The 100-Year SimCity...

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The music is some of the best. I enjoy this game MUCH more than the modern Cities Skylines.

SimCity = City simulator. Cities Skylines = City painter.

I wish we could get a real city simulator again one day but it'll probably never happen.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BLSmith2112 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 29 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I watched the whole thing

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gurgurhh ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 28 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Somebody give this man a City Planning job

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/darodardar_Inc ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 29 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Can you still do the trick where you put down a residential and then bulldoze a couple squares and stack 'em all up?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/dampew ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 29 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What a fucking annoying voice

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/RichManSCTV ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 31 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
there are a few games out there that inspire more creativity than sim city i fondly remember my 11 year old self struggling to balance a budget and grow a city on the super nintendo failing but always coming back twice as diligent the next time the franchise ignited a love for architecture design and planning in me as a youngster and still to this day legendary game designer will wright's bizarre and wonderful universe dark and hilarious in its world design are one of my fondest gaming memories i was wondering if i'd gotten any better many years later so i decided to undertake the creation of a megalopolis the goal of the original sim city and a hundred years of urban development [Music] [Applause] [Music] the world begins at year zero with natural disasters there were so many absurd and ridiculous ways to torture the denizens of your city that somehow brought me great joy as a child and i used it liberally to get the creative juices flowing for the beginning of our city is where i have the most anxiety it's where i would always fail as a kid and you can make the most mistakes those which will reverberate out into the rest of your city's history rytopia no city can exist without power and so before we begin zoning this monstrosity of a civilization we need a cheap way of getting started it's coal power for now but we'll move on to that bougie wind power later on where to put the coal power plant that poisons our air and water leeching away the life of our children of course on the very edge the city limits of wrightville right near the people of audi annapolis just outside of indianapolis i dislike both cities and their people wrightville is born we zone more factories to send our pollution their way some farms a commercial district with a bunch of scammy car dealerships that's all we can really afford right now and then our housing ah the fresh new feeling of a zoned city ready to move in and wowsers we spent a lot of money on all this zoning the year is zero a.d population zero we've just completed our zoning and it takes everyone not gonna lie about four months to move in yeesh the first developments are humble little factories impoverished hovels an orange grove we have no education at all everyone is at dingus but despite our dingus-ness we get started anyway because nothing ever gets started just by talking year zero and we hit the ground running housing developments some among you would be inclined to call it a rural backwater i shuddered to say you wouldn't see the roaring demand waiting to be fulfilled by our developers as if overnight suburbia sprang up more housing agriculture the first year ended our 60 000 simoleon investment was finally putting those taxpayer dollars back into our pocket droves of new families relocated to our town most of them were to be fair uneducated willfully stupid ignoramuses but they were rytopians and rytopian means growth and if you don't take my word for it just look at our cows literally materializing out of nothing in order to join our town unfortunately rytopians were not the smartest intensely dense people the whole town was rampant with dumb so we constructed an elementary school and a high school to try to beat the stupid out of them scholars walked in the parking lots raytopia was finally growing but only under the watchful vigilance of a frugal mayor willing to slash school budgets to ensure the continued financial appreciation of the town crime was scarce but apparently being committed randomly in beat fields and of a sudden the town's residents grew smarter attracting wealthier neighbors and necessitating the urban transformation of farmlands into factories the waltz of progress is lopsided and we continually switch back and forth from residential project to industrial project ever reaching higher with continued investments in the brains of our people those first 10 years of our city's existence we were finally shaking off the plight of stupid from our people and paving the way for a new upwardly mobile path toward metropolis i'm not gonna lie i'm not the neatest urban planner but what i lacked and polish i made up for in hutzpah the truth is that the more you can do to attract those juicy taxpayer dollars the more you're willing to cram them in there even if that means bringing them in with four copies of the same pizzeria on one block but for now the car dealerships were the scammiest the lawyers the shadiest and the entire government structure horribly corrupt do you have what it takes to grow a literal mountainside to a sprawling development of tens of thousands it takes a shrewd businessman to trick this many people into doing something and so the pigeons flooded to our town poor drivers and all shining citadel of hope cram them in there that was our city motto we had hospitals or as i like to call them hootspittles hootsbycopters our city was truly turning into something awesome water treatment plant air pollution water pollution particulate poisoning rampant crime cram them in there that was the name of the ball game for those first 30 years or so even if my advisors scorned me because i'm such a great selfless person i decided to go to any lengths even if that meant leveling entire city blocks to do what was necessary for the greater good of the town we established a water system and went hard on dirty bad industry if your industry was too dirty for our city too bad we would simply demo the entire building after it was built workers inside to send a message to any more dirty bad industry money men of the world that they were not welcome here in our town we even raised taxes on them to keep them out and it seemed they kept coming back but after we surrounded the coal power plant with parks it seemed we were starting to attract the types of manufacturing and high-tech industries that would actually help our population and make real progress when traffic was rampant and my advisors were livid i leveled 40 city blocks without any prior notice or warning but i wasn't about to let red tape or regulation get in the way of improving the city alternate solutions were sucked an entire city block of unemployed people simply threatened them with eviction and to repave their homes with more car dealerships if they don't get work within a couple of hours that was our other city motto work or else naturally there eventually came growing pains around mid-century we had used up all the available space on our one plot of land where to go next of course the obvious solution was staring at us in the face drink the ocean we embarked at once about the exorbitantly expensive process of replacing all of the water with land ultimately my best decision as mayor and the one for which i'll doubtlessly be remembered for a long time to come earth is flat don't question it i'm not saying the entire original city was just a ploy to collect taxpayer dollars in order to pave the way for the actual city once i realized that i had made many grave errors but let's be honest if you were playing this is the point at which any normal person would have simply started a new town rytopia was somehow different i doubled down moving my mayor's house smack dab in the middle of my new developments a grid of avenues for the new ocean-less town where i would oversee the developments celebration was had with fireworks i erected a statue of myself across the street from my home erected admirer is gathered at the new country club the new grid-based town model was far superior and designed to the old and so it grew that there was a tale of two rytopias one of the lowlands and the other of highlands which one would ultimately reign supreme and so as evidence of the low town's superior design became increasingly evident i began leveling the rest of the town block by block to force the old citizens to conform to the mold of the new town join or die literally or we will bulldoze over your home and bury you in a mound of dirt hundreds of feet below for the foundation of the new city this was a very persuasive argument the citizens of indianapolis nearby were already ahead of us with this model of urban design and we would not be outdone my advisors all of them scorned me with the lowest of contempt they said it couldn't be done raise taxes we would level this mountain and build a megalopolis or literally die on this hill trying i would not be trifled with even if fire chief sam armstrong kept slightly dabbing on me intimidatingly and so he continued about the process of suggesting that our citizens relocate because we suspected their properties might be located above a sinkhole doo-doo was flung taxes were raised neighborhoods were gentrified then re-zoned as a subtle flex on their inhabitants to squeeze them into selling their homes before we changed the character of the neighborhood taxes were raised even more even more doo-doo was flung and these funds were used to build those the very neighborhoods from which they were collected but unfortunately the timer had run up on her a little experiment i couldn't believe it by the year 99 we had reached a population of 120 000 unfortunately not impressive at all because of megalopolis's 500 000 sims um sim city is still exactly the way i remember it after nearly 20 years and it's probably one of the quirkiest franchises whose original games really inspired a lot of what i enjoy about gaming to this day it was nice to go back and experience it all again thanks for joining me i'll be back for my megalopolis one day soon but for right now rytopia is calling me a major thanks to my patrons who dab on me every day i'm ambiguous amphibian until we meet again next time my friends
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 2,123,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simcity, simcity 4, simcity 4 gameplay, lets play simcity 4, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, simcity 4 challenge, 100 years simcity 4, simcity 4 deluxe edition, let's play simcity, simcity 2022, the sims, sim city, simcity snes, sim city snes, simcity game, sim city game, simcity gameplay, the sims 2022, the sims games, the sims gameplay
Id: XzmVb3LAfSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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