Can You Guess The Candy From The Ingredients List? (Game)

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(rooster calls) (wheel ticks) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. Can we tell candy bars just by reading their ingredients? - But first, what's the word? This si when we look at a definition, well we look at word and guess its definition. - All right. - That word is mumpsimus. - Mumpsimus. - Mumpsimus. - That's wat I was gonna name Lily. - Right. - I was like, you know what, first child, let's not go too bold. Lily's a beautiful name but mumpsimus would have suited her. - And she would have been inoculated to mumps. Because you can't get a disease that is you name. - Right. - I read that on Wikipedia. - You wanna know what it really means but we're not gonna tell ya, Google it yourself. A traditional custom or notion that is adhered to although it has been shown to be unreasonable. - Mumpsimus. - This is great. I gotta actually remember this and use it. - A traditional custom or notion. - That is adhered to, although it has been shown to be unreasonable. I can think of a few of those. Let's not get into that right now. - You wanna play this game? - Yeah. (laughs) - But before we play the game, you know what, I've already talked about it but I wanna talk about it again because what Link is wearing today is just so lovely. I mean sometimes, sometimes he walks in here and I'm like man, you look good today. (laughing) - But today? - And today was one of those days I was like, you look especially good today, from the neck down. And that is because you've got on the mythical crystal wash hoodie. Please don't do that. - It's my pocket, I'm showing them. - That's mumpsimus. - That it's a pocket. - It's very unreasonable that you're exhibiting the traditional custom of rubbing you booty when people talk about your clothes. - It has a back pocket. - - And we should talk about the results of that game because I tried to channel you but I didn't do it properly, I gave you the win by accident. - Technically, what we typically do is if you guess the right year and land on the right year-- - If you state it with your mouth and then reflect that with your shuffle. - But then you just-- - I just said-- - You told me (crosstalk) the right year so I went with it. - And I said exactly and it wasn't exactly but I'll give it to you. - My item fell apart. - I like to lick Tootsie pops - Both of them were still-- - Instagram, I'll be licking. Milk chocolate, sugar coco, butter, chocolate, skimmed milk, lactose, milk fat, soy lecithin, PGPR, artificial flavors. All that just to make some milk chocolate. - Yeah, you could have maybe just skipped it. - Enriched wheat flour. Which is wheat flour, niacin, reduced iron thiamine, mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid. That's all wheat flour, enriched. Sugar palm oil, corn syrup, milk powder, dextrose, less than 2% salt, coco powder, soy lecithin, modified corn starch, baking soda and artificial flavor. Here's the thing that gets me. You get down through this whole list and then the last thing they put in is like artificial flavor. You gotta say what that is. - Apparently you don't. - That's suspicious man. - Okay, there's a lot of ingredients there but based on what has been-- - It's not like it says peanuts. - Right. I have two guesses but I don't know what to really land on. - All right I got mine. - I don't feel great about this but I'm gonna go with it. Okay. - We said the same thing. - Three Musketeers. - Now why did you say that, 'cause you copied me? - I said Three Musketeers because I thought that this enriched wheat flour part was the nougat. - [Stevie] You are both incorrect. Do you want another try? - No. - Well my second guess was just a Hershey bar. - [Stevie] No. We could bring in the real answer, which is Twix. - What? - That kind of makes sense because it has the milk chocolate-- - Wheat. - And then like the, yeah. - The wafer. - Oh dang. - Hold on, hold on, hold on. But there's caramel. - But what about the caramel? - [Link] That's just sugar. - That's just corn syrup. - Yeah corn syrup, sugar. - It's so unromantic. - Mat Kearney, it's not that you said sugar, it's the way that you said it. Sugar, it's like you've given up on life. - Listen-- - It's like why-- - Yeah 'cause here's the deal-- - Why are you exasperated by sugar? - This is something that is so magical but when you break it down to just what it is, it just, it loses its magic. Hey Kearney, it's not just sugar. It's caramel and that is how you say the word by the way. - And there's a cookie, it's a caramel, it's a cookie, it's got a chocolate glaze. Candy number two, sugar. - Sugar's the first one? So is that caramel? - Here's the second ingredient, invert sugar. - Oh, hold on. - You combine sugar-- - It cancels itself out. - Yeah, they're not there anymore. - It's nothing. - This is like a black hole. Is that a candy bar, the black hole? - How come I don't know about invert sugar? - I'm gonna eat the black hole. - Don't worry, no this is the invert of sugar. - Corn syrup, modified corn starch, contains 2% or less of all this other stuff. So this is less ingredients. - You shouldn't even pay attention to it. Tartaric acid, citric acid, natural and artifical flavor, yellow six - Oh here we go! - Red 40, yellow five and blue number one. - Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. - So it's sugar, corn syrup, cornstarch and a bunch of colors. - I got it. - [Stevie] Inverted sugar is the mixture of glucose and fructose and it is sweeter than table sugar. - Is it like dark sugar? - Sweeter than sugar sugar? - Like a dark matter? - No. - It's like if you come in contact with it and you're sugar, - You instantly turn sweet. - You get a little sweeter. - Oh Nerds, I went with Skittles. - [Stevie] Oh I have the answer. It's not either one of those things. - What? - It's Sour Patch Kids. - This is a hard game y'all. - [Stevie] Well think about those acids in there, all up in that. - Why don't you think about how to make the game easier? (laughing off screen) - Think about those acids all up in there. There's two acids. - Where is the sour patch on a kid? - I'm not gonna even venture to make a joke about that. - But if you were gonna make a joke, what would it be? - I think the only way to make an inappropriate joke is to say like, when I was a kid, I searched for my sour patch everywhere. (laughing) - That's good. - You gotta go back to yourself. - You gotta make it on yourself. - 'Cause you want people to be thinking about not how you think about children but how you think about yourself. Right, that's how you make it appropriate. - My sour patch is-- - You wanna know where it was? (laughing) - Candy number three. - It was a place my tongue couldn't reach. - It is getting weird again. - I'm sorry. I'm trying real hard here. - Yoga, try yoga. - No that didn't help. - Sugar, corn syrup, enrich wheat flour. - Okay, we got it. - I'm skipping all the crap-- - So we got sugar and wafer so far. - Contains 2% or less of all this, licorice extract, gum acacia, cornstarch, salt, natural flavor and artificial flavor, ricestarch, artificial color red 40 lake and k-carmine. They got different names for colors. - So something that's got red. Oh I got it. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding - Caramel colors, confectioners glaze and carnoba wax. So cookie, sugar, licorice. - I got it, I got a kind of two for one guess here. - Okay, you gotta be specific though 'cause I know what you're thinking and you can't go general. Okay, it has to be a brand name. - I said Twizlers or Red Vines. - You can't give two answers because Red Vine or red zine, I don't know. - Yeah red zine is not a thing. - That's a little online magazine. - [Stevie] Well it's okay because-- - I'm asking that he can't count-- - [Stevie] He can't count both but they're all wrong anyways. - No they're not Stevie! - [Stevie] Come on, okay, go with the licorice. What has licorice in it? - Red Vines. - [Stevie] I don't even think Red Vines has licorice. - Good and Plenty. - [Stevie] Yeah! - Oh man, I was gonna say that but the red. - You know, you can have both of these. You can rub 'em on your sour patch. - I always pictured Good and Plenty as being black and white not red and white. That was a brain fart. They also look like pills. - Like Dr. Mario pills. - When we make our big blockbuster movie-- - Dr. Mario, the movie. - And there's a druggie in it. I want him to be constantly just have Good and Plenty. - We didn't want to tell y'all. But we're working on a screenplay for Dr. Mario the movie and there's a junkie who's the star of this thing. - He's always eating Good and Plenty just know that. It's gonna be very graphic but it's just candy. - And you think the movie's gonna be about Dr. Mario. Like he's gonna be the lead but it's like Mr. Rogers with Tom Hanks. It's like you're watching the movie, which I haven't seen because I'm too afraid of it emotionally. But I've been told that Mr Rogers is not even the star of the movie, it's some dude. - Yeah, Tom Hanks. - And that dude is a junkie and he's the star of our movie, Dr. Mario. Dr. Mario does make an appearance and he is played by Chet Hanks. (laughing off screen) - Yeah, yeah. - We gotta speed this up. - Big fan of Chet. - This is ridiculous. - Candy number four, milk chocolate, which is made of stuff that I'm not gonna read. Sugar, honey, almonds, - Almonds! - invert sugar, egg whites. It doesn't say inverted, it says invert sugar. - Honey and almonds. - [Stevie] Think fancier. - Oh, now I'm thinking fancier. Honey and almonds. - A fancy chocolate. - Honey and almonds. - [Stevie] Well I mean it just is like, you wouldn't get this at a movie theater most likely. - This is not movie theater fair. - You don't know me Stevie. I'm so fancy at a movie theater. I wear a suit. Like when people go flying. Yeah, when they go flying. - Wee, I'm in a top hat. - I'm like three piece suit to every movie. Even the discount movies. Even the two dollar movie, you see me in there looking down my nose at all these peants. - Almonds and honey. - Y'all don't understand cinema. - Milk chocolate. - Like I do. I sit right in the middle of the first row. In my suit. - Milk chocolate. Would you like some milk chocolate and honey almond candy? - What could it be? Almond Joy's the fanciest candy I can think of. (laughing off screen) - That's the world he lives in. - Almond Joy. - Okay, all right, hide your answer man. - Almond Joy. - What's that Greek stuff called with the honey? - [Stevie] Nope. - Just tell me what it's called. Baklava. - It's not baklava. And that's not Greek anyway. - [Stevie] It's Toblerone. - Oh Toblerone! - You know what, that is fancy. - Oh gosh! - In fact, I've never gotten it 'cause it seems too fancy. - And now we have it. - I don't know, it's like pyramids. I don't know what it's gonna look like in there. - [Stevie] Wait, have you never tasted it before? - We gotta eat this, come on Link. Hey look Ben, the fancy theaters he goes to. - [Stevie] Okay maybe (mumbles) - What, what, whoa, what!? - As you're doing that I wanna get through these. - Hold on, I think I found my new favorite-- - Because they're here and if I was watching this episode and I saw that there was a stack and they didn't get through it, I would be anxious. - Link, Link and look-- - Okay I wanna go through all of this. - It has the name of the candy engraved on it like an Egyptian tomb. - It looks like a lumberjack two-man saw. Lemme grab this. - Look, and what happens when you break it? Oh, oh it just breaks. - We've done it. We've arrived. Candy number five: corn syrup. - Hold on, respond to that! - I haven't tasted it yet. Enriched wheat flour, sugar, corn starch. - That's really good. - Palm oil. This ones got-- - Anyone got some pencils? - Artificial red, this candy's got mineral oil in it, and soy. - Look at that. - What candy makes you have the runs? What candy do you eat that makes you have diarrhea? Mineral oil, man. - Mineral oil. - Mineral oil. Mineral oil, man. You know what a mans made of? Mineral oil. - So it's got corn syrup. - That was a good joke y'all. - And cornstarch. - Y'all know what women are made of? Mineral oil. I don't have a guess for that one. - So this is something-- - What is this? - No, no, no, don't! No, no! This is something that's just-- - Red, red number 40 and mineral oil. Corn syrup, there's no chocolate in it. - Here we go. - Enriched wheat flour. - I got it. - It's an oily cookie, what's an oily cookie? What is that, is that you? - Is that a hint? - [Stevie] Yes. - It sounds like radio static. - I don't know how this relates but Red Vines? - [Mat] What does that say? - I don't know. - Imma be the host now, that's incorrect. - The N's backwards. (laughing off screen) - What was the correct answer? - [Stevie] It's close. - Twizzlers! - [Stevie] Yeah, did you look at the package? - No I didn't. - All right and then finally: milk chocolate, crisp rice, tapioca dextrine, and confectioners glaze. Imma guess this one. 'Cause I have a guess. 'Cause there's more than one of these. I'm thinking of all the things that have rice. I see that my answer is your answer so I'm gonna change my answer. - Or there's a second answer that I got here. - I'm guessing 10,000 Grand. - I said Nestle Crunch or Whoppers. - Is it 10,000 grand. - You said 10,000 grand which doesn't really line up. (laughing) - I think it's called 100 grand. - [Stevie] You know what, this one was hard guys. - 10,000 grand is a lot. - [Stevie] It's a Buncha Crunch. - [Mat] That would just be called 10 grams. - No it'd be 10 million. - Hey I'm right though, Nestle Crunch. That's basically the same thing. - [Stevie] Okay. - That's all this is is Nestle crunch reconfigured. - I've been letting you win all morning. - [Stevie] Yeah you're right. - 10 million is 10,000 grams. And that's a good candy bar. - That means that Rhett has won the game. - I do wanna try this though. Just do this, just to make me happy. Put a little crunch right in there and a little Toblerone and you have that. (upbeat music) Tell me that's not good. - [Link] Crystallize your mythicality with the mythical crystal wash hoodie and jogger set available now at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 1,128,097
Rating: 4.9121294 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, Can You Guess The Candy From The Ingredients List? (Game), sour patch, toblerone
Id: z-d7IK0mHMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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