MASSIVE 12ga. Slug Blasts THRU Lead Plate!

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well evan is back again man that guy is busy with another design and he calls this one the knob goblin made of solid brass this thing is extremely heavy at two ounces now you notice this is a diablo shape just really long and with these really long projectiles the issue is always stability can we keep it stable if you haven't checked out evan's page you ought to check it out sometimes he actually sells reproductions of some of the projectiles he's made and we've tested on this channel now one of the things i have to figure out is how to make these wacky projectiles work so we're going with a double sabo so we have full support of the projectile up front and in the back the velocity will only be about a thousand feet per second yeah subsonic welcome back top later folks jeff and og out here with you wearing the og finger wiggle t-shirt hey evan from texas sent us the bbb the big breast bullet i mean bullet sure that's what i meant it is a big it's just a big piece of brass two ounces and this thing's heavy man i a minute ago i went swimming over there with it it pulled me straight to the bottom so um big old heavy two ounce round probably going to have a good thump to it we're going to test it out downrange with doug on some soft body armor and some other things for you and we're going to see what it does see if we can capture one too to show you oh yeah we're gonna run it out we're gonna accelerate it out of the mass accelerator though uh we don't want to use any firearms in this video so we are at a proper rifle or shooting range right this is the um i don't know insert funny name here this is the michael bloomberg michael bloomberg campaign memorial range where we will mass accelerate these downrange so those guys are drilling for oil next door to us so hey keep it down over there please okay thank you please bear with the sound of the sound of drilling on the range all right enough let's get to it that's a lot of brass right there that is a huge huge piece of breath that's like a bigger than a baby's a bfb as we would say scientific terms okay um that i mean look at it's like a pimp chalice or something it's so huge but the vest stopped it without any problem big subsonic round yeah i didn't expect it to go through the it's not pointed so it's gonna and jeffrey reviewed the play-by-play footage um and you said it was flying straight it looked like it was flying true and and did it hit where you're aiming you said you were named a little right to the i aimed a little right of the other two marks there you go but man that is a big piece of breast looks like a doorknob or something i don't know a handle off of a fireplace poker or something something that's cool it's threaded and everything is threaded yeah so it was designed for something else but it's cool because it's got the diabolo shape and everything still that might help you know yeah i expected i really thought it would tumble i and i really thought we'd to get any performance out we'd need full rifle not just a rifle choke so we did well we just you used a rifle choke on your benelli so man that's impressive and the recoil i don't know if you guys heard was not all that crazy i was expecting a good mule kick to the shoulder but it was pretty much like shooting a standard old uh foster yeah i didn't bring my chronograph because i didn't think we're gonna test these today but they're probably around subsonic or less in test number one the projectile is flying absolutely beautifully we'll slow it down a little bit and analyze what's going on acquired now even though this was intended to have spin stabilization through the rifle choke there's the slug is not spinning at all it's perfectly stable without spin and that just blows my mind it's actually very difficult to stabilize a projectile without that angular momentum so it's looking like evan has another winning design here let's try putting this through some russian ballistic gelatin yes all right russian russian ballistic joe it's only slightly clearer than your clear ballistic gel come on i can't buy a 150 block for every video no that thing is that stuff is ridiculously expensive i looked into it no way okay russian ballistic gel i'm ready here we go you ready yep it was full on sideways on that one so you can see the permanent wound cavity in this holistic job along with a thermometer in there yeah i calibrated this uh with a bb gun with a bb gun outdoors being outdoors but uh man [Music] i don't know we need a metal detector or something to get it out of there it's not all that deep and it's oh okay it's coming out oh look at that ready to go holy i mean holy lord it's hot scuffed up a little bit but yeah it's hot poppy look at the weird spirals on inside yeah but i mean i mean brass is a pretty solid metal too that thing is not all that it's not deformed it's just got multi-tool marks on it right there yeah you ruined it thanks greg and uh and scuffed up a little bit on here from clown in the wood this is interesting part and i don't know what this is the other one had that little scuff right there on the leading edge yeah i don't know is that it's probably do the barrel harmonics oh yeah the and the um effect yeah clearly it's the coriolis effect barrel harmonix bumping into the court like this that's what was going on right and el nino now if you're paying attention you probably saw the really mangled up green sabo in the first shot which we also see in the second shot in order to engage the rifling the diameter of the projectile has to be nearly perfect i would say that the diameter of these were probably 10 to twenty thousandths of an inch too large okay one inch aluminum plate i'm gonna aim right for the green clover yellow moons and silver stars see if we can make it through okay i'm ready all right here we go okay what happened well i was aiming for the green clover it hit a little bit low um you tell me on the high-speed camera it was interesting it was kind of flying it was it was flying stable but it was like i think it was like nose it was just flying at a weird angle but it wasn't flying sideways it was just like like it was coming in for a landing or so the engines in the front yeah and i mean my prediction i thought i was going to burrow deep into this but aluminum an inch of aluminum awfully dangerous yeah i can't think of any 12 gauge round that is uh can pierce that ray k from uh viselia donated this yeah he's like one inch plates like well there you go there's almost no damage to that thing yeah that thing made a good scuff but i mean not stuff now you know what okay this would be a what do you think it'll do to the lead plate i don't know i think it's probably going to burrow itself in i don't if it only went in that far you think it'll go in pretty deep the lead plate or i i don't know maybe half an inch or something how thick is that lead plate i mean it's like an inch and an eighth thick and it's all lead so yeah i think it's going to stop the uh it'll probably look just like that yeah probably a little deeper but yeah a little deeper it's softer softer yeah softer but let's give it a try let's put up okay this i predict it's going to stick in there like a and and be stuck in there like a cigar and crouch his mouth then we're going to have to pull it out with our uh right yeah it'll be stuck in the lid acceleration extractors yeah well let's give it a try we're going to shoot danny uh hand carved these gold out of out of solid gold these uh lead plates solid gold paint he hand carved lead plates out of solid gold now that is an exchange on your on on your investment right there so let's try and shoot one up uh we we messed one up last week so we'll probably use that one again and let's see if it makes it how deep it makes it into that thing okay perhaps we shall be surprised in test number three we see much better stability than test number two again we see absolutely no spin on the projectile and it's flying in a kind of a nose-down orientation and that's probably why it hit a little bit low and you probably noticed that the slug just shattered on impact one inches of aluminum is tough stuff that's why some people use it for armor for apcs and stuff and now the 30 pound lead plate i think i'm ready all right on the app wow right through it right through it get out of here have we ever had anything go right through a lead plate uh no son of a this has to be a towel taofledermaus first i'm glad to say i was here to see it i don't know if we've ever had anything make it all the way through 30 pound lead plate all the way through i mean look at that even came with a patented wiggle but that brass round not only looks like it was flying straight because it made a nice little it was it was flying good yeah this thing you know this thing last week hit sideways you can see what rounds do when they hit sideways but this thing plowed through nose first and out the back i don't know if anything's ever gone through all the way through this plane yeah that is crazy looking in the back too look what we found well we gotta try to find that in the sand now get your metal detector the better part is that jeff had me aiming for the f yep danny's hand carved f and uh i'll be down if it didn't help okay i'll tell you you win the most accurate shooter of the week standby of the week this week there needs to be a shoot off between brianna and danny the officer greg can't shoot [Laughter] this isn't me this is the round but man that is crazy i'm just impressed with the i'm impressed with the penetration yeah yeah daddy's bitcoin there yeah okay we're gonna go try it in a soda machine and see if we can get something out of it all right tough lady crew i gotta thank you all for the blessings and the the prayers and the well wishes uh had to have a little surgery done uh let's just say for the moment i'm a little short on lung capacity other than that i don't know anything but i will keep you guys updated i just got to say i love you all and i thank you and i'll be back peace out never in a million years did i think this would penetrate the lead plate if you were to ask me a week ago what it would take to penetrate the lid plate i would say it would take a very hard material traveling at a very high velocity with a very small profile or with a really sharp pointed nose definitely not a blunt large diameter very slow projectile like this anyway i hope you were as surprised as we were we were giggling like a couple school girls we couldn't believe it went through well there you go a very fun test and thank you evan for sending these to us and also please get well danny we'll see you soon [Music] you
Views: 369,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apds round, world's largest, 12g, camping, physics, demolitionranch, smartereveryday, taofledermaus, exotic, sabot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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