Factorio Extreme Death World - Island Conquest Edition - New Beginnings - Episode 1

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hey youtube what's good it's yamakara here again with another tutorial guide playthrough series this time it's going to be a tropical island death world we're going to be going through uh with expanded difficulties so without further ado let's jump right into it so uh we got our new game here we're going to start new game we're going to go free play we're going to look over at basic settings here first so default and death world nothing changes on the resource tab then you go back to terrain nothing also changes on this tab stays the same and you go to enemy default has frequency down to 100 100 starting area size 100 death world changes that to 200 275 but it changes the expansion uh the evolution time factor and pollution factor changes as well nothing here changes this stays the same at seven five twenty four sixty uh evolution though changes from time factor of 40 to 200 and a pollution factor of 9 to 12. and then we go over to advanced tab this is at 50 50 for absorption and attack cost modifier and on default is 100 so we're gonna go import our current string that we found our seed i guess and we look over here it's uh we changed the size and richness a little bit bigger this is an island playthrough so it says island size we made the size 300 so it's a pretty big island nothing else here we've changed enemy bases though we have changed to 600 percent versus the normal death world 200 sizes also increases 600 versus the normal 200 starting size is from 75 on a death world to 200 so that is increased a little bit but can't win them all enemy expansion is changed to maximum expansion distance so that means the biters can now go 20 as opposed to 7 which is default minimum group sizes change to 1 which means when they want to attack you or when they want to expand they can make an expansion colony with just one biter they don't need to wait for there to be five or ten or whatever the maximum group size can go all the way up to 50 so they can attack or they can expand with one biter and they can go all up to 50 if they wanted to normal is i think seven and 20 or something minimum cooldown we left the cool down to four minutes and we changed the maximum cooldown to 30. so we are forcing them at 30 minutes max they have to send an expansion colony of evolution we double time factor to 200 from 200 to 400 default this is only 12 default this is 40. this is 40 default death world is 200 time factor for us is 400 so we're double what a normal death world is and it's 10 times plus it's actually exactly 10 times what it is on a default uh destroy factor is double and pollution factor is from 12 to 24 it's a double there as well advanced i will record replay information for my own personal benefit uh research q is that always and the pollution modifier is exactly the same as it would be on a normal death world and we'll go look at the preview for a second here and this is what our map looks like it looks quite beautiful if i'm not mistaken um so one of the things we were looking for in this default in this island tropical paradise death world is you want our resources clumped together and we needed oil accessible if we're gonna deal with these guys in any way shape or form we need the oil accessible and we need our resources clumped and without further ado i guess we just jump right into her so here we go this is what our base will look like soon welcome to the death world i have a little bit of experience with death world i've played out some pretty uh extreme death world settings and uh yeah we should just jump right into it and see what happens so first thing we want to do is get our resources up and running so death world plays out a little bit different than a normal playthrough a normal playthrough you got take your time you just set some stuff up you kind of make your base beautiful and go from there you got a lot of space death world you're a little more constrained not only are the biters a little more aggressive because there's more of them uh you don't have space to build in this you can't just make a bus line and call your base beautiful you need to strategically plan things out and space your base out our base is pretty much gonna be built on this little patch here i'm looking for stone it doesn't look like we have any beautiful rocks around that i can grab here so you can get the deconstruction planner and quickly highlight over and see what resources are hiding under these piles normally they're up in these type of areas these type of biomes i guess the almost desert we've got trees trees trees trees trees trees everywhere no stone we got that stone and coal that really boosts your start off so it's okay to leave that running for a second it'll go it's probably almost stopped already but time is of the essence there we go there we go see again it's normally this biome here um biters already right there pretty close we'll probably have to defend yourself in pretty short order but this is actually worth my time to go out here for it is actually next to impossible for me to try and push them back right now actually would be impossible doesn't matter how many people you have you're not uh you're not killing these colonies anymore you have the land that you have and that's it this is where you build in now for me to secure this whole area is also not really possible so you kind of pick a little section of base and that is yours keep your base nice and short tight push together and go from there so here we go i got this delicious delicious juice next to me big juice fan what type of juice that's the question nobody knows leave your guess in the in the comments but uh yeah so now we got enough furnaces we got a little bit of that going we got some coal um we do have some iron in here already so we can start our base a bit slow of a start but uh there really was no faster start we could do with the resources that we have it just it kind of is what it is what it is with that layout like that we just want to get as many burners as we can up and running now we're going to need a fuel line next zed to drop the resources into the building we will be going over some basic strategies that you use in a death world versus a normal playthrough because we will have some big biters pretty quickly we kind of need to expand or tech up very quickly so it's kind of like a it's kind of like almost a speed run when you crank the settings really high you need to go fast and you need to be somewhat efficient and you can't build too big i'm gonna get one of these on a stone you don't have time to build beautiful belt lines and make your factory look all i want to say honky dory but i also at the same time don't want to say that trees are your friend biters generally don't expand into the trees we did not change the tree settings so the trees are kinda is what it was is what it is i guess i'm gonna place this over here just need that fuel we do have stone coming in now pull those out put that there and we are cruising now next is probably gets a bit of copper up and running stone is a little bit sad on me still normally you want to have a bunch of big rocks you can hit to kind of boost your stone collection but can't win them all and i uh pretty vehemently refuse to mine stone by hand so you might have all the iron in the world you need but you still need stone to make these stone furnaces to make the burner so stone is a requirement here get the copper going now too now you do generally have a little bit of time before the biters do their first attack like maybe 40 minutes or so so there's no need to panic it is possible to lose these playthroughs will i lose this playthrough who knows who really knows grab all that uh generally what i would achieve a win in the play through like a death world is once you get the flamethrower turrets it's pretty hard to lose at that point but our win condition of this playthrough is actually going to be liberating this entire island so we want to clear out this entire island that's the gold display through so once i have killed every single biter on this island i have won that is my goal so that's a good uh a good thing at factorio to establish what your win condition is going to be because in a game like factorio that you can just build forever and over and over and over and over there's really no limit to your factory you can play until your pc explodes that's why we have the fps counter up there as well i generally do not enjoy playing after my fps hits below 30. i'm making a strange face right now with my face 30 is really my uh my cutoff point i finally it's just it's too slow for me everything feels so sluggish and yeah not sure how far you guys can play too i know some other people have seen their playthroughs where they get the fps down to like 10 15. i'm not really sure how they do that but uh it is a thing i'm pretty sure i go bonkers okay so i got that going i'm gonna get some underground pipes we're gonna run the water over to our base here one of the first buildings you need to protect is your steam engine you do not want to have anything isolated by itself so in a normal playthrough sure you could go build your water pump over there um but in this play through space is this is not you you're you're on borrowed space here you are you are a renter of these lands so you need to make sure that you can defend whatever you build because if you build it and you lose it especially power i don't even know what to say you're uh you're just gonna die you're gonna lose so i like to pull my power into my base it's like underground pipes and run the water over here we can have this as our build area no problem with that but i do not want to have my i do not want to have my power generated over here it's just too far away from me it's too hard to defend and i don't want to have to be running around like that all the time and we'll take a moment to make this look beautiful we gotta leave the the spaceship here it's just so nice looking the death did such a good job with that graphic it was such a surprise too i didn't uh didn't think they were going to add that in for a 1.0 release so got to keep it you got to keep it this can go here we got our first steam turbine we're going to build a lab as well i'm kind of kind of slacking right now that's okay though a little bit slower not going super fast but we're not going super slow either dump some coal off in there we're pressing zed on top of the building to drop the resource uh we're now building our first laboratory i'm building my red science but i actually never built a power line which is kind of stupid so we'll cancel that we'll build it right now one thing you might want not want to do also is click the way i click there you want them to kind of start coming out as they are ready as opposed to building 500 at once you took that zed to drop the items on the building control left click to pull the items out of the building control right click to take the fuel out this is that on top of the building and the first thing we're going to attack is automation then we're going to attack turrets they're going to attack underground belts and then the military i think is a good good first path here click inside the building and then you can control click control left click and it drops the item into the lab this is going to be a kind of a somewhat tutorial series so i will go over some of the hotkeys as they kind of come up but if you are looking for a straight up tutorial series i do have a 1.0 tutorial series on how to do pretty much everything to from zero to rocket launch to post rocket launch um we do have series on that so feel free to check it out it's not super slow because we did launch our rocket in under eight hours as well so that was kind of cool it's actually a surprise i didn't think i would do that i wasn't really aiming to do that but uh anytime you launch a rock under eight hours i say is a is a success i don't want to give it all the wood so we're doing good on our fuel right now i'm gonna stop those and we're gonna build some more burner miner drills now we're going to start getting some electrics going too i don't know why i did that i panicked i panicked guys i also don't want to do that what's the spacing here hard to tell the spacing when you're um when you're building on a uh or patch so we're leaving enough space we can put a belt in there get some automation up and running now give me some inserters i guess electric money drills are a little too uh a little too ambitious here right now we don't need those guys yet a little bit too ambitious let's go there uh turrets should be soon-ish one of the first things we're going to start making is ammo do i want to build on the actual patch of or uh not really actually a few things i don't really want to do and that will be one of them grab those put some inserters down some boneless power lines your first step in automation right here um obviously the actual burners aren't automated but uh even automation i feel like is a is a privilege in factorio and you need to in a death world kind of earn that privilege and currently as it stands we have not earned that privilege that's what we're going to do is we're going to start uh automating it like that and what i mean by it's not automated is i sought to fuel this by hand this is not uh in any way shape or form a indie game setup but it is a setup so our first thing we're automating is ammo because you don't want to lose your factory put that there and those are going into there um next i'm going to automate gears into a chest you need so many gears another thing that should have almost been automating already as i speak is uh science i should have kind of already had a a chest automated science setup so not a true automated setup but a kind of just a chest that's uh building the science into the lab because we have all the resources already we just need to have a building building it um so we're kind of wasting productivity by not having that happen we can just simply make this guy there and he needs gears which we have right here actually and we can grab that belts are probably next two inserters here one on the gears and the other one is gonna be a chest and it's gonna have the copper and then we'll grab an inserter there and we'll build an extra lab next to it as well easy grab that fuel those guys up so again it's not really automated it's kind of automated but not really automated but it works and that's the most important thing right now is it works because you're going to notice in a death world that time is not on your side so anything you can do to get the biters uh or get to your base kind of established you're not dying in the next 10 seconds is uh profit grab that and now we'll build a couple turrets we do have the ammo automated so that's good there these guys are still going everybody's happy there cole's doing what cole does this guy here will also put a chest um maybe actually make that our first drill like that we can't make it underground yet and grab some more of those it's actually a nice setup i'm actually pretty happy with this i've done a lot of death worlds so i've done a lot of different setups like this um this might be one of my more favoritish ones right now this works pretty well that's gonna go there you're happy with that second lab is not built yet put a backup inserter right there grab those gears because we need those uh belts is probably next here that there and that like that i'm going to go there and this is going to be belts so we're uh copying by shift right click and shift left click to build the item like that copy paste and we got our belts automated almost so close sometimes i can't tell if it's a ghost placement or not now we've got those going gonna grab some more fuel none of our burners are working spam some zed on there zed or z i'm gonna go with zed i think that's a canadian way i'm not sure those go there we do have a couple turrets here as well um going to place the turrets with overlapping coverage one thing you notice is the turrets just decimate your iron so you don't want to make too many turrets at the same time you do need to defend your base so what's the point of building all this stuff if you can't defend it what is the point put another one of those right there i feel like my uh hole is not enough right now let's start upping our coal production here put that into there we need these to keep going you need to keep working can't stop won't stop those are good dropping our items off we have belts automated we got these gears the good thing about the gears having them automated is you just need so many of them so having gears in a pocket item is uh never a mistake science is still sciencing on us we're probably behind on science right now and that's okay though need a few more iron belts or iron plates here gonna get the coal coming off this line here logistics is almost finished we can put our underground right there and we don't know belts belts look okay the more stuff we've automated the better factory is the end of the day just trying to get everything automated as quickly as possible we could dump up fuel line in the back here but i don't know i don't know about that i don't know if i want to automate that we have two cools lots more power lines the biters have not shown up yet that's great there we go we'll automate a few of these just because we're right next to it so it just means one less thing that will break on me it's not a lot but better than nothing goes there i could almost make it run on the backside but i feel that's so gross i'm all for making uh gross setups but that seems incredibly gross now we have our copper line here as well so now our military is finished now we need to actually consider what we're going to do next uh we'll do electronic circuits we can get fast inserters we'll do green science and i almost feel like it's always a rush for oil so faster you can push the oil the safer your base is going to be but ammo is always so good too because it just makes your bullets a little bit more productive but i feel it's a trap because it costs so much to make it and it takes time and time is time is very valuable in this playthrough you don't have a lot of it and you need things to work so it's kind of a i feel it's very catch-22 what you should and should not do for death worlds in this play through we will just make it work but i always wonder is that the logical progression is that the way you really want to go i'm going to do this i really want it to be a chest here oh there's just right there what am i doing short-term memory loss that goes there that goes there and we'll grab our long-arm inserter so our red signs will be actually automated here now gotta take some of these trees out of the way trees are friends but they're also in the way get some more assemblers automating every single one we added there it got in a full 50 stack so they should be happy for a while grab our long arm inserter red science we've got more long arm inserters we can flare our red signs up if we're going to do a 100 science damage upgrade it's going to take a while so you're going to want a few red science assemblers and we got this guy right there red sign is going to go long you're going to go short we have our lab set up right there still no problem with the lab setup like that can be expanded quite easily we're gonna build a few more labs check our ammo situation here you guys are all going this great we're going to hopefully get some automated uh resources here looking at the spread i don't want to be grabbing both uh coal and something else i'll so and keep it as single resource as possible but i don't actually have a lot of fuel here as i start looking at what i have and don't have the cold deposit is pretty small i'm gonna be pulling a ton of power from this guy something to keep in mind with this setup here it'll go underneath right here everybody's still going trying to pull the resources out as they are sitting in there but it looks like nothing is backlogged which is great that can go there maybe build a few more turrets seems like we're holding on right now again i'm handcrafting gears so having the gears in your inventory is uh never a mistake i feel like this guy is going to need two inserters because it's too slow gears is always so slow i'm gonna build a ton of furnaces here now you know furnaces act as your basic wall in factorial um you might think walls act as your basic wall but walls are actually quite expensive walls are smelted stone and each stone you make with a wall costs five stone brick and each furnace costs five stone so if you make stone walls out of furnaces as your blockers it is so much cheaper something i consider as the number one death world defense setup is uh your first walls should be stone furnaces not walls proper just because it's so expensive so get your first turrets protect your turrets put some furnaces around them for instance they're cheap easy to build and defend your base like that that's step number one in factorio death world these guys do blink at you you have to get over it i know some factorial purists will have a aneurysm looking at that but uh is what it is you gotta do what you gotta do in the death world life is hard in the death worlds realm and then we're going to grab that and we'll merge them in like that sorry the double line there keep all the coal out of there place one more turret down and then we'll start expanding our iron smelting so we're building one more turret and get these automated mining drills going there's two benefits with the automated mining drill number one is they make less pollution um number two is i don't babysit them as much so it's kind of a it's kind of a win-win but they are much more expensive so not babysitting them is one of the biggest benefits of it we still got attacked yes that's good our factory is still very very condensed in here and that's okay as well i might actually just plow through this section right here certain things we need to keep protected and we have a coal line right behind us here so we could run our furnace iron smelting pretty simple like that it's a bit spread out but can't win them all one more underground and then we can tie the iron line right back in here that goes like that easy and then we'll top load it and we'll grab our coal from right there look at that these guys are too slow didn't realize my science was producing it very poorly that's okay though can't win them all it is producing though it's defended and producing that's the most important thing so about to build uh gears spaced away from this building but i can just do this and i can just insert back onto this line here and i can build two more reds these trees are really in the way but trees are also so good it's such a double-edged sword where they're slowing me down because i gotta chop them all down but i do need them for power lines um but yeah i don't know it's a it's a win-win-lose situation win lose-lose situation so much of my factories turned off right now actually not really just seeing all this flashing here and like oh i'm now having an aneurysm looking at that it's okay let's go there those go there let's go there uh green chips are next for me automating the green chips you go there red goes there build a bunch of those this is all set up wrong it needs the long arm inserters like that i'm gonna do something interesting here i'm gonna weave this line i want these lines to actually there's an easier way doing this what am i doing what am i doing am i tricking myself like this there's actually a splitter so i want the copper on the inside and the iron on the other side there's actually a really easy way of doing this i don't know why i didn't do that against the factory there's a thousand different ways of doing stuff let me do this what we actually just did here is we swap sides oops that's wrong let's put copper up and iron will go down there you go build those two there you're like what is he doing we're gonna make green chips right there just in a nice straight line um iron is not keeping up whatsoever that's okay though grab that there there you go iron now insert that's okay i was gonna add a space in between but we don't need to do that either it begins so one of the things you're going to notice is after your first attack they never stop so now that they've attacked me looks like we lost one little building there the stone furnaces really did their job they're never going to stop now so now that we've had the first attack this base will now be a pile of corpses and that's okay um but just know that after your first attack in a death world now that the pollution has triggered them they will never stop that's defended there got to build a couple more turrets here power is not holding on anymore i really do this backwards but that's okay we just throw another steam generator on the back of that guy and this again is green chips copper green ship green ship those can offload these all should be building now as long as we fix our power problem this is set up so horribly it should be going right down on this back side here actually make it go right through here i've taken the liberty of using a lot of excess space here it's actually a pretty big size factory for my normal death world normally things are kind of actually all on top of each other but uh you gotta do what you gotta do here and we'll use long arm inserters to grab and then we got red chips right here or red chips yes we have red chips now no we got green chips it'd be pretty uh pretty amazing to have red chips in 40 minutes on a death world i think we'd uh impress even the best of them even the best factorial players are like wow this guy parties man so now we've got green chips and gears which is great because now we can build pretty much 90 of stuff automated needs green chips and gears and iron green chips gears and iron right here so we can automate assemblers and we can automate uh inserters which is a huge thing here so you're right there and you're right here and assemblers the same thing inserters will drop on a line above this here that's used for green science assemblers will put off to the side don't want more than 50 assemblers that's a lot have we got attack since i don't know wasn't really paying attention if i did well cool we didn't die i'm kind of building pretty far away from my main factory right now i'm spreading myself out which makes defending yourself a little bit difficult but uh you gotta do what you gotta do here place that guy there you can pull it from that chest and we'll give you a power line right there give me that beautiful power and grab all this coal give me all that cool whole inventory cool keep all these guys working that's one other thing in death world is if you set up all these uh setups like this you need to make sure they're always running you can't have stuff sitting around doing nothing that's uh that's a waste of your resources and it's a waste of time there's no protection on the bottom here really this one turret we'll put a turret or two here actually probably turrets are about a cliff here this cliff is our defense so if you build it try not to lose it it's okay to lose some stuff but try not to it's most beneficial if you keep your stuff alive and that's why we build these basic stone furnace walls these guys are building red science is super backed up which is great weapon shooting speed is actually not the one i wanted i want this one shooting speed is yeah that was a that was a mistake that's okay though surround that those guys are building our extra iron is ironing ironing that's good so my inventory is building all these furnaces still on me while that's happening i'll just do this and get this guy to build some of those grab a couple inserters of that building because we know it built some for us do i have any power lines i sure do grab some belts just pull it across like that we are fighting again we do have medium biters now i uh greatly dislike the setup here because i can't walk through it i might actually just lift rip that out right now not be able to walk through it is super detrimental to me not being able to access parts your base ammo is super good right now no problem there keep on top of your ammo stash grab those green chips these inserters are so incredibly slow do we have fast inserts yet i can actually swap to fast inserters and we're going to go back to physical projectile damage can this defend up here not quite we'll make some bullets right here as well and these bullets are going to go directly into the gun i'll push this out a bit something like that grab those so fast and serious should be built in a minute here easy and what do we need for green science we need inserters and transport belts so we're gonna have all the inserters building right here something like that so those guys go there i mean these inserters one more lab one more lab automating labs not something i would normally ever do didn't really automate them here but it's a pretty big factory a lot of stuff automated ready fast inserters are going to be so good you go there copper is just one of those things i need so much copper always so try and automate your copper we're gonna keep the episodes around 15 minutes let's play through so we'll stop right around now after our first couple attacks um looks like we got everything kind of up and running we got our blue chips our chips our blue inserters going our fast inserters uh got green chips automated um yeah we're making some progress here slowly but surely it's not a fast process by any means our iron is not keeping up anymore so we're going to dump this line into there iron is doing iron things and biters are attacking now so now we look at our current kill tab we're at 115 and we've lost three furnaces in one belt over our 45 minute period so we'll stop there and uh we'll be back with the next episode so thanks for watching and uh until next we meet
Channel: Yama Kara
Views: 129,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio, Basics, How To, Beginner Guide, Tips, Starter Guide, Guide, Beginner, Lets Play, How to play, Factorio for beginners, Newbie guide, Starting Factorio, Beginner Factorio, TIps, Factorio Tips, Factorio starting, Basic Factorio, Tip Factorio, Help Factorio, Newbie Factorio, Factorio Tip, Factorio Guide, death world, island, factorio death world, death world lets play, deathworld factorio, death factorio, biters factorio, deathworld, biters, biter defense, biter defence
Id: 8hjZyqY_sog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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