Can 5 Players Survive the WORST START in Zomboid?

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in this video a few of my friends and i survive in project zomboid each of us with all the negative traits there are 37 negative traits in the game that make your character run the full gamut of irrational phobias in major drawbacks everything from having both agrophobia and claustrophobia at once to being hemophobic disorganized illiterate and morbidly obese each one of us will be all of these things at the same time death betrayal he was holding cigarettes intriguing catharsis who will survive the longest we embarked upon our journey in the roof of our home what do we do what is our goal should we have a few words of introduction all of us need to go on a fishing holiday together that's our goal so it's decreed five morbidly obese men will go on vacation together right let us do an introduction though of who everyone is i imagine oh that's a good idea like an aaa meeting uh led by a.a all right uh we all have a problem i've gathered you all here together today my name is negative man would anyone else care to introduce themselves i have a problem i am actual rabble i'm terrible terry i've spent the last 14 years being a roblox youtuber now the apocalypse has come my body is ready my body is a temple i am perfect in every way my name's gordon i've spent four years trying to be funny on the internet it hasn't gone very well i i have nothing please help oh god uh my name's jolly and i am naked with a bunch of dudes great to have everyone here i was very confident in my team we have to designate roles who carries the food i will hold the food i think that's the most important task if anyone comes to my food okay i will shiv them we'll have to share everyone pick one item of clothing from the cabinet i will take the shorts i got sneakers sneakers oh no uh i'll take a belt oh this is you're not not a lot of belt that's technology we don't know how belts work um what's the plan from here on out gang we put our heads together and formulated a strategy uh i think we need to go to the local food shop just up the road uh from here and get some food right i can just imagine five naked obese men crouching across the street terrified wherever they go within mere minutes we were severely burdened by the many overwhelming sensations of the outdoor world encroaching on our feeble bodies i have extreme panic because i'm outside i'm already first here we've only walked to the next door i just took um a jar of peanut butter and it's crushing my legs oh a containment device yes we can store our food in the garbage three bottles of water in the fridge score i think i still need shoes i'll take the next pair we find until then i live in fear i'm gonna start bulking in the corner i think we need to kill our first zombie but only one yeah please i need i need socks or shoes i just need some shoes please oh yeah he's dead he's dead driving shoes are we going to the house over there now i mean it makes sense there could be some uh some clothes there goodness i can hardly see this is amazing none of us can can i just improve my like nimbleness by eating myself i just i'm bleeding the lettuce makes me powerful enough to carry at least one grapefruit eating copious produce lended each of us enough momentary vitality in order to perform basic tasks despite our shortcomings we were a unit a squad with a common goal i'm gonna cook steak wow look at you it's the fancy man who thinks he can cook the neighborhood and its plethora of mundane treasures were ours so long as we worked together hey there's a wristwatch here tell the time time lord ooh a cd of bible readings from the tower of babel we need to move boys let's get out of here oh this window's open everyone get inside stealth time with a scalpel oh no no stuff they're outstandingly weak individually we worked best as a team gradually snowballing our way to greater destructive capabilities as we romped through the neighborhood yeah that's right just grope them over yeah there we go beat down yeah take that doing good no need help he keeps dropping ranger hats where she get all these hats from what kind of madman wears four heads now now we are true apocalypse survivors we are ready we were a brotherhood a fraternity more masculine and intimidating even than the a team do we play rock paper scissors to see who gets it uh no i saw it and i brought it over here that is very much my axe in a darwinistic struggle however the roots of competition began to emerge slowly at first and so the seeds of distrust you want me to bring bring the eggs okay fine break out the axe this is embarrassing there we go one mighty swing lads on tour five obese guys who hardly have clothes on it was all fun and games until we started playing with fire no are you okay uh oh yeah no cool you're a bit my friend come back here so i can look at you oh me yeah no no i'm good he's lying no he is lying keep the group together i did what i had to i tr i trust you i'm hang on a second cool come come back here i want to give you something [Music] oh got some studies you have a nice guy aren't i yeah we continued on chatting upon new ground where no obese frail man had ever tried before how do we get into that storage area um because with the sad reality was that we were much too large to realistically consider hopping a fence but that still didn't stop us from trying go for it [Music] [Applause] you can fly how did you get over i just built different actually i think it's because i've eaten so much food my strength is is greater that's a good idea let me look at it woke up don't worry between the five of us we can kill the two women we've done it nailed it let's go boys two women destroyed the way it got off to a rocky start things were looking up we hatched the brilliant plan of breaking into a vehicle to exploit the stealth mechanic we can set off the siren then of course we'll need to leave this area but it backfired into the woods feels like a really bad idea we don't want to cause too much commotion all right now we just stay in here for like five minutes and then we come back out and we can train our stealth i think it's time to go yeah that didn't work but it didn't work and we were forced helplessly into the woods at nightfall of all times i'm out of stamina man yeah oh no i'm scraping it's almost like you guys haven't been eating four steaks a day i'm sorry but you guys are too weak too weak we made it to safety does anyone have light i have a lighter i am the lord of light this is burning all of the fuel we have i'm not using it then we met an unlikely friend in the woods help help me help me my feet uh do you need bandages yes here we go i have no god i'm horribly emaciated oh if you're emaciated hang on a minute the group was divided should we share our resources or would the strongest be left to survive i don't have any food to share i need it i'm bulking for winter chipmunk are you able to hop a fence because three out of five of us are not 60 of obese men who are naked can't hop fences sponsor one today um hey i found an important piece of literature for you it's it's a bit of law read this conflict emerged doo doo was flung roses are red violets are blue i think you smeal like poo you know i have a literate so that's fine there we go this is now yours it's a satchel oh my god right when it seemed like we had all gotten along together the unthinkable happened we've moved on man come on oh oh did you just get are you serious hang on are you right uh yeah i don't trust him the man just bandaged something he banned him i did not bandage anything anymore okay somebody need help who needs help right here goalking needs a nothing going on here nothing nothing let me just wait a second first i toggle into uh into murder mode come back here oh right oh he had cigarettes he was hoarding cigarettes he had a friendship bracelet oh no oh god those are you cool why why would you why would you lie to us this friendship bracelet is cursed yeah who wants the friendship bracelet i didn't mean to drop your body hold on those who refuse my friendship pay in the afterlife uh i'd rather pay in the afterlife than die sooner all right the quest had to go on one way or another no matter who survived god it's if it's the goddamn friendship bracelet fine why did i accept smith's the next one to go do you think he'd want me to be at the funeral ceremony i think i'm the best man for the eulogy he dug a grave and then just didn't put the body in it and closed it we're here to remember a man um he was a big man he's not even in there i knew him like a brother although the untimely death of a friend put a damper on our mood we quickly recovered from the loss by eating mint candies to restore our happiness is everyone severely depressed do you want do you want something to cure your depression just just a little bit oh you this is oh thank you i appreciate that how much food do you have enough so i can survive for you know you survive or we survive uh myself and a select few do you still have ghoul's blood on your body it seems that you cleaned off the pink socks those have been with you since the very beginning this sucks the the reminder of my humanity and the rest is the reminder of what i've had to do to survive running low on food and still too weak to secure a reliable source of it we began resorting to unconventional methods of catching vermin and annelids from the earth itself the table over here with the radio that we're listening to for entertainment oh i'm going to uh stay clear of the worms you guys can eat the worms but i'm okay without them oh food of the gods but the folly of man knows no bounds before long another of our group made a deadly mistake and joined the ranks of undead oh oh oh my god oh my god you busted you left me oh my god you got yourself killed my one english friend now you're permanently dead we ran away i'm not proud of what we did but we all did what we had to to survive oh it's because you wouldn't accept the friendship brace yeah you would have survived they're like oh you two are probably watching i do need food i'm very hungry okay let me give you uh a slice of cake where did you get a cake just pulled it out my ass you're eating my ass cake unfortunately it didn't sate me how about a nourishing cigarette with that would that help your hunger oh another important message what will it say this time is this the save imports message this is turning into a horror game i don't know everyone keeps telling me things i'm like i'm like an unwilling confidant for quite a lot here i was nervous spiff was growing stronger and more psychopathic every minute and other people were dropping like flies whether by their own poor decision-making or literally being axed to death i feared that soon there would be no one left and i would need to either befriend him or take him out myself you have a little bit of a limp to your nurse why why aren't you wearing any clothes it's streamlined um reject clothes return to worm uh we're going to the west point cabins is this a smoking or a non-smoking car no too late it's a smoking car now despite all of this gay activity tension was still in the air who would die next it was the question we were all thinking but no one voiced so uh how's everyone's date going it's going great that's wonderful to hear i was going to ask if someone wanted a bite to eat but [Laughter] oh that's terrible i was nervous because i had to sit next to nurse in the car she'd been and her body was a ticking time bomb but perhaps i could use her as a distraction while i plan to obtain a weapon or somehow secure my own safety maybe depart at some more opportune interval very nice set of homes this is lovely uber driver take me to home take me home up the road to the uh oh my god this house is filled with police and criminals oh we have glasses of red wine who took the table once ah yeah line moved it this is kind of low class of us to just eat at the couch and stare at the fire i'm gonna report you to the homeowners association how dare you move your dining room table out of the unregulated location why did you bring the barbecue in it's fine it's okay come sit everyone there's nothing wrong with that okay all right let's all have a seat uh family meeting uh lime i just want to let you know in case you didn't know because pretty much everyone else knows but nurse actually got bit at the uh i know i'm just kind of okay cool we're just we're just not addressing the elephant in the room here it's fine i don't know what you're talking about someone put in the vhs tape here we go welcome back it's exposure survival time yes welcome back to nature here we go welcome back to nature roof to the fishing authentic british cuisine oh gravy i'm just gonna take some drugs real quick how close are you to actual zombification how about we go fishing one last time though before uh oh yeah one last time this is incredibly great time to kill everyone if someone were trying it would be a shame if that were to happen but it wouldn't be wild if we just killed each other i think hi this hello yeah it's come to my attention that you could die at any moment and i don't want to be the person who gets bit let me turn around yeah i think it's best if you look into the water uh do you guys want to be here come up to the water just above the cabin i've always wanted to for the scent of ceremony we're gonna scatter we're gonna scatter your ashes across across the water that'd be fine gonna be kind of pulverized in the process do you want to write anything on that oh yeah i don't want to be left alone with him because you want to actually leave a final message do you want to leave like a will write something touching for us spiff you're going to have to make the eulogy because you killed her uh sure okay do you want me to do an on the spot eulogy so she you know she's still alive are we won't she hears it we're gonna celebrate your life after by drinking all of that red wine thank you for the red wine um have you written your notes and uh just just leave it on your body we'll get it time for your farewell roses of red violets are blue i'm glad that i could be friends with you oh god why i'll help out oh that'll do nurses will oh crap she's oh she's back up don't put her stomp on her all right she's still okay uh who wants to read out nurses will nurses will don't get bit or people will kill you take my drugs uh you know those are good words to live by to be honest perhaps one day uh we'll get there the three of us uh was six of us but now just three we're no longer nude our lives have clearly improved by quite a lot uh what was your favorite part of the adventure let's go around i really like digging for worms i liked putting our friends down when their time had come and i i personally enjoyed reading all of the literature that came out of this uh endeavor fun was happening some great poems written by illiterate people i mean haven't we already got some kind of unspoken bond among us i i greatly preferred having our friends die as they uh even if they themselves would have protested their deaths i i felt as though that it made the uh the limited time that they were here more meaningful it did definitely remember them like um what's his name uh the british guy um and then the friendship bracelet guy and um yeah i've forgotten them mostly but that's okay uh the strongest survive oh dude right well i guess that's that's the end it's cool today it's been absolutely lovely um surviving with all of you thank you for this thank you for the journey
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 2,634,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid multiplayer, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, spiffing brit, the spiffing brit, nurse, pr1vate lime, rarr, ghul king, project zomboid multiplayer ep 1, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid multiplayer challenge, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid tips, multiplayer project zomboid, let's play project zomboid, project zomboid let's play, zomboid, zombies, zombie game
Id: y9jCe1NHtUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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