XTremely Russian Shotgun slug 2.0 - Destroys everything

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okay oh my goodness you see that big old flap [Music] hey everyone this is jeff of taofledermaus i hope you're having a good day today we'll be testing a prototype 12 gauge shotgun slug from st petersburg russia and these were sent to us by our good friend alexi lavrov check out his channel see what he's making next i think after watching this video you'll agree that these 67 caliber solid brass slugs just might be some of the most powerful slugs we've ever tested on the right we see the four fluted prototype that we tested a few months ago but alexi believed he could get better external cavitation by using a three flute which gives it much larger channels and what's really interesting is these two slugs weigh almost identical in weight the four flute weighs in at about 543 grains and the three flute is 544 grains very close now these are a sabo slug that require full rifling the purpose of the sabo is to prevent any contact with the barrel and also keeps it centered you'll notice that i added a strip of electrical tape around the base of the slug this is to act like a tire tread giving it traction between the slug and the sabot if we can't transfer the spin from the rifling of the shotgun into the slug because of that slippage we won't have enough spin to have a stable flying slug welcome back top later folks jeff officer greg and sergio back there we brought out today with us our good friend doug he's going to help us try out a new slug from alexi in russia you saw a little while ago lexi's submission here of the extremely russian penetrator a four-fluted extreme penetrator style round designed kind of like those lehigh extreme penetrators he modeled exactly as as you know yeah you know what i'm saying i am new to your country yes four flutes designed to look sort of like a little uh phillips screwdriver you've all seen this it's it's a very popular rifle and a handgun round he designed it into a 12-gauge slug but now he has sent through a three-fluted extremely russian penetrator i don't think lehigh has has done a three-floated one i don't believe i've ever seen it yeah he's a smart guy he's a he's a phd in astronomy or astrophysics or something like that so he's literally a rock something he's actually a rocket surgeon he's something yeah so the the three flute penetrators actually in the in the early 90s i was in a in an all-male woodwinds band and we were called the it was just a trio and um we were called the three flute extreme penetrators but we didn't get very far we opened for uh we can't take you anywhere i know anyway let's give it a try doug is wearing today three different vests he's got he's got the little baby vest on the front you saw this last one the four fluted penetrator made it through two vests so we're gonna try the three flute here we've got three level three a panels of ballistic they're a little shot up but are they a little bit not they had no they'll still stop browns they absolutely will yeah so we're gonna give it a try out of a rifled barrel we have the remington 870 with us today it has a remington barrel on it so they should be fairly accurate yeah using his last uh his four four flute penetrators as a reference yep doug's wearing proper eye protection and uh helmet protection so let's give it a try and see what it does that's right for the blue dot yeah yep i'm ready here we go ready holy crap wow something went through went right through in test number one using the chronos high-speed camera we can see that we have excellent stability of the slug i believe the twist rate on greg's rifled barrel is only one in 27 in other words it makes one rotation every 27 inches so it appears we had excellent engagement with the rifling from the rifling to the sabo to the slug had we not used the electrical tape around the slug it would have slipped and the slug would have been tumbling through the air well who's that guy just wandering around back there [Laughter] okay some poncho it clearly went through three kevlar vests yes it did hit the compromise section of the small ballistic vest it went a little low from the tape but we can see it penetrated right through here punched right through all of these layers dragging kevlar fibers with it and then here's what's cool oh wow look at this it started shoving kevlar through in the front of him but it drove t-shirts kevlar all the way through him out of the back so wow that extremely penetrated yeah young douglas what do you have to say about um people saying the best is compromise it's pot should we shouldn't we shoot it with a 45 or something like that show that will catch it we have a 45 out here today we will shoot it um as we have proven out here i've been told in law enforcement for years the minute a vest is hit by a bullet it's done you got to throw it away well that's a manufacturer's gimmick to get you to buy another one yeah we've been shooting these vests out here these and other ones for years and years and years over and over it's like still it still stops everything it's raining and i've got a piece of kevlar at home that i use in my ccw classes they always say if it gets wet or in the sun you got to throw it away that thing has been out in the blazing sun and been soaked for seven eight years now and it will stop every single bullet you shoot at it so yeah everything is ready for 45 nine millimeter we'll put a 45 in here just to show you that it will in fact stop it in the first vest yeah yeah [ __ ] at the tape there that's a pretty good yeah we'll put it up here yeah the 45 will stop right here virtually guaranteed and um but the fact that that penetrator made it through three level 3a that's that's like level 9 aaa scientifically speaking yeah and right through doug just to show that that vest will stop will still stop bullets when you're ready i'm ready yeah some people don't like me sure so there you go so it was just right on the outside of the vest yep clogs with material which is common for a hollow point hitting a fabric yep even that ragged vest still stopped to 45. and we hit it down here in the mushy part yeah the horse possible place where it's been hitting multiple volts there's there's freaking holes that it could pass through yep it caught the right bus but so it's not that hinky you know these vests are you know over built if anything yeah for that um and that's that's like a 1999 vest or something it's an old best people were very very small back then i know look how tiny those disco was king eisenhower was president compared it's it's hilarious the average police officer was five foot two and 125 pounds look at that tiny ass little bit so is that gonna protect you i don't even know i don't even know what were you thinking back then okay shut up shut up jeff okay all right so uh extreme penetrator though through three level 3a vests that's nice okay what do we have now we have a ballistic mask you might recognize from earlier videos piece of ballistic tape high-tech tape so these are level what 3a yeah so we're going to send it through a level 3a vest virtually guaranteed it's going to go through into our styrofoam vin diesel head but backed up here we've got the same three level 3a yeah was a body armor and russian ballistic gel oh okay that will stop it my friend we have a total of four level three a's that friends is level 12 aaaa now this has been hit just with 22 though so it should and we're going to hit it right here where really nothing has been hit right if if what's his name over here can uh aim here we're going to try and put it there but it is what he's trying to say is it's not really all that compromised for a big giant slug right it's still if it's going to stop a bullet okay what's your prediction will it go through it's going to go through this it's going to go through this i think we're going to catch it somewhere back we want to catch these things you know maybe i think you're going to catch it at least in the russian ballistic gel yeah yep okay let's do it let's try sun's coming out again oh what holy what well we got a styrofoam explosion you'll notice that greg used the same point of aim the tape and it once again is shot about an inch and a half low the good thing here is we're showing consistency in accuracy of the slugs i think the lesson we've learned here is don't get in a situation where you can get shot in the face with a very heavy powerful and hard russian penetrating slug so we got him what between the eyes you said yeah right in there yeah so again they hit low the first one hit low two well yeah so now we're gonna have to start compensating it's at least it's consistent yeah we still got bullet shards in here from some other round anyway hit low blasted right through the mask look at this oh man that is a bad day jeez we've got uh he was perfectly intact yeah gosh now he looks more like uh look at the force applied to the front of that i mean that would have cave in your face even if it didn't go through yeah it looks like mike tyson now flattened that face yeah we just need a tattoo tattoo yeah yeah we'll fix them up but look at that oh of course it exited right out of the back of his head and then this was our first piece of kevlar that was behind this mess and over here we find buried in here a still warm slug so although it hit over here and believe it or not even cracked yeah it hit with enough force to crack it and send a shard off of there but we did capture yeah once it hit the mask and went to the foam then it started flying sideways and it became a lot easier to catch oh yeah so it lost its little frontal yeah profile yeah so there you go try not to look at that is it still in good shape it's in pretty good shape it's not perfect oh it's a little mangled up yeah you can see the nose the nose is still in really good shape wow cylindrical part of it is in perfect shape but it definitely took its brunt there yeah wow so the the mask might have slowed it down a little bit but definitely sent it flying out of the door wow that is cool i'm glad we caught one finally yeah jeff claims that these are 80s workout tapes that he salvaged now the trash can kathy smith for kathy smith she's now 76 years old but is she back in 87 back in 87 she was pretty hot yep and uh jeff made good use of most of these tapes especially this one i didn't even know my wife had him sure wink wink especially this one that says great buns and thighs there you go there's kathy thanks kathy so what we're going to do is see if kathy and her great buns and thighs her buns of steel can stop an extreme penetrator we've got what 15 tapes here there's quite a few some of these back here we don't actually know what's on them well it says what's on it it has labels on it says what you want us to think is on them stretch and strengthen so we're going to get rid of all the evidence real quick nobody has a vhs player anymore anyway so jeff's pretty safe on this all the evidence is uh but we're gonna send it through all these tapes and then hope to catch it with the uh the three levels of body armor in the back so let's see what it'll do you think it'll make it all the way through i think so but will it veer off or will it go straight through this one's called the firm volume two yeah it's like a movie or something with tom hanks it's a movie about a pool boy who comes by and exactly 90 minutes later is over oh geez wow that's a mess very scientific thank you kathy um can we tell we put them all back in a perfect order right yeah it uh it hit pretty much nose on we can tell by the perfect cylinder yeah and we see that it started tearing a lot of pieces out like we see with everything hard drives and everything else tough time playing that one this one hid in an unfortunate area of kathy's leg her buns of steel her buns of steel blasted through the firm sorry tom hanks tom cruise and then right there that doesn't look right no it doesn't so we can't find the round we determined that it probably hit and pushed that's a lot look at that there's the last one yeah right there it was going straight through but it hit there and i think it shoved all these guys out of the way and then we're gonna actually review some of the tape here real quick and let's see can you see anything on there there oh there's where it went you can see right there oh okay it just happens to be right there that's in the commercial so youtube videos kids back in the 80s uh used to be on vhs and they mailed you all of the subscription yeah you'd actually get a tape in your mail yeah oh yeah there was only like 100 people had yeah there's only 100 people on youtube and they mailed you a tape yeah it was youtube actually that's not far off from what netflix started out with right that's very true now in this shot greg once again used the same point of aim and we had about the same point of impact about an inch and a half low now at the time we had no idea where the slug went now we know it shot out at a pretty good velocity 90 degrees out the side i don't know if uh vcr tapes are the ballistic medium of the future but it was kind of fun shooting them and they turned out to be a pretty tough target i expected that slug to go right through them with no problem at all but nope a bowling pin so for science purposes because these have been hitting consistently low we're gonna aim here and hit here if it if it's uh everyone's been you know inch and a half low or something like that they've been almost exactly every time yeah forehead of the mask down to the nose kathy smith's head down to her uh other regions and uh down there care right down to her buns of steel yeah and then of course three layers of ballistic if it happens to go through i don't think it will yeah this is hardwood if it hits here in the belly of the thing i think we're probably going to catch it this time in the world we'll see yeah these things are also impossible to cut open and examine so if it catches it in there i might be able to use a grinder or something i don't know a big hammer you log in on grinder from time anyways okay i am ready all right aim here dot here we go oh you're not going to find it sergio he is he's the bullet whisperer he's worried if we're quiet for a couple seconds he'll listen and you'll hear he uses infrared yeah you could hear that thing after after it hit you could hear it yeah it shut went through it yes because we aimed here and just like we expected it's odd how consistent that is but yeah we hit down here in the belly up you can't blame officer grigg you know well you can well yeah we will and we will yeah bran or danny could have done that but we hit down here just a little bit to the right of the tape so it was a little bit off to the side that's probably me well check this out little bowling pin vagine here where it uh squeezed out the back and uh i thought it would stop in there well i did too that's pretty impressive because these things folks are super super hot they are you get hit with bowling balls and it won't hurt it well you can shoot it with handgun rounds for months and months and months and it will never ever yeah give up the rounds it absorbs them all in it yeah that thing's not only squeezed out here but this is what's impressive that slug made it out of here opened itself up squirted out and then this little weird polymer shell closed right back down around it yeah but it completely completely missed our soft body armor you think then you spit a bunch of wood out at it yeah i completely missed it and that it was only 18 inches away from it so it hit and then automatically yeah it went straight up and then north out out to the berm wow the safety burn impressive though to make it through that oh yeah well sergio has been chewing this bubble gum since we got here just in time for uh we're gonna try that one of the uh three fluted penetrators into this ball of silly putty now sergio's been forming this into a ball the minute we set it down it immediately starts to turn into a big old gooey pile so we got to be kind of quick but we're testing to see whether these flutes will actually hit this uh silly putty and channel it outward like like or if it's just a gimmicky idea you know because there's lots of gimmicky ideas out there never never no yeah it's not it has it's not a reflection of of um no it's relaxing or anything like that reflection of sergio no it's it's like he made the design after the lehigh defense he scaled it up look at that big ball like flesh colored goo but extreme penetrators they penetrate well because they're not made out of leather made out of brass which is a lot lot harder than lead okay i'm ready here we go all right here it comes again we have good stability uh greg again made its adjustment for the point of impact everything looks good just not the kind of damage i expected with this type of round in fact i expected this silly putty to just blow into many pieces now remember that silly putty is a non-newtonian fluid kind of like cornstarch and water sergio is very handy he's the round founder he doesn't want to be on camera though he found it too bad you come out here getting on camera yeah well that thing is in perfect condition too oh wow okay it still has the the tape on there from i had to bulk them up a little bit yeah and tape them down so they wouldn't you can take a tape so that would fly straight you guys should have strapped them down well so that was what that's number three you found it here third vest oh wow after it went through and cratered this but it didn't it didn't blow it apart like i thought you know you can see the little uh fibers in there where it tore its way through but yeah we didn't see any big giant flutes like you sometimes you know think of the the front of a ship cutting through the water you know the the wake you know separating it in three ways i think of the ship cutting through water often oh wow look at this it's sticking to my ring boy that is a big ball of goo yeah big ball of goo actually is my uh no untitled un uh my unauthorized autobiography big ball of goo the og story you can find it on amazon and wherever milk is sold well we have this tfm bitcoin and we put it here in the old angle iron this is a piece of sloped lead armor yeah we're gonna not shoot it flat on but at an angle shoot it at an angle now the first penetrator the fourth fluted penetrator made it right through it's one of the very few slugs that has punched right through that heavy heavy lead plate yeah so we're expecting this one to probably do the same since they're about the same weight but this one's at an angle this time a little bit of an angle a little bit angle for safety a little more well it's makes it a little harder for something to go through it you know but we also have uh this vest out here to try and catch some of the lead shards and or the round the lead spoiling yeah the stuff breaking off the back of it okay let's do it before we lose light let's go let's try it good luck oh man the lead plate is of course solid lead uh weighs 30 pounds and is over one and a half inches thick and this slug went through it like it was made out of styrofoam in a recent video where we had a slug called the dixie ilx a hard cast lead slug did not even make it halfway through this thing what happened well what happened jeffrey is that it hit about where we expected and these dang penetrator around again i was expecting to see a uh three flutes yeah salutes or something you know like peeled back you know but it just punched through and look here on the back oh my gosh okay i do see a flu some fluting there and some spalling that's what that's spalling when stuff is broken off the back actual spalling yeah not splatter sprawl the bullet when a bullet strikes a steel plate and splatters that's one thing that's not spalling a lot of those armored guys have have screwed up that term so bad but if you look at that but i'll tell you what the world of tank guys they know what you're talking about yeah it's because if you're a video game geek inside of a tank you know your science you know what spalling is yeah it's coming inside to kill your video game yeah it's pieces of the tank broken off virtually yeah so we went down here this was sitting down below sergio found this the round actually penetrated through must have skipped off of this kaboom and it hit the vest and we found it sitting right down here but there it is oh look at that mangled up nose of that thing still got three flutes yeah but just tore the nose off of that thing and then here's what's cool your electrical tape it survives still survives yeah these things are spinning really good so i know i have good engagement with the shot cup we don't we aren't having that um sabo slip which i called last time oh where you lose the spin it's just the slug just spins in the sabo and if if you don't have good engagement yeah we have excellent engagement we have excellent spin good stability if your stable slips and it's not engaging yeah you've got this it's it's it's not that that he made the slugs too small it's that the the sabo's i have are a little too thin he didn't know what size sabos i had i you know you have type one they're not the mag numbers or anything like that no no they're all they're all different thickness this is a shot cup you know look at the nose of that thing that is gruesome yeah however we will point out there are not many rounds that have made it through the lead plate consistently and effortlessly these have done it yeah the four flute the three flute now we need a two flute two flute would be good yeah see i don't know if it's in the one flute i think a tooth loop would just look like a flat blade screwdriver yeah yep good to go i'm ready all right here we go whoa what the hell hold on just in case not everything works perfectly every time are you sure yeah everything here so that thing flew out at like two or three 400 feet per second maybe a little tiny pop like a pellet gun yeah saw this stuff fly down range sergio found all this so we know the projectile flew down here somewhere and while we're looking around for it sergio looks over at the ballistic jolly and sees it about two inches in there extreme penetrator in my ass at least we hit hit it's next well jeff we've got 24 inches of meat here and uh it's expired boneless pork loin i've never seen meat coming along tubeless but um it's no it's not going to be any paul ferrell uh ballistic ballistic feliz test here but i've never seen uh hitchcock 45 use such a target yeah or paul ferrell so we're gonna put we're gonna try to put around in here i'm gonna aim up here i'm gonna try and put it in here and see if we can't get it to travel the whole length of this oh my god 24 inches of meat that's chapter 3 of my uh chapter 3 of my unauthorized autobiography oh man all right i'm done squeezing the meat okay yeah quit handling the knee see if we can get it right in there okay good luck okay i'm ready shooting just a little bit high so here we go okay oh my goodness you see that big old flap [Music] okay we washed it off it gives a whole new meaning to the word meat curtains oh god but just look at that i just laid it open coyotes are gonna be way excited yeah about this expired pork you where and you found the slug right yes where'd it go here it is completely perfectly shaped it does not have the uh electrical tape on it but i mean no def deformation whatsoever wow man that was ugly that is ugly 24 inch i think i don't know it may not have made it all the way through i think it came out it left maybe the last six inches down here somewhere so it was probably angling out but yeah and look at that at least we caught it yeah we're not having much luck at first cut catching those things and it's not scientific but maybe if you were using that to hunt a big uh 200 pound wild boar in texas that gives you an idea maybe of the kind of range it's going to get inside of a meat target yeah that's going to go through an elk or a cape buffalo or whatever hangs like sleeve of a wizard oh gosh okay all right lovely i'm going to set this over here [Music] you
Views: 425,487
Rating: 4.9131899 out of 5
Keywords: world of tanks, apds round, sabot, 12ga, machining, survival, demolitionranch, taofledermaus, supersonic, smartereveryday, ammo shortage
Id: zlYvmsWAgD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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