Can You Beat Elden Ring As A Helicopter?

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what else I wore off they get loud and the Romeo God shall we dance [Music] night sorcerer healer weeb morning breath unclosed Enigma with a giant finger those are certainly all builds in Elder ring but in the words of early 2000s rapper Petey Pablo on his completely unmemorable hit single raise up I just want to spin it like a helicopter question is request permission to engage can you be Eldon ring as a helicopter and slightly break the game in the process this ash of war is called spinning strikes it turns you into a very sharp helicopter yeah yeah beat the game with an ash of War your new suck etc etc no let me explain when I'm on four the only way I can move my character in any direction is by using this ash of War that means no dodging no jumping no running no normal walking just spinning much spinning oh God I'm allowing myself to use torum because otherwise this would probably not be possible at all and if this bothers you just think of him as a fleshy aircraft carrier that moves me around before deploying me into battle but he wouldn't be much use when it came to the dungeons also allowing the use of spirit ashes and NPC summons because I'd need the distractions to buy me time in Boss voids also it's in the game I can only attack using either spinning strikes because of course that's how helicopters work or another way that we'll come on to later which fits the theme the follower protector the spin is not allowed because helicopters definitely can't do that the exceptions to the movement rule Are Climbing ladders jumping where required for traversal and approaching NPCs because I need them alive mostly also your weapon will occasionally clip something and stop unexpectedly making you take an involuntary step forward this is fine outside of boss fights as long as it's just the one step and I start to spin up again immediately this is definitely unit 49 620 ready for Duty way that's not right howdy vagabonders starting class Fang dip ashes as a gift a brand new coat of paint and it was time to deploy since the Run itself doesn't begin until I kill Edgar for his halberd which is the only way to obtain spinning strikes I did some basic housekeeping in Lim grave first to get it out of the way let salt me don't King show me help the friend to get out of a rock and visited banal to buy the no-skill ash of War because it reminds me of me nice armor you got there banal really nice armor until we meet again I also made a brief but suitably chaotic detour to the Tower of return to pick up the Blessed Jew Talisman for some passive HP regen and scooted on down to Castle mourn to make friends with Edgar as Facebook isn't a thing in the lands between I poked him in real life and he was so surprised he dropped his weapon in shock which was nice for two reasons firstly because I now had spinning strikes and could begin the run but also because Vagabond starts with enough points in strength and decks to wield the halberd and it's already upgraded to plus eight meaning I could save some time grabbing smithing stones in the early game so let talk about this ash of War holding L2 down starts the spin of Doom which then keeps on going while L2 is held until you run out of stamina or FP you can still use the ash to spin the blade even with no FP but the damage output will be drastically reduced since this attack is the only way I'm allowed to move my character in areas without torrent having no FP would be the default for most of the walking sections as it gets used up pretty quickly anyway but I need to save the flasks I had for clutch encounters what's the damage from the weaponor is pretty decent most boss fights would be a DPS race that face tank everything and win before dying so I needed a way to boost it some more and that's when I discovered how to completely break the gun oh um Elena you've got a weird growth on your left side you might want to get that checked out here in the earlier you can find this sparkly little friend who drops the blood flame blade Buff when killed you don't see me this incantation coats your weapon in Flames that also cause bleeding you might even call it blood Flame it needs 12 faith and 10 all kinds of course and last 60 Seconds now it's pretty well known how good this buff is in general but what I didn't realize is how utterly busted it is in combination with spinning strikes as demonstrated on scaly Grandma here this combo prox bleed faster than Amber Heard shits the bed and although not every boss in the run is bleedable the majority are so you can see where this is going spinning blood flame strikes might be the boss melter but it's no use without some Poise to stop you getting constantly staggered out of everything so next step was to find some solid armor to wear and I wonder where I can find something suitable look at that subtle off-silver coloring the tasteful thickness of it oh my God it even has poise [Music] I'm kidding this looks like you hammered disposable barbecues onto your body but I'll take it for now time to test this setup on a boss I guess I use the runes from Grail to level up focusing on Vigor mind and endurance put my new drip on slap the no skill Ash onto my shield and headed up to Margaret yeah this might be more of a problem than I thought attempt number one when I summon the Fang imps to help me out no didn't they do well to get a bleed proc Unfortunately they were still unupgraded and once Margaret was done sending them back to the void he laughed in the face of my poise and painted my guts all over the entrance to Stormville okay Roger your job is to be a meat Shield think you can manage that turns out he can and in combination with being sensible and using an actual Shield instead of trying to block everything with my face Morgan got utterly annihilated in about 45 seconds which was nice this might be less of a problem than I thought oh I don't even know anymore so can keldrick and Ronaldo and then wait small problem Ronaldo's first phase would be doable but the second phase where she basically just runs away while blasting you would be a lot less fun with this build rodana is then which means getting Altus access no problem I just need The Medallion piece from Fort Farah I said I just need The Medallion piece from Fort farath lady I heard you the first time no need to shout yeah with the stats I had this just wasn't gonna happen I had no way of avoiding the grab attack and it was a guaranteed one shot so taking on magma worm Macar in the Ravine veiled Village seemed like the preferable option how wrong I was first of all I killed the beastman of faramezula in groveside Cove to get some extra fire resistance next it was time for a better Spirit Ash so I went to the Lakeside Crystal Cave which was a terrible idea because this place was an absolute slog to get through with its combination of darkness and platforming and if you die to the Bloodhound Knight at the end there is no stake America because me in particular so you have to do the entire thing again which is fine luckily the night went down on the second try and I progressed further into the cave to reach Latina who promptly hired me as a chauffeur Lieutenant Dan the retainer upgraded to plus five I could take on the ravine avoiding an area full of killer bats by tackling another area also full of killer bats yeah I am not a very smart man the mining sections weren't too bad to get through but the sections with the singing bats were a whole different story getting up the ladder next to the first one was just pure RNG as to whether she would scream and knock me off not to mention getting poisoned but the next two bats blocking the elevator were the real boss here but first I tried taking them on with the tenor but it didn't go so well so I resorted to leaving her as bait while making my way around the left edge of the area hoping that the bats focused on her and I could reach the elevator before she went off to the great snow field in the sky now all that was left to do was to kill Makar hard can that be One Thing Worth pointing out here is that most boss fights involve walking from the grace to the fog which in turn would use pretty much an entire flask's worth of FP so I would always have to allocate one more blue flask than I would think I actually needed now Macar is tough but luckily you can summon someone equally tough to help in the form of tragoth does this make it easier um jury's out it took a bit of experimenting to find the right place to leave Latina and position myself so we didn't just end up getting stomped out at the boss fog but after nine tries of pure pain this happened they don't understand [Music] isn't it sick as it goes round round [Music] and round [Music] and round and round and round and round and round [Music] the redone Festival wasn't the only reason I wanted access to Alters firstly I wanted to start collecting perfume bottles and secondly I wanted to kick off the volcano Mana murder contracts so I did the first part of ryer's quest let her take me to The Manor and accepted tanith's invitation the only reason I was doing this was to unlock the track off contract with patches no sweat you also need to complete tanith's first contract so I went back to Lim grave to fight istvan yep uh-huh you don't ever take a break do you okay I'm coming back later with Mount gilmir accessible I also stopped off to pick up the only other weapon I would use in this run since it's thematically appropriate the pulley crossbow because no good helicopter would be complete without machine guns well except for like tourist helicopters or air ambulances or shut up okay look those are barely even real helicopters they probably don't even exist the same rules as the rest of the Run apply it I can't use the crossbow on Horseback all while moving and while it would be pretty useless for most bosses it would be very helpful to get through a few specific areas of the game [Music] most challenge runs involve running past everything else to rush the bosses who make up most of the actual challenge this run though is the complete opposite bosses might well turn to butter when faced with my fiery milk churn of pain but getting through dungeons with no torrent basically involves fighting everything since I can hardly sneak or run and given that I have limited frosts for healing and applying blood flame and have to tank everyone as well the Legacy dungeons were the real bosses of this run particularly as you'll see later after reducing gostock to a protein shake I made my way into Stormville to begin the long slog the first section was fine if you take it slow and steady the problems arise once you meet the banished Knight who are massive dicks whenever they show up on this run not only because they can outpoise you but also because they just never stop attacking and one problem with spinning strikes is that it takes a long time to start up the animation yep I got bullied and you know what you do to bullies that's right you cheese them for a wall I hope I don't have to deal with an even tougher banish night yeah it I'm abusing the hell out of quit outs to get past this guy sue me fortunately the third night I encountered was easier to turn to confetti I snuck my way around the castle trying to avoid as much else as possible gave my number to nepheli and it was time to take on godrick who is probably the easiest easiest main boss on a normal playthrough but with this build he's no I'm just kidding he's still the easiest boss just chilled up for his attacks and cut him to ribbons sadly he decided to Target Mia a brilliant appropriate time on the first attempt and even though nafele finished him off his 20 minute long Ted talk after dying ensured I didn't get the victory but the second try was so easy I barely had to even do anything thank you based in the felly Lou hi I'm Alby the albino Rick and I'm here today to tell you all about iron jar aromatic is your gray metallic exterior looking dull and tired from the stress of battle put the wind back into your spin with new Iron Jaw aromatic guaranteed to raise defense strengthen your core and even get your shine back warning iron aromatic may contain small traces of friend taking the second tell able to chest in the hour is a side tomb leads you to the perfumer's cookbook 3 which lets you craft iron jar aromatics have fun in here I sure did iron jar massively raises your Poise and physical defense for 40 seconds but the cost of reduced movement which was irrelevant since I had no real freedom of movement in the first place the perfume is a painter craft requiring Altus Bloom which is easy enough to find budding cavemoss which you can get from perfumers Grotto and living jar shards which have to be formed off of living Jaws like this poor bastard in Stormville let's just say we became very closely acquainted during this run with the perfume I was finally able to not get stagger locked by istan and poised through his attacks to finish him off after taking on a couple of minor bosses I decided to get the weapon I planned to use for the later part of the Run the Night Rider glove which drops from this night's Cavalry in Leonia I was out of iron Jaws for now but I was sure I wouldn't need the ah okay then alrighty after calling me a waste of skin and telling me I shouldn't have been born for at least half an hour of attempt the gaming Gods finally blessed me with some decent RNG I took down the cheap knows called clone and had the weapon don't have the stats to use it yet why did I even do this now [Music] hey there Gideon what you thinking about uh uh I'll come back later here is some stuff I did [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] how hard can two ads be to deal with yeah good thing I got the crossbow I slowly made my way through the Church of cuckoo for a free acupuncture session took my time poisoning all the scholars and spun the red wolf of radagon to death like a furry costume in a tumble dryer next up time for mogrin remind me it's just easier to do this than fight the NPC vike please stop don't worry very I'll definitely wait before using the oh well after some looting and leveling it was time for one of the final items in my setup which would involve killing tragov spawn in buff up take your iron drop fine second time Third Time Lucky and I finally had my hands on it the bulgot armor this armor is so ugly it makes me cry tears of blood but hey poise sadly I lack the equip low to rock this even with the Arsenal charm so of course I did The Honorable thing and killed some side bosses to oh come on you know why I unlocked Mogan how many albums [Music] [Applause] that's better hi editor Baron here and I have traveled back from the year 3000 to quickly point something out you might be wondering why I cared about not being overloaded when my walk speed while using spinning strikes isn't affected anyway while that's true stamina recovery is affected by being overloaded and I wanted every Advantage possible so yeah deal with it and if you're wondering what the year 3000 is like not much has changed but they live underwater now back to your regularly scheduled chaos this is your last warning the main gate at storm L is a no-go I repeat the main gate at Stormville is a logo copy that after taking the alternate route across the rooftops and somehow killing the angry lion I made my way past the Golems which was less stressful than I thought it would be since they can hurt each other and grab godric's great room before heading onwards to redmain to take on the big lad with the red Main huh let's see what they did there Mount torrent to iframe the first Arrow turn around and move backwards ow this will despawn Redan and Skip his arrows phase and then head back in to summon the boys before waiting for an opportunity to get stuck in okay let's go [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with the sky fallen I decided it was time to check up on a few friends smother up first boo asked me to bring back the nail clippers she'd lost somewhere Underground sure thing fun fact I can show you here is that spinning strikes diverts arrows so that's kind of cool may you not work with every arrow mimic tear once again proved that I am a better version of myself than a blob on the ground could ever be I took its ashes as a reward and it was time to kick this area in the balls ow I didn't mean it next it was nepheli's turn I summoned her to help me take down the omen killer spoke to the great wonderful awesome Kenneth high in return for a kitchen knife and walked to the Chapel of anticipation to kill the grafted soil he screamed I twirled he died good times not only did this give me access to some special pocket sand which inexplicably cheered nepheli up it also gave me my first viable great Shield of the run which would come in handy finally it was time for Millicent I headed to shaded Castle to pick up the valkyrie's prosthesis good start and then summoned her to take on the godskin Apostle in Domino I tried to sleep him with no success so guess we're doing this old school if by old school you mean showing a total disregard for health and safety procedures with the Apostle done and dusted I could now summon Millicent to help me fight draconic I opted to use Iron Jaw here which was a calculated risk since it reduces lightning resistance but I counted on my unbreakable Poise to allow me to not get staggered and power through to burst him down before he had a chance to use it too much the gamble paid off at the first attempt I took a detour around Altus and down into Knox Stella for some upgrade materials and I was ready to face the big city what a shocking way to die normally I just run past the Avatar in Langdale but that wasn't gonna happen so I let Lieutenant take the heat while I hid it from the back got treated like a pincushion by an Archer gave the scat muncher a seed bed curse in exchange for his hotel room key killed a black knife assassin and entered sainted Hero's grave for the dragon Crest Talisman there showed vade what a real bleed build looks like and headed up the tree to face gold-free you can't bleed a ghost so I had the smart idea to use black flame blade sadly this buff is so useless it ran out before I even reached him but you can tank everything with a great shield and he doesn't have much HP anyway so this was still easy craps come on Melina time to make yourself useful so I can answer the age-old question who would win one enormous multi-combo spamming demigod with a giant ghostly hammer or a shackle turns out the answer is actually the enormous multi-combo spamming demigod okay take two [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign machine isn't working now that morgot was dead I could progress a couple of NPC quest lines nepheli was promoted to ruler of stormvale and Millicent was promoted to unalive yeah yeah I know I wanted to try her Talisman to see if it affected my weapon or cry about it I now also had the stats to wield the Knight Rider glove so I upgraded it to plus 19 and embarked on a tour of minor herb trees to increase my collection of physic floss fears apparently you can't tank a rock cloud Who Knew after progressing through flame Peak where I also made sure to grab the Crimson bubbled here I was ready for the fire Giant this will be tough right well no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you oh a tree you shall burn oh no not this place remember how I said that dungeon traversal was the real boss of this run well if that's the case then Pharaoh Missoula is the final boss and I spent far too long trying to make it through this place let's start with this guy I tried using the 10 are as a distraction so I tried again with the mimic tier which went better until it didn't as is often the case though third time's the charm and the mimic survived just long enough for me to squeeze past I still almost failed trying to get through this toaster of death though use my crossbow to lure enemies over to me okay you're just trolling now sometimes you just need a break to relax so I decided to visit the absolute worst area in the game instead I'm having fun I died just outside donita's cell which was handy treat him slowly and carefully made my way through the rest of the area no no no please after you you were here first soccer developed an allergy to seafood and absolutely skipped the second half of the area because this place bring the crap jogger makes him available as a summons for sewer Moog and even though he can't be bled he still put up far less of a challenge than I'd expected and went down in one try and I was able to hit level 100 which I think means I am now practically invincible [Music] not as much as I hate the banish noise on the way the duo themselves however not really a problem first I position Myself by this pillar to give me cover when they spawned in next I used my crossbow to sleep the fatty and then did the same to skinny which was a little harder given that he hops around a lot with them both asleep I set to work on Stretch Armstrong bursting him down before he could do anything and then spun my way over to the big guy and did the same from there on in sleep wasn't really an option so it was just a case of tanking through and hoping for the victory before they ganked me into next week I almost got caught out a couple of times but managed to finish off the fight regardless maxed out my glove and went to celebrate with my bestie Alexander God damn you hit hard now I had his Shard my Talisman setup was almost complete but you can never have too much Poise so I carved up a room bearing Dragon Barrow to pick up the bull goat Talisman mercilessly slaughtered more unfortunate album Eric's ready for the hardest section of the Run this sucked firstly I carefully took all the birds out of the equation then I shuffled my way up to the dragon avoiding the lightning strikes and tried to sneak past asano from me dog next I tried taking him down instead since he has low HP to start guess how this went finally I decided to snipe in from the walkway with my crossbow and yep he just disappeared that works for me if I thought I'd got the difficult bit out of the way then I was severely wrong when I made two mistakes here firstly I attracted the attention of one of the lightning spammers who promptly stood back and blasted me into Oblivion and secondly I accidentally took an Iron Jaw instead of a lightning proof liver and yeah turning yourself into a superconductor is a bad idea eventually I made it up to the grace though and I could relax because I'd surely got through the hardest part hello there controversial opinion but I really enjoy fighting the draconic tree Sentinels of course that's on the assumption that I can actually do things like you know Dodge or use normal attacks this however this was awful at first I tried rotting him from a distance and then engaging to burst down the rest of his health but this he has very little regard for poise and I just kept getting staggered out of everything that clearly wasn't working so I switched to rotting him and walking back down the stairs which was a bit more promising until he remembered he could just use his infinite range lightning strike to not me to my death maybe I could just use the crossbow to cheese him from an upper ledge well no by now I was getting pretty frustrated so I just decided to throw caution to the wind and surprisingly it worked I rotted him applied blood flame blade took a chance on using iron jar and got to work even with Iron Jaw he can still stagger the hell out of you but he gave me a big window to attack and I managed to burst him down to nothing before he could turn me into a bloody pulp on the ground holy crap that was annoying at least I can relax with Malacca now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] let's do this even approaching from the side entrance I thought Gideon might be a problem if it took me too long to get to him but no the law reason for his helmet being covered in ears is that he really really really really really really really loves listening to himself speak I was almost disappointed that this ended up being easy but on the other hand I also really wasn't a man cannot kill oh God good thing I'm a model ah-1z Viper then Chad free the based Elden Lord next and it seemed only fair to invite nephelia along to work through some unresolved family issues honest Warrior be assured I am long and hard once more Shield grease and iron jar aromatic on at the start of the fight then Shield up to tank him before getting to business work it girl [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] nice drinks the Run had almost reached its end but unfortunately my biggest obstacle still lay ahead and I wasn't even sure if this would be where it came screeching to a halt neither radagon nor the Eldon Beast can be bled so blood flame wouldn't be able to burst them down quickly which meant I'd need to become even more durable fortunately killing fake Moog had given me the opportunity for some joyful platforming but the end of which I picked up the fingerprint Stone Shield the best shield in the game it's literally a wall what did you expect it also weighs a ton because well it's literally a wall what did you expect which of course means time for more innocent albinar X to meet the business end of a blender what did you expect with that done I now had enough levels to use the shield and be able to cast Lord's Divine fortification which gives anyone in casting range a massive reduction to Holy damage for 70 seconds particularly helpful in phase two of the fight here's the strap Papa Starlight Shard apply Shield grease and then fire grease drink the iron jar get casually blinded summon in the mimicked here and go to work you can Shield through most of his attacks and just hope he keeps switching attention to the mimic but Iron Jaw lets you tank Hill if needed the key is to hope that the mimic doesn't take too much of the aggro so he still has enough HP left for eldenbeast costlord's Divine fortification to protect him and then just I don't know pray Eldon Beast doesn't exactly like to stay still which meant the mimic would chase after it well I slowly pirouetted my way over and if the mimic died as a result of taking all the aggro I'd just end up in a stalemate position where eldenbeast would stay on the opposite side of the Arena constantly spamming attacks that prevented me getting closer so getting the right RNG to keep the mimic alive for at least the majority of the fight was crucial here after 17 tries at this the majority of which ended during the Eldon Beast phase I was beginning to lose confidence but then finally this happened thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign there you go what started out as a stupid idea in the back of my mind had ended up with me taking my rightful place on the Eldon Throne the lands between coward at the Roar of my engines I had beaten Elden ring as a helicopter that's it there's no funny outro I am now a fully owned subsidiary of EA so you'll need to buy the funny outro DLC pack for that [Applause] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Baron's Castle
Views: 110,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barons castle, funny elden ring challenge run, can you beat elden ring as a helicopter?, elden ring spinning strikes, challenge run, fromsoft challenge run, elden ring, ds1, ds2, ds3, bloodborne, barons castle gaming
Id: AL_FvNrQ56c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 34sec (2794 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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