Skyrim Anniversary Edition Gameplay - Part 2 walkthrough!

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edition i hope you're all well this is part two of our skyrim adventure if you missed yesterday's episode we essentially the act one so this is where we currently are now we're on the quest diplomatic immunity which is the quest where you break into the thalmor embassy it's pretty awesome quest what i'm very excited about so in yesterday's episode at the end of the stream which is linked below we um we were in kinds grove over here and we saw alduin rebirth a dragon from the ground and resurrect him from the dead bringing back the dragons to skyrim now this is the quest that triggers all the dragons to come back to skyrim and basically randomly attack you it's always good fun because whenever you fast travel you have a chance for one to spawn and then the further you are in the main campaign the higher the chances for them to spawn every time you fast travel or enter like a new game cell it's kind of how it works so now we need to come back to delphi now she believes that we are the true dragonborn just flexing on her it's how we roll guys it seems that things are worse than a even delphine thought dragons aren't just coming back to life they're being resurrected by other dragons delphine suspects that the thalmor might be bringing dragons back for some sinister purpose she's going to talk with her contacts about how she can infiltrate the family embassy that we're just here in riften right now to talk to her let me just quickly pause that we go and we can begin just outside the sleeping giants in i have removed one of the weather mods by the way just so it's easier for the game to process i do need a second pc build for my mod list so it's not running at full capacity at the moment i don't think you were followed come on i have a plan how does she know that i wasn't followed elfin what's your plan tell me tell me welcome to the channel guys good to see you all in the chat again sven struck up his banger of a song not my favorite though i figured out how we're going to get you into the thalmor embassy towel you're not coming can lydia come that would be a bad idea i'd be too likely to attract the wrong kind of attention but they don't know you at all yet she's saying she's too hot so she should attract the attention of the high house and she's like i'll send you because you're an ugly orc what's your plan how do i infiltrate the thalmor embassy i'm not very stealthy the thalmor ambassador regularly throws parties where the rich and connected cozy up to the thalmor i can get you into one of those parties once you're inside the embassy you can get away and find ellen wen's secret files i have a contact inside the embassy he's not up for this kind of high-risk mission but he can help you his name is melbourne wood elf plenty of reason to hate the thalmor you can trust him i'll get word for him to meet you in solitude at the winking skeever you know it while you're doing that i'll work on getting you an invitation to ellen wins little party meet me at the solitude stables after you've arranged things with melbourne any questions do we kill parthenax on this playthrough i've never killed parthenox i'd never want to to be honest with you not a dirty blade dragon slayer ah well who's this contact of yours you sure you can trust him don't worry about melbourne he's not a dangerous character like you but he hates the thalmor at least as much as i do he's a wood elf the thalmor wiped out his family back in valenwood during one of their purges that we never hear about luckily they don't know who he really is or he wouldn't be serving drinks at the ambassador's parties ah so you've gone for the extremists haven't you delphine someone we can definitely trust okay how am i gonna get into this party then let me handle that you'll have a real invitation don't worry as long as you can act the part of a thalmor toady you'll get past the guards i just imagine delphine giving us this like this piece of paper with like a little crayon drawing of like you were invited to and then like a picture of an elf or something it's like very official once i'm inside the embassy then what that's when the fun starts you'll have to slip away from the party without raising the alarm then you'll need to find ellen wynne's office and search her files melbourne should be able to point you in the right direction very well i'll see you in solo solitude after i meet melbourne sounds good be careful rewi free thanks for the donation my friend oh interesting something you're still confused about i'm a little bit confused about how you're moonwalking like that impressive what something you're still confused about he's so passive aggressive he's like he's not dangerous like you yeah you all right we'll we'll go to the family embassy are you doing sven she's absolutely in inspired by his music fantastic you're new around here so i'll go easy on you but don't get on my bad side so i forgot this kid's gonna knife me in an alleyway one day my god all right let's go oh we haven't discovered solitude alas we will go to white's run and hire the carriage once again i think she is confused thank you for the donation by the way have you seen the flying enemies yet well we have the unofficial patch mod um so it's probably fixed most of those old-school bugs that you experienced in my first playthrough when we had the high elfs skating across the floor attacking us and shouting threatening messages towards us i'd like to hire your character sir where do you want to go not here anywhere but here take me to um solitude climbing back and we'll be off this guy is like filthy rich by the time we've done our playthrough taking us everywhere beautiful old city capital of skyrim but i'm sure you already knew that hope you're not getting too chickens are the true enemy of skyrim yes zack exactly my god it's a wet and miserable day actually a sleep roll in the guards barracks no what is in here anyway just a nice view of the farmlands below it seems genivine green thank you so much for the 5 donation hello there all right let's drop down down my way ladies you filthy peasant i must go to solitude and get over this fence thank you amber solitude awaits a very rich city indeed close the door behind you i sh actually taking so long beautiful city indeed is this the modded version yes we have modded it with many a mod it's actually a pretty light modelist but it's not the uh of the og skyrim version oh fantastic we get to watch an execution i love an execution so far you need to go home go home and stay there until your mother comes get on with it you should tell her that her uncle is scum you betrayed us best she know now advan you're all heartbroken rob you should tell that her uncle is scum you're great you helped ultric stormcloak escape the city after he murdered hiking tauric by opening that gate for ulfric you betrayed the people of solitude there he beat the high king in fair combat such is our way such is the ancient custom of skyrim and all nords [Music] bobby thank you so much for the donation my daughter and me got hooked on playing your videos it's even more enjoyable appreciate what you do thank you so much probably for all spawning riddens to bad rubbish i say oh savage there's savage on you i still can't believe he knew what he was doing when he opened that gate i'm right behind you new intel why did it have to be like this not right now i'll bless you bless you all have a look let's have our oscar heading to the blue palace you might want to rethink that outfit do you not think i like goods buried he should have drawn it out some more he deserved a slower death god you are a dirty high i'll find you my god how can you like the high alps you know the winking skeever's not just the best in in solitude it's also the only inn in solitude you're at the execution right i showed up to watch yeah oh yeah right to execute him for what he did but i'll tell you something it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy hayley thank you so much for the donation and the drunk as well you should do a live stream play through as a drunk character that drinks any alcohol i mean we can start now let's start now i've seen some horrible execution nothing but the bottle will solve this a b ripper thanks the donation as well start a bucket collection now i was done talking anyway yes you were oh you can afford a septim or two before we get run over by beggars let's head on inside and find the man we need to some legend we all know in love welcome to the winking skeever friend shouldn't you be on the other side of the ball our heroes are here like our roles have been reversed traitors civil wars dragons those troubles don't cross my doorway so sit relax very well seem very relaxed indeed let's talk to melbourne melbourne i've been told that you're going to help us out logan thanks the donation hey so i've never killed parthenox myself and if you agree to off him this run i'll become a member of the channel i'd like to see what happens but i've never killed him either because i just disagree with the whole concept of killing him that's the wrong thing to do i mean last last time we didn't kill him i maybe i'll do a vote on it matt thank you so much for that huge donation hello battle brother i love what you do love what you do too are you gonna eat that bread bro you look nervous a mutual friend sent me really you're who she picked i hope she knows what she's doing here's the deal i can smuggle some equipment into the embassy for you don't plan on bringing anything else in with you the thalmor takes security very seriously give me what you can't live without and i'll make sure to get it into the embassy the rest is up to you just take lydia what kind of thing should i bring you're asking me she promised that she was sending someone who knew what they were doing no i didn't want to get out alive i'd bring whatever you need to move quietly and kill quickly lots of alcohol i think the racing the raging krogan thank you for the donation have you chosen the side which and why we've not we've not debated the storm clerk imperials yet we shall at some point i'm sure hold on i'll get a few things ready no i'm ready okay i'll get this inside the embassy for you i've got to go i'll find you at the party don't worry okay okay no worries i want you to take this i have a lot of interesting foods here um so armor i assume i need to give you all my armor you better not rob me mate i'll be pissed um i'll keep my gold my sword obviously can have that as well cannot remove the amulet of talus because i'm too strong with talos friends i don't know if we should give him health potions or we can take them in anyway pretty sure we'll be okay we'll give him some health potions probably get resist shock potions because those dirty thauma like to play dirty a potion of the warrior scroll of blizzards that's going to be useful you know what we'll get you into drug smuggling too it'll be good for you i think it will help you i'm gonna be naked after this and the paralysis poison is also pretty essential for us to take it great i think we're good you didn't even say anything you just left well i'm just naked lydia don't look at me i don't want you to see me like this next time you might want to get dressed before leaving the house oh god stripping naked in the pub um actually next time do you have a cooking pot somewhere my friend you're not even playing music lady oh look this is the shadow sign for fence which means you're a busy dodgy boy aren't you you slimy person um i'm looking for someone to cook some food it doesn't appear but you wouldn't tell me why not well let me tell you little girl oh my god lydia we can become oh no they're all empty i thought i could become a raging alcoholic right now it's gonna drink the entire shelf but it doesn't seem like that's possible friends well there's nowhere to cook down here either oh well lydia looks like you'll have to do the cooking tonight no one likes your drumming nope he actually stopped the hell it worked hey danny great to drop in the scarum 2 board game video is hilariously fun damn elves there's some gold for a veteran no i'll give you a point man i'm really glad you enjoyed the board game video man i put a lot of work and effort into that one i think we'll probably just end up having to fast travel now and meet delphine at the stables i mean cast the castle probably have someone to cook but i bothered to walk all the way over there i was lost i didn't expect you to carry your own woods okay so we've got to go over here to the stables let's let's do that nonsense the man's given me nothing he can't even be bothered to attend my wedding i'm naked excuse me i wanted to distance distractions are there what do you mean like uh in the in the skyrim tabletop game that i did a video on there's like in that demo they've got like a certain amount um there's there's a few but like it's not the full game it's just like a demo so in the full game there's like tons like um we played played another game after that and we were playing like we completely got distracted from the main at fair quest uh prices like i'm your friend how may i serve you you got me a fair prices take a look take a look what are you selling what is this a cancerous growth why are you selling children's clothes oh look it's the new brawler iron gauntlets look at these pretty damn epic eh so now these are enchanted all right so the iron gauntlets this is one of the new creation club things the iron gauntlets have 12 armor um which inc usually like if you do unarmed attacks it's based on the armor value of your gauntlet so 12 armor 12 damage my iron gauntlets also do oh i just i just gave them away it's that it's the exact same as my iron gauntlets though the only difference is that they have an enchantment unarmed strikes do 10 additional damage so aside from looking really really cool they don't actually add any damage beyond the enchantment uh compared to normal gauntlets which i was a little bit disappointed about i wish that they did add damage or we should probably bring a backpack this one increases our carrying capacity by 75 points i might actually buy that then yes thank you ellie for the donation i've killed path and liked every play through blades gang where you are how can you do this i can't believe anyone would do that i'm disgusted ellie issac thanks for the donation have are you going to talk about the necromancer grimoire content um maybe at some point but this is mainly like a main story play through or boots of fire resistance are actually really good but they're like worth one do you know what we should probably buy them won't be able to take them inside but they will help yeah i think i'm good that's that's all i wanted be honest i can sell you some stuff that i don't need oh so you moon sugar you like that huh yeah he loves it look at him he's so excited so excited about the moon figure can't get enough of it you dirty khajiit what do you think of the i will have to look back at that on the chat lock picking is 20 easier we'll keep this we'll keep this bash thank you so much for the huge donation 50 my god dude thanks so much for the support okay we've got to go down to the stables i'm literally naked delphine better give me some new clothing because it's not a good look showing up to party naked done that before wasn't welcome came inside they were like shouldn't have come here then i got attacked work hard for the future and leave the past be that's my buy a map from him 250 gold eh have you given melbourne the gear you want to smuggle into the embassy yes melbourne is all set i have your invitation to the party but the only way you're going to get past the guards is if they really believe you're an invited guest which means you need to look the part and not be armed to the teeth here put this on when you're ready i'll keep the rest of your gear safe until you get back you'll only have what melbourne smuggled in for you plus whatever you can pick up inside very well i am ready you can't go to a party at the falmore embassy you dressed like that would i take more of my clothes off you can't go to a party you'd like that wouldn't you dare been watching for a while but first live video thanks for joining bob appreciate the support um so apparel we need to put on the party party clothes so is nazeem always going to a party then arty shoes wow rough spun tunic perfect okay yeah i mean a lot of towels i think that's gonna be beneficial i guess that will have to do you should pass for a real guest at least until you open your mouth ready to board the carriage to the embassy i am ready you just you just drop you just steal that you didn't even care did he look at this kid yeah i'm ready don't worry it will all be waiting for you when you get back just make sure you get back out of there alive with the information we need good luck wait he gave it back to me oh thanks kid appreciate it killing parthenax is like shooting modern or shooting legion in mass effect 3 and arriving by carriage no less i salute you sir my lateness is due more to getting lost on the way up this god's forsaken mountain and any desire to actually arrive late i prefer to arrive early often the day before the party so as not to miss out on any of the drinking i see i see rosaline there's not enough drinking in the world today wouldn't you agree please you first i insist i will just oh wait it's the carriage driver awful damn cold up here and only the guests are allowed inside damn foreigners in their inhospitable ways yeah all right perhaps we might share a carriage hello welcome to the thaw more embassy your invitation please is there a problem just a minute i think i left it in the car of course just bring it to me when you find it she really doesn't believe me does she but we'll go into the don't mind me end the sequence in here oh embassy barracks this is outside the embassy although these fellows know me are you already drunk you are blabbering on your invitation please here you go thank you sir go right in douglas thank you for becoming a battle brother i don't have a poison guests are advised to remain inside the episode guests are advised to remain inside the embassy i'm going i'm going jeez this is a very small part of the micro mod list welcome i don't believe we've met i am elinwin the falmore ambassador to skyrim and you are my name is the pale orc pleased to meet you why is a party it's my first time you know where can i get a drink are you ellenwood i've heard so much about you i've no idea who you are have you all good i trust but you have me at a disadvantage i'm afraid i know nothing about you please tell me more about yourself what brings you to this to skyrim what is it melbourne it's just that we've run out of the alto wine do i have your permission to uncork the arenthia red what does a fellow need to do to get it i told you before not to bother me with such trifles yes madam ambassador my apologies we'll have to get better acquainted later please enjoy yourself i'm so glad you could attend today you host these parties often quite often yes the only thing i enjoy more than luxury is sharing that luxury with those who can appreciate it but i also enjoy learning the latest gossip and hearing the most intriguing rumors hmm i see you know you spared no expense of course not one does not gather the most important men and women of skyrim and then serve them cheap ale and stale bread this is only a taste of the benefits that accrue to those that align themselves with falmore interests hmm riker thanks for the donation crazy how far your channel has come i remember the text on the screen in the tutorial days my god dude you've been watching a long time has been like 10 years since all my videos were text based a very long time indeed you're right thanks for the donation and support there what does your new position as a founder ambassador involve one of my main duties is to foster a better understanding between the aldmeri dominion and the people of skyrim i also oversee the activities of the thalmor justices throughout skyrim although this has been most unfortunately disrupted by the wall very unfortunate indeed i'm disgusted what's your position on the wall are you for the the stormcloaks i think you probably are i'm really setting my ways on skyrim i always choose a nord as my race and i always choose stormcloaks garand belongs to the nords love your condonier so thanks ellie the raging krog krogan there's mpd a mod that makes nazim do a game of who dances that sounds pretty funny anyway to insult nazim man as long as the empire continues to uphold its treaty obligations my government does not concern itself with the internal politics of skyrim guy bim i'm do enjoy yourself i shall i shall what can i get for you you made it in good as soon as you distract the guards i'll open this door and we can get you on your way let's hope we both live through this day indeed indeed i will distract the guards momentarily but first that dry bread at least ulfric's men are willing to fight for their principles barbaric as they may be what brings you to this party there are those in the empire who would wish to evade their obligations to help root out the talos heresy fortunately those most opposed to the emperor's wise policy have now branded themselves traitors as well as heretics i am here to remind the ruling classes of skyrim that their loyalty to the emperor requires cooperation with the thongmore let's see sounds like you're a charming fellow until next time next time don't know about that i end up with an axe in your back if you're not careful yep the great war is long past it's time the empire and the aldmeri dominion put aside their differences prosperity is good for everyone i agree the family suck but damn they are snappy dressers brings you to this party now quite like a businessman but not every nord is obsessed with strength honor and skill at arms a rare few are born with a gift for making money my investments are my strength and my wealth is my weapon as for honor well there are some luxuries even i can't afford ah really as wealthy as you are what brings you to the party then brad thank you for the support man what's your favorite whole house for the creation content i've only seen one that that's the vampire one and i really like that one so far but i haven't seen the others yet um if nazim was a nord he'd fit right into windtown yeah yeah maybe logan nunhood i usually tend to play dark or wood elf archer setups but i would go for a khajiit race this time can you give me a name for my character mine's called a car i would recommend searching some khajiit names what are you doing you okay be rude you must be new to skyrim or you'd already know who i am i have a stake in most anything of importance in solitude okay i feel that it's time to put aside the grievances of the past and let peace and prosperity flourish between the empire and the old mary dominion i try to do my little part besides just between you and me it's making me pots of money money very well then there's a likely looking philly even if she is an elf you there serving girl what's your name dear ah regular sir do you need a drink something to eat no no that's not what i'm interested in right now i just wanted to get a better look at you i like what i see my dear and believe me i don't say that to everyone i'm very discriminating when it comes to the female form ah thank you sir was there anything else i could do for you oh not at the moment maybe later don't i can only ask you for a drink you need to flee here you go sir collovian brandy i'm sorry but i think you've had enough for the moment how dare you until next time we'll see about that totality of the thalmor i can't sneak just between us i've got more important things to do than attend these meaningless parties wait it's nazim the same voice actor someone i'd like you to meet it's very nice to meet you you'll have to excuse orthus here he so rarely gets back to civilization stuck in windhelm poor fellow don't worry i'm doing my best to get you reassigned to solitude oh don't worry about me i relish the challenge i'm ready for this party to be over what brings you to this party ill luck i'm a busy man and i don't have time for this sort of frivolity but at the same time i don't dare refuse an invitation from elinwyn don't look so happy to be here is it that obvious i should take pains to seem more happy i wouldn't want to upset our host but the truth of it is i have a mountain of paperwork back in windhelm and it's not getting any smaller i just hope this party doesn't drag on all night goodbye then this is the lady who we will assassinate at some point sadly i find these parties such a dreadful boar oh god almost as thrilling as your wedding will be though no doubt logan nearhood thanks for another donation i would like you to come up with a personal one if you could i mean a lot and all the honesty message me on twitter i'll have a think about it because i can't think of one off top of my head does your company do business with thou more a delicate question to be sure i'm the emperor's cousin and the empire has little love for the falmer on the other hand the thelmer have considerable funds and are looking to expand their shipping i haven't signed any deals yet but i'm sure my cousin would want to cut if i do what better way to soothe his wounded pride hmm if these parties bore you why even bother attending good question the east empire company has interests all across tamriel inside and outside the empire's borders we try not to get involved in politics however as the head of the company it's my job to make sure we maintain good relationships with prospective partners and investors want to help me with something oh something interesting i hope ooh i need you to cause a scene get everyone's attention for a few minutes i don't know i don't want to do anything that might offend ellen would there is a lot of money at stake after all don't worry i want to play a joke on someone we go for it i don't think so sorry i would love to help you but ellen one can be very vindictive i wouldn't want to get on her bad side damn you're just a wuss aren't you i am getting on a prank know how to treat a guest one thing wait you're like the white version what the hell it's bad for business why would anyone join the storm cloaks they have a fraction of the empire's wealth and power dolls have you known ellen one long i've known her long enough to appreciate her excellent taste in food and wine and also long enough to respect her importance to skyrim she plays a vital role in rooting out the forbidden worship of talos as far as i'm concerned those tallows worshippers get what they deserve all they do is cause problems for me and the other yarls damn you savage some yards represent the falmer how about you definitely on the side of the thumbnail yes i know what you mean most nords struggle to accept change those who fought the thalmer in the great war still see an enemy but that war is over and a new day has dawned besides the thauma reward their friends richly anyone who doesn't take advantage of that is a stubborn fool oh you're never here now until later then i just wanted you to stop playing that it's good practice most people barely notice what i'm playing oh no no i noticed it is not eyes that reveal another's true nature it is the heart that's deep you having a good time fair faces and fine food are well and good but honesty is rarely so pleasing it's deep do you visit the embassy often go to the cloud district often there are words spoken in words unspoken beware these thou more for they are adept in both languages for this reason i avoid them when i can i think most of them are above the cloud districts did you know victoria is the emperor's cousin best stay on her good side uh assassinate her later in the game but okay what can i get for you actually you know what do we have any of the drink oh collovian brownie resource 25 points of stamp stamina you haggle for 20 better prices at 30 seconds stamina regenerates 30 serve for 30 seconds good day i don't recall seeing you at one of these before and i know everyone who's anyone in skyrim he's on to us brings you to this party to maintain relationships by the way i don't know who you are but unless you want me to blow your cover i'd advise that you avoid me for the rest of the party i have more questions what's your relationship with the family we have a relationship of mutual respect i care little about the politics and rivalries between the thalmor and the empire but i do respect power and the thalmor have that they leave me alone and i'll thank them alone thank you so much for the 50 run i didn't watch skyrim tutorials if they're not made by you i appreciate that dude you don't have to watch me exclusively there's lots of cool people to watch especially in the skyrim community all right i think we're good to get our armor now how about you i'm sorry sir i'm on duty oh you're on duty once that there's more wine there look away i can't sneak oh it's free free all the cheese is free we're going to need this guys we want to make it through the night ocean of regeneration how useful it's actually sweet i didn't realize it was all free don't mind me i'm quite hungry oh there's actually an iron dagger here take that everything including the plate oh dirty slaughterfish what's that well there's leeks here as well grilled leeks take the bread and the bowl why not let's hit the bowl oh sorry were you hungry oh someone's dropped their sweet rolls that's not good honey nut treats yes perfect okay i'm ready yes what do you need oh we need to make a distraction don't we what does a fellow need to do to get a drink around here don't worry my friend i brought you a drink ah the one generous soul amongst a gathering of pinch pennies and lick spittles if there's anything i can ever do for you do not hesitate to call upon me actually thinking about it that's something you could do for me wonderful i can begin to repay your generosity immediately say on friend i need you to close the scene get everyone's attention for a few minutes is that all my friend you've come to the right person you could say that causing a scene is somewhat of a specialty of mine stand back and behold my handiwork here we go attention everyone could i have your attention please i have an announcement to make i propose a toast to ellen win our mistress i speak figuratively nothing could be more unlikely than that someone would actually want her in their bed although most of you are already in bed with her but again i speak figuratively of course fine fine get your hands off me i'll be a good boy now wouldn't want to offend our thalmor overlords would we someone bring me a drink quick yes what do you need i'm ready of course let me see if we have another bottle of that i'll be waiting by the door for everyone to be distracted oh damn it come on we need another distraction then so you can open the door i wanted to watch the distraction where are you drunk and fool my friend a toast to a beautiful friendship indeed i brought you another drink ah the nectar of the gods he just keeps going anything i can do for you just name it uh yeah wonderful i can begin to repay your generosity immediately stay on friend i need another drink my friend i would have to wait close to a beautiful friendship of course is it stand back and behold my handy it's just like the worst party girl ever they say the same things attention everyone could i have your attention please yes what do you need of course i'll be waiting yes so far so far this is perfect all of the wine is here we need to pass through the kitchen your gear is hidden in the larder just stay close and let me do any talking got it follow me i look pretty suss it comes you know i don't like strange snacks in my kitchen a guest feeling ill leave the poor rich bee a guest in the kitchens you know this is against the rules rules is it savanni i didn't realize that eating moon sugar was permitted perhaps i should ask the ambassador get out of here i saw nothing i said nothing in that chest i'll lock the door behind you don't screw this up i'm trying all too i've got to get back before i missed oh geez bear with me come on if someone misses me at the party we're both dead i think we have time for me to just to take everything out the ladder oh potatoes and oh pine eggs oh you have a leaf behind the patrol this is exactly what i need for overpowered potions though overpowered food now do you have anywhere i can cook here i need to lock the door behind you there must be somewhere i can cook really a chef's area one second it's dog meat you guys disgust me there's no cooking cauldron in the kitchen for goodness sake okay shut up now lock the door there you go you happy let me get my stuff all my stolen stuff that i have in here fantastic yeah we are now ready to do battle brothers oh more cheese and more wine i need to lock the door behind you or the patrols might notice something's wrong calm down everything's going to be fine essence as well i'm just robbing the pantry in the thalmor embassy i need to lock the door behind you or the patrols might notice something's wrong what do you guys reckon they're witnesses i think we're going to trigger everyone as soon as we get out so what is our objective we need we need to search information about the dragons returning pretty broad topic i've got to get back before i missed all right off you go good luck see those robes you're on your own huh you're dead we've been spotted [ __ ] brothers we have been spotted gotta use the door to defend ourselves we can take one out at a time ideally i do not want this setting fire to me brother oh god okay we've survived and we've leveled up which is convenient we can save that level up later now this elven armor you want to take all of it so we can sell that later fantastic okay there's another one coming oh god he's a mage i'm good let's quickly get a health potion uh potion of regeneration i think we'll save that now [Music] on the other side of this door oh he's a shock mage hopefully we can get him to come closer open the door for us let's play the game too here he is no stop walking away from me there we go i need i need to drink some potions where's my skooma 25 points of stamina or we could just drink the wine drink the wine yes give me give me that wine so we can block again oh get rekt son you dirty thou more let an orc run loose in here if i put on the thalma robes will i be able to blend in that is the question i think if i if you're a high elf you can otherwise if you're at orc it's actually impossible uh there's no ingredients i need and dustin charge upstairs now we're safe this is where everyone's pounding high off then imagine moldy cheese lovely lovely jubbly oh no i don't want to go outside and skyrim oh god this is not good probably triggered everyone now maybe they'll follow us inside not the exit we should have chosen that's back downstairs this is the office this is where we can find information real leaks atos very nice all mine now oh soul gems and potions and a plate a permanent what else is here no more evidence uncommon tastes i believe that's a book by the gourmet of skyrim okay before we leave go downstairs take this bomb wondering whose body that was there and go back out this way i think we'll just continue onwards then it's been a while what race is he i'm playing an orc disgusting or we go things are about to heat up now oh oh it's conjured a daydreak sword as a weapon jesus christ you might as you use our shock resistance potion or potion of regeneration now resistance to shock here we go let's go oh using your spells wizard give me the wine actually we have potion of stamina that is a big potion of stamina we don't need that uh paralysis no we're good give me the schumer oh get rekt trying to run away from me i need some more stamina in a second stop blocking me oh my god we almost died one handed skill increased to 39 yeah we can take this with us yes and this oh another potion of this shot perfect exactly what we need falmouth roads are inside so they're worth a lot of money let's quickly eat some food that we stole it's apple pie baked potatoes food is so pointless in this game i literally have to eat the entire worth of the falmouth embassy's food supplies in order to get back to full health i mean that is kind of nuts never should have come here here's some enemies leave it again yeah stuffing things is just more fun man can't go wrong right here we gotta go inside this building now but i need that money i earned it i have my own it's me oh god stop using fire on me wait is this guy helping me out bro wait wait no he's not helping me okay okay let's quickly eat some cheese all of the cheese wheels was consuming like eight cheese wheels in front of this one guy wait do i not have shouts where are my shouts why is it am i silenced the hell die ah sturdy naught servant of the foul more how dare you your butter is mine [Music] oh this is getter oh my god interrogation chamber key sounds very dirty oh kandra flame action he didn't do that ring of minor destruction and his robes fantastic i hear someone downstairs oh a chest what will be inside the chest though dragon investigation current status very useful title first emissary ellen one we anticipate a breakthrough in our efforts to uncover the party or power behind the dragon resurrection phenomenon an informant has identified a possible lead whom we've had brought back to the embassy for a full interrogation the subject is obstinate but by all indications is holding back the informants we seek the information we seek i have authorized immediate manual uncoiling i do not expect more will be necessary unless you feel time presses i know you prefer to be present for the final questioning i will inform you immediately when the subject is fully respect receptive two days should tell a tale in the meantime if you wish to audit our technique your expertise is welcome as always i've placed the prisoner in the cell closest to your office stairs for your convenience ronald third m another interrogation key and two dossiers one is a dossier that they're keeping about delphine probably talking about how much of a milf she is active capture or kill high priority emissary level approval description female breton mid 50s oof background delphine was a high priority target during the first war but both operational and political reasons she was directly involved in several of the most damaging operations carried out by the blades within the dominion she had been identified and was slated for the initial purge but had some bad luck and was called back to cyrodiil just before the outbreak of the hostilities during the war she evaded three attempts on her life in one ace killing an entire assassination team since then she's only in we only have indirect evidence of her movements as she has proven extremely alert to our surveillance she shouldn't be considered very dangerous she should be considered very dangerous very well and no move against her should be made without overwhelming force and a most careful preparation operational notes she is believed to still be working actively against us within skyrim although we have no location on her assumed to be working alone as no other blades are known to be active in skyrim and she has in the past avoided contact with other fugitive blades her own secrecy one of the reasons she has are evaded elimination a continued existence on a front all of us any information on her whereabouts uh and her activity should be immediately forwarded to the third embassy very well how long will you be streaming bartek x being a member for seven months firstly and uh i i don't know probably at least an hour or so longer for sure maybe even a couple of hours the thalma dossier on all frick storm click so you can see how they've manipulated the war now ulfric stormcloak emir puppet see he's stated as an asset though uncooperative a dormant emus a dormant eminencery level approval description jarl of windhelm leader of the stormcloak rebellion imperial legion veteran background ulfric first came to our attention during the first war against the empire when he was taken as a prisoner of war during the campaign for the white gold tower under interrogation we learned of his potential value son of the yarl of windhelm and he was assigned as an asset to the interrogator who is now first emissary elwyn ah he was made to believe the informant obtained draw the information contained during his investigation was crucial in the capture of the imperial city the city had in fact fallen before he had broken so they told him so they they made him believe that the information they gave that he gave about the white city being the imperial city um which had already fallen had aided them in in invading which is how they probably destroyed him and that allowed him to escape and then they allowed him to escape that information after the war the contact was established and he was proven his worth as an asset the so-called mark of incident was particularly vulnerable valuable from the point of view of our strategic goals in skyrim although it resulted in ulfric becoming generally under uncooperative to direct contact operational notes direct contact remains possibility under extreme circumstances but in general the asset should be considered dormant as long as the civil war proceeds its current indecisive fashion we should remain hands off and obviously we saw in helgen that the the dominion was still there pulling the strings of their puppet or frick the incident at helgen oh here we go is an example of where an execution had to be made obviously ulfric's death would have dramatically increased the chance of an imperial victory and that's harmed our overall position in skyrim so they want a civil war to still carry on note the coincidental intervention of the dragons at elgin is still under scrutiny the obvious conclusion is that whoever is behind the dragons also has an interest in the continuation of the war but we should not assume therefore their goals align with our own a stormcloak victory is also to be avoided however so even in direct aid to the stormcloaks must be carefully managed they just want essentially the ward to carry on so they can put themselves in a better position and sow seeds of chaos it's very interesting all right let's go into the torture chambers friends my favorite place in skyrim we'll take these cheese wheels with us we can offer them to the prisoners here we go see what we find battle brother my god there's a lot of blood somebody's been eating some jam down there i remember the last play through when we didn't have the unofficial patch mod oh there's an enemy we actually um these people were on the ground attacking us like face flat to the floor we'll see about that elven scum how about this death is the only way out of your misery how how ironic for him to say that just before dying an elven mace 22 damage damn and stripping butts naked friends that is the only way oh look at that beautiful mace fantastic hello there i told you i don't know anything else about it i'm not here to torture you brother what who what what do you want then no time to explain let's get out of here yeah sure okay come on this way i've seen the guards use it to get rid of bodies it must lead somewhere you go ahead i'm not done here hold on you may know something important we let them go what are you doing here anyway they grabbed me and rifton they seemed to think i know something they just kept asking me the same damn questions [Music] i know who they think he is the cheeseholder eso the mad god friends go ahead i'm not done no problem thanks for springing me i owe you look me up in riften if you make it out run for your life battle brother oh okay uh you're right okay i'm gonna have a look in this chest brother the thalmor dossier s burn they think he's esper status fugitive captured only highest priority emissary level approved deception or description sorry mail nord late 70's background espen was one of the blade law masters prior to the first war against the empire he was not a field agent but it is now believed to have been behind some of the most damaging operations carried out by the blaze during the pre-war years including the falnistai incident and the breach of the blue river prison we could actually go to the blue river prison his file had remained dormant for many years as an inexcusable error on the part of my predecessor who has been recalled through eleanor for punishment and re-education in the era the erroneous belief that he was unlikely to pose a threat due to his advanced age and lack of field experience a sanitary reminder to all operational level is that no blade agent should ever be considered a low priority for any reason all are to be found and justice executed upon them operational notes we are still in the dark as of the cause and meaning of the return of the dragons i have made capturing asburn our top priority as he is known to be one of the experts in the dragon lore of the blades but guess regrettably we have yet to match their expertise on the subject of dragons which was derived from their akaviri origins and is still far superior to our own which remains largely theoretical the archives of cloud ruler temple which is believed to have been the primary repository of the eldest blade's law were largely destroyed during the siege and although great effort has been made to reconstruct what is lost now it appears most of the records related to dragons were either removed or destroyed prior to our attack thus s burn remains our best opportunity to learn how and why the dragons return it cannot be ruled out that the blades themselves are somehow connected to the dragon's return so funny how they think this we have recently obtained solid information that espern is still alive and hiding somewhere in the rift interrogation of a possible eyewitnesses is ongoing we must proceed carefully to avoid asperger becoming alerted to this danger if he is indeed in riften we must not be given an opportunity to flee very well we need to go and help esperan and rifton we may be too late and hear some noises there's another battle brother approach oh he's still sneaking away look at him listen up spy you're trapped in here and we have your accomplice surrender immediately or you both die never mind silence already oh no we've got to save him we gotta save him boys no oh no no no don't kill him oh eric son die i see you behold behold the foul more imagine announcing yourself no stay back brother i will save you don't show him what you've got you'll kill him yes finish him takes care of that oh yeah malvor will be hunting me for the rest of my life i hope it was worth it well you did the deal mate it's your own fault that's all i can say other elven mace dude you guys are kitteds crap dorky eh oh we need this trap dorky you've saved everyone thank you for the content been watching for years all that full mod list is a bit broken we'll get it fixed at some point i don't know i need to go back and like fix it myself um ultimate immersion made it quite a while ago now like literally several years ago so i'll open it for you in a moment i saw guards dragging bodies over here might be a way out yeah it looks like a way out let's go nice let's get out of here uh but yeah it doesn't need an update so i'll probably do it at some point though when i go back to playing full out branded iron armor we already have this nord meat i can't believe we find that they're drinking nord mead down here that's pretty funny no more prisoners let's get out of here guys oh there's something ahead something scary ahead brothers a fearsome flosstroll oh god he does a lot of damage oh god that's a lot of damage oh my god i've been killed did you notice any changes in the vigils no because there literally were none i told you to wait here might be a way out let's get out of here gonna have to increase our health oh we should have waited actually the mid combat so we could use it to kill ourselves we're going to stamina we're going to need stamina for this battle [Music] and we're going to need one-handed damage armsmen that's what we want just basic damage here we go guys i'm going we'll use a post uh poison as well i think i got um a pretty good poison ocean of the warrior now i think we'll be okay damn just talk itself about 15 points yes and we'll use a question of the wire why not here we go now we've got a stagger we'll go oh my god jesus the instant kills everyone we need to save them and not let them die okay we'll use the level up this time mid combat we will use lingering potion i might have to use our paralyzed potion but i don't want it after now we got done okay now we level up um we level up stamina level up our one-handed arms and then we need some potions of health we might have to use paralysis don't want to though oh god uh potion of healing oh my god you're literally standing in front of me do you have a death wish melbourne literally stands on my right where i'm swinging my mace he's cheesing me he's one hear me we can do this though battle brothers i have to use the unrelenting force shell or i could perhaps paralyze him [Music] here we go oh god oh my god i i don't think i can use a sword on him because my block speed is too slow that's true i've got berserk rage as well to use okay okay we will do this actually no i don't want to poison i want to use a different weapon um got my blade sword there's less damage but we need we need the extra damage right now weak poison location of the warrior safe here there we go oh i didn't hold it down i suck i suck oh we can do this oh my god as he kills me so fast you're playing on a very hard difficulty ran out of cheese bus rod it's gonna be the other way unless i can fight him but no because then he kills my follower it's so sad oh well he was having to get me early we'll let him die out the attack got bait out again here we oh god okay that hit me now we level up uh stamina one-handed and then we want unrelent the force there we go i want to save my paralysis potion ideally yeah garage on we did it don't have a challenge guys one frosty or boy ah so sad that melbourne's dead though ah oh ring of conjuration why are you no very good country are you oh once there's a necromancer necromancer robes and an unusual gem before the ah damn it i did not want to read that temptation to reload as strong inefficient leveling no all right let's get out of here i always run past the troll no you must kill it [Music] walk to delphine you see if we had um if i had a somewhere to cook we could have done a vegetable stew potion then i could have just unlocked him for ages recover your equipment oh is that from delphine delphine there's riverwood back to riverwood battle brothers we must talk to delphi and tell her all of this information that we've now learned about the them thinking that we were behind the dragon attack well she thinks the thauma behind it i think that really gives you an idea right like you know with with the blades uh and the thauma being like sworn enemies um they're really just always out to get each other and they can't see through how much they hate each other to actually figure out what's really going on with the dragon's return just stoke the fire take a seat and get the call down i'm going to see your wife my friend and have a good time downstairs you made it out alive at least your gear's safe in my room as promised did you learn anything useful hmm if thano the fan will know nothing about dragons really that seems hard to believe you're sure about that i am literally certain why did you send me if you were going to believe me you're right you're right i just i was sure it must have been them if not the thalmor who or what you just hate the thalmor don't you i don't know why but the family are looking for someone named desperen isburn he's alive i thought the thalmor must have got him years ago that crazy old man figures the thalmor would be on his trail though if they were trying to find out what's going on with the dragons why are you playing goblin what would the farmer want with that sperm you mean aside from wanting to kill every blade they can lay their hands on esburn was one of the blades archivists back before the thalmor smashed us during the great war he knew everything about the ancient dragon lore of the blades obsessed with it really nobody paid much attention back then i guess he wasn't as crazy as we all thought right hannah thank you so much for the donation dude matthew hall will you be using some exploits to level fast please uh probably not not like on stream like uh don't i think i'll just play through like pretty standard i'm not gonna like go out my way to do anything i'm just gonna play through with everything i find uh and that's it uh i think we're not gonna do any other like quests just the main quest at the moment so the falmouth think the blades know about dragons ironic right the old enemies assume that every calamity must be a plot by the other side even so we've got to find esburn before they do he'll know how to stop the dragons if anybody does do they know where he is they seem to think he's hiding out in riften rift in a probably down in the rat way then it's where i'd go oh you're a rat song you don't get to riften talk to brinyoff he's well connected a good starting point at least oh and when you find asburn if you think i'm paranoid you may have some trouble getting him to trust you just ask him where he was on the 30th of frostfall you'll know what it means banging you right uh what happened due to being batmy being dragonborn so important the blades have always guarded and guided the dragonborn but we'd forgotten why now our purpose is clear i'm all that's left of the blades and you're the dragonborn together we're going to stop these dragons if we have to put every last one of them back in the ground what happened to the blades why are you on the run the thalmor happened they've been hunting down every blade they can find for the past 30 years thanks to the white gold concorded they've been able to operate throughout the empire with impunity [Music] the white gold concordant what's that i could explain this but we'll let her the great war only 30 years passed an already ancient history to most people seems to me like it just ended it's never really ended for me but to answer your question the white gold concorded was the fancy name they put on the peace treaty between the empire and the thalmor it ended the war and saved the empire to fight another day also trampled on the sacred name of talos and gave the thalmor free reign to stamp out talos worship throughout the empire who are the foul hmm there's no simple answer to that you want the long version or the short version they're the rulers of the aldmeri dominion what used to be the imperial provinces of somerset isle and valenwood the thalmor take the arrogance of high elves to the extreme they believe they are the rightful rulers of all of tamriel for a century or more the thalmor had been picking away at the empire valenwood was the first then the province of elsewhere but even the blades didn't see the great war coming we underestimated the thalmor and they destroyed us astride us mr tico thanks for the five dollars dude thank you for the play room leaf through glad you're enjoying it man lydia where were you all this time i'm over here you to get out of the way at the door so the worst places they follow is they always get trapped what's up slytherin yay all right now we need to go outside you prefer the original delphine disgusting i don't even remember what the original looks like to be honest uh right so talk to brinyoff the thieves guild now go to the stables which we previously discovered hindsight you know planning head video damn take my advice what mods are you using um they're mostly in the micro mod list link down below but it's kind of like a strap back version be careful the thieves guild has maven black briar at its back one snap of her fingers and you could end up in rift in jail or worse they represent the reason i'm here i can't just ignore them eren i know i just don't want you to leave you're the only good thing that's happened to this city in a long time oh never seen me all this upset about anything the city really gets to her meow visitors like us are rare in this part of skyrim tell me about the thieves guild to call it a guild is ridiculous how can people who would betray one another over a gold coin be considered part of an association they're the worst kind even the dark brotherhood abides by strict set of rules and tradition these thieves are just rebel what do you think i agree you know i'm beginning to respect you other than aaron you seem to be the only other person i've met i might be able to trust since we share the same opinion of them let me warn you that they're recruiting others to join their guild and you should be cautious oh yeah they're recruiting okay awesome safe travels you all told me that it isn't this i don't know you you and rift in looking for trouble i'm not scared of you i'll say to you don't say something you'll regret last thing the black briars need is some loudmouth trying to meddle in the gray accents the black briars have rifted in their pocket and the thieves guild watching their back so keep your nose out of their business me i'm maul i watch the streets forum if you need dirt on anything i'm your guy but it'll cost you how about you tell me for free don't make me laugh oh god just stay out of the black briar's affairs you'll live longer probably not kidding rudy thanks for ten pound donation i wanna talk to you what are you talking about man me i'm here i'm through with you get out of my way what okay i'm really if you're looking for a handout you'll want to speak with my husband who said you'd pay it back on time and for double the usual fee i know i did but how was i to know the shipment would get robbed next time keep your plans quieter and nothing would have happened to it what are you telling me you robbed it why why are you doing this to me look chadra last warning pay up or else all i care about is the gold everything else is your problem direct sun ah the thieves guild you can already tell who's in on it to sell for a fair price i run the pond brawn over by the market very well good to know all right we're going to need to venture into the rat away fact one sec telling me to go to the inn let's head on inside hello why are you following me scully if you know what's good for you okay isn't she the one with the dwemer cube if you've got the coin you've come to the right place pull up the seed if your allegiance lies with the empire have you got the cheese though what's this notice of cost increase oh that's pleased with your constitution what do you want this is about the meteorite never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying hey laughs sorry what your pockets they're a little low on coin these people must be made aware my wealth is none of your business oh but that's where you're wrong wealth is my business maybe you'd like a taste of what you have in mind i've got a bit of an errand to perform but i need an extra pair of hands what do i have to do simple i'm going to cause a distraction you're going to steal medes's silver ring from a strong box under a stand once you have it i want you to place it in branches pocket without him noticing break the law are you kidding sorry i usually have a nose for this kind of thing never mind then lad if you change your mind come find me i've listened nope what's he doing glad to see you finally came to your senses i'm ready bring your calling let's do it actually i'm looking for this old guy hiding out of rifton ah expecting free information eh help me deal with business first then we'll see how i can help you besides you look like your pockets are a little light on coin am i right am i right please we find him first dragons are bad for business no persuade passing on a golden opportunity is worse until next we meet lad god damn you can't convince this man i want you to do a stupid question that wants to see him put out of business permanently that's all you need to know i'll be out in the market all day from eight in the morning until eight in the evening meet me then if you've still got the stomach for it why are we doing this to bran shea anyway we've been contracted to make sure bran shea remembers not to meddle in affairs that aren't his own now since we're not the dark brotherhood we're not going to kill him we're just going to make sure he sits in the prisons for a few days i'll all right well let's wait you know we'll go to bed you better be all right got a lot of bread and cheese there you're not from around you take some of that imperial spider perhaps on your head you're not from around it must be a imperial spy and confirmed if you've got the coin you're welcome here otherwise hit the road all right ladies i get you but 10 gold sure thing it's yours for a day all right which room is it lydia right this way well i think i'll guess thanks matt thanks the donation what level do you think is the best to start any of the quest lines what do you mean like any of the quest lines though you'd like uh oh this is not our bed idiot it must be another room must be this one i mean to be honest you you can really be any level you can play the entire game through at level one still possible all right this one great let's go ahead and sleep for nine hours until the morning then we'll go and help rob a ring what's your goal in game though bro what do you mean doing the main question at the moment you're right he's very pale very pale largonian here for the fishing i guess no never okay lot ready to make some coin i'm ready good wait until i start the distraction then show me what you're made of working fishery is tough i had it put some coin i have something amazing to show you that demands your attention you need to hear this you need to hear it lydia even lydia's coming over pushing no shoving plenty of room please please we need to hear this home of the thief skill or so they'd have you been are you ready guys is that what you wanted only 40 gold bounty doing quite well brothers oh my god lydia i've had enough jesus don't mess with me you stupid argonian oh my god the guards oh my god all right what does the matter be doing maybe doing something stealthy can i overhear lydia and to be robbing someone no pushing no shoving plenty of room ah mate come on i'm an orc why do i have to do this to get him just hold all your questions please i need a septum unless we can pickpocket the key the problem is your disrespect for the laws of this land it is time to face the yard's justice i'd actually rather die skyrim has no use for your kind that's a little bit racist kill him lydia don't stand for this lydia oh okay okay we're just gonna go to the rat away ourself there's no way my or can possibly join the festivities that bring york is trying to make me take part in here we'll go and find our own way the s burn we know where he is the rat always we go it's all we needed i wouldn't want you to get left out well there's a note here public notice eh a soul divided warning stay out of the wrestler it has our attentions as misguided citizens have been venturing into the rat away late at night complicated matters others have seen fit to spread rumors of their disappearance stirring up talk of ghosts and phantoms halting the sewers we will remind you that the rat away is not a safe place for commoners and any talk of ghosts is nothing more than just tavern gossip we'll investigate the matter shortly but in the meantime take heed and do not enter the rat away pretty suss [Music] yeah it's it's from um my own modless though not from skyrim anniversary edition just so you don't buy the game and get confused with how it should look my god lydia watch out oh my god i think i just killed myself actually so sure how i died there or was it a bear trap interesting directs up oh he's got a fire arrows that's why he does so much damage we literally cannot let him fire oh get wrecked up lydia why are you like mounting me goodness me very kinky my arrows so overpowered man they literally just destroyed me orcish bow very nice and hawk born skiva nice bed area let's continue further into the dungeon through the right away it looks like a trap lydia take care we can unlock it we can just open the door i kind of wish you opened it i would have been funnier with some gloves the axe next to it interesting careful idea there's some cheese here no one would leave a good cheese wheel to waste lydia must be a trap watch out loudly there's a schemer jesus did he just stand on his own bear trap get rekt son now this is if you're doing like a an unarmed build this is the guy you want to kill guillain the fist see he has the the gloves of the puglius which is the only weapon in the game that you can disenchant so use the unarmed strikes do 10 additional damage enchantment and if you increase the power of your enchanting skill you can actually enchant all of your weapons with that i mean you do even more damage let's just make sure we activate these bear traps because i don't want to stand on any i can't even see in the dark here we're safe now as another magic poison there alto wine what's that is that cooking pot yes it is thank god finally we found a cooking pot okay so now we can finally i've been collecting all those uh leeks tomatoes and stuff here we go vegetable soup requires cabbage potatoes leeks and tomatoes i've been collecting them this whole time to make tons of vegetable soup so that we can use this battle brothers we have unlimited stamina whenever we block with our shield there is a literal ghost in front of me is it a friendly ghost though find the ghost in the wrath away i think this is another creation club piece of content follow the ghost no thanks bellius celius's confessions read it with this naked corpse next to us seventh of mournful star fourth era 171 my son i do not this is by the way this is a curation club content quest my son i do not have long for this world but before the winter's night embraces me i would confess a great regrets that burdens my heart for many years long ago my brethren and i were commissioned to hunt down and ensnare a dark and powerful renograde captain a man who once was a proud soldier and become corrupted by a powerful artifact and turned into a great darkness deed we fulfilled our commission but not without great cost but i alone managed to survive the encounter but in many years after i have followed this venture that followed this venture i have often wondered if our deed in ensnaring him was equally evil but with others with with our combined enchantments we have bound him to an eternity of misery but we bound him to the guardianship of the very thing that drove him insane the artifact a powerful weapon that now despite his yearning for it he cannot yield it is a cruel fate for a once great man but he was just that until the grief and anger laid him bare to such utter corruption and malice that story is a sad tale indeed but now these many years on my heart sees the truth and i would undo that what was done and free him from his misery but alas it is too late for me to take on such a quest therefore i pray that you my son will do this task in my stead i beg you as a father's last wish seek him out and set him free your father dahlias oliver ghost and i think there's actually another quest pets of skyrim we can have this little nasty looking skeiver as a pear oh there's some skooma here as well some food don't worry olivia will come back here at some point i'm sure oh jesus christ oh god how did that not kill me i didn't know which way to run neither did he ever sounds of it mysterious iron axe in log careful lydia huh get rekt oh brutal absolutely murdered that low life there also got a beggar book about sneaking pickpocketing i can't remember which more cheese what are you doing pickpockets a skiva cage key now we can open that that's pet skiva after the trap lydia oh come with me now we have a little rat following as lydia how awesome is that hopefully won't die to all the traps i just triggered we want to activate this lever make getting into the rift and rat away easier in the future and then we can head into the ragged flagging oh wow okay that the water mod i've got looks amazing everywhere else in the game but in here it looks terrible my goodness hello there yeah are you training snake just a round of garden pub you trade me in snake please you got a lot of nerve coming down here people tend to get hurt in the rat way i'm looking for an old guy hiding out somewhere in riften huh lot of old guys around i don't really know how i can help i need to talk to her i'm a friend life is in danger that's a touching story now get out of my face oh dear we're gonna have to pay him that's the only way we can get anything with these themes i don't really know how i can help maybe this will draw your memory well when you put it that way i think i do know the old guy you're talking about he's holed up in the rat way warrens hardly ever leaves the place has someone bring him food and such crazy old coot from what i've heard for that to stand out down here he must really be off his nut off is not eh the old guy hiding out here where does he live he's holed up in the wrathway warrens be careful you're not the only one looking for him hmm drink it's odds and ends here he actually has a sale argonian blood wine oh lots of cheese lots and lots of cheese bread olivia and brandy is very expensive let's just sell it to him wait why i've only got 209 gold where did i had like 4 000 gold did i forget to pick up my belongings from the chest i did didn't i oh dear stay out of trouble or there's gonna be trouble shipments arrived last person who made trouble for vekl ended up with a smashed head hey bit rude okay oh my god we're too late lydia there's thalma here i have to save the game hope for the best careful lydia there we go get him get oh god i was just trying to loot him we need some stamina oh my god the cheese will healing is insane now i've seen some potions of stamina oh no actually we should drink our vegetable our vegetable food that we made a vegetable soup here it is so it gives one point of health per second for 720 seconds in real life and it also restores one point of stamina for 720 seconds now basically this means that you never have zero stamina you always have one stamina which is enough to block lol did you leave it with delphine again i normally did you see my last playthrough yes again see i can just keep smashing her great way of training my block school in fact there we go oh my god what was that get rex you dirty foul more yes he loves it lydia i need you to do something yes thing what is it still need me to do something yes i'm right behind yes thing what is it oh no i need to trade my stuff you gotta do something i've broken the game uh no all right i've got your bag how can you trade i need you to carry these eight light armors lead on that i've taken on these oh my god this is a dead nord down here nice bed though you can sleep here lydia and you make a blades play through everyone keeps asking this potentially i will do a vote on the community post we'll have to vote on it friends but we can't get down there there's a way down here you just drop you are so annoying go find food wait for me in the city in whiterun you nasty creature all right let's see which way we can go down here very dark i must save espern he's in trouble with these thauma scum apprentice lock no match for me oh hello there ah so tender come here you juicy morsel they did yeah oh my god get wrecked nice role play though i like it impressed had a grindstone in this room it's a bit weird isn't it constantly grinding his weapons i guess go away s burn open the door i'm a friend what no that's not me i'm not lesbian i don't know what you're talking about it's okay delphine sent me the fountain of founder you need to get out of here oh how reassuring most likely you're with the thalmor but this is just a trick to get me to open the door huh well persuading hasn't gone far very well so far i'm one of the blaze been searching for i'm the dragonborn it's frustrated or door open delphine said remember the 30th of frostfall ah indeed indeed i do remember delphine really is alive then you'd better come in and tell me how you found me and what you want this [Music] hurry up as about what are you doing in there there we are coming come in make yourself at home a hell of a door you have wow delphine keeps up the fight after all these years i thought she'd have realized it's hopeless by now i tried to tell her years ago the thumb will have found you we have to get out of here what do you mean it's hopeless haven't you figured it out yet what more needs to happen before you all wake up and see what's going on aldrin has returned just like the prophecy said the dragon from the dawn of time who devours the souls of the dead no one can escape his hunger here or in the afterlife alduin will devour all things and the world will end nothing can stop him i tried to tell them they wouldn't listen fools it all come true all i could do was watch our doom approach yes i'll do in the dragon who's raising the others no yes yes you see you know but you refuse to understand you're talking about the literal end of the world though oh yes it's all been foretold the end has begun aldrin has returned only a dragonborn can stop him but no dragonborn has been known for centuries it seems that the gods have grown tired of us they've left us to our fate as the play thing of all dwind the world eater it's not hopeless asper i am the dragonborn what you are can it really be true dragonborn imagine if we're just taken out of his hope the gods have not abandoned us we must we must we must go quickly now take me to delphine we have much to discuss may he just did a u-turn after complete hopelessness no no use this trash often complete hopelessness he's like no we can survive now we have the dragonborn oh taking this oh one hand the skill increase esper you naughty boy you've been doing in here with all these rolls of paper one moment i know time is of the essence but mustn't leave secrets for the falmouth there's one more i must bring um well secrets of the family good enough let's be off i'm just robbing you there's burn b one second okay uncommon taste you do have quite the uncommon taste as we discovered in our last playthrough oh missions of destruction very good else do you have in this shack of yours lost legends is a good quest uh book if you're interested right let's get our build they've got these bloody party clothes we dropped these on the floor they're not really worth carrying around with us here we go is someone there i don't know oh watch out lydia oh okay i'll let him open the door maybe he has the key i don't have the key jesus christ oh i didn't mean to kill her oh god she's dead erect why have you got a bucket interest an inkwell and a bucket whoa goodness we've me to jump down here escape uh olivia what's going on wait who are you they were golden even when they were dead but their blood was red i knew it would be version of pickpocketing and light feeds also on imperials officer helm ah so it used to be in the imperial it's hopeless he told me he's right you know who's there who's there how can i help you brother oh oh god let me get through here no i did not remember lydia follow me oh jesus christ i'm coming don't worry i suppose i will save you on the dirty dow more wizard oh interesting double kill gun gear wreck son stab my own sword through my own shield like an absolute crazy orc did you need something you know way out of here yes yes we should proceed cautiously cautiously you almost killed yourself me fact so important about being dragonborn anyway not yet not yet when we get to riverwood with delphi i'll tell you both then when i've collected my thoughts i i i never expected well suddenly here you are and now i'm too muddled to explain myself i still need some time to get used to the idea that there might be hope for us after all so if you die we're just completely screwed then it's selfish how are you how who are you and how do you know delphine hasn't she told you we were both blades back when that still meant something now we are just fell of fugitives from the thalmor i didn't know she was still alive but i'm not surprised she was a survivor he's a survivor yes there is a skyrim board game i made a video on it on the main channel you can find it you go and check out the channel or even just search for it i've been scaring board game here so why are the falmouth so interested in finding you well they've been hunting down blades since the great war on general principle but if you mean me now in particular maybe they've started to get an inkling of what the return of the dragons means i don't suppose they want the world to end any more than we do or at least they prefer to end it on their terms so what happened on the 30th of frostfall it was the deets it was a cold day the end of frostfall is nearly winter in the j-roll mountains we heard the news at cloud ruler by courier riding hard from the imperial city thirtieth of frostform 171 30 years ago the great war started that day the thalmor ambassador delivered his ultimatum to the emperor titus mead the head of every blade's agent within the old murray dominion i knew that day that it was truly the beginning of the end get some g fuel quickly he's level six with a level up yes that's right doing the main quest already halfway through act two i think at least halfway we should keep moving we should s burn let's go purposefully not leveling yet there's the blaze agent kill him there's the blades agent get in oh look look treasure stash thief's shadow mark oh but can we open it lydia obviously not if we give lydia a lockpicks you should be able to open it we only have five left oh it's just here this is the sweet spot hallelujah oh my god oh damn it lydia there we go draven's bow ah stupid quest item that's gonna be in my inventory forever now where are these silly oh here he is going from yeah don't even try it now more scum get wrecks on shame had to come to that he's a dirty thauma are you sympathizing with the enemy we're almost out of this dark cursed place i'm as burn old man don't have all day well this has already ended no my friend we are still going we're still going strong look he's skilled shadow mark shadow marks are really interesting [Music] s burn yes what is it we should keep moving yes come on then chop chop get out of here go meet away by the way guys g field is actually 30 off this weekend by the way use code eso get that 30 off i'm right behind you mate come on i know the way i'll just just follow me man here we go do you think you better buy the 200 scarring ball game now or when it comes out well i mean if you're interested in buying and want to play then i would buy it now because it's cheaper um i'm going to be getting anyway and i want to do some more more stuff on it to be honest when some threads come around but uh it's completely up to you like if you're not so sure it's for you and you don't want to play it then obviously don't buy it but if you're like interested in buying it then i'd rather pre-order it because it's like considerably cheaper oh you're following me okay let's let's go to um and full disclosure by the way the um oh what's up you can't faster i want enemies where are the enemies then and now i can walk okay weird um so the video i made about the tabletop game the link below that video um is actually an affiliate link as well so i think i get like what is it it's eight percent um if you do choose to buy it um but it supports a cool company i mean i actually have i don't have them on the table right now i have a miniatures painting channel and uh they that company wants to make modifiers uh they're called they make skyrim miniatures as well i've been painting those for years so i mean i get like i genuinely think these guys products are really cool i'm not just telling you that to buy the game i would also suggest if you don't think you're gonna like it or you've not brought board games before don't buy it you know um but if you think that you will enjoy it and you'll buy it anyway buy it early because it saves you money it just makes sense right elfin delphine i it's good to see you it's been a long time it's good to see you too asburn it's been too long old friend too long well then you made it safe and sound good come on i have a place we can talk orgnar hold down the bar for a minute will you yeah sure this way that's what we do isn't it mate up top delphine oh god i actually walked ahead of her that was impressive come and then jesus christ oh my god no lydia you've broken the quest huh we doing this now then i assume you know about oh yes dragon ball indeed yes this changes everything of course there's no time to lose we must locate let me show you i know i had it here somewhere asburn of what give me just a moment ah here it is come let me show you how where was he hiding that like come on he's like oh yeah let me just it's right up my ass crack like how where else was he hiding that big ass book on his person get your stuff thank you i shall skyhaven temple constructed around one of the main akaviri military camps in the reach during their conquest of skyrim do you know what he's talking about shh this is where they built aldrin's wall to sit down and stone all their accumulated dragon horror a hedge against the forgetfulness of centuries a wise and foresighted policy in the event despite the far-reaching fame of aldwin's wall at the time one of the wonders of the ancient world its location was lost esburn what are you getting at you mean you don't mean to say you haven't heard of aldrin's wall either of you let's pretend we haven't what's alduan's wall and what does it have to do with stopping the dragons aldrin's wall was where the ancient blades recorded all the new of aldwin and his return part history part prophecy his location has been lost for centuries but i found it again not lost you see just forgotten the blades archives held so many secrets i was only able to save a few scraps so you think that alduan's wall will tell us how to defeat alduin well yes but there's no guarantee of course sky haven temple it is then i knew you'd have something for us esburn i know the area of the reach that ezra is talking about near what's now known as carth spire in the karth river canyon we can meet you there or all travel together your call ah i'll meet you at cal spire your call might be safer to travel separately attract less attention don't worry i'll get asburn there in one piece we'll wait for you near carth spire good luck no one of consequence thank you so much for the donation my friend why is mojo the lioness so ugly do you do you have a mod that did that or was it a change made an anniversary edition um it's called bajin um followers or something like that it's it changes all the characters uh their faces stuff like this i can't drop this trade yes what is it never coming back you still need me to do something well now that's something to think about i've got your back i am at your command wait where was the honest of it i thought you'd lost everything lydia i was very angry at you for a second i have one of my baskets there you go i'll give you this bowl cast iron pot that you can also carry because i hate you i have these 10 oh wait you're gonna put the helmet on are we gonna have to carry those helmets for you then give you this as well have all of these thermal ropes enjoy right we need to get take the elven helmets from her oh wait why are you in this yes thing what is it i need you to remove the thumb the ropes of the enemy behind you jesus lydia i am sworn to carry your burden uh apparel why would you put this on it literally you're gonna start casting destruction spells idea let's get going then okay now we're good let's head over to this ruin it can keep me warm in the snowy mountains what more could a man want so we have to go over here to car spire but to do that we must go to more fowl my friends we need to go to whiterun and sell some stuff elijah welcome back to the stream thanks so much for the [ __ ] huge donation bro fifty dollars love the channel hopped on late but glad to see you're still streaming glad that you could have time to hop on too man let's sell some stuff take a look uh i need to get my stuff from lydia don't forget to check inside pack mule come here how can i serve you my thing i need one of these other misses no just give me yeah there we go nice one have you met my take a look i have not met your father no oh destruction what do you actually have that's good pickpocket increase increases your health by 30 points i mean that's quite good at this point in the game um we have some new armor there aerial gauntlets still soldier armor quite expensive plate helm looks quite nice tons of armor does look cool it's very dark souls like isn't it all right we are going to sell you 10 of these you do have enough gold well done selling you the weapon of the enemy enjoy orcish bow don't need that i'm not an orc he only has six gold left fantastic all right let's go ahead and put on our bag as well because that increases i carry away even further the hairy bag i need to go to the carriage man and get a lift to more foul not more foul mark half beautiful yeah i'll install some grass mods to stop any lagging by the way which is why white run isn't looking very nice right now anyone having problems with black screen after loading the game so many people have been asking me about that i can take you to so yeah loads of people have that problem go on reddit maybe have a look where do you want to go it could be monster as well marcoth is only 20 gold it's like on the other side of skyrim i'll take it back and we'll be off climbing back barbador ever been to markarth some say it was built by the dwarves i don't believe a word of it though [ __ ] built by the dwarfs no dwarfs i'm lydia idiot the bearded dwarfs all right we got away until daytime friends my hairy bag yeah hairy back i'll show you in a second sounds really weird doesn't it beautiful right so we need to go to sky ruler skyhaven temple sorry so save the game here this is mark travis harry back look safest city in the reach safest city in the region yet when you walk in is not true is not the case looks like he's off to school yeah yeah it does sadly there's like a school backpack not great not a great look is it hold on no lala gargan do you brawl of gauntlets actually do something like stagger enemies because description says the impact what do you mean the the new creation club brawler gauntlets they don't actually do anything beyond the enchantment that does unknown damage unless you found one with the unique enchantment i don't know it could be i haven't like fully explored it so there could be a bit more to it into the eye look at this go get wrecked i'm if you go ah you know what can't catch him up ah get wrecked mate now slaughter him i missed i missed the stationary object your goat is mine that is skyhaven temple right on the top of the cliff face just there just beyond the mist a beautiful area indeed but to get to it is a bit trickier drop off this ledge there's a secret boat down there i had bad experiences with the warsaw being very shallow oh it's just deep enough secret chest a silver ingots and a mead barrel with one nordic mead oceans now usually there's some gems in here and um sometimes a strong box i don't know where they're running off to with all these gems here it is there's a satchel i took the ore oh well here's the strong box with an depth lock which i won't even bother wasting your time with chat jesus lydia was a bit terrifying he's got those flaming arrows on so i can't wait for her to kill us later well that'll be exciting for you guys first time i played this game i had a mage from azura follow me she was wicked but to be honest and couldn't use over the skill she would just attack me for stealing something oh god that was actually a really old bug followers would attack you if they had like you know like a good standing in certain area just attack you even if they're following you it wasn't very helpful at all not at all can you upgrade for special edition disc yes i believe so i don't know how it works though oh my goodness there's a bloody dragon lydia oh god okay the full swan are actually attacking it which is good one of them has summoned a frost astronaut to kill it look at them go amazing please be careful lydia when this dragon lands we can kill it but until then we need to wait for these guys to oh god it's going to bring fire on olivia oh god [Music] and take out these four swarm this scadly dressed lady i will do my worst she's too busy trying to kill the dragon oh god that's gonna kill me i think it killed her actually now she's dead oh what she's got instant killed there out of nowhere surprise indeed ah okay we're gonna have to run around there i'll save the game this time i bothered to pick up the gems i will kill the dragon there's just got a land first literally insta kills me with its flame attacks i've decided to play a warrior character that only uses melee big rip indeed run dragonborn reach wind areas up there you can just see it over the clouds one crispy boy here it is again one naughty dragoon attacking just me this time as you can see he absolutely barbecues us with all those enemies oh god i was literally gonna save that oh boy it's not going well for our orc build is it having no defense against magical attacks i reckon we just get inside and deal with these guys later i may need to level up between streams otherwise wait how did you get there lydia interesting what are you doing we're doing the main quest to get to cloud ruler temple some mods do work but not all of them here's the bloody dragon again and smells like i probably solo this with lydia just needs to land really and that's not it landing i really can't do anything against that oh that's gonna kill me it hits me underwater too oh god i mean i could level up actually to save myself from dying um we need some more health right now that's imminent and stamina what do i want to go for and we're going to need the block ability [Music] brick reflex is very useful i can't get until level 30 block we're going to save those perks i think for now level up hill isn't actually good enough save us friends but the bottom of this bridge may be oh there he comes we've saved herself the bloods dragon's still getting pelted by these four sworn enemies which bodes well for us friends we just can't really be in caught in the open like this oh he's landed perfect okay we could go and kill him now swim over there can you please ask a question yeah of course you can man you do realize that level ups will save you yeah but sometimes my health drains like in seconds and i literally don't react to it i mean it's skyrim not dark souls [Music] we need this guy to land it should crash land around here this is like the only area big enough for him to land here he comes oh oh there goes mouth yep there he goes all right we're gonna have to use some potions of healing and stamina literally does nothing you need the vegetable soup actually where are you vegetable soup [Music] this will do the job and level up my blocking right now oh god no come on you're not over here too are you shut up oh mate all the force warner coming over now as well oh jesus oh god if he the dragon's gonna have to kill it for me oh thank god dragons genuinely helps me out though otherwise we would be dead we're gonna have to let the dragon kill oh no it's executing me oh my god get rekt oh i thought the dragon would help me kill them but it is not the case alas yeah we're just gonna have to go inside this cave because there's no way we can kill this dragon right now just because all these mages are around run for your life dragonborn get inside the cave i mean i can kill it later when i have dragon rent now we're going into cursed fire absolutely destroyed us mate all right this is going to be a battle in itself oh wow that was so much easier compared to anyone on the outside erection it's that it's esper he's here to save us when you learn the differently i could yeah welcome curtis thanks for coming a member ah it's a early puzzle strong work here we've got to get this bridge down these pillars must have something to do with it what do you think lydia yes these are akaviri symbols let's see you have the symbol for king and warrior and of course the symbol for dragon ball that's the one that appears to have a sort of arrow shape pointing downward at the bottom so arrow shape downwards that's it the symbol on the middle pillar what's your personal favorite build hmm stealth archer definitely but like they're just so good to play oh god this looks safe i will test it why are you stopping we should be careful here see these symbols on the floor we'll cross once it's safe are you an attacker then i have an idea espen you may not like it it's the best idea we have i don't think it was safe i didn't think it was self safe definitely moving it wasn't safe it started to look like everything was wrong oh god look at him he's crawling towards us oh no is it safe aspen oh my god let me check i think we've got to use the dragonborn symbols right i figured out a spin no it's but no you're doing it wrong aspen oh god no be careful everyone is dead oh my god aspen we made the jump oh oh my god it's absolutely destroyed us holy moly why are you stopping we should be careful here yeah yeah tell me about asthma we should definitely be careful esburn's right look like pressure plates be careful and you dare walk on the mess bird look safe stupid old man again i was killed like that oh look at this skyhaven temple a beautiful day wonderful remarkable hope it's not trapped spell tone choking grass absorb eight points of health per second from the target for three seconds it sounds like some kind of jedi false move ah here's the blood seal another of the lost a cavity earth's no doubt taken by well blood this whole place appears to be a shrine to reign there's no telling what we might find inside i think we'll see aaron guard dancing in here let me get let me get my torch out did you just become darth vader i think i could oh ancient doors have some money because why not thanks dogger for the donation bro let's go the scaram best start video and all my skyrim guides work on whether you're on pc console or anything original akaviri bar release almost entirely intact amazing you can see how the akavir craftsmen were beginning to embrace the more flowing nordic style we're here for alduan's wall right esburn yes of course we'll have more time to look around later i suppose let's see what's up ahead let's have a look aspen here we can find in this ancient tomb imagine discovering someone like this i mean look at alvin's world looks amazing here it is aldrin's so well preserved huh i've never seen a final example of early second hero caveira's sculpture and relief we need information not a lecture on artists yes let's see what we have yes yes the dragons were born and ruled over men see them dying in the fire here look here is ultron this panel goes back to the beginning of time when aldrin and the dragon cult ruled over skyrim here the humans rebelled against their dragon overlord the legendary dragon war aldrin's defeat is the centerpiece of the world you see here is falling from the sky the nord talks masters of the voice are arrayed against them so does it show how they defeated him isn't that why we're here ah patience my dear the akaviri were not a straightforward people everything is counseled yes yes this here coming from the mouths of the north heroes this is the akaviri symbol for shout but there's no way to know watch out is meant you mean they used a shout to defeat alduin you're sure hm oh yes presumably something rather specific to dragons or even alduin himself remember this is where they recorded all the new of old so we're looking for a shout then damn it you ever heard of such a thing a shout that can knock a dragon out of the sky no i've never heard of anything like it very birds may know that you're probably right i was hoping to avoid having to involve them in this but it seems we have no choice what do you have against the grey birds if they had their way you do nothing but sit up on their mountain with them and talk to the sky or whatever it is they do the graybeards are so afraid of power that they won't use it think about it have they tried to stop the civil war or done anything about alduin no and they're afraid of you of your power trust me there is no need to be afraid think of tiber septim do you think he'd have founded the empire if he'd listened to the graybeards this is quite interesting because delphine seems to think this but aaron girl literally told us before we left you've been blessed by akatosh so you need to use your powers as long as you're using your powers um the akatosh has gifted you with then you know you you'll please the gods so i think he knew that we were destined to do positive things with it not afraid of my own power ours dangerous there only if you don't know how to use it all the great heroes have had to learn to use their power those that shrank from their destiny well you've never heard of them have you and they are the villains those that misused their power there's always a choice and there's always a risk but if you live in fear of what might go wrong you'll end up doing nothing like the gray beards up on their mountain i'd better go and see what aarengar knows about this shout then right good thing they've already let you into their little cult or me if we can't call it we'll look around sky haven temple and see what else the old blades might have left for us it's a better hideout than i could have hoped for talos guard you look here in the third panel the prophecy which brought their kaviri to tamriel in the first place in search of the dragon ball here are the akaviri the blades you see their distinctive longshores now they need their ancient mission fulfilled as the last dragonborn contends with alderweireld at the end of time are you paying attention elfin you might learn something of our own history really cool there's a lot of thing this is basically like um and give it a bit like a description of things that have come to pass but things that it may come to be as well you actually seen the medium up here from morrowind art of lorcan within it then this is the oblivion gates and you see just above it there that's the white gold tower um of the imperial city that's when the oblivion invasion happened and there's there's a few other little details as well obviously you've got the blades here um and then this is obviously as the dragonborn battling against aldo and be the fate this is him shouting to to bring down alduin the world eater that is what the mystery must uncover next glorious indeed delphine so we can now get dragon rent there's somewhere in here i believe i don't remember where one of these rooms i think yeah here it is dragon run so this mace etiquette that one-handed yes it is goods um and then oh we got the blades armor we got a blade shield much better than our current blades helmet blades are blades boots and gauntlets that's lydia it's lydia we need that oh there she is in bloody seasons i don't want to equip it i want to give it to lydia the dragon spain quickly 20 points of extra damage to dragons 10 points of shock damage to others it also has 20 damage so you're doing like 40 damage in total at like level 6 which is really big if you get this if you come here our later level before you enter skyhaven table temple um you'll actually be able to get a more powerful version of dragon's bane i think it goes up to like 40 damage of shock which is the highest in the game making it one of the best weapons in the game against dragons so very effective indeed killing dragons oh we should probably put on this bag which looks crap you know doesn't look very good i'll give you my gauntlets of smithing actually lillian you can carry those around else don't we need a lot of potions right you lead i'll follow we now have the full blades armor have a little look love the back of it an old grizzled orc in this armor set and stand over here actually very awesome this is a retexture mod by the way i think it's a midden retextured looks really nice though look at the detail on the the sleeves also the shield as well damn oh celtic patterns there whiteness survivor mode just not interested in playing survival mode on this particular character right now if you're like five torches in one area mate we what is it so this is all the blades two people the thalmor hunted us down remember it wasn't exactly great for recruitment but we have a headquarters of a sort now we will rebuild the blades someday good luck with that maybe i can help find new recruits if you find anyone you think would make a good recruit i can certainly take a look at them remember though being a blade is a lifelong commitment their loyalty has to be with us once they're in i brought someone to induct into the blade should we make lydia a blade i know the prophets in my heart once all blades knew it still god we need to take your helmet off because it looks really bad i am sworn to carry your burdens oh bless you lydia you really are ronnie oh no now she just going then stay in that lydia makes you happy let's leave through the top entrance sky haven temple look at all the beds in here do they have or charles doll okay bit weird bit sauce or he says esperanza likes children no keep lydia someone said yesterday let's head up to the top of skyhaven temple an open skyrim here we are [Music] top of the temple itself the beautiful looking brain in fact if we come out here you see all the way back to marcath that was the boat down there we found earlier what do you think lydia s burn coming towards us cool there goes just move this over here nice there we go s pen wants something from us here right old man did you say something so important about being dragonborn any advice for fighting dragons there is a blessing the blades used on the eve of battle it's supposed to prepare the mind for slaying dragons i doubt the blessing's effects would last for very long so ask whenever you're heading out and outperform the proper rights i need the dragon slaying blessing may the scales of the dragon kind splinter at the top of your arrows and crack under the weight of your sword good luck that's it very good well it actually worked because we have the dragon slayer blessing now 10 increased critical hit charms versus dragon so five days it's five in game days though sky haven forged discovered we can make ingots very nice liddy i think i keep thinking there's a bloody thou more spy following me look at this amazing you can also see when we're here different backpack types animal packs arrows you can even craft fishing rods as well i like the shell bulk helmet and then we have the different versions of leather see this is new leather scout armor and hoods apparently i can't craft anything beyond this um but worth having to look at anyway they have the dragonstone tablet here that's cool help some leather storage this is jk skyrim i think she's added this into the game make it look even cooler all right then so now have a look at our quests we must talk to aaron garr and he may tell us to seek late knowledge at the throat of the world there never was a forge there it's added by mod going head on inside it's covered in snow look that's cool having him white stuff aaron guys very enjoyable and he found that food down there where is adam garr aaron gar sky guard you i need to learn the shout used to defeat outward where did you learn of that who have you been talking to [Music] it was recorded on alderman's wall of course they specialize in meddling in matters they barely understand their reckless arrogance knows no bounds they have always sought to turn the dragonborn from the path of wisdom have you learned nothing from us would you simply be a tool in the hands of the blades to be used for their own purposes the blades are helping me i'm not their puppet the blaze just want to defeat arduin don't you at least the blades aren't keeping secrets from me yeah aaron god [Music] yeah the players just want to defeat our what's his perspective on that what i want is irrelevant this shout was used once before was it not and here we are again have you considered that alduin was not meant to be defeated those who overthrew him in ancient times only postponed the day of reckoning they did not stop it if the world is meant to end so be it let it in and be reborn so you won't help me no not now not until you return to the path of wisdom thinks he's so wise disagrees dragonborn wait forgive me i was in temperature i allowed my emotions to cloud my the decision whether or not to help you is not mine to make so you can teach me this shout no i cannot teach it to you because i do not know it it is called dragon rend but its words of power are unknown to us we do not regret this loss dragon rand holds no place within the way of the voice i thought you knew all the words of power yeah i agree it's quite dark i'd rather it be lighter but i mean this is um high throthgar which is literally just made out of stone it's like one of the darkest places in the game plus when you have an emb turned on it's even darker i thought you knew all the words of power aren't gar but not dragon rent the knowledge of that shout was lost in the time before history began perhaps only its creators ever knew it but i am not the one to speak of it to you what the hell is going on there what's so bad about dragon brains was created by those who had lived under the unimaginable cruelty of aldwin's dragon cult their whole lives were consumed with hatred for dragons and they poured all their anger and hatred into this shout when you learn a shout you take it into your very being in a sense you become the shout in order to learn and use this shout you will be taking this evil into yourself the shout is lost how can i defeat alduin no one consequences thank you for the donation my job not so sure if you noticed but jays in skyrim are pronounced like a y yes no you're right should know this by now but i do not i just keep failing it at this i keep on saying yalo jal there's some things i know but other things um it will definitely slip past me only parcel next the master of our order can answer that question if he so chooses very well who the hell is parthenox he is our leader he surpasses us all in his mastery of the way of the voice i need to speak with him you weren't ready you still aren't ready but thanks to the blades you now have questions that only parthenex can answer why haven't i met him yet he lives in seclusion on the very peak of the mountain he speaks to us only rarely and never to outside us being allowed to see him is a great privilege how do i get to the top of the mountain to see him then only those whose voice is strong can find the path we will teach you a shout to open the way to parthenox very well teach me your powers aaron girl drinking wine up here right yeah if i turn this off there oh go now you can see without the umb lighting is a lot worse but you can see but versus having it on lighting's so much nicer much more realistic into the cathedral courtyard we go outside ian b where are we going to learn this great shout out i've literally common blades armor i mean i wasn't trying to hide the fact that i started working with the blades a lot of people want me to side with the blades in this play through because we've never done it i have never killed parthenox there you're not tend to either but if you guys want to see it we could do the path to it lies through this gate i will show you how to open the way i wonder he's so lonely don't let anyone else see him vermeer or reveal to me the words call clear skies fantastic thank you aaron girl [ __ ] brother the words wait i mean you've already taught me mate but thanks uh shouts clear skies this is your final gift from us use it well my final gift the ugliest of walks clear skies will blow away the mist but only for a time the path to parthenox is perilous not to be embarked upon lightly keep moving stay focused on your goal and you will reach the summit very well i shall do as you command this is quickly not wait here for an hour until it's daytime boom sun is rising now it's even more epic and we can activate clear skies goodbye student has become the teacher oh god i'm dying no we're okay thank god for the parthenox we have cleared the way there's venture onwards through the mists of the mountain i missed oh jesus look clear away i don't take damage from the frost look get out of my way weather oh look at this amazing oh my god oh my god [Music] oh what how did you do that [Music] a dirty foul more disgusting oh my god look at her bouncing off the cliff edge jesus there's no way she's coming back he's definitely dead [Music] you only need to use the first word clear the way that's good information my friend hades thank you for becoming a member oh oh i'm taking damage again don't worry we'll escape we'll escape this place oh oh they because there's not we don't have that modern stool that gets rid of the stupid death spin god howard is a blessing look at him he loves it let's do it again let's see how far we can project lydia ready we want to fire her guys i want to see her like fly down the mountain oh that was a solid rust god losing track of it oh look at her she just flies off the side oh wow she's actually disappeared at range or should we keep her dead what do you guys think lydia no i think she's fine uh right yeah clear skies that's what we that's what we were meant to be doing oh there's a a tight bridge lydia be careful be careful oh watch out lydia it's nice right where's my blade sealed oh hello there we go oh beautiful beautiful oh my god look at that i can see the rift from here see rifton all the way at the end there oh watch out livia don't worry lydia i'll save you well done we are no match for these wraiths they're in that weather like it's nothing the view is 10 out of 10 lydia i will take you here again someday i'm sure oh is there a dead mountain goat a little bit sad isn't it lydia look at this there's quite a few oh my god lydia look the seven thousand steps a high throthgar where are you lydia why are you hiding you don't seem to want to stand at the edge there i've got your back yes thane what is it yes my thing come here you just stand just to okay got it all right stand here just here lydia why are you so awkward down here yo that'll do lydia that will do see how far [Music] oh my god jesus christ he's gonna have to climb the seven thousand steps again i think i could probably hit her to either said but it doesn't seem like it's possible only to increase my power tenfold i'm on your side oh i didn't realize sorry carry on up this mountainous journey we need to undertake and park max really doesn't want any visitors does he whoa jeez nice stevia build me there watch out lydia i sense another ice wraith up ahead he's on to me he's dressed up like a foul more with dirty elf oh no no no that's not good i've got to wait for the clear sky shot to disappear you can reuse it isn't that so idiot while the fog is cleared you're going to take her on in the middle of the youtube stream you naughty naughty boy always don't even question look at this view man oh this is a this is a nice one lydia come here i'm stand over here yeah just there that's perfect oh my god yes exactly what i needed oh my god look at that rolling down the mountain oh my god josh he disappeared she's dead now we're not reloading rip lydia i think we're almost at the top as well oh what's that oh no it's just a flag you got excited then this is the perfect spot here we go oh no no we failed almost oh oh the the spinning anime animation makes it look so bad don't worry lydia we so love you too bad there isn't a mod to make people turn into giant snowballs as they go down a mountain i mean that would be insane right you imagine how fun that would be oh actually you can't do that one certainly ah what's up um there's a sir i can't remember the name of the plan uh there's there's actually a way to do this i'll um i just need to quickly cut them the name of the plant though uh paralysis i need a food that paralyzes me i can't remember what food is that it does that oh next jelly that's shy okay i i you can send yourself down a mountain like a snowball i'll show you um we're gonna do it now which can't remember i'm gonna have to use console commands here guys i'm sorry but for the sake of showing this to you it's well worth it um i don't know what load order this is it's probably a four one pd oh yeah there we go um magic radiance that's chilly but basically um nets jelly has an effect the first effect of this item is it paralysis so if you eat it you paralyze yourself so what we're going to do we're going to come over here we're going to use the whirlwind sprint shell we're gonna paralyze ourselves after that i'm gonna turn into a snowball you ready off i'm holding down the trigger it's not working bear with me oh no come on does it answer i have to do this another way that's out do i not have the full i do have the full version of warwick sprint or do i not oh any of the first ah that sucks here we go oh oh what's that that's weird it should paralyze me but it didn't um boys go like is that that's not meant to play like that is it because i'm in god mode or do i have a certain mod on wonder because usually it just ejects you must be god mode oh no come on let me relay it's really fun to do some reason oh no that's the wrong chance magic shouts are you done there we go one sprint so we don't wait and we still need to wait said mostly has some graphics enhancements mods yeah okay here we go [Music] oh yeah now it works thank you we ah the loading screen we need the mod that disables the what why is it loading back in the sky intriguing intriguing lily anyway let's carry on going up this mountain 17th time lucky indeed use t i am not tgm toggle god mode why oh my god i'm getting stun the [ __ ] out of here oh jesus is going to kill me why am i still taking damage can i walk through now thanks bethesda poc quest smoke yeah yeah that that's how you get to the testing room infinitely death indeed i don't know why it spawned me that's kind of weird right anyway here we are now the top of high throthgar we'll have some more fun with that after don't worry who are you what brings you to my strewmark my mountain i splurma i wasn't expecting you to be a dragon you're the master of the great bits they see me as master ruth onique old and wise it is true i am old tell me why do you come here volan why do you intrude on my meditation i can i need to learn the dragon wrench out and you teach me there are formalities which must be observed at the first meeting of two of the dove by long tradition the elder speaks first hear my thumb feel it in your bones match it if you are dovakin look at this beautiful dragon yeah thanks bob i will do it again afterwards um i i know what you mean waits let me learn war powers strike me with the fire of your thumb the dragon blood runs strong in you it is long since i had the pleasure of speech with one of my own kind he smiled it's like yo giving you some hot air there what a beautiful creature path and accident so you have made your way here to me no easy task for a jaw mortal even for one of dover's source dragonblood what would you ask of me [Music] and you teach me the dragon wren shout ah i have expected you product you would not come all this way for tinvac with an old dovah no you seek your weapon against alduin how did you know i came for dragon ramp and grey bears didn't want me to come at all yes they are very protective of me but i do not know the thumb you seek groceries it cannot be known to me [Music] your kind your mortals created it as a weapon against the dove the dragons our hadriame our minds cannot even comprehend its concepts [Music] mention gr crosses there who is the dragon priest how can i learn it then all in good time first a question for you why do you want to learn this thumbnail some of your business i need to stop our doing yes alduin zambach the elder brother gifted grasping and troublesome as is so often the case with firstborn but why why must you stop alduin prophecy says that's only the dragonborn can stop him true but costeed prophecy tells what maybe not what should be just because you can do a thing does not always mean you should do you have a better reason for acting than destiny are you nothing but a plaything of dez a fate i didn't come here to debate philosophy with you what better reason to act than to fulfill my destiny i mean that's so i don't believe in destiny but i will stop aldoing and so perhaps your destiny will be fulfilled even to the dove who ride the currents of time destiny is elusive alduin believes that he will prevail with good reason rock mule and he is no fool need me far from it he began as the wisest and most far-seeing of us all but you have indulged my weakness for speech long enough crosses now i will answer your question do you know why i live here at the peak of the monavien what you name throat of the world no dragons like mountains though right i never thought about it you said you're gonna answer my question dragons like mountains true but few now remember that this was the very spot where alduin was defeated by the ancient tongues perhaps none but me now remember how he was defeated using the dragon wren shout right hmm was not truly defeated either if he was you would not be here today seeking to defeat him the nords of those days used the dragon rend shout to [ __ ] alduin but this was not enough ok it was the kell the elder scroll they used it to cast him adrift on the currents of time an elder scroll what is that you're saying the ancient nord sent aaron forward in time he created a tiny womb not dragon breaker intentionally some hoped he would be gone forever forever lost may ye i knew better teeth time flows ever onward one day he would surface which is why i have lived here for thousands of mortal years i have waited i knew where he would emerge but not when interesting you've been here way before that then what is an elder scroll though um how to explain in your tongue the dove have words for such things that joe do not it is an artifact from outside time it does not exist but it has always existed they are fragments of creation the kelly elder scrolls as you name them they have often been used for prophecy yes your prophecy comes from an elder scroll but this is only a small part of their power so far how does any of this help me i just wish they added more dlcs like dawnguard and sulfime yeah dude for sure we would all have more storyline dlcs that canon have voice acting and new awesome weapons to discover you guys know the greybourns the gray beards are a dragon culture right yeah well they worship dragons like any cult right like uh i guess you could say the church is a cult if you like a group of people what could you don't know how many mods do you have installed not many actually really like several the embers made graphical enhancements how does any of this help me pathnax was shattered here because of what the ancient nords did to alduin if you brought that kell that elder scroll back here to the teed the time wound with the elder scroll that was used to break time you may be able to cast yourself back to the other end of the break you could learn dragon rend from those who created it ah a smart dragon jimmy thanks for the donation always enjoy your stream keep up the good work thank you you know where i can find an elder scroll perhaps we could ask at the library crosses no i know little of what has passed below in the long years i have lived here you are likely better informed than i hear hmm ashburn or aaron gar might have some idea trust your instincts dovahkiin your blood will show you the way i do when i find the elder scroll come here and open it i guess return it here to the teed then nothing is certain with such things but i believe the scrolls bond with the teed will allow you a a seeing a vision of the moment of its creation then you will feel no dragon rend in the power of its first expression and we can finally battle dragons brothers my friends aiken gormlaith felder aitken gormlifth and felder who are they by the way i saw some people in the chat talking about parthenox's voice yeah he's actually voiced by the same person who voices mario the first mortals that i taught the thumb the first tongues the leaders of the rebellion against alduin they were mighty in their day even to attempt to defeat alduin the nords have had many heroes sense but none greater yeah i agree i think if i could replay any game again for the first time like experience it completely blank it would be like oblivion or skyrim that would be awesome our curbs an elder scroll cast alduin through time though i do not know perhaps in the very doing they erased the knowing of it from time itself the dove are children of akatosh thus we are specially attuned to the flow of time perhaps also uniquely vulnerable i warned them against such a rash action even i could not foresee its consequences nursed lee horn they would not listen oh rabid well thanks so much for the huge 50 donation support there and monster thanks for becoming a member of the battle brothers as a huge donor dude thank you so much you mean you were there yes there were a few of us that rebelled against alduin store his tyranny we aided the humans in his overthrow but they did not trust us their inner councils were kept hidden from us i was far from here on the day of alduin's downfall but all dove felt the sundering of time itself josh welcome to the battle brothers josh and hades thanks for another donation friend videos have helped a lot always enjoy them thank you i'm really glad that you still enjoy the man what does dragon wrench out actually dude going after the shout i have no idea what it does i mean we know from the wall that it brings down dragons to the earth i cannot tell you in detail i never heard it used kogan it was the first thumb created solely by mortals it was said to force a dragon to experience the concept of mortality incomprehensible idea to the immortal dove you're the master of the grey beards brothers come here to train hmm for centuries and the thumb since long before that but no dovahkiin others do not come here to train anymore is aaron girls gatekeeping you are the first in over a hundred years the words of power i counsel in their use it is enough for me you meditate on words how knowing a word of power is to take its meaning into yourself contemplate the meaning of a rothmullah you will become closer to that word as it feels your inner self yes will i teach you dovahkiin what word calls you to deeper understanding there are three to master foose faim and yol plus you need me money may catch things us it is called force in your tongue but as you push the world so does the world push back think of the way force may be applied effortlessly imagine but a whisper pushing aside all in its path that is foose let its meaning fill you zoom arc mora you will push the world harder than it pushes back alexander thanks for becoming a battle brother here on the channel i wish to meditate on a word of power which calls to you dovahkiin fade in your tongue mortals have greater affinity for this word than the dove everything mortal fades away in time but the spirit remain ponder the meaning of spirit um where mortal flesh may wither and die the spirit endures that is fine let that meaning fill you soom ark mora you will find that your spirit will give you more strength i feel like how could i kill your greetings i feel like how can i kill parthenon he's just so lovable even if i intended to kill him what reason could i give my character for killing him it's just such a nice dragon let's meditate on y'all in your tongue the word simply means fire it is change given form power at its most primal that is the true meaning of yol solyak power you have it as do all dove but power is inert without action and choice think of this as the fire builds in your sum in your breath sum arc mora what will you burn what will you spare [Music] i have returned all right often acts as like a grandpa exactly what a beautiful majestic beast you want a chin rap who's a good boy [Music] alexander thanks for 10 donations thank you so much okay he's just a legend isn't he an absolute unit dirty family right all right guys guys guys guys we need to we proceed so we have two options now we can either well we can learn the location of an elder scroll we have an option to talk to espen or um aaron gar the blades or um or the uh the gray beards wave the voice so that is our next choice is to figure out who we want to side with my friends very important decision but first have an equally important one oh items uh miscellaneous next jelly where's the net shelley did i not not add some i know it was in here ingredients yeah that's jelly yeah now it's favorites okay so going to roll myself off the mountain side battle brothers here we go oh damn it we need to fling ourselves off further but we only know the first word of power we need to find a really steep bit we can really catapult ourselves into the distance this is probably going to work just here i imagine we go [Music] we need the realistic physics mode the light is just not going to work very quickly of getting off and not taking full damage though we don't kill party snakes he doesn't even fight back he'll literally be a murder could you imagine whiterun has a witness your murder disgusting okay i see white run down that's beautiful oh disco time man so close i wish you could just yeep forward permanent paralyzation this need to use like ice filling myself really oh i killed myself once i was a bit slow i was about to say next jelly oh yes look at the beautiful creature there's beauty there very nice up in the top of this mountain there's actually a unique weapon a pickaxe which does shock damage the reference to um the creator of minecraft notch he was a big skyrim fan there was i think that was actually like a old lawsuit or something between minecraft and then a max can't remember something like this anyway this minec um pickaxe added to the game as a reference to notch the creator of minecraft it's just up here sitting out of this rock actually floating in time and space notched pickaxe a unique weapon you can't disenchanted though oddly enough raise the wielder's smithing abilities and does a five shock damage to enemies on hit obviously the smithing increase is really nice though look at this view of skyrim man god damn deep render distance there you can see white around from here see bleak full barrows and helgen just down there where we started the game yesterday down there man i am ugly and over here we can actually see rifton on the river either stead below that but as well down here and meet our death let us use the woven spring shot ah here we are most ingredients isn't it pie time and that is how we enter battle friends like a unit maybe we can do this one projectors off another cliff [Music] man we need the realistic physics and then we can just go crazy man but guys what i'm gonna do is i'm going to create a community post whether we should side with the blade or the gray beards if we should kill parthenax or not essentially that was the choice i've never killed patholox before if you guys vote on that stream for me to kill him we'll do it in the next stream we're gonna end this one here thank you so much for joining thanks for all the support drop a like on the video before you leave if you enjoyed it appreciate that um next week um we're going to be so i've got quite a busy week we might get another stream before is that lydia that's lydia what the hell we might get another stream before uh next weekend i'll link it down below as soon as it's out but um it may be that it's like a week's time because there's another game i really want to stream next weekend which is like a survival sort of game which i'm really excited about so i'll be streaming that next weekend every day and it's also a multiplayer game that you guys can actually join me on so definitely check out the channel next weekend come by and it's the kind of game where we can all play it together so i'd be awesome to like jump in and make a guild with you guys if anyone's interested um so check out the channel next weekend on what's that going to be like what the 18th the 21st and then the 22nd is my birthday so i'm excited about that i might actually take that day off because it's been a really busy time well i don't know i'm i'm almost i'm tempted to distribute my birthday but i think i'll probably take it off you know probably take it off just have have a break first break i've had an agent just spend it with my fiance that's like that'll be a good day for me i'd really enjoy that just being her chilling out that'd be great all right i'm gonna end the game here in front of this glorious sunset thank you so much for watching guys thanks for joining and being a part of such an awesome stream i'll see you guys in the next
Channel: ESO
Views: 592,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, skyrim part 1, skyrim walkthrough, the elder scrolls v: skyrim, skyrim anniversary edition, skyrim gameply, skyrim mods, skyrim creation club, the elder scrolls, elder scrolls, bethesda, eso, skyrim anniversary edition gameplay, skyrim playthrough, modded, mods
Id: jK2lnCSRLxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 7sec (12487 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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