Skyrim Anniversary Edition Gameplay - Part 1 walkthrough!

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anniversary edition here we are once again i mean it's been so many years since i've last done a proper play-through of the elder scrolls skyrim anniversary edition and now here we are here we are i can't believe we're doing another playthrough yet again and i think god like to think how far thanks to you guys this channel and you know i've come in the last five years or so it's i mean you guys have really changed my life it's been an incredible experience so before we even start i just want to say thank you so much but all coming back i know some of you have watched the previous let's play already i've seen some familiar names in the chat and it it's it's amazing so thank you thank you so much i own i own a lot to you guys like for example last live stream about five years ago i was drinking g fuel for fun but now we're actually sponsored by them and you can get 30 off with code eso in the description below they're basically a sugar-free energy drink i've been enjoying them for years now here we are we've got these big brands supporting the channel which is awesome i hope no lag today as well my friend we're running um skyrim anniversary edition now there has apparently been some enhancements i've not noticed really the difference myself so what i've done is i've i've used my own mod list uh which you can find linked down below in the description on our channel uh on our website sorry www dot eso dash um and that's basically got a micro mod list which i'm using currently it's like a performance friendly version and there's also like a crazy mod list as well if you want if you have a mother ship of the computer to play skyrim on and so i've basically modded the game graphically but not really any gameplay changes because the anniversary edition kind of broke some stuff um so we're going to be doing you know like it should look good richard thank you so much for the huge donation you should be a higher for this playthrough my friend i cannot play a dirty thermal i've literally i just can't do it i cannot play a high elf unless i have some really good lore reason to be against the falmouth it just wouldn't make sense but i've decided we're going to be playing an orc warrior unless you guys convince me in the chat to play something else but we never play a warrior and i think that would be appropriate okay let's begin a new game here we go bethesda games studios presents the elder scrolls skyrim only a few more years until the elder scrolls six friends i will go to hammerfell and have more adventures together matt thank you so much for the donation my friend sorry if i don't read them all out i'm not going to interrupt the dialogue when we jump in you you're finally awake you are trying to cross the border right walked right into that imperial ambush same as us and that thief over there damn you storm cloaks skyrim was fine until you came along empire was nice and lazy if they hadn't been looking for you could have stolen that horse and then halfway to hammerfell you there you and me we shouldn't be here it's the stormcloaks the empire wants we're all brothers and sisters in vines now shut up back there what's wrong with him huh watch your tongue you're speaking to ulfric stormcloak the true high king you're the leader of the rebellion but if they captured you oh gods where are they taking us i don't know where we're going but sovengaard awaits imminent death can't be happening this isn't happening hey what village are you from or steve why do you care a nord's last thoughts makes me so excited to see what they do with the start of the elder scrolls sex akatosh divines please help me pray to talos man only talos will save you now look at him general tully is the military governor and it looks like the dalmore are with him damn elves i bet they had something to do with this they did indeed those dirty thauma this is helgen i used to be sweet on a girl from here i wonder if elod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in funny when i was a boy imperial walls and towers used to make me feel so safe come on this is where we get to make the decision keep the gods waiting for us no wait we're not rebels face your death for some courage thief you've got to tell them we worked with you this is a mistake step towards the block when we call your name one at a time empire loves their damn lists ulfric stormcloak y'all of windhelm it has been an honor jarl ulfric rail off of riverwood no care of roaring step no i'm not a rebel you can't do this hart you're not gonna kill me archers chance of survival zero percent wait you there step forward who are you who are you i am an orc did you guys know orcs by the way the second fastest race in the game all the speed runners play high elves because they're they're actually the tallest race in the game so they have a slightly larger um foot stride which means you can walk and run faster it's so crazy i actually only knew that when i started watching speed runners because g is like my favorite race i just love the uniqueness of them how sneaky they are and all their law you know so cool the red guard law by the way is super interesting the elder scrolls online really teaches you so much about them and how cool they are makes me very excited for the elder scrolls six which will be based in hammerfell and then we have the wood elves they're actually cannibals they eat each other after battle which is just awesome um the nords obviously true nords the sons and daughters of skyrim can't get wrong there the imperial just a scammy imperial man it's just they just try and mess you over dark elf's very cool retins a lot of cool lore on the bretons as well and they're constant wars and battles and then one slimy boy we are going to be playing an orc which actually means we automatically are allowed into the strongholds at the start of the game so that's quite nice i want to make a pale ore a really pale ore we're going to go for this one a really pale skin tone starting out call him the pale orc gonna be quite skinny where is he i reckon around here quite an athletic build but i want him to have a dirty face not really and have a single scar from i don't know a saber cat actually do not he'll just be an no unmore paint cookie cutter whichever nose i select it looks like i've been in a fight and it's been broken at some point that knows though look at that that's a hooked nose it looks so weird again for this nose i mean you can't make a handsome more can you what's that cheekbone height here we go oh yes breton's the elf human hybrid oh god you can't help thanks for the donation oh my god you guys are jokes uh what do i want to do here geekbone i don't want to spend too long in character creation that's good eye color i kind of want to have one blind eye like he's been in battle before there we go blind in his right eye which is why he won't be using a bow you know he's he's right-handed but blind in his right eye i tint i think that's necessary and then my brow i once tried to make hadvar just for the comical value that he was like who are you and i was him that was the plot twist i mean that looks awesome these these bones coming out of my face love that mouth shape okay we just need the most jagged teeth that they have i'm sure there was like an old creation club add-on that added different options for the character creation for like argonians and stuff i don't know if it's still a thing mod list is linked down below in the description if you're interested when we get into the world it'll really start to oh my god black lipstick not into it but it could look good but obviously we need the mohawk that's the best orc hairstyle i love the range of top notch though i haven't modded the hairstyle on this one i've kept it pretty brief you know just because i didn't have that long to do stuff with it where is that there it is there's the mohor and then i need to put this as white because you want to be like this pale orc i've seen many battles and now he must fight himself facial hair obviously we still need a beard we got to represent devonte brown thanks for the donation have you had a chance to beat the new creation club necromancer question need a guide i could definitely make a guide for you i'm playing through each one of them daily and recording videos that i release every day so they are on their way and i will try and make it a priority to do that one do we want a beard i mean i think that's pretty raggled right just like a raggled or i never want this that's a good place to be i reckon all right we're done what are we going to name him we'll name him the pair lore [Music] i had like before i stopped playing skyrim like a few years back um well i haven't been playing in between but i had like written and scripted a full assassin awk build that was ridiculous um but i think i've lost it since so i have to rewrite it again but you guys would like that it's been a while since i've done a build on the channel would you guys like to see them returned at some point you from one of the strongholds zork how did you end up here captain what should we do he's not on the list forget the list he goes to the block buy your orders captain i'm sorry we'll make sure your mensa tonto will send you follow the captain prisoner savage oh frick stormcloak some here in helgen call you a hero but a hero doesn't use a power like the voice to murder his king and usurp his throne you started this war plunged skyrim into chaos and now the empire is going to put you down and restore the peace what was that it's nothing carry on yes general julius give them their last rights as we commend your souls to aetherius blessings of the eight divines upon for the love of talos shut up and let's get this over if he was patient he would have survived come on i haven't got all morning if only you did have all morning then you'd still be alive my ancestors are smiling at me imperials and you say the same as fearless in death as he was in life next the orc i'm just the orc now am i here it is again did you hear that i said next prisoner to the block prisoner nice and easy well i had val's a nice guy he's in the wrong place stare right into his beautiful eyes before my death what in oblivion is that centuries what do you see what do you see a bloody dragon oh would you not have just stabbed i mean you would have just stabbed ulfric though right because he would have used that opportunity to escape you would have definitely tried to kill him before you ran away from the dragon come villages now up through the tower let's go let's go boys hello there oh jesus that's a lot of damage there he goes only one way to go all one sec i no my hands are bound i cannot drink the mead maybe we should like role play a character who has to drink any mead he comes across get down still alive prisoner keep close to me if you want to stay that way okay bro no no take care of the boy i have to find general tullius and join the defense gods guide you head on does that boy ever survive stay close to the wall oh that was a hell of a job oh goodness me quickly follow me let's go let's go let's get out of here run for your life how does it move so damn fast what's a dragon it has wings out of my way we're escaping headline you're not stopping us this does it take to kill this monster fine i hope that dragon takes you all the sovereign guard now i'm siding with the people who tried to kill me because that's what the chat wants come on we need to get inside unbind my hands then old man we're using a lot of mods yeah was that really a dragon bring us at the end times we should keep moving come here let me see if i can get those bindings off there you go take a look around there should be plenty of gear to choose from i'm going to see if i can find something for these bones [Music] i need some heavy armor though because i don't want to level my light armor skill at all this is light armor which gonna grab the boots and the key the helgen key i think we got swings too let's keep moving that thing is still out there all right we're gonna take this armor off because essentially in skyrim the way the way the leveling system works is if you're wearing an item like light armor and you you then get attacks you'll level up your light armor skill but in order to be efficient we only want to level up our heavy armor skill in this character so we're just going to wait until we literally find heavy armor and we're going to drop that on the floor and pick up weapons because they have a higher value to weight ratio which is more efficient because we're going to be carrying more than we can we leave this place orcs look badass wish they had a quest to become an orc chief dude that would be so good are there any orc inspired quest mods actually we should play through some of those if there are because the orcs have such an interesting culture in skyrim compared to any other race just give me a minute i'm out of breath hear that storm cloaks maybe we can reason with them let's see where this goes we hold on now we only want to oh god we can't reason with them we'll have to kill them don't worry i'm about naked outfall but if you can tank them i will finish them your stamina is low never mind oh she yielded no she yielded hadvar let me see if i can get that door open very well hadvar this is a light shield as well we want to train our block skill but like currently nope oh hadvar that was impressive you've already opened the door gunjar is also dead let's keep moving okay then let's keep moving bro this does 9 damage and it should attack no actually should attack slower than the sword but nevertheless an axe is cool oh actually john what's your will will dual wield swords simply because that looks cool cool factor for the wind guys press lt to block well it doesn't work when you're dual wielding whoa [Applause] oh they're dead i killed them all hadvar are you impressed damn that dragon doesn't give up pc he wants me dead we need to get out of helgen now these imperials have potions in here we're going to need them where'd you come from he was hammering the bucket don't worry harvard yes oh yes look at that the naked off slaughtering them oh it looks so good might come in handy very well i i'll put my blooded swords away we should also get some random loot from the new creation club content as well when we leave here but i don't think it's in the starter dungeon we're gonna grab these potions and stuff to sell we can also use bread to heal ourselves at this early stage though really we should add a mod that actually makes food useful in the game and obviously i have to drink every piece of wine that we come across so what does that actually do we saw 15 points of stamina stamina regenerates 30 percent slur yeah we shouldn't drink it now there's a lot of healing potions here my orc is a bit of a grizzled war veteran who now has to battle but he doesn't really want to i'm going advan oh finish him i'm worried oh killer i don't even know what's going on a dragon is attacking helgen hot dragon please don't make up nonsense torture is that i don't believe you i've seen some things in my time no dragons did hear some odd noises coming from over there come with us we need to get out of here you have no authority over me boy didn't you hear me i said the keep is under attack forget the old man i'll come with you wait a second looks like there's something in this cage don't bother with that lost the key ages ago what's in the cage see if you can get it open with some picks look of the dragonborn a book about us the dragonborn how nicely placed sure take all my things it's so true for like role-play games right it's just like you just take everything at the start no matter whose it is this is well worth taking because the major robes are enchanted so they're worth 305 gold and 152 gold and we'll leave him the body you can enjoy this as penance friend there you go enjoy there's no way out that way he says we'll find our own way out advan don't worry i shall lead the way in fact we've got to save the game oh a stormcloak soldier how did he get him i guess the skeleton is of a dead one um let us go battle brothers why have i sided with the imperials because i always side with the stormcloak so we got to mix it up man chat wanted me to go where's the way out just give me a minute let me think oh i can see some company adva i'm gonna rush in have a cover me attack adva i'll go in behind her oh get rekt oh my god i just took an arrow to the side don't worry advert i got your back give me that one-handed experience no escape hey no escape for you son the only thing is when we start with imperials is we don't get any heavy armor there's an idea come on then try and hit me i dated jesus might need some help over here [Music] we're going to take the arrows you need to sell them and the longbow is worth some gold too very nice if we can find a way out i'm on handbar it's pretty simple we've done this before many times before in fact let's have a look out though it'd be a way out could be lucky oh jesus watch out though i guess we're lucky that didn't come down on top of us we'd better push on i'm sure the others will find another way out chop chop then turn on survival mode in settings it's actually pretty fun i'm not going to survival play through this time though i may in the future i just feel like i want to make progress are you i thought you were leading the way hadvar oh actually one sec wait there hadva there's actually a secret down here and grab some more loot look at this guy he couldn't find the way out went the wrong way now as potions and gold are ours they're going to take on a bear soon hadvar in single combat we have to keep moving yeah okay we're going we're going we're going again oh god there's some spiders up ahead however i don't like this you can go first we still don't have any heavy armor do we no this doesn't count as armor though does increase my magicka though which i also don't want to level up yes i know how favorites work thank you that's dope appreciate that um all right i had one ready right go ahead go go go go go jesus that's a big spider oh my god you gotta kite them around advance behind you watch out brother oh my god he's a unit what next giant snakes had what kills him in like one hit we need the poison need the poison desperately also sometimes skiva's tail i can eat it rawhide love the content here so keep up the great work thank you genocide jim is your supporting skill going to be blacksmith will be pretty lore friendly you might have convinced me my friend danny does this restoration potion glitch still work yes it does they never patched it even in the new one still patched all those bugs that always work will still work the unofficial patch does fix quite a few of them though so you might have to uninstall it temporarily while you abuse it hold up there's a bear just ahead see her i'd rather not tangle with her right now you might be able to sneak by just take it nice and slow and watch where you step and risk if you're unoptimal build headlock this vote might take it by surprise go ahead i'll follow your lead and watch your back this will surprise her attack all right we gotta be careful here yes that'll teach you the havoc easy it's so wet in here so down press ls to start sneaking okay i've done it there you go you happy now tutorial all these bones the bones are a lot more exciting in vr because i picked them up and roll played shakespeare you're right mate come on still following you i'll be playing a warrior battle brother this looks like the way out i was starting to wonder if we'd ever make it here we are oh are you gone adva where'd he go survival mode do you want survive mode no not right now maybe later there's so many trees i can't see the dragon there it is looks like he's gone for good this time but i don't think we should stick around to see if he comes back the closest town from here is riverwood my uncle's the blacksmith there i'm sure he'd help you out it's probably best if we split up good luck i wouldn't have made it without your help today how long are the bloody grasses mods that i've added they're almost as tall as you had var all right then i guess you're running off in your own direction stephane thanks so much for the 20 donation i've always been enjoying your content yes graham has helped me with my pds he did i'm so i'm so happy to hear that like it's so cool to hear all the people that video games have helped over the years hopefully they can help my orc become a true warrior of skyrim we're gonna have to be careful on our way because we don't have any heavy armor yet um and there are a few locations i'd usually pop down to on our way southwards but alone will be quite a challenge so what we'll actually do is we'll head straight over to riften my friends there's one orc and i may be able to best on the way though and on the way to riften we'll actually be grabbing ourselves one of the standing stones down here so just on the map in case you're following along um we've just escaped helgen down here we're gonna find a standing stone down the path here coming to rifton rift riverwood after that can you become a werewolf yeah definitely man you that always damn it looks good this is i've literally modeled the game over the last couple of days so it's also like the first time for me seeing this as well it's quite nice we've got some nice lod textures as well so the guardian stones obviously we're going to want to go with the warrior stone the stone of the battle brother under this sign all the warrior skills that you have will level 20 percent faster from archery which is under the thief stone magic also by the way guys if you're interested in fishing the first fishing spot is actually just down here and there's actually a fisherman there by eastmere's beard i didn't know it was gonna be a party beard you're going to freeze to death i mean you're not wrong matt thank you so much for the donation man love your videos you make me stop playing other games to come back to skyrim hell yes oh one set no oh yeah i can't steal this i wanna say what's the note oh oh this is the fishing spots around the lake so this is new this is added in the creation club now take that with me it's not a fishing skill but i need to steal the mead because obviously i'm a raging alcoholic as an orc here we also need to open this because there may be some supplies in here that i can use oh well yeah we'll try out the fishing because some of you in the chat haven't actually seen it and we've got our first piece of heavy armor that i've just stolen from this poor man i can also steal this fish as well but i won't do that because that would be very rude guys there should be like some fishing bait around here i think the grass mod may have covered it up wherever it is oh here it is let's just uh use fishing supply i'll just save the game oh we need a rod you have a rod i've been hunting and fishing in these parts for years finally i can fish too though there's not actually a rod here so we will find one at some point i know i know where there are some rods so we'll definitely fish this episode may not be now though let's head over to rifter in fact we'll check out the mine on our way past and there's a nice bandit that if we can best him we may be able to steal his his things rather nice he's up here this mysterious path here hey ebenchard mine i believe he's in no he's not in heavy armor he's in lights armor there's no point in me killing him now we gotta kill him come on you picked a bad time to get lost friend oh yeah get wrecked son look who picked a bad time to get lost eh okay we got this stuff we sorted me look at me i'm a boss i don't even need armor just thistles all right let's head over to the rift and then just oh there's some wolves don't worry you won't ambush me this play for all ambush you ah where's the other one gone he's hiding from us oh jesus he actually came behind me impressive very impressive wolf ray ray thanks so much for the donation love your content here so you're an amazing streamer do you all play as a as a warrior i actually never play as a wife this is our first warrior playthrough let's get wreck some i don't actually know what that would do it looks like i try and break his like collarbone or something i don't think that would really stop a wolf just enrage it i pretty much always play exclusively as a stealth archer so this is our first warrior playthrough in 10 years it is skyrim anniversary edition but fully modded with graphics mods um this is our micro mod list if you guys are interested in making your mod this look like this you can run it on quite low end pcs so um it's quite approachable in that sense right let's had to save the game just here edin inside the rift and that's hadvar just ahead in it's riverwood not rifton and who's this he's a friend saved my life in fact come on i'll explain everything but we need to go inside okay okay come inside then sigrid will get you something to eat and you can tell me all about it a dragon i saw a dragon what what is it now mother it was as big as the mountain and black as night it flew right over the barrel dragons now is it please if you keep on like this everyone in town will think you're crazy and i've got better things to do than listen to more of your fantasies you'll see it was a dragon it'll kill us all and then you'll believe me only after it kills us all will you believe me alright let's go inside the house here link to mod list is in the description oh let's take a seat i'm just naked we've been so worried about you come you two must be hungry sit down and i'll get you something to eat now then boy what's the big mystery what are you doing here looking like you lost an argument with a cave bear i don't know where to stop you know i was assigned to general tullius's god we were stopped in helgen when we were attacked by a dragon a dragon that's ridiculous you aren't drunk are you boy husband let him tell his story not much more to tell this dragon flew over and just wrecked the whole place mass confusion i don't know if anyone else got out alive i doubt i'd made it out myself if not for my friend here i need to get back to solitude and let them know what's happened i thought you could help us out food supplies a place to stay of course any friend of hadvars is a friend of mine i'm glad to help however i can like i said i'm glad to help in any way i can but i need your help we need your help [Music] we need your help that offers me everything in his inventory including the clothes on his back monkey thank you so much for this huge donation there and joshua what is your favorite city sas village in skyrim hmm i always thought morpho was really interesting not necessarily because of its appearance but just because of like all the strange oh necklace of minor wielding one handed attacks with 15 more damage it's crazy that he's just given this at the start of the game this is that's insane our rng luck is incredible i think i think probably um more thou is very interesting all the all the things going on there are very exciting i've also got a mod called jk skyrim which actually changes the appearance of every city in a really cool way so you guys are going to enjoy seeing that when we get to whiterun and all the other cities in the game for that matter i'll leave him just with his clothing the arm needs to know if there's a dragon on the loose riverwood is defenseless we need to get word to jarl balgruff and wiper and to send whatever soldiers he can if you'll do that for me i'll be in your debt i've given i've taken everything from him we can ask him for more like i said i'm glad to help in any way i can help yourself to whatever you need within rhys take everything i already have how do i get to white run can you tell me about the yacht can i use your forge i see no harm in it if you have the skill oh a challenge grindstone will improve your weapons use the table to improve your armor very well if you've got the raw materials you can use the forge to make something new what do you think about the wall oh i'd like to arm with my horse i don't have a horse here of course oh my god health and armor still armor fantastic thank you todd howard been trying to push this on me since oblivion and now i finally own it well i'd better get back to work you two make yourselves at home hello it's nice to be back in a friendly spot huh listen i'm going to lay up here for a while you can make your own way to solitude from here i'd recommend heading to whiterun just down the road from here from there you can take your carriage to solitude ah [Music] who are those other prisoners you didn't know that was ulfric stormcloak in his top lieutenants be careful on the way to solitude damn stormcloaks could be anywhere damn stormcloaks did you really see a dragon i did little girl papa says i'm too friendly with strangers but you seem all right yeah a naked or standing in your living room seems okay must must be okay i'm sure oh i can just take all of your money as well fantastic heads are so generous wow what's in your chest a garnet oh that cans are stealing no within reason eh listen you should go to solitude and join up i'm going to solitude i'm robbing up your house [Music] i'm trying to steal your father's armor please i'm gonna steal this and sell it back to him and we use the oldest trick in the book well you'll find out in a second lady someday i'm going to forge my own sword make yourself at home i'm trying to no dammit i'm out of practice friends papa says i'm not ready for weapons so i make lots of horseshoes and hobnails no oh well blacksmithing potion oh your dad's not even a good blacksmith he's ah now i have your armor i'm spoken for you know so don't get any ideas all right all right bit bit assuming isn't it these are these are mods though this isn't what the game actually looks like um the mods make it a lot better i'm just taking everything i need iron plates helmet oh very nice iron boots um and then we'll all one set once up we need the iron helmet like the classic though oh here comes here comes the smith okay let's put on all our stolen things that we need our iron armor iron boots this is the iron plate helmet so this is actually new it's 18 armor versus the 17 armor of the doverkin helmet but we'll be wearing this for role play reasons because god damn look at me i now mean business take what you need my friend i already have in reason of course blades blades okay so you want to sell all the crap we don't need your needs like we don't need for armor or any of this we don't need any arrows so we'll sell all of these plus zero gold they're worthless to him so all of our iron daggers keep the iron ingot everything else we do not need apart from the lock picks and the ingots um okay can i actually does he have anything good might usually has like some enchanted stuff i just want to see yeah iron warhammer of sparks but it usually has a ridiculous price to it i could ask him about smithing but i think i'll do that off stream because it's a bit boring to watch instead we're going to head onwards to white run friends ah mate look at that that armor retexture is beautiful oh actually no no we need to get a follower we need to get fiando we need to solve the love triangle of riverwoods that is far more important where is fiando that's not him up there oh there he is he's just being angry at sven look at him gonna have a chat with him riverwood's agreeable enough i suppose for a nord village what's your problem with sven he's a bard so he says occasionally he finds time to do his job here at the mill thinks his ballads and sonnets are going to convince camilla valerius to marry him as if she would say yes as if an intelligent beautiful woman like her wouldn't fall for that nonsense i hope you horny would have you don't seem very sure about that are you sure i've been thinking maybe camilla needs a little help seeing sven for what he is could you could you give her this letter and say it's from sven i think i've matched that nord's lack of cleverness perfectly farewell we don't want training in archery we just want him as a follower sven can also be a follower but he's literally useful useless next to fiando all right we need to go and see camilla camilla at the uh riverwood trader the burn indeed i said no no adventures no theatrics no thief chasing well what are you going to do then huh let's hear it we are done talking about this oh a customer sorry you had to hear that [Music] that's okay i know what you mean you just keep the woman in that place don't you i don't know what you overheard but the riverwood trader is still open feel free to shop the riverwood trader is everything you need in a general store something happened uh yeah we did have a bit of a break-in but we still have plenty to sell robbers were only after one thing an ornament solid gold in the shape of a dragon's claw i could help get it back for you i think camilla's right you could i've got some coin coming in from my last shipment it's yours if you bring my claw back now if you're going to get those thieves you should head to bleak falls barrow northwest of town really peculiar how he knows yes so now you don't have to go do you oh really well i think your new helper here needs a guide let me bring you with us by the eight fine but only to the edge of town you're actually gonna follow oh i've never actually bothered following her i'm gonna do this how many mods are you using probably about uh 30 or so not many pounding across the bridge to get to bleak falls barrow you can see it from here though the mountain just over the buildings this way thieves must be mad hiding out there those old crips are filled with nothing but traps trolls and who knows what else the only troll here is sven and fiando crying over your love i thought you just called me a good dog i hate you so do you have graphing mods yes i do i mean we have plenty of things in the shop that are worth just as much coin lucan found the claw about a year after he opened the store he never quite explained where he got it he's a tricky one that's zelda's very odd in fact we update the mod order for anniversary edition it's not really needed there's some things that don't work right now but they'll get patched so there's not really much putting upgrading it um i'm i'm running almost our mod list but there's a few things that didn't work this is the bridge out of town the path up the mountain to the north west leads to bleak falls barrow i guess i should get back to my brother he'll throw a fit if i take too long such a child speaking of children how much further do i have to walk i've got a letter for you from sven another poem i've had he does know how to make a girl blush what's this if that oaf thinks all i'm going to do is stay in that filthy house of his and clean al you can tell sven that he already has a mother i'm not speaking to him anymore very well all right let's go and complete this quest and talk to fiando uh i'll make it my active quest in fact we know where the guy is he's a bit of a shifty one where he's hiding around here new he is if you're looking for work go see hot at the mill tell me as soon as you've given camilla the letter i don't think camilla will be spending any more time with sven let's say i appreciate your help please take this some gold i've saved up from working at the mill 25 gold jesus christ you need to follow me mate you can make much more gold than me lead the way yeah he just agrees to it fine i should have kept some fair armor never mind where we're going there'll be lots of fur armor if you handle you tapping that he was just looking the other way and ran past her like a madman oh there might be a fishing rod here guys yes there is a fishing rod and there's also a book on fishing which uh explains how the different times of day will affect what you can catch and just to quickly uh show you guys oh i can just harvest this for free eh we're gonna do some fishing right now i just need to find a fishing bucket where's the fishing oh here it is here it is use fishing supplies you must have a fishing oh i need to equip the fishing rod fishing rods are actually a weapon by the way so look at that you can whip people with that oh actually uh on yesterday's stream i stuck it through a man which was pretty special all right we know how to fish so we're gonna wait until there's a little splash and then a bit of a tug on our rod matt thanks so much for another donation is a spell sword build hard i always use a two-hander stealth archer spells builds are great because you can heal yourself while fighting oh an angular aquarian a river betty let's jump back into fishing we started the quest as well to visit the rift in fishery but we're not going to do that just going to catch a few fish i can eat raw i think you can only catch like three fish at each location then you have to move on yeah it's pretty simple but i'm glad that there's like at least a mini game to it another river betty not very good is it pretty much all the way around rift and lake illanata you're gonna find river betty's but depending on the time of day it does change what you can find i do want to quickly check oh what's that that's a big fish a salmon i mean i can get salmon from here a lot easier to be honest now before we actually move on i'm going to rest until the daytime and then we'll carry on to um bleak fool's battle barrow and then we'll go to white's run so let's let's get a room here at the inn since i have enough gold to buy a room now what moz did you install they're pretty much all in the jesus christ bro now you're drunk but going to come that close to me hard not to the ale is going bad we need to get a new batch this man is on his last legs we got rooms and food drink too i cook ain't much else to tell it's only right uh can you give me a room yep ale's going bad i guess you don't have potatoes in your ears after all just make sure we get a fresh batch in soon come on in let me know if you need anything or take a seat by the fire and i'll send someone over i'm just a cook lad all right so i can get rid of delphine i'm the sure thing it's yours for a day nice one come on fiona let's go and sleep together you dirty wood off i want that this isn't my room it's over ow my way i'm inside oh my god jesus christ well i'll sleep here let's count to stealing not very good how much gold is in here mine gold all right wait wait there fiando i need to get nine gold made my money back i want to this isn't even my room must be this one there time lucky i'll sleep with the door open that's fine with me and then we'll sleep until the morning best pet follower oh i don't even remember all the pet followers like the official ones i think i did a video about them and talked about which one was the best but i don't remember what one it was david no and a 7 a.m start there's something to be said for honesty i suppose they're still having the same conversation [Music] oh god sven's about to start playing music let's leave fiando we work hard try to do right by our families all right bro thanks to tommy thanks for sharing right then we need to head up this huge mountain i mean look at that it's beautiful and even see the bandits up there on the way bleakfool's barrow looks beautiful man you can see riverwood's changed a bit right this is because of jk's skyrim mod it adds a bunch of sort of expansions to the town that are very lore friendly looks very pretty indeed either way let's head up the steps i am an orc why i'm green come to my sword ah all right we need to also equip that uh amulet actually um that gives us one-handed damage increase and we need to equip our steel shield in our left hand and we are fully kitted and ready to do battle brothers seems like the pathway has been lost to the grass that's overgrown in this area are the graphics mods yes we have graphics mods they're all linked below in the description thanks taser for linking it damn it looks good like the lod mods really do make it look beautiful i love it and the snow on the trees i mean it looks wonderful you'd spend christmas it gets me in the mood for christmas and a safe here just in case just in case these battle brothers you strong will find out though fiendl we shall find out shortly i'm going to chuckle my wine here kyle i brought skyrim anniversary edition i was wondering how long i should wait for the mods to be updated fixed it's really going to be uh it's gonna depend sksc got abandoned that's not good really abandoned completely i don't think so oh that power attack all these arches take him out come on help me fiandle he's down we've got one down i can't block arrows here i think i need the perk you'll be so much easier we'll see about that khajiit oh i'm using a fishing rod i'm i was wondering like why is the sound effect so weird i'm hitting him with a fishing rod it literally it actually does four damage which is not too bad but a sword is a lot more effective finisher thank you fiando okay we need iron boots i really need some branded iron armor and we're gonna give the third armor to our follower where did the other one go i swear the khajiit just ran for it more coins here and rob these pesky bandits back ah just a chest you must have taken a tumble off the cliff in that case we've leveled up here we go first thing we want to do is concentrate on damage a little bit of health so we're going to go straight to a one-handed skill tree i'm gonna invest in the armsmen perk for another 20 damage here very nice and then we'll get fighting stance we really don't need a shield but it's just kind of lore friendly so we're obviously bringing a shield with us by the time we get to 80 damage reduction it actually makes more sense just to move around and attack if we're a true gamer that is okay so i need to just talk to you still here um i need you to trade something did anniversary edition add anything new to the civil war quest no nothing sadly it's still got firewood blessing you can sell that for another 25 gold mate uh so i'm going to give you some new fur armor um and give you a hood because i mean yeah no it doesn't look great does it actually give you a fishing rod if you're a still sword it's better than your current thing still arrows you can have those back um yeah that's pretty much it lead on i like your look with the hood you actually look cooler like you mean business look at that view of riften as beautiful right head onwards to bleak full barrows naked bandits true beauty any tips for a self archer my friend i have lots of tips you can even make like a starter guide video for archers i would recommend the best boat you get early on is to go to a white run go to the companions guild the companions longhouse and go into the basement and in there you can lock pick a chest save the game before you do it in case you fail the lock picking um and you can find an elven bow in there which is much higher damage than any other bow you can get early on and i've also done a video about how to get ebony bow that's a lot more tricky oh okay we want to stand behind the wall here so we don't bait the attention oh god managed to block that one power attacks take us too long finishing fiando block this well she's actually got still warhammer we'll take that and then there's an archer up there shooting down us we're gonna have to go up and take him out wherever he is down here you ready let me go behind him get reksa give me your armor the hunting bow would be better than fiona's work naturally thing is at the start of the game is if you sprint you actually lose up use up so much stamina i'm going to have to drink oh no no no i want i want to drink wine perfect now i'm full stamina i've been enhanced by the wine look at him aha i was about to say dodge this by completely missed die ben hashem how did you miss that fiando i'm not impressed disgusting this is why lydia is the best follower in the game by the way guys we may be using ingo as a follower which is a cool modern follower this play-through very exciting mod still messed up no no my well my mods were but i've changed the modelist to make it work inside to bleak full barrows we go seems like there's a few dead bandits here possibly killed by some skivas interesting it feels weird just to run into any any dungeon attack the enemies time to end this little game we'll see about that again oh yeah get rekt look at my awk he's a monster a big monster terrifying truly wait have we killed them both oh we killed them both nice nice shooting the handle i'm impressed where's the other one go i'm right behind you i've got some better armor do you want me to carry take this this uh hide armor and i should use this still shield really lead on i shall i'll do as i please friend a novice chest this is no match for me ha so i was 50 gold i'll take it fantastic let's oh my god there's a lot of cobwebs not looking good boys there's 3 500 of you watching guys you're amazing been so many years but yet we still you still watch me play skyrim i mean it's crazy thank you so much man i was saying earlier how the channel has come a very long way since the skyrim special edition play through which we did when skyrim was remastered the first time and now todd howard has blessed us with another remaster once again we play through it look how glossy these walls are they're so moist kind of like obsidian normally i like it i don't know what we're going to find here fiando but oh who's this hmm there's a bandit friend who seems to have spread out from the rest of the group theandle what are you doing here impressive imagine if you just did like some crazy backflip and dodged everything so what i have learned is that we should not pull this lever it will result in imminent death there must be a puzzle to sophia snake then this snake has fallen off but sneaky snake sneaky snake and then whale let us see if we're right handle sneaky snake this one was whale sneaky snake and then whale all right fingers crossed we're good we're good we've solved the riddle i am a master of puzzles you know one of the reasons um like law reasons that these uh dragon these strongholds are knock thanks for the donation i started skyrim because of you and i never regretted it and i'm also going sword and board or two-handed warrior love it love it i i like two-handed because you can block as well right but there's something cool about using shield even though i think two-handed has some cool options when it comes to weapons you know the thief so this is actually a stealth book i don't want to read this we don't need to level up our stealth a skeever watch out watch out yeah it's coming for you it's coming for you where's it even going it's dead now anyway my one-handed attacks are so slow all right let's head down this staircase i did this in vr i walked down the staircase it was horrible i almost chanted on the spot like it made me feel so sick i can't even kill a skeever in one swipe am i even an orc and why are you talking about eso you are eso means elder scrolls online so the whole channel name is misleading but dude i had the [ __ ] channel name before they even had the name of the game my channel's existed since 2011 before the elder scrolls online was announced though it's not misleading oh god look at it it's flying it's levitating a levitating spider watch out don't let it poison you fiandle oh god blocked it oh god don't let him poison you let's go map stamina go ham go ham finish it thanks fiando thanks for the back up there all right sir looks like i've saved your life who are you though you over here you did it you killed it now cut me down before anything else shows up hmm [Music] are you the one who has the golden claw yes the claw i know how it works the claw the markings the door and the hall of stories i know how they all fit together help me down and i'll show you you won't believe the power the naughts have hidden there and over the claw first does it look like i can move you have to cut me down first i mean fair enough i'll cut you down this i can feel it give me the claw why should i share the treasure with anyone how dare you you've outsmarted me how's he running to stop right there criminal scum i don't like the looks of this i don't like the looks of this either fiando i knew it oh god apparently he knew about the dragon down here oh jesus christ he's he's got wrecked there jesus ancient nordic sword actually better than my current blade traffiando a lot of damage with his uh oh ancient nordic mace so this is a new creation club weapon look at that very nice ancient nordic battle axe oh actually no no it's not it's just been re-textured by i think a mod i've installed i'm not sure if you're but what do you think we need to eat some food a little bit of health regen here and also loot some corpses because that's what we do in skyrim so sir it seems like you've come to a swift end but you have the golden claw how mysterious also a journal my fingers are trembling the golden claw is finally in my hands and with it the power of the ancient nordic heroes that fool lucian velares had no idea that his favorite store decoration was actually the key to bleakful barrow now i need to get to the halls of stories and unlock the door the legend says there is a test that the nords put in place to keep the unworthy away but that when you have the golden claw the solution is in the palm of your hand thanks for the donation cecile is that how i say your name eso the man who made me play skyrim for the special edition and back back in 2016. thank you everyone coming back man take these hide items leave you butt naked fiandle still here i need you to do something all right what is it what's this what do you need oh fiando are you okay what happened what happened jesus is he okay still here oh okay you're fine good almost died to that but god that's gonna kill me in one hit oh fiando jesus christ maybe he enjoys pain maybe he enjoys it i don't know slightly suspicious it feels weird not to walk in sneak in a dungeon continuously mr spear thank you so much the donation dude not much but for helping i couldn't read your donation my friend thank you sandra thank you this you're a huge fan thank you sony kyle ever thought about be being part of a huge upcoming mod i mean i would love to help out with any mod authors in skyrim if they need voice acting or anything like that i would love to help out and i hopefully do that for free as well just to help the community die oh my god i'm almost dead jesus diana i need your help oh god we're dead we've been destroyed i need to pay more attention from this difficulty hey don't worry coming down again take out the dragon we really need to get our block skill that allows us to die now watch out because here comes the one with the arrows yes we've leveled up again fantastic we're actually going to save that level up because we're such gamers though an amethyst we've doubled our money friends we've doubled our money you have an ancient nordic bow i think that's better than your bow what do you want me to carry my friend what don't i want you to carry the hunting bow oh no that's your stuff i need to give you my stuff actually does the same damage but hey maybe you can just look cool while doing it why is his mouth open like that you lead i'll follow oh you i will you will follow yes okay here we go oh i don't know stop jesus christ you almost died again i'm expecting the worst viandel be careful ah again yes get rekts on right watch out fiona looks like there's danger up ahead should i hit the lantern we kind of want the experience at this point we're almost dead oh no we may need to turn that difficulty so we can easily get through this here we go open this for fiando maybe i'll actually start using healing potions erector ah my god he's in the ground now he's out the ground beautiful absolute masterpiece all right eat these carrots we can carry on going with their aha he can't attack me now or this guy came there where's the lantern there it is hit the lantern i can't reach it fiando help me it's not ending have you acquired blade skill already yes yes yes yes yes yes oh jesus christ that almost killed me i mean we could level up that'll probably help us out a little bit we do need more stamina do i want 10 blocking efficiency i mean blocking arrows will be useful but the investment is too damn high right now i'd rather have another 20 damage um 20 damage is better then we want reduction to block power bash is useful though all right here we go we can do it this time i believe get wrecked son and all killed by a dragon i know right we've got challenge ourselves here we go one down there's another one behind me the sound screwed me up there there we go oh get out the fire that was a lot easier that we lose out on the experience of doing that oh my god no wonder he hit like a truck ancient nord greatsword 19 damage damn oh we're on fire that's not good we're gonna have to eat everything we still almost died my god stores two points of health well thank god we had that with us watch out for the traps fiandle a very dangerous playing the main story yeah that is right my health regen is so slow is it because i'm on we're on expert i don't want depth so we can like make some meaningful progress [Music] all right let's carry on battle brother it's an ancient north get him before he can draw his weapon yes beautiful just absolutely slaughtered in his team i mean i could just wait an hour and then we have full health again that's a lot more effective i don't know why i didn't do that it's like i forgot how to play skyrim we got a banded iron shield an upgrade i think i have a steel oh no i do have a still shield that's actually better keep that then sounds a bit trap like i need this chest an empty chest did i already loot that am i crazy yes i am crazy it's true ooh the handle we approach some dangers be careful be on your on your toes my friend so beautiful this dungeon such a good early dungeon let's see a dragon i will come down on him like a tunnel bricks oh what is going on with the kill cams skyrim is amazing i love it a dead skiva very nice and the draga with his ancient nord warax the river flows downwards what is in this locked chest though oh yes fire arrows i give those to fiando i think it probably killed me if i give them to him that would be extremely effective though i can never use potions give me these mushrooms only mushrooms and and alcoholic beverages that is all we can use oh a defender of the door let us see what he is made of oh god what is wrong with these kill games ancient nordic warhammer a beautiful weapon indeed 42 gold were they we'll carry that for now we find something better bleak falls sanctum what will we find within though i have a midden book of silence installed and some other things that change weapon textures war repair yourself yandle ah well better probably kill him to be honest frost resistance that's gonna be useful later finish it can't see where these other arches are extend back here and we can attack there's another one at the back here i can't see him we're safe fiendl i think we've killed everyone not quite causing any traps either which is very good for us hmm iron door bundle the legend was true we found it fiendl the puzzle whoa the puzzle is in the palm of our hands let's have a look at the key closer inspection to see what the puzzle solution is bear moth owl activate the rings bear moth and owl now one of the reasons the law reasons why these um rings are so easy to open is the concept that they were designed to entomb whatever there was inside so they couldn't get out but us being on the outside should be able to easily access them so they're not really meant to be complicated puzzles in that sense i remember the first time i opened this tomb the handle and now here we are again here we are again in the ancient ruin oh very ancient indeed fiando very beautiful though oh more moths wow would you look at that you look at that fiandle isn't it beautiful an ancient wall of power have a quick look inside this boss chest if there's anything to aid us hunting bow an iron shield there is nothing theander we are screwed we must poison our weapon with frostbite and venom prepare yourself fiando it's going to be a bumpy ride attack the overlord is attacking beyond or save me let us gotta keep staggering him we're out of stamina now it's back off oh fiando does tons of damage even on expert difficulty he's like doesn't care wait why is the combat music still playing you okay bro a dragon stone tablet oh it's a map of skyrim etched onto it ancient north battle acts of chills we're lucky that didn't hit us we are very lucky fiona lucky to be alive brother now i must go and access the secrets of this dungeon behind the waterfall here hidden chest pretty sure it was somewhere around here oh here it is i knew i remembered it may have been a while but it's still here oh an amethyst this is the real lou this is better than the boss chest don't you think fiando better loot over there mate sandra wants to know if you're going to play sky oblivion yeah 100 i'll be playing that as soon as it comes out i don't know when the release date is though good friends with carl so i'm hopefully i'll be able to show you some of it before it's out all right let's uh head up towards the exit david thank you so much for the huge donation what's race skills are you going for this run we're going for a one-handed blocking heavy armored orc a basic warrior some might say we may also dapple in enchanting blacksmithing and other pleasurable activities who knows what you guys want to see oh we're out of the dungeon are we out of the fire oh branded iron armor we're carrying too much fiandle which means i need to drop my old armor let's drop actually 17 damage why am i not using this still sword he does 15. let's drop our five still swords pick up these flowers very pretty and let's exit to the dungeon predicted dave sky oblivion early next year q1 i reckon oh lake ilinata but in a foggy day battle brothers we have emerged victorious from this dungeon my character now looks like a true warrior instead of the naked starting character i was wait what is this potion of pickpocketing never noticed that out here that's interesting now supposedly there's some more fishing spots around this island i do not need to access them also a few iron deposits around here and some mammoth bones skirting the shorelines but we must go back to riften i mean to return the claw get our money back steal the claw back because i need it for my house i'll share with you guys later in the new creation club content their house then you must go to riften i mean white room my cabbages underneath the cards [Music] skype living is really mod fixing now not to steal from luke and valerius the sooner you find the claw the sooner our lives can get back to normal i have it i have the golden claw you found it there it is strange it seems smaller than i remember funny thing huh i'm gonna put this back where it belongs i'll i'll never forget this you've done a great thing for me and my sister [Music] just immediately pick it up again thank you so much for taking care of those steves the riverwood trader is back to the way it used to be what saw do you have what do you have to say let's have a look at that we're friends now so we should also need to be uh um be able to actually oh he's got one thousand gold okay we can sell him all our crap that we don't need including this battle axe of chills targets take five points of frost damage it's not really an enchantment worth learning because um most enemies in skyrim are resistant to frost though it's not really going to help us we will sell all our soul gems dying out these actually have a value of one so i'm going to sell it fishy mac or valkyries will keep that i don't really need it though oh my speech skill has gone up didn't want that to happen but we do need to sell things so it's going to happen uh we'll sell that too we don't need to book on fishing really sell our robes and these pretty soul gems and this potion we'll keep resistance for cold that will come in handy later why not we'll sell the fish and salmon might as well sell that make quite a bit of money here actually this is very good for us here's a skull i mean you really do buy everything don't you sir still sword don't need that either now obviously books always good to pick up and sell oh i keep the paralysis potion because that will get us out of some hairy situations in the future i'm sure it means so much to us what are you doing back where it belongs thank you all right camilla you'd have just said thanks you didn't have to like corner me have a grand sale lower the prices by half maybe get some jugglers we could attract lots of new customers a sale to attract new customers camilla everyone in riverwood already shops here there are no more customers hmm well maybe we could go on some sort of trip take the where's on the road get some new customers dear sister we talked about this sort of thing before we sell dry goods nothing more nothing less i know i know my head's in the clouds again just forget i said anything i'm sure he will camilla i'm sorry to say matthew thanks the donation dude can you tell us your mods uh that i've got a website taser keeps linking it i'll go easy on you but don't get on my bad side jesus christ okay don't mess with this guy he looks like the witches he's like young girl good dog keeps saying good dog to me a bit racist to orcs isn't it okay so we've got to go over here to whiterun come lydia i mean no fiando let's go let us head to whiterun in this misty day we have here skyrim looks beautiful man there's a woof over there we can take out lydia follow me i'll show you how to slaughter this pup i keep talking to lydia but it's not lydia it's this person is silly wood elf get my axe out ready here we go get wrecked oh my god it's beautiful look at that didn't even stand a chance give me your wolf pelts maybe we'll turn it into leather maybe we'll become armorers of skyrim will you be playing skyrim mod if it ever comes out it's my dream since morrowind it was my first elder scrolls game oh yeah i will be playing it but like when are these games gonna come out i don't know i know beyond skyrim is going to have um cyrodiil coming out shortly but what we have is we have a bunch of different mod creators teams working on the same areas but different people are working on it i don't know why they don't just group up you know i guess everyone wants you know their own project and have their own ambitions for it maybe it's quite difficult who's this is this an argonian eh hello there greetings brother you look weary i have something to help you relax if you're interested ah what are you talking about the finest skooma the sweetest moon sugar at a fair price of course are using muscle relax to care no but i think i've got something to like redo some of the hair this doesn't seem legal just give me what you have and we'll both walk away from this intimidate yeah that's not gonna happen never should have come here really okay oh my god drugs are illegal don't do drugs it's absolutely butchered him look at him he's so dead and that is the first scaly boy we meet who has moon sugar weakness to fire fantastic and skooma and oh my god sleeping tree sap as well health increased by 100 points 45 seconds pretty damn good fantastic i will take that weakness to fire all the positive effects from doing moon sugar i love it and here we have white run just as the mist clears in the distance fantastic what's this as a giant attacking the farms of whiterun quickly follow me brother must help out urgently quickly for handle let's help the towns people ah i got the killing blow must have run off you handle yourself well you could make for a decent shield brother a brother with a shield that's exactly me what is shielded brother though an outsider eh never heard of the companions an order of warriors we are brothers and sisters in honor and we show up to solve problems if the coin is good enough sounds like a waste of time well nobody asked you if you think you're better than we are go talk to kodlak white mane see what a warrior of true metal is like all right battle babe maybe i will oh what's up stuck on the spot for a second so you're a companion i think i need to train some more me too me too how about you who are you fight with us and you'll have stories to tell come up to your vasker if you're worth anything in a fight i'm tired of hanging around challenges here challenges maybe we will see what happens you know actually um in one of the creation club mods we were playing uh yesterday we we had a quest that made us go to um the leaky cauldron or whatever it's called in whiterun and we had to look at the schedules to see who had brought some poisons and it said that she'd sold a potion of true shot which improves your archery skill to allay the huntress which i thought was hilarious because she's so bad at archery apparently damn look at white ryan looks heavily fortified now with jk's skyrim mod as you guys can see it's a proper defensive city that's seen many a war and turmoil beautiful beautiful indeed we must warn the y'all of the dragon attack now don't cities close with the dragons about official business only riverwood calls for the yarl's aid stand aside or else what you think you can stand against the entire white run city guard the gate's closed okay well can you please help riverwood riverwood's in danger too you better go on in you'll find the y'all in dragon's reach at the top of the hill let us enter the modern bailey fortress together friends makes whenever i go into whiterun i just want to like watch lord of the rings the making of lord of the rings again i really want to go like one of my dreams just to go to new zealand have a look at the lord of the rings set you know god so cool we'll pay whatever it takes but we must have more swords for the imperial soldiers i just can't fill an order that size on my own why don't you swallow that stubborn pride of yours and ask yourelind greymane for help i'd sooner bend my knee to ulfric stormcloak besides greymane would never make steel for the legion have it your way i'll take the job but don't expect a miracle jay thanks so much the donation been a long time fan hope you have a good day thank you so much man have you met my father he's a steward up at dragon's reach oh really i'd like horse armor no take a look let's see if i quickly sew some crap i don't need so i have a lot of iron arrows that are worth no gold nope i'll take my lead then yeah you take your leaf layer the huntress quickly make some uh some leather leather strips as well and then we'll head up to white's run to dragon's reach see some shipments from the imperial um shipping company look at the market it's not very busy today what time is it 7 p.m oh but it gets the odds of her reading did you sorry let's go and inform him of the dragon attack we are the children of man chalos is the true god of man make sure we have no diseases before we see the alley i spend a lot of time at the market store that's nice you silda but no one cares we didn't care last play for him we don't care this one one of those horrors comes here we'll be ready dude look at like oh my god the lod mods look amazing you can literally see [Music] it looks beautiful man the visual modded or did they upgrade the textures for the new edition so there's not like i've watched a comparison video and i honestly can't tell the difference but like this my version of skyrim is modded so this isn't what the anniversary edition looks like it's a modern play for as well oh jesus don't draw your sword my lord please what's the meaning of this interruption y'all belgraph is not receiving visitors see about that i have news from helgen about the dragon attack well that explains why the guards let you in come on then the y'all will want to speak to you personally [Music] you saw this dragon with your own eyes the dragon destroyed haugen and last i saw it was heading this way by eastmere ireland was right what do you say now prevent us shall we continue to trust in the strength of our walls against the dragon ain't nobody high and mighty send troops to riverwood at once it's in the most danger if that dragon is lurking in the mountains the ural of falcreath will view that as a provocation he'll assume we're preparing to join ulfric's side and attack him we should not i'll not stand idly by while the dragon burns my hold and slaughters my people irileth send a detachment to riverwood at once yes if you'll excuse me i'll return to my duties that would be best well done you sought me out on your own initiative you've done whiterun a service and i won't forget it here take this as a small token of my esteem bill honor there is another thing you could do for me suitable for someone of your particular talents perhaps come let's go find farrengaar my court wizard he's been looking into a matter related to these dragons and rumors of dragons stop chop then let's go take me to your court wizard why'd you look so upset all the time man need to put a smile on your face fahrengar i think i've found someone who can help you with your dragon project go ahead and fill him in with all the details fill me in foreign oh yes he must be referring to my research into the dragons yes i could use someone to fetch something for me well when i say fetch i really mean delve into a dangerous ruin in search of an ancient stone tablet that may or may not actually be there there really should be an option for do you mean this stone tablet but bethesda didn't expect us to go there and already have it just tell me what you need me to do you are eager to begin your adventure excellent the sooner begun the sooner done eh uh learned of a certain stone tablet said to be housed in bleak falls barrow a dragon stone said to contain a map of dragon burial sites go to bleak falls bearer find this tablet no doubt interred in the main chamber and bring it to me simplicity itself simplicity itself oh do you mean this old stone give dragonstone to farron girl so there is an option my bad danny thanks for the huge donation there appreciate that my friend kiba macro thanks to the donation as well hey sorry to creep but left private message for you on facebook thought you might want to know um i literally never check facebook uh my facebook page so the best way to contact me if you need me is on twitter um yeah just pretty much twitter is the only place i already check for notifications and i mean obviously youtube community page sometimes i'll check there too but um those are the best spots and instagram comments too oh do you mean this old stone ah the dragon stone of bleak falls barrow you already found it you are cut from a different cloth than the usual brutes they are foists on me about my reward you're gonna be playing a bit of a dick orc over here you'll have to see the yarl about that maybe his steward avenichi i'm sure one of them will pay you appropriately wait for me oh conveniently the yard's disappeared very convenient hmm don't have it oh you're right aaron off everything okay uh where's the yard gone anyway i think he's gone to bed because it's like 9 p.m now you should come to a dragon how exciting where was it seen what was it doing i'd take this a bit more seriously if i were you if a dragon decides to attack whiterun i don't know if we can stop it let's get a torch out it's quite dark go let's go we're the armor of a mercenary now that's the life oh bless you god of white run so ira left tells me you came from the western watchtower yes my lord tell him what you told me about the dragon no that's right we saw it coming from the south it was fast faster than anything i've ever seen what did it do is it attacking the watchtower no my lord it was just circling overhead when i left i never ran so fast in my life i thought you'd come after me for sure good work son we'll take it from here head down to the barracks for some food and rest you've earned it ireland you'd better gather some guardsmen and get down there i've already ordered my men to mustang in the main gate good don't fail me there's no time to stand on ceremony my friend i need your help again i want you to go with irileth and help her fight this dragon you survived helgen so you have more experience with dragons than anyone else here we're gonna run away from it gotten the service you did for me in retrieving the dragonstone for faring as a token of my esteem i have instructed avanichi that you are now permitted to purchase property in the city fantastic accept this gift from my personal armory help ireland kill this dragon before it can attack white no i can't afford to risk both of you i need you here working on ways to defend the city against these dragons as you command one last thing ireland this isn't a death or glory mission i need to know what we're dealing with she mad don't worry my lord i am the very soul of caution i'll see you at the watchtower as soon as the rest of the men have gathered very well i'm going to go to the local and have us a quick nap before we head over um also he's given us a few things here he gave us branded armor of minor illusion 12 percent less to cast illusion spells bro brian thanks for the donation my friend uh are you getting skyrim board game danny ray ray thanks for another donation i remember you from yesterday dude uh i i am going to be getting the skyrim ball game yeah i'm actually really excited to like sit down and play with some friends i also might be jumping on another live stream with the creators uh on on their twitch channel or something so uh stay tuned for that as well i'll let you all know on twitter about that we know for this it's got 35 armor much more effective um and then i envy you the chance to see this dragon up close well i'm not sure if i envy you my friend anyway we're gonna go and find somewhere to sleep now in the inn and then oh look at this i don't know what's going on with the banners i think they've got like their own bloom from the enb and they've become a light source this banner is fine that banner's not maybe it's just the way they're being illuminated i don't know a blessing of talos reduces our shout cooldown as well so it's pretty good to have up all the time even though we don't know shouts yet so we will know them at the end of this episode i'm sure but let's go over to the end if you want to get uh the well-rested bonus whenever you sleep in an inn you get another 10 experience boost take a seat and get the cold out i enjoy this work well enough but i'm ready to retire sure thing it's yours for a day all right we got our room rented right there's a lot of battle brothers in here isn't that good jake thanks for another donation the daedric crossbow looks amazingly good do you agree oh i love the crossbars dude and yeah like dangerous crossbow is like the best one so definitely agree with that all right let's are you getting into my bed i didn't realize there's anything else you need i didn't realize it was that kind of service okay what can i get you would you have for sale you actually have anything that i can sell to you you've got a hundred i can sell her drugs give me this is worth 32 gold i'm keeping that schoomer i'll sleep next to you don't worry uh nine hours of rest that's what we need is it any better than the anniversary edition what do you mean like you've got some mugs need scrubbing the mugs need scrubbing some scrubbing of mugs i want this huh all right let's par torch away and head out towards this dragon i didn't mind that i just had like a nine hour nap before battling a dragon mister could you spare a coin you think i'm rich woman and i have enough money to rub together let alone spare one for a silly child now of course i cannot spare a coin you fool actually before we go quickly sell our stuff to uh i don't claim to be the looking to protect yourself or deal some damage deal some damage i don't need the branded armor anymore so we'll sell this also the one of illusions worth 180 gold very good and that's it actually blades helmets pretty much anything not forget don't forget to check inside the shop if you need it i will never go inside your shop ever jake stop donating very thank you so much another 10 canadian dollars thank you look at the outside of this fortress it looks awesome with the mods that i can even see all the way up to dragon's reach's watchtower up there all right so we need to go and join the other troops at the watchtower which is over there down here maybe i can sell the skooma to the khajiits oh the caravan isn't here right now oh that's not good that's his nickels nine who are you going to marry in skyrim i don't know i'll let the chat decide we'll do a vote on it in the community poll we're playing an orc so i mean you know vegas can't be choosers apparently this is the meeting spot and i can see everyone's here and everything's on fire perfect hello battle brothers signs of any dragon right now but it sure looks like he's been here i know it looks bad but we've got to figure out what happened and if that dragon is still skulking around somewhere spread out and look for survivors we need to know what we're dealing with well it looks like we're dealing with an apocalyptic mess to be honest with you everything's on fire not looking good hey fine last five appreciate it dude thanks so much for the support man well i think it's safe here laughs what do you think be careful we need to find out what happened here let's ask the guard no get back it's still here somewhere rocky and todd just got grabbed when they tried to make a run for it guardsmen what happened here where's this dragon quickly now i don't know he did not save us here he comes again you're not much help oh my god there it is arrow count oh god we are dead we are definitely dead repair yourself what a beautiful marvelous says indeed all right we're gonna have to bait out some guards here then hopefully we can attack it oh jesus okay i'm stuck some reason let's quickly save the game where is he going land somewhere dragon oh you're trying to speak to us oh my god irrelevant is a mage using spells using wizardry oh god oh god this is not good that's a lot of damage i need the dragon to land one of the issues of not knowing the rend dragons shouts hi hi friends we need him to land is it modern yes my god mirror there he goes here he's landing now and battle him in single combat oh my goodness who's that some just random npc's oh no he baited me who are these guys helping they're like just some caravans traveling merchants i see so far i've not hit the dragon but i'm excited too we need throwing weapons mods land you silly beast i'm going to face me modern air oh my god that kishi is dead what's up i'm gonna put on the iron plate armor look at that a unit now i am ready for battle land you fool come fight me i'll wait until they put him at half health i'm not using a bow because i don't want a level archery oh my god that guard is so dead oh yeah he's dead damn i don't want to go anywhere near that pretty cool to watch though no lag today no i've solved it oh hanon what an awesome name thanks the donation i'm really just enjoying the picturesque dragon flying around skyrim to be honest so it's almost at the health where it crash lands which needed to crash land somewhere oh come on none of that none of the guards can hit it though they're all too weak oh he's still attacking his kg my god why won't he land i'm actually gonna have to give you some arrows in a second i have no abilities to make him land yet this isn't vanilla we're using a lot of graphics mods here we go let's save the game now oh my god i'm riding it okay we'll use a reload i need to save the shield bash when he breathes fire so we can interrupt it otherwise we're dead oh my god like that and again and we're going to need some health potions here otherwise we are definitely dead let's also use some poisons actually got no stamina left thank goodness get wrecked son miranda is dead but we take his dragon bones and scales he's got the white run guard helmet and armor oh that's funny we're going to take that sellout oh have absorbed its soul use the shout section of the magic menu to equip your unrelenting shout i will i will do just that did you see what i did are you impressed guards of white run i can't believe it you're dragonborn what do you mean dragonborn in the very oldest tales back from when there were still dragons in skyrim the dragonborn would slay dragons and steal their power that's what you did isn't it absorb the dragon's power you need to know an awful lot for a basic white run guard who used to be an adventurer i think you may be right though there's only one way to find out try to shout according to the old legends only the dragonborn can shout without training the way the dragons do what are you talking about that's right my grandfather used to tell stories about the dragonborn those born with the dragon blood in them like old tiber septim himself i've never heard of tiber septim killing any dragons there weren't any dragons then idiot they're just coming back now for the first time in forever but the old tales tell of the dragonborn who could kill dragons and steal their power you must be one who you say you're being awfully quiet come on here leth tell us do you believe in this dragonborn business some of you would be better off keeping quiet than flapping your gums on matters you don't know anything about here's a dead dragon and that's something i definitely understand now we know we can kill them but i don't need some mythical dragonborn someone who can put down a dragon is more than enough for me you wouldn't understand house car you ain't a norm across tamriel i've seen plenty of things just as outlandish as this i'd advise you all to trust in the strength of your sword on over tales and legends if you really are dragonborn like out of the old tales you ought to be able to shout can you have you tried just that's a shell must be like the greybeards on their mount dragonborn are you impressed with my thumb that was the hairiest fight i've ever been in and i've been in more than a few i don't know about this dragonborn business but i'm sure glad you're with us you better get back to white one right away y'all margaret will want to know what happened here let's go back to white's run we've also leveled up oh we cannot fast travel to the uh the dragon keep yeah sorry about the lag just there guys i don't let my my gpu went up to a hundred percent uh which caused the frame drops i don't did it last very long or was it just like a few seconds let me know go back to whiterun all we asked the core of the gray beards dropped his wood look he was so petrified at the general good store treat yourself and your kin to a choice cut of steak careful with that do you get to the cloud district very often oh what am i saying of course you don't our day we've just been can't believe it [Music] all right let's go head back to the keep it was a few seconds not too bad okay there's like a there's a few spots where like the graphical overload and grass textures i think are a little bit too much we just need to be careful of those spots really i need to i need to buy another computer to stream from good you're finally here the y'all's been waiting for you you heard the summons what else could it mean the grey beards we were just talking about you my brother needs a word with you so what happened at the watchtower was the dragon there the watchtower was destroyed but we killed the dragon i killed the dragon i think i deserve a reward there's no question about that it was a mighty deed you've earned a place of honor among the heroes of whiterun but there must be more to it than that it's something strange happen when the dragon died turns out i may be something called a dragonborn and the dragon died i absorbed some kind of power from it so it's true the grey beards really were summoning you the gray birds masters of the way of the voice they live in seclusion high on the slopes of the throat of the world what are the gray bears on with me the dragonborn is said to be uniquely gifted in the voice the ability to focus your vital essence into a thumb or shout if you really are dragonborn they can teach you how to use your gift didn't you hear the thundering sound as you returned to whiterun that was the voice of the greybeards summoning you to high rothka this hasn't happened in centuries at least not since tiber septim himself was summoned when he was still talos of atmora rungar calm yourself what does any of this nord nonsense have to do with our friend here capable as he may be i don't see any signs of him being this what dragonborn nor nonsense why you puffed up ignorant these are our sacred traditions that go back to the founding of the first empire prangar don't be so hard on avenichi i meant no disrespect of course it's just that what do these greybeards want with him that's the greybeard's business not ours whatever happened when you killed that dragon it revealed something in you and the grey beards heard it if they think you're dragonborn who are we to argue you'd better get up to high hrothgar immediately there is no refusing the summons of the greybeards it's a tremendous honor i envy you you know to climb the seven thousand steps again i made the pilgrimage once did you know that hi hrothgar i know that peaceful place very disconnected from the troubles of this world i wonder that the grey beards even notice what's going on down here they haven't seemed to care before no matter go to high hrothgar learn what the beards can teach you you've done a great service for me in my city dragonball by my right is yarl i name you thane of whiterun it's the greatest honor that's within my power to ground i assign you lydia as a personal house carl and this weapon from my armory to serve as your badge of office you'll also notify my guards of your new title wouldn't want them to think you're part of the common rabble now would we we are honored to have you as dane of our city dragonborn back to business preventives we still have a city to defend yes how exciting we've leveled up and we've got a new weapon the axe of white run ah it's a two-handed axe though where is it actually what's up oh no it's two-handed damn it take five points of shock damage and half as much magicka damage very useful to us not very useful at all there's been talk amongst the gods that you are dragonborn but such a thing surely that's not possible but my friend it is it is possible the yarl has appointed me to be your house carl that's a nice story we won't be having you on this play for you see you again jesus christ stop following me okay i'll let the chat decide should we take lydia to highthrothgar oh maybe not or should we take fiando beside now battle brothers and then we will make our way to high throthgar i'm contemplating fast traveling to riften and then walking walking to i've said lydia lydia lilly olivia okay okay fine we'll have lydia take her with us i've got your back all right what is it still need me to do something no no no i need to trade your things key to your house give me that interesting i'll head back home if you need me yeah you do that idiot come back i was only joking follow me lead the way yes lydia come lydia will carry all you get out of the way olivia did you carry been too long since we've had a good bandit raid why would you even wish that upon your own city a little bit worrying okay so would you guys next choice would you guys like to walk to riften um get the crowd rifter and then walk to iverstead just for like a bit of mixing it up or should we walk from here to either step i can't afford it it took me weeks to find that i can't stop now and i can't get the sword on my own so you're willing to starve your wife and daughter to reclaim some rusty old sword i just need to hire one maybe two good men rip rip or you could walk i work with my mother to sell fruits and vegetables we will get all the photos don't worry we won't just have lydia for this one you there we're looking for someone in whiterun and we'll pay good money for information if you locate her find us in rorickstead locate too okay we'll go rift and then we'll walk over there i have a stead just to mix it up look at that mountain range damn son very pretty all right we have money's kind of carriage now so we should be able to go on our way i can take you to any of the old capitals i'll hire you to take me to riften climbing back and we'll be off very well if you've never been to riften be sure to visit the blackbriar meadery a few mugs of that and you'll forget all about the long trip maybe i'll do just that i prefer vanilla lydia well every man for himself i guess here we are in the town of rifton discovered the stables fantastic hold there before i let you into riften you need to pay the visitor stacks attacks for the privilege of entering the city what does it matter i don't know if i buy this probably a thief i kill thieves i think you'd be a little smarter than that hmm try and persuade him then keep your voice down you want everyone to hear you i'll let you in just let me unlock the gate nice one brother i have no intention of going into rifton right now it's unlocked you can head inside when you're ready however we will now head over to iverstev which is all the way down the river here let us head over my friends skyrim is like another home i love the rift it's such a beautiful area man look at this beautiful countryside it's truly a masterpiece how long will you play probably a while longer at least want to get to the graybeard to get the horn of jurgen wind caller and everything else i like some rift guards what are you guys doing out here in the middle of nowhere have summoned the dragonborn to high rothka such a thing has not happened for hundreds of years it's me i am the great the dragonborn sun seems to be setting we must make headway quickly friends i'm lydia along this rather treacherous road i recall damn baron looks good iron plates helmet uh no no this is the standard iron helmet we were wearing an iron plate helmet earlier though nightbot is a mod for the flat earth channel i mean that is the biggest rip ever isn't it jesus please be careful around here olivia there's a band it's about hopefully that allows past the stronghold without attacking us needs to be heavily fortified oh jesus now lydia you may have company oh okay watch out lily behind you why'd you lydia lydia lydia there's a dog on your back i will save you from the pit wolf oh an amethyst thanks bandit appreciate that how many hours do you have in the game i don't even know anymore dude must be oh god it must be over a thousand though die give me those wolf pelts i'm collecting them oh and a silver ring seems my orcish luck is paying off there's another wolf up here oh kick him right in the right damn why is this grass floating that's not very good is it well there's a mill over here but my objective lies beyond the bill and its giant lens flare i've had serrano with the ring of undress foe most of dawnguard the ring of undress they know what that is not familiar with such activities this forest is very luscious oh a deer up ahead follow me lydia must head over to iverstead we're not too far away now are you playing a survival mode no astounder just takes days to regenerate we'll follow the path now until we get to iverstead shouldn't be too far away come lydia is it sharp enough there i'm getting out of here huh hey who are you all right hand over your valuables or i'll gut you like a fish are you sure about that walk away right now nice try but you don't scare me i'm not gonna ask again that's a pity i'd rather die than give you my valuables where's lydia when you need her oh get wrecked now i have all of your valuables how about that torturous hood bit moronic thanks lydia for the arrow to the back there you take your time appearing though oh jesus wolf pick him up slash his throat get wrecked son right we need to head over here around yet another fort of bandits very dangerous place this lily try and avoid the bandits the river edge here or am i on the map just over here the pass around this meandering river and we'll be at either stead lydia how exciting oh my god a fox i'm too slow lydia [Music] die wait off enters swimming animation fantastic all right we should be out of harm's way now you're going to make me want to play oh a treacherous area to be my friend you know i was actually following wes johnson who's the voice actor behind cher goreth and many other characters in the old schools oblivion and skyrim and um he actually on the night anniversary edition came out was up until like literally all night playing the game and i was like dude you're such a legend man he's actually like compared to all the other voice actors he's such a fan of the games like he still plays them constantly he just absolutely loves it i didn't um not interview the voice actors from me but he did an interview with bethesda and the chat was asking him some questions and stuff it was really cool it's on the members area if you go on the channel uh you can re-watch the live stream very cool you like showed up in full cosplay what a guy man and see ivor stead at the foot of high throthgar nice to approach it from this side just before the sun sets over riften continue onwards or what's that i thought it was a fishing spot but it's not [Music] now this is modded yeah and for a nice evening swim towards ivorstead let's go and pet this moose hello moose look at him trying to escape me oh my god it's pretty quick actually and moves like i don't know it seemed like how a moose would move though evening is rapidly approaching we need to buy a room of the local inn before we journey up high throthgar itself i mean look at this place gonna be a treacherous journey i'll need lydia to be prepared for the walk what is going on with my character keep also entering sprint which is a bit odd here we are in ivorstead now let's go to the local inn and have a sleep before we carry on as you can see i've said in this edition of the game is heavily fortified by the gods it's true isn't it a dragon has attacked whiterun how could mere men bring down such a beast it had me the dragonborn no mere men was able to defeat it until i came all right let's head on inside oh skyrim is this new yes if there's anything i can get you just let me know i need a room sure thing it's yours for a day i'll show you to your room right this way is it this one these damn bears are driving me crazy okay i don't want to sleep in this one oh it's this one okay thank god let me know if there's anything else you need uh well a door would be nice the door would be great in fact get your theming hands off that whoops oh well i'm gonna go to sleep now ah damn it ah dammit we're gonna load the autosave oh no it's at the end why is there a print screen of that one welcome to the villain if there's anything i can get literally detected me at the last second take a look what do you have for sale anyway i can just sell you drugs a bit i'll show you to your room yep show me where it is um all right let's go and sleep for 13 hours did i miss something funny maybe damn maybe my computer is just scuffed and you sell the things there now what do you mean at the end you're always good this way if you pass through again let me know if there's anything else you need pretty suss isn't lydia pretty suspicious it is absolutely necessary for you to bother me right now got him fingers what stay out of the university upgrade it's only twenty dollars for the upgrade how did you know here for work get an axe and bring me all the wood you can chop bit rude i know i'm playing an orc but i think that's very nice to settle down to have children think twice before you do it lol everything all right everything is fine god heading up the steps to highthrothgar on your way up the 7 000 steps again not today i'm just not ready to make the climb to high hrothgar the path isn't safe aren't the greybeards expecting some supplies honestly i'm not certain i've yet to be allowed into the monastery perhaps one day i wish i could make my deliveries more often but the roads getting dangerous sounds like you need some help brother on your way to high hrothgar about to make a delivery up there myself you just said that you weren't going mostly food supplies like dried fish and salted meats you know things that keep fresh for a long time the graybeards tend not to get out much if you catch my meaning and in return what do you get well it's kind of an understanding between us i mean it just wouldn't feel right to charge them for a bit of preserved food you have to walk all the way out there my legs aren't what they used to be and climbing the 7 000 steps takes its toll thanks for becoming a member and joining the battle brothers freewife3 appreciate the support i can do it for you sorry i can't help you really well that would be kind of you here take this bag of supplies at the top of the steps you'll see the offering chest just leave the bag inside and you're done anything else you can tell me about high throthgar nah be careful up there i will be very careful and i like your beard to battle brother come lydia i've got your back are you ready you're not ready okay let's do it you must get the secret power my friends by reading all of these tombstones of law you unlock a secret power once you reach the top you cannot miss any of the tomes emblem one before the birth of men the dragons ruled all of mundus their word was the voice and they spoke only for true needs the voice could blot out the sky and flood the land yes now you have access to emotes like the adoring fan and me with laser beam eyes i have a uh load order video and an installation video on our website if you're interested in your game it'll actually look better than this though because this is actually on oh my god it's a skaver look at that disgusting creature the rip off it's look how happy it is why is it so happy very happy lydia or about this i'm living you must venture to the top this dungeon i'm saving the level up um you'll understand why until soon enough there's two goats up here seem to be watching me climb two infamous mountain goats and use their leather to actually smith so erect son a leg of a goat i'll take your legs goat come here die he's too fast ah got him he's dead now olivia we should also actually magic shouts favorite unrelenting force so we have it equipped for bottle brothers good interrupt you know [Music] is your model is compatible with anniversary edition well this the version i'm running right now is completely compatible some things like sounds of skyrim currently crash the game though so you know you kind of have to learn for yourself what doesn't doesn't work everything will probably be updated though in a massive matter of months so yeah it it'll work at some point i recommend installing like five mods at a time and then going from there get rekts on throw it off the mountain side like some kind of neanderthal are you ready off you go all right look at that woofer off he goes a fair way from the top lady we need to get a move on i mean you were 7 000 steps actually like 700 and something steps but still someone has counted them yes ah one-handed skill increased you would know about that wouldn't you lydia huh you missed a stone no you're right i have actually missed a stone i was too busy talking getting distracted it goes down here isn't it yeah here it is where is it i think it was actually quite a way down our first stone was at the corner oh it's just here it's on the corner off the meandering road behind the grass emblem 2 men were born and spread over the face of mundus the dragons presided over the crawling masses men were weak then and had no voice but how did things change lydia do you know the nordic law anyone know why i'm getting a black screen after loading the save file uh a lot of people have been struggling with that probably because of the mods and your so far is being corrupted this is the update there are mods that reverse the update by the way which should then probably allow you to access your save file it might be worth you starting a new game for skyrim anniversary edition that's the wolf we killed brew off the side of the mountain there's a steep staircase lydia i'm almost out of breath one thing i wish anniversary edition had was all the like like i thought transformations other than the werewolf i mean that would be awesome we could all wish for that wherebears transforming into where there would be very cool there's an offering bowl here and emblem 3 the fledging spirits of men were strong in the old times unafraid to war with dragons and their voices but the dragons only shouted them down and broke their hearts come lydia must carry on i hear an enemy approaching very nice viewed up here nice journey to the top of high fluff car do it on the daily mate where is the next tablet it's just over the rise here well i think mods are the reason a lot of people have been playing the game for 10 years but yeah who is this mysterious lady hmm what are you doing up here keep an eye out for wolves if you're headed up the path to high rothkar karita did you hear the grey bits called doverkin i was just outside iverstead when it happened it's an exciting moment nothing like this has happened in centuries it looks like someone of noble birthright because the crown who are you just a pilgrim i'd prefer to leave it at that if you don't mind now i'm even more intrigued what are you doing up here walking the steps meditating on the emblems i make this trip every few years who pitied man together they taught men to use the voice and the dragon war raged dragons against tongue and thus it began you fix the lag yes it's it's pretty much fixed look at that view man beautiful a hell of a forest down there even see lake illanata and helgens just behind those mountain ranges where we started we can actually see bleatful bearers just there i love that the world of skyrim is so connected you know elsa's secret daughter hmm doing this vr i did it in vr a few uh i think like a month ago actually did a vr play for you on stream oh oh lydia lydia you're under attack it needs a poison just tell yourself lydia there's a fearsome beast watch out lydia here it comes yeah we got the poison ticking need to be careful we don't want to hit us those power attacks it is probably gonna die now we're not careful to bait him out power attack oh we risked it and it didn't pay off okay one more is going to kill me so we might actually just need to eat some food here i've only got mead i have the stamina regeneration and the goat legs and you know what and then the moon sugar is not going to help us i might have to drink a health potion here we go for a potion of paralysis that will allow me to survive another attack hey watch out help me out lydia man jesus come on bait attack oh god come on lydia yes your exxon defeated the fearsome floss troll hey jeff thank you so much the donation i love you appreciate the support dude why is there an unpickable apple iron arrow lydia is this witchcraft you lead i will lead you will follow come let's read this other etched tablet i could have leveled up yeah that's what i was actually saving it for as well that's so true dude let's read this edge tablet man prevailed shouting our doing out of the world proving for all that their voice was too strong although their sacrifice were many fold we actually get to see a reincarnation of that very moment where they use the elder scroll and the voice the shout alduin from the world creating a time wind on the throat of the world we learn more about in the main story look at this beautiful man you can see bleak full barrows actually we walk up to the edge here on the right behind those trees would be white run lake illinator down there on the left yeah let's carry on damn it's a nice view be over everything and here is the next dragon stone tablet let's have a read of the other law danny you rock and have loved the skyrim journey with you thank you so much with roaring tons the sky children conquer founding the first empire with sword and voice whilst the dragons withdrew from this world and from that moment on they had not been seen again for many manelia just off the edge here and see the white watchtower hopefully up here we can see white run just around the cliff edge must carry on ladies come the tongues at red mountain went away humbled jurgen windcaller began his seven-year meditation to understand how strong voices could fail indeed an important lesson make sure to read all 10 stone tablets yes otherwise you won't get the secret power so many memories with lydia saw her get punted by a giant or she was dead he showed up two hours later and i killed her by accident sounds about right jurgen winkler chose silence and returned the seventeen disputants could not shout him down jurgen the calm built his home on the throat of the world where we walk up to now the throat of the world fact on this clear day you actually see white rum down there very beautiful indeed in the distance amazing view can you see the sea of ghosts what lies beyond though lydia we do not know seems like a snowstorm is raging around us now i'm lydia you're falling behind what a view we're at the top lydia we have reached the top of the seven thousand steps discovered high throthgar the final etched tablet the voice is worship follow the inner path speak only in true need watch lydia you weren't paying attention now if we have read all of the tablets you'll unlock a secret power which we haven't got active effects should be here well rest of the warrior stone blessing of talos no necklace of wording did we miss one of the stones then so basically the stone power if you read all of them you unlock a secret power that basically makes all of the wild enemies in the game not attack you for the duration happy 10th birthday skyrim thanks jonathan for the donation anonymous thank you for another donation there is a new chest in embershard mine anyone know what that's about my go-to early dungeon i know it's like the back of my hand it could be a creation club um quest that is added there as a reward so we actually need to drop the food in here for the uh there we go gimmick supplies and that completes the quest i'll probably never remember to return it but we'll go and speak to the the gray birds now three thousand two hundred people watching thank you so much for joining friends yeah torture as well because it's not why do you see anything mate oh dark in here i'm here battle brother a dragonborn appears at this moment in the turning of the age indeed i'm answering your summons we will see if you truly have the gift show us dragonborn let us taste of your voice let us taste listen closely aranga for i shall only say this once shout at us and let us taste of your voice dragon ball it is you welcome to high hrothgar i am master angie i speak for the greybeards now tell me dragonborn why have you come here why is aaron this dude standing in front of you dan thanks for becoming a member for two months two months of support thank you so much dude who are you and what is this place i am answering your son's master no i want to find out what it means to become dragonborn we are here to guide you in that pursuit just as the greybeards have sought to guide those of the dragon blood that came before you you mean i'm not the only dragon you are not the first there have been many of the dragon blood since akatosh first bestowed that gift upon mortal kind whether you are the only dragonborn of this age that is not ours to know you are the only one that has pointless thus far that is all i can say i'm ready to learn you have shown that you are dragonborn you have the inborn gift but do you have the discipline and temperament to follow the path laid out for you [Music] that remains to be seen indeed without training you have already taken the first steps towards projecting your voice into a thumb a shout now let us see if you are willing and able to learn when you shout you speak in the language of dragons thus your dragon blood gives you an inborn ability to learn words of power all shouts are made up of three words of power as you master each word your shout will become progressively stronger master einarth will now teach you row the second word in unrelenting force throw means balance in the dragon tongue combine it with foose force to focus your thumb more sharply oh magic james shepherd a member for 19 months my goodness james thank you so much dude i hope you're enjoying the let's play content on the membership as well let's learn this the but raw a word of power is only the first step you've got to thrust its meaning through constant practice in order to use it in a shout well that is how the rest of us learn shouts as dragonborn you can absorb a slain dragon's life force and knowledge directly as part of your initiation master einarth will allow you to tap into his understanding of rome he's giving me his power wave gaming thanks to the donation been following your channel since i started playing sakura and so far your guides and videos have really helped me out thank you okay i'm ready battle brothers the mod list is linked down below by the way my friend shout out to strike the targets as they appear watch this ah poor lydia summoned me more boys to kill i am ready battle brother well done again [Music] okay bro you ready to do some more let's do it you learn quickly once more once more no changes to the story now impressive your thumb is precise you show great promise dragon ball we will perform your next trial in the courtyard follow master boy which one are you with master bori okay this one you all look the same with these robes on i've been downloading the update for three hours i hate my internet speed oh my goodness i've experienced that dude for sure i know how you feel that one percent chance paying off mate beautiful day outside let's save the game for it bugs out again show me the true power off the gray beard's body we will now see how you learn a completely new shot master body will teach you world which means whirlwind idiot don't step on her that's very disrespectful you must hear the word within yourself before you can project it into a thing oh yes absorbing that now we will see how quickly all right let's get the whirlwind sprint shot ready then it will be your turn come on wolfgaster now it's your turn stand next to me master boy will open the gate use your whirlwind sprint to pass through before it closes i am ready open the gate lydia's trying to join in speak to aaron gar for further training your quick mastery of a new thumb is astonishing easy i'd heard the stories of the abilities of dragonborn but to see it from myself i thought it was easy for everyone all right mate what's next you are now ready for your last trial easy retrieve the horn of jurgen winkler our founder from his tomb in the ancient fame of ustengrav remain true to the way of the voice that you will return very well your training proceeds well dragonball there are only four of you there five our leader partenax lives alone on the peak of the throat of the world when your voice can open the path you will know you are ready to speak to him oh magic who is this parthenox character as i said you will know you are ready when your voice can open the path to him hmm sounds very sus to me why are shouts in the dragon language dragons have always been able to shout language is intrinsic to their very being there is no difference in the dragon tongue between debating and fighting shouting comes as naturally to a dragon as breathing or speaking in mythic times when mortal kind was in great need the goddess kynareth granted us the ability to speak as dragons do for most people long years of training are required to learn even the simplest shout but for you the dragon speech is in your blood and you learn it almost without effort it is without effort i've not tried at all why don't the dragons why are the dragons returning does that have something to do with me no doubt the appearance of a dragonborn at this time is not an accident your destiny is surely bound up with the return of the dragons you should focus on honing your voice and soon your path will be made clear very well i will continue my toronto training good then you will be ready for whatever lies ahead who is jurgen windcaller and why do i need to fetch this horn for you he was a great war leader of the ancient nords a master of the voice or tongue after the disaster at red mountain where the nord army was annihilated he spent many years pondering the meaning of that terrible defeat he finally came to realize that the gods had punished the nords for their arrogant and blasphemous misuse of the voice he was the first to understand that the voice should be used solely for the glory and worship of the gods not the glory of men jurgen windcaller's mastery of the voice eventually overcame all opposition and the way of the voice was born that's why they don't like um ulfric stormcloak because he uses the voice to maintain power and overthrow the high king of skyrim what is the way of the voice the voice was a gift of the goddess kynareth at the dawn of time she gave mortals the ability to speak as dragons do although this gift has often been misused the only true use of the voice is for the worship and glory of the gods true mastery of the voice can only be achieved when your inner spirit is in harmony with your outward actions in the contemplation of the sky kynareth's domain and the practice of the voice we strive to achieve this balance odin thank you so much for the donation and i agree your name is awesome odin how could it not be a good name but i don't follow your philosophy why help me learn the voice i'll try and follow the way of the voice that is commendable but remember the dragon blood is itself a gift of akatosh do not try to deny that gift it's basically saying use your powers to use your voice why else would akatosh have bestowed this power upon you if you remember to use your voice in service to the purpose of akatosh you will remain true to the way very very cool skye got you right lilia we need to go on another adventure we must go to this mysterious barrow over here on the map the north of morthal so i think what we'll do is we'll go back to whiterun we'll get the carriage from here the mortal i don't know how accurate is dragonborn but i love the funny little aspects like my muzzle disappearing in the nightingale yeah i know it's funny right same with your ears and helmets all right let's go and find the carriage man are you the carriage man can you take me to the mall foul where do you want to go the more foul brother 50 gold you scammer climbing back and we'll be off yeah i bet we will look at the sky man video forever beautiful i can't wait here for let me step in the black of the bloody car if we have a go at me yeah it's good weather actually i agree with you now take me to morthal give me some law no no law for us kinaraf slash kind what's that we've got we've got some storyline the villagers at arms we've got their pitchforks and torches out how are we supposed to feel safe in our own homes please enough already i have told igrid of your concerns shall look after you all please go about your business we have no need for wizards in our midst morthol has enough problems as it is ah it's no use let's get back to it then 10 out of 10 villager raid yeah we've got about like 20 mods on the go right now from the micro mod list link below i'm going to wait until like 6 a.m i think this is a nah 7 a.m the nordic time to explore isn't it lydia yes still here yes you are you're always here okay let's head over to the barry across the treacherous what is it all so crude i'm lydia they're going on an adventure an adventure watch out olivia there's spiders in this area of the woods oh actually this is one of the housing mods that elianora made i believe um it is one of the original creation club items though believe it's actually marked on the map my watch yeah that's it i think i already did a video about it i don't remember probably you guys let me know did they actually patch anything no of course not they added bugs though which is interesting oh there's a deer up ahead lots of dead trees camel georges now welcome to the youtube membership thank you for becoming a member and thanks for supporting the channel the modern community are the real mvps 100 agree with you and it's good to hear that bethesda are hiring some of those mod creators as permanent members of the bethesda team i think that is oh watch out lydia the cree oh my god it's a mud crab lydia dear look out olivia whoa jesus christ lily you've taken it out got some crab meat some mud crab legs we can eat those raw later how about that lydia why did i unequip my uh steel shield not very good all right let's save the game here because i think there are some bandits of foot lydia careful watch out lydia we need to take on these mages going around i'll get the necromancer oh my god you killed your own person what how did they die how did did i have my weapon poison i don't even understand how lydia killed them so fast necromancer robes fantastic uh where's the other body here it is iron mason ale right on lydia you battle sister right so these guys are clearly trying to loot this nordic tomb here i wonder if they've made our lives any easier it seems like one of the bandits is dead though very interesting iron warhammer lockpicks and a soul gem another dead bandits what these bandits doing out here digging something it seems they were conjured ah you're right so when i killed the mage they all died you're carrying too much to run that's not a good way of starting out in a dungeon is it friends pretty worth keeping that resell some of this stuff there there's a lot of necromancers up ahead lydia i hope you're ready follow me lilia these thralls of yours are slower than arkonians in a blizzard feel free to grab a pig and help them out i prefer not to sully myself with manual labor attack lydia get the cundras oh god you missed us hold on lydia we've taken them out oh there's actually a pickaxe here as well which we may need we need some more torches though strip all these people butt naked don free doom there is how i say your name thank you so much for the huge donation there love your content bro are you going to do any more vr skyrim soon i probably will i don't know if i'll i'll like sort another computer out for the setup um it does it takes a lot of setting up to do the vr skyrim oh my god there's like some tombs here saluted that am i um so i don't know when i'll do it but i do want to like carry on the play for at some point we've got the pickaxe i don't think i need two pickaxes though and you might as well drop these wolf pelts a lot of things we don't really need to be holding on to right now like the dragon bone for example we should have really sold that shouldn't we lydia all right let's go into the dungeon further then and dead necromancers not looking good lydia sounds like there's a battle going on ahead i'm gonna start dropping things we definitely don't need keep the necromancer robes there because they're enchanted they're worth a lot more money and therefore are worth taking with us oh we need our still shield though there we go don't worry i'll help you drag her oh my god there's a lot of them here jesus oh my god hold on olivia are interrupted lydia oh no i missed thank it for me lydia there we go we've taken them down fantastic work they have nothing on them though how about this necromancer here's some black robes which we'll obviously take and some small antlers oak flesh a good spell very useful oh black brian mead very good right it seems like we're very deep into this dungeon now what is this mysterious looking entrance way here lydia hmm that was a chest and health potion need to find a way forward though i ruined the book not gonna help as much anus roots looks like they're brewing some poisons in here oh out of the way lydia please please lydia aha seems like we're going to be walking into a tomb lydia take care oh god we've got double teams god damn it i can't get him fast enough i'm gonna have to heal up here before we die no thank god oh my god we've just survived lydia the ancient restless drag the formidable foe say the least onwards and upwards we go there wait here for an hour to regen our health effective oh what's this potion of lock picking that's going to come in handy because we suck at lock picking guaranteed seems like we killed everyone lydia continue onwards see what we can find a gold person would see into the depths of unstoppable what will we find beyond there the time will tell yeah for lydia there's a few undead down here finish up [Music] i see a lot of undead down there lydia you could take a shortcut down here and just drop off the edge i think the fool could kill me maybe we'll go the proper way oh it's a trap luckily you've walked straight through the trap though attack lydia oh god there's another one coming up the stairs lydia i'll flank him oh it's you interesting you baited me hard oh damn it got no stamina stop his magical attacks now oh god gotta break contact need some more stamina there we go we're good maybe it's faded fantastic work lydia you're a machine there's some wheat here which i can use for a health potion also some cheese i can eat grilled leeks pretty much useless food but still i'll take it all what's in this room here central treasure health potions waiting an hour is the best way to heal yourself out of combat though right onwards and upwards lydia you need to come through that way actually it is modern jess this is not how skyrim anniversary edition looks like in terms of how good it looks like which way is it is it this way out then i was going the right way lydia disgusting is skyrim on 4k on ps5 i don't know actually didn't tell you my friends oh oh lydia we're being attacked where's the other one behind you lydia apparently she doesn't care about yes get wrecked clyde young thanks for the donation unmod and ban later teaser why been a mod for many a year what's he doing to tricky thanks james seems like we found a way down to our undead companions here and save the game again if we can take them down i want to run off of the archers ideally one down i once said the skeleton killed itself on the fire interesting erect son people have love-hate relationship with taser lesson oh i hear something get wrecked oh there's a hidden secret behind this door right but where is the door handle for it i wonder need a torch don't need a bucket could use a bucket actually oh god what was that oh how dare you ah get wrecks up ladies setting off all the traps as usual classic all right let's drop down oh extra magical potion oh hello one handed skill increase level 35 oh yes you've got some kind of like little seating area for worshiping the undead skeleton xbox 360 gang that's where i started man hell yeah big respect let me go further down deeper the cave where it seems like there's a shout power down here save our single torch put my shield back on can't lose lydia it's like a very important aspect of the game she is skyrim it's me oh become ethereal [Applause] yep become ethereal unlocks a new shout out here we need to kill some dragons though to learn all the words i believe there's a fish here lydia can we actually fish i think you can fish in some caves but this one doesn't seem to have the fishing supplies in it so we can't fish in this one specifically a secret chest down here you're right you can see the chest through the pillars still battle axe don't actually need it mind gauntlets it's a bit depressing we should probably level up to increase our loot level let's just carry on lydia that's where all the bethesda games are most superior what do you mean like exploration and stuff every now and again my character just freezes in place and then i can move i don't know why that is behind the waterfall oh we missed one disgusting ah there it is behind the waterfall oh it's a trap watch out lydia oh my god came out the wrong time the wrong adventurer one golden one potion oh yeah the cool hidden behind the waterfall well spotted all right we gotta cross over this ancient stone bridge are you gonna make a big series out of this game or is this one time thing depends what you guys wanted to be would everyone like me to carry on playing through the entire main questline at least or what what do you guys think let me know it's a puzzle what could the answer be i wonder you really need some more torches what's the what's the console come on for torches is like zero zero f or something ah set it on fire you're right love that you can set people on fire with torches i've seen so many people who don't even know that's a thing as well it's pretty funny never tried it all secret passages eh so you can see one gate opens when we walk past these things they all glow but in order to make it through we're going to need the whirlwind sprint shaft we have to run oh it didn't work we failed oh okay okay some reason it keeps doing that i don't know why never used to happen there we go all right run past the first one and then whirlwind sprint shop and now they're all oh god that's not good oh thank god bethesda have saved me oh we're stuck this has never happened to me before yeah let's try again oh make it yes we made it later is trapped in there forever but we have made it friends hmm this looks safe joe would be fine save the game just in case hey we're not okay there's a trap oh spiders a lot of spiders and we bait them into the traps though ow oh let's dodge it oh god die back beast ah gerexa and stay down we need some more frostbite venom to replenish our old stuff i'll eat these spider eggs raw because they're savage watch this damage stamina discovered fantastic sure i'll get a few diseases from that one there if you actually burn them you can't set fire to them i believe on it should be able to burn i'm not weird i lied i'm a liar big spider open sesame all right lydia is stuck behind us so we're gonna have to deal with this one ourself go towards anyway i want that oh do you know we we might as well sell these or read them i'll learn oak flesh we will learn that when that's worth it uh and then i need to use my still shield or battle of brothers and i also need a potion a poison or frostbite starting to become less and less useful oh epic oh man that looks awesome absolutely amazing it seems like some of these draga have already been killed though interesting mysterious note clutched where the horn should probably be dragon ball i need to speak with you urgently rent the attic room at the sleeping giant inn in riverwood and i'll meet you a friend a friend eh or so she says how can we trust someone such as this though 17 gold damn i checked the other one nothing bait it oh they've left us some treasure at least maybe i will meet with them after all sound of septums in the morning i'm high darma are you impressed lydia i think she's still stuck between those two iron grates back in the dungeon we'll probably never see her again a pity a big pity head out through this tunnel but someone dug their way in here through these ancient walls they have burrowed created a mine shaft through here dodge the cave secret lever to open the door to reveal a secret passageway back into the dungeon itself now we can get out of here past all these necromancers we killed earlier go get her why she'll be fine you'll work her way out i'm sure be stuck in there fraternity never to see the light of day again back into skyrim we go back into the light here we are back in the open beautiful world of skyrim look at me i don't care about lydia uh let's save the game here now we need to head to the riverwood inn my friends which is located just over here in riverwood who the funky you always need to level up as well oh here we are beautiful beautiful let's level up friends gonna get another point of stamina um two-point stamina and health i think we'll we'll go for that shield wall 10 blocking efficiency quick reflexes it helps us out arrows are hit the shield do no damage and reduce spell damage from shield use able to move faster with a shield raise sprinting knocks people over there's a lot of fun things in the shield area able to do a power bash and that's very exciting as well i think we're gonna go for one shield perk and deflect arrows oh we can't get to level three okay never mind all of these skills require level 30. what we can do though is we can get the next increase in damage fighting stance which means power attacks now cost 25 percent less stamina which is pretty huge i'll get that too go ahead and sell the game a shill is someone who like oh god hello diddy we need to prepare ourselves might get nervous a man approaches with his weapons ron well watch look we're about to be attacked late again you there you're the one they call dragonborn yes raybears seem to think so then it is too late the lie has already taken root in the hearts of men so we shall expose to them the falseness in their hearts by tearing out yours deceiver when lord merak appears all shall bear witness none shall stand to oppose him oh god finish somebody up quickly well done right in the back good job just like i told you savage i'll interrupt him don't worry you won't use spells against my follower oh now you're running away hey come back here die lydia this one's very powerful i need your help you're about to die oh god potions gonna need a potion of healing here aha we just made our life thank god though who sent this cultist must be in something to do with lord mirak that's all he was going on about dirty dark elf bored the vessel nor board the vessel northern maiden doctored raven rock take it to wind town then begin your search kill the false dragonborn known as the pale orc before he reaches soheim return with the word of your success and mirak shall be most pleased that wasn't actually mirak himself you ordered this resting you ordered it then a scroll of blizzards god we were lucky oh we can sell these things to our good friends the riverwood trader come lydia you and me we're the only people around who aren't complete fools yeah take a look sure joshua um i'm gonna sell you all my stuff acts of white rum take it i don't need it mage robes you need all of these my friend they are as good as yours now voltage boots eat them not useful to me our dragon bones you almost can't afford this who's going to buy my stuff now have these cheese wheels again next time a gift from me and lydia need to wait a few i could i could glitch it to reset the money but i'm not going to said whatever you the finest do you have any good enchanted weapons out for uh undead up to level 3 flea oh two handed attacks do twenty percent more damage don't need that five points of stamina damage well weapons and armor can be improved by twelve percent better i actually am gonna buy that it's very hard to find a smithing enchantment but you need it for the resto loop so we're going to buy that for sure and we'll sell them all the other stuff we don't need like the go hide almost of miners smithing i'll keep we'll deconstruct them later and learn the enchantment obviously so the pickaxe still dagger still ingot i mean i don't really need to carry this around i'll buy them and do this later off stream i think with the mining and whatnot now we'll just sell it and carry on got something i'm supposed to deliver your hands only okay let's see here looks like that's it got to go what did he give me didn't even give me anything did he books a mysterious note i know this is about the dragonborn sleeping in the riverwood trader anonymous letter someone please help a group of necromancers are experimenting with conjuring zombies using ancient dangerous magic which i fear will have unten unintended and irreversible consequences i was expelled from this from their studies and they are ambitious and grew into a folly against my warnings they are performing a ritual to summon a large group of these foul uncontrollable creep creatures as we speak in the southernmost area of skyrim and must be stopped before it's too late that's a pee i can't drop it on the floor damn it i guess i'll keep that all right my eyes open let's rent the attic room here at the inn in riverwood which is mysterious because the sleeping giant in doesn't have an attic thank you you're getting drunk damn she must not be having a good time with sven in here oh there once was a hero wasn't either it was this fan came riding to a white run from old rory you're that visitor been poking around i'm the innkeeper it's my business to keep track of strangers i'd like to rent the arctic room 10 gold attic we don't have an attic room but you can have the one on the left make yourself at home now i think it's high time [Music] and so then came clashing and slashing of steelers what does it mean i wonder was boastful no more when his ugly red head rolled around on the floor oh lydia how did you get here oh we abandoned you in the tomb i've got your back surprises on you let's get going then riva thank you so much for the 10 pound donation been a fan of your channel channel for years here so love your videos and streams as they always make my day keep up the great work thank you so much riva oh this this is the room i was meant to have the one on the left i went right and to sleep here all right go ahead and have a long sleep until the morning till about 5 a.m so you're the dragonborn i've been hearing so much about hello i think you're looking for this wait we need to talk how did you guess that hey you've piqued my interest we got rooms and food drink too i cook ain't much else to tell you're going to stay outside hmm now we can talk oh narnia hey very exciting this is your secret base operations eh very impressive the graybeards seem to think you're the dragonborn i hope they're right you're the one who took the horn surprised i guess i'm getting pretty good at my harmless innkeeper act it seems so with all the cloak and dagger though you can't be too careful thou more spies are everywhere only one with me i didn't go to all this trouble on a whim i needed to make sure it wasn't a thalmor trap i am not your enemy i already gave you the horn i'm actually trying to help you i just need you to hear me out hmm you better start explaining fast seems like she has a rubbing of the dragonstone tablet on that piece of paper as well which is very interesting don't know how she got hold of that i'll explain what i want when i want got it you'd only be dead if i didn't like the look of you when you walked in here but i had to know if the rumors about you were true i'm part of a group that's been looking for you well someone like you for a very long time if you really are dragonborn that is before i tell you anymore i need to make sure i can trust you how do i know i can trust you if you don't trust me you were a fool to walk in here in the first place why did you take the horn from instant graff i knew the greybeards would send you there if they thought you were dragonborn they're nothing if not predictable when you showed up here i knew you were the one the greybeard sent and not some thalmor plant so why were you looking for the dragonborn we remember what most don't that the dragonborn is the ultimate dragon slayer you're the only one that can kill a dragon permanently by devouring its soul can you do it can you devour a dragon's soul may i eat dragon souls for breakfast i can absorb some kind of power from dragons this is no time to play the reluctant hero you either are or aren't dragonborn but i'll see for myself soon enough hmm took the thaumar after you though yes we're very old enemies and if my suspicions are correct they might have something to do with the dragons returning but that isn't important right now what is important is that you might be dragonborn you're looking for the dragonborn or a dragonborn could have found the other one miranda you remember what most don't that the dragonborn is the ultimate dragon slayer you're the only one that can kill a dragon permanently by devouring its soul so what's the part you're not telling me dragons aren't just coming back they're coming back to life they weren't gone somewhere for all these years they were dead killed off centuries ago by my predecessors now something's happening to bring them back to life and i need you to help me stop it do you know how crazy this sounds a few years ago i said almost the same thing to a colleague of mine well it turned out he was right and i was wrong there used to be a member of the blades then makes you think dragons are coming back to life i know they are i visited their ancient burial mounds and found them empty and i figured out where the next one will come back to life we're going to go there and you're going to kill that dragon if we succeed i'll tell you anything you want to know how did you figure this all out you should know you got the map for me from bleak falls barrow oh yeah dragonstone was a map of ancient dragon burial sites i've looked at which ones are now empty the pattern is pretty clear it seems to be spreading from the south east down in the gerald's near rifton the one at kinds grove is next if the pattern holds now because we got the dragonstone before going to whiterun we didn't see the scene from when you returned from bleak fool's barrow with the dragonstone tablet delphine's actually there and like hooded leather armor and she's just like a mysterious stranger um and she's the person who wanted the dragonstone tablet and now she has that rubbing of it from farrengar so that's like the story there but we didn't see it because you kind of like speed round that bit really so where are we headed kinds grove there's an ancient dragon burial near there if we can get there before it happens maybe we'll learn how to stop it let's go and kill a dragon i need to get into my traveling gear give me a minute and i'll be ready [Music] i'm just going to watch you get changed that's better let's get on the road to kinds grove there's much ladies just lydia's just like nah nah we're not gonna do that right now i can take your stuff for free now the fall of the blades there you go she's got a book on that had any doubt potion of true of undead it's even got a blade sword 21 damage this is actually the best weapon on the roof this is really good i'll take the blade sword yeah as well you guys can see how nice that hill looks obviously with my mods there potion of the warrior potion of destruction oh resist fire we need this desperately [Music] i could actually make i'm pretty good potions of all this stuff i'm not gonna bother doing it right now okay perfect let's go lydia but this land is ours and we'll see a member of the blades now apparently the scourge that has sullied kinds grove is this way we can travel together or split up and meet there your choice so kinds grove is all the way over here however it may be worth us returning to aaron first but give back the horn to learn foster dark completely um what is the quest marker in solitude travel to sulphur oh that's the we don't want to do that quest yet that's the main dark brotherhood questline dragonborn okay so let's go back to aaron girl first completes the way of the voice play the game here i'm lydia before we head to kinds growth battle a dragon [Music] aaron garr if you guys didn't know i've been doing daily skyrim videos as well as this on the creation club all of the new creation club mods um there's a whole playlist i've made for that and i'll be releasing them daily until we've done all the new dlcs and reviewed every single one of them ah you've retrieved the horn of jurgen winkle well done you have now passed all the trials come with me it is time for us to recognize you formally as dragonborn come recognize me then why are we doing this we doing it here at a party oh we're all gathering okay this is exciting livia they've excited lydia you are ready to learn the final word of unrelenting force da which means dawg with all three words together this shout is much more powerful use it wisely oh yes few can withstand the unbridled voice of the graveyards but you is also enduring you happy oh no we're still going strange fetish to be a part of you have tasted the voice of the graveyards and passed through unscathed completed the horn of jurgen wind caller now we can use the unrelenting full shot to its full power and high froth car is open towards but you must go back and and uh investigate this dragon burial sites now lydia must be dervik and the greybeards explain that only the dragonball can withstand their voice if you ask them beforehand yeah i know he said that and then lady also enjoyed it so she's 100 now confirmed a dragonball aren't you lillian right behind you exactly he even confirms it herself all right so now we need to go to kindsgrove i think what we'll do is we will get a carriage to um windtown plus there's like 50 gold i suspect where we can battle a dragon how about that lydia need a ride where do you want to go gonna go to windhelm climbing back and we'll be off empty gold 20 gold oldest city in skyrim by summer camp they say the big old palace there was built by ysgramor himself tell me all the law my friend tell me all the law your head didn't explode you pass congratulations oh pardon me was that in your way yes you small creature come lilia we must go to kinds grave and meet our battle sister all three all three of us will battle a dragon to the death we may die in the process but it shall be worth it shall be glorious oh delphine's look she's already running ahead to battle the dragon on her own what an absolute mastermind my goodness i hope that's the dragon we're battling delphine because otherwise they're a bit screwed but the snowstorms died my god i think it's summoning forth the dragon lydia it's al doing i'll climb this mountain my god such power out of him oh my god let's save the game [Music] where's his skin it's undead to hide you do not even know our tongue do you such arrogance to dare take for yourself the name oh god it's taken off run delphine run for your life run for your life delphine dragon means business do not free fire it's me stop that oh god we need to hide behind a rock lydia it's going to brief fire i i need some stamina potions on it's taking off it's taking off oh he's pretty cool delphine i think we should let live delphine just firing arrows into the abyss oh god oh god he's gonna breathe fire lydia jesus look out lady he's angry i got him [Music] don't worry i will defeat him oh my god oh my god i'm riding here yes slaughtered get rekts on something's happening i'm absorbing its soul are you impressed oh yeah whatever you want to know nothing held back who are you and what do you want with me i'm one of the last members of the blades a very long time ago the blades were dragon slayers and reserved the dragonborn the greatest dragon slayer for the last 200 years since the last dragonborn emperor the blades have been searching for a purpose now that dragons are coming back our purpose is clear again we need to stop them [Music] what do you know about the dragons coming back not a damn thing i was just as surprised as you to find that big black dragon here i've seen that dragon before the one that got away really where was the one that attacked helgen when ulfric escaped with the imperials interesting same dragon damn it we're blundering around in the dark here we need to figure out who's behind it all [Music] the blades who are they exactly nobody even remembers our name these days we used to be known across tamriel as the protectors of the septum emperors those days are long gone though for the last 200 years we've been searching for the next dragonborn to guide and guard as we are sworn to do but we never found one until now what's our next move then delphine the first thing we need to do is figure out who's behind the dragons the thalmor are our best lead if they aren't involved they'll know who is remind me who the founder the faction that rules the aldmeri dominion the ones who almost destroyed the empire during the great war 30 years back there's no worse enemy to humankind in tamriel the empire barely survived the last war the thalmor don't intend to lose the next one nature than the are bringing back dragons nothing solid yet but my gut tells me it can't be anybody else the empire had captured ulfric the war was basically over then a dragon attacks ulfric escapes and the war is back on and now the dragons are attacking everywhere indiscriminately skyrim is weakened the empire is weakened who else gains from that but the thalmor and while the why the foul were after you then before the great war the blades helped the empire against the thalmor our grand master saw them as the greatest threat to tamriel at the time that was true maybe it still is so we fought them in the shadows all across tamriel we thought we were more than a match for them we were wrong so we need to find out what the foul more know about dragons the ideas if we could get into the thalmor embassy it's the center of their operations in skyrim the problem is that place is locked up tighter than a miser's purse they could teach me a few things about paranoia how do we get into the embassy i'm not sure yet i have a few ideas but i'll need some time to pull things together meet me back in riverwood if i'm not back when you get there wait for me i shouldn't be long keep an eye on the sky this is only going to get worse completed a blade in the dark she's given me a key to her bedroom we started the quest diplomatic immunity meet delphine in riverwood battle brothers i'm going to end the stream here and we will continue on with the main quest in tomorrow's stream along with lydia zak thank you so much for becoming a member of 15 months now yes the mods are linked in the above yeah they're linked down below in the description if you want the whole mod list um also you can grab getall for 30 off using code eso from the link below as well it's on this weekend so make sure you grab some and um i'll see you guys tomorrow uh make sure yeah if you hang around after the stream i'll set up the stream and then just tell youtube to direct you there otherwise you can get a link to the stream on twitter or somewhere else i'll post it but guys thank you so much for watching thanks for all the support it was absolutely amazing to have like 3 000 of you just here watching the entire stream it was like insane so thank you for joining in and watching and enjoying it it was it was good fun i'll see you again tomorrow but we continue onwards with our adventure farewell
Channel: ESO
Views: 1,610,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, skyrim part 1, skyrim walkthrough, the elder scrolls v: skyrim, skyrim anniversary edition, skyrim gameply, skyrim mods, skyrim creation club, the elder scrolls, elder scrolls, bethesda, eso, skyrim anniversary edition gameplay, skyrim playthrough, modded, mods, anniversary edition, part 1, lets play, skyrim modded walkthrough part 1, lets play skyrim, walkthrough part 1, skyrim modded, skyrim survival mode, the elder scrolls 6, elder scrolls 6, skyrim special edition
Id: 3wztzw8-0ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 20sec (13520 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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