The Impossible Skyrim Region Lock

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this video is sponsored by manscaped more on that later [Music] this is the hardest challenge I've ever attempted and the hardest challenge I believe is possible to attempt in vanilla Skyrim region locked to the island of soulstein starting at level 1 under leveled by most enemies by 20 naked without a dime to my name legendary difficulty survival mode and to raise the stakes a little bit permada typically in my without leaving series we cover a smaller portion of these games like Whiterun Riften Diamond City we even tried it here on solstein but the island is too large with too much content to provide that same experience instead I elected to try something a bit different giving myself three attempts to start from nothing grind my way through the Slow Burn of progress and pray the odds fall in my favor that I may learn enough to teach you a thing or two about surviving on the island of soulstein please given the circumstances that you've now docked on this island in a state clearly not fit to engage even that of an armless child in combat you'll need to make use of some of the various activities around town to get some starting cash and food in your belly enjoy this part because it's awfully Serene hanging around socializing trying to fit in with a society and existing as an NPC just as squashable as any other how am I already hungry I I just got freed from my shackles I should not be hungry the only thing I'm hungry for is success we're on the grind we're employed self-employed so we can't do anything to the Alchemy lab uh I think I should I should be stealing these potions these will come in handy I will absolutely need potions let's chop wood until we just get a decent amount of stuff chop enough wood and well it won't be worth a whole lot but it's a start to at least pay your rent maybe get a bite to eat get some crafting materials but don't worry there's certainly other avenues to keep yourself productive during these initial phases if you've seen my channel before you're probably familiar with most of them okay all right it's not stealing if we're starving right it's only punching up fishing rod very nice cowhide Wolf Pelt beautiful all launderable 45 gold baby okay all right we should be able to craft something I don't know what we'll be able to craft but we have leather we have firewood okay now that I'm fully clothed people can stop commenting on my nudity is it just me or does the fishing kind of rock in this game I like it I like the fishing you know what I'm saying it I think Skyrim fishing rocks [Music] oh we got it then stagger's doing resistance against fire Frost and shock improved by 20 at the end of each hard day of Labor of course with this being survival mode you'll want to make sure to get a good night's rest however the island of soulstein has a mechanic that's gonna complicate things a little bit here but as you have y'all see this [ __ ] we should like talk about it now here we reclaim what faithless Minds have stolen awesome I love falling asleep and accidentally joining a cult now there's lots of these shrines all around the map so every time you go to sleep cross your fingers and hope that this doesn't happen oh geez come on can I not sleep normally here oh did I hassle no no oh I'm in another I'm in another zip code the Beast Stone why I know I don't want to be in your cult it's called Village nearby is there a skull Village nearby I don't know I I can't really look for it when Fireballs are genuinely I think I might get one tapped here so he's got Aimbot I'm dead I gotta get off the mountain I gotta break the line of sight okay I'm gonna start freezing really soon I'm in the cold section of the map wait there's a village let's call Village it's right across I can see it on the map thank you this isn't a [ __ ] joke Tom get across the frozen lake now get to the Village these are your people from now on go go go no no [ __ ] [ __ ] I gotta loot from him get around get around as long as as long as I can continue throwing geometry in front of the Wolves there we go blocked suction geometry wolves I'm free baby all right the skull Village or Santa's Village as I like to call it lies on the eastern half of the island up north it's really cold up here so I don't recommend staying here long if you can avoid it but as a satellite base it's not entirely useless oh he looks so cozy isn't that a cozy little outfit ice wolf pelt you guys are just giving them away I can Harvest Hawker meat they'll they're gonna allow me to take salt piles these people Rock I'm never going back to Raven Rock never I don't need them who needs them they have crafting a smelter a blacksmithing station there's the cooking pot finally my first real 1v1 combat encounter It's gotta be a bed somewhere I can use here oh did I kill one of your goats I didn't know it was domesticated I thought it was wild now I feel bad this is still a great access point for us to be able to go out into the Wilderness maybe do some hunting do some sneaking but I gotta be extremely careful if we leave this Village one encounter one wrong angle the run is over it's done if it's just Hawkers out here I mean that's not disastrous it's certainly not great friendly Boy watch your belly flops how am I cold I'm bundled up to the tits everything looks relatively safe too good to be true though it probably is [Music] I'm gonna take snake the reason being is it's the oh no are you kidding me are we really doing this are we doing this every time get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here I'm at the same one I'm at the Beast okay yeah it took me back to the B Stone you gotta be shh are you [ __ ] kidding me well that was an embarrassing first run I accomplished nothing aside from murdering a goat and finding George Costanza's Gore-Tex jacket at least we still have two more tries and a few lessons we can apply on the next run we learned where to sleep where to fish how we can make some early starting cash safely but outside of that we barely leveled up any skills and left ourselves in a completely useless State when the game decided it was time to start televangeloporting that's a real word look it up if you attempt this challenge you need to better optimize your first hour before the game shoots You Into the Wilderness it's an absolutely crucial step that I overlooked in the two hours I spent with our poor friend Tom surely round two will go better but before that a quick thank you to today's video sponsor manscaped Gamers I know what you're thinking oh man here we go another manscaped ad that just makes a lot of balls jokes but hey I'm actually someone who has a beard and tries to take somewhat decent care of it manscaped was kind enough to support the channel and send over a beard hedger Pro Kit full of goodies like shampoo beard conditioner balm oil even a cute little comb but the star of the show is the beard hedger trimmer really been enjoying this one so far as I can adjust the length to make sure I'm not removing too much or too little great for experimenting or always knowing I'm comfortable with my cut all this too with just one guard and a little Zoom wheel so it's super convenient it might be the star of the show but the whole package encompasses basically everything you need to keep your beard in decent shape does it look better better or worse than before Beyond clean your beard groom your beard trim and most importantly brush all in one really well presented and easy to store box the beard hedger Pro kit if you're looking to streamline your next few months of beard care and help support more goofy Adventures like this one go to today and get 20 off plus free international shipping when you use my promo code Juve at checkout Bear Grylls is our survivalist this round and she's taken note on how Tom's Journey went to efficiently address the shortfalls he suffered no wasting time it's Off to the Races from the get-go we gotta be quick though because the first time we have to sleep we're getting teleported all right robbing the hotel is gonna get ooh cowhide great start two more cowhide oh my gosh I told you I'm taking this serious I'm not getting done dirty like last time that was [ __ ] [Music] all right we've all seen enough put on some clothes oh you've seen enough are you kidding me I mean objectively rocking body [Music] here's your coin there we go what is he 500 he pays 500 for the pendant whoa whoa whoa whoa that's like that's game changing money and change the game it will with 33 East Empire lock boxes and thus pendants in total you're looking at a potential 16 500 gold if you find them all and that's not including the additional loot alongside the pendants now you definitely won't find them all right away but the few that you can will give you a massive boost early on when the Going's tough the lock boxes alongside choosing some sneak XP from a guard who's more interested in winning the ongoing staring contest he's currently engaged in with his dinner than catching any criminals are the big improvements to Bear's game plan as opposed to Toms also an increased focus on quickly getting to any activities like fishing and wood chopping as well as not taking sleep for granted anymore putting all this together will put you in a position where you're likely to start poking your head out of town and into danger most notably to find a very important location in this run the wonderful Mushroom Kingdom I think what I'm gonna do right now is I'm just gonna poke my head out of town see him place a shot on any enemies they're talking to themselves he's a Madman kill him someone there what two times dead he doesn't even have any bro to help oh wow okay so this is gonna take a long time did he just go he went to pick up a woodcutter's ax you got to be kidding me I'm gonna die one one thousand bounty do not shoot me officer I Surrender please do not shoot you've committed crimes against the dunmer people of souls time what is going on what is that what the [ __ ] is that what's going on here uh sir thank you [Music] get off get off get off get off get off Joe go go go go go go go go he's on me for the sake of immediate survivability I'm taking light armor Berserker rage toss it on it's a right turn down the hill significantly better I forgot about the Wolves oh I forgot about the wolves rock joint there's a wolf down there spriggan whoa okay okay I'm only cold not bad I really don't like being out here in no man's land though yep that's why I don't like it see I don't recall inviting you into my town I do hope you'll make this worth my while well actually the Mushroom Kingdom is worth your while conjuration spells are going to be an amazing way to keep enemies at a distance they're busy fighting something else they can't kill you however in order to access these spells there's an obstacle in your way you've holy [ __ ] dude dude you can't just okay I gotta get out of here oh [ __ ] I'm out of here I cannot hit this thing [Music] oh they're hitting all right we're getting some XP I'm doing the most minimal damage possible on this guy if he's gonna stand right there the whole entire time I'm gonna take as much Advantage as I can and we will sit here and launch 116 arrows at him I can't believe we just sat here and shot 160 arrows and he's still alive I have gotten pretty good at animation canceling those two wolves have almost killed us so many times oh God they made it here I'm going you I'm going with her I'm cowering in the corner come on gang you got this look at that ice wolf just tank hits should I get in there look at the goat getting in there hell yeah goat all right good work everybody fantastic job defending the village I give you the honorary Medal of Honor you two are helping out this Village in a time of Crisis the goat answer to the Call of Duty [Music] look at all of them they all fell I hid it in the same spot they all just bounced have you dealt with the ash Guardian yeah dumbass now you've got access to a ton of conjuration spells you've likely picked up on a few safe routes to take between Santa's Village and the Mushroom Kingdom should the need arise and the combat style you'll want to employ not a stealth Archer is starting to take shape if you're looking for combat training and free loot there's plenty of Ash spawns out front of the city that the guards will help you take out they spawn very frequently and I'll give you a good idea later of just how often this happens maybe get a quest started while down here with this guy out front check out the boat on the shore for a few easy kills in a lock box at this point I'm feeling amazing I'm confident I feel better about traveling I know what enemies to expect I mean I'm even jumping into fights just to grab what XP I can tug it down zeroed [Music] access to spells and enchanting a couple thousand gold the bankroll my adventure it feels like I have a bit more space to explore the map without constantly having to look over my shoulder oh God it's close this scared me this guy jump scared the [ __ ] out of me oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no how am I dying except you should look over your shoulder constantly because that's how quickly this happens this entire run is like a checklist of items enemies weaknesses and Buffs like you're slowly putting together a puzzle of abilities in order to best counter what you'll run into hear me out for a sec here what just killed bear burn spriggan fire damage what killed Tom cultist fire damage how did the ash spawns fight from a distance you guessed it fire damage if you can't counter or build up your survivability against the first enemies you'll find here there's no point in prepping for the rest welcome turkey stick our final contestant named for a snack that I went to go get while we awaited the carriage ride opening sequence on stream y'all can I get a turkey stick sponsorship Dark Elves have a natural resistance to fire so they have an advantage built in there's also that ring we found earlier while fishing for another buff we've several safe travel routes in our mind after a few sleep teleports we know where some early cash is in the form of lock boxes and we know the play style we want to aim for turkey stick is going to be our best shot the damage is still brutal it is a lot more though than last time so we'll be able to whittle it down this is the run I think that this is the Run [Music] let me get the kill shot come on yes no no he survived the kill shot [Music] clearly jumping forward a bit in this run but the Improvement in efficiency is clear day two in the atroneck is down if you're able to find heart Stones drop them off to nelloth and take part in his experiment becoming a lab rat will grant you a permanent plus 25 Health boost provided you avoid submerging yourself into water for this entire run now you may be thinking alright so this is where the Run gets easy right nope everything is still terrifying yeah back up heck up I will not hesitate to fire I shoot first and ask questions later I actually that's the that's the biggest jump scare I've ever had in this game holy [ __ ] but if you've been paying close attention to class you would have noticed what ended Bear's run quickly is now just a simple jump scare the [ __ ] is that noise what is that noise oh my God does ever really is everyone up to this is everyone at the party now they're just sending out e-invites oh he's really battling nope it's uh it's over damn it you got they don't give up they're just right behind me at all times I'm better than you I'm more accurate than you I'm more focused than you are I'm stronger than you I'm a straight line right into your forehead let me get the kill you're not taking my kills Soul captured let's go yes we gotta play this like chess we got one to our right we got one directly behind us he's probably gonna get another hidden on us if I turn left I can drag the Nick sounds through the Bandit come on towns people get out there some of you may perish that's a price I'm willing to pay because I'll take your stuff and sell it got a red dot over here aren't springing again you know what you son of a [ __ ] I'm so sick of your right down the main strip hey everybody I brought more action for you I mean look at how this thing tanks it I don't even think it's done its first recharge yet okay how many times is this clown gonna try and kill me ah okay you did not spot me you didn't spot me already stop whoa look at that damage did I just kill an enemy in two shots got an enemy in Two Shots again not the main character that's me that's missing oh it hit but let's just let's just poke our heads in how bad is it gonna be in here well that was quick yeah it's a thug so they'll do more damage and have way more Health I'll take the archery XP [ __ ] it's my I'm gonna need a little damage boost you this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there whoa whoa that was a disaster that was the scariest thing I've ever experienced watch my back babe watch my back man now there's one of you dicks now there's three of you dicks I'm out of here now that was the first two play sessions on Turkey stick combined basically just following the blueprint from the previous two characters but also achieving a respectable level of combat viability by combining defense ranged attacks and Conjuring my own tanks to buy myself time a lot of people suggested taking a follower like teldrin along for the run but I felt it went against the spirit of this Challenge and would be a rather cowardly cop-out for what's already a cowardly not stealth Archer moveset right now turkey stick is about seven hours into his journey heading into day nine because of our increased efficiency turkey stick is sitting at level 15 with archery hovering in the 50s again you can't get too confident yet because some of the enemies are still look how much health these guys have look at that that's a sneak attack absolute tanks your main goal at this point should be to address this damage shortfall you have while raising your defense at the same time I didn't include it at all but enchanting is an important skill to get rolling so disenchant when you can capture Souls when it's safe to and keep slowly and patiently trying to clear off locations on the southern half of the map or as it started to be commonly referred to on stream No Man's Land the brown Dusty filled with danger landscape between Raven Rock and the Mushroom Kingdom but Frost moth will never fall long live the Empire what what does that mean I'm stuck oh right right oh great now there's four I mean fellas I like the XP but I can't be okay I can't be taken on that many at one time oh that was quick Boys Boys Boys gentlemen until you have a few specific perks taking on larger groups will be overwhelming but don't worry you can always just kite them back to town for an impromptu Community murder session out of magic that's my last round of it gotta watch this one on my left yeah this one's aggroed on me I did all I could before bringing them all the way back to town I tried I really did come on don't get don't get cold feet now get down here and face me and 15 other people like men yo what are you doing where are you cowering everyone get up there fight day down all right we got one soul out of it so I'm at least satisfied sort of here are the perks you'll want all archery perks just get them all it's one of the most popular ways of playing Skyrim for a reason although my personal favorite is this perk that makes you fire off arrows like a Gatling gun in the conjuration tree any upgrades to cast higher level Spells at a reduced cost and this perk Mystic binding which makes bound weapons hit even harder you see I never knew this until this run I know I'm supposed to be an expert on this game or it's supposed to be my job but I still am learning about it every day you see summoned weapons already share the same stats as Daedric weapons so they're powerful as is combine that with the perks maybe a sneak attack and some tankier summons and the light at the end of the tunnel starts to shine through no longer will you receive a Quest from an NPC and have to ignore it in favor of your ongoing training Arc you're officially on the board a player in this game yeah Frost at your neck is adept bound bow also added thank you foreign [Music] oh my God it's such a massive upgrade and damage I'm so happy right now Frosty what are you doing Frosty Frosty you can't run Are you seriously running away right now I heard you for a reason idiot this is awesome we're finally starting to deal damage oh that was so satisfying just all of these they haven't despawned once there's so many of them this is how many times this encounter has spawned in all right we gotta be careful here okay they still have low Health from the last fight kill cam oh man come on no don't steal my kill how how he's getting behind cover you know what I'm gonna find in here I'm calling it right now we're about to find Meridia's Beacon another necklace of 30 fire resistance we're almost Invincible to fire I I I can bathe in lava Usha sorry yosha I'm claiming this bed for my own get off yeah I feel bad now [Music] go go go go go go werewolves nobody told me there's werewolves here there we go the goblins I forgot that they were here oh they are [ __ ] what's up goblins this is your best this is why you lost it Mordor do you have the gold do I have the gold come on it's all yeah yeah I'm one of the richest investors in all of Raven Rock it only took me like 19 days it took me three weeks there's a lot of Bandits okay this could be tough oh wait they forgave me but they didn't forgive Rocky no Rocky maybe these those might be good people oh they're friendly well it seems like they forgave me but they need to kill my rogue Rocky sorry sorry everybody I I it was a misunderstanding there folks why don't we start over New Blood should be enough to Rouse these layabouts to actually fight again yeah that sounds fun I love killing goblins although I don't think I want to kill them if I have to choose between these jamokes and the Goblins I'm I'm taking the goblin side oh wait oh we can't help the goblets anymore I didn't want to murder the Goblins I feel bad about this I think it might be too dangerous for me to try and betray them now what was that what was that what do you think it is what do you think we're here to fight charge men we must take back our booze I'm tired of living in South Wisconsin see now I feel bad come on guys this sorry buddy may you rest in peace they're not really cute if they if they were more cute maybe I would feel a little bit less bad I'm sorry Goblin friends I wanted to be cool with you I just have no choice I made a mistake I feel like we might lose this battle oh this is just mass murder that's right rakelings welcome welcome to colonization you proud of yourselves huh that was almost exhilarating how are you feeling I feel terrible we just we just executed an entire Society oh I feel so bad but I do get to sit in this cool I can't sit in the throne we just decided to genocide the goblins and I can't even sit in the throne no Throne no problem if you follow the quest chain that starts right when you get into Raven Rock eventually it'll lead you to owning some property the only problem is that some really tough fights are blocking your path I'm gonna go give General fox carry us a run for his money anybody who has watched any portion of this run is going to probably be saying to themselves you're an idiot why would you take him on so early and to that I say [Music] not bad I don't think it's rope our tank okay that was quick he's already down out of magic already we'll come back to this fight later it would be nice if I had them all out here I think I could probably win the fight welcome to another relaxing fishing stream I'm your host turkey stick and these are the soothing sounds of an ash Storm playing over you as you slowly cast your line watch the ripples in the water as they occasionally White Cap it's the glimmer of an Arctic grayling's scale all right here we go let's get them in this room as soon as possible this is great this is great we want him first there you go there you go push it push it come on buddy come on Rocky you got this rocket keep them stumbling that's right I'm Gonna Stand I'm so confident I'm Gonna Stand and shoot you oh that was an awful shot look at Rocky go hit him with the right hook get him stumbling off balance hold on wait I I wanna I wanna turn game over folks oh don't do me like that [Music] oh we didn't even get to admire our kill Rocky's like my time here is done my job is complete [Music] 100 mom manvelith finally a good paying job out here now I cut a ton of it out but of course it took some grinding to start gaining some serious power once you get into a nice Loop though you'll have a pretty good understanding of No Man's Land the enemies their attacks and I can't lie this was some of the most satisfying and rewarding progression I've gotten out of a Skyrim run in Ages Every enchantment and every perk felt so crucial to keeping myself alive it's weird because in a normal Skyrim playthrough owning a house is barely an achievement the game just launches property at the player's face at a pace that's really hard to even comprehend like just here you have a house here you have a house what about a hotel hostel Moto what do you want but here it feels like it's going to be a massive reward and I'm really looking forward to it with all my Buffs and enchantments I was essentially immune to fire damage to No Man's Land which was terrifying at first is now all but completely conquered after some time had passed I ran into an encounter that didn't seem that important in the moment but much later set off a light bulb in my head who are you why why hey guys I just got here wood elf you're not even diseased or Afflicted I mean he's Afflicted with bad hands this is a real boxing match who will win Wood Elf or literal spawn of mountain come on Dwayne you got him on the ropes there you go another stun push offensive Dwayne now if you can Overlook the stupidity of charging a fully kitted super soldier with nothing but hands there's something to take from this we've spent this entire run preparing for and essentially immunizing ourselves against just one type of damage that being a fire one aspect of this run that makes it difficult is the inability to take very many physical that's melee hits without being severely injured or completely losing the Run you'll have to always keep your distance in fights which means you are rarely if ever gaining armor XP we've talked about you stealing my kills I need you to stop I'll let you fill in the blanks on how we could possibly exploit a low damage dealing melee opponent because the investment you just made a little bit ago with this Shady guy hitting rocks is ready for its first excavation oh it's you why is he so upset at me I'm I'm your angel investor don't give me attitude rayless what the hell's going on this isn't good before I could blink all the miners were dead and I was next in line this is what I get [Music] okay if I shoot slightly to the left I won't hit my guy I can't shoot between his legs though all right he's down hey Dwayne I need to ask you nicely to please get out of oh don't attack me Restless look at me go I don't even I don't even need a companion I'm gonna solo this whole DLC mirac is [ __ ] well perhaps there's some hope for us yet two thousand now I have to go recruit some more miners I think I am getting scammed this is just the Elder Scrolls version of the FTX guy right now and I'm just missing my shots like an idiot there we go two down one left but he's a tough one look at Rocky go he's got a healing spell this guy is being a floppy wiener I mean this is floppy wiener Behavior so is the wrinkling fused to the bore that it's writing because when one of them dies they both die Arrow coming in nice toss little man at this point I was nearing level 30 and increasingly confident in my ability to survive in the northern portion of the map my archery skill was closing in on 90 and it was a really good visual change from No Man's Land remember the bandits we accidentally attacked and then accidentally committed genocide with I guess According to some ritual they have they need to choose a new leader so once you're comfortable going up north resolve this when you're able to wait are you friendly oh I almost attacked her again I'm sorry we keep having the same misunderstanding ma'am I know I know you're ready to go inside I mean I I'm ready but I'm scared rothman's ax is in there with me anyone who attempts to take hold of it has their Spirit judged by Rothman himself my spirit will be judged I'm [ __ ] got anything you want to add to this Dwayne since he's already deemed me worthy it will just be a matter of him remembering why he blessed me before this is not yeah I don't want to get Vibe checked by a ghost once inside mujold calls upon her boss to perform her quarterly review brace yourself to experience one of the most underwhelming god-like voices ever you seek my blessing for the leadership of thirst call ah he's not been special he's just a regular old Nord but I have always watched and know that it was your softness that led to your own exile you allowed your fellow Warriors to grow weak the leadership is not mine oh give it to me to me nor is there any among you fit to serve no matter what Roth says we need a leader and I'm still the best person for that you dare disobey rothman's wishes look what happened to us so far under his watchful eye it's time to begin a new tradition for thurlesk and I'm going to do that all I need is for you to back me up just don't tell anyone else what you heard here profman said we need strong leadership and lying and weaseling my way out of this honor duel for leadership that would be soft I need to be strong I was afraid you might say that well you forgot about my main strategy running away well that's close hey notice how your name says unworthy it's because it's true oh this is how a real man fights this is how a real Warrior takes care of problems look I'm doing it wow and you wanted to be the leader bujol embarrassing he's got to be impressed with our display but that's enough Nordic politics for now your second investment at the excavation has paid off with every single laborer getting killed once again volume 19 volume 21 you've filled out 21 notebooks please tell me you're at least done with the whole excavation if you had time to fill out 21 notebooks otherwise that means we're just exploiting the labor of these miners at least six of the diggers six you are in charge of these people all right now let's be careful we can okay we can already see the drag or death Lord so let's get the bow out okay apparently they heard that they're prepared to flank what are we doing right now what we're doing right now is the Skyrim the solstein that you'll see get the [ __ ] all right this is bad he's not leaving me alone let's get the necklace of frost just to be safe I'm gonna take a healing potion now [ __ ] that thing's slowing me down why is why is the frost after neck in the ground bar traps whoa whoa no the soul gem of death I finally found one literally the most dangerous enemy in all of Skyrim is those [ __ ] soul gem traps we're alive we're alive yeah I found all your missing employees spoiler alert they're dead well at least we can get back to work well you continue to sink money into what's turning into one of the biggest OSHA violations of all time keep challenging yourself with Dungeons and enemies around the map let's get our Frost armor on at least just our necklace this is bad this spike is gonna hit me I got no choice can't avoid it unless I can cause I'm a legend and I know how to dodge everything eyes in the back of my head strategy all over my face okay maybe avoid these guys here if you can't defend against physical damage well hey that's a call back to this moment I bet it won't play a larger role in the store clear out the dragger underneath Raven Rock for a sweet laser sword push through this dungeon up here to get the ability to create and throw um exploding spider bombs anything to get you that combat experience needed to take on the most important missions in this run up until this point family of house Lalu a rival great house has placed a death mark on the counselor's head Ah that's right you want to make an impact on the island of soulstein well it's easier to do as a property owner they seek revenge for the execution of one of their own I just want the house I don't care about your political conspiracy or who's getting murdered or who your Rivals are or that's kind of it but I don't care about any of that stuff I just want the house after some brief investigation you'll catch the trader red-handed committing the heinous act of honoring the dead for shame you're lying you're our Farmhouse halalu we should just jump right into the accusations that's what a good investigator does what kind of nonsense is that you've caught them in the ACT report back to your boss and then investigate the house you've already been using for enchanting this entire playthrough you're a friend of the family so I really doubt that they'd care them hey oh how are you don't be angry at me I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to kill you to death my God is this a boss battle back the hell up Taylor Sue not even a real dunmer fraud after you've heroically broken into the house that's soon to be yours and killed its owners Adriel has one more quest for you to complete before you can finally call yourself a property owner in Raven Rock Keen eyed members of the audience have noticed the time stamp that this video currently has versus how much time is left in the video and given how much content I haven't covered on this island I guess I'll just let it play out morigtong assassin my Dremora Lord's about to give you his Morag shlong that's right easy clunko does not respect assassins some assassins you are these guys suck oh that that might be me if they're all just shooting flames that'd be no big deal but these ones have swords and arrows and possibly traps oh this place is gonna be full of traps I take that hit there okay okay okay I'm taking multiple hits from this guy wow wow wow that was it I mean that that was almost the Run oh come on hey come on that was mine all right three Targets this is bad I just have to put out whatever damage I can look at him go clunker was a Madman [Music] I don't know where this is coming from clunko but I like this version of you just a couple of pressure plates I can dodge these are there any enemies around here oh man this would be such a miserable way to end it one at a time hold on buddy let me get a shot off on him I don't care if I'm supposed to talk to him first we're gonna take the sneak attack bonus oh my God he's doing a spinning Power Attack I gotta avoid that archer in the background although the Archer okay the Archer's targeting me that's bad come on clunko you got this I can keep dodging the arrows from the back shots watch out watch out we're getting pushed into the traps oh okay okay okay stay alive yourself you coward I knew it was my Achilles heel I knew what would end up costing me and just as quickly as I lost the first two characters I let my twitch chat down I let myself down but most importantly I let turkey stick down I I completely blew it oh I noticed I noticed at the literally the the last second possible I noticed that my health was really really low I've never actually felt pure disappointment while attempting a challenge but after over 20 hours on this character going flawlessly to lose so quickly like that to something I knew was a weakness this one really really hurt but I'll be back Souls time you may have bested turkey stick in Battle today but turkey stick two he's not gonna go down lightly or he'll at least get to Apocrypha Jesus I really made like no actual progress in this run I don't know
Channel: Joov
Views: 879,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joov, joov region lock, joov without leaving, skyrim without leaving, region locked skyrim, can you play skyrim without leaving solstheim, can you play skyrim, joov skyrim, skyrim funny challenge, skyrim challenges, skyrim legendary survival, skyrim funny, gaming, commentary, comedy
Id: mFWR-CvoNMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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