Can You Beat Skyrim With Poison "Only"?

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it actually works perfectly hi I'm Barren and when I'm not playing bloodborne backwards or trying to be Elden ring with my toe I like to relax with one of my favorite games Morrowind oh wait yeah these guys okay fine let's play Skyrim in the most torturous way possible instead can you beat Skyrim with poison only sure just whack a load of poisons onto your sword and hit everything well no see if I poke a poison sword through your face it's probably not the poison that's killing you there and that's a problem in Skyrim because even its worst weapon the lowly Fork still does a massive one damage which as any mathematician can tell you is a number bigger than zero so even putting poison on a fork isn't poison only guess we're gonna have to get more creative then so here's the rules I have to beat the main quest also because this is a poison themed run I have to beat the Dragonborn DLC and the Dark Brotherhood questline as it centers around a plot to poison someone I can only directly damage enemies using poison friendly NPCs are exempt from this rule because reasons companions that naturally join you to help as part of a quest to find but I'm not allowed to bring other random followers along to kill things for me sorry mate non-damaging shouts and spells are fine but no conjuration and no Lydia in your enemies off a cliff Edge and of course if the locals want to get involved too who am I to spoil their thumb I decided to do this run on Master difficulty simply because legendary just makes this incredibly tedious I started a test run on legendary and the first dragon took 45 minutes to take down and I wanted to strike a balance between a challenge and not literally dying of boredom with all that said let's dive in if you're new here please consider subscribing so my wheat crops survived the winter and don't forget our sponsor for the video silda's vegan sweet rolls giving you all the Sweet Sweet Roll Taste of Home without any of the burnt skiba bits warning sweet rolls may contain up to 30 pocket lint this is the tale of our Dragonborn hero the challenge is based in the bars we must take let's begin at the start it'll break as he caught hearing aid you finally awake [Music] much like real life the game began with my slow inexorable cruel towards death one of my new friends played the pincushion game The Imperials had no idea who I was but decided they might as well kill me anyway understandable and it was time to make my character what are you an idiot sandwich I chose Breton for the Alchemy bonus and low starting sneak skill made myself look beautiful for the chopping block and then Alduin turned up to piss on everyone's chips good timing I chose to follow hadvar purely on the basis that his door is slightly closer and then let him do all the heavy lifting inside now although I would be playing the game on Master for now I had the difficulty set to Legendary for the tutorial which makes sadvar an absolute tank no blessing sometimes he gets a bit sleepy though after making sure to pick up the dagger here we pushed forwards and it was time for some leveling now in order to have a viable way to do damage for this run I would need to reach level 30 as soon as possible to unlock a certain Quest and there are various ways to level up fast in Skyrim the first being during the tutorial see when you reach the bear cave you can just Crouch behind hadvar and hit him with a dagger for a stealth attack he'll never aggro on to you he doesn't class as an enemy so is exempt from my rules and he also can't be killed as he's essential once I'd leveled up once I took the first sneak perk and kept going [Music] foreign [Music] sorry mate it's for a good cause plus it's therapeutic my goal was to hit 100 sneak but a bonus side effect of this is you'll also level up one-handed that would be of absolutely no use to me for this run but it still helped me to get up to level 18. I gently wiped the blood off hadvar and whispered that everything would be okay shhh And We snuck out of the cave for the real Skyrim to begin after changing the difficulty to master it was time to head to Riverwood stopping off at the Guardian Stones along the way now if you're trying to power level in Skyrim it's always worth activating the relevant Stone first so I took the Thief Stone for now let hadvar pet the dogs Nissan 12 being a classic Boomer before taking all his worldly possessions got invited to join the Dawn Guard because apparently I look like the kind of video who enjoys getting their face chewed off by vampires sold everything I didn't need and moved onwards to Whiterun what what did you do the first stop on my power leveling tour of the lands was Windhelm a friendly town full of colorful locals hey maybe the reason these grayskins don't help in the war is because they're Imperial spies see so rich and vibrant luckily I didn't have to spend any time in their company as I was here for one person only the incomparable beauty that is silver up to no good are we train one pickpocketing level with her drop a quick save in case of failure and flex your newfound skills by stealing your money right back Todd I think this game might be a bit broken mate I'm sorry I didn't know I made sure not to take a level up until I trained as much as I could as you can only do this five times per level and kept the loop up until I passed 40 pickpocket which allowed me to unlock light fingers 3 Knight thief and most importantly poisoned which allows you to poison other people by placing poisons in their pockets have I said the word poison enough yet next up Dawnstar over in this corner by the mine you can find a chest it's full of good stuff go ahead and just take it nobody can stop you Todd what are you doing Todd the main things I was interested in here were any Enchanted items anything of value I could sell charged Soul Gems and Alchemy ingredients mainly salt piles and wheat I stopped off nearby to disench on everything I could to boost my enchanting skill and then stood over here and waited this triggers the Khajiit Caravan to arrive which would uh who the hell are you well this is awkward I tried to get the local constabulary to help me out but they seemed more interested in giving me the latest gossip so I switched to the op tactic of hiding on a tall Rock okay are we done now back to the Traders see the chest I just looted is actually their inventory chest and because Skyrim just works if you drop a quick save hit a vendor and instantly reload the quick save it restocks their inventory which in this case means the chest so I guess Khajiit has wears even if you don't have coin here kitty kitty I did the Dawnstar Luke for a while to boost my enchanting and speech skills as well as making Me Filthy Rich but I did have an end goal in mind which was to find a piece of loot with the Fortify Alchemy enchantment on it Todd said no so I went to Solitude instead and just bought a necklace from radiant Raymond should have just done that to begin with it was finally time to enter Whiterun so after convincing the gods I was there to help I repaid their Hospitality by stripping down every plant inside before sneaking into Dragonsreach to steal a bunch of silver the toys are way too trusting do you get to the Cloud District very often oh what am I saying for my next trick I would need three things a set of Fortify Alchemy gear a big stack of ingredients and at least 40 in the Alchemy skill for the gear I already had a helmet and Gauntlet so I could enchant I used the silver I stole to craft a ringing necklace and Enchanted them all with Fortify Alchemy next I boosted my Alchemy skill with a combination of crafting health potions and training with Arcadia until I hit 40 and unlocked these perks the first three are essential to what comes next finally it was time for some ingredients and this seems like a good place to give you all a rest from my voice [Applause] [Applause] foreign come here honey it's time for your daily game breaking this one's a Skyrim classic so settle in for the rest of equip all four pieces of your Fortify Alchemy gear and craft one restoration potion using either long thin or Spade tail along with a salt pile nice Alchemy drink your little Prime energy drink unequip the Alchemy gear and re-equip it huh make another restoration potion interesting chug it like you're at a frat party get your kit off again like uh you're at a frat party put it back on because you're actually quite shy and keep repeating the loop [Music] thank you holy [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay that's dumb enough with the effects still active I made a bunch more Resto potions some Fortify Enchanting potions and a big pile of high potency poisons the more valuable the potion I made the faster I could level up finally I waited for the effects to wear off and made some normal strength paralysis poisons now at this point it's worth mentioning that you can completely break the game by just making op smithing and enchanting potions to Max your gear out but I wasn't going to do that with all that said I completed a few random activities to push myself up to level 30 and I was ready to deal some damage looking to protect yourself or deal some damage bruh I literally just answered that high in the Snowy Peaks above Windhelm sits The Shrine of the Daedric prince boethia which in Practical terms means it's a hangout for edgy weirdos yeah sure I'll lure an innocent person here and kill them for your sex party sounds fun meet bellrand my date for the night okay babes now you just wait here yeah time to remove the cultists from the equation with some stealth quick save for safety pickpocket and yeah the higher the value of an item the lower the chance to pickpocket but there is a way around this place a paralysis poison in their pocket instead you fool you fell victim to one of the classic blunders expand the button on their body until you can enter their inventory again and now place the deadly poison perfect with the added bonus you can assemble a great collection of corpses all occultists taken care of I told bellran to tie himself to a magic pole so we could have some fun sadly you can't pickpocket him when he's restrained but I did the next best thing which was to Laura Frost troll up the hill to claw his face off you go there buddy you'll get him soon my Shenanigans hadn't gone unnoticed by boethia who commanded me to slay their current champion and all his men so I took myself off to knife Point bridge to stealthfully kill every I said to stealthfully God damn it to stealthfully you know what [ __ ] it that's tomorrow's problem after more creeping and paralyzing Antics I clambered onto the roof of the shack the champion was sitting in dropped in to say hi and offered him a stiff drink Now give me that armor the ebony male is a very special piece of armor for two reasons one it looks sick until it has a special effect that does slow constant poison damage to any agrod enemy close by nice so how good is it well it's crap taking out the rest of the gang showed me just what a ball like this was gonna be but luckily a bunch of film will randomly showed up and kicked everyone's butt I made a glorious escape and I was finally ready for some main quest action listen to the sound of [Music] the following the crowd grows dog from the shadows of dragon wings [Music] let's see here I've got a letter and a lot of gold something about it being your uh oh inheritance oh and sorry for your loss [Music] I should probably be feeling bad about this right after speaking to your bowel group chinny mcchin face gave me a very important Mission I unlocked a couple of perks Enchanted my armor and shield with some useful boosts and it was off The Bleak Falls Barrow I originally intended to fight everything here but yeah that might take a while Plan B just run I danced with a spider as we tried to out poison each other carefully freed of all the Swift who swiftly ran away to a swift death at the hands of drowger legged it past everything else using the blade traps to thin the crowd and opened up the door alright I can hear you no need to shout killing this guy took just over 20 minutes and the experience can be summarized by this tea towel in my kitchen foreign [Music] tablet I hope it was worth it the gods brought news of a dragon attack I took the novice restoration perk and headed off down the yellow brick road to fight my first dragon when I say fight I mean mostly hide this setup absolutely sucks against dragons so the Whiterun God did the majority of the work look I'm helping killing the dragon helped me to discover I was actually a Karen which got the manager's attention they all rewarded Me by gifting me a packed donkey when I clambered up to high Frost guard head office to meet the greybeards and Shout at them I speak for the gravians that's brown after teaching me the Naruto Ron shout I was tossed with retrieving the Horn of Jurgen wind caller why no idea get it yourself you lazy Upon returning to Whiterun I was accosted by some representatives of the solstein tourist board who said oi mirak said he'll fight you after school outside KFC think I'm scared mate okay maybe a little bit I was mainly here to grab a couple of useful things but this turned out to be a longer process than I'd expected step one was to visit tellmithrin to speak to talvis unfortunately he's a massive idiot who summoned an ash guardian and he refused to speak to me until I killed it which involved another 20 minutes of running around in circles step two was to reach 50 restoration and I had various ways of doing this be a velocity inside the Raven Rock Mine can train you you can read all the skill books and you can let the wind gate at high froth guard damage you and then heal up but 40 restoration telva starts selling the poison Rune spell but until I hit 50 restoration and unlock the Adept restoration perk I didn't have enough Magicka to course this yet finally step 3 involved getting chomped by a dragon getting rid of bugs which is more than the devs ever did and Mining some heart stone for nellov before being tasked with finding his assistant yep she did nelloth gave precisely zero [ __ ] which as any mathematician will tell you is a number smaller than one so after finding him a replacement he rewarded me with the key to his room which gave me access to the black book The Hidden Twilight reading the black book transports you to Apocrypha the realm of the Daedric prince hammaus Mora a cthulhu-esque poisonous nightmare of freakish beings basically a bit like Birmingham the goal here is to work your way through eight chapters of the book to reach the end but there is a way to skip most of it off to the right over there is actually chapter seven and there are ways to cross the poison Waters safely a fully upgraded whirlwind sprint would do it but I didn't have that so the next option was what would actually turn out to be the most important shout of the Run become ethereal which I learned the first word of from a word wall in Lost Valley Riddell this shout makes you completely Invincible while active as long as you don't perform any actions so it can help you survive the poison or not okay next plan donate my life savings to this guy come back a few days later and head into the Barrow I ignored the actual Quest as I was only here for one thing as Adele's boots of water walking These Boots turn you into Skyrim Jesus and after gracefully gliding across the foul water I avoided all the enemies and continued to the end of chapter 8 to claim my prize Maura's agony costing more as Agony On The Ground creates a massive tentacles that stagger and poison enemies that come into contact with them can be pretty effective and although it's a greater power which means it can only be used once a day you can just wait 24 hours every time you're out of combat to replenish it go ahead they can't stop you right get me out of this hell hole [Music] fine I'll get your silly little trinket now I had become ethereal I had no need to hang around so I sprinted past pretty much everything inside using grav to find my reward an invitation to dinner from a secret admirer oh it's just you I already gave you the horn I'm trying really hard not to make an obvious joke here Delphine really hard after returning the horn to one gear the gray Birds showed off the sub base in their new sound system when I trekked up to coinsgrove with Daphne to take on a dragon become ethereal is incredibly useful against surviving dragon attacks at high difficulty settings and if you get an amulet of Talos and the blessing of Talos your shout cooldown is vastly reduced so you can cost it pretty frequently which helps because dragons like to just do this or this hitboxes are just a suggestion in this game Maura's Agony wasn't that useful here a slopnil would just fly away instead of stepping in it and I could only use it once in the fight so Derek here would need to put in some hard yards I made sure to buy the hill of a spell to keep her on her feet and after another 20 minutes of running around and shouting myself horse saloknir fell and it was time for a celebratory party the next section of the game was a breeze which made a nice change I snuck past everyone in the embassy and then made a run for the dossier funneled the riffraff into a corner and slowly took them out with my foul body odor headed over to Riften to rescue old esbom from the ratways while humiliating some more Thalmor in the process ignored everything on the way to Sky Haven Temple waited eight years for esben to shut the hell up and return to the gray beards to learn the clear skies shout and meet their Master party snacks you know why I live here no but I'm sure you'll spend the next 20 minutes telling me there once was a Dragonborn evil and wicked and his name was mirac to be EPs and a staff and his house is a nice place to visit [Music] in a subtle reference to the title of the game parthenax told me that in order to learn the shout to defeat Alduin I would need to find an elder scroll and although I knew exactly where to find one I also knew I would have to fight Alduin afterwards and I wanted more Tools in my Arsenal for that so I returned to soulstein to do something twice as difficult instead great outside the Temple of mirak in the center of the island I met freyja who is basically the main character from AC Valhalla with the added bonus that you don't actually have to play ASU Valhalla don't it's awful and she suggested we delve inside to explore and meet the locals in this case the locals were a friendly combo of cultists and drowger out to Killers but despite Freya getting distracted by everything like a cat with a laser pointer a deadly combo of hentai carpet sewer gas and dancing around people with my rotten stench got us through we took down the gatekeeper together in a surprising display of teamwork I decided that the last group of enemies just weren't worth the trouble and ran past everyone to reach the black book reading the book transported me back to Birmingham where I met mirak for the first time a massive poser who bragged about how huge his balls were and then made an exit stage left while his backup dancers sang me into a coma that was worth it Freya took me home to meet her dad a bit soon for that isn't it we've just met and he told me to go clean some graffiti off a stone or something bruh I want some of what you're on A wise man once told me why stand and fight when you can simply turn invincible and run after learning the first word of the Bend Will shout I headed onwards to cleanse the Windstone and this is where I met my match cleansing the stones summons a lurker and these guys are no joke they are powerful enemies that hit like a truck speed poison tentacles everywhere and have a ton of HP but that's not the real issue see they have absolutely insane HP region and even with all the tools at my disposal I simply couldn't get its Health down quicker than it could regen it so I needed a different strap first I tried luring it to some nearby Pirates they were about as useful as an origami fireplace so I baited it to the skull Village instead where I showed my encouragement while the villagers took turns hacking it down oh boy I hope I don't have to deal with any more of those things yeah that can definitely wait for now I needed more knowledge on black books and after doing some more grinding at the Smithy to unlock Arcane blacksmith and upgrade my gear I returned to neloff because I felt like being patronized some more he told me that the black book I needed was in a Dwarven ruin called and chart and charred yeah anyway so we set out across the ashlands together a frost Dragon showed up which was no problem because nilof might be an arrogant ass but he's also a finely tuned killing machine then an invisible Invincible mirac appeared and shouted at everyone non-stop because this game is more broken than my serotonin receptors I'm having fun guys Mel off the Beast destroyed everything in his path on our way into the ruins and then we progressed inside taking out hordes of Dwarven constructs while solving a series of puzzles at this point it's worth mentioning the main perk of the become ethereal shell the Armor's poison effect is still active even while you're ethereal so you can just walk around enemies safely and then switch the shield to block while waiting for the cooldown to end pretty useful after dispatching the last of the machines back to the big scrapyard in the sky we activated the steam mechanism and released the black book from its housing [Music] oh good be sure to say hello for me please oh great here again guess we're running and Ron is what I did until I reached the epistolary Acumen black book which granted me an audience with Emmaus Mora himself who is basically my body double Maura dangled the carrot of the second word of Bend wool before me before beating me with the shitty stick of having to convince the skull to give up their secrets because he really wants to know how they make such delicious Hawker and snowberry pie it's koi storm wasn't giving up his secret blend of 11 herbs and spices that easily though and told me to go and torture myself at the stone some more this time I wanted to be more prepared so I decided to unlock the rest of the become ethereal shell first to iron bind Barrow where a couple of bickering looters helped me take down a death Lord on my way to the word wall before escaping and then back to oostongrov where I'd completely neglected to learn the word earlier I'd still need more souls to unlock the full shell but the easiest way to do that was to just fast travel between cities until a dragon showed up and then let the gods deal with it cheers pal louder could be of help [Music] well now look at number one he was trying to act hard till I took him to a party with the Raven Rock guards [Music] yeah what's that noise and then there's the fourth one the last Stone spawns in a lurker guardian and these guys are something else the dragon that also decided to swing its dick in my face barely tickled the guardian a nearby Reaver couldn't touch it I tried getting it to glitch and fall off a cliff but no dice and nothing else was of much help until I found the family of nature at the shore below after luring the lurka down there I used Bend Will to get them to fight each other and watched on as the niche savagely beat down the lurker before I ran away across the water in my God boots which was appropriate because I just pulled off a bloody miracle [Music] it's cleansed Stone finally gave up this pie recipe old hermomura said yum and stuck his tongue right in it freyja did A celebratory dab and I learned the last word of Bend Will which would allow me to control dragons I'll cut you mirak I made my way through the chapters of the book by collecting more books bookception and Rich the word wall where the dragon sarator appeared to challenge me not today buddy you're my Bish now fly me to your master I said fly me to okay fine you can have your fun happy now ascended to the top of the highest peak I jumped out of my Uber and it was time for a showdown now the main reason I was even doing any of this was to get mirac staff so the first thing I tried to do was to go invisible and then see if I could pickpocket him 500 IQ plays work I think I needed a different strategy with no staff there was no sense in fighting him on the ground since mirak has a gimmick where he will kill each of the dragons in turn and absorb their souls healing back up in the process so the most effective way for me to combat that was to jump back on serator and let him try to take out one of the other dragons then let miractive our saraton and then cast Bend Will on the remaining Dragon to bait mirak into eating him too with all that out of the way our glorious battle could begin if by glorious you mean using become ethereal and running around him like a crackhead to slowly poison him before carrying behind a rock to recover not only did this take an absolute age as he constantly whirlwinds Sprints away at the start but I ran into a big problem at the end to finish the fight you need to get his health below a certain level but when he gets close to it he starts using a heal spell which the ebony Merlin poison Rune alone couldn't out damage and I forgot to rest to reset the cooldown on Maura's agony ah well that was 45 minutes well spent I did the entire Saga again but this time after resting and jumped in for round two even with Maura's Agony I still had to rely on getting his health down first and then trapping him somewhere I could cast the spell and stagger him preventing him from healing up which was easier said than done but after a couple more failed attempts this is how it went [Music] good [Music] foreign [Music] G gods [Music] thank you Emmaus gave mirac the licking of his life praised me for a job well done and I finally had my hands on the last item of my setup mirax staff which squirts a smaller version of Maura's Agony On The Ground I just discussed in myself by using the word squirt there sorry just gonna go and throw up come ride a dragon and fly to skoda and enter its Heavenly Gates where the skies are alive with all the wings cries yes sovereign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] although the game likes to direct you to elfton for the older scroll I prefer reaching black roots through Miz interlift I had to clear out some Bandits and a bunch of machines on route but other than that it was a straight shot to the prettiest area in the game I was here for literally one minute sorry devs up in the tower of massark I definitely didn't Google the answer to this puzzle and got my hands on an elder scroll mate stop following me before progressing further I decided I'd probably held on to the Golden Claw long enough now so went to Riverwood to return it thank you so much for taking care of those thieves bro okay now I'm ready I stood at the time wound read the scroll and watched an old movie this picture quality is awful 3 out of ten still I did learn the dragon wrench shout very educational 9 out of ten Upon returning to the real world aldorin showed up and it was time for the first of our Mighty battles although this fight took a long time it basically boiled down to a loop of bringing him down to earth with dragonrend shooting moldy cream at him and keeping him locked there while parthenax joined in using the word wall and become ethereal for cover kind of like this foreign [Music] [Music] against me I will Outlast you mortal with the world eater out of the equation for now Pastor socks told me that in order to finish him for good I would need to catch myself a dragon and that dragon's reach would be the perfect place to do it he also let me meditate on the word fame which increases HP regen while become ethereal is active which was nice I asked the old bolgriff about using his living room to trap a dragon and he said sure if the gray beards are down the graybeard said sure if Ulfric and tullia sit down Ulfric said sure if tullius is down and tullius said God damn it I guess we're all having a meeting then well this is awkward guys anyone else want to join I made some arbitrary decisions I didn't care about at all to determine the fate of an entire country esbern taught me the shout to capture a dragon and I was almost ready for the final showdown but first I'm quite lucky in that I don't have many regular trolls on my channel in fact it's really just this guy don't you worry buddy I've taken your comments into consideration when writing this next chapter after meeting a boy and doing a murder I met a lady named Astrid who asked me to do some more murder so I did three in fact and she said not enough do some more so I did oh and there were some Bandits too I guess oh look I'm The Listener now nobody seemed to know if I'd committed the ideal amount of murders yet so I did a couple more just to be sure and then a man in a cave asked me to kill an emperor so I went to a wedding I'm just so overwhelmed such kindness please Merry Christmas to you too Victoria no you're welcome you can never do too much murder so I murdered this guy in plain sight before going to the Dawnstar Sanctuary murdering this guy it's cool though because now I have a horse don't need it I spoke to a man in Macco for some information left him alive just kidding I murdered him and then I went and murdered The Gourmet and dragged his body into a corner after wearing a nice hat and making some soup I murdered the Emperor who turned out not to be the emperor which was awkward so I went back to the sanctuary to find everyone being murdered so I joined in and then murdered Astrid in a suitable fashion the night mother said you still want murder short so I headed out to the cataria stuck into the emperor's private quarters and gave him the most dignified death I could a new hand touches the beacon for God's sake motier showered me in money which I spent on home decor to make the sanctuary even more murderous Brotherhood was done ah let's go back as a dragon after hitting 80 and smithing which would allow me to upgrade my armor some more and activating the lady Stone which increases your HP and stamina recovery speed by headed up to Whiterun to tame and ride a dragon which would be kind of cool if I hadn't already done all that in the DLC oi come in humiliating position yes yes who's been a naughty boy now fly me into a cutscene upon arriving at skulldathan I used become ethereal to run past the mobs dealt with a bottleneck of spiders stealthily handled all the door puzzles and spent 12 minutes keeping a drowder death Overlord trapped in a corner while I slowly worked his health away to obtain a Diamond Claw outside I sprinted past everything to reach the portal before knackering could close it and I finally reached my destination at this time of year at this time of day in this part of the country localized entirely within York Skyrim yes in another Simpsons reference old man shouts at clouds and I faced off against Sun a mighty warrior who wished to test my strength sure thing hope you like getting tenter killed you fought well if you say so I'd plan to chill for a sec inside the halls of Valor and enjoy a nice Roasted Ox Lego too but the heroes of old had other ideas so we rushed back outside cleared away The Mists and prepared to tear the world eater a new one [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] guys with the world saved I returned to Skyrim to be hailed as the king of the Dragons said my goodbyes to parthenax and odaving and my quest was over I had beaten Skyrim with poison only oh wait there's one last thing I forgot to do perfection [Music] will make your skin look prettier
Channel: Baron's Castle
Views: 820,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barons castle, skyrim challenge run, skyrim poison run, can you beat skyrim with poison only, gaming challenge, funny challenge run, bethesda, skyrim, elder scrolls, dark souls, ds1, ds2, ds3
Id: gNycedpdz2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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