Ridiculous Pop-Up Greeting Card Game

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(crowing rooster) (growling) (electronic thundering) (clacking) - Welcome to Good Mythical MORE. We got a bunch of pop-up cards. We're gonna predict how they pop up. - But first, we're going to disturb you with a random disturbing fact. "Golden eagles are super strong and can attack "and carry off animals as large as young deer." (hooting) Owls can probably do that, as well. - Like in Wonderland? (people laughing) - Just get animals, small deer. You know sometimes they say that an eagle or a hawk will come after a little dog, a dog like your dog's size or even my dog's size. - "Golden eagles can attack lamb, deer "and even juvenile brown bears "even though they normally eat medium sized animals "like geese, rabbits and reptiles." I wanna see a golden eagle attack a baby brown bear, well no, actually I don't. All right. - You need to go to the Instagram account, Nature is Metal. (laughing) - Yeah. I've heard of it. Okay Lovepop, not a sponsor, is a card company where you open the card and it pops up like a book. I haven't actually done any of these, which is why we're in the perfect position to see if we can predict it. Stevie, you know what pops out of these, right? - [Stevie] Oh yeah, I do. - So, you got a cool Santa Claus here. So when it pops, is it like you open it? - Yeah, you open it (laughing) and it pops. I believe. - I don't wanna cheat, though. - Hold on, there's something on the back, too, does that mean-- Oh, it's just nothing. - I think that's, maybe there's a pull-out thing. - So cool Santa, I think you open it up and it's Santa on the beach. Santa on the beach. - But I don't know what pops out. I think he's shirtless and his belly button becomes an outie. - Okay, all right, that's very specific. - That's our guess, Stevie. You cool with that? - [Stevie] Yeah, wow, how do I begin to score this? (paper crinkling) I feel like you want me to score it before we see it? - No, let's see it. - [Stevie] Yeah. - I just don't know if you wanna give us a hint. - I think we should see it. - Are we close? - Yeah. - [Stevie] Yeah, it involves Santa. (people laughing) You both have the Santa part down. Let's just see it, let's see what it looks like. - This one will help us at least know what's happening. Oh, wow, it's that way. - It's Santa on a hog. - Look at that. That's amazing! Look at how the little thing pops up! - [Stevie] He is in a location which is something that Rhett guessed. (laughing) - That's right. - All right, pull for the note. - You could drive that. Oh, "Great job, Rhett!" - What? (laughing) You knew he was gonna win? - Wow, I appreciate the vote of confidence, wow. - That's pretty cool, let's leave that there. - Or is that just for winning the game? - What else would it be? All right, so now we've got a pirate pop-up card. What could the pirate be doing? - This isn't necessarily Christmas, this is just pirates. - I wanna leave this out here because I just wanna see the whole cavalcade of these things. - Okay, so based on what's happening here with Santa on a hog, I'll do like this so he's coming in to the shot here. - It's amazing. What would a pirate be doing? Walking the plank. - That's a good guess. - Could be a whole ship. - I was gonna say that it's just a ship because I'm seeing this vehicle here, I just think it's a ship on the sea. (paper crinkling) - Are we close? Do you wanna give us a hint? - [Stevie] Rhett, I mean yeah, open it. It's a ship. - Huh, that's cool. - Look at the motion in that ocean. - Wow, these are cool, I want this for my birthday. - All right, so. - Oh, next. - "Really great job, Rhett." - Right, appreciate that. (laughing) I'll keep these over here. - Take that one. - These are really, they piling up. - Okay, we got another one here, this is like a day of the dead situation, or is this just a skull? Whoops, I'm determined to break this spork, I guess. Okay, so we've got a beach hat on a skull. So, this is-- - I think that we thought they were gonna be a little bit more detailed, maybe-- - Or more of a joke, they're not really jokes. - These are awesome, but you think, "Oh, this is a skeleton drinking a pina colada "and it's going through his bones." They can't do that. But I think this is a skeleton on a beach. - Disney can do that. Skeleton on a beach, yeah I think it's pretty telegraphed with that, I agree. - Why won't you guess? - You're both guessing the same thing? - You can't guess the same thing. - Are we competing? - Yeah. - I'm kinda over that. (laughing) All right, I'll go out on a limb and say an owl. - Okay, all right, okay. - [Stevie] Okay, you're both incorrect and I wanna give you both another chance. - Okay. - Okay. - Are you gonna give us a hint, though? - [Stevie] No. - There's no beach involved? - [Stevie] There's no beach involved, that's not a beach hat. - Oh, it's a-- - Oh, Indiana Jones situation. So, it's a role reversal where skeletons are finding treasure. Or finding an archeologist. - I think it's like a farm situation. I think like a corn, there's a corn thing happening. - I'm going with archeology, he's going with farm. - Something corn related. - [Stevie] All right, let's see. - [Link] Look at that. This is like a Minecraft thing. - [Rhett] Yeah, there's a plant. - What is this? - It's a corn plant. - He's growing-- - [Stevie] It's a gardener, gardener-- - Gardener, farm! - [Stevie] Yeah, yep. - Well, he's farming a corn. - He's farming a corn. - All right, I'll give you that one. Here's a note. - Oh, "Congrats, you've won a bonus point. "This card may be redeemed only by Rhett." (laughing) - That's fine. - Okay, all right. - If I'd have won the game it'd be a lot easier to take this bit. (laughing) Here we got a nice blue one. So this is like a super cool, abominable... You know what? You can take them out of the plastic. - [Woman] Okay. - You know? Abominable snowman type situation with, he's snowboarding. Snowboarding gorilla. Snowboarding abominable snowman. - I'm gonna go with, I think that's a great guess, I'm just gonna go with skiing gorilla. - [Stevie] Yeah, let's see. (laughing) - Dang it, man! Look at that. (clapping and laughing) That fool is skiing. - (laughing) I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry. You said snowboarding-- - All right, give it a yank. - And I thought it was a great guess. - I don't even-- - "You look like you could use a sweet treat. "Redeem this card for a chocolate, "only Rhett can redeem this card." I'll take the chocolate, thank you. (laughing) - Well, don't you have to give him the card? - Yeah, you can take the card. Oh, I'm gonna set this over next to my Cotton Candy Randy. - We can reuse these cards. I mean, nothing's written in them. - Definitely re-gifting all of these. - Once you pull that out and give it and say, "Well, that's just a notch." All right, so I almost opened it by accident now that you're taking the plastic off. - That's why the plastic was on there. - Is this upside down? No, this is right. Is that a pineapple? Or an oblong golf ball? - Can you face towards me just for one second? - Not really, 'cause. (laughing) Is it a pineapple? - Yeah. - What is it? No, it's a pine cone. - No, it's a pineapple. - It actually doesn't - That's not a pineapple. - Look like a pineapples 'cause it doesn't have the triangular. - It looks like a topless pine cone. I mean, pineapple. - You think it's a full pineapple on the inside? I think this is just, this is pine trees. - [Stevie] Pine trees? - Yeah, 'cause that's a pine cone. - [Stevie] Okay, Rhett? - I changed my answer, I think this is a tropical setting with pineapple trees. - I just think it is a full-- - Do pineapples grow on trees? - I think it is a full pineapple when you open it up with the top coming out of it. - [Stevie] You're both incorrect. Do you wanna try again? - Okay, I think it's a squirrel. (laughing) - I think it's an owl. - [Stevie] Okay, let's see. - [Link] Oh, it's a-- - [Rhett] It's a dragon. - Oh, that's a dragon egg. - Dragon egg. - That's cool. - Well, technically, an owl is flying, which is a dragon, so I think Link gets that point. - "The winner of this card earns the right "to high-five whoever has a better beard, "is taller and is most handsome." (laughing) Well, neither one of us won that one. (laughing) Okay-- - I think you've got a point. I think you got a point on that one. - Did I? Oh. - Yeah. - But, I don't get to do the high-five. All right, so this one is mix tape. - I think it's an awesome boombox, like a boombox (air whooshing), jam box kind of thing. - Cosmic mixed tape. I think this is Guardians of the Galaxy themed. - [Stevie] Well, let's see. - I don't know if they've got their licensing for that. - [Link] Ha! - [Rhett] Ah, hey look at that! Is that a Groot holding a tape? - [Stevie] That's Groot. - That is Groot. Hey, Link, you might be making an historic comeback. (laughing) To tie. - "Okay Link, you did it. (laughing) "This card is worth one mystery paper ball." (thudding) - Hold on, how are you guys predicting this? - Can only be redeemed by Link. - Hold on, this is strange and wonderful. People are gonna think that this is some sort of trick. How did you predict that all this is gonna happen? - "You lose the power to officially guess on the next turn." - Hey! (clapping) (laughing) - Seriously? - That's good, I like that rule. - You know, the sad thing is, I just can't live with myself. I cheated to get that one right. It says Marvel on the back. (laughing) - Yeah, okay. - I guess you knew - We Know. - that I would cheat? - We know. (banging) - Shoot. All right. All right, now we're still with Marvel, or Sony depending on how you look at it. "You're amazing." Clearly there's a Spider Man. - I'm assuming that there's a Spider Man. Do I have to say what the Spider Man is doing? - [Stevie] Yeah. - The Spider Man is on a-- - Swinging! - A structure, because they like to do structures. - And he's probably crouching with his knees up by his ears, huh? I'm saying he's swinging. - I think it's probably he's coming out at you, but I like the idea of a structure. - All right. Swinging versus structure. - Structure! Hey! - Oh, that's cool, look at that. - So, there he is on a structure. - Got Dock Ock down there, Green Goblin and he's not on a structure, he is technically swinging. - He's in the presence of structures, I think I need to get that point, right? - Well, you said on a structure. - [Stevie] Well, technically, Link couldn't guess this round, so. - Oh. - Right, right, right, right. - "This special card awards two bonus points "to whoever officially guessed correctly. "Official guesses, only." (laughing) They knew that I was still gonna guess. - So I got a point and then two extra for the bonus, so that should bring my total to eight, I believe. - All right, so here we go with a bear with an umbrella who's luring some sort of a bird, some sort of a dove to his presence. - Is that Paddington? - No. - Paddington wore a coat and a hat. - I didn't see that movie. Did he always wear a coat? He had to take it off at some point. You think he sleeps in it? - [Stevie] He was a never-nude. - He's a never-nude, okay. - I think this is the bear with the umbrella open and a bird being havened from the rain. - So you think it becomes a sunny scene? That's a good guess. - No, I say it's still raining but the bird is under the umbrella. - Oh, I think it becomes a sunny scene. - That's a good guess. - [Rhett] Oh, you were right. - Is it still raining? Yeah, there's still clouds raining. - Yeah, you got that one right. - "Congrats, Link." (laughing) Look at this! "We knew you could do it, thanks for putting up with us, "here's ten bonus points. "Can only be redeemed by Link!" - Hold on, this is like, hold on, this is like one of those magic tricks that you can't figure out. - How are you doing this? How'd you know which ones I was gonna get right? - Hold up, hold up, I don't understand what's happening. I am legitimately blown away. (laughing) - I think they just wrote them to be funny, like, "Oh, Rhett's gonna get points and Link's gonna get points." But they're 100% correct in predicting who got it right. - For all nine, so far. - [Man] Yep. - Okay. - It's not gonna happen on this last one, is it? Now that we're talking about it, - No, there's two more. - it's not gonna. - Oh, okay, two more. - This is a raccoon with a birthday present. - I think that the present has opened and it's an... What's something that raccoons would be excited about? - Food. I just took your guess. Now you've got to come up with... - This company is really creative but they're not super, it's not funny. If it was like a dumpster, that's a good joke. They haven't demonstrated that sort of humor yet. - I think that it's a specific type of food that it's gotten out of the thing. - Even that's too much of a joke, I think. - What's your guess? - I just think that, I'm just gonna say that the present is open and the raccoon is happy. - [Stevie] Wait, what did you say, Link? - I said, food comes out of the-- - Link says it's food and I'm just saying it's-- - Some sort of food. - Like a people present that the raccoon opens. - [Stevie] Before you open it, you can each make one more guess. - There's a lot riding on this. - Well, if it's not food and it's not nothing. - It's another raccoon. - It's too small of a box. I think it's another gift. I think it's a Russian doll type situation. - I think it's a raccoon with a cake. - Inside of the box. - Okay. - It's a raccoon with a cake 'cause it's a birthday. - No, it's a raccoon with a boom box-- - Ice cream. - in a wagon. - So, what did you guess? - This has nothing to do-- - What did you guess? - Well, first Link guessed - Eating food. so you're both equally right. - Why is Rhett equally right to me? - 'Cause I'm the one that said a cake. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Oh, is there a cake? - He's got ice cream. - Yeah, but it's in a cone. - And you said he was with food. - Yeah, but that's not a cake. (laughing) Okay, fine, whatever. - So, we'll give it to Link. - Nope. "This card allows Rhett to steal all of Link's points. "Can only be redeemed by Rhett." Would you like to do that? - I would like to steal all the points. (laughing) - All of that trying really hard just so that can happen. And our final card. Oh, this one's-- - Hold on, hold on, - Oh, the mystery round. - I wanna just say. - This is entirely blacked out. - The streak is still alive because it was so ambiguous and then the card had nothing to do with who got it right. So, it's all still, the logic is still intact. This is still an awesome situation. - I think that this entirely censored card is two old friends having a good time, no matter how competitive things get. - That's very specific. (laughing) - [Stevie] We didn't make any of these, by the way. - Okay, so this is not, okay, got it. - Who knows what it could be, it's nothing, it's a blank slate. - Why would you save this one for last? And it's dark. - Poop emoji. - They've already shown that they can do some Marvel stuff, I believe that this is a Darth Vader card. - [Stevie] Okay, you both can have another guess. - Something, I said poop emoji related. I think that's as edgy as-- - [Stevie] Okay, is that your next guess? - It is black, though. I think it's something space related. - I think it's specifically Star Wars related. - [Stevie] Okay, you both can have one more guess. Get away from space. - Move away from space. Should we stay in branded franchise territory? - [Stevie] No. It is a pop culture reference. - It's a pop culture reference. - It's not related to space. I bet it's scary, though. - [Stevie] It's a representation of a famous photo that you've seen before. - Famous photo. - [Stevie] A famous photo of famous people. - Of famous people. Not person. Is it the Oscar's selfie? (laughing) - Famous people. I don't know. The band Chicago before the cool members started leaving. - That's probably not true. A famous photo of famous people. Are we talking like '50s, '60s or more recent? - [Stevie] Oh, come on. I gave you a lot of hints. (laughing) - I think it is two people but I think it's Tupac and Biggie embracing. (laughing) - [Stevie] I said it was a famous photo. - You know that famous photo where they embrace? That never happened. - It is a famous photo, okay. - Give one more hint. - [Stevie] It's not new, it's not new. - When you said famous photo, honestly the first thing I thought was the Mona Lisa. (laughing) Which, last time I checked, is not a photo. - I think it's Marilyn Monroe. - [Stevie] Okay. - She's one of them. - Famous photo? Johnny Cash flippin' the bird. Is it musical, because-- - [Stevie] Okay yes, okay. It's musical. - It is an artist? - [Stevie] You each get one more guess. - Famous photo. - It's the Beatles crossing the street. - [Stevie] Okay. - Famous photo, music photo. It's not Biggie and Tupac or Chicago. I was guessing all types of music. I can't think of another famous photo. I don't know. Just Tupac by himself. (laughing) - [Stevie] Okay, let's open it. (cheering) - You jerk. - Whoo! - You got it, man. - Beatles crossing the street! Hey listen. - How did you get that? "Don't worry, Link, none of these points matter." - Yes! (laughing) It works! - "Thanks for being such a great sport, we love you. "Have a bag of frozen corn. "Only for Link." (laughing) - Listen, that 10 out of 10, guys, we made history today. Somehow we tapped into some sort of universal language. - You predicted I would get some right but then I would lose in the end. - Wow. - This is cool. - Unbelievable. - [Announcer] Signed copies of our New York Times best selling novel, "The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek" are available now at mythical.com. Get 'em before they're gone.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 872,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Id: T83nRA1sXts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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