12ga Shotgun DISCO Slug (of the '70's future) We test it!

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hello everyone this is jeff of taofledermaus today we have another very unusual 12 gauge projectile from tim hamilton the ballistic machinist that he calls the disco slug this complex shape is made out of solid copper and was made on a five-axis milling machine i have two links in the description one showing how these were made and another link showing tim testini's for the first time because this slug has such a small surface area just that one little flat area it was really important to come up with a way to spread the 12 000 psi pressure across as much of that slug as possible this was resolved by fabricating these custom support wads made out of wet toilet paper when this toilet paper mache wad dries out it's very lightweight but also very strong and can handle the high pressure loads i loaded these with the intent to get the velocity to around 1700 feet per second and we will chronograph a couple of them so let's get out to the range and see how these actually perform welcome back top later folks jeff and officer greg out here with you on a beautiful sunny california day we just been hanging out just been smoking indoes i've been sipping on gin and juice so we thought we would get together and shoot some of these well these little disco rounds that tim hamilton from the ballistic machinist sent just going to show you a little bit more of a close-up but these are some very intricate little rounds about a half an ounce each out of copper pure copper and uh god dang it they've got a lot of angles and cuts and holes and looks like some kind of spaceship i thought they looked like maybe like a satellite from a 70s tv show it looks like a 70s lamp or something yeah yeah 70s was a horrible it was a horrible hated the 70s for everything it was just dismal and drab and it was the era of melees for uh for uh jimmy carter so yeah anyway we're going to give these things they're very lightweight so we're going to give them a try against some various targets as you might be able to uh read here we expect a lot of damage out of this jug of water and then we've got some ballistic whatever kevlar behind it that we're going to try and capture these rounds too we want to see if they deform or if they're in perfectly usable shape again he spent so much time machining them i want to try to capture as many as i can you know that's a lot of work and by the way tim's not going to be selling these so don't uh plan on buying these for your next pig hunt i should mention you know go check out his channel he's starting to post new stuff and he's still he told me he's going to try to come up with a new weird design once a month oh wow whether that's true or not you got to do it tim come on yeah swing by the ballistic machinist here on youtube and uh tell him that jeff sent you over and also there's the place where he's working at called pioneer cuts has a new youtube channel and gives you a lot of tips on machining and and he actually shows you how he machine these on a this crazy five-axis milling machine cnn yeah all in one without re-uh chucking it up or whatever just all oh this is that's crazy it's best not to up chuck when you're cutting your axes so enough yapping let's get down to it and see what these will do test number one i'm ready wow that actually was a lot of damage i wasn't expecting that much a lot more damage than i expected jeff finally found our slug yeah it kind of collapsed on those little holes that went through the center just from hitting water yeah and then plowing into a vest although the round hit high on left it made a lot of damage but i think it's now going to be watertight with our new swifty flex seal self-adhesive stickers you can you could fix them you got a flat tire yeah throw that on there yeah i shot a boat fix your boat with a it actually has phil swift's dna built into it well that's fun isn't it yeah i always like to have another guy's dna somewhere on my hand i didn't tell you that before so um if you haven't already seen them be sure and go over and check out the flex seal videos there's a couple of them here on top later mouse i'm sure you're going to like them the company actually liked our videos they they they were really they sent these stickers to this cool little press kit they were so impressed with that video so that's right yeah we shot a boat in half and we lost a good moose in the product in the process so swing over there and take a look at them if you have not seen them yet yeah okay are you over the chrono on the bitcoin yep right over the corner okay i'm ready 16.70 what's your excuse on that one i was a little high with this round it went a little bit above the heart here but that's not bad plunged into our lead plate yeah for a test round that's that's flying all over the place yeah so it plowed into the lid plate and we found it just out in front three four feet in front of the this thing is hot as hell so i'm not trying to hold it still wow all smashed up geez again collapsed on those little circles on the little uh holes that he's drilled into the center yeah it's almost like the top wants to stay together and the bottom wants to stay together but like it's like a hamburger we're taking a test or something these are license plates from uh oh okay it worked today oh okay so yep all smashed up and hot all right our next target is some mississippi ballistic gel we have them labeled one three and two for some reason is there a reason why i can't count evidently you're from mississippi oh okay so one two and three i apologize all mississippi ian's and all right we're gonna run it through and see if it wow pretty sexually incredibly tough to penetrate that because there's just thousands of layers of paper right it's it's so it's 2 000 layers of paper there you go and then we're going to try and capture it back here in this soft body if it makes it through when we tested 22 it wouldn't go through there it did it stopped in like the second roll yeah these are half an ounce of copper and they're flying at uh what 1670 yeah something like that yeah so we're uh we're expecting i'm expecting we'll get through most of them i think so i'm i'm thinking it it it won't but regardless it'll make cool confetti that's true the most scientific of it tests a lot of power to just poke your finger through it yes it does he says from experience nice yes okay um whenever you're ready think he hit it 1686. not super accurate yet no uh the last ones were high we had a high end left we had a high and centered this one went low and right and tore right through the first roll here tore right through the second roll but at an angle and tore through the side of the third roll if you look more or less wait i didn't get that oh that's something you don't want to find in your roll of charmin when you open a package right there that could be inconvenient yes so essentially it did make it through three rolls not through the thickest part but it made it through three rolls of paper so i don't know i'm pretty sure i'm pretty confident if that was in the center of those three rolls that it would have still made it through i think so yeah still had a lot of power back here on number three look it's shredding all that yeah we didn't find that one and we did make a lot of confetti like we expected that one did hit the vest and then must have glanced off somewhere so we were unable to you know what we need a metal detector or a thermal gun if you only had what about next seeking gun if we had an x-ray machine we could x-ray this whole area and find it i don't know if you guys know this but this is not actual science it's just kind of like shut up it's actual science the fact that we don't find them uh just because jeff labels it as an educational video on youtube doesn't necessarily well you do know that if you're ever hiding in a bathroom don't duck behind toilet paper but other than that education not the round center master in the face uh in the face if you want that's a clean area okay i'm ready i was aiming for the nose hit him up here in the eye or near the eye so they're uh they're flying a little bit off target but still got him in the face so it's pretty good pretty decent at bare defensive range very defensive range if you haven't met doug he's a little shorter than you thought doug doug's wearing our little atomic defense helmet they sent us and we're going to try and put one of those rounds right here in the little pvc patch on the side of his helmet see if that ballistic helmet will stop the disco round you aim it for the patch right okay i'm ready i think he hit him in the ear we both actually thought it here because i thought i saw yellow stuff flying around yeah maybe that was kevlar fibers i don't know i was aiming for the patch and of course the round's always about two inches off whether it's high or low it's always it's yeah slightly slightly off uh so it hit right through this secure mounting system it's got to have a system on it if you're going to charge this much so if we take doug's helmet off and we look inside and remove this little comfort pads in here we see that it bulged out the inside of the i can't see [Laughter] no one can see greg you bulged out the inside of the helmet there okay but it did not pass through i think it would have given him it would have caved his head in maybe yeah you'd have a migraine for an hour or so or be like a hard night of drinking yeah so it's in there somewhere right yep it's definitely stuck in there if you want it i'll let you take this thing off technically it stopped it stopped the disco round it did is it rated for disco rounds though uh no so it went beyond the rating disco round is like level four oh and this i think is ready for level three okay will he can he hit phil swift with that thing of course if you hit it's just gonna deflect cause it's got phil swift's dna in there are you sure that's not danny i yellow well okay i'm ready all right here we go we hit uh phil swift right here in the forehead made a lot of damage right there how do you fix how do you fix them like that what you do is you take the uh flex seal liquid rubber ceiling coating from the family of products and you flex seal right over the top of it it's good for another bowling game so i i fixed this bowling pin had a lot of damage anyway that was the first one that came out pretty accurate so people always ask what our different rounds are going to be like when used for bear defense so today we've brought you first time on youtube teddy bear frozen and ice right alaskan ballistic jelly sorry chuck from alaska ballistics oh whoa [Music] now that's a lot of damage so we were aiming at his face at least what i could see from the face through the ice we actually hit him right there in the left eye we found the uh little disco slug on the other side in the vest it went through his head and out the back wow everybody wants to see this right here and then yeah i flew out the back and caught in the vest so busted the ice apart you never know what kind of targets you're going to see here on top later that's right but frozen bears if you're ever in alaska hunting frozen bears that 70s round is for you let's just go around that's amazing get a close-up of that of this slug oh okay almost ripped his head off and bear well that's it that's all the rounds so yeah you saw all the rounds you shot them through we shot them through soft targets hard targets lead targets water targets and you saw how they acted and we got to see some that are all smashed up so we know what they're going to do when they hit these are not for sale and they're not for they're not recommended against bears go get yourself an actual 12 gauge round if you've got a bear problem other than that that's about all we got appreciate you guys stopping by don't you have a channel you almost have 50 000 subscribers no i'm almost up to 50 000. if you guys will go over and click on the little subscribe button i can figure out how to put an end card with your channel on there i'll try to do that actually do a link yes but um i am i'm catching i'm gaining on jeff yeah he's good he's catching up 50 000 in one year that's pretty good it took me like five years to get there yeah well it's only because people saw it here actually well they like you but yeah if you want to see i'm working on a uh a review of the the new smith and wesson shield plus right now and we just got some road safety tip video out and uh there's another one that's testing some nine millimeter pistol accuracy so if you like that kind of thing swing by have a couple of laughs uh bring some beers when you come by and check out og's danger show all right until the next time you guys be safe out there and we will see you on the next video
Views: 207,123
Rating: 4.9424696 out of 5
Keywords: supersonic, machining, prototype, smartereveryday, disco, futuristic, demolitionranch, ammo shortage, taofledermaus, flexseal, phil swift
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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