Can I Survive 100 Days in Hardcore Survival Mode? - Perfectly Balanced Skyrim Challenge

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That was brilliant! :D

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/IloveblinkingIdo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 06 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MHanak_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 07 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Does anyone know the mod list/order used in this? I'm currently using frostfall, campfire, wet and cold but I didn't like the way survival mode seemed not to sync with those mods. [(I was fully sated but peckish) while that sounds like me irl it doesn't make a lot of sense from a survival standpoint.]

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/OkSpecial4376 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 12 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I don't understand. Hunger can't kill you in survival mode. Can't you just keep sleeping for 100 days?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/dpkdpkdpkdpk ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 15 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I think the challenging part is making the 100days interesting aswell, wich is probably way he did die twice to the challange. Like in stardew valley the challange is not to survive 100days, itโ€™s to make as much as possible in those 100 days.

p.s sorry for Bad englisch

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GABrisster_tL ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 22 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Glorious world of Skyrim where we're about to go on an absolutely wonderful Quest as our goal is to survive 100 days in Skyrim now that's not exactly a challenge I mean if you're playing Skyrim normally the biggest challenge involved with that is going to be you know actually having the effort to wait 100 days in Skyrim for us it's going to be a lot harder and there's quite a few reasons for that reason number one we're playing on legendary difficulty legendary difficulty means we take something like 200 percent more damage so in our current level 1 state with no armor we are pretty much a one hit to just about everything next up I've also decided to make it permadeath if we die once the challenge is over otherwise we could just keep respawning until we'd lasted a hundred days additionally we're also playing survival mode meaning we need to eat sleep rest and beware of cold temperatures and all of that glorious climate and to finally make this challenge all that extra little bit more difficult our lovely character today ladies and gentlemen is not allowed any weapons or any armor the only weapons we can use at this point is going to be magic in our bare hands and as you can imagine on this difficulty that's pretty terrible we can wear clothes and we can wear a backpack but that is it I'm also not allowed to exploit any of the developers accidentally left features like say the infinite loot chest in Dawnstar so who are we playing today well we're playing the wonderful legless ladies and gentlemen this is the long lost cousin of Legolas but unlike his lovely cousin uh he's not as I guess mobily gifted yeah he's kind of just a bit of a street urchin and pretty terrible now I have just basically blitzed my way through the starting area and deliberately picked up absolutely nothing because well there's really not much for us to pick up although as we are on our way to the starting Village of Riverwood we are going to try and harvest as many wild ingredients as we can of course we can't take too long because it is midday and oh Durex certainly waited time oh that's a problem okay well as the day goes on and on uh we're going to get tired we're going to get hungry and we need ways of alleviating all of that but we can certainly Begin by just harvesting some basic ingredients over the forest to hopefully give us a little bit of a leg up now we've really really really can't pick any fights this early on I cannot stress how physically impossible it is for us to do such a thing if we encounter any creature and it gets hit off on us we will lose a massive amount of Health when it comes to getting Health back in survival mode there are two ways of doing it either a healing spell or a healing potion these are going to get very expensive and very important to us the more tired we are the less magic we have and so we don't exactly want to be spending it frivolously although there is a rabbit in front of us if I can cook that there we go I mean you can just see how little damage we're doing this rabbit would normally be a one hit with the flame spell but no no a whole bunch of lovely Flames cast on it and this boy can just keep running around anyway that's a raw rabbit leg that will give us health and satiate our hung longer which is very important okay there is a nice lovely lady here what is your oh yes you're the fisherman and just by standing near their fire we will actually warm up this is really good I'll also steal their cooked sea bass and just leave them to it because there's nothing else we can really do I mean shall we try and pick a fight with them and steal their clothes because hey they might protect us from the warmth but uh that's kind of a little bit too dangerous now as you can see this lovely sea bass here gives us an absolutely giant quantity of hunger regeneration this raw rabbit leg pretty much useless basically doesn't give us any food but this fish my goodness that's perfect that's the kind of food we're gonna want to get more of so of course if we were to run along this uh kind of like Riverside bit here we will eventually reach a point where some wolves come out and attack us now wolves normally not a problem in the slightest uh for us huge catastrophic danger problem I need to be careful though not to get into the water because if I do that's gonna be really really dangerous water is cold and we definitely can't be cold oh my goodness it's hard rock advers fighting the wolves is fine okay right we are not going to intervene in the slightest because there is a chance hadvar loses but if hadvoir can fight all of these wolves we can just potentially Harvest all of the lovely pelts off of them yes we can good job adverb well done all right let me steal these pelts and you know what I'm gonna follow hadvar into town come on advert let's go right fantastic we've made our way to Riverwood this is of course the start of a relatively basic Journey now normally this is just a bit of a stop gap for most people on a journey but for us this could actually become our home I really don't know we've got a hundred days to survive and this place could genuinely become very useful to us now of course we get a whole bunch of lovely free stuff given to us by this man and we will actually take all of it because it's actually kind of useful especially these cloves now we do basically get to take whatever we like from this house which is great all of this gold is fantastic anyway it's nice to know that we have a bed here that we can potentially sleep in which is fantastic a free potion of healing and we can even use the cooking pot to try and make some food this is a thing that I'm sure pretty pretty much none of you have ever done in Skyrim because well when have you ever had to make food I could make a nice bit of rabbit haunch here using just some salt and the raw rabbit leg that's fantastic that's going to be a nice meal okay fantastic we're set for food for a little while now it's time to make stock of how much money we have by selling all of our starting supplies the best location to do this is probably the general good store right here the lovely Riverwood Trader now we're going to sell our fishing rod our iron dagger all of our iron sword and stuff and there we go we've sold everything anyway good job we are a little bit peckish in the day but it's not actually too bad I'm going to see if we can uh oh uh I guess power slide around the world sure thank you Todd okay so uh we run into a problem it's 5 p.m it's getting dark Skyrim is looking beautiful but eventually we will need to have a sleep and a nap and potentially just kind of warm ourselves up a bit we do run into a relatively large problem in that there is no way for us to actually make money now the issue is we can't make money in the way we expect it to in order to chop wood you need an ax in order to mine you need a pickaxe in order to fish you need a fishing rod and Skyrim treats them all As Weapons so naturally we can't do any of that this does create a bit of a large problem as our money making potential here is incredibly limited we can effectively Rob our way through the town and just steal all of their crops I guess I can harvest the chicken's nest for an egg that's a bit of food but there's no real quests here that we can do that it's actually going to generate us any particular Revenue at all one of the other problems we run into is we don't actually have a permanent sleeping spot in the world at all and sure we can temporarily stay in alvor's bed and probably get one or two nights rest there but that's not exactly a permanent residence but yes we need to leave and find a slightly better defended area like say White Run where there's going to be more jobs and missions for us to do although we're not ready to set off yet for a few very important reasons number one we're hungry and number two we're tired and number three it's getting dark and we do not want to travel when it's dark so let's go to bed wake up in the morning and give it our best crack so there we go we're now fully rested although we are a very hungry indeed we are famished okay but that's fine we'll eat some food we'll eat this lovely cooked bass how's that oh yep that is good we feel better but we're still peckish so to finish that off I think I will have this lovely rabbit haunch that I made for myself lovely we're satisfied and yes it's time for us to make our way over to White Run now we do need to be incredibly careful we need to avoid combat at all costs we have one life I do not want it to end now unlike before we don't have hadvo to actually assist us with combat so we need to be exceedingly careful in terms of money to live on I think we have enough money to effectively sleep for maybe about three or four days or something like that so we need to find a way to make a bit of gold in White Run as the Inn is going to bleed us dry and at that point we're going to be a little bit buggered when it comes to actually surviving anyway into Whiterun we go now normally moving around in Skyrim isn't a problem whatsoever you can just travel wherever you like however for us we can't fast travel normally we have to use horses and card which basically means we can't fast travel to any of the major quest locations oh we actually get a little bit of a gear from your ball Griff which is lovely however we can't use it because it's a piece of armor and well um I can't use armor oh we got a little Mission here this is fantastic oh this shouldn't be too difficult at all our job is basically to see if there's some kind of plot to poison the yo so we have to go over to Arcadia's cauldron and check to see if there's been any suspicious purchases on their Ledger this sounds fantastic and a complete non-combat Quest as well who knows oh here we go Arcadia you're here for my lovely copy I guess there have been two purchases of poison one is the stable boy it's what a lingering poison and a priest of RK who's bought a virulent poison so it's odd for us to go and check to see if any of them in particular have decided to do some naughty naughty poisoning of the yard alright so it's over to the Hall of the Dead to see if there's a little bit of Evil Shenanigans going on I really do hope there's no combat here because dying on day two of my adventure would kind of be a little bit bad and this one here apparently he's lost his uh amulet into the catacombs which I hope is not where we're headed because he basically made it sound like there's Undead down there and if that's the case well we're gonna be a little bit buggered Okay so we've got to go into the catacombs here this this is not safe this is not safe to leave leave oh my goodness there was a oh oh my goodness it hit me okay right we are definitely not ready for combat in any way shape or form that skeleton just hit me for almost all my health I'm sorry my dude you can uh try and get that amulet yourself I am not equipped to fight a skeleton oh my God that was terrifying okay we need some kind of assistance if we're even able to go down there to check if a Poison's been used we need some kind of physical backup because two hits from a skeleton we die okay it's over to the stable we go let's just hope that the stable boy has like a complete explanation that yes he is a mass murderer so that we can you know pin it all on him and I don't have to go into the catacombs for goodness sake okay let's just check this random point in the store because apparently I know exactly where oh my goodness there's a dead man I would Spell Tome of detect life oh this is actually amazing this is going to allow us to power level Alteration okay that's great and it has given us a note where oh a Luna steel War x uh that seems like quite a good weapon indeed while the moon's out burns the target for 20 points I mean we can't use it but we can sell it anyway there's a note here the stable hand died oh fantastic we don't have to go to the Hall of the Dead this is enough okay so this man is basically part of a bandit group that was trying to infiltrate uh White Run potentially to Kill The Bard and oh I have to investigate the silent Moon's Camp um yes I am not ready to investigate the silent Moon Bandit Camp considering a level one skeleton almost completely murdered me right now I do think we should try and level ourselves up so that we're ready in some way shape or form before just some kind of combat otherwise we stand no chance of surviving literally anything and the best way for us to do that is to make use of our brand new foundability in the form of this spell this spell is going to allow us to do protect life which allows us to level up alteration really really quickly and very passively so it's going to take pretty much all of our magic to cast but just by casting it yeah that gave me a huge amount of alteration skill awesome anyway I wonder if we could potentially grab ourselves some kind of follower because a follower would make our life potentially a lot easier especially if combat's involved now there is janaza here and she's potentially a great idea but she does like doing close combat however she's also 500 gold and I am poor now sadly Bella Falls got absolutely nothing for us which kind of sucks but hey I think uh we should try and make a bit of money and the best way for us to make money is to effectively just steal items from the environment and by that I mean Harvest every single plant we can find and get our hands on I think I could definitely do with more ingredients though and I definitely think some kind of healing potion is going to be the most important for us so in order to do that we need to find a way of gathering wheat luckily White Run is effectively the Bread Basket of Skyrim and there's a bunch of farms just around the corner so I'm hoping if I go outside I can raid some for wheat that's going to be a good use of day two I reckon yeah it's midday so we've got ample time for wheat harvesting oh this looks like a place we'd get wheat yep harvest wheat there we go wheat added more wheat added lovely stuff oh and some chickens right yeah we're gonna have all of this so that we can make some nice healing potions anyway my character's getting nice and peckish so I'm just going to scour cabbages from The Wider landscape grab a few potatoes too because they're a nice ingredient to mix with and then I'm gonna go back inside make some potions make some money hopefully get ourselves a friend power level a bit of alteration so it's back into Arcadia's cauldron we go and it's time for us to make a little bit of money and our adventure is now looking very very nice with actually a little bit of money we can potentially make but hey I'm not exactly gonna need this resist fire potion so I don't mind selling it I would love to hold on to some of these potions but I genuinely just need money because I need a companion so now we have enough money to actually buy ourselves a companion it only makes logical sense that we should now immediately go and pick her up and then we can take her down into the Dungeons and hopefully she'll do all of the fighting for us so Janessa uh consider yourself hired fantastic Janessa is here for us and now I think the only thing that I need is actually a good night's sleep although there isn't really a good night's sleep to be had in white run because I need to go over to the inn and this is where it stops being a good night's sleep and becomes a very costly sleep so hold it how much is it for a room 10 gold oh I've called No Bed great lovely right uh let me give you some money then older I hate you nine gold I was one gold short and you wouldn't give me a bed fine I have this bottle of wine you're a scam artist so our bed is lovingly positioned up here and audio actually stuck okay fantastic toad you almost killed me there that could have been the run over there we go here is our lovely bed for tonight all right I definitely need some more healing potions so uh where's Arcadia where are you you're just talking at me Arcadia look I need you here so I can buy ingredients from you I need more healing potions and so that means I need to do more trading with you all right there we go some meals made we're in a bit more of a refresh State I have health potions it's Day free I think I am brave enough to potentially go and fight that thing in the dungeon now potentially there's a skeleton literally right here potentially the skeleton is further away this is a monster that literally no one should fear fighting however I fear this monster consequently we need a heal spell ready in one hand the damage spell ready in the other let's go fight a monster right skeleton are you here nope skeleton is not here neither is man who gave Quest please tell me man who gave Quest is not is not dead is he resting where is the man who gave Quest oh no okay well potentially the skeleton we let in his killed him but um that's the case that's fine let's go recover that Amulet of okay oh Frank he's right there oh geez you angry boy right Skelly Sizzle Sizzle there we go oh my goodness we got him yes Janessa you are so worth the money right let's steal their loot loot stolen I can hear there's another skeleton Janessa you know what to do yes Janessa look we are the best adventure entering combo and by that I mean you do all the work and I just sit here and do basically no damage okay I can definitely hear another skeleton here yep there's a skeleton right here oh my goodness he's got a great sword okay Janessa that one's definitely more on you cool he's dead right we'll steal that anyway any good loot oh there's something here blog skill increase fantastic that's good and oh a virulent poison right that's where the Poison's from oh okay okay okay so I went into this dungeon I found his lovely amulet now I mean we could wear it however we can't because this technically counts as an item that is too powerful for us to have and it would give us 10 points of Health I mean I suppose we could maybe sell it but no I mean we went in there we had to fight like four skeletons that could almost one hit me so he probably has a decent reward for it anyway here's your amulet oh gold yep that's exactly what I'm looking for gold is good 15 15 gold 15 gold I had to hire a bodyguard who cost 500 gold to get that amulet and you give me 15. could have sold it from oh my God right okay uh day day three of the adventure it has not gone well welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the Glorious world of Skyrim where we're in day four of our lovely adventure with the wonderful and Majestic legless now we have finally hit level four and the reasoning is because I've spent pretty much all of the remaining third day and most of the start of the fourth day leveling up our alteration as much as possible the reasoning is very simple eventually we can start casting alterations spells that give us armor and that armor is going to be critical in terms of keeping us alive because walking around as a fleshy noodle with basically no protection is quite a challenge indeed I've also run around all of white run and harvested every single ingredient and plant that they actually have access to and we're going to Smith them up into potions so that we have enough money to travel all the way to rifton and the reasoning is because basically as all of our money making relies on us being able to make potions and there are no longer any ingredients left in all of Whiterun then I need to make some money Burger off to Riften collect some more ingredients and then come back after a few days when all of the plants have regrown now of course there is no fast travel in a normal sense in terms of us just being able to click on a map and travel there however we are able to travel via the horse and cart which is exactly what we're going to have to use so it's going to cost us a little bit of money every time we move across the world but it just has to be this way hopefully you're not too expensive ah you're not too bad 20 gold to get to Riften that's quite acceptable right Janessa off we go so as we finally move ourselves into our fifth day we have arrived in rifton and well uh there's a lot of people around Riften is very noisy it's got a very high population now of course because I've been leveling up my illusion magic I'm going to uh buy myself a lovely room just for the night and this lovely room here is my room although I'd love to get to it if Janessa wasn't standing in the Wade like the classic Janessa that she is anyway so it's time for me to go to sleep and wake up in a few hours time at a lovely 6am so we can begin our adventures of harvesting all of the wild ingredients of rifton okay fantastic I found the potion shop in rifton it's El Grimm's elixirs and hopefully we can basically be able to Rob his lovely potion crafting station and generate ourselves a few very important items all right time to make some new potions can we literally mix anything no we cannot mix anything at all well that is just amazing all right if that's the case I'm gonna have to try and buy some wheat and make some new and improved health potions that will helpfully sell for a little bit more money so please tell me you sell wheat no you do not sell wheat seriously of all the things you don't sell wheat all right okay I'm going to go get some ingredients all right my alteration skill is doing really good it's up to 37. definitely I think we're going to try and spend most of today getting it up even higher but also we do need a whole bunch more fish so it's straight over here to the docks of Riften where hopefully we're gonna be able to go for some swimming and not die generally there is a minor risk that some kind of Angry Crab will locate me and in doing so uh I could be dead I see some fish some absene fish riverbed is that's it our ingredients ingredients in fishy form all right this is fantastic all right now I'm gonna go make some potions but before I do so I probably want the gift of Charity so I'm going to uh spend one gold coin to boost up my speechcraft and that should hopefully allow us to make more money off of the potions we make and if I remember correctly we can mix some of the fish we've made with salt in order to make Ford fire restoration potions even though we don't necessarily know that that's even an option so we can grab a absent long thing put it with one of our 95 Soul piles and will bam a potion of fortify restoration has been made we do the same with a cyroditic spade tail and there we go another lovely potion has been created so we're gonna make a whole bunch of fortify restoration potions because uh they sell for a lot of money so we're bam away we go and yes yes yes we are looking very good indeed all right please elgram I've got all of these lovely items that I need to show you okay we've got a whole bunch of poisons now I can't use poisons because well I can't coat them onto anything so they're pretty much useless for me there we go we're up to seven 190 gold this is a miracle oh finally glorious profit now one thing I've realized I need to do is have a steady and continuous dream of income and truly the only way to guarantee that in Skyrim is via the medium of marriage because by marrying someone you can make a hundred gold per day off of their existence so consequently I'm going to buy a Amulet of Mara here for 200 gold this is basically the sign that hey you're in the business for love now in order for me to of course marry someone I am going to need to complete their Quest and I think the best person to pick for all of this is years older the trader who lives in Whiterun her Quest is relatively simple all she needs is a mammoth tusk oh my God I found the man of Tusk okay it's um it's quite a big boy uh but I'm gonna do it it is gonna be our first crime but we just kind of have to do it so away we go hopefully they don't mind that I'm just walking out with a giant 150 gold bam after it's got my body but this is going to allow us to marry the individual we want to marry okay fantastic then I think we're gonna need to stock up with food for travels and then we should be ready to go another lovely Journey ah lovely right we've made our way to White Run and I've imagined none of the plants have reset since we've returned seeing as I've only been gone what a couple days and oh dear I'm starting to actually get chilly well that's fine we'll just run our way inside crank up a little bit more alteration magic and oh my goodness are we still casting it how am I just casting I don't have enough Magicka for this but um is this giving me skills still I mean I'm still detecting life oh my is this just gonna infinitely level me please say this does Todd have you told it Todd is is this a toading is this a toddington yes we're leveling oh who toddington my sweet sweet boy oh my goodness right well um I guess this is just where I AFK for a bit thanks Todd for this unique gameplay mechanic yes that is what we're calling this oh it ended oh Todd why did it end okay it wasn't infinite but that was definitely damn close enough to being infinite now yes none of the plants have received spawn but that's okay because we're not here for the plants we're here for years older here we go I have your mammoth tusk and of course in return she's going to teach us a little bit of speech skill which is really really useful and finally I need to go and do a little bit of marriage now this does involve wearing a ambulance of Mario which is technically an enchantment but it is just a temporary thing so consequently I'm okay with it it's not I don't think it ruins the run it's simply to get married the fact that we have to wear it is just an inconvenience so we're bam here we go years old is interested oh yes fantastic the wedding is sorted oh right now I've just traveled right the way back to rifton that's another 20 bucks down the drain but hey it's fine oh my goodness I can double hold down the spelling it's just hold it's just casting it it's just maintaining the cast of it Todd I have no Magicka oh dear dear dear well uh we're gonna power level up to alteration 50. uh this is gonna be really really really useful because we can halve the cost of our alteration spells oh thank goodness this is absurd Todd thank you for releasing so many versions of Skyrim that you know even to this day you can just still do stuff like this and it just works God damn it it just works okay welcome back it is the ninth day of legless's Adventure and well things have gone very well we have leveled up alteration to level 90 which is really really good this has come with a few downsides we are now level 15. is being level 15 a Bad Thing uh well yes and no no in the fact that we can Now cast better spells we have a whole bunch more Magicka so we can cast both for longer we've got a bit more Health the only downside is now enemies are stronger instead of fating level 1 wolves we are now potentially facing level 15 wolves or level 15 Undead all of which are terrifying anyway it is time for me to actually get married now because I spent all of day eight just leveling so day nine uh let's get married let's have our ceremony ah here we go wonderful I've got all of my companions here and by that I mean I've got janasara that's literally it oh it's marriage time oh here we go I get to say I do here we go it's beautiful I do now and forever oh it's wonderful I'm married oh it's glorious congratulations now this is great because I get to decide where I want to live and I can just say hey living with you would be perfect this means I now have a bed that I don't need to pay for right in Whiterun which is fantastic oh this is glorious I have a key to a house and now I can ask hey would you like to cook something for me there we go she's just literally made a straight up home-cooked meal for me this is amazing it's absolutely fantastic see you as years older now every day she'll also generate a hundred gold for us which is fantastic but most importantly hey we gotta we got a proper home-cooked Meal look at this it's great increased Health Magicka and stamina recovery and it restores 380 points of hunger that's wonderful now what I will do is I will also pick myself up a lovely spell to boost my armor which I can do from this lovely Court wizard so I'm gonna buy this lovely spell of stone flesh which will increase our armor rating by 60 points for 60 seconds and that should be a absolutely fantastic spell to cast because if I go into my inventory right now and look at my in Peril my armor rating is zero but if I cast this suddenly my armor rating is boosted to 120 that's actually pretty good I mean it's not necessarily fantastic because it doesn't last permanently it only lasts 60 seconds although I'm pretty sure that can be extended yes we're bound with stability we will extend the length of it and I'll also actually boost Mage Armor an additional time so that spells like Stone flesh at 2.5 times stronger so yes now the spell lasts for 90 seconds rather than just 60 and now if I were to cast it again my armor rating is 150 lovely so we have a way to get 150 armor for 90 seconds that is inherently fantastic so what we're going to do now is travel back to White Run and then use it as a base of operations to begin our adventures into the wider world and obam here it is house yes we've made it home oh this is our Gloria's home oh it's wonderful it's comfy there is only one small bed so we're gonna have to kick each other out when the other one's asleep and it's a bit awkward what with Janessa just standing here but hey we've got all of the equipment we could possibly need and by that I mean we have a cooking spit right uh I do want to go to sleep but sadly Zola's using it so I need to talk to her get her out of bed and then as soon as she's out of the bed steal it there we go yes I've stolen my bed fantastic right we're gonna sleep for about four hours this does force us to level up which is fine we're going to improve our health and we have one perfect point to spend where is it going I'm going to dump it into alteration Jewel casting which I think means we can dual cast maybe our Oak flesh Bell for even more armor but hey I think it's time for us to do a few basic missions in the local White Run area Okay um an incident has occurred uh it's not my fault I would like to preface everything by saying it's it's not my fault although that is a lie it is my fault it's late 10 still and I was trying to travel to a location to get more wheat okay it is as simple as that I wanted to travel to find more wheat so I could make more health potions in order to heal myself in combat and I've remembered that in Skyrim there is a location with a lot of wheat the largest quantity of wheat on the map and that location is roaringstead and then I thought you could fast travel to roorkstead and was looking through the Fast Travel menu I thought oh it's probably not roorkstead it's Falkreath and here I am in folk Reef not roork's dead which is like somewhere over here um yes I'm in Falkreath and I have no way to leave folk Reef because there is no stable and I can't fast travel unless there is a stable which means I am completely trapped here until I find a way to leave on foot which is of course insanely dangerous now that I'm level 15. any quantity of Random Encounters can now affect us on the road and potentially instantly murder us so I'm gonna rest stop for a night's rest in the Inn known as the Dead Man's drink eat up a whole bunch of food and then get prepped for a journey this is our lovely bed to sleep in for the rest of the day which is fantastic there we go we're fully rested we're ready to rumble let me just eat some more snacks right out into Skyrim we go fantastic a glorious Journey awaits us and hopefully one where we don't die on this glorious Journey alright so Roark said is somewhere around here and even though I know it's an incredibly stupendous and silly journey I think it is entirely possible that we could make it all the way to roorkstead it is possible we are going to need a little bit of supplies though I'm going to need to grab some kind of backpack with a bed roll inside of it and I'm gonna also need to cook up some decent meals all right time for some basic Goods okay so we have a lovely dark leather backpack here with bedroll which we're gonna have to buy for 137 gold it's a bit expensive but we do need it but other than that there's not really much we can grab from this man and there we go okay I think we are about as ready as we can get for our giant travels so I'm gonna put on my amazing backpack which now means that I look like a proper Adventure well a proper scruffy Adventure considering I don't have any armor but it's fine I'm ready to go we're gonna go all the way to Aurora extend and we are going to stick to the road we cannot go off the road if we go off the road we die so we're gonna stick to the road maybe gather the occasional herbal ingredients and remedy but if anything is like tempting us off the side of the road I don't know there's a nice little sign saying free gold this way I am not trusting it I am not trusting anything this entire location is a giant nightmare scam okay so we're not too far from Roar exted and there appears to be a uh one Farm just right here and I don't think it's tended to by any humans I can see some kind of weird ethereal ghost outline next to a corpse I'm going to presume that he's probably friendly I mean we can get close and use detect life to work out uh what his sights are uh he is not friendly he is not friendly in the slightest that is not a friendly dude um there is a ghost a really angry ghost ghosts are vulnerable to Sparks right oh my goodness he is an angry boy right hit him with some Sparks he'll go that's kind of lowered his ghost form a bit and oh yeah it's actually doing damage quite a bit of damage there we go die ghostly ghost yes yes go yes good do it I've killed him it took a lot but there we go murder the ghost okay well let's search out the plantation to see what happened here and see if there's any Wheat lying around because that's all I care about okay now there's no reason for us to actually continue on with that questline because the reward for completing it is that we can stay in The Farmstead as our own house and let's be real uh that's not actually valuable for us at all what is valuable for us is this lovely village with all of these wheat crops oh yes oh yes oh yes it's safe it's got wheat and that is all we need hello you guys oh look at these great lovely locations oh wheat for days oh this is fantastic oh yes so many potions can be made so many potions okay I think I've successfully taken everything I could possibly want from roark's dead so now it's just straight into the inn and I need to somehow work out a way back to White Run okay it's a brand new day it's day 12 of our adventures and I think it's time for me to leave raw extent behind it was nice to visit we got all of the necessary crops we wanted and we're now up to an absolutely wonderful 11 wheat okay it might not sound like a lot but that's 11 potential health potions we can make which is absurd right so it's off down this lovely hill we go on a glorious adventure and oh that appears to be uh definitely a bandit yep that is very clearly a bandit of some shape form or variety hello there Bandit Outlaw yep you are going to get uh stabbed a bit I can see that there's some kind of Ranger off in the distance now one of the predicaments we find ourselves in is we have to assist Janessa in fights simply because if we we don't she might lose these one-on-one fights and if she loses these one-on-one fights we die there is no way we survive she is our entire damage output and she absorbs all of our heads which means we have to help her do everything and I'm going to sizzle him alive with my crispy flames and there we go sizzled alive wonderful oh what a glorious combating character that was we actually did uh pretty good in that situation I'd say heck where do where does this even go this takes us to mark off well what if we just say bugger it to actually fighting these Bandits and just instead leave just leave him alone we don't need to fight them I doubt they have any wonderful loot that we particularly wanted or needed oh my goodness it's the first time I've seen one in ages it's a fast travel horse but hello there fast travel Horseman oh I could have used you a long long while ago when I was stuck in the middle of bloody nowhere but hey it's fine all the matters that I've made it safe to civilization and World better for it for we are loaded up on wheat that wheat is empowering it gives us money gives us Health oh yes now we get to see uh Uncle rogvir get his head cut off well that's fine we don't need to worry about any of that who cares what's going on over here I am here to steal all of the ingredients welcome back ladies and gentlemen it is the 13th day of our glorious survival and we're ready to actually level up again I've spent most of the night kind of wandering around Solitude stealing all of the ingredients in the city and leveling up my alteration some more but now we could do a little bit of a rest so it's into the Winking skiver we go we're gonna level up and then we're going to explore the kind of local and safe area around Solitude the hoping that there'll be lots of ingredients there for us to loot okay fantastic this is our lovely room for the night so we're just gonna sleep here for a couple of hours or until all of our tiredness goes away we've got some more points to sink into leveling up this is where we've run into a problem so we could improve our health but I really think I've reached the point where I know there is absolutely nothing we can do no matter how much health we have we are still going to get one hit by everything we run into so that's more points in demand at the same time I do want to improve our ability to defend ourselves so I'm going to pick up Apprentice destruction and hopefully we're going to be able to grab some improved destruction spells that will actually do damage and those spells that actually do damage should hopefully actually you know level up our destruction because that's the biggest issue we have because of the difficulty we're playing on we're doing so little damage to our enemies that we're not actually gaining anywhere near enough experience to level up so before I head out into the wider world I'm going to spend some of the money that I have on me oh God only 277 gold uh it's not much but hey I would spend some of that money hopefully buying a spell but in order to get some more money uh maybe make a couple potions okay that should hopefully give us all of the money we could possibly need just in the form of resisting Frost potions this is effectively the only way we can make money and survive in this universe so even though it does feel a little bit cheesy at times I think it's completely justifiable anyway we're gonna make 531 gold selling all of those bad boys very very good indeed now what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick up the wonderful mental bolt spell it costed a little bit of money but it is actually very much worth it and in my opinion probably the most overpowered early game spells you can get these lovely Elemental ones so we're gonna grab that that should mean that we can do a little bit of damage now we're going to go and harvest some ingredients in the local Countryside and then bugger off back to White Run where we can actually make some money and hopefully do some of the quests alright here's our new spell lovely Elemental bolt it doesn't even cost that much Magica like 50 Magicka to cast it like I can do that oh look at that that's a big old Powerful Boy okay we're gonna be using this bad boy in our glorious combat and hopefully this should be a nice easy Victory now snowberries are a really really useful ingredient and in fact there's a whole bunch of winter environment ingredients that I have not been able to get myself a hold of and seeing that we're in solitude and we're next to a winter biome does just make sense for us to dip our toes into it and as long as we don't die we should be able to run away you know in the worst case scenario it's all going to be worth it okay there's ingredients here that we just can't get anywhere else and those ingredients could be the Difference Maker Now I can already see like a wolf right there so I'm just gonna charge up a big old Elemental bolt go kill it kill it kill it it didn't kill it but that was kind of good enough it's buggered off okay wow that was damage that we actually did damage look we got like maybe five percent of the way towards leveling up oh my goodness okay right you're coming back at me I don't think so oh yes okay if we charge up these spells we can do a lot of damage yes it cost us you know pretty much all of our Magicka to kill a single wolf but that's uh that's focusing on the negativities focus on the positives and the positives are we killed something okay it's day 14 I've made it back to White Run for the first time in quite a few days since we started our accidental Journey searching for wheat and well things aren't looking good even though the textures have bugged out a bit but hey that's just Todd doing toad things it's okay just ignore it uh We've done great our adventure's gone well but most importantly we've come back stronger than ever with more money more power and more experience my goal is to focus on a steady production of restoring Magicka potions as that is going to allow us to hopefully stay alive I also want to collect all of our monies from our loving wife potentially rest up as well and get a free food but hello there you Zola have you been oh has the store made any money here we go oh we've made a cozy little profit this is my share oh it's wonderful oh 400 gold years older you shouldn't have oh you are wonderful and hey would you mind cooking something for me oh my goodness years older you are insane your marriage is so overpowered it's so overpowered you just literally you get married to them and then you do nothing you do nothing they do everything for you and you just Harvest all of their resources oh it's it's insane well um I'm gonna go rest up and then I'm gonna go make some lovely potions time to have a big old sleep for three hours yep that has fully rested me now time to go make some potions okay ladies and gentlemen you know what I think we're actually ready to go and do our first Quest that's right we're going to actually do a quest in The Wider World we're gonna complete it and it's gonna be a tough one we're going to investigate the silent moons Camp because these guys have decided to potentially kill the yo and well we like the y'all he you know should hopefully live we don't want to poison him so it's over to here we go to work out what we can do to put these evil Bandits down save the yard collect the prize do all of that Jazzy stuff and hopefully we won't die in the process now I'm feeling pretty good we've got a decent amount of potions on us so life is okay we do need to be careful in terms of the wildlife in other words in level 16 things like giant saber cats can spawn and they're just you know a bit too spooky and unfun for us okay into the Tumi area we go we've got some combat to do we've got my companions I think we are we're ready to rumble we're ready to rumble and ruin the world hopefully just gonna bounce my way up the hill okay now there's definitely angry stuff here that's a cave bear that is a cave bear that's a Cave Bear oh it's a very fast Caper okay we cannot have that Janessa you do your thing you do your thing um evidently we need another um giant flame Atronach uh to do its big Cape okay bear okay Bears is it still on me it's not still on me okay it's not still on me I'm all good so I'm gonna play matronuck flame attract is gonna help us fight the Cave Bear uh this should really max out the DPS on the bear okay I'm gonna hit the side of that Cave Bear there we go look I did my part I've summoned in a Beastie I got Janessa here Beastie almost dead goodbye Cave Bear goodbye sweet okay we killed a bear okay I'm in the silent moons camp and I'm pretty sure I'm in a location that they can't even access I don't think there is a pathway up here so I can probably just like plink damage down upon them and there's nothing they can do oh yeah there is very clearly a man walking around there right let's hit him with a double level Elemental bolt bam okay that missed him in time well that's fine I gave it a try however there are some angry Bandits around here oh there's one with a bow there is one with a bow okay I could not fight bow Bandits um they have a ranged weapon I am a dead person oh okay okay you want to play that game oh there you go oh okay I missed that one entirely as well oh okay you you shooting at me you're shooting at me I do not think so oh your Bandits aren't very high level are you you're not high level oh I can kill you we're gonna use the AOE effect there is one casting magic but luckily I actually have a decent absorb magic I'm gonna cast stone flesh though because there is a chance I can actually defend from these attacks right Stone flesh up here we go right if you guys just want to focus on me I will more than happily rinse you guys there we go that's one Bandit dead lovely oh and I did get hit by Magic and that's very painful that is so painful oh okay I lost a lot of Life there but it's okay it's okay we survived that and also we get to absorb Magicka from our enemies now we do resist like 30 of all spells so that Frost Mage isn't the biggest danger in the universe I do want to know what janas is up to I hope she's not dead I do hope she's kind of like busy soloing all of them somewhere um because that is the exact kind of thing I can see I do no no no no [Music] this is not safe this is not safe to leave leave oh my goodness there was a oh yes Janessa look we are the best adventuring combo I'm married oh I do now and forever oh it's wonderful no oh my the hubris oh my goodness well legless I'm afraid you've been leglocked uh this is the end of legless's Journey legless died aged 14 days old um he died to a single Frost wizard casting two ice boats into his head they were a level one Bandit effectively and uh legless died I would like to say that happened despite the fact that legless has 150 armor and is able to block 30 of all spells that hit him that's just how absolutely dangerous it is to play with this challenge well ladies and Gentlemen The Adventures of legless are over but that does not mean that this challenge is completely done for good if you enjoyed the impossibilities of this challenge then I will give it another go I'll even make it harder and I do want to see if I can survive for 100 days in Skyrim with all of these amazing difficulties seriously the experience of this world is absurdly wonderful when your character has only one life and you have such a limited way of surviving becoming a traveling magician slash potion maker was just such a stupendously fun time this challenge was wonderful if you enjoyed it then make sure to give it a like I would love to see people writing the Chronicles and and the day in the life of the wonderful leg list to see how the friends who made along the way would react to our death who knows what happens to our wife now she knows we go off to Adventure but we will just never return and she'll just keep piling up money for us until one day we'd return and become a billionaire ah well there you have it ladies and gentlemen the wonderful legless I've been the spiffing Brit if you've enjoyed today's video make sure to give it a like why not consider subscribing for more of these lovely adventures and of course a huge thank you to all of the Majestic patrons and YouTube channel members certainly you're fantastic sausages and hey if you're sat there wondering what to watch next look no further than this video on screen now and with that I'll see each and every one of you in the next one goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 3,193,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, skyrim, 100 days of skyrim, 100 days skyrim, 100 days, survive, survive 100 days, exploit, funny, game, elder scrolls, the spiffing brit, skyrim anniversary edition, 100 days hardcore, 100 DAYS OF HARDCORE, skyrim mods, gameplay, i survived 100 days, skyrim special edition, skyrim ae, memes, skyrim survival mode, skyrim se mods, 100 days in minecraft, skyrim gameplay, skyrim 2022, Can I Survive 100 Days in Hardcore Survival Mode? - Perfectly Balanced Skyrim Challenge
Id: aPmUnbh52rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 36sec (2616 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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