The BEST 12ga. Shotgun Slug - you never heard of!

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you're watching Tao Fledermaus on this channel we've had the pleasure of demonstrating a lot of exotic and innovative shotgun rounds many of these are so wild looking if you were to show them to the average citizen they would even know what they were these are all segmented expanding 12-gauge slugs made out of materials like aluminum steel brass and copper all these slugs function about the same way when they impact a fleshy material all those teeth snap off and create multiple wound cavities it's a little terrifying the entire reason these slugs exists is because bureaucrats are banning the use of lead in today's video we're gonna take a look at the gatekeeper to be honest when I first saw this slug I really wasn't impressed with anything about it it's not very flashy or fancy looking it's not a very heavy slug weighing in less than one ounce and it has a relatively low muzzle velocity of only twelve hundred seventy feet per second now they say that beauty is only skin-deep well this ugly ducklings beauty emerges after passing through about 6 inches of flesh when we weighed this sample it did not weight 460 grains which is about 1 ounce rather it weighed about 400 grains as you'll see in the test this is not a real big deal in fact a lighter slug will give you a lighter recoil now at first I thought that my little scale was out of calibration so I checked it against my powder scale and it seems to be very accurate okay enough of me talking let's head out to the range and see how these things perform all right welcome back to elf later folks Jeff officer Greg and special guest shooter out here today at the Newtown flater site we have brought you something a little bit different normally most things are sent in to Jeff for people that make things or buy things or build things send them in to Jeff to be tested out this happened to be something I picked up I was on vacation last week up in Idaho I pulled into a little shop in Horseshoe Bend Idaho they said they sold guns ammunition and knives they didn't have a whole lot but I met the owner Wes Barris and West builds what he calls the arm around a RM that stands for American reserved Meade munitions he had a video up of some of these hollow point all copper rounds and doing some amazing things in jail so I had to pick up a couple of boxes these are not given to us I bought these so we're gonna give you a fair 100% objective review of what we think about these things Jeff's got some photos here these going to show you of all the components that make up this but it is essentially a segmented copper hollow-point and the expanded one they had on the counter at the shop looked like a big giant ego claw about the size of a 50-cent piece what is that in the UK like pence or some pounds or something anyway and it was huge it was huge round we're gonna see because the way they're segmented they look a lot like you remember g2 research and they had those r.i.p rounds that actually fragment the pieces come off and fragment these look a lot like those they look like they might fragment we're gonna try them out in some different media and see what they do so we're glad you're along I would like to bring on the guest shooter that you all have been asking for everybody remembers Brianna from last shooter we Peter handsome Lee and got her to come back out actually she didn't resume time but she was silly enough to come back out here Briana's gonna pull the trigger on these because nobody wants to see this guy shoot so you're gonna get to see Brianna on a tough later shotgun again she's gonna send all these downrange into whatever tests we got so introduce yourselves hi Brianna [Laughter] anyway keep your comments nice and we'll see you guys in just a minute first of all the first test here is just to see where they're gonna fly so you got to put the target put the pointer on the on the blue sticker there that piece of tape yep so orange triangle aviation if they you know see where these things flying it hopefully the recoil will be too significant weren't about 10 yards you say that I probably got her worried now hey none of us know so she'll be the first one to find out who whoa I'd say that hit the middle of the vest the slugs went pretty much where they were supposed to as you saw there and the high-speed the evidence is right there it's got tape stuck in it so she hit the blue tape that's crazy now the round is not supposed to expand when it hits Kevlar folks it did what we would expect any hollow-point to do when it's Kevlar it kind of collapses on itself and doesn't expand it's designed to expand in fluid like flesh water gel that kind of thing but it hit the hit the Kevlar it made one heck of a bulge punching through there and we were able to pull this it's still stuck to its little skirt so that's pretty cool so we know they're accurate let's try some different targets five pounds of silly putty with a belly button Briana's gonna put the red dot right on a little belly button and we're gonna see not only if it will fragment or expand but we've got a piece of Kevlar vest out there behind it to see if we can catch the pieces if it does fragment I got my prediction is going to fragment not expand yeah and the way those things are scored they look like I don't know they look more like looking fragment we'll see you see the whole reason we're out here Wow how does that recoil not as bad this time cuz I like was expecting it a little yeah and you pull it back in your shoulder a little more yeah we were unable to locate the slug we don't think it even hit the best I don't know now at the time we had no idea what happened to that slug we know that the slug impacted the silly putty which is a non-newtonian fluid but never hit the vest since we're using the Khronos high-speed camera we're able to see what actually happened the gatekeeper slug eventually emerged from behind the silly putty and the surprising thing is it's all in one piece it did not fragment at all now we didn't find this until we were cleaning up Greg actually found it on the ground we were picking up the trash it's a good thing because had we driven over this with one of our cars it probably would have punctured her tires but what we see is something we have never seen before with a segmented 12 gauge slug controlled expansion and a whole lot of it 40 millimeters of expansion and that is actually larger in the diameter of a silver dollar good shootin oh I hit exactly on the belly button where you wanted today kool-aid explosion Wow that destroyed those first three or four jugs that is co-op we got it good projectile this time so look what we found folks Breanna actually found this as we walked up this slug was laying right there on the edge of the table now my prediction and just prediction were that all those little petals were gonna break off look at that that thing's the size of a Volkswagen hubcap I mean yeah we've never seen an except usually they're a fragmenting slug when you have things like that they never they must have annealed it or something like that to cause us to do that look at that - she was aiming at the black dot and hit the black she's doing great and these are also helps if this lugs are accurate - this helps you see also it entered in the shape of a slug and then of course as it's traveling through fluid it expands so winds gonna have to talk over this part or something to hit and destroy three drugs is crazy as the gatekeeper entered the water jugs that created a huge amount of hydrostatic shock to the first and second jug the slug did not enter the third jug however but still ruptured it almost 90 degrees yeah have someone head on the counter and I thought yeah maybe that's some kind of gimmick yeah I thought he had it you know use a hydraulic press to spread them out like that that's big that's nuts it was big and protected the three jugs in the back obviously this is dumped its energy I just punched it so hard that it yeah there's no hole wherever you ran before down the center yeah just put your red dot underneath the black dot somewhere and you'll be fine whoo that hit it yeah that hit it dead center good shot that is crazy so it showed that the job walk over a little bit but looks I'm not sure if you can see that eight inches in 9 inches in yeah and you can probably see here that thing is fully expanded just like the ones out of a water jug left a mean little wound cavity that's the permanent wound cavity there you'll see the temporary wound cavity and the high-speed footage as the thing is probably exploding that is a new little round see down here from this side we'll fish it out of there and Joe block cut it cut the whole thing or did it no bounce back usually you can see so usually they come out here and then because it's so bouncy they as they slow down they kind of get flung back a little bit when the slug impacted the gel the pedals immediately opened up very controlled expansion kind of acting like the speed brakes on the Falcon 9 rocket slowing it down but also dumping all its energy into the gel this look actually travelled about 12 inches into that 16 inch block of gel before it sprung back maximum knockdown power and minimum over penetration it's a very precise balance between the velocity weight of the projectile and controlled expansion we're gonna make an incision here my newly cast gel block doctor doctor you know many hours it's just baking in the oven it takes like five or six hours on 350 now 270 [Laughter] it's weird they actually have a little bit of a color - I thought the last one which is a little pinkish color I thought that was because of the red food coloring but this no said it like they actually annealed it to soften of the copper of this is getting graphic kids well you've got to give everyone as a souvenir and keep boarding for your tabletops like it wear it as a new ring or something yeah it's a perfect flower you gotta make jewelry to make earrings [Laughter] well Wes Barris that is an impressive round accurate that is crazy I hope you're ready to make some for orders because I think you're gonna be getting some people calling you in fact I might call them that's pretty cool I'm pretty much a traditional slug in buckshot guy but that is pretty impressive I mean very you know control the expansion perfect every single time yeah and we might mention because everybody asks this is fired out of cylinder bore so there is no choke on this whatsoever usually it probably function fine through a choke in through a rifle barrel yeah but you're getting this kind of accuracy and expansion from no no rifle joke right yeah modified it's always the best case scenario is a good accurate projectile without spin I will point out too they are well attached to that little skirt they are staying hooked to that every single time so there it is your souvenir you improved your dad you were doing something productive yeah well not productive but you're actually out here with two straight the sizing that goes almost like a baby's hand of the standard palm not mine but a standard problem with that thing it's huge you know what that would make a good country-western Bell Buckle though Cinque Cinque Cinque what's the next target ah let's see oh we've got some pork shoulder I was able to obtain did you bring your fleece pillow and your no fleece pillow but everybody wants to see what it does in actual meat we're gonna put a couple of pork shoulders out here I thought um this morning the kind of gooey so we left them for last because we're gonna wash them off you don't want to pork slime all over your hands out here in the heat so we're gonna shoot them now and see what they do in actual meat probably gonna be pretty gory yeah yeah let's see can't wait little Kevlar back there to back it up in case it passes through folks we have a pork shoulder in there it's the left shoulder I'm pretty sure and it's wrapped in the Katy Perry concert t-shirt love heals all wounds Brianna's going to aim for here I'll show you Bryn is actually going to aim for the word heals that's easy a H right yeah it should be good that's the mass of the pork under there we wanted to show you with the t-shirt so that you can see kind of what it would be like with you know actual reaction in real tissue yeah you use your imagination about what this is supposed to represent go take a look now Bria did tell us that she was gonna be aiming for the a in heels and she hit it she did really well in this video and I thank her for coming out and filming with us now I'm gonna sound like an overprotective father but please keep your comments respectful towards her we want her to come back out again and film with us don't want to tick off her father or her a really big husband you ever watch Dexter's Laboratory when you're a kid now his mom always had yellow gloves on no matter where she was she always had yellow dishwashing was so folks she was aiming for the word heels there it is oh yeah [Applause] yeah all right so Jeff or Brianna won this bet now we got to figure out how deep in the pour ever lose Lynette se that whole thing [Laughter] somewhere where did it go in AD so pork was it worrying it this way the t-shirt was over it pretty much centered man she hit I mean I would say just like how big that meat is that's a lot of meat Jeffrey you're asking for comments in the comment section tell you what well it was slightly frozen on the inside so it's nice and cold in there oh nice for summer pork Oh snuggle up with it because this is like cutting over there what did they cut open in the Empire Strikes Back and they climbed inside for warmth I don't know we're climbing inside for clues Yeti or something I'm not into students or Star Trek Wars [Applause] frozen meat Wow I think it dragged a bunch of t-shirt material better than putrid putrid summer pork out here you know this is a big old piece of pig skin which is actually used a lot of times to represent the human skin you might have seen that 40-caliber around retested wanna come through pig skin where's the slogan who's gonna be correct and how deep it goes I didn't say L exactly how deep I didn't know I I thought you're gonna shoot it the thin side oh there's the hole where to slow clap so let's come at it for this right all right we aren't hitting something hard in there I think I got the slug oh let me point something out here this was the bottom of the pork right Breanna was correct it dove in here and was found right underneath the skin this time however there's a little piece of plastic with it this one peeled back a little bit further than the water jugs in the ballistics yeah that's but still good they didn't break apart that is impressive still they must they must heat treat those things to to make it as soft as possible you know malleable is lead or whatever I don't think I think even led which fraction I don't know that's amazing that you have repeatability like that frozen pork destruction by the way was the name of my Icelandic band when I used to be based out of Reykjavik I never heard of this slug before and most of the people I asked had never seen it before either my first impression was it was just a cheap knockoff of what's already out there and functioned exactly like a D duplex or AG Wabo steel or r.i.p slug but boy was I wrong I think you'll agree that this may be one of the most impressive slugs we've ever tested right out of the gate we had excellent accuracy the recoil was quite manageable in fact we had a female shooter test them for you no complaints from Brianna at all and of course we demonstrated its tremendous knockdown power now of course these are sold out everywhere like most ammunition but if you're interested in learning more about these Google a RM gatekeeper and you should be able to find where you might be able to buy these in the future anyway I hope you enjoyed the video thank you to our channel members and our patreon supporters for their ongoing support we'll catch you next time
Views: 1,330,291
Rating: 4.9221644 out of 5
Keywords: hunting, camping, expanding slug, rip slug, ddupleks, exotic, slow motion analysis, ballistic gel, demolitionranch, smartereveryday
Id: NynJOLt4eTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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