Can You Beat Bloodborne... N͔͔̥̺̞̿͊̇o͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞ṛ̣̬̫̍͌ͩ͟m̰̰̹͚̙̂ͦ͗͠a͔͔̜̗̦ͩ̅̎l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘l͖͖̰̝ͭ̀͘y͙͙̪̰ͫ͌́

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bloodborne is a normal game and since i am a normal human and can prove it by selecting all the squares with boats in i listened to you guys in the comments on my last video when you said you'd love to see me play bloodborne normally so here it is a totally normal bloodborne run where nothing that isn't perfectly normal will happen in other words this is [Music] can you beat bloodborne normally [Music] hi i'm baron and welcome to jackass i gave myself a suitable name made myself look as normal as possible perfect picked military veteran as my starter class and i was good to go after a perfectly normal night out in yharnam i woke up in the std clinic with a hangover and an angry tinder date so i handled the issue with sensitivity headed out and up the ladder and traveled to the dream where i grabbed the saw cleaver and the pistol to kick things into motion i like to be thorough in central yharnam to get things off to a nice start so this is how i root here for the mollies take out these guys grab the shard admire the pile of fresh corpses while i warm my cold dark heart by the fire another shard troll the troll this way to slip past the patrols and then it's wolf time you know that's saying that there are two wolves inside you well this is kind of like that only you're inside two wolves a couple more shards next before going down to the sewers for the cold blood and the outfit down again and up for some insight bullying and girl guide for some cookies slapping some dogs and going to check out the sexiest girl in yharnam no no no not eileen i mean the sauce spear after that i head down to the sewers for one more shard up the ladder and over the bridge down to the pig for five fingers of fun and back up the shortcut elevator to unlock the house and grab the last shard simple stuff and all perfectly normal as i'm sure you'll agree a few levels and a plus two saw spear later and it was boss time cleric beast up first and this is simple stuff shoot his head at the start of the fight for a free visceral throw some molly's at him okay maybe don't do that just hit him till he dies or something nice and easy time for family member avocado paste next and this fights a slightly different story but there is an item that can make this a lot easier the music box you see father g likes nothing more than the sound of a music box he likes it so much that you should play it three times at the start of the fight to make him really happy once he's really happy it's time to duke it out if you fight him upstairs there are no tombstones to get stuck on and then it's just a matter of dodging his attacks and punish it and like that yep that's completely normal no issues there with gaza duly departed i opened up cathedral ward and took out the trash before heading down to old yarnham to assemble a fine collection of bloodstone shards and dead furries for once i had no beef with machine gun kelly so i left him on the roof to shout at the sky like a weirdo and headed inside the whatever this building actually is here's a little trick if you want to clear out some of the mobs downstairs easily for a pungent cocktail downwards in this spot hit this thing and enjoy the delicious smell of texas barbecue with everything opened up you should have enough shots to plus through your pointy boss [ __ ] in time for its hot date with suzy skinflaps bsb is a boss that a lot of new players can find tricky at first but there are lots of easy strats that work aside of the good old cocktails into the corner trick bsb is pretty simple to avoid and you can pretty much just walk around most of her moves without even dodging which leaves her open for backstabs as well or of course you could just parry her i guess she had a prior appointment seems normal to me now that bsb had joined gascoigne in the great out of bounds i could head to the old workshop grabbing the badge and the twin shards on the way before dropping down for some beef jerky and some free money opening all the gates in the ward picking up this gem which is pretty good for this stage in the game as well as more twin shards returning to the dream to sell the doll set for holy [ __ ] how much and leveling up eileen told me not to do something so of course it's the first thing that i did which resulted in henrik having a rather unfortunate accident and spilling his own blood everywhere and then it was off to hemwick to clear it out and strip it clean of upgrade materials i initiated the boss fight pieced the [ __ ] out of there took out the first hunter to the right of the cathedral not on a date or anything i just wanted some bulk paper grabbed some more twins down the way and went home to plus six my saw spear and spend all my insight because ignorance is bliss here's the easiest way to kill the witches who of course are otherwise one of the hardest bosses in the game pop a pellet and some fire paper into the room go left get behind the first witch back stab but don't visceral wait for her to recover and backstab again rinse and repeat but don't kill her and then run to the opposite corner of the room to do the same to the second witch but do it to her till she dies finally finish off the first one easy peasy eyeball squeezy which of course meant it was now time for the shadows of yharnam [Music] near or tomato or tomato is a fantastic game mainly because of moments like this one however despite being a masterpiece of robot butt cheeks it's let down by its annoying top down mini games and bloodborne is no different to start the first minigame you just need to go up here down here over here and oh yeah down here there we go then the objective of the game is to reach the end of the course without tearing all your hair out and weaving it into a noose to hang yourself with [Music] there we go okay give me a sec guys be hobby we know your time is valuable thank you for holding someone will be with you as soon as possible all right i'm back did i miss any oh hey we're here the woods were as shitty as ever patches gave me a knot no not like that i detoured to the clinic to grab the cainhurst summons and clear out their drugs cabinet and headed to cainhurst for some early chunks one here one here and one here in case you didn't know you can jump off in this spot to skip all of the outside section and reach the shortcut lever much faster i made my way onto the roof to collect the remaining items in the area but i had no intention of fighting magic daddy right now so i just had to find my way back down yep i think it's this way [Music] right um definitely here [Music] i'm barron's castle and i'm here today to tell you about the new beast raw multi-surface cleaner do you have a problem with unwanted bullets just spray them away with the fast acting power of beast raw so wonderful bang and the bullets are gone amazing disclaimer beast raw may not work with cannons i'm back with a plus seven saucepan [ __ ] and i'm not afraid to use it badly people say that the second section of the woods can be confusing but that only really applies to the end at first all you really have to do is run down the main path past everything and you can swerve up and down this little hill to avoid the snake bunches on the way turn left at the end go and grab yourself a couple of useful runes and then it's the complicated part right let me just check the wiki for this one sec okay oh yeah of course duh it's obviously up here up here um over here yep through here uh across here run at this tree jump here around here and yep down here [ __ ] hold up i'm not ready yet okay i'm ready now this should be high let's go [Applause] [Music] holy [ __ ] that was close [Music] bergenworth was small and disappointing just like my so i zoomed through grabbed the key and watched willem sadly succumb to old age i want spiderman rom was looking even more deliciously fluffy than usual i put all her babies to bed popped some viagra and gently stroked her face until i was ready for action to be fair she took it like a champ even coming back for seconds until she finally let me finish her off follow my tumblr for more rom erotica the moon did its thing and i was whisked away to yahar gaul where i collected some useful items for the run as well as the upper cathedral ward key and i hit the second lamp now i've obviously only played this game once or twice before so you know my memory gets a little hazy at times and i need to check the wiki for directions let me see hmm yeah cathedral ward next oh hey eileen what you doing here oh he's just standing there menacingly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are locked in here well that's awkward gg dumbass [Music] with amelia out of the way the rest of yahoo call was unlocked for me so i went back to check it out hello hey guys guys come on now where did you all go playgrid fair enough guess i'll just head through the gate oh no probs i'll just take the elevator oh part two time for the wiki again [Music] no [Music] this is getting out of hand now there are two of them hmm sorry about that there isn't supposed to be a boss there my game must have glitched or something oh well take two that's better i traveled to the lecture building killed some harry floppers and met patches who showed me some of his cute dance moves oh that one was really close good try little fella and you not i tell you all about what a fun time i had in the nightmare of menses but running is my idea of literal hell and then it was time for mikalash which of course meant i swept through the first section of the dlc instead because and repeat after me [ __ ] mikalash nah i'm kidding he's just a big pussycat really so here is how to mickalash like a pro mikalash's biggest weakness in phase one is well nikolas or you could just sidestep and punish him like a boring bastard gomber stomp him to kick off phase two and it's more of the same if he tries to call beyonce on you you've got three options hit him as he's raising his hands to stun him out of the move dodge towards him as he casts or simply congratulate him on being such a clever little boy who's daddy's little genius well done chastity heard [Music] forget mikko forget the wetness the real boss of menses is clearly this bridge but not all is lost winter lanterns can be parried even though the window is tighter than spandex or nicocardo avocado and if you visceral while the frenzy procs the iframes will save your butt they're well worth killing as they drop the best gems in the base game outside of chalices while we're on the subject if you want a bloodborne properly you probably should learn to parry we all know about the obvious things you can parry like you know pigs or sharks or lady maria's bloodlance attack or of course the watchdog of the old lords but did you know you can parry dogs well sort of you can even send the keeper of the old lord straight to heaven with a well-placed parry you're with the angles now honey xoxo anyway back to the business at hand now i heard a blood rock i could plus ten my weapon and open up the rest of mogo's loft i don't tend to personally indulge in the old pig glove strap but if farming for echoes is your bag then just backstab the first one and lure the other two to the shadows to get carved into bacon otherwise there's more chunks on route to opening the shortcut with the final stretch breathing down my neck like joe biden i decided to go and take on a couple of optional bosses before venturing into the dlc proper amy first so it was off to the nightmare frontier now this shouldn't take long just use the shortcut and oh yeah i need to open it still silly me okay let me just sit down and make some tea first brb [Music] all right i'm back let's well okay then that works too time for amy then yep that was definitely amy upper cathedral ward next where i admired the beautifully detailed skybox abused blue elixir to obtain a key and made the cosmos worst boss turn blue da bada my pet alien needed some exercise so i took him for a walk keep up mate we are going to bed with no dinner and i prepared myself to face a true eldritch horror the realisation that i'm a grown adult who plays video games and makes bad jokes about them for a living oh yeah and ebby as well my go-to strap for fighting her normally revolves around staying unlocked and working on her right flank while punishing the head slams sort of like this [Music] or you could just confuse the [ __ ] out of her by playing taylor swift's greatest hits [Music] she loves a bit of tattoo [Music] please don't stop the music [Music] personally i like to do the dlc before mergo because that way there's extra law dialogue for me to ignore completely possefka willingly gave me some snacks for the rest of my journey and then it was time to return to the hunter's nightmare to ride a horse into the ground before sending it to the glue factory so here's how to ludwig the name of the game is [Music] i didn't come into the sport [Music] [Music] and to leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] second time [Music] i dispatched the two hunters by separating them and killing the sword one downstairs and took the elevator up to the research hall might as well grab some chunks while i'm here okay come here you little get that'll do nicely cheers it just works the research hell i mean paul is my favorite area in the entire game so of course i'm going to go through it as fast as possible here's how i root unless i need any of the items in the area up the stairs take a left in here and up the ladder pretend the angry thing isn't there up the stairs wait for iv patient number two shoot here lad was nice knowing you scooch up and turn the stairs and gtfo turning the stairs automatically opens all the shortcuts to the boss so no reason to go back down the living failures are of course the hardest boss in the game but there are strategies to make them easier like hitting them a lot or using a bone blade to make them hit each other or obviously like most things in the game they can be parried like this [Applause] [Music] seems perfectly normal they are the hardest boss in the game after all i treated myself to a level or two and it was time for you know who hold up let me just grab my tissues now as everyone knows the fearsome lady maria is 100 resistant to everything except being fisted to death and this is definitely true and not just an excuse for me to fantasize about what i do to mariah [Music] do [Music] was that good for you baby speaking of babies i knew another one that needed calming down so i worked my way through fishfield to clear a path to my most fearsome nemesis yet i should probably go and do lawrence first though right the whirly gig saw that you find in the dlc is a great weapon for fighting lawrence with due to its serrated damage and high stagger potential as you can see lawrence can't even touch me [Music] that one's payback for the 300 plus attempts at bl4 you hairy [ __ ] ball sack you know me the fighting freak knuckles and we're at pumpkin hill you ready i ain't gonna let it get to me i'm just gonna creep [Music] [Music] dear diary i made a new friend at the beach today his name is orphan and he is lovely we had such fun together oops hold up that one's private you weren't meant to see that [Music] thank the lord it's almost over wet nurse up first and this really is one of the simplest bosses in the game just dodge left on everything and trample her dress a nightmare phase would be really scary if you couldn't just you know dodge it nice try so close [Music] for reasons unknown this caused the dream to spontaneously combust which made german irrationally angry so it was time for the final showdown you gotta watch out for gramps though his mind isn't all there and he tends to wander off sometimes whoops see there he goes i told him to come back down but he seemed to be on the fence about the whole thing so i showed him how a real hunter goes about their business [Music] the moon presents said hello hello hello what's all this about then when i prepared myself for battle okay this is different in for a penny in for a pound [Music] [Music] the annoying flappy squid thing died i bathed in the cold grey light of wherever the [ __ ] this place is and it was over i had beaten bloodborne completely normally now it's just a matter of triggering the final cut scene and i think we're done here hey you you're finally a squid [Music]
Channel: Baron's Castle
Views: 777,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron's castle, bloodborne, bloodborne guide, all bloodborne glitches, bloodborne all glitches 2022, how to beat bloodborne, can you beat bloodborne normally, can you beat bloodborne, bloodborne glitch run, bloodborne skips, dark souls, ds1, ds2, ds3, sekiro, fromsoft, fromsoftware, bloodborne challenge run, soulsborne challenge run
Id: zHii8mwCwkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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