4/0 Copper Cable Flechette Rounds - Tested

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[Music] hey everyone this is jeff of taofledermaus i hope you're having a great day today we'll be filming at the test site 11 which we call the pit og brought out his drone and we got a whole lot of cool aerial shots of the area i didn't know what else to do with the footage so i thought i'd share with you guys today we'll be testing some 12-gauge slugs made out of four-ought electrical cable these were recently sent to us by a viewer named dave bill you and before you start thinking that he stole this wire from some construction site no that's not the case he had some trimmings left over from a recent electrical wiring pole job each slug weighs about 1 ounce or 28 grams now bill was kind enough to send us some wads with this and we have a really good fit but i do have some concerns with this because we have a lot of unsupported area in the center and what's likely to happen is if you have about 12 000 psi accelerating this to over 1300 feet per second in the length of the barrel if you don't have a really solid base all the guts all the copper wire is just going to be shoved through that relatively thin shot cup so in order to give these the best chance possible i still use this shot cup but use an fs12 gas seal and a cork wad this gives it a lot stronger base let's head out to the test site and see what these things will actually do welcome back to alf later folks jeff and officer greg out here with you we brought you something a little different today this is a piece of for ought copper cable wrapped in rubber i've just dropped on the ground um a viewer sent these in to us to and to be loaded into a 12-gauge shell so jeff has plugged these into the old standard 12-gauge shell we're gonna see how they shoot i'm gonna pick this one up off the dirt we're gonna see how they shoot in and determine whether or not that rubber casing uh separates from the copper wire inside i have no idea what they're gonna do in my mind i always have these ideas that oh it's gonna do this it's gonna tumble or it'll fly straight or it's or what we don't know does that ever work out it never works out yeah so i i can't even guess so we've got a soft metal wrapped in a soft rubber and so we're going to see what these do against hard targets and soft targets we're gonna start out here with some splashy targets and we've even got some aerial footage ready for you so uh enjoy let's see what they do okay i'm ready not bad in test number one well we had good news the slug did not fall apart he hit the jugs but we had a very unstable flying projectile and because of that accuracy was less than ideal but still the test looks very promising i think we had a couple of jugs it's a lightweight round so it did not penetrate too deeply however all we found downrange was this empty rubber sleeve the insulation we call that i meant to say that's exactly what i said yeah insulation keeps you warm in the winter however we don't know where those little copper pieces went there were 19 of them 19 little pieces of copper wire jammed in i do see some on that second jug you know some weird holes there's a lot of yeah there's a lot of tearing out here that's not normal with our with just a water explosion so it's possible that these things are rocketing out we'll probably be able to tell on your uh high-speed camera yes maybe we're definitely gonna be able to find out where they go when we shoot them in some clear-ish ballistic gel yeah so it's more on the cloudy side than clear these days is it cloudy ballistic yeah we'll be able to clear it around and cloudy with a good chance of upstream we have some jay leno approved new jersey ballistic gelatin and uh let's put a round into it see how many layers it goes through it's just all soaked down heavy heavy denim and uh it simulates if you were wearing you know like 20 pairs of pants sure that were wet you would wet in fear if that would protect you or not if you have a wedding problem you probably need 20 pairs of pants but you normally want to alternate those and wear them one at a time not all at the same time you're just going to end up with 20 pairs of wet pants all right enough yes let's put one of those copper rounds in there test two i'm ready all right here we go that's three i'm ready did it completely miss yeah way to hit the hit the side oh okay i saw that puff out bad yeah we might have to we're using smoothbore right now okay i'm ready all right here we go one more much better actually the second attempt wasn't much better than the first once again the slug fell apart right out of the barrel but maybe having a bunch of one inch long copper rods flying through the air is the effect that you want this is about the same effectiveness as those 12 gauge flechette rounds that we've tested before just kind of hold them up and shake them a little bit maybe definitely went through the thigh here here i think most of them actually missed but it's i think it looked like four or five of them actually hit there is some damage yeah damage but where is any projectiles i don't know it's weird they dissolved they were not made out of bicycles next target well we have some north korean ballistic gel i was recently in north korea and of course i took some of this out with me as a souvenir this is calibrated ballistic gelatin from north korea let's put it around in there and see this is actually just compacted clay so it's gonna shatter or fall apart but let's see how much damage it'll do okay i'm ready oh try another one [Music] oh there you go there we go that's weird the first two shots came apart again the third shot didn't but we had terrible stability even using a fully rifled barrel we didn't get enough spin to cause that slug to fly through the air straight like a bullet fortunately i anticipated this might be a problem because we didn't have a really tight fit going through the barrel we weren't really engaging the rifling so i added some electrical tape adding about oh about ten thousandths of an inch to it this makes it a lot snugger and hopefully this will solve our problem and give this thing sufficient spin for stabilization [Music] okay ballistic bulletproof helmet what are you going to try to hit the helmet we're going to try to hit the helmet and not the first sergeant underneath it let's see okay there's a cardboard out behind it to see if there's any shrapnel afterwards okay gotcha i'm ready here we go excellent look at you did exactly what you set out to do well ready here we go at last after so many failures things just went right on this one now that we have great spin the slug's very stable and also very accurate through a lot of trial and a lot of errors and learning from those errors we're able to get this thing working correctly with the desired results and for me that's what's so satisfying about these tests being able to you know troubleshoot problems that we're having and make corrections and have the satisfaction of making things oddball things like this work all right top lucked out og managed to hit something he was shooting at i know hit the helmet and not the sergeant down below we managed to break the little uh very lightweight pot metal is that pot metal is actually metal look at that yeah it's i thought it was plastic no that's the pottiest of pot metal i know but it's any more pot metal that's going to be smooth i could have i would have bet you know at least three dollars that that was plastic that there was no metal on this ballistic house exactly yeah we did hit it in the forehead here on the inside it just bulged there's no actual uh penetration it stopped it which you should that was a lightweight round yeah made up of of course i don't um detect any copper fibers in here but there is some warmth in this hole oh you want warmth in your hole there's warmth in this oh oh wait a second there's warmth in this fuzzy hole jeff and i believe that's funny that my finger is right on the other side of this stuff inside but unless we cut open that kevlar we're probably not going to find that yeah we shook it and nothing's falling out so it is completely contained in there though yeah it hit is one piece the rifled barrel tends to be the uh the lucky thing for this round kind of yeah we've had it they're loaded they're all loaded different some have a better support wad than the other i tried a bunch of different things hoping something would work you know it's always it's always like a guess what will work well i'll be honest with you this was a lesson satisfactory test on the ballistic gel and once again we had the problem where the slug came apart into fragments before it hit the block the effects are still pretty interesting like this one piece of wire that just twisted and turned and tore through the gel i would not want to be hit by that thing but here's what's cool there's some in there making their little wound tracks and they're pretty gnarly yep so we'll flip let's flip it around the other way so we have a different a little better end there's two holes down here though i know you want to go into a side they're not going to go very far yeah we could try that you can see right here they only went six inches deep so yeah should be able to catch most of them here okay i'm ready i still wasn't really too pleased with the second test yeah we had good penetration everything you can see all the the pieces of wire ejecting out the back you can even see the insulation this the jacket itself just flying off by itself but i really want to give these things justice and and illustrate to you how effective they are when everything works perfectly bring out the ballistic gel head okay i'm ready all right here we go all right here we go you need a big giant 100 foot tarp to capture that so it doesn't get dirty and a metal detector and a thermal camera yeah and the slo-mo guys and destiny smarter every day you guys should have a parachutist that comes in and plays a banjo jesus christ hey everybody who's seen another youtube channel we don't necessarily need to send all of our stuff to that youtube channel to make this better so we try to do our best but we we all live on different parts of the country and logistics okay what that one was actually accurate and stable and stuck together yeah it flew like a bullet it definitely flew point of aim point of impact because this is where we're aiming yep right in the ear so here's what's cool came up i found this the whole head's covered with sand and you just wash it off with water i didn't you know yeah it's amazing yeah isn't that amazing you don't want your head covered with sand i'm just saying oh wow look at this when i roll it over after washing off the sand can you see those little look at those little pieces of wire in there right near that surface i didn't i i was hoping it would do something like that but i couldn't predict it that went all the way through the face all the way through the brain and most of these wires are very near the surface right here that's a that's wild some came out the other side though you could well probably there was looks like one exited right here maybe what is is that a is that a skin tag it's a little piece of medicine for that these days saw a lady down to the casino only it's black purple but look at those those things are barely below the surface right there however there are some that are actually deeper that you can't really see too clearly probably on camera but they're an inch or two underneath there that's amazing that was cool so the end in this cloudy ballistic gel there is an actual wound track in there too that appears to be about an inch and a half wide again tough to see but man it did some damage coming that was that was very cool why does this grab a flat head jeff it's the way i store it everywhere put your beads it's called gravity can set your beer there yeah that was a man show joke back in the 90s yeah [Laughter] wow anyway okay pretty cool to be able to see these things well we'll we'll do a little tough layer surgery just for that just for this top one we don't want to dig in there too far and there it is there it is look at that just yoink it out of there sure come on there you go this is like surgery with obamacare well it's still kind of straight yeah didn't bend a whole lot but there's a whole bunch of those there's at least two or three more of these in there we know there's 19 of them packed into one of those pieces yeah and that each one is probably deadly yeah well yeah you definitely want to don't want this thing zipping through your brain this piece of wiring will short-circuit the rest of your wiring yep as it heads right through you so very cool good times that's awesome i'm excited yeah i figured i'd save the best shot for last and this is definitely cool when this functions correctly it's like having a flachet round but it's all bundled together into one nice little package and only after it hits something it breaks apart this was definitely one of the most unique rounds we've ever tested and with a little refinement it can be perfected i hope you enjoyed the video and take the time to rate the video i realize that advertisements are annoying and a lot of people opt to use ad blockers but because of generous supporters on patreon we're able to continue making videos for you and we can also avoid sponsored placements for stupid games and apps and things like that that just waste your time anyway thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Views: 1,607,813
Rating: 4.8940549 out of 5
Keywords: exotic 12ga slugs, you make it we mach it, supersonic, physics, smartereveryday, flechettes, demolitionranch, ammo shortage, electrician
Id: YEKe8oOykyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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