12 ga. Tracer Slugs are quite satisfying and beautiful

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No. Tracers aren't prohibited but CBSA and NRCAN (they regulate explosives) won't allow them to be imported.

You can find some 7.62x39 tracers at gun shows but what's here already is all we get

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/FedorTokarev 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

maybe ill buy tracer

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/mwmwmwmwmmdw 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

What a fun video

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/coffeeINJECTION 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

There is a non-incendiary tracer manufacturer (Streak) in the USA but currently no Canadian importers. (I checked with them)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/neverelax 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
you ready Oh recomm yeah we got some a little different for you guys tonight yeah pyrotechnic music munitions these are tracers and cinerea tracers get some greens some Reds we got ten of them ten of them yeah okay we got we got some good viewers man who send us this to kind of stuff oh yeah so everyone can enjoy you know that's awesome loser for Yogi's you're not there in a few key hole yeah yep okay I'm gonna do it how they work at the end of the video instead of wasting yeah everyone wants to see these things right away so we're starting to get some sorting to go down yeah we've had a bit of rain so we don't have any worry about fire here in Arizona yeah that's where we're at we had to travel to Arizona to film this one yeah looks familiar though it does we've been here before yeah it looks a lot like where we usually throw him so we're it's as you can see it's starting to the sun's starting to go down we'll get a few high-speed shots while we still have some light and then some shots at when it gets darker we got about I'm gonna say 3540 minutes till sundown okay that's the thumb nose in the finger yeah he knows he can call it man 15 minutes per finger appeal if you say so all right let's this you to the coast target and see that see what happens if we can hit something here yeah shot number one see if they're even accurate he's gonna shoot that little metal disc at 16 yards see if they light up I'm ready oh that is awesome that is awesome Oh that is awesome let's see what a red one looks like at a can of shaving cream whatever you're ready yeah I think kept on going right through it [Music] [Music] it's it's simplest actually a green one okay I'm ready [Music] yeah yeah [Music] okay 43 yards I'm thinking these things are accurate have to hit that far yeah yeah okay yes I am ready these are awesome man [Music] [Music] the elevation was right on on that one it was just a little bit to the right okay that's it good that's maybe two and a half inches okay that's pretty good it's Hughton okay fifty yards now okay I'm ready [Music] dang it dang it it makes it loud pop when it hits [Music] [Music] see what kind of help long it actually burns for miles no I don't if they go 400 yards I'll be very surprised but I want to see how how long the burn time is before it you know you know kind of lob it out there everything's safe and everything you know oh yeah we're not fools but yeah just aim at that the standpipe out there art kind of Arc it you know okay I'm ready yes I'm ready so wait a few hundred yards burning so that's pretty good [Music] [Music] we'll find out yeah you're doing pretty good today okay I'm ready oh he got it leave a smoke coming out that thing there's good advertisement for that gunshot visalia smoke a burro smoking barrel man I think it's just chugging along okay he's gonna take another shot at a hundred yards he's feeling so good I'm ready okay definitely you hear I'm hit though that's a great thing [Music] [Music] okay you good for another one doing well so far even if you've missed these are still fun you know I'll zoom in on the high-speed a little bit watch the ground light up like it did hips neat okay I'm ready when you are another one [Music] [Music] [Music] suppose dark as we can get with the Chronos and I'm surprised it's doing this well we're not running at super high frame rate that the Chronos is doing really well head open up the iris a little bit just to brighten it up so he's gonna take one more shot at hundred yards those are last one last one yes sir hit it yeah yeah [Music] [Music] this is what the slug looks like when you disassemble it it uses a normal just shot cup there's no flame hole that goes through that so the powder does not ignite the tracer now if we take the slug out of the shot cup we could see that there's a plastic ring or a tube in there and what happens when you shoot it the force from the shot cup transfers that energy into the back of the compound in there and the compound is ignited by impact so it's a pretty sophisticated system I can see why they cost so much but I I'll tell you what they're definitely worth it really yes number one here yeah second shot third and fourth those are still one ounce slugs this one oh look at the head three of those went through my hand here find any remnants oh look at that so there is there that little lid on there that was number one shot okay that's the one that just swirled around the barrel if you're yet top swirled in you see it went around and burnt oh yeah there's another piece of lead down on the bottom there those are good slugs and I think they're gonna sell a lot of these we're not trying to sell on them but I hope they get that - gotta give to us a t-shirt or a gift card or something like that oh yeah just I mean yeah that was a hundred and fifteen yards 15 yards and 15 by the rangefinder okay shooting from an elbow wrist that's right no no rest this time that's good shitty Danny I want to thank Lucas board for sending these slugs to us to test out definitely really fun to try out and we really appreciate it I hope that the company bought them from will reimburse him or you know give him a gift card or something like that because I'm sure after people see this they're gonna be flying off the shelves you know what I mean now naturally I can't because of the YouTube rules say where you can buy these at or give you a link or anything like that but you guys can figure it out but I hope you enjoyed this video we had a lot of fun making it and I hope you had fun watching it and always we appreciate your comments and rating the video
Views: 1,185,491
Rating: 4.915318 out of 5
Keywords: 12ga tracers, exotic ammo, slow motion camera, night time, 50 bmg, taofledermaus
Id: 3H4SbfyuTes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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