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the right place what's up guys how we all doing today James thank you very much for the donation before the stream even started I don't know if we saw it on screen because I had the stream starts soon thing on the screen but thank you very much for the first donation of the stream it's really appreciated man especially in the current situation guys I'm really excited for this dream I'm so excited I've actually made a new character here for you guys to check out and we're gonna be going through survival mode it's gonna be like a walkthrough I'm gonna explain all the different mechanics to you guys as we go through and to make it like really interesting I thought we need to have like a goal of the let's play like a really cool thing that we could do together so I thought the best quest you can do that makes you travel all over the world of Skyrim is to find I think it's called no unturned stone we don't have the quest yet but we will get it obviously during this live stream and it's going to be like a continual let's play where we have to find all the unusual gems or the stones of then aziah or something like that it's a really really cool storyline and it's one of the hardest quests in Skyrim one of those time-consuming ones so it these stones are scared like all over the world and in this let's play we'll be collecting them but first guys let me introduce you to our new character Matthew / shot me thank you so much for the donation Matthew for those of you that don't know we actually went to university together in London about what May it must be like four or so years ago now doing art and design so I still need to catch up with you mate but thank you very much for the donation so here we are we've got an Argonian here and this is I think this is actually currently it's in the survival mode for Skyrim is in beta but I think the Argonian is actually the best race first survival mode let me show you guys why first off we have raw diet so basically you can eat raw you don't need to actually cook any of the food so you can't get food poisoning which is fantastic you have a because I'm actually a vampire in this character I started the game as a vampire because I thought would be fun and interesting so that gives us a hundred percent resistance to receive then we have the Argonian 50% resistance to disease now you might be wondering yes so 150 percent resistance to disease that's a bit over the top kind of is but there's actually a few like side effects you can get in the game that make you more vulnerable to the deter certain diseases but because we have a hundred and fifty percent resistance there's literally no chance we will ever get there disease and that's really good because diseases are just so annoying we also obviously because we're a vampire in combination with being Argonian we have a 40 percent resistance to frost which is really good because we're gonna be traveling a lot at nighttime Phares thank you very much for the $2 donation I'm really glad you're enjoying the stream and my Skyrim videos man the the donations are definitely appreciated man whilst we have we have 100% resistance to poison again for being a vampire we have argonians passive which is standard being able to breathe underwater argonians can become colder 25% faster environments this is quite annoying but obviously because I've combined it with being a vampire we're not really going to notice the difference at all in fact we still have a resistance to cold the weakness to fire is obviously something any vampire needs to be careful of what else is that I think that's everything that I've beaten through obviously we've got the standard stuff obviously in being a vampire you can feed on people and instantly like heal your hunger so it kind of encourages you to feed as well which is really cool basically this less play is gonna be a lot of fun being an Argonian and I think I'm gonna use sneak David thank you for the $5 donation man you guys like crazy donating right now this is awesome any chance of getting a free t-shirt I wish bro I cannot say your name I'm safe foot in safe footed thank you very much for the $5 donation I'm actually making a new hoodie which is coming out next week so I can't wait to share that with you guys but okay guys let's actually have a look on the map because we started in a random location we actually started here more that's lair the lair of a very famous vampire in fact in fact he's in quite a few Elder Scrolls games so we need to get over all the way to Rifton because that's where we're gonna start this quest so the best way to do that I think would be oh we could go to morph out and see if we can get the carriage from there if not we're gonna need to work our way through these mountains which is going to be very treacherous because I don't actually have very much of a resistance to the cold yeah a lot of you guys are saying in the chat my current situation which oh my god I've got let me just turn this off TCL there we go sorry I always do I was testing out this mod earlier and I have that on still so we're gonna travel to morph out in fact we might actually feed on someone before we head off into the night and everyone should be asleep right now I don't know if this character has me lockpicks yet so that might be an issue but we might be able to sneak into the yards longhouse because that's usually open and from there I should be able to feed off somebody's blood so as you can see right now guys on the top left where the map marker compasses I'm getting colder that's what--that's or frosty symbol means so obviously that's not a good thing you are very chilly that's not good so we can't get in there I'm also hungry as well right so this is actually the start to a quest which we're just going to ignore we're gonna sneak inside this building right now and ignore that conversation because I just want to feed off someone hopefully it's late enough for people to actually be in bed yard and portsmen thank you for the donation bro you're awesome and I love your videos you inspired me to start playing Skyrim again that is that makes me very happy sir to hear things like that you were cold okay we're gonna get a few notifications as we start playing this right ah oh my god can you feed off a child I don't think it's gonna let me know you can't that's quite funny though I've shot the door there I want to feed off someone they should be in bed now yes yes our first culprit hunger yes I know I'm hungry feed you are now well fed so we get some advantages for actually being well fed apart from the vampire advantages stamina regenerates 10% faster and we can even like feed again and get even more well fed I think it might give us a few more buffs but also feeding twice of people gives us more vampire powers as well so we are warmed up right now because we're inside which is obviously good I actually might steal a few things here because this character literally has no gold I want to play a sneaky Argonian oh salt piles are going to be really good for cooking later we'll talk about that later so I want to play a sneaky Argonian that uses illusion which is really good for vampires because they get buff with illusion frost salts don't want that don't want any of this stuff all potion of enhance stamina minor Magica we're gonna need that I might need to stand on this thing here yes I know I'm tired I will need to sleep maybe we should go to the end before we start traveling hmm and a cheese wheel just for the road ahead guys of course right let's get out there I think we're OK in terms of like being fatigued so we could probably start adventuring now the only thing I'm worried about is not being warm enough but I think if I turn into a vampire we should actually be able to get oh actually I can turn into a vampire Lord Jack because I haven't done Harkins questline so we can't do that we're just going to half the fast travel there I wonder if the carriage is here and if I have enough money to actually buy it because I don't think I have enough money to do that yet so it might just be that we have to walk over there because there is no fast travel in this game mode oh my god is it just frozen really Skyrim you gonna do this to me I'm a 3-star guys this game never freezes on me right I'm actually gonna have to get tossed matter out now to sort you out Skyrim and tasks there we go restar Skyrim is already running well hurry up Skyrim I guess survival mode isn't bisa so that potentially could be why but I was playing it literally straight for the last two days and had no issue whatsoever let me just check whoever donated their DJ pack Zach H man donated $20.00 thank you very much sir that is awesome and you guys are gonna notice that little health bar on the top corner that is the stream like Skyrim is literally patching okay 37% was going quite fast top right corner is something called a stream boss so everytime you donate free the link in the description you actually do some damage to the boss and if you kill the boss then you become the next boss and then someone has to try and kill you to take you over fifty five percent I can't believe it's patching in the middle of a street seventy-four percent it's pretty quick well I can't this is like the worst time to patch I humbly vote would freeze and then like stop the game just a patch 91% almost there guys okay luckily okay now we can play the game again thank you I'm now allowed to play the game goodness me are you actually trolling miss Darien ah well it wouldn't be an ESO Street without something going wrong with it let's be honest under siege thank you very much for the $20 donation sir really appreciate it bro donate $10,000 if he did that I think I would have no worries for a quite a long time Lincoln Callister thank you very much you Rocky yes a $10 donation guys this is the most like rapid donations I've ever had in any stream like this is ridiculously crazy thank you so much for your generosity I cannot actually believe it so luckily there's obviously an autosave when we left that in so I don't think we'll have any issues here guys yeah I was saying this earlier but I think I interrupted myself which I have a tendency of doing say food in I love your name can you do the Dragonborn DLC I will do the Dragonborn DLC but not I want to do the survival mode one there now what do the Companions then we'll do the Dragonborn DLC and then I'll make a new character for the mage DLC because it feels wrong to play the mage DLC with a sneaky Archer character I feel is the game like please don't tell me it's crashed again sure it's fine okay it's fine it's good we're fine that is crazy streamed his wedding and earned one grand total donations that is crazy good fear man I actually I think I've heard of that that guy actually so that's pretty cool cool okay right so we're gonna go off into the boggy marshes of morva which is actually well known for having vampires in it so I feel like this is pretty law friendly I don't think we want to go over the mountains though I think we want to work our way around here we don't have a ritual stone yet I can't remember which ritual stainless is in the middle of the swamps but we're gonna go check it out Spencer you just donated but the chat is moving so fast I didn't see it so I will pause and scroll up and have a look in a moment thank you for the donation oh yes I forgot about that the water is actually very cold so it makes you even colder even faster which is obviously not ideal she's gonna ignore the wildlife and keep making our way what I really need is the Ferrara right now because you know in vampire a vampire armor I'm not really got much of a warmth factor make me a mod oh yeah actually I will make you a mod under siege that's a good idea thanks for reminding me how does moderator hey give her right there we go now even more down the stream under siege I know him personally so that's why I trust him with the modding of the channel okay so the apprentice stone this is actually going to be okay for us makes us regenerate magic faster but we're more susceptible to magical damage we should be fine with this and I can see some spiders over there I'm just going to ignore them and carry on like nothing's happened yes so thanks for all your content have you tried entry out total Skyrim conversion I would love to see you play it I would actually really like to play that as well you know because that would actually be pretty awesome I know it's a massive overhaul of Skyrim so it's basically a new game just in the Skyrim engine if you want to have a quick check on the map I'm going the right way here because we want to head down this river and all the way up this river to wait run I think is where I want to go or actually no I want to go to solitude so I can get the carriage to Whiterun for like 50 gold that's actually going to be a lot quicker than doing it the other way so let's head back to Solitude now we are going to need to go through the swamps here and that's always good so I am getting cold as you guys can see and there's not really a lot I can do about it because there were where I spawn and we've not started to fatigue yeah if you guys are wondering why I'm kind of like running around in circles serious because I want to avoid the water as much as possible because we're getting colder and colder and I'm losing health see if I could transform into a vampire right now it would increase my cold resistance even further and that would really help me out that looks like a campsite I think this is actually a campsite for a quest which we're not gonna do right now but I believe it being quite a cool quest have a quick chat cuz they might have actually left something we can use is this aha restoration Danna should not read that oh we can pick it up and sell it though so that's that's good something good will come of this we can of course sleep at this abandoned campsite but we're definitely not gonna do that Jax thank you very much for the donation oh you're also sponsoring me I don't know if I have sponsor alerts on right now but all the sponsors really help me out if you guys want to sponsor the channel it's like $5 a month and you get some awesome cool new emotes as well so it's pretty awesome I really want to get to Solitude so we can start actually you know like making some headway into this quest cuz right now I feel like I'm just dying I need some fur armor and a few other things to help me out I don't actually recall there being any banners around here there is a cooking pot here though so don't think I have anything I owe a sneak skill book thank you very much Oh pickpocket okay great great you know that could actually come in handy later I don't think I have anything that I can cook right now I know I stole some horse so he might just quickly eat that if we do start dying of hunger again I think I should be okay at this point so we are getting further north in Skyrim as long as I discover solitude we'll be able to use the carriage at the top where the stable is I can't buy a horse Jagger's today I have enough of gold but you know it's gonna be a star for sure so let's run across this freezing cold water hopefully it's not freezing cuz otherwise I'm gonna start to lose health right now and that's never a good thing I don't think is that cold so we should be okay new sponsor welcome sack Reid sack right literally streamys the worst thing for me guys you guys have such awkward names and I've just like sick and you're making me pronounce them I try my best you know I'm thankful okay oh my god it's 5:30 a.m. where you are that is crazy bro thank you so much for staying up to catch this live stream yeah do you know what we could actually steal a horse it's not like I plan to return to solitude anytime soon that's a fairly good idea but at the same time I want to use the carriage without the guard attacking me it's more important that we get to Whiterun and then Rifton so I can get some damn fire armor I think one thing I might do is sleep in the in solitude you know like it's really interesting is we're playing survival mode the game is already a lot slower paced and you really have to start planning out how you're going to do things which is pretty fun actually I kind of like that that new gameplay idea I think that the horses here are quite expensive as well so ideally I want to buy a horse from winter whole because they're like dirt cheap a thousand gold now help me to 5k please support I'm giving away a ps4 well you guys saw that in the chat you want a free ps4 going checkout that guy's channel okay before we speak to the carriage driver we may as well discover solitude I mean it's already taken us a little while to walk this far across the map I feel like this this like let's play we're doing here it's gonna take a fair amount of time I can't wait until this character actually gets built out as a sneaky illusion vampire who just decimates everything it's gonna be so fun to play this build it's actually I'm making a build on this character so this is kind of like a sneak peek I will I don't know why not have the actual finish build out but we could call this a bit of play testing as it were aha I'm just gonna ignore this because I've already done a main quest playthrough and told you the lore about this so how dare you betray us now is a very good time to rob people if you want to because a lot of people are actually at this execution right now so I'm gonna run over to the pub and we're actually gonna steal I once that where's the oh that's not the pub sorry this is the pub the winking Skeever Christine thank you very much for the donation I am going to scroll up so I can actually read that my commentary is going going crazy because everyone's donating so quickly which is I do not have a problem with it's okay if you can't say my name most can't Christian tell a tear is that right don't worry about it I truly enjoy your channel we'll keep up the good work thank you very much I look now you've got that little sponsor icon if you are if you are sponsoring the channel and you go to the emotes section you've unlocked some cool new emotes that you guys can use so I'm gonna pay 10 gold to get a bed let's have a quick look at how much gold I actually have 317 so we have enough to get the carriage to Whiterun and also I actually want to go over some foods with you guys cuz there's some really good foods we can make here chicken breast is awesome just for refilling your hunger very cheap and it restores 220 points of hunger i ah usually they sell some vegetables but this guy is not selling anything useful which is pretty unfortunate salmon steak is also very useful so we're gonna go ahead and steal this salmon steak and this health potion here I'm also gonna Rob some of the chests upstairs oh my god we got to rob this we roll come on where can i yes sweet rolls for the win oh my god there's number one here we go grab this I I actually made a joke April Fool's video I think it was last year which was a a sweet roll thief build and it was so funny like it's just a fun way to play the game you just go around and still sweet rolls thank you very much for the other sponsor by the way goes maybe I'll actually feed off them before I leave but I feel like I just need to take all these sweet rolls so I think my room is this one here with the open door a ha a fellow Argonian business with you oh okay fine I not invited to your tea party damn you I'm gonna shut the door on you what else is here is there anything useful in this chest thirteen gold I'm a poor man I think I'll take it nothing else potion of magic oh very nice oh okay they actually left me some potions too still how generous of them Olaf and the dragon oh my god is this the book I think it is is it no no no it's not there is a choose your own adventure book but this isn't the way I thought it was okay so I think right now we're pretty good in terms of hunger I'm gonna sleep in this bed until morning Oh actually do I wanna sleep till morning or maybe if I sleep until about 4:00 p.m. actually it doesn't matter does it cuz we're gonna say the carriage anyway so we'll sleep until morning we'll go and buy some hopefully some farmer if any we're selling some and then we can go to the Smith and maybe even buy some new weaponry or sell some of the crappy weaponry I've picked up so we are now well rested which is good so that means I have full Magica obviously if we're not keeping up on our sleep and we start to lose our magic err and on max stamina as well and you get out my way please I used to be an adventurer like you and then I also took an arrow to the knee rights I think we would like okay then mr. Argonian I think we'll ignore you I don't look very vampire like it's all with my my little sharp teeth and my vampire vampire outfit hopefully the Fletcher will sell us some light armor fingers crossed I mean it would make sense when never before has fur armor been so bloody useful he doesn't he only has weapons cuz he's a Fletcher yes of course so I'm actually gonna buy this lockpick and I'm gonna show you some stuff right now cuz I don't need this iron axe 10 damage 9 damage attacks much faster lesser than that as well okay right we've got to go elsewhere to actually find some armor you would have thought a hunter would have some kind of armor upstairs but I don't believe that's the case at least have an archery skill book the wolf queen is not an archery skill book hello sir grant let's gather let's go to the smell there reliable for actually selling some form of armor and we're low level so probably be fur armor your vampire blood boilers at the so Mike's hello sir sale would you have a sale okay apparel Oh where's the Ferb hey why'd you have no fur I'm gonna actually gonna have to craft fair armor because I don't want to eat that hmm don't want to do that it's all now I don't want to buy any of this stuff okay right let me just sort out my apparel we did actually get these boots from the location we started out pair of unique boots you can get there which I forgot to mention 27 warm this is also 27 warmth if that gives us 50% magic of regeneration we might as well be wearing that instead Oh once I want this 113 113 uh yeah I mean it's gonna have to do for now let's sell them this silver ring just we've got a bit more money I kind of like starting off a completely new game with absolutely nothing by it it's kind of fun because you just have to start from scratch again right 450 gold we are bull it we are rich now guys he's not selling anything good anyway sprocket donated $5 you're scaring videos are the best they have become a highlight for me in the strange in the strange times thank you sir I'm glad that they have become a highlight in your life is awesome okay the last place that I think I'm going to try is the not the bitten oh the bits of pieces could actually sell some useful stuff but this clothing shop here I don't think they're going to sell any armor though I hate these two ladies they're like the rudest people ever day seriously let's see if we can't find an outfit that suits you and she just has all these like rude things when you actually pass this is actually really good eighteen warmth that's pretty decent you know I'm actually quite impressed with that that's that's actually really high warmth for a helmet ah and everything else just clothes all eighteen that wasn't as high as the hood was it 24 oh my god fine clothes fifty for warmth really that's I didn't expect it to be so high 29 want for that alright alright okay okay let's have a quick look at the care like hood because I mean now look pretty cool like a creepy Khajiit in a Red Guard Alfa 18 and the other hood was 21 so I don't find it now I kind of want the hood just gonna looks cooler oh no this is 18 as well okay we going with the hood I mean the the wrap the hood yeah I'll care heard great there we go sorted I am slightly warmer and ready oh my god absolutely ugly Jesus Christ that is one thing I miss about a car the COS eats my other character your blood boilers in the sunlight Oh No hashtag a car and we get hashtag a car some a car love in the chat guys who doesn't hate the Thalmor I considered playing high off and then I thought ah no I didn't even consider I'm lying yes Jax you're right don't forget to like the stream it's actually cool I can see the spawns of people like they stand out they're better in the chat okay right we need to run down here and still count for the horse you've only got 450 gold I'm working on it guys we're gonna be stealing a lot of stuff once we join the Thieves Guild and when we get the unusual gems so I'd like to hire your carriage I would like to go to you we could make a stop at right Whiterun I kind of want to go straight to Rifton I felt like I've done too much shopping so far yes you need to go do stuff I actually look like such a traveler this is like survival mode this is what I wanted the role play I love it this the backstory for this character by the way it's going to be I don't know if you guys have heard of the the shadow scales basically it's like one point in a month at one point in the year that you're born you are become a shadow scale which is basically an Argonian member of the dark brotherhood and these awesome sneaky fighters windows out goodness me windows stop it and they've let the law behind is incredible I'll tell you more about it at some other point right we don't need to go here we want to go oh here we go what's the tax for the city what does it matter this is obviously a shakedown as you can see my card is quite tired because we've traveled here on the carriage in real time so he's actually you know got fatigued during that time you know even the fast travel with carriages technically it's still gonna have game time so you're still gonna feel the effects of it which is pretty cool so obviously now I need to eat some food and look after myself and have a nap at some point otherwise I'll get debilitating to my abilities I'm gonna eat some food right now because we can't really you're still peckish there we go now I should be okay and now I've got rid of that awkward place on my stamina bar looking for trouble now we actually do want to speak to mine I'm gonna skip for this conversation he's already done a whole walk from the thieves go so I don't think I'm your guy okay well intimidates now it's persuade him you're stupider than you look how dead or watch your ass around here well that wasn't very nice was it we can do this quest for the Thieves Guild which we're about to start now when like in the pocket slide indeed I am like literally read my mind I can tell ya it's all about sizing of your mark by the way they walk what they're wearing it's you no clothes no armor my wealth is none of your business what if you're honest I wanted to be bring you off well but that's where you're wrong lad well is my business maybe you'd like it taste what did you have in mind bro but I need an extra pair of hands okay and in my line of work extra hands are well-paid dark Sider thank you very much the $5 donation bro what are after date is simple I'm going to cause a distraction you're gonna steal modeski silver ring from a strongbox under it's easy once you have it I want you to place it in branch's pocket without him noticing oh do don't worry I'm okay with this someone no I'm just fine with this let's let's do it let's do it corn bran yo let's go brought people for no reason then show me what you're made of okay cause the distraction I'm ready I think anyone is interested bring you off there is no one here okay people are coming from the other side of town to here or bring your faster safe even this even this rift and guard is interested what are you selling bring your who can actually see me right now is my sneak level that bad okay there we go there we go oh okay okay we're hidden now no problem yes the survival mod is pretty much a reskin of the frost full mod the eye Nemo I needs mod and Wesson why actually not wet and cold doesn't have that feature slacking Bethesda you've not copied it well have you that's the annoying thing and they're charging people for it so I was very angry about that okay out like everything including the silver racer sneaky sneaky what is over here some hide armor I could use this and some hide braces never better armor rating I'm Ashley requires key so if the pickpocketing now I think we have to plant the ring upon him so let's save the game here I don't think you can actually fail this but you know I feel like I could fail it there we go easy easy brah looks like I chose the right person for the job and here you go your payment just as I promised the way things have been going around here it's a relief that our plan went off without a hitch indeed it is what's been going on yeah my organizations been having a run of bad luck but I suppose that's just how it goes but never mind that you did the job and you did it well first of all there's more where that came from if you think you can handle it bro I can handle anything all right then let's look back to the tab I know where you are you want me to get there in one piece yo Jax I just realized you gave me a $50 donation I don't think you even noticed that thank you so much that is awesome man that is a crazy huge donation thank you lick up what it takes and also some very nice words that you read that complete it okay great so now we've got to go and take care of business but first we're gonna have a word with the Smithee hello sir the finest weapons and armor Oh where's this fire this is actually really useful for me because got that weakness to fire being a vampire and all where is my fur armor why doesn't know oneself fur armor when you actually need it oh I don't want to buy that no I don't think I already want to buy anything I can't sell them stolen goods can I'd forgot I was wondering where my stolen items were okay right let's go it all lastly before we go into the right away I think I might actually have a quick nap because then I can actually use some spells on the bandits within there otherwise anything I want I'm gonna be struggling now I'm just thinking oh I know because we like quite poor let's go to beggar's row the absolute riffraff or drift and sleep here so it's actually you know better than sleeping outside is still inside and it's free beggar's row here we go Aaron's crib thank you very much for the $10 donations I really appreciate that I hope you guys are gettin all the shoutouts on the screen because I sometimes the the sound effect doesn't go off and I don't know if it's just me or if they're still popping up if not I need to sort that out I'll watch the video back later and figure it out I'll once that are all these that's owned I can't remember can I am I not allowed to sleep here that is rather vexing well I'm gonna [ __ ] eat this cheese broth I'm gonna eat all your cheese that's what I think of you do you know what actually I'm gonna come back here in the middle of the night and I'm gonna feed off you but you were you beggars because I can't sleep here apparently that's annoying right we're gonna have to rent a room at the end for ten gold actually we could also buy a follower I don't know if I have enough money to buy him but there is a mage in here we can get as a follower that can be pretty fun we need a follower guys we always need to follow up oh I actually can't afford him one sec how much score do I have I must be close oh I've got 774 gold okay let's get a room first sure thing it's here for a day okay great oh my god that was so weird his lips weren't moving and I thought he was speaking but it was actually teacher okay let's hire a common soldier to protect you when you can have a master of the arcane with a master of magic at your side you'll have nothing to fear I feel like our relationship is going to be quite brief but I do not care if you die I'm a savage I know okay right let's actually trade some stuff because you have nothing of use damn it I thought I could like rob him blind of anything useful we had but apparently not right actually this is not oh one second actually I might just Rob you so hold on a second sir go on you have some red apples here and still some brooms I actually made a guide ages ago about how to turn brooms into staffs which is pretty cool you should check it out guys cheese wheels are one of the best raw foods for eating I think they're like they restore a teen hunger which is pretty decent it's actually nothing down here you guys are like such a crap pub man worst pub cellar are you yeah I know he's not a great companion but I feel like I want to spend my money and I need a companion to help me that is not my bedroom is this my bedroom I don't actually remember which one it is I think this one yes it is great right I'm gonna make sure my floor waits outside while I have a nap until nighttime because then we get some vampire buffs when we go and kill these people okay 6:00 p.m. you awaken feeling well-rested cat why were you watching me sleep you weirdo who does that mara smiles upon you we actually need this request later somewhere else oh really really what is it if you'll excuse me okay one gold bounty out of two the rift I didn't think anyone like oh the guard of rifton's downstairs oh this is actually gonna be quite annoying because I have other stolen items okay before we before we do this before I get arrested let's quickly cheat our way out of this I'll come pick this up later what is we stole this we stole this that's all I stole I think that I remember and some potions hello Rifton guard look at him is Warhammer he's ready to batter the crap out of me I will pay my one Gold bounty I kind of want to go to prison just to spite it it better still be nighttime it's a p.m. that's fine that's fine I'll take it one gold bounty you actually kiddin me Rifton man please stop it okay let's go I've got some magical spells ready I've actually got a fear spell ready and we've also got a staff of fury this is gonna be good fun guys I'm excited finally we got some combat finally we made it to some combat like it took us a while to actually travel there I felt like most of the time we're gonna be spending traveling okay I want to do this sneakily but you can wait here if I need your help I'll let you know garrets $2 donation thank you very much would you rather have free poos a day or thirty little ones personally I've always considered myself a bit of a rabbit I eat a lot of vegetables so I think the tiny peas would be fitting that's a complete joke by the way don't quote me on that one ooh what's what lays beneath there so we could try and get a sneak attack on one by thing that's gonna be a long shot I'm gonna use a fear I mean a frenzy spell and just let them kill each other that's a lot funner hey there we go and then I'm gonna go assassinated I've always wanted to see who was the hardest out of these two bandits Oh get rekt Garret he's got an arrow in the side of his face oh my god let's quickly eat some food because apparently I am peckish again you were now satisfied okay right I'm gonna say we came here again there's gonna be quite a few saves guys imagine if this had permadeath we could actually have a mod with that orb I feel like it'd be very unforgiving oh this is perfect this is perfect oh yeah get rekt Durex sneak level increased and one-handed skill increase perfect and we also got some hi dharma that I didn't steal we might as well put this on right now for kids it's gonna provide us more protection in this current situation I'm a one second one second I thought they gave you more warmth to some reason but they're pretty standard look at this man I actually look sick Oh like a little assassin already this is good I'm liking this guys an arrow to the side of the face but still dies like a sweet roll okay we can't get over this way yet unless we could pick this gate but together I could try it order 1 attempt 2 X now that's just no point there is no point I don't want to train my lock-picking skill I mean it's just depressing so if you look out for you this great that's where we were looking down on earlier oh god I forgot about that trap wall literally remembered it at the last second god okay there's a guy that comes through this room I can't remember where he is your package again Apple didn't last very long did it he's not actually asleep right now I kind of work to feed on him the garlic is pretty useful by the way because it does cure disease there is a guy with some unique fists at the end of this hallway after you open the door just to there he's got the gloves of the pugilist and they do extra unarmed damage obviously I can't fear him right now because he's just gonna attack oh and we right I don't know okay right he's coming over here great I'm gonna shut that door and then hopefully I can kill him with this fire if he comes over I really wanted to come this way oh yeah he is he is great very great oh god oh my god I instantly killed myself that was terrible guys I can't level up because you have to sleep to level up now can't believe I just instantly kill myself that was a bit embarrassing right let's can i fara spell out that I wonder if that works I wonder if this works I'm going to test this out yes okay that does I am such an idiot I've because I never play spell characters as I always play with the bow I can't I have to sleep to level up so I can't actually level up right now guys right okay he's family oh my god are you actually kidding I got one-hit-kill on him was he that weak all my days okay I'll take it I'll take it you're still in love with Cameron who is Cameron have I missed something let's cook some food I cannot cook anything right now because I have no vegetables you really need to go to Whiterun and do some farming so I can get some okay we'll sleep for one hour to satisfy you all so you can stop complaining about me levelling up now I think I kind of want to level up even my now and Magica because I really want to get some illusion spells down that's like so fun so what are we gonna go for I think sneak is quite important but also one-handed that's gonna be our main form of damage illusion spells as well have is such a benefit to getting these early because if you can reduce the cost of illusion spells they're also expensive so it's very important to get this early on we don't want the cure casting yet we don't need it yeah I could go for this I don't know if I know I think I want to go for sneak I think that's going to be much more beneficial right now so I'll put one point in there that's what we're gonna go for you were feeling rusted and it's also a poison here aversion to fire which I can sell I'm not actually gonna use it I did leave my boy back there okay then we're good I think there's an enemy up ahead here so I'm gonna take care it was actually an enchanted weapon in this room somewhere I recall there being an axe on this stump but there's not one now so you know where that went she'll be able to rack this guy pretty easy to be honest it's got no armor Oh get rekt what was that what was that made you just got all my guys just convulsing oh my god that's a big grin Jesus Christ he's still going he's still alive he's not he's not giving up is he okay no oh no no he's still going what was that about okay I want to put you under the table now yeah salt pile and some bread and iron dagger what's this oh is this a pickpocket yes it is don't know why I'm picking up these skill books mainly just to sell this ski the tale can't cook that sir I can eat that though okay let's open this because we're gonna need to use it later before I forget and now we'll go into the Ragged flagon someone remind me to pick up my follower later cuz I will forget that he's there I guess I can't forget cuz he's standing right in front of the door I think we were on expert of cooee off talking my head but I've got some mods that increased damage okay let's not steer any Mead let's just walk over here and do what I'm here to do talk to my boy color me impressed gang here was easy yep that beats that's - okay we're gonna skip over this you've already done a live stream goons and Thieves Guild we know what to do we can have some fun maybe we'll kill some people from band sir they're actually gonna be asleep so there's gonna be in funnier we're gonna actually feed off them oh hello I don't remember this being here what okay we can actually start this unturned Stone quest after we've done we've joined the Thieves Guild so another thing I need to do right now is still the stone of the the unusual gem let's just call it that it's easier to pronounce no one has to worry about my dyslexic pronunciation I'm actually gonna take this I am battle axe and sell it they carry weights also been reduced in survival mode so obviously now you've got a bit of a problem when you want to carry around the whole contents of a dungeon but actually I forgot to leave this guy here's an amethyst some gold oh my god he has fur armor yes yes it has a hunting bow might as well take that it's always good to have a bow in hand just for saying off traps and disarming stuff I don't know why I hired you he will come in handy I don't know when but he will mainly as a diversion I could send him in and distract people I've got your back I've got your back why does have fruit follow us say that you need to stop that's freaking me out I kind of want to get my horns out again let me let me get rid of the there we go and I look for some within that right I want to go inside here and then we're gonna do a little bit of sneaky D key what is survival mode survival mode is what we are playing it's a new expansion added on to Skyrim dark slider thank you very much to find five dollar donation sir it's a new mode added on to Skyrim that basically makes the game harder you have to eat sleep drink and maintain a constant temperature this person has a lot of alchemy ingredients so she's always quite good to steal frog it's because I'm the vampires don't know if you have any fire salts love but I really need some for later Oh yep per your request actually don't need to read that right now cuz there's something else not relevant to this story okay great what the hell is this lady wearing she's got some like kinky our stockings on oh my goodness she is like what is going on there with our robes did you have they are very revealing I always have business get out of my face now the yawl isn't Ashley embed so this is good this means she makes my life a lot easier in fact I don't know there's anyone up here I need to worry about Anthony thank you very much sir for the $5 donation that really appreciate that you can also write a message when you do these donation guys like you then I can read it out unusual Jen there we go the first unusual gem I think we're only like what I don't know how long we are into the stream maybe like 40 minutes and also a lot picking book nice and was still that to hope it was like who are you do I know you sir I want to take this to how I defense these items when I become best friends with the Thieves Guild aha Oh steel armor in there and an elven great oh my god that is Garen sold to the Thieves Guild and so are these sweet rods I'm gonna eat those later wah-ha-ha-ha actually we need them right now what does sweet Rose actually do on survival mode 18 points of hunger restore five points of health no no no right now we just get out of it you call drew a YouTube channel yes so do you play a lot of ESO oh we can't actually jump over here so this is really annoying if we actually got to go down this way again um my channel was actually called ESO before the Elder Scrolls online was actually announced so has been permanently tarnished by ESO yard and Portman I do not know what that currency is but there is five of it thank you very much for the donation my name is actually unisex yes so I'm a woman no worries though mates sorry I am very sorry where are you from I don't know the currency and I is a very interesting name I quite like it so I want to have a look in here no anion dagger why are there so many useless items I'm gonna steal this bloody loot now you can't play music anymore hahaha nothing in here but Oh an orcish dagger not as good as the elvish dagger I have in my pocket though so nope some gold 37 gold yes worth I keep trying to roll and keep forgetting that I cannot roll okay good we're good we can just leave now and pretend nothing has happened nothing at all Kiki right let's go and complete this Thieves Guild quest and then we could finally start the quest of no stoned left unturned which is a Norseman quest and we're gonna do it and we get all the stones and then I'll show you the epic ending to the quest which is pretty cool as well it might take a few streams to get that far though because obviously we're going to be walking everywhere first place I need to go is actually the inn let's make this our active quest taking care of business where is here so from I'm from England the United Kingdom down with the Viper I refuse to kill my true love my car camera well so you're going to have a tough time when you play oblivion I have a message in we're gonna have a problem that it was never a request you see okay well we can Brule her and beat the crap out of an Argonian woman or we give me a bit more devious and I'm gonna be devious screw you I don't listen to anymore let's go and speak to her husband wherever he is generally don't know if he's oh okay hello sneaky snake oh you are well fed ahaha I'm actually gonna feed on a couple of times kids you're on a boost up that vampire hello kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss really you've locked this door why have you locked it ok let's save the game here I don't want to break to me lockpicks okay seven lot fix left Oh God I'll go it's nothing well just here literally okay here there okay great great yes get it aha leave me alone sir I need some privacy Oh a strongbox an empty chest and an end table with six gold I can see why you locked your doors kill me that was so bad where is your husband oh is this him no that's not him you're just a miserable Argonian seriously where is he is he downstairs in the cellar why would it be in the cellar there's no way he's gonna be down here alright we might have to wait I'll forgetting to say get out of my way you know what I might just draw her I might just be the crap out well that's gonna be faster you can't like white why are you blocking the stairs mate why did I hive pay 500 go free to block the bloody staircase I know you're still there get out of my way okay actually literally I will kill you if you get in my way again absolute absolute amateur where's Lydia when I need her you can go and speak to her husband who's the other Argonian that should be working here puts his not or you can brawl her which I'm going to do right now because let's be honest I'm a savage and I like to beat the crap out of oh we can't do it now okay do you know what screw you I'm gonna reload this safe from when I entered now I go in there and be like brawl me what's that this also safe it's this one that wasn't an autosave I loaded hello sapphire has a very interesting backstory it was never a request fights me yeah find me aye sir commence punch me first get me ready oh my god you can't even hit me you silly Argonian a woman oh actually that one actually hit me get regs I won't say he's got his sword out he's got his sword out it's not a knife out mate come on then plus 15 damage plus five damage either even get wrecked drive that snow back to the ground who even I that's what I need to know about dagger away you miserable peasant oh I was like what is he looking at and these I'm gonna go outside now yes so you shouldn't have hired that henchman you are very true hey let's make a Jack some Mort under siege bro I feel bad that you have to donate for me to actually see what you're writing but yeah let's do that man that's a good idea I've moderator there you go Jack's Kiley Stephens cool I don't meet many people from Australia online I assumed was talking to someone else that's not me cuz I'm English I actually met someone from Australia earlier you've donated to my patreon and I was like bro I really want to go to Australia that would be awesome right so now he's going to collect everyone else's depths I really want to go to the end one because this is kind of like I don't know if it's actually a brothel bunkhouse I feel like it is honestly Kyle remember I've never really been in this building or have I yeah this is the lady who owns us money why is no one sleeping it's 1:00 a.m. in the morning what do you people do for fun ahaha hopefully no one notices this just casually going to feast oh my ring of deft hands I bet you have a high sneak skill so a quick look at what you have my ring of destruction could give that to my follower but to be honest is useless so I'm definitely not going to risk that how are there's so many people sleeping here silver garnets ring Jesus you guys are awesome anyone can just sleep here I did not know that why I was paying 10 pounds of that shifty Argonian woman for a bed I do not know I'm sure still the statue of develop this is what you're meant to do you meant to speak and say give us back the debt and then if she doesn't actually she doesn't give you the debt so you gonna steal a statue and she like cries about it and then she gives you a back I got ahead of myself so I should drop this statue down a well Savage cup of care I actually do eat gulp so I may very well choke on it until next time last night was the most wonderful night of my life the things you showed me the things we did I could never have dreamt that it was possible my god I wonder what this lady does for a living who even knew that someone could manipulate their body in that manner while wearing daedric armor boots kinky you are a master of the dip bel did ballon it's meant to be the Daedric god of diabetic who's like the Dade recall of sex and pleasure arts my love a credit to your religion perhaps we'll meet again soon but next time allow me to bring the trout oh I didn't expect that the secret lover my goodness you dirty ho an offering of 100 gold must be made in order to receive the blessing from this shrine it's not happening it's not happening I'm gonna steal we all just got some I wonder what this honey is for whoo she's got some found the blood elixir oh my god this is the kinkiest lady in Skyrim the lusty argonian maid two and one the whole collection just some gold under the bed a broom for that little maid cosplay my goodness me I bet I am an Argonian and I am insulted almost oh my gosh he's got some leather strips this lady this is actually hilarious we should probably leave this before things this video is gonna get Dee monetized anyway so don't think it really matters but hey at least we were here enjoying this fun or the salmon steak the best source of food seared slaughter fish is actually pretty useless but it's the salmon steak that we want and also this boiled creme treat and we got to take the sweet roll guys I mean come on man she is definitely at all arabela there is also a tusk under her bed ah Christina have you checked naughty naughty there is comfortable here my teeth are uncomfortable to look at okay the last place music oh is this shop here guarantee they're still open at this time of night the pawned pawn that was saucy indeed Kevin I agree very saucy yard and Portman currency is Swiss name is from Israel okay that is a long way away Swiss and our interesting combination my next question is going to be how David thank you very much for the $10 donation bro once again guys you can leave a message I like to read out the messages where people donate okay right so we've got to fight this guy what is this little an apology what is your story sir I'm getting so distracted from our actual point of this video am I not okay you know where she's gonna be the scarp and then we'll carry on why actually start doing some traveling doing some survival yes if you actually beat up the other people before you come to this guy it will just give you the payment straight away so makes your life easy I think I'll be taking these leather strips back to that lady oh why are you making weird noises with your Spanky haircut trying to get one up on me there i'ii blackbriar meadery i never you don't need to go in there okay so now we've done everything I said why is there a quest market just I work a lust for the rat away all right let's go to the rats away then we I can fly gotta walk all the way through there so we can finish off the quest and then I should be able to start being no turned left no stone left unturned off the next quest either way guys you enjoying the stream right now we are having a good time just doing random stuff in the survival mode I guess like is I'm inside most the time there's already much survival to involved right now ah thank you very much becoming a sponsor and he gave me advice on making a build I'm waiting for the switch version I will have some build ideas for you bro no worries you actually do a video about that okay bring yo yep ah he's gonna give me awesome I don't know no he's not giving me thieves guild on me yes what is the outfit isn't doing very well fair enough okay everything follow me and I'll give you the next quest okay and then we can speak to vexy it actually get the quest I've been trying to get this whole livestream Thank You Dec see why sir why have you got flowers in there oh okay a floating bush you legit what is this magical creature okay let's go and follow bring your fuera Irie oh Jesus Christ bring off oh come on bring off show us your magical secrets are you in the way again oh no I meant to open the door for you the storage cabinet is actually a secret closet how amazing is that guys I love that oh my god Brenner off could you walk any slower maybe one day I will get finally Jesus Hale surface spammer in the chat yes I support this random I cannot read because the chat is going too fast with people hailing sit this random cinema I know the start is round he es so he helps that I hope this helps my name is Jack and I am from Darlington up north of course I did live in Newcastle for three years I'm aware of Darlington there it is not as far north I don't think okay come on Oh Britney off is getting some pace on now boy okay shut up come on I want to join the thief what we say when we say do I make myself clear I'm not sure yes we understand we just want to get through this conversation I'm quite busy this is actually gonna be a fun quest for us guys it's gonna be very sneaky we're gonna do with a mage backup and it's gonna be a good rich buy a hundred gold yes so don't trust Mercer we know we've already done the Thieves Guild DLC I've got a whole let's play on it I'm just using these people so I can actually start the quest I want to start for this whole livestream so I whispering this in my ear or Walt tell me about golden glow we need you to teach him a lesson what's the catch okay okay right right okay I've got the quest I've got the quest I haven't got the quest loud and clear I talked to Brittany oh you've got to tell me more stuff Brittany elf okay great now we have the quest and we can use the secret exit do we have the Thieves Guild one said AHA we do okay yeah let's go throughout that Thieves Guild arm because it gives you a buff that's gonna be very handy for a low-level character then we'll go up that secret exit because it's a lot faster than going all the way around the rat away every time you want to leave the Thieves Guild where's my BAE where's my BAE what's her name again here she is well looks like you and I are gonna have oh ho ho I didn't bring my leather strips but why is that okay we could actually fence stuff to her as well I think what will you give me for these okay I'm going to show you this hail amethyst don't need that anymore all that all that you know I might as well show you some of these potions I've stolen elven gray sword oh yes I got about gold we're going to be earning might as well keep these because they're the only source of unarmed damage in the game so if I do want to do that and I'll keep it but I probably won't ever use it battle-ax want to saw that didn't we and this loot oh it's only worth eight gold now is it I feel like I've been conned lights feats stamina potion of regeneration shadows slaughter fish don't need that guy ring don't need this sweet roll oh my god I wanted to eat that sweet girl what am i doing for my life just so heard the Thieves Guild armor back like haha yellow okay great apparel okay so fair armor gives us 50 for warmth that's why it's so good they give us 13 warmth and 15% better sneaking so this gives us 50% better pickpocketing not as geared carrying capacity increased by 20 points very good don't need to wear it right now though fair arm is gonna be more useful unless I'm over encumbered we want to put this on those lockpicks 50% easier probably draw these on the floor now prices are 10% better with the Thieves Guild hood and it still gives us the same as the our hood so we drop that on the floor as well and now we look we look pretty cool I just don't really like the fur armor gallop to be honest I like my tail so all is well in the world do you often go to the cloud district not gonna read the rest of that one Oh whoopsie seven gold a toy actually we need some torches this is good what is this book an unreadable book this is actually got picture of Dawnguard like logo on it hmm and everyone likes their shoes in there well what's this oh you can't actually read them but those two books down there actually quest books we're not killing the Z in this episode I'm afraid okay let's oh yes the gems I was meant to start that quest was nice sorry guys thanks for reminding me quickly run back should be up starting now is vexy Lexie Lexie yes yes yes yes yes she actually gives you some tips on how to get into golden glow' estate I don't know if she will actually helped me out and so I finished that quest if you look very carefully at the bowl on the table is actually moving I'm also nervous possessed or not you're wasting my time talking facts any idea why come on vex I just want to get past this conversation right this unusual gem is it worth anything finally we start the quest but you've got there is a stone at barons ayah is worth anything the stone was bright off of Barrett's is ceremonial crown by fief in order to cover his tracks how many of these oven I think there were 24 and all most people keep security awesome members have tried to locate them over the years but they haven't been successful until now your boyfriend is from London and he also has a smashing beard I rate that very highly you sure why buy it you sure you won't buy it tell you what if you find the rest of them talk to me again okay so now we have the quest markers great but I also want to go to golden glow because I think it'll be funny what do you guys reckon should we go and start searching for these mysterious stones or should we go to golden glow and kill some people I actually think one of the stones is going to be in gold inlay but I may be wrong no note what's that okay no no there's not stone there but there is a stone here in this mysterious cave can you get to dwarfing pet in Skyrim yes you can you can indeed there is a staff that allows you to do that I don't want to go that way do I do i one say no I don't go this way why is everyone shouting stones of me okay oh right you guys want me to do the stones okay right let's do the stones then right yeah will do will do the purpose of the video guys I'm sorry okay great whereas my health gone level of is available you know we should probably go and have a quick nap before we head out on finding these stones my blood is boiling in the sunlight after all and that's never a good thing sir okay where do I want to go I want to go through here and then left and then we want to go to the bunk house cuz three beds for everyone now and say and I can also suck of runs blood so you know we love it there yes the mysterious stones yours a vampire I am as a vampire has anyone ever seen the movie Nosferatu anyone anyone maybe hey no one oh okay apart from you walking into a wall don't mind me and just sucking on everyone's blood these guys are literally like vampire throws like they're just I used them for my pleasure ah ah kill Nazim kill grelod the kind while you're at it Oh actually there's a good shower I might actually do that that's very tempting she does deserve to die ok 4 p.m. and we can level up again as you can see I'm going to go there's no health regeneration by the way in a survival mode which is why my health hasn't been regenerating Zakaria thank you for your concerns is very annoying that my videos are being d monetized yes have you seen Harry Potter yes I literally grew up with that movie I loved it I'm gonna go for more magic here because I'm a legend and I'm also going to put another point in the one-handed scale next I think I want to get jewel flurry I think I'll just keep investing one-handed next we can get four illusion no open door I thought this would lead to the balcony it does not okay we all up our wheel doing stuff now I'm off work at the blackbriar meter II I'll be back there in the morning okay then maybe I could disguise myself no I really want to take her statue again just for just for a laugh really well once I do you have any cabbages down here as well oh yes yes cabbage potatoes yeah nice and potatoes and another cabbage I need a few more cabbages guys and they can make some awesome stuffs fee I also need some leeks as well I think okay great still cabbage cabbage cabbage now I think I can make a vegetable better than a vegetable skew I just need a cooking pause there's not one in this place Anthony thank you very much for that donation what about the NPC mod of you what about a NPC mod of you yes you know if any models that dedicate it to me that they would actually make it more of my face in the game that would be incredible is that what you mean like that would be literally the most awesome thing ever but sadly that has not happened yet okay guys we're gonna go out of the rear gates to Rifton and we're gonna go over to this stone first I can't buy a horse yeah I don't think I'm just thinking about it just thinking about it how much gold do I have 1057 we can buy a horse from Winter Hulk so that's something we might actually go and do at some point well actually we paid for the carriage to Winterhold we then couldn't afford to buy the horse so bear with me on that one when I find a cooking pot I will go ahead and make some vegetable stew but for now we're not going to be doing that yes so I just saw the video where you killed my car Cameron and now I am going to kill Lydia how dare you I cannot believe it you're in love with this man and you because I betrayed your love you are now going to betray mine and hurt me in the worst possible way you know actually I need to run behind this way okay let's just check this at the right map marker and then put another one next to it so don't get like super lost this is gonna be an adventure guys are you ready for this I am so ready ah of course I'm a vampire now stamina regeneration lay what is this this looks this is the worst textured gait ever come on that's so lazy why not just remove the gate I actually didn't notice that before there should have been a gay bear then that is actually terrible oh okay I'm gonna get my weapon out here elven dagger and I'm actually gonna cast a spell at them just for the sake of getting my illusion skill up get rekt sir oh my god do you see how far that wolf went flying calm down bro take your Wolf's belt I'm actually gonna leave this box because it might have Fox top even my magic of regenerates super slow in the sunlight this is why I usually travel at dusk but at the same time I really like traveling in the daytime so not really help myself there the blackbriar meter is that where it is or at the I think it could be this is gonna be fun or Jesus has a bandit I can hear a bandit where did he go a bandit literally just spoke but I can't I don't know where they went so forget it oh there he is he's up there is he on his own we're about to find out he is not on his own he's attacking his bro okay great great we can go get some get Rex made what is my difficulty on I swear it's like too easy iron arrows thank you a heavy leather backpack carrying capacity increased by 50 points we're definitely going to be wearing that over that I've got a backpack you have had to pay money for that in fallouts that would have cost you half the amounts that be creation survival mode thing cost my god it's really pissing it down right now I'm going to eat some food make sure I'm still on it Hali Dobbs donated $30 whoa man thank you so much Hallie chin up Danny we got you your back and by the way thanks for your suggestion on patreon for the arrow going like directly down the center with the words I mean what do you think of messaged me on patreon let me know what you think of the hoodie design they came at came out with because I think it works really well I think they did a good job because they actually made that and then I emailed them your idea because I like that idea and then they sent me that back and I was like actually that looks really cool as well oh my god the ami of me it's not aiming a me Izzy blackbriar mercenary it's a hunter who's that guy over there attacking the black Brian mercenary that he just killed someone someone up here Oh God who is that lady that's let's try and light Sasson 8 whoever this is this is one of the black briar bandits there was someone shooting arrows over there I don't know who that was Oh God oh my god what the hell where did he where did she actually go dun dun duh she literally just disappeared into the sky my goodness me that was a bit crazy right I'm gonna turn up the difficulty because I feel like it's not okay yeah I've been playing on apprentice this whole time let's go to expert we should be able to do this I have a follower after all that's why fire is on i have no stamina though so I've kind of looking forward to going inside I am sneaking right now literally just to get my sneak skill up because I'm gonna increase it because he can't see me and I'm in close proximity close proximity to him right let's go to this window and then I'm gonna sneak around hold shizer did not see that guy there here we go guys here we go it's very wet don't turn around don't turn around don't turn around don't turn around don't turn around oh my god literally Oh God what why is this major I have with me but I did like no damage and he just turns around he's like bazap get rekt like yours flying I even know where the other person wet but like seriously what you've now got the key and we've also got steel plate armor you know I actually might OH first shoes and fur braces this is my lucky day guys that's gonna be grateful warmth I'm gonna keep these but right now I want the sneaky boots they're gonna be a lot more useful he's quite good this follow he's like good at staying back and not getting in the way getting detected all the time like Livi errors don't worry guys not gonna replace Lydia do you guys want me to get Lydia back in this play fruit we'll have like Lydia two points out oh okay you actually you saw me come this way you're killing her go run background now I'm actually getting cold let's put the fur shoes on so I can last a bit longer in this freezing weather and I can finally go inside and actually regenerate some stamina okay here we go sneaky snake her sneaky sneaky snaky he's actually goes weapon out already what is he aiming at is even at my follow-up this could be good this could be good oh no he's aiming at the archery target okay oh my god my snakes go is actually not good enough are you kidding did my did my mage follow I hit him with a spell cos like this is on expert difficulty how did he die so easily face cover zero warp I want this I need this yes I do one second guys oh my god yes look at how much of a badass I am look at that clipping that is a bad clipping going on there I like the face mask it just disappoints me that doesn't provide a wolf value just gonna take all these arrows free hours love it it's raining you should be in leather actually that's only frost full that all actually I want to go in the other other side no actually I bothered that's only frost fool that has wet and cold wet and cold means so when it's raining you have leather armor and that runs off you and you don't get as cold and then when it's like snowing or like not raining you put fur armor on and that just keeps you very wall what frost fool does that so it's active frost of all is actually better than Skyrim survival mode which is the official one released by Bethesda even though you have to pay for Skyrim survival mode that's one of the advantages of frost fall we has a lot more things in it that help you out prior heart really oh my god everyone's talking about stuff oh god oh god okay right this is gonna be [ __ ] hard I never never do this yes yes i lo witness me feel so low that you have to be like proper careful man that was still obvious gonna be very valuable and you're carrying too much this is what this is all I'm making like you can't carry as much now we can't just walk around with its rawness free plates of steel armor is quite impressive Oh what the hell blackbriar Mead I just want this thank you and I also wanted some more cabbages boiled Crabtree take that one up which ecology men has anyone college and Skyrim use Oh mate we should not go up there right now we should go back round this all the way oh no no no no oh I can't believe I missed that Oh God Oh frenzied the wrong person but that person's dead oh [ __ ] hello Oh My Jesus I'll get rekt made so sneaky he's dead you don't keep casting fire spells you can wait here you've ruined this for me I was gonna do the whole thing sneakily and you've ruined it you know I actually forgot why I came here for the for the unusual gem I didn't even check if it was in here but it isn't here I was right I am in the right place it's okay ah you've set the table for my arrival as our he would put a whole cabbage and not cut it up give me your salmon steaks aha blackbriar Mead reserved sweet rolls this is what I think of you made in blackbriar sneaky sneaky sneaky snake hello nobody's home dude did you do the gem is upstairs I know there's a quest marker but thank you for telling me there we go we've got the first stone of the stream I think we're like an hour and a half in or something stupid oh the second stone okay I'm not that bad obviously we had to start the quest and that it was a little while but hey now we owe the legend of I have no idea what skill but this is sneak skill don't know what that skill books about it sounds quite interesting sounds like I might give it a recurs I'm not actually ready yeah I can hear someone else around here I don't know where all right let's go get my follower back oh okay follow me excellent can't believe is actually just like chilling there like that oh my god there's almost one in every yard house yes you're right so we've got our first one guys I mean our second one I keep saying first there's a few more stones here but I want a horse now because I feel like that's gonna help us out immensely so I want to go to winter hold we'll get the one here and I'll also buy a horse while we're there so I've got to go back to Rifton stables now hi one sec how can i fast travel survival mode shouldn't have fast travel turned on what that's really strange usually it didn't let me fast travel can you get achievements with survival yes you can get achievements if you have Bethesda's official creation Club mods that's basically how they're selling its people you can get Eve montaine the honest way Oh 1,000 girls okay the horses of Rifton I think have the most help okay great must be dangerous living outside the wolves I don't care okay so what my plan is guys is we can ride up here which is actually quite a nice ride through the forests of the rift there's a town just here which we can stop at and that's we need to avoid this castle though so there's a castle over those ballots in so I think we're gonna take this path up here we'll stop at this village get some food maybe cook some stuff and then we'll carry on to these two locations we can always come back to this village and sleep and then there's another village just here like an inn and then we can travel all the way to Wintel because I think by the time we get there you might as well just finish the next half the journey what do you guys reckon I think that's all right yeah so we're gonna do wait so he is streaming the beta of survival mode or is this Frost full this is survival mode I sort of do a stream of it so I think we're gonna be getting a lot colder now in this rainy ask whether there are a few things I wanted to check before I leave let's have a look at my active effects currently uncomfortably warm because I'm in like pretty much full armor I'm not hungry and it's nighttime which is great as I'm a vampire you know I don't think the wet weather I need to buy another horse for this guy but he can just run for now I don't think the wet weather actually affects me being cold or not because it's not like phosp away wet and cold physically affected you being getting told to faster and you would have to wear leather armors to reduce your resistance to the weather it's not bad detailed I mean to be honest I got vivid weathers visitor vivid weather one of a moment but the there's some wolves over here I'm gonna have to kill what's up but the rain doesn't look that great I'm not very impressed with it oh man I'm so bad at anal spells I'm so used to archery get Rex up and he's already taken care of all the other guys for me because he's a legend I just get back on a horse and just ride here so isn't it your bedside indeed it is my government's actually text me awesome um look at this crazy Rain Man like seriously I don't think I like this craft the graphics of the rain right now I think it's like very heavy but a bit too over-the-top I'm just hoping I don't come across a bear that's what I'm trying to say black work alone okay we're on the right path this is good this is good and I can see the village mat more on the head so we're going the right way are you seeing are you even seeing the chat yes I am can you make a camp site in survival mode you cannot currently make a camp site but I am 99% sure I almost guarantee now the Festa are going to add on a supplement mod which you also have to pay more money for which will work with their version of survival mode and it will add camping features and some other stuff like gathering stuff making a campfire I am a hundred percent sure they're gonna have that like I'm literally certain you can look at my full review of survival mode in the description if you wish what the hell mate I just want to cook some food like get out my way no no oh goodness me cabbage soup I can't make any hot soup because they don't have any fire salts potato soup I can't make vegetable soup okay what do I want potato soup is okay what I need that's not very good y1 is the constant regeneration for vegetable soup which is just here I so I need a leek and it's a massive obviously there aren't any narrows we can also make caramel or super old gods the game crashed as it crashed survival mode come on I think it's actually crashed ok second time survival rates crashed for no reason once again I'm gonna have to open task manager to actually closer it stop spazzing out right let's open up scare him again I wonder if it's gonna patch again please don't so the preparing to launch I think we're safe ok is patching again great 6% so far it was very quick last time so I doubt it takes you long do you like this better than frostfall now I think Frost was like much more develops than than this I think that survival mode like it's much more accessible because it appeals to people who don't understand how to install mods which obviously like we've got the mass market there and it's it will eventually be integrated into the game to the point there's literally no bugs but to be honest I never had really any problems with bugs in frostfall and I found there were so many cool features to it that worked with other like fan made mods and they synergized so well like the morning community work together to make it really awesome so I mean I still think you know they the thing that annoys me is like frost falling like I needs and all all the stuff that's in survival mode for scary already existed it's on 70% now guys so it's almost there and Bethesda literally just came along and said ok this is a survival mode I'm like yeah ok but you're not giving credit to any of the people that with all the ideas for survival mode and you've just put it on there and I selling it and it's just like I can't believe it it really annoys me there we go we can play now again another random in the middle of the stream patch for Skyrim I think I might can't remember the name of the town we just went to because I was gonna use console commands just fast travel over there because that might be faster right don't freeze Skyrim I could just I'll wait for program to respond again sword you should get awesome armor and you please do more Skyrim bills did we have an autosave okay great the last save is only left Rifton kill me okay loading loading sure stone you just gave us up thank you very much sir very glad you subscribed I love Skyrim I do too we have Bank on Thank You Jax do not forget to like the stream guys it really does help out you guys give the video a like while you're watching there are 1130 people watching wow this is awesome I didn't realize it was so new people thank you for watching guys okay great I'm on my horse and I'm ready to get you know what guys we're going to fly there anyone joins the stream now they're gonna be like what's the action okay you can't do it on a horse you cannot fly on a horse maybe I'll just actually God mode only works on me so that won't work trying to think the best way to get there you know I was gonna ride that this way I'll take a different scenic route will go past the bandits wash and fun with them you know let's do it let's kill them we're not gonna ignore those baddest I've got my trusty mage with me he just smokes people off the tops of buildings I'm sure we can do this I'm pretty confident actually in fact this is gonna be easy you can actually see the castle up there I think it's cool for green wall though I may be wrong about that it's actually a very a secret in the well but I'm not going to show you guys that in this video if you just want to come back and find it for yourself though that is fine now the thing that's gonna annoy me is that I'm gonna have to come back at some point and collect my bloody horse because I wanted to be a bit sneaky here I can see some of these bandits the issue with being sneaky at a Holika the rain stopped that's good save the game again the issue of being sneaky at a low level with a low sneak skill actually do have any perks yeah another thing we do is that it makes like sneak attacks with dagger very hard but also very rewarding I might oh my god and I literally start I'm literally stuck right now [ __ ] Sam that's surprise give this Skyrim okay here we go that's I've literally just been discovered Oh God Oh God let's really get Rexxar an hour literally just passed flew past the back of my head oh okay can we get this off Oh what dad didn't even hear you killing me right I'm gonna run up there cook oh god I want to get this Archer on my side there we go let's leave him to do some crazy business who's that oh I thought I was my follower I was a little bit worried they're not gonna lie guys that does indeed take care of that can't see anyone else have we literally killed everyone already oh my god my follower is just a savage he makes this game way too easy okay now we've killed everyone here oh okay pretty cool dialog there and actually guys that is a good point because I forgot to mention this earlier if we actually do get our torch out it keeps you warm so it actually adds your wolf value by carrying the torch around which is pretty good oh my God look at this like I've got such a strut on what is your graphics card it is a GT X 1080 Ti I think all right let's turn around we're gonna ride free the fort now and carry on to the village get rekt indeed sir oh I forgot they've got body for here over I know I can't walk around it that's fine that is fine I always thought it's quite cool that they kind of like blocks off the path and like you've got to go through this for yo though my horse just rode over like wooden stakes and stuff doesn't bother me doesn't bother me in the slightest hello mr. dear I'm going to wreck you with my dagger sir okay now before I actually start cooking I'm gonna save the game so if it does crash we've got no problem no I need some leeks and tomatoes tonight welcome now I don't know if there's actually an in here or anywhere to sleep I probably should have thought of that beforehand I know there is a Smith and he's not actually open right now he's sitting at the campfire Donald lot thank you very much for sponsoring me sir you are awesome I don't know how many sponsors we got in this video but it's been quite a loss no we're just gonna carry on so the location because these guys having a silly conversation I can't be bothered to be a part of it so we've got to go over here I want to move my map marker to here and we're gonna get to kill some more people are you pay for YouTube red you know the good thing about people who pay for YouTube red is that apparently videos that are D monetized still earn some form of money from YouTube red who the hell are these guys oh these guys are with a dorm guard they look awesome and these guys how cool is that killing some vampires oh [ __ ] I'm a vampire haha I forgot about that don't kill me please we got to check this place out quickly guys because there's actually a few useful items here still dagger actually you know what might as well take that still dagger because then I've got two-handed if I ever need to do that and also a oh look a cheese knife as more flying cheese knife how mysterious there's a lesser here but I can't actually pick it up that's really annoying what does this letter say I don't think that letter should be there under siege we've almost killed it killed what I'm genuinely not sure do you mean we've killed it in terms of having a lot of sponsors on the street I am Not sure but thank you for the donation again bro you've been like crazy hot on the donations today it's pretty awesome yes get it Hale surface for the win oh my god all these hours each arrow now weighs 0.1 wait so obviously you can't carry around 20,000 arrows like I used to on my old Skyrim old rim character I used to really enjoy actually so actually we're getting warmer right now which is really interesting as it's nighttime oh we're now again colder maybe if I stand near these fires do I get warm I don't think they have like radiant heat as an active feature there's quite a big drop-off here so I think I should probably use the path to be honest now I'll be safer wouldn't there let me have a look on the map so we're going down here we want to go to the right here so actually I do want to go this way oh my goodness that is a long way down it's right down this hill where did you get the phrase get regs to be honest I think my friend started play saying it when we would play League of Legends together get rekt whenever like you know we'd just read boss somewhere in the game I'd not I did not mean to hit you sir oh my god a flying wolf did you see that oh Jesus Christ what is going on with this game like this must be like a physics bug or interaction with these wolves that's happened because of Skyrim survival mode because I've not added anything else but Skyrim survival mode there must be some weird interaction going on there is that a ghost up there thank you very much for the new sponsor by the way it just says sponsoring I can't actually read who it is that's I click Donald lot oh sorry I actually called your name out earlier it just flashed off on my screen I don't know why that's strange okay right I'm gonna put my torch away and then we're gonna I get it wait wait wait you wait here you go ahead I know that's why obviously I'm gonna go out on the head if I'm telling me to wait there's a major and if she catches me it's gonna hurt so I wanna try and get a sneaky attack in I can see so she conjured a wolf so she must be attacking something there's actually a deer up there didn't if you guys can see him I would love to shoot that but this is what you get for not playing an archer in Skyrim where there he is what is he attacking I want it I want it as like put his guard down otherwise you will instantly see me when I drop down and try and kill him there we go now he's good oh god oh god oh god really okay face the other way sir I can't believe you just happened to turn around whatever is your sneak skill sir look at this view Jesus oh my god you can actually see the college of winterhold from it what no what the hell there is no way what quality content what an awesome donation and you've got a picture of a raw turkey I love it I love it sir I never this is such a cool view for me like I love this I love stuff like this like literary we're over here we can see right between these two mountains all the way to the college of winterhold that also has an unusual German so we've actually got to go there at some point as well I love stuff like that man that's awesome okay this guy must have turned around by Nashville always are you kidding he's a mage why is he mining why are you making my life so hard place I'm gonna sneak around him again you better not stop mining randomly [ __ ] knows I'm here doesn't he oh my god how have you not seen me oh my god yes he can't even see me he doesn't know he's attacking it oh my god I am the sneaky oh my god I just stabbed a rock in the back Jesus quality content another $20 donation thank you very much sir you are awesome look at this quality Oh a black face colour directly we should change it over guys do you reckon okay what are you wrecking guys Skyrim fashion engaged let's turn round we've got the brown one which kind of goes with our outfit but I feel like later on if we have like the shrouded armor this just looks pretty awesome doesn't it I mean that's a proper shadow scale one what do you got like brown or black like what do you think guys what color shall we go for on the face mask oh my god no okay leave my [ __ ] follower right now where's my father where is he's waiting right here Jesus Christ oh my god get out of it oh god that hurts there's a lot Jesus Christ oh my god magic I need illusion fury is what I need I also need powers his skin gonna need that right now leadership wearing code that's a mod live install by the way it's not scaring survival edition vampire side I guess it could help right and food cabbage it's quickly this so he got like a bit of a buff you are well-fed that's good here I'm going to have a stamina potion because I'm gonna need that right now a version to fire so if I hit one of them with this my follower will do more damage to them gonna plan to sow guys say to get my hair oh my god Jesus Christ how long kelan you've got a killin for me okay I'm sure you will so I don't want to stay to find out what that is orcs are pretty damn good yes get in there the back staff it's crazy how I do so little downs and I come up behind them and it gives me like an execution attack which is very interesting whoa thank you for the donation oh my god 59.0 7 that is a very accurate donation there Ratatat whiskers I love your name pokemon love it I can really chill out while watching this video among other things that's cool to hear Matt thank you so much yeah let me just check for a second on OBS alright that's why your donation was so exact cuz you are the new boss now which is pretty cool so I've read asked us to try and kill you the donations man I need a haircut my hair is getting crazy ok let's carry on then we've killed everyone thanks to my follower otherwise I would have literally been dead what is this like oh my god they're like pop bloody hell what the [ __ ] it's just not safe around here everything is possessed I did tell him to follow me into this cave because I'm I need to run back and get some help later on I also want to see if I can cook so now I know I don't need to cook in there what is in here let me get torch out because I can't see okay okay right I might take some health potions unless I can find him dead oh no I keep yeah buddy got six lockpicks left got to be a bit more careful just hear them Oh mate that is annoying there's not even gonna be anything good in here is there you guys know it I definitely don't need to shave yes it garnet gold pre soldier patient of healing Rose of mind mr. Bishop point us okay we pretty much need this area now okay this little mud crap look at this swag he's like this mud crab is dabbing okay this mud crab right here he is the dad crab and I get a hashtag dad crap in the chat guys let's go inside this location this is the right location isn't it thank God I mean I'm only gonna go I need to go to the hairdresser's might get a little bit sure but I'm still keeping it in the same style I'm not being to the hairdresser's since I got back from Gamescom just because I've been so busy making tons of videos that I've been getting demolished and pretty much just for you guys to enjoy at this point so I really appreciate all the donations on this stream guys because it means that I've actually got a form of income right now I don't either let's you wait here back wait here as you wish no no don't stand up oh my god oh my god oh my god actually what the hell are you doing oh my god I'm actually gonna kill myself why is he just walking around like that or spouse potions potion of regeneration health regenerates 40 percent faster for 300 seconds so that's gonna help me out get some regeneration are you kidding me right now we're in enemy base and you are literally making noise by mining rocks I believe actually I do believe it you're ridiculous what the hell are you doing like seriously really oh god oh god what was that I was a dragger oh I don't like draaga like dragger at all Oh God we are dead thank God you were here to save me will you mind to follow me you might actually need to follow me right now because otherwise we're gonna die if I have the money to turn down difficulty so I can actually enter combat without getting rekt yeah also another difficulty by one sin because it can't be asked for this to take ages but it's sponge enemies and whatnot I want to have a bit of fun mining pebbles yeah like what was he mining I was I thought he had like backache there from all the mining but hey I thought there was actually people in this dungeon like necromancer's but I think there's actually a mix of both - spooky oh okay oh this is gonna be cool so look they're actually he's max Maxie thank you very much for the $5 donation and knits twits thank you very much for the free dollars donation very much appreciated so this necromancer is actually using draaga to mind the caverns part apparently one of them's actually attacking the wall with a sword so I don't feel like he's very good at using I actually forgot to use his skin didn't I didn't use that that would help me out there Richard Runkle thank you very much for the $2 donation sir rite aid illusion that I need can actually cast muffle apprentice 125 oh I can now I can't see if what to cast it watch this Oh actually no no no no is that what I want to do now I've got a better idea okay I'm gonna sneak up behind him I'm gonna sneak attack him and then watch I'll share I missed I [ __ ] missed oh god it's all gone wrong wrong it's all gone wrong don't worry my followers an absolute boss so this should be fine yeah rekt son I was meant to hit that that that pot there but it just didn't work everything went wrong you guys knew it was gonna be awesome but because I'm just like not playing an archer character that's what I'm gonna blame it on talk you lover thank you very much for the donation hi my name is Chris from the USA I also met I know another Christian the USA actually you make a you make very phenomenal content thank you sir I appreciate that feedback I really do oh I always like blow this up and they're all gonna die there's gonna be really cool I also wanted to get the sneak attack boost bonus damage it was gonna be perfect guys it really was why is there a pressure pad just here I don't want to oh [ __ ] [ __ ] me are you actually kidding I got deleted by his magical powers he knew I was there where where did you get your follower oh hello okay okay this time it's gonna go better right don't worry I go in from Rifton he's in the Rifton Meadery he's chillin out there doing his stuff sittin at the pub and you can go and chat to it okay you know we get we get to actually relive I'm gonna try again guys you don't have enough Magica god damn it fury this time I'm just gonna activate to Reno this trap after I my sneaks out didn't really do much damage so watch this boom get absolutely rags yeah buddy that's why I intended to do by also we're to get a sneak attack on him because let's be honest that would be really good what potion does pick up I picked up a poison of paralysis I think no I didn't crying face oh my god did I walk past this guy last time Jesus Christ is frost spells I can't get in close to him right now o get rekt get rekt sir I must have walked past this guy cuz we didn't kill him last time I don't think right I need to get a potion of healing and potion of magic of regeneration no you might as well actually use those cuz they're gonna come in handy I can hear some draaga mining up ahead honestly some of these guys are so secretive in their black cloaks Angelica Ferraro Angelica thank you very much for the donation these frequent streams are incredible and get me through my crazy five hour work days please keep doing them no problem man I enjoy streaming for you guys so my favorite thing to do you can just shoot the floor with flames Oh made that I just took that to the face I don't even know where the pressure pad was I think my follower walks over actually my followers trying to have me killed Oh gasps who are you to disrupt my work begone or I will add you to my army of the dead okay babe I will be gone after I've got that unusual jet this is actually a really cool quest by the way a tower goblin thanks for all the guy it's no problem bro Oh God okay he's right there Wow how best to approach this okay if I go up now oh [ __ ] i reactivated it I'm literally about to die again potions resist shocked by chance know where did he go okay there is some reason the physics in this game has just been absolutely messed up by Skyrim survival mode like I don't know why characters are flying everywhere like some crazy let's use a potion poison poison poison venom yes thank you great great there's actually two guys right there okay I go and I do how'd it go attack each other oh my god get rags there's another person so you can kill him now oho my follower is awesome hey you're kind of in the way oh ho oh my god that was sick that was she got rekt that was awesome Boulder anthology thank you very much for the donation sir wall spells will help against mages especially with ward adsorbed you were right but I want to build this character very specifically EXO plasma you were not a ghost sit down I want to build this character to be extremely sneaky use illusion to turn invisible and literally just assassinate everyone so I don't want to invest skills into restoration because it's not something I'm gonna use I'm gonna level up right now though guys for you so we're gonna put another point in magicka and another point health and then we're gonna get our point in illusion illusion illusion alright bro there you are novice leader jewel casting doing that right now Hiep Nanak Nasik gaze hmm that's all I need I need apprentice but we can't get that until we get level 25 so that's great I hate that you have to get an image and before you can get kindred annoys me anyway let's get another point in sneaky sneaky sneaky sneaky sneaky snaky there we go that's what I need in my life guys you are feeling refreshed and well-rested okay and chanting out a salt pile for food bullies to stop for a while and light a fire I suppose he's serious what there's a fire right there if you're doing illusion start spamming muffled not only will help sneaking but it will also help you level quickly you're actually 100% right the onliest years I can only now cast muffle because before I didn't have enough magic ax to cast it so now I think we should be able to yes I can great you see it takes up all my magic ax so now we can start you know rapidly increasing our illusion but we just had to get to that point first oh there are some oh no this is where she gets the dragger Oh God okay okay we can actually sneak it out this guy oh man get rekt goodbye draaga search chest arrows gold potion of mine and Magica a-hole he just doesn't care does he none of this illusion he's just like get rekt get rekt deleted deleted I love it he's such a [ __ ] Savage I needed you with this quest boy under siege make Bowser and mod - did I not yeah I know he's from discord I don't understand you guys you were a mod last stream I don't know why you're not permanently involved maybe I have to add you I actually see your wave spoken I can't see you in the chat Bauder one second [Music] I think I'm searching your name and you like call something different on YouTube that's weird Austin whoa thank you very much for the 99.99 dollar donation and that is crazy thank you you know if you actually donated to more P more you'd be the top donator maybe you're just being very nice I'm still looking for your name Boulder right I'm just gonna stop there I literally finished building such a character a few days ago it was fifty nine point zero seven because I donated fifty euros because I am a [ __ ] [ __ ] Germany rata whisk rattle whisk is a squirrel from a Nordic mythology I thought it was like Ratatat the Pokemon I feel like I've underdone Nordic mythology there I'm so sorry you know it's actually reading a book about the Danes when they invaded England's and how you guys were awesome Vikings so I love Nordic mythology I think it's pretty cool I'd love to learn more about it I thought he'd donate maybe he's not there yeah donate it on stream laughs so he must be watching but I can't see me the chap some reason so I'm gonna stop looking at the chat now what the [ __ ] oh my god that was a trap I actually fell for a Skyrim trap I was like why am i flying through the sky what's up I really wanna light getrekt he didn't actually hit a spikes but still what they don't have any value these soul gems maybe we'll do a bit of enchanting on this build I don't know guys what do you reckon okay there's some dragger here at save the game you know let's actually use muffle again muffle and then let's go back to fury leveled up again illusion skill for the win hello sir ah he's behind you get rekt I'm too sneaky now it's sneak increased level 35 I love it good there's rapid leveling guys rapid rapid or get rekt spam I wasn't I was reading the chat damn it I lost another lockpick we've got four left I feel like you should save these or what I need to escape prison exactly when you joined the stream I said what the [ __ ] law I have the best dreams ever apparently that's funny look at all these silly peasants right okay let's create some havoc I only see one drag of that yeah let's just use the environment to kill him screw it Oh get rekt son that was the only driver which kind of surprised it wasn't another one lesser soldier let's carry on down here guys take me since watch as I go can take the candles sadly I'm not a romantic enough oh can you guys see that trap just down there there's a trap just here looks like it makes some rocks fall from here I assume this like gravel chute thing okay you see a dragger and there's also a flame astronaut lets frenzy the flame astronaut thou be [ __ ] hilarious there we go I resisted it damn it ok we could probably hear this oh come on that was so close this vampire get rekt Khan oh my god is he frenzied okay he's frenzied good good good good I'm protected by this trap so I'm just gonna cause chaos from here my sneak is going up so rapidly whoa all dyrus oh my god I'm so sorry can I'll say your name now I'm the first and third you are the top donator sir thank you so much that is crazy one hundred one one one one one it satisfies me so much that you have to all those ones there right thanks for the donation you know let's fear this guy no actually that's not fair let's use muffle and I'll leave this trap here for now oh no actually I should set it off because otherwise my followers gonna set it off and that'll be very awkward I can't get rekt me get regs sneak attack boom what the hell was that oh my god you just walk into the rocks and lose the loads of health I bet he did you fool oh man is free matching offs gonna be so annoying to take out oh-oh-oh he knows where he knows where he knows you're here at least he's going over to you okay I might be able to get sneak attacker out most all my days this is why I saved before instantly rekt I don't have the fear spell I need to buy it oh my god we need that sneak attacks so badly this is why things work with the bogeys you can actually like kite the spells I hate okay he knows you're there oh no you're messing around okay there we go it's dead you stupid flame action off oh my god okay oh cool I forgot that they do that when they're not conjured Jesus Christ I was savage if I didn't like loot it and it fell down here that didn't happen I would just be like literally dead again I'd be gone mate yes so you need to remember you don't have quiet cast meaning if you cast that close they were here you are very right when I get that I'm gonna be loving life but for now I just wanted to draw his attention to my follower ah I love like dead Atronach looks so cool don't they we'll see when ages actually so you should seeing hundred ones that looks awesome okay so this lever with all the candles around it seems very suspicious doesn't it so they're actually a book here what the bloody hell are you doing that actually I could take these patients the journal I believe this is a riddle I believe I've already done a video on it actually okay so if we just scan read this let me quickly figure this out I don't know that's the book or it's a reference to this being the riddle that tells us about this dungeon okay yeah this is it because it mentions the word eagle so if we scan read this over shadows town self collectors sword so the first thing is eagle then a snake eagle snake whale evil eagle snake whale snake I think that's it great eagle snake way of snake is that way said eagle snake whale snake I think that's what it was wasn't it okay now I pull this leader easy easy to you Oh God oh my god [ __ ] me oh well I that was close I almost had a fried Argonian 40 when what is the next stream survival or companions well maybe I should just leave up to you guys like what do you want to see spamming in the chat guys and then maybe I'll do a vote as well okay let's carry on through this dungeon the burial chambers well that's gonna be a lot of draaga in there Boulder Boulder Boulder anthology this is why I travel with Cicero beast of a tank and immortals of boots and he's very good sneak yeah he's very good a sneak but we don't have Cicero in this character cuz we've just started it so he's got this crappy henchman he was just oh god oh ah okay once that'll help you how much oh my goodness me okay my follower is gonna step on these pressure pads I swear to god it's gonna kill me everyone saying survival everyone just likes the random banter and survival it's kind of just chill isn't that like just doing a stream I like it too God if my father steps on one of these traps I am so screwed oh god nope nope Jesus Christ I was close oh sorry mate I am so sorry okay so this is actually an adept a lot now one thing we can do here is we can trade some things with our follower and we can give him a lock pick keys miscellaneous here we go I'm gonna give him one lockpick he will consume this lock babe but he will also open this without fail so I'm gonna ask him I need to do something I need you to unlock this case sorry oh he has a really low ball picking skill anything so he cannot do itself I assume those must be someone with a key around here I'm a big fan of your work thank you Marius thank you very much for the donation oh my god come on yeah if this chest is locked I'm literally going to cry Liana all loss does everyone have such hot babes keep up the good job thank you and sorry for absolutely butchering your name I can't believe this is locs expert locked oh come on this is it all my days one leg left I'm gonna use it on this right now Oh May oh my god oh my god come on oh it's likewise yes yes oh my god [Music] fifty gold fifty yard what does this do what is going on right now what has happened okay well that was exciting do you reckon that unlock the chest felt like you shouldn't have Oh God I wonder if it actually stops those does it yes it does oh no it doesn't I don't actually have the shout to get past this yet the whirlwind sprint shout so Yolo here we go boys oh god that was much closer than I expected Jesus Christ oh god my followers game killed oh god no I'm gonna die Jesus that was very close and very bad potion of health that wasn't a very good patient health running out of potions of healing hey guys potion of regeneration okay here we go that's oh Jesus Christ Oh No oh no this is muffled I've definitely used the wrong speller come on mate come at me Fiore I need small Magica does he know I'm here he I think he knows I'm here hey that bro he resisted it how long may come out me a day Oh God oh that was close that was so close come on man boy why you're resisting resisting my fury Jesus well you're not making it easy for me are you come on bait another attack there we go that's way the concentration now you go get right survival mode in a nutshell I don't want to use my use my last pick on an adept Locke really master what's in that chest tell me playing this character reminds you why they play a mage hello some skeletal bones lovely an expert lot why are you such a sandwich okay right let's save the game where is this gem it's somewhere in there isn't it rock ice is somewhere over here we're getting closer guys we're getting close this is a good sign doo-doo-doo-doo let's take this key so we can unlock the master locks oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness it resisted it it resisted it please please please please don't come over here give me some more magic about give me some more magic about I don't think I have enough to cast muffle anymore because I'm actually like oh my god fatigue so I can't cast it that's so annoying don't worry guys I've still got this there's so many of them I think up my follow I might be dead like if I'm honest I think he could have died I'm not sure guys I'm not playing a car I playing this level free Argonian new-build it's not going amazingly well but it's going I need to kind of like bring some of them over here I wants that one if I use a fortify fortify health I mean fortify magic yet do I have that no I did not we can use this poison though that'll help us up and we can also use I know we okay well this is gonna help me right now Jesus Christ oh my god are you kidding me go back that way oh [ __ ] this is not good this is not good the poison to had no effect the poison did nothing draaga resisted fear okay this works I can use traps I can use traps to kill the dragon direct come on who's next it's costing us at you because I can not because it actually doesn't a thing don't get stuck on the cover there we go we can do it guys probably shouldn't really take hairs from them because I can't heal myself right muffle can't use it Lowell good one okay great so now we have the key we can actually progress onwards I didn't actually need to kill them but I just hate meeting drugged or alive it just feels wrong on many levels aha search chest still horned helmet robes of destruction they would have been good for my flow is probably dead Lal oh well I said that I just used him until he died didn't I and I wasn't kidding there wasn't trash he could have used actually I we could have used this to drop it on some of them but I am not observant so I did not do this can't pick that off the wall what is that oh it's a jogger using using his sword get rekt anymore draaga here poison doesn't work on I'm dead you're right I just figured that out uh-oh who the hell what was that indeed oh my god in that range Lowell law I literally swung twice in front of him and he didn't know I was there oh now I've got a black cloak and a backpack I love it great she's gonna pose here at the door so you can see me oh yes after that and now we're at the very top of this dungeon I have definitely done a location warfare on this before make sure you hop over this and this oh my god oh my god Jesus Christ ah [ __ ] oh my god we got to be able feel ah I am almost dead what can I could use restoration magic I don't want to level up [ __ ] I want to just get free we just potions schism oh just feels wrong to do anything else that is such a bad patient okay right regeneration there we go actually wait one hour oh yeah goodness me do you not like these traps guys survival mode makes them a lot harder right there's actually a conjurer ahead I want to use muffle though damn it damn it is it really bad oh my god how do I kill him in one here literally get rekt naive and savage I literally just destroyed him he couldn't even [ __ ] lay tried to come to him and it was just like that denied denied I'm just here for the rest of them oh hello who's there I don't think so Skyrim oh no no no no I could not raise him but I will raise an army to a bench his defilement why did all my spells walkin anymore on to higher level I may have to run back to these traps and use them right now because otherwise things can get very sticky come on me them look at my useless spells come on I need you to come here oh you okay get right there we go yeah get Rex Oh what what killed me what actually killed me I'm sorry but no I agree on the whole it does not matter what you pick I'd already know what you mean ask freezing me about how day catalyst wouldn't kill let's go right one down there's no one behind I raise him but I will raise an army oh yeah well this is going great I'm at chef 10 ounce of quit again of this right because right now I might just get bail out now I die normally about whose staff actually oh Jesus I got burnt alive and then oh my god okay so we don't watch me fail at the exact same thing again I'm gonna turn that difficulty clearly this character doesn't have the first o first ility to actually survive right now I don't get it how sometimes they're just random to get one-hit kill but that looks awesome that did look awesome indeed if you guys are wondering why I am getting a little bit worse rusty is cuz it's almost 1 a.m. in the morning now and I'm still streaming and I'm pretty tired but don't worry guys we're gonna get that that last gem I could not raise him but I will raise an army to avenge his defilement I actually forgot how long this dungeon was yeah right oh my god oh my god actually stand back sir get right hello you can't see me oh my god rift is a trap there's a trap how are you still alive how are you actually still alive get rekt what the [ __ ] a flying dragon oh my god oh my god oh my god that was so please please leave me alone traps of Skyrim oh my god hello get out of here oh that is gonna kill me I win the wrong way no no it's not I want items potions draught of health is that other thing I can use to get myself out of this situation right now [Music] could use some we could eat a lot of foods or we could do a sweet you're on maybe that helped I think that might give me just enough half to survive there we go great you didn't actually hit me in the end anyway but hey we are literally out of stuff to drink and eat I mean if we look at the map here cos ah we're so close to the end so close exactly Amanda that's exactly da okay this this is not a friendly area this is not somewhere you go and think I'm gonna make friends here mmm okay right we're almost through he would Novus Kandra oh she's too powerful okay things are going well come at me then why are you standing around there lollygagging seriously we've placed all these fire pots in the oddest places I don't think you can get away with this oh really you turned round as I hate you whoa okay I don't think we're gonna kill her very easily we are in the wrong dungeon for a low-level character but I just thought I challenged myself settings gameplay all this if I had my follower with me he was still alive and I feel like maybe we would have a chance but right now with no shouts or anything to help me out it's really quite hard how are you oh my god was it that easy why did I turn it down to novice typically yeah right oh hello staff is obvious easy man deviants own down Stone recover three out of four I think we've been streaming off like three hours or longer right guys I'm gonna save again now cuz it is now 1:00 in the morning and I meant to be going to Burmingham ro and my girlfriend's not due to be oppressed but that was well worth it man how long do we screw for how long is this stream anyway guys thank you very much for watching thank you so much for all the donations this dream these supporters being ridiculously crazy but I can't believe there's been so much support on a channel it's been over I think like about 400 or so dollars of donations which is just really really like it means so much like it helps out so much like the last two weeks all my videos just been demonized instantly as soon as it's been uploaded it's being quite stressful so I really appreciate all that support it means a lot to me for those of you who can't donate so I want to help out you can go and download the app from today's video literally just download it and delete it and then after it gets like 500 downloads I get five hundred dollars from people downloading it so it really helps for people just go ahead and download those apps it's another way to bring income that doesn't rely on YouTube completely it's something that really helps me out so guys I have a new hoodie coming out net week a really excited CheY it's gonna be cool so hopefully I'll have some videos about that as well at some point I've got some other cool projects I'm working on I'm looking forward to telling you about those as well guys I want to make some more like survival tip videos as well that's like my plan big plans to do that there we go oh you have a good night or day wherever you want Thanks under siege thanks Jax thanks Adam for being moderators really appreciate support have a good night guys I will see you in the next video goodbye
Channel: ESO
Views: 1,416,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim walkthrough, skyrim survival mode, Skyrim survival mode, skyrim, survival mode, skyrim survival, skyrim special edition, skyrim survival mode review, skyrim survival mods, skyrim walkthrough, skyrim special edition walkthrough, skyrim gameplay, skyrim special edition gameplay, skyrim survival mode gameplay, eso, walkthrough, survival, gameplay, guide, skyrim survival mode guide
Id: bXIkj4zjlbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 32sec (10652 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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