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Put in a order on the Federal site earlier

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/-just_browsing 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

A friend told me to look. He had already ordered 2. By the the time I looked everything was gone. Lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/30Twilkes30 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

My friend said I could split the order with him. So I will have one box to try though.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/30Twilkes30 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
you may noticed some little bitty fireballs coming out of this little bitty ruger lcp this is not a video on the lcp i've already done a video on the lcp it's about what this lcp was shooting for many many many moons there's been that debate is 22lr good for self-defense i've made a video on that of guns if you do have to decide to carry for self-defense what my top five would be but until now there hasn't been a very good option on the ammunition now let's talk about the new federal punch self-defense 22lr [Music] ammunition we're gonna do some more shooting in just a moment but let's go over the specs on this new federal punch ammunition this was created for personal defense okay it is a 29 grain bullet traveling at a thousand seventy feet per second i'll give you a second to think about that all right i gave you a second you're probably thinking to yourself only a thousand seventy feet per second that's like subsonic well yes it is however that's a thousand seventy out of a two inch test gun okay if you put this exact same ammunition in like a 24 inch barrel 22 rifle and shoot it it's screaming at 650 feet per second so having an ammunition 22lr going a thousand seventy feet per second out of a two inch pistol that's screaming now the casing on this ammunition it's a nickel case okay so what that does it cuts down on corrosion so if you carry it in your gun all the time it's kind of exposed to elements sweat stuff like that that's going to help cut down on the corrosion also helps for good extraction so one of the problems with 22lr is the reliability okay so this nickel casing helps with the extraction has a 29 grain flat nose bullet okay it's not a hollow point the reason why they chose a flat nose bullet is because they want the penetration all right and yes you could shoot mini mags and things like that for self defense but with a hollow point it's just going to expand and not penetrate very deep so they went with the flat nose bullet to help with or to increase the penetration on this round and you know it's got a nickel coated bullet with a lead core and i have shot several hundred rounds of this stuff and it is extremely reliable not one single problem i've shot it out of revolvers i've shot it out of sem automatics with different barrel links and it's got some pop to it but now that i've spoken a little bit about it and what it does let's do some more shooting all right we moved up in barrel length this is the taurus tx22 done a couple of videos on the tars and in my top five video for 22s for self-defense this is one of the guns that i chose because of the magazine capacity so let's do some shooting out of it okay runs runs fine now let's grab a revolver if you don't like semi-automatics because of their reliability because sometimes they can be finicky especially with a rimfire cartridge you can always pick up a revolver this is a little taurus 942 i've done a video on this also got some loaded up here let's do some shooting 100 yards here we go double action oh there we go i hit it okay we're done so it fired out of the revolver just fine pretty easy to hit a steel plate at 100 yards this stuff is not only accurate it's pretty powerful now let's go with the longest barrel out of a handgun um that i want to test this ammunition out of this is a little beretta 92 fs something yeah it's been a while since i've shot it but m9a1 yeah so it's got probably about a five and a quarter five and a half inch barrel it's going to give me a little bit more velocity if you decide to carry a handgun like this it's going to take that 1070 up to probably about probably about 1150 feet per second if i would guess correctly so here we go man i've missed shooting this gun runs it fine very controllable now what you're probably interested in is how it will perform in ballistic gelatin i'm going to hook up the high speed camera go out here with some sunshine out to the other range and we're going to see how much penetration we get out of these particular firearms or different barrel lengths into that ballistic gel all right got the little ruger lcp2 here loaded up with the new federal punch i'm roughly six feet away from a clear ballistic gel block and i've got a t-shirt and so this punch is going to go through two layers hopefully go through two layers of cotton into this block we'll see how much penetration we will get and this stuff is very loud i didn't have my ears in good all right let's take a look super impressed with this you can look at the temporary and the permanent wound cavity coming in right at the beginning and we got about 10 inches of penetration on this after going through two layers of cotton on a pretty heavy t-shirt so i am happy with that now let's shoot it with uh that beretta with a little bit longer barrel see if we actually get a little bit more penetration all right my ears are in a little bit better this time so got the beretta this is got a roughly like a five and a half inch barrel five and three quarter if i remember correctly and let's see if we get a little bit more penetration uh compared to that of a two inch ruger lcp take it off of safety dave you got one job all right let's take a look all right i wasn't i wasn't completely expecting to see this look at that wound cavity on that second shot now the bullet almost went all the way through so you're looking at this this is a 16 inch block so you're looking at about 14 14 and a quarter inches of penetration just out of that 22 pistol um but that wound cavity is just crazy all right now i'm going to shoot it with the revolver right here and we're going to see if we have any difference because a lot of people want to see what it will do out of revolver i think it's going to be closer to the first shot because this also has a two inch barrel some gas is going to be escaping out of this cylinder so it's going to be close to the first one i have a feeling so anyways let's back up reset everything do it again all right last but not least little two inch snub nose revolver well i hit it all right so just as i suspected the taurus with the two inch barrel i'm talking there's only maybe an eighth of an inch difference so you're going to get probably about 10 inches of penetration out of a two inch uh barrel going through two layers of cotton here so if it wasn't going through this cotton it would probably go in another inch inch and a half further but you're probably dying to know how does this actually compare to a stanger all right stenger's moving pretty quick it's a 32 grain bullet traveling at 1640 feet per second out of a rifle is that bullet designed superior to that of a stinger so let me load up that little two incher again shoot this and you can make your own decision all right here we go let's get this loaded up with the stinger and see if the stinger outperforms that punch in this ballistic gel all right the stinger went exactly the same distance as the punch well maybe maybe uh an eighth of an inch more but i do notice about the stinger it never expanded so it was like shooting a flat nose bullet anyways out of that two incher if you shoot it out of something like a five inch it may expand that would give you less penetration um but it actually pulled the threads and i can tell you it's hard to see it we may have to get a top view here the stinger there was not there's not a wound cavity um it's just a straight line through the ballistic gel it never uh gave us the the permanent and the temporary wound cavity that the punch did with that flat nose bullet it's just basically a straight line so the punch actually gave us a better wound channel and it also gave us about the same penetration as the stinger so in my opinion out of a two-inch barrel for self-defense the punch it rolls supreme over the stanger okay so what have we learned here um i forgot to mention the beginning of the video i am an ambassador for federal and cci ammunition so forgot to mention that i even got my own ammo with cci a lot of you guys that follow my channel you already know that so but the proof is in the pudding here um i i i absolutely positively would choose this punch ammunition and a 22 handgun if i had to use it for self-defense and a lot of people say hey you know there's no reason for use a 22 of self-defense you need to go with a 25 or 32 or a 380 or something like that but a lot of people people that i know can't grip or run the slide on a center fire gun neither can they handle the recoil i'd rather someone put three shots on target than miss all three times because they have rheumatoid arthritis or something wrong with their hands and they cannot shoot i was going to make a 460 magnum video today but my hand right here is swelled up like all get out and so i can't shoot big guns right now i almost broke my hand playing disc golf so yeah whatever yes i play disc golf but what we have learned here is that the punch performs very very well um it is a good reliable ammunition for self-defense and you're probably thinking yourself a plinkster why in the world you make an ammunition video when we can't even find 22 ammo right now well you can find it right now if you go to federal's website uh you can actually get this ammunition it's going to be to certain dealers and they're going to sell it directly on their website so i think it's pretty cool i think somebody finally answered the question is 22 good for self-defense with this new ammunition i think it is a viable choice now anyways guys if you have any questions you can put them in the comments below you can go over to my facebook page instagram page or twitter pages and ask them there i'm almost out of breath but until next time y'all be safe and keep blinking [Music] you
Channel: 22plinkster
Views: 708,276
Rating: 4.9440818 out of 5
Keywords: trick, shooting, 22plinkster, guns, rifle, pistol, shots, review, shot, smith, and, wesson, colt, 22lr, ammunition, personal defense, federal, punch, tx22, ruger, lap, testing
Id: Fl1HUMt5UpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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