100 Years Of Candy Taste Test

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- [Rhett] Can our sweet tooth's tell time? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - [Link] Good mythical morning. - Candy is the secret food group that food pyramids and doctors don't want you to know about. - And whether it's Nerds, a Baby Ruth or a right Twix that you flip around to make into a left Twix, everybody's got a favorite sweet treat that they'd love to shovel into the largest hole in their face. Their mouth. - But how can our sugar stuff face holes determine when some of the most popular candies came from. We're about to find out. It's time for Year Eye with 2 Straight Guys, candy edition. Welcome to the shuffle zone. - In each and every round, we will reach into the candy bowl for a popular candy that was invented during a particular decade, Rhett. We're gonna taste this candy and then we are going to indicate what decade we think the candy originated in by shuffling across our amazing shuffle board. - Yes, whoever lands closest to the space with the actual decade wins the round. Now, this is, this is big because the loser of the game has to count how many licks it really takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop. It's just a Tootsie Pop. - Tootsie Roll, Tootsie Pop. - On Instagram, no matter how long that takes. - Let's shuffle. - [Both] Round one. - Okay, let's check out this first candy. - Yo, we can de-lid together. Oh, that's a deep bowl. I got some candy. Can you get some candies out? - Butterfinger, I love a Butterfinger man, dang. - You know what, I feel like we should, why are you looking at me like that? Butterfinger breakfast. Now, I won last time. I get to shuffle first, and we got all-- - What do you think about a Butterfinger, because, - all types of dates from the twentieth century, that's the 1900s, Rhett. - You're a peanut butter man, but you don't really like Butterfinger, last time I checked. - You know what? Changed my mind, I love it. - Oh, good, good good. - I'mma start loving all foods on this show. Cause people keep complaining. - Right? - Butterfinger. - Hold on, you gotta put your Butterfinger on-- - When was that invented? - on your tooth. That was gonna land in there perfectly if he hadn't gotten in the way. - Okay, I think it's been around a while, but the 20s? I don't think so. The 80s? Nope. I'mma split the difference. I, I think this-- - Quite a range. - I think this was invented in the 70s. Here we go. Slide and glide, and stop on 70. (laughs) Oh, stopped a little short. - It might not be bad you're close to the uh, - It did not have the travel that I predicted that it would have. - Um, when was peanut butter invented? - That was before any of this. - Before any of that. I'm thinking 60s. Alright so I'm gonna slide by you, but I'm gonna kinda land it in the middle of the board, because you are close to the 80s. Which may be a good answer. Let's just see. - Sliding by me. Are-- you are closer to the 60s. You've landed in 1910. - Stevie, was that a Butterfinger that we just ate? (laughs) - [Stevie] Correct. - Yes! - [Stevie] The Butterfinger, which actually got its iconic name through a public naming contest, was invented by the Curtis Candy company, in the 1920s. - [Link] Dang, the 20s? - [Rhett] The 20s! - That's a old candy bar. I couldn't have even thought. - Well, but you-- but you did, because you said 20s before you shuffled. - I said that's way too early. - [Rhett] Uh but-- - [Link] Y You're closer. - [Rhett] I'm closer, I take the point! - You know what, I'm not worried. - [Both] Round two! - Let's see what we got. - Put your long arm down the candy hole. Pull out a candy don't ya know? Everybody loves to get their hands-- - I know what this is. - Dirty with some Pop Rocks. - Pop Rocks. - Oh, and I, alright, so which ones am I gone try? Green apple, that's my jam. - All right. Let's do this and, let's do this for each other, like - Like a newlywed? - [Rhett] Yeah. (faint popping) - Ow! Aw! It hurts. - Whoa, I - Whew! - I really don't want to swallow everything I just put in my mouth. - Ooh, it, it's jumping out of my mouth. Into your face. - That's what the bag's for. Save it for later. Okay. - Mm! (faint popping) - I gotta wait for the popping to stop before I can think straight. - This is a modern candy, am I right? - Yeah, link, it's a modern candy. - Technology required to do what's happening to my mouth right now? You think they had that before the 80s? - [Rhett] Well, I'm definitely in 70s or 80s territory. I mean, I don't, I remember these in the 80s, and again, if you remember something in the 80s, then it probably came from before the 80s. - Or at least the 80s. - Or at least the 80s. - Unless you were like a prophet. - [Stevie] You gonna put any rocks on your tooth, or what? - [Rhett] Oh yeah, all right. - I predict, - I gotta put the rocks that I put back in my mouth, onto my tooth. - [Link] I'mma put mine-- - Well, they're all stuck. - Mine, too. - They're all stuck so I'm just gonna put the packaging there. - I predict that you are going to go for 1980. - [Rhett] I'm gonna go for 1970. - [Both] Too hard, too much! - 1960, nothing! All right, this still counts. - You know what, maybe it's 1960. - [Link] You know what, I prophesy that this candy was invented in 1980, but I'm gonna go for 1970 for the reasoning that you gave. - [Stevie] What's up with your no- rockless tooth? - [Rhett] Put your- put the thing on there. How could you for-- - Stevie, it doesn't matter. - How could you forget something so fundamental? - It doesn't matter! - Hold on, I prophesy that your tooth point doesn't count if you don't put your Pop Rocks on top of your tooth. - That doesn't, that, that's bunk, man. - [Rhett] Hey, it was a prophecy, that's all I can say. When they, when the visions come to me, I just-- (intense fighting noises) I'm just a vessel. (more intense fighting noises) I'm a vessel. - I have a stick. - He has a family. Like when he puts how many dependents do you have on a tax form, there's other people. (audience laughs) There's other people, - Hey, dude listen. - [Rhett] who are dependent upon him. - And you know what? - And I pray for them every night. - I put five as my number of dependents, cause I include myself! 1970. Eat it and weep! - [Rhett] Okay. - [Stevie] Okay. While chemist William A. Mitchell accidentally created carbonated candy when trying to make instant carbonated soda, in the 1950s, the fizzy fun gassified Pop Rocks that we all know and love, weren't actually invented until the 1970s. - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Link] Bam, bam, bam. - I knew it. - Haha, you were right, and I get the point. - Right. - [Both] Round three! - If you like to see us on a shuffle board set, you should see us out in the real world, filming each other. - Yeah. - We got vlogs every Saturday on our Rhett and Link channel. Check it out, subscribe. - [Rhett] That's us, Rhett and Link. - Candy time, dig in deep. Grab a handful and, look at that. - Oh, Jolly Ranchers. - [Link] Jolly Ranchers, there's nothing better - Nothing makes me jollier. - than a happy cowboy who stays in one place. Cowboys like to travel, but when they don't, what are they called? - I don't think this is about a cowboy, I just think it's about someone who lives in a single story home. - Rancher. I'm looking for rancher. - That's why I was saying it was a single story home. - Like a ranch house? - Yep. I've always wanted to build myself a ranch house. - Now this is a classic - Maybe a split level. - hard candy, I think this one could be old. Who's going first, me? - You, because we're tied again, and you won last time. - Um, ah shoot. Toss me some candies, cause you know how Stevie is about me putting-- - All right, catch 'em all together, okay? - I'm gonna catch them all together. - I'm gonna keep, I'm gonna keep them in a tight ranch ball. - I prophesy, whoop! Hey, I caught most of them, that's pretty good. Um, I get points for that? - [Stevie] No. - Silence! (laughs) 1920's been taken, but I think this is also 1920. I'm going for 1930. Ha, I know how this game is played. - What? - [Link] 1930s. Slow, slow slow, down! - [Rhett] Hahaha, Link! - [Link] I got some accuracy. - Good gracious, you're on fire today. - I got some accuracy. - It must be that sweat suit that you have on that is only available at mythical.com. I'm gonna go for 1940, because it would be to my advantage to try to land right next to him, but so far, I haven't demonstrated the ability to be that accurate. - That's very humble of you. - [Rhett] Yep, there you go. - [Link] 1950, he strikes. - [Rhett] Hopefully it's 1910. - [Stevie] Okay, when Bill and Dorothy Harmson started the Jolly Rancher company, they only sold their goods in Denver, Colorado, and also sold ice cream and chocolates, but in the cold Colorado winters, nothing sold better than their hard candy, the Jolly Rancher. - Really? - [Stevie] Which they invented in the late 1940s. - [Rhett] Ahh, dang it! My guess was right, and my throw was wrong, so you get the point. - I was off by a decade. - [Both] Round four! - Unison lid removal. Unison bowl dippage. - Oh. - Aw! - Why we got wetness? We got slimy slimy. - Is pudding a candy? - What, what is it? - [Stevie] Can you guys guess what year Hershey's chocolate syrup was invented? - [Rhett] Uh, - [Link] Aw, dang. - [Stevie] It's not part of the game, we just wanted you to be alarmed by that, but apparently you're not, and you are having fun. - Okay, Link, you're still uh, - [Stevie] But seriously, what's the guess? - This is the reason why the bowl went so deep? - [Stevie] Yeah. - For, for this moment? - This isn't for the game? - [Stevie] No, it was supposed to be like a, you were supposed to be like "Eww!" - Ow! but you were like "Oh, this typical." - Let's try again, let's give them what they want, Rhett. Double dippage, - [Both] (disgusted outbursts) (beep) - Boy, you got us. (audience laughs) - All right, let's (laughs) let's go down in the hole again. - [Link] Okay, this is dry candy. - Whoa, Laffy Taffy, right, right? - Is it, AirHeads, sorry Laffy Taffy. - Ooh, White Mystery. Which is what they called me! - [Both] in middle school. - I wonder what the mystery is. - Um, man. It's just, so much candy is just sugar in a different form. - [Link] Yeah. All good though. - Okay, you're way up now, two to one, so you're still going first. - Now, AirHeads has to be as you said, a form of taffy. Come on, throw me some taffy. We gotta, we gotta put some AirHeads on here. I think this is 1930. Since 1940 was taken last round, - Okay. - [Link] All right, - Mkay, mkay. - I'm gonna do the exact same stroke as last time, and get same result. That's how science works. - Right, that's also how insanity work- oh, my what? - That's a little short that time, I got a little scared. I can't be good forever. - Your, your strategy was very sound, and your execution was very bad. - You know, I just can't, I'd sabotage myself, man. - What I been doing this game is guessing the right thing, and then doing a horrible shuffle, every single time, because my instinct is that this is also 1930. - I agree but - You know what? - you agree with me. - [Rhett] It could be 1910, but they didn't call anything AirHeads in 1910. Right? - I do know the answer, but that's why I'm keeping quiet. - [Rhett] Yeah. I'm gonna try to sneak around you and land on 1930s. - Sneakin around me ain't gone be hard. - Okay, you split the difference between 10 and 30, - Okay. - I don't know how I win this round. - [Stevie] While some people debate the flavor of White Mystery AirHead, and others debate whether a food's flavor should ever be called a White Mystery, there's no debate that Airheads themselves were invented in the 1980s. - [Both] (laugh and exclaim) - I got the point again! - I don't know why we thought AirHeads would be in the 30s. I, now, now that I thought about it, but it's called AirHeads. - Yeah, yeah. - It's such a 80s thing. I'm such an air head! - Aah! - [Both] Round five! - Here we go, hand--ooh! - Ha! Sike! - Oh, Rhett, you , you - Sike was invented in the 80s. - You gotta get your hand down in here, man cause there's some magical stuff happening. - There's a log. - Snickers. - Ah. - Snickers got good marketing campaign, cause you think about that hangry stuff, not a sponsor, - Mm, that's pretty good. Hangry, invented in 19...94. - I think, I think 2004. - Really? - Yeah. - Okay, rolling. - I'm winning, big time. - Yeah, I can't really win at this point. - It's my turn to make a deal. To make this interesting, I'm gonna channel my inner Rhettness, and say "You know what, if you hit it exactly," - That's exactly how I talk, like a man. - "You get it exactly, on the answer, get it exactly right, you win the entire game." - Just talk, speak a little bit deeper, do it again, just speak a little bit deeper, a little-- - "If you land on the right answer exactly, you win the entire game." - Now with a little more swagger. - I'm done! - Okay! - I'm only taking pity in you, because I'm gonna beat you. You know, put a Snicker on there. - Think fast. (audience laughs) - All right, I'm just gonna aim for something, without saying anything, and then I'm gonna act like I meant to do it. - [Rhett] Okay, now that's a great guess, because what I was thinking, was 1950! I'm gonna knock you off of 1950, and remain there. (teeth crash and break) - [Link] Oh! You, suck! We, we're gonna count this, not that. - Okay. - [Stevie] The Snickers bar, named lovingly after inventor Frank Mars' favorite horse, Snickers. Only would've cost you five cents when it was first created, in the 1930s. - [Rhett] Oh, I made it! I'm on it! I'm on it twice! I'm on it twice, with both parts of my big ole tooth! And that means, that I win. (bell rings repeatedly) That dance was invented, in the 1980s. Hey, Link, you know what? You look hangry, you should have a Snickers. Okay. Since I won, that means that Link has to see how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, on our Instagram, that's @mythical. - Thanks for subscribing, click the bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Thomas, - I'm Erin, - and we go to school in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and - it's time to spend the wheel of mythicality. - Yeah, it is. - You know what, they didn't fight at all trying to get that together, I'm sure. - There's a lot of seething, anger. - Click the top link to watch us guess the candy, from its ingredients alone, on Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality's gonna land. - The reason why I'm so bad with knives, is because I don't really know how to use a knife. I can use a dull knife to spread some peanut butter. Does that feel sharp? - Let me see if I can shave you with it.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,408,466
Rating: 4.9256463 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, 100 Years Of Candy Taste Test, snickers, butterfinger, pop rocks, poprocks
Id: XsmKbsgvTqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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