it went right through that lead plate and two kevlar vests and uh had some pretty impressive penetration so now we're gonna try it through this quarter inch stainless steel plate and we're gonna try and catch one with the vests the reason we think it'll be able to be caught with the vest now is because it's going to hopefully dump most of its energy as it plows through this plate we're thinking it's going to plow through the plate let's take a look okay i'm ready when you are all right blue tape yep oh i gotta re-let these sights here almost needs to go through [Music] stout recoil well surprisingly it did not make it through the quarter inch steel stainless steel plate punched a nice little hole in there and i don't know if you can see that can you see that little x shape in there that's pretty cool yeah it totally left the little marks of the nose of that round in there and look at that wow stainless steel nothing right there but that was a hell of a wallop did not make it through round bounced off here to the right somewhere we can't find it in the maybe maybe our viewers can find it you see it yeah you win ten thousand extra talf later points if you find that slug for us and identify it send us the gps link now just like i was wrong about the kevlar vests being able to stop this thing well i was wrong about the stainless steel plate it's really interesting how the projectile came to a dead stop and then the plate spun around and whacked it out to somewhere where we couldn't find it this is another good example of how inertia works the plate really didn't start moving until long after the projectile came to a stop i think this would be a great round for the clay block or to fight the planet of the apes that's some good artwork there okay i'm ready when you are here we go oh my god wow well there goes your clear block yeah clay block is done it pretty much blew the hell out of that clay block this is what we had left on the block we found big giant shards of clay 20 yards away over there by my truck it's crazy how much it moved that thing um this little piece of supplemental kevlar here was balled up like a little uh like a little catcher's mitt around this and when we peel this thing back you can see that oh look at that finally captured one buried in there still warm looks like it's in good condition well i'll tell you what it's in just about pristine condition i think you could probably reload that one or yeah send it to a patreon yeah that's pretty uh that is pretty cool or use it for very big phillips screws now this clay block is as we saw definitely undersized for this test these slugs were just too powerful what i thought was really interesting though is how it creates a square permanent wound cavity i was really curious to see if those four flutes actually did anything other than look really cool and they do took us a while but we found actual frozen taunt on shoulders and we've brought those out here they're not very good eaten tontons so we're instead going to shoot one of those penetrator slugs and see if it'll make through two of these these are frozen only the top centimeter has started the thaw out here and then we hope to catch it in the it's kind of like pie creek but made out of meat yeah it's meat cream meat there oh why didn't i think of that all right let's go with some chunks oh meat and see how that thing plows through here this would be a good simulation if you're ever thinking about using one of these for hunting i don't know pigs or deer you go holy crap feeling that went right through it i think it went through the investment the 12 gauge extreme penetrator had absolutely no problem going through these two chunks of meat which were frozen and that of course makes it a lot tougher to penetrate in my opinion these would function extremely well for a large dangerous game in north america such as the grizzly bear heck i think it's even possible you could use these for hunting dangerous game in africa like cape buffalo and these could be loaded even hotter than just 1500 feet per second what happened this time well first of all this meat is smelling pretty bad sat in the back of my truck for a couple of days before we froze it oh no you've got a significant meat hole right there i don't know if you can see up through there but there's a daylight maybe oh yeah nice hole through the taunton significant meat hole actually was the uh i had a name of a tejano thrash metal band back in the late 80s 89 through 91. we only toured one town and we broke up over creative differences but significant meat hole if you guys can find some of the uh some of the b cuts uh it's only on on eight track though on eight track and uh oh good lord that stuff is starting to stink so it went through both right yeah went plowed right through both chunks and they hardly even moved yeah that thing didn't uh it was slowed down a little bit because it caught our kevlar panel it buckled it into a nice little point which is usually an indicator that we've got the round in there threw it way back on the hillside but we went up there and pulled this thing out we've been looking for 10 minutes for that thing there's no breast to be found so if only we had a big sheet we could have put back there because you know if we had known it was going to do that we could have put a sheet back there well we've got to start filming on the bonneville salt flats so we can find all of our loose rounds laying around or on a on a snowy pasture or uh ice cream skating rink yeah so yeah we were in and able to find the round that was laying out there we'll find it you know we'll you know we'll find it next week it'll come toppling down while we're looking for something else next week but either way two giant frozen pork punks oh we'll find like we found this one today yeah when you're not looking for it yeah it's like easter out here yep shotgun easter you need to bring a bunch of kids out here i bet they'd find it okay we're going to shoot at the biggest primo the biggest preacher if you speak spanish you know that's your biggest cousin ricardo ricardo your biggest free move we wanted to try one more of the weird foam wads yeah so you brought out one more that had the foam wads which we found out the other day were completely well they were consistently bad assistant right yeah it was just that one little detail that so all day we've been shooting cork and those have been growing great the one foam we have today flies all goofy however although tumbling it happened to hit right on the primo right here which is where i was aiming so that was a good sign you know accurate still and uh blew right out of here blew the bung hole right out of the bottom of this water jug look at that man thick old shark and just wrinkled the crap out of this jug and split the back of it on its way out you see the little exit hole here and we found our vest in the background it shattered the wood that was holding it up however the vest caught it and we found a nearly perfect round with some kevlar hairs on it we found the nearly perfect round buried in the vest you can see if you look very closely in the little reflections there you can see just a little bit of scarring on those machine cuts but you could pretty much just reload this round and get right back to work in this test we had not the best spin in the world but fortunately the projectile hit nose first with just a little bit more tweaking and experimentation i'm sure we can get 100 reliability out of these but overall we're doing pretty well some ammo companies spend months and test hundreds of rounds before they get it right i see a wound track all the way through it yeah the extreme penetrator 12 gauge slug almost didn't even slow down as it passed through this 16 inch block of clear ballistic gel and just like with the clay block the temporary wound cavity was probably square shaped the twist rate on greg's barrel i believe is 1 in 27 so even if we had perfect engagement with the rifling that projectile is only making about half a rotation traveling through that block of ballistic gel the slug never tumbled it went straight through nose first so as we walk up to do our bomb damage assessment we find out that this round was just laying here right on top of these kevlar panels it hit low left which we'll show you in a second what it did through the gel but that warm little brass round with its tape still intact and in virtually perfect condition that could pretty much be reloaded again so you got quite a few of these that are in great shape yeah now we didn't have a mark on this but i was just kind of aiming generally for the center so it hit right there i don't know if you can tell but you could almost see the shape of those little phillips phillips screwdriver those are sharp little edges but take a look at this this is what's crazy can you see it maybe i'll move it in the sun look at that wound that doesn't help because it's reflecting off the sun i will leave it alone yeah look at that wound cavity through there just gigantic just yawed a little bit got a little bit and then look at this tiny tiny little exit hole right there oh wow that was where that big old giant slipped it it really didn't slow it down very much no probably would have gone through about three of these yeah before slowing before you could have captured it yeah but i mean i don't know if you guys can see that uh temporary wound damage that has that thing course through there but yeah it ballooned out all the way the entire block cavitated yeah there you go that is a uh that's a gnarly wound channel there yeah very impressive oh you're really going high tech there well mrs og and i needed to get rid of an old ice chest so we filled it with jagermeister inside we have an old fleece blanket actually it's a new fleece blanket just happens to be soaked now so we're going to try the uh paul harrell high-tech bullet stop floating inside of here see if that penetrator slug can make it through the walls of the ice chest through 18 inches of water that's like almost 24 inches of water oh yeah i was told an inch was this long and then we'll catch it and hopefully catch it in this uh high-tech wet fleece backstop and then we've got it backed up over here with a couple of kevlar panels okay let's give it a try this is this is the best idea ever self-emptying oh [Applause] so this uh velociraptor around made it through the front of the ice chest okay surprising there no blast it inside look at these holes in this wet fleece hold it up hold it up so you can and spray spread it out it's cut wow hold on keep holding it up maybe there's more there's holes all over it yeah it was all folded up so it went through the high-tech wet fleece backstop sorry paul harrell why do you guys hate paul harrell and then does he ever reply to you or anything though yeah he never did that does he i don't think he replies anybody i don't think i've written him so oh i've i've i've complimented him quite a few times and it's like he doesn't look at his comments apparently unlike us who you know exactly i sent him christmas cards nothing wow so you sent him like a candle or something okay the back of this the round made it through all the water through the high-tech wet fleece backstop out the other side of the ice chest and we had two layers of kevlar here and when i came over this brass round was laying right there on top of the kevlar perfect perfect condition so we recovered three of them well that concludes the testing of the russian extremely russian penetrators extremely penetrator-like penetrators not copyrighted no trademark infringement here pretty impressive round though i mean overall once you got those things wouldn't it wouldn't it be great if lehigh defense saw this video and said hey we ought to make a 12 gauge extreme penetrator slug yeah they make them in the uh well the honey badger round is a lehigh design uh they make them all the way up to big old giant elephant rifle rounds so why not put it into a 12 gauge now yes we've proven that it works you know um that would you have to use a full full rifling though that's right just like nothing fancy he believes he is the industry test and he uh then demands everybody goes out and makes the stuff he tests so we think they ought to try that in a 12 gauge slug they would i think they'd sell well it's pretty impressive i'll tell you what it's the same did i tell you it's the same velocity 1500 feet per second is the same as the 10 millimeter 10 millimeter i nailed that powder load but the uh the weight of that round flying at the same speed is a 10 millimeter that's what's impressive 540 grains 550 something like that right versus 165 grain or 180 grain 10 millimeter round yeah huge heavy chunk of brass flying at the exact same speed that's impressive yep and imagine if it will do this to all of this mass down here or any of the targets you've seen today imagine that thing pig hunting or deer hunting or whatever you happen to be hunting tyrannosaurus rex and and we have another set of these to test in the in the near future with three instead of four it has three flutes yeah awesome fleets that's like one less flute yeah one less flutist less of an orchestra than [Laughter] there you go well thanks for joining us out here we hope you guys liked that test it was actually kind of fun and and surprising for us anytime we're able to test something that surprises us it's extra interesting it is when you think it's going to fail and it it doesn't it that's that's that's what i love you know so if you guys comment down below let us know what you thought we're gonna send out these wheels to the best commenter
Views: 757,884
Rating: 4.9226117 out of 5
Keywords: xtreme penetrators, 12ga, apds rounds, most powerful, slow motion camera, demolitionranch, world of warships, smartereveryday, angular momentum
Id: iIP6EQpeeFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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