We Play The Spicy Gummy Challenge

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- Welcome to Good Mythical More, we're gonna eat some spicy gummies. - But first, Gifticality, that means, for the month of March, every time we hit Gifticality, we are donating $1000 to the Grammy Music Education Coalition for Music in Our Schools Month, which aims to make sure kids have access to high quality and relevant music education throughout the nation. We love music, yeah we do. - Yeah, music had a big impact on us developing as humans. - It did, and protecting every kid's right to music education, and if you agree, please join us in giving at GrammyMusicEd.org/donate, or simply text "musiced", all one word, to 50155. - Thank you for being your mythical best. Your musical best. Bring in Davin and Chase. Trevor, did you make these gummies, and we put this in this packaging? - [Trevor] I did, yeah. - He's lying. - I like the way he took credit for it so easily. - Okay, guys, we've added our own modification on top of the hot chili challenge game. - Because all that game consisted of was just spinning the wheel and eating the pepper, right? - Right, so we gotta make it more fun. - I mean maybe there's something else to it, but, we're gonna ask each other questions, me and Chase are on a team, Davin and Lincoln are on a team. Here's how it works. We're gonna ask each other questions. If you get the question right, it's multiple choice, then we have to spin the wheel and eat the corresponding pepper, and if you get it wrong, you have to spin the wheel and eat the corresponding pepper. And by you eating a pepper, we mean you guys, 'cause we're not gonna eat anything. - All right, Davin, slide on out, we're teammates. Don't shy yourself away. - We just ate a lot of hot stuff, I mean. - Yeah, that's fair. - Slide in even further. - Are these in a different order, do you want me to go from here, or from here? - Hey, Gussie, you look good. - All right, I'll ask you guys the first question. Which one of these is not another name for jalapeno? A... Chase, read these. - A, cuaresmeno, B, huachinango, C, coche verde. - Coche verde? - That's green, that means something green, right? - It means green coche. If your coochie is green, don't go to urgent care, go to ER. You know, that's the difference, emergency room. - They'll triage you. - Yellow coochie, urgent care. Green coochie, emergency room. - I think coche means car. - Yeah yeah yeah. He's talking about car, yeah, for sure. - Are you trying to fool us? - No, I'm reading the question. - So we're picking the one that is the other name. - Yes, no, which one of these is not another name. - So we're going with C. Coche green. - Sure, I can't remember what the other two options is. - Yeah, right, we gotta move on. - Okay, you're right, and Chase, that means, because you gave 'em a hint! - I just couldn't stand all the coochie talk, it was too much for me. - Rock and roll, coochie coo. - Now, you spin it to win it. - Spin it. - The red one's the hottest one. You landed on, you landed mostly on the yellow, so that would be the orange. - Do you guys want me to pull that out for next time, that way you can see it? Yeah, all right, so you get a, take it. Take it, take it. - So do I get a bite or the whole thing? - I mean, I'd say the whole thing. - It's a big gummy. - I mean you're a big man. You can take it. - That's a tough gummy. - It's not too bad, is it? It's probably gonna have a building effect. - It's starting to get some spice, it's building in the back of my throat. - Oh, that's where it starts. - What's that? - Caro limpio? Chase, you tell me. - Ask us a question. - Caro limpio, is that what you said? Like a clean car? - Yeah, man. - I knew when I got you to read those that you'd do a great job of reading, I didn't know you would give them the answer. - Little hot, is it hot? - It's not that bad. It's not that bad. - Which one of these hot sauces is the hottest out of the group according to the Scoville scale? Cholula, Tabasco, or Sriracha? - Oh, well Cholula's not that hot, Tabasco, it's either Tabasco or Sriracha. Tabasco, it isn't that hot, but it's also because you get a very little bit of it. But Sriracha is pretty spicy. - It's not, there's not much extra flavor there, so it could up it on the scale. - Wanna give 'em a hint, Davin? - Well, I think the Scoville scale is all BS anyways, right? - That's a hot take from Davin. Davin's over here undermining the Scoville scale. - That's what Josh told us. - Don't put this on Josh, man, you own your hot take. - I'm gonna go with what I think is hottest when I put it in my mouth, and that is Sriracha. - Sriracha sounds right, yeah. - You gotta listen to Davin, man, Cholula. - It's the hottest? - 3600 on the Scoville scale. - Cholula is like Kool-Aid, man. - It's the stuff you put on your eggs in the morning. - You know what, I'll split a hot pepper with you, Chase, because I really made us answer that. - Thank you. - And it's gonna be a green one, oh, that's easy, that's easy boys. - The green ones are hot. No they're not, all right, so just bite that in half, and then ask us a question. Oh, pull it in half. - Think I got most of it. - Aren't we just like a big happy family here? You wanna be a part of the big happy family on the next level, go to MythicalSociety.com, you get exclusive, never before seen content, there's behind the scenes stuff, it's titillating. It's titillating content. You join the third degree of the Mythical Society, and watch our new video, where we react to stuff, we react to videos, okay? If you wanna see us react to videos, what I'm saying is, join the Mythical Society. Be a third degree member. Oh, we're reacting to your fan art. - Yeah, we're reacting to your fan art. - You wanna see us react to your fan art? MythicalSociety.com. - Which celebrity once donned a costume as a flaming hot Cheeto for Halloween? - Who, okay, yeah. - A... - My first guess is Lady Gaga. - Blake lively. B, Katy Perry. C, Alyson Hannigan. - Who is Alyson Hannigan? - American Pie, How I Met Your Mother. - What, How I Met Your Mother? - [Stevie] Buffy the Vampire Slayer. - Oh, you're talking about Sarah Michelle Gellar. - No. - I didn't mean to lick my lips when I said "Sarah Michelle Gellar." - I saw her at a Target in Van Nuys one time. - Really? Was she in all leather? - Yeah, she was in the all leather section of Target. - I'm gonna let you answer this. - I'm pretty sure it's Katy Perry. - Katy Perry he says, he's pretty sure. - Why you sure about that? - Don't answer his questions. - I think I've seen this around. - You're right. - Boom, y'all gotta eat another one! - All right, Chase. - We are killing it! We are a good team, Davin! - Orange. I'll split this one with you. - No one's hit a hot one yet, we gotta keep going. - Did that green one taste like jalapenos compared to? - Green one was... - What's my next question? - You keep getting the majority of it. - Which one of these people, I gotta cover up the answer 'cause they're gonna see, which one of these people has not been a guest on Hot Ones? You familiar? - I heard of it. - Ja Rule, Donald Glover, Tony Hawk. Who has not been a guest on Hot Ones? - You remember the Donald Glover episode? - I just feel like it would be very unlikely that Donald Glover wasn't on it, and Ja Rule was. - I don't know, in the early days, I think they were kinda scraping the bottom of the barrel. I think he was promoting the Fire Fest. - They made two documentaries about that. You know it's bad when two people gotta document it. It did have the cadence of a joke but it wasn't really funny. - Donald Glover has this mystique about him, that he doesn't even tweet unless he's got one thing to say. But he is a man of the people at the same time, but I feel like I would know about that. Of course Tony Hawk's, Tony Hawk's done everything, he's been on every, if there is a show, on the internet, you can be on. - Whoa now, he hasn't been on our show. And two, don't denigrate Tony Hawk, 'cause he is cool as hell. - No, yeah, I love Tony Hawk. So you're thinking Ja Rule? - I do think Ja Rule, I think that Tony Hawk's done it, and I feel like Donald Glover would've done it. - Y'all boring me, what's the answer? - Ja Rule. - It's Donald Glover. - Dang it, Chase. - You gotta eat another spin. - All right, Chase. - Davin, we are a good team, you didn't even have to do anything. - Green, green, green. - Look, even eating green's boring, eat a red one! All your instincts are wrong. - Oh, I got the whole damn thing. - Who's the kid in It? - Which one, there's a lot. - The one with the balloon. - The clown, Pennywise? - Georgie. - Oh, I get it. - If I knew his name was Georgie, I could've formulated a real hard burn. 'Cause Imma use that answer to then burn you about your outfit. - Don't forget about this, do it in a minute. - How do you say "It's spicy" in Korean? - A, (speaks Korean), B, (speaks Korean), C, (speaks Korean). - Now I don't know Korean. I know you don't know Korean, I'm not gonna presume you know Korean. - I do eat a lot of Korean food. I will think I would have heard any of these phrases, but I have not. - Well go to work, man. - I don't think it's the last one. - I'm so uncultured, it's embarrassing. This is your time to shine. - Wild guess, I'm gonna say the first one, A. - What, you're just guessing? Ask 'em to say 'em again or something. - Chase, can you say it again please? - Okay, A, (speaks Korean), B, (speaks Korean), C, (speaks Korean). - See, I don't think-- - You just said C. "C, I don't think." - See, I don't think C is a Korean word. I may be wrong, I think it's A. - Okay, all right, we're going with A, 'cause we're killing it. Yes, Davin, yes! We make a good team, man. We play to our strengths. - Can we switch teams? - Green, ha! - No one's eaten a red! You gotta eat a red. - No we don't, we've eaten every one, every time! - People been watching this thing, no one's eaten a red one. - Okay, they can keep watching 'cause you're about to get this wrong and you're gonna eat a red. I'm not eating a red, 'cause you're about to get this wrong. - All right, all right, all right, all right. - Hold on, you ask us a question. - Which one of these people-- - You just read this one. - Ask us that one. - You know what, you got my back, man, that's why we're a good team. - Which one of these Chinese regional cuisines is not known for having spicy dishes? A, Sichuan, B, Hunan, C, Anhui. - I know Sichuan is known for spicy, what are the next two? - Hunan or Anhui. - Hunan, Anhui. - I actually know this. - I've had Hunan chicken. - Was it spicy? - What's the last word? - Anhui. - Anhui. - You said you know which one it is? - I do know which one it is. - 'Cause he's got the answer. - He already knew, man. - I feel like it's the last one, but we've been so wrong, I feel like it's the last one, Anhui. - But we have been really wrong, so we should go with B? - Yeah, let's go with our instinct, let's go with C. - It was the last one. - Thank you. - Yes! All right, spin. Spin and get a red. Hold on, that doesn't count, 'cause you hit it, you have to do it for real. Green, there's no more, not an option. Green, not an option. - You get green one more time, you're gonna go red. - Red! - All right, all right, yank on this, Davin, see we're such a good team, we're such a good team, man. We're such a good team. Even though we-- - That's the toughest gummy in the west. - We ain't afraid 'cause we're team Davin and Link. - Thanks for putting my name first. - How's that red pepper? - We do all types of things together. We talk about movies. We do some, oh, it's getting hot. We like to knit potholders. - Potholders, yeah, I've seen your work. - Sometimes we'll argue about things, just to get better at arguing with other people, but we really don't believe passionately about the things we're arguing about. - Practice debating. - It's like a mock debate, just me and Davin. - What are some of the things you practice debate about? - Sometimes, well tell 'em some of the things that we debate. - Whether Donald Glover has been on Hot Ones or not. - Right, right. - Or we think Danny Glover should be there first. - Oh, the whole Danny Glover Donald Glover thing. - Who would win in a fight between Danny Glover, Donald Glover, and Serena Glover. You remember her? - Serena Glover, we went to school with her. - I think it was Marcelina Glover. Marcelina, hoo, it's getting hot. - It is getting hot. - How hot's it getting? - It's up to a five right now. - Why don't you guys act like you're debating about how hot it's getting, just to be prepared to debate with us. - It's a skill you guys already have. - I mean I expected it to be really hot, but it's just kinda hot. - I agree, for a red-- - You can't agree! You gotta debate. - That's why we practice. We always agree. - That's why we're on the same team. - Bosom buddies. - Do a little argument. - I just, it hurt my feelings when you said you agree with me, because you know I like it when you disagree with me. - I'm supposed to disagree with that? Well I feel like-- - Davin, if I have to tell you, that hurts worse than you not knowing the answer. - This just got real. - Well I do know the answer. I do know the answer to this next question, how bout that? - Oh, moving on. - There is no next question, Davin. Our relationship is over. I was being critical of Lucas for missing, when it seems that I have also missed. - [Rhett] It's not that big. - [Link] He missed. (laughter) - That's, I remember, that was a good day.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 1,255,917
Rating: 4.91822 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, We Play The Spicy Gummy Challenge, davin, chase, spicy, jalapeno, pepper
Id: U6tmbMAllS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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